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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2007091209
Currently using 21497 observations from 4005 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Wed Sep 12 09:51:13 UTC 2007
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
21 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
- KQAD: Diwaniyah, Iraq [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQAD 120855Z 01013G21KT 9999 SKC 40/05 A2966
- KQAE: UNKNOWN, [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQAE 120855Z 32008G14KT 9000 HZ SKC 40/05 A2972 RMK SLP062 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 57014
- KQCQ: UNKNOWN, [43°C, 109.4°F]
KQCQ 120855Z 34017G30KT 9000 BLDU SKC 43/02 A2968 RMK PK WND 34032/43 SLP048 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 58012
- KQEZ: Al Taqaddum, Iraq [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQEZ 120855Z 35005KT 9999 SKC 40/05 A2977 RMK SLP072 T03980050 58007 PA 430 DA 3359
- KQGX: UNKNOWN, [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQGX 120855Z VRB05KT 9000 HZ SKC 40/17 A2962 RMK SLP029 58020
- KQIR: Al Udeid, Qatar [42°C, 107.6°F]
KQIR 120855Z 06003KT 2000 DU SKC 42/05 A2963 RMK SLP036 58015
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQSL 120855Z 04007KT 9999 SKC 40/02 A2977 RMK SLP077 Q1008MB 58007
- KQTO: Balad, Iraq [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQTO 120855Z 34010KT 9999 SKC 40/01 A2971 RMK SLP059 Q1006MB PA+361 DA+3332 58012
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQTZ 120855Z 35009G15KT 9999 SKC 40/01 A2973 RMK SLP065 QNH1006MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 58008
- KQWM: UNKNOWN, [40°C, 104.0°F]
KQWM 120855Z 33008KT 9999 SKC 40/M03 A2966 RMK SLP031 QNH1004 57014
- KQXJ: Tallil, Iraq [43°C, 109.4°F]
KQXJ 120855Z 36020G29KT 4000 BLDU SKC 43/01 A2964 RMK PK WND 35032/05 TWR VIS 5000 SLP038 58010
- OEAH: Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia [40°C, 104.0°F]
OEAH 120900Z 02003KT 8000 SKC 40/12 Q1004
- OEDR: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia [42°C, 107.6°F]
OEDR 120900Z 23005KT 0800 DU SKC 42/11 Q1001 NOSIG
- OEKB: Kaiber, Saudi Arabit [41°C, 105.8°F]
OEKB 120900Z 24004KT CAVOK 41/09 Q////
- OEMK: Makkah, Saudi Arabia [44°C, 111.2°F]
OEMK 120900Z 18006KT CAVOK 44/17 Q1004
- OIAH: Gach Saran Du Gunbadan, Iran [40°C, 104.0°F]
OIAH 120900Z 17006KT CAVOK 40/03 Q1005 A2968
- OIAI: Masjed-Soleyman, Iran [41°C, 105.8°F]
OIAI 120750Z 22010KT CAVOK 41/M00 Q1003 A2963
- OIAW: Ahwaz, Iran [40°C, 104.0°F]
OIAW 120850Z 26002KT 8000 SKC 40/14 Q1002 A2960
- OKBK: Kuwait International Airport, Kuwait [42°C, 107.6°F]
OKBK 120930Z 31007KT CAVOK 42/M01 Q1003 NOSIG
- ORMM: Basrah, Iraq [40°C, 104.0°F]
ORMM 120850Z 28009KT 9999 SKC 40/02 Q1002 BLU NOSIG
- OTBD: Doha Intl Arpt, Qatar [40°C, 104.0°F]
OTBD 120800Z 36004KT 340V060 2000 DU SKC 40/10 Q1004
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
11 stations reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- OIBA: Abumusa Island / Abumusa, Iran [29°C, 84.2°F]
OIBA 120650Z 30004KT 4500 HZ FEW030 34/29 Q1003 A2964
- OIBK: Kish Island / Kish, Iran [28°C, 82.4°F]
OIBK 120850Z 19008KT 4000 HZ BKN030 35/28 Q1002 A2962
- OIBL: Bandar Lengeh, Iran [28°C, 82.4°F]
OIBL 120750Z 21012KT 3000 HZ SKC 35/28 Q1003 A2963
- OIKB: Bandarabbass, Iran [28°C, 82.4°F]
OIKB 120930Z 19018KT 3000 S//TQW030 35/28 Q1002 A2959
- OIKQ: Gheshm Island / Dayrestan, Iran [28°C, 82.4°F]
OIKQ 120750Z 18012KT 4000 HZ SCT030 34/28 Q1003 A2964
- OIZJ: Jask, Iran [29°C, 84.2°F]
OIZJ 120750Z 16012KT 5000 BR FEW015 31/29 Q1004 A2966
- OMFJ: Fujairah, United Arab Emirates [28°C, 82.4°F]
OMFJ 120900Z 10010KT 6000 FEW020 35/28 Q1003 A2963
- OMRK: Ras Al Khaimah Intl Arpt, United Arab Emirates [29°C, 84.2°F]
OMRK 120900Z 32008KT CAVOK 39/29 Q1002 A2960
- PKWA: Kwajalein, Marshall Islands [29°C, 84.2°F]
PKWA 120751Z 12005KT 10SM SCT022 SCT300 30/29 A2979 RMK SLP087 T02970287
- VYYY: Yangon, Myanmar [28°C, 82.4°F]
VYYY 120745Z 21004KT 8000 BKN018 FEW020CB BKN110 30/28 Q 1003
- WMKD: Kuantan, Malaysia [28°C, 82.4°F]
WMKD 120800Z 10008KT 9999 FEW018TCU BKN280 32/28 Q1004 NOSIG
43 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- GOSS: Saint-Louis, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOSS 120900Z 28006KT 9999 FEW013 BKN230 28/26 Q1011
- MYNN: Nassau Airport, Bahamas, The [26°C, 78.8°F]
MYNN 120800Z 07004KT 9999 LTG SCT016TCU FEW020CB SCT200 29/26 Q1016
- NSTU: Pago Pago / Int. Airport, United States Minor Outlying Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
NSTU 120750Z 10014KT 10SM SCT018 BKN045 28/26 A2992 RMK SLP132 T02820255
- OEGN: Gizan, Saudi Arabia [27°C, 80.6°F]
OEGN 120700Z 27005KT 9000 FEW030 36/27 Q1004 NOSIG
- OEJN: Jeddah King Abdul Aziz Intl Arpt, Saudi Arabia [27°C, 80.6°F]
OEJN 120900Z 32006KT 9000 SKC 37/27 Q1004 NOSIG
- OEWJ: Wejh, Saudi Arabia [27°C, 80.6°F]
OEWJ 120700Z 31014KT CAVOK 30/27 Q1005
- OIAM: Bandar Mahshahr / Mahshahr, Iran [26°C, 78.8°F]
OIAM 120650Z 17010KT CAVOK 34/26 Q1002 A2961
- OIBB: Bushehr Civ / Afb, Iran [26°C, 78.8°F]
OIBB 120850Z 26010KT CAVOK 35/26 Q1002 A2961
- OIBL: Bandar Lengeh, Iran [27°C, 80.6°F]
OIBL 120850Z 21012KT 2800 HZ FEW030 36/27 Q1003 A2962
- OIBS: Sirri Island / Sirri, Iran [27°C, 80.6°F]
OIBS 120845Z 21008KT 8000 FEW030 35/27 Q1003 A2963
- OIKB: Bandarabbass, Iran [27°C, 80.6°F]
OIKB 120750Z 20014KT 3000 SA FEW030 35/27 Q1003 A2964
- OIKQ: Gheshm Island / Dayrestan, Iran [27°C, 80.6°F]
OIKQ 120850Z 18006KT 4000 HZ SCT030 34/27 Q1003 A2963
- OMDB: Dubai Intl Arpt, United Arab Emirates [26°C, 78.8°F]
OMDB 120900Z 32010KT 290V350 8000 SKC 35/26 Q1003 NOSIG
- OMFJ: Fujairah, United Arab Emirates [27°C, 80.6°F]
OMFJ 120700Z 11009KT 6000 FEW020 34/27 Q1004 A2967
- OMRK: Ras Al Khaimah Intl Arpt, United Arab Emirates [27°C, 80.6°F]
OMRK 120700Z 30004KT CAVOK 38/27 Q1003 A2964
- OMSJ: Sharjah Intl Arpt, United Arab Emirates [26°C, 78.8°F]
OMSJ 120900Z 32008KT 280V350 8000 SKC 36/26 Q1003
- OOMS: Seeb, Intl Arpt, Oman [27°C, 80.6°F]
OOMS 120900Z 04010KT 360V080 9999 FEW025 34/27 Q1003 NOSIG
- OPNH: Nawabshah, Pakistan [26°C, 78.8°F]
OPNH 120800Z 18010KT 7000 SKC 38/26 Q1002
- OYAA: Aden, Yemen [26°C, 78.8°F]
OYAA 120700Z 11008KT 8000 FEW025 SCT200 31/26 Q1005
- RCKH: Kaohsiung Intl Arpt, Taiwan [26°C, 78.8°F]
RCKH 120800Z 22010KT 170V260 9999 FEW013 SCT080 30/26 Q1005 NOSIG RMK 22010KT/RWY09
- RJAW: Iwojima, Japan [26°C, 78.8°F]
RJAW 120715Z 13011KT 9999 VCSH BKN015 29/26 Q1009 RMK 5CU015 A2981
- RJKB: Okinoerabu, Japan [26°C, 78.8°F]
RJKB 120900Z 36019KT 9999 FEW005 SCT008 BKN015 27/26 Q0999
- RPLI: Laoag, Philippines [27°C, 80.6°F]
RPLI 120700 32008KT 9999 SCT020 BKN100 33/27 Q1004 NOSIG
- SKBQ: Barranquilla / Ernestocortissoz, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKBQ 120900Z 03004KT 9999 SCT015 27/26 A2976 APCLO
- SKCG: Cartagena / Rafael Nunez, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKCG 120900Z 03006KT 9999 FEW017 28/26 A2972
- SVMC: Maracaibo-La Chinita, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVMC 120800Z /////KT 9999 SCT010 26/26 Q////
- VAAH: Ahmadabad, India [27°C, 80.6°F]
VAAH 120740Z 26005KT 6000 SCT020 SCT025 31/27 Q1006 NOSIG
- VDPP: Phnom-Penh / Pochentong, Cambodia [26°C, 78.8°F]
VDPP 120830Z 21018KT 9000 VCRA SCT015 FEW017CB 30/26 Q1002 CB S W N NE
- VIBN: Varanasi / Babatpur, India [26°C, 78.8°F]
VIBN 120930Z 27006KT 6000 FEW020 SCT025 36/26 Q1001
- VLVT: Vientiane, Laos [26°C, 78.8°F]
VLVT 120830Z 02004KT 9999 BKN013 SCT040 FEW093 28/26 Q1005
- VTST: Trang, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTST 120700Z 23009KT 9999 SCT020 BKN300 34/26 Q1005
- VTUI: Sakon Nakhon, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTUI 120900Z 24003KT 8000SW VCTS FEW018CB SCT025 BKN090 27/26 Q1004 TSRA SW CB SW RWY05 INFO B
- VVTS: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [27°C, 80.6°F]
VVTS 120700Z VRB02MPS 9999 -TSRA FEW015CB SCT017 29/27 Q1004 NOSIG
- VYMD: Mandalay, Myanmar [26°C, 78.8°F]
VYMD 120930Z 09006KT 8000 BKN018 FEW020CB BKN100 33/26 Q 1001
- VYYY: Yangon, Myanmar [26°C, 78.8°F]
VYYY 120930Z 250008G18KT 8000 BKN015 FEW020CB BKN110 29/26 Q1002
- WMAU: Mersing, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMAU 120900Z 13004KT 9999 FEW020 SCT140 BKN260 29/26 Q//// QFF1005
- WMKB: Buttersworth, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKB 120800Z 29008KT 250V340 9999 FEW017CB SCT020 BKN280 31/26 Q1005 NOSIG
- WMKD: Kuantan, Malaysia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WMKD 120900Z 06006KT 9000 TS FEW008 FEW017CB BKN280 30/27 Q1004
- WMKJ: Johore Bharu / Senai, Malaysia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WMKJ 120700Z 20004KT 9999 FEW020 BKN270 29/27 Q1006
- WMKK: Sepang/KL Intl Arpt, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKK 120900Z 20004KT 9999 FEW018 BKN280 31/26 Q1004 NOSIG
- WMKN: Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKN 120800Z 10005KT 9999 TS FEW017CB SCT018 BKN250 31/26 Q1005
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKP 120730Z 21011KT 9999 FEW020 BKN270 31/26 Q1005 NOSIG
- ZJHK: Haikou, China [26°C, 78.8°F]
ZJHK 120900Z 11003MPS 080V150 9999 SCT020 29/26 Q1005 NOSIG
0 stations reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
1 station reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [60kt, 31m/s]
KMWN 120653Z 27054G60KT 0SM FG VV000 04/04 RMK
KMWN 120653Z 27054G60KT 0SM FG VV000 04/04 RMK
3 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- BGUK: Upernavik, Greenland [52kt, 27m/s]
BGUK 120850Z 17029G52KT 130V220 9999 -RA SCT010 BKN023 OVC040 05/M04 Q1013 RMK 3SC 6SC 8SC
BGUK 120850Z 17029G52KT 130V220 9999 -RA SCT010 BKN023 OVC040 05/M04 Q1013 RMK 3SC 6SC 8SC
- CWIG: Ile Aux Grues, Que., Canada [52kt, 27m/s]
CWIG 120800Z AUTO 34007G52KT RMK AO1 PK WND 33052/0755
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [55kt, 28m/s]
KMWN 120851Z 26043G50KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120851Z 26043G50KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120754Z 27042G55KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120754Z 27042G55KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
7 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- CWZQ: Grand Etang, N. S., Canada [40kt, 20m/s]
CWZQ 120800Z AUTO 17023G40KT 22/19 RMK AO1 PK WND 17040/0756 SLP951 T02180187 57041
- CYJT: Stephenville, Nfld., Canada [43kt, 22m/s]
CYJT 120800Z 11030G43KT 4SM +RA BR SCT004 OVC015 15/13 A2956 RMK SF3SC5 PRESFR SLP010
- ENOL: Orland Iii, Norway [41kt, 21m/s]
ENOL 120920Z 25032G41KT 4000 SHRA SCT004 SCT012CB BKN018 10/08 Q1008
ENOL 120920Z 25032G41KT 4000 SHRA SCT004 SCT012CB BKN018 10/08 Q1008
ENOL 120850Z 25030G40KT 4000 SHRA FEW004 SCT012CB BKN018 10/08 Q1007
ENOL 120850Z 25030G40KT 4000 SHRA FEW004 SCT012CB BKN018 10/08 Q1007
ENOL 120720Z 26029G40KT 9999 FEW008 SCT012CB BKN040 10/08 Q1006
ENOL 120720Z 26029G40KT 9999 FEW008 SCT012CB BKN040 10/08 Q1006
ENOL 120650Z 26029G40KT 9999 VCSH SCT012CB SCT040 10/07 Q1006 RERA
ENOL 120650Z 26029G40KT 9999 VCSH SCT012CB SCT040 10/07 Q1006 RERA
- PABI: Delta Junction/Ft Greely, Allen Army Airfield, AK, United States [44kt, 22m/s]
PABI 120853Z AUTO 18028G44KT 10SM FEW120 18/M02 A2991 RMK AO2 PK WND 18051/0806 SLP127 T01781017 401890078 56019 TSNO
PABI 120853Z AUTO 18028G44KT 10SM FEW120 18/M02 A2991
PABI 120753Z AUTO 17028G43KT 10SM CLR 18/M02 A2992 RMK AO2 PK WND 17043/0753 SLP133 T01781017 TSNO
PABI 120753Z AUTO 17028G43KT 10SM CLR 18/M02 A2992
- PASV: Sparrevohn Airways Facilities Sector, AK, United States [45kt, 23m/s]
PASV 120655Z AUTO 12032G45KT 10SM CLR 12/02 A2970 RMK AO1 T01220023
PASV 120655Z AUTO 12032G45KT 10SM CLR 12/02 A2970
- PATO: Portage, Portage Glacier, AK, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
PATO 120753Z AUTO 09020G41KT 060V130 10SM -RA BKN033 OVC042 12/06 A3012 RMK AO2 PK WND 07041/0751 RAB0654 SLP200 P0000 T01220061 TSNO $
- YPEA: Bullsbrook Pearce Amo, Australia [44kt, 22m/s]
YPEA 120800Z 26033G44KT 4000 SHRA FEW015 SCT021 OVC053 14/10 Q1008 FM0810 29020G30KT 8000 -SHRA BKN030
0 stations reporting sea level pressure > 1070mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 950-960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 960-970mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 970-980mb
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
8 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWBY: Port Menier, Que., Canada [-7.4mb]
CWBY 120900Z AUTO 09018G26KT 12/11 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 08026/0858 SLP934 T01170112 56069
CWBY 120800Z AUTO 09016G22KT 11/11 RMK AO1 PK WND 08026/0743 SLP959 T01140109 56066
CWBY 120700Z AUTO 08016G22KT 11/10 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 08024/0620 SLP975 T01060103 58074
- CWDA: Englee Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-5.2mb]
CWDA 120931Z AUTO 11017KT 08/07 RMK AO1 SLP116 T00780072 57052
- CWEF: Saint Paul Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-7.5mb]
CWEF 120900Z AUTO 16032G38KT 17/16 RMK AO1 PK WND 16040/0846 SLP944 T01670164 56056
CWEF 120840Z AUTO 16031G37KT 16/16 RMK AO1 SLP948 T01620159 58059
CWEF 120800Z AUTO 16030G35KT 17/16 RMK AO1 PK WND 16035/0756 SLP960 T01650162 56069
CWEF 120740Z AUTO 16027KT 15/15 RMK AO1 SLP969 T01530149 56069
CWEF 120700Z AUTO 15022G31KT 16/15 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 14031/0656 SLP970 T01550151 58075
- CWEP: East Point, P. E. I, Canada [-5.1mb]
CWEP 120700Z AUTO 17017G24KT 19/19 RMK AO1 PK WND 17026/0643 SLP952 T01910190 56051
- CWHP: Heath Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-8.3mb]
CWHP 120900Z AUTO 07022KT 12/12 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 08029/0802 SLP940 T01240124 58072
CWHP 120800Z AUTO 08021G30KT 12/12 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 08029/0759 SLP964 T01240123 56080
CWHP 120700Z AUTO 10022KT 12/12 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 10029/0632 SLP989 T01240122 56083
- CWOC: New Carlisle1, Canada [-5.3mb]
CWOC 120800Z AUTO 08005KT 13/13 RMK AO1 SLP933 T01340127 56050
CWOC 120700Z AUTO 06005KT 13/13 RMK AO1 SLP943 T01320126 58053
- CWSF: Cap Madeleine Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-6.7mb]
CWSF 120700Z AUTO 10017KT 10/ RMK AO1 PK WND 11024/0605 SLP956 T0100 56067
- CWXI: Ferolle Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-7.2mb]
CWXI 120931Z AUTO 09024KT 07/06 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP074 T00740061 56072
CWXI 120831Z AUTO 09022KT 08/06 RMK AO1 SLP098 T00750062 58060
17 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CMFM: Foret Montmorenc, Canada [6.8mb]
CMFM 120900Z AUTO 25006KT 10/09 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 3003 SLP940 P0003 T01030090 50068
CMFM 120800Z AUTO 27006KT 11/09 RMK AO1 4PAST HR 5005 SLP938 P0009 T01050094 50060
- CWAV: Sundre, Canada [6.6mb]
CWAV 120900Z AUTO 28006KT 07/06 RMK AO1 6PAST HR 5002 SLP173 P0002 T00720057 50066
CWAV 120800Z AUTO 29007KT 07/06 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 0008 PK WND 32018/0711 SLP173 P0012 T00710056 50060
- CWBT: Longue Point De Mingan, Que., Canada [5.4mb]
CWBT 120900Z AUTO 08010G21KT 11/11 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 6061 PK WND 11022/0810 SLP959 P0011 T01120109 50054
- CWDA: Englee Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [7.7mb]
CWDA 120900Z AUTO 11017G26KT 08/07 RMK AO1 2PAST HR PRESFR 8047 PK WND 10026/0856 SLP124 P0012 T00760070 50077
- CWDK: Claresholm Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.1mb]
CWDK 120800Z AUTO 35011KT 13/09 RMK AO1 SLP146 T01320088 51051
- CWDM: Chevery, Que., Canada [5.5mb]
CWDM 120700Z AUTO 08014G22KT 11/10 RMK AO1 5PAST HR PRESFR 8051 PK WND 09022/0652 SLP075 P0021 T01060103 50055
- CWGR: Iles-De-La-Madelein, Canada [9.6mb]
CWGR 120900Z AUTO 19018G25KT 19/19 RMK AO1 6031 PK WND 18028/0833 SLP927 T01890189 50096
CWGR 120800Z AUTO 19018G27KT 18/18 RMK AO1 2PAST HR R+10/ 6061 PK WND 17034/0721 SLP932 P0001 T01810181 50096
CWGR 120700Z AUTO 16018G31KT 17/17 RMK AO1 4PAST HR 6074 PK WND 16031/0655 SLP944 P0037 T01720172 50094
- CWHI: Three Hills, Canada [8.1mb]
CWHI 120900Z AUTO 30013KT 09/09 RMK AO1 0PAST HR M PK WND 30022/0819 P0012 T00920085 50081
CWHI 120800Z AUTO 30014KT 09/09 RMK AO1 3PAST HR M PK WND 31020/0725 P0005 T00920086 50051
- CWIP: Pointe Noire , Que., Canada [7.8mb]
CWIP 120900Z AUTO 08017G33KT 10/ RMK AO1 6PAST HR M PK WND 05035/0802 P0014 T0102 50078
- CWIT: Saint Clothilde Automated Reporting Stn, Canada [9.2mb]
CWIT 120900Z AUTO 24006KT 13/12 RMK AO1 6PAST HR M P0014 T01260124 50092
CWIT 120800Z AUTO 24007KT 13/12 RMK AO1 6PAST HR M P0022 T01280124 50056
- CWIZ: L'Acadie, Canada [8.2mb]
CWIZ 120900Z AUTO 25009KT 13/12 RMK AO1 2PAST HR M PK WND 24020/0832 P0032 T01270120 50082
- CWSG: Cap Chat CS, Que., Canada [6.0mb]
CWSG 120900Z AUTO 10004KT 08/05 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 6055 SLP905 P0011 T00840050 50060
- CWXA: Bow Valley, Canada [6.2mb]
CWXA 120900Z AUTO 10005KT 07/07 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 1018 SLP174 P0005 T00710071 50062
CWXA 120800Z AUTO 09008KT 08/08 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 1026 SLP172 P0003 T00820080 50050
- CWXI: Ferolle Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [5.6mb]
CWXI 120900Z AUTO 09023G33KT 07/06 RMK AO1 0PAST HR PRESFR 8070 PK WND 08033/0859 SLP081 P0012 T00710057 50056
- CWZS: Amqui , Que., Canada [6.0mb]
CWZS 120900Z AUTO 16005KT 13/11 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 8037 SLP904 P0004 T01250114 50060
CWZS 120800Z AUTO 16004KT 12/11 RMK AO1 6045 SLP915 T01210112 50050
CWZS 120700Z AUTO 22004KT 12/11 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 6047 SLP932 P0020 T01200110 50050
- CXOL: Olds Agdm, AB, Canada [7.0mb]
CXOL 120900Z AUTO 30013KT 08/08 RMK AO1 7PAST HR M PK WND 31020/0803 P0007 T00820075 50070
CXOL 120800Z AUTO 31013KT 09/08 RMK AO1 0PAST HR M PK WND 30019/0759 P0012 T00860080 50053
- CXZV: Sept Iles, Canada [8.4mb]
CXZV 120900Z AUTO 09017G29KT 10/10 RMK AO1 4PAST HR PRESFR 8070 PK WND 08030/0830 SLP924 P0013 T01010101 50084
CXZV 120800Z AUTO 08013G24KT 10/10 RMK AO1 8PAST HR PRESFR 8071 PK WND 08029/0734 SLP946 P0011 T00970097 50050
4 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
- CWDM: Chevery, Que., Canada [18.5mb]
CWDM 120900Z AUTO 08015G25KT 10/10 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 6060 PK WND 07026/0844 SLP035 P0030 T01040102 50185
CWDM 120800Z AUTO 07016G25KT 10/10 RMK AO1 2PAST HR R+11/ PRESFR 8060 PK WND 07026/0747 SLP052 P0020 T01020099 50107
- CWTG: Pointe-Des-Monts , Que., Canada [12.9mb]
CWTG 120900Z AUTO 06014KT 10/ RMK AO1 0PAST HR PRESFR 6056 PK WND 07020/0814 SLP902 P0008 T0101 50129
CWTG 120800Z AUTO 06016KT 10/ RMK AO1 8PAST HR R+11/ 6056 PK WND 06022/0705 SLP922 P0030 T0102 50109
- CWYL: Yoho Park Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [10.2mb]
CWYL 120900Z AUTO 05010KT 08/07 RMK AO1 6PAST HR R+10/ 3021 PK WND 11018/0802 SLP148 P0030 T00790066 50102
- CXRH: Rocky Harbour CS, Nfld., Canada [15.9mb]
CXRH 120900Z AUTO 09015G29KT 12/09 RMK AO1 4PAST HR M29 0854Z M P0021 T01170091 50159
CXRH 120800Z AUTO 10010G19KT 12/10 RMK AO1 1PAST HR M28 0737ZR+11/ M P0028 T01200099 50105
0 stations reporting heavy snow
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
13 stations reporting heavy rain
- CYBG: Bagotville, Que., Canada
CYBG 120650Z 13002KT 1SM +RA BR BKN004 OVC010 RMK RA2SF3NS2
- CYDF: Deer Lake, Nfld., Canada
CYDF 120900Z 05012KT 3SM +RA BR FEW005 OVC012 11/10 A2970 RMK SF2SC6 PRESFR SLP057
- CYJT: Stephenville, Nfld., Canada
CYJT 120800Z 11030G43KT 4SM +RA BR SCT004 OVC015 15/13 A2956 RMK SF3SC5 PRESFR SLP010
CYJT 120700Z 12019G27KT 3SM +RA BR FEW004 BKN016 OVC027 14/13 A2966 RMK SF2SC6SC1 PRESFR SLP045
- CYZV: Sept-Iles, Que., Canada
CYZV 120936Z 09031G39KT 3SM +RA BR BKN008 OVC025 RMK SF7NS1 CIG VRB 6-10
CYZV 120900Z 09023G33KT 060V120 3SM +RA BR OVC011 10/10 A2931 RMK SF8 CIG VRB 7-16 SLP926
- EFSI: Seinajoki-Ilmajok, Finland
EFSI 120820Z AUTO 24003KT 9999 +RA FEW005 SCT016 BKN050 11/10 Q1001
- KACP: Oakdale, LA, United States
KACP 120931Z AUTO 1 3/4SM +RA BKN006 BKN009 OVC014 23/22 A2998 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0044
KACP 120911Z AUTO 2 1/2SM +RA BKN006 OVC012 23/22 A2998 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0009
KACP 120851Z AUTO 2SM +RA BKN008 OVC012 24/23 A2998 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0009
- KGLS: Galveston, Scholes Field, TX, United States
KGLS 120808Z AUTO 02015G21KT 4SM VCTS +RA BR SCT003 BKN026 OVC048 25/24 A2993 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND E P0017
KGLS 120808Z AUTO 02015G21KT 4SM VCTS +RA BR SCT003 BKN026 OVC048 25/24 A2993
KGLS 120744Z AUTO 09007KT 2SM VCTS +RA BR SCT003 BKN013 OVC050 25/24 A2994 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE TSB06E20B27RAB32 P0045
KGLS 120744Z AUTO 09007KT 2SM VCTS +RA BR SCT003 BKN013 OVC050 25/24 A2994
- KHRL: Harlingen, Rio Grande Valley Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KHRL 120747Z AUTO 34011G20KT 1SM +RA BR SCT001 BKN006 OVC017 24/23 A2993 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0115 TSNO
KHRL 120747Z AUTO 34011G20KT 1SM +RA BR SCT001 BKN006 OVC017 24/23 A2993 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0115 TSNO
KHRL 120747Z AUTO 34011G20KT 1SM +RA BR SCT001 BKN006 OVC017 24/23 A2993
KHRL 120739Z AUTO 35010KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN001 BKN015 OVC020 24/23 A2994 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0091 TSNO
KHRL 120739Z AUTO 35010KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN001 BKN015 OVC020 24/23 A2994 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0091 TSNO
KHRL 120739Z AUTO 35010KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN001 BKN015 OVC020 24/23 A2994
KHRL 120730Z AUTO 02017G21KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW001 BKN018 OVC027 25/23 A2993 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0025 TSNO
KHRL 120730Z AUTO 02017G21KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW001 BKN018 OVC027 25/23 A2993 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0025 TSNO
KHRL 120730Z AUTO 02017G21KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW001 BKN018 OVC027 25/23 A2993
- KOGB: Orangeburg, Orangeburg Municipal Airport, SC, United States
KOGB 120703Z AUTO 22009KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT020 BKN041 OVC065 24/22 A2999 RMK AO2 P0010 TSNO
- KPFN: Panama City, Panama City-Bay County Intl Arpt, FL, United States
KPFN 120820Z 00000KT 2SM +RA BR OVC011 23/22 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E-SW TSE20 P0036
KPFN 120820Z 00000KT 2SM +RA BR OVC011 23/22 A2999
KPFN 120739Z 26016KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW001 BKN027 OVC080 24/23 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND SE TSB06E31RAB23 P0011
KPFN 120739Z 26016KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW001 BKN027 OVC080 24/23 A2999
KPFN 120735Z 27015G20KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN035 OVC080 24/23 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE TSB06E31RAB23 P0007
KPFN 120735Z 27015G20KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN035 OVC080 24/23 A2999
KPFN 120731Z 26013G17KT 2SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN026 OVC080 24/23 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE TSB06E31RAB23 P0004
KPFN 120731Z 26013G17KT 2SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN026 OVC080 24/23 A2999
KPFN 120728Z 23009G16KT 3SM VCTS +RA BR FEW014 SCT021 BKN029 24/22 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE AND W TSB06RAB23 P0002
KPFN 120728Z 23009G16KT 3SM VCTS +RA BR FEW014 SCT021 BKN029 24/22 A2999
- PADM: Marshall, AK, United States
PADM 120711Z AUTO 21014KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT008 BKN017 OVC044 08/06 A2954 RMK AO2 TSNO BKN V SCT P0003 WSHFT 0651 $
- PAKI: Kipnuk, AK, United States
PAKI 120656Z AUTO 16021KT 2SM +RA BR FEW004 SCT014 BKN024 09/08 A2943 RMK AO2 TSNO T00940077 BKN V SCT RAB05 P0000 PK WND 15029/0652 SLP967 $
- YPPH: Belmont Perth Airport, Australia
YPPH 120724Z 28020G36KT 1000 +SHRA FEW018 BKN032 BKN060 15/11 Q1006 RMK CHECK ATIS FOR CURRENT RUNWAY VIS FM0724 28020G30KT 3000 -SHRA FEW015 BKN030 FM0735 26020G30KT 9999 -SHRA FEW020 BKN050
YPPH 120724Z 28020G36KT 1000 +SHRA FEW018 BKN032 BKN060 15/11 Q1006 FM0724 28020G30KT 3000 -SHRA FEW015 BKN030 FM0735 26020G30KT 9999 -SHRA FEW020 BKN050
4 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- CYKJ: Key Lake, Canada
CYKJ 120929Z AUTO 09007KT 1/4SM UP OVC000 00/M01 A2992 RMK ICG INTMT
- CYPH: Inukjuak Airport Stn, Canada
CYPH 120843Z AUTO 36015KT 5SM UP VV006 02/01 A2971
- KEGV: Eagle River, Eagle River Union Airport, WI, United States
KEGV 120935Z AUTO 01007KT 4SM UP BKN008 OVC014 05/05 A3005 RMK AO2
- KSSC: Shaw Air Force Base, SC, United States
KSSC 120751Z 23007KT 10SM UP OVC065 24/22 A2996 RMK AO2A UPB0722E0723B0751RAB0657E0722DZE0701 SLP142 $
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
1 station reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
- KHRL: Harlingen, Rio Grande Valley Intl Arpt, TX, United States [1.16in]
KHRL 120752Z AUTO 36020G24KT 2SM RA BR BKN004 BKN015 OVC100 24/23 A2992 RMK AO2 RAB25 SLP132 P0116 T02440233 TSNO
KHRL 120752Z AUTO 36020G24KT 2SM RA BR BKN004 BKN015 OVC100 24/23 A2992 RMK AO2 RAB25 SLP132 P0116 T02440233 TSNO
KHRL 120747Z AUTO 34011G20KT 1SM +RA BR SCT001 BKN006 OVC017 24/23 A2993 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0115 TSNO
KHRL 120747Z AUTO 34011G20KT 1SM +RA BR SCT001 BKN006 OVC017 24/23 A2993 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0115 TSNO
3 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
- KGLS: Galveston, Scholes Field, TX, United States [.86in]
KGLS 120939Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM -RA FEW012 BKN023 OVC060 24/24 A2992 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW TSE39 P0066
KGLS 120936Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM VCTS -RA SCT012 BKN034 OVC060 24/24 A2992 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0066
KGLS 120921Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM +TSRA BR BKN010 BKN015 OVC026 24/24 A2992 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND E AND SW P0064
KGLS 120752Z AUTO 03010KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA BR SCT003 BKN009 OVC028 25/24 A2993 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND E TSB06E20B27RAB32 SLP135 P0086 T02500239
- KHRL: Harlingen, Rio Grande Valley Intl Arpt, TX, United States [.91in]
KHRL 120739Z AUTO 35010KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN001 BKN015 OVC020 24/23 A2994 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0091 TSNO
KHRL 120739Z AUTO 35010KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN001 BKN015 OVC020 24/23 A2994 RMK AO2 RAB25 P0091 TSNO
- KPFN: Panama City, Panama City-Bay County Intl Arpt, FL, United States [.74in]
KPFN 120853Z 15004KT 10SM -RA SCT027 BKN032 OVC095 23/22 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E-S TSE20 SLP157 P0074 60103 T02280222 56002
KPFN 120832Z 14005KT 5SM RA BR BKN015 OVC090 23/22 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS TSE20 P0051
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
- MMMX: Mexico City / Licenci, Mexico [2.15in]
MMMX 120851Z 01008KT 7SM -RA FEW006 BKN020 OVC070 13/12 A3029 RMK SLP106 57004 951 60215 8/47/
MMMX 120847Z 01008KT 7SM FEW006 BKN020 OVC070 13/12 A3029 RMK SLP106 57004 951 60215 8/47/
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
18 stations reporting thunder with rain
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
FOOL 120700Z 02004KT 330V070 4000 -TSRA FEW005 BKN008 FEW016CB OVC100 23/23 Q1014
- KAAF: Apalachicola, Apalachicola, FL, United States
KAAF 120734Z AUTO 05007KT 10SM -TSRA BKN028 BKN037 OVC055 24/22 A3001 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND W TSB0656E12B16E30B33RAB04 P0000
- KGJT: Grand Junction, Walker Field, CO, United States
KGJT 120853Z AUTO VRB04KT 10SM -TSRA BKN065 OVC095 21/04 A3016 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND NW TSB22RAB0754 SLP140 P0001 60001 T02110044 53008
- KGLS: Galveston, Scholes Field, TX, United States
KGLS 120921Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM +TSRA BR BKN010 BKN015 OVC026 24/24 A2992 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND E AND SW P0064
- KORG: Orange, Orange County Airport, TX, United States
KORG 120844Z AUTO 03008KT 5SM VCTSRA SCT008 SCT038 OVC060 23/22 A2995 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW
- KPFN: Panama City, Panama City-Bay County Intl Arpt, FL, United States
KPFN 120753Z 26007G19KT 1 1/4SM +TSRA BR BKN005 OVC035 23/23 A3000 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS TSB06E31B44RAB23 SLP159 P0028 T02330228
- KUXL: Southland Fld / Sulphur, LA, United States
KUXL 120820Z AUTO 04006KT 3SM -VCTSRA SCT009 BKN013 OVC050 25/23 A2995 RMK AO2 P0003 LTG DSNT SW
- LEJR: Jerez De La Fronteraaeropuerto, Spain
LEJR 120930Z 26005KT 5000 2000SW TSRA FEW018CB SCT019 BKN023 20/18 Q1016
- LEMO: Moron De La Frontera, Spain
LEMO 120900Z 09006KT 060V130 3000 TSRA FEW040CB SCT070 BKN110 21/19 Q1015 NOSIG
- LERT: Rota, Spain
LERT 120900Z 35003KT 320V030 5000 VCTS -TSRA FEW016CB BKN060 19/18 Q1015
- LPHR: Horta / Castelo Branco Acores, Portugal
LPHR 120700Z 10004KT 060V120 8000 -TSRA SCT005 SCT010 SCT014CB BKN030 23/23 Q1020
- MGPB: Puerto Barrios, Guatemala
MGPB 120800Z 00000KT 8000 -TSRA SCT016 FEW025CB OVC080 24/24 Q1011 CB/TS/LTNG S
- SARS: Presidencia Roque Saenz Pena Aerodrome, Argentina
SARS 120830Z 36008KT 3000 TSRA FEW040CB BKN035 20/16 Q1010
- VDPP: Phnom-Penh / Pochentong, Cambodia
VDPP 120930Z 27008KT 8000 -TSRA SCT010 FEW015CB BKN040 26/25 Q1003 CB S W N E
- VTSP: Phuket Airport, Thailand
VTSP 120730Z 27020KT 7000 RA SCT015 SCT110 BKN300 29/24 Q1006 A2972 TSRA E
- VTUI: Sakon Nakhon, Thailand
VTUI 120900Z 24003KT 8000SW VCTS FEW018CB SCT025 BKN090 27/26 Q1004 TSRA SW CB SW RWY05 INFO B
- VVTS: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
VVTS 120700Z VRB02MPS 9999 -TSRA FEW015CB SCT017 29/27 Q1004 NOSIG
- ZBHH: Hohhot, China
ZBHH 120900Z 13005MPS 7000 -TSRA SCT040CB SCT040 16/13 Q1015 NOSIG
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
4 stations reporting visibility of zero
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
KMWN 120851Z 26043G50KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120851Z 26043G50KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120754Z 27042G55KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120754Z 27042G55KT 0SM FG VV000 03/03 RMK
KMWN 120653Z 27054G60KT 0SM FG VV000 04/04 RMK
KMWN 120653Z 27054G60KT 0SM FG VV000 04/04 RMK
- LFBM: Mont-De-Marsan, France
LFBM 120824Z VRB02KT 0000 NSC 15/10 Q1021
- LIBQ: Monte Scuro, Italy
LIBQ 120755Z ///05KT 0000 FG VV000 09/07 Q1021 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIBQ 120655Z ///07KT 0000 FG VV000 09/07 Q1021 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- SBPK: Pelotas, Brazil
SBPK 120900Z 18007KT 0000 FG VV002 19/19 Q1018
23 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- CBBC: Bella Bella, BC, Canada [1/8mile]
CBBC 120900Z AUTO 00000KT 1/8SM VV001 12/11 A3000 RMK SLP160
CBBC 120800Z AUTO 00000KT 1/8SM VV001 12/11 A3000 RMK SLP160
CBBC 120700Z AUTO 00000KT 1/8SM VV001 13/12 A3001 RMK SLP162
- CWSA: Sable Island, N. S., Canada [1/8mile]
CWSA 120721Z AUTO 21015KT 1/8SM BKN001 BKN009 OVC018 19/18 A2969
CWSA 120718Z AUTO 21013KT 1/8SM FEW003 BKN009 BKN021 19/18 A2969
CWSA 120706Z AUTO 21010KT 1/8SM VV001 18/18 A2969
- CWUW: Dewar Lakes, N. W. T., Canada [1/8mile]
CWUW 120900Z AUTO 19012KT 1/8SM M03/ A2988 RMK SLP161
CWUW 120812Z AUTO 19014KT 1/8SM M03/ A2986
CWUW 120729Z AUTO 21013KT 1/8SM M03/ A2985
- CYLT: Alert Airport, Canada [1/8mile]
CYLT 120919Z 00000KT 1/8SM -SHSN FZFG BKN200 RMK FG5CI1
CYLT 120914Z 00000KT 1/8SM -SHSN FZFG OVC200 RMK FG6CI1
CYLT 120900Z 00000KT 1/8SM FZFG VV002 M13/M13 A3000 RMK FG8 SLP163
CYLT 120800Z 00000KT 1/8SM FZFG BKN200 M13/M13 A2999 RMK FG6CI1 SLP161
CYLT 120700Z CCA 32001KT 1/8SM FZFG BKN200 M13/M13 A2998 RMK FG4CI2 SLP158
CYLT 120700Z 32001KT 1/8SM FZFG BKN200 M13/M13 A2998 RMK FG4CI2 SLP158
- CYPR: Prince Rupert, B. C., Canada [1/8mile]
CYPR 120842Z AUTO 07003KT 1/8SM FEW071 11/10 A3008
CYPR 120838Z AUTO 08003KT 1/8SM BKN007 BKN059 BKN071 11/10 A3009
CYPR 120831Z AUTO 07005KT 1/8SM 11/11 A3008
CYPR 120800Z AUTO 15003KT 1/8SM VV001 11/10 A3008 RMK SLP186
CYPR 120700Z AUTO 15002KT 1/8SM VV001 12/11 A3008 RMK SLP189
- CYQM: Moncton, N. B., Canada [1/8mile]
CYQM 120743Z 21006KT 1/8SM R29/3500VP6000FT/N R06/3000V4500FT/N FG OVC011 15/ RMK FG7SF1
CYQM 120737Z 21005KT 1/8SM R29/P6000FT/D R06/2200FT/U FG VV001 15/ RMK FG8
- CZCP: Cape Parry, N. W. T., Canada [1/8mile]
CZCP 120934Z AUTO 31008KT 1/8SM 03/ A3005
CZCP 120922Z AUTO 31008KT 1/8SM 02/ A3005
CZCP 120910Z AUTO 30013KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004
CZCP 120900Z AUTO 31014KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004 RMK SLP182
CZCP 120858Z AUTO 31013KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004
CZCP 120846Z AUTO 30013KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004
CZCP 120834Z AUTO 30012KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004
CZCP 120822Z AUTO 30012KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004
CZCP 120810Z AUTO 30013KT 1/8SM 02/ A3004
CZCP 120800Z AUTO 30012KT 1/8SM 02/ A3003 RMK SLP178
CZCP 120758Z AUTO 31013KT 1/8SM 02/ A3003
CZCP 120746Z AUTO 31012KT 1/8SM 02/ A3003
CZCP 120734Z AUTO 31010KT 1/8SM 02/ A3003
CZCP 120722Z AUTO 31011KT 1/8SM 02/ A3002
CZCP 120657Z AUTO 31009G15KT 1/8SM 02/ A3002
CZCP 120645Z AUTO 32008KT 1/8SM 03/ A3002
- EGDM: Boscombe Down, United Kingdom [200meters]
EGDM 120650Z 33002KT 0200 FG OVC000 11/10 Q1028 RED
EGDM 120650Z 33002KT 0200 FG OVC000 11/10 Q1028
- EGVO: Odiham, United Kingdom [200meters]
EGVO 120750Z 31003KT 0200 FG FEW000 BKN001 10/10 Q1028 RED
- K48I: Sutton/Braxton County, WV, United States [<1/4mile]
K48I 120734Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 13/12 A3001 RMK AO2
K48I 120653Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 13/13 A3000 RMK AO2
- KCCA: Clinton, AR, United States [<1/4mile]
KCCA 120840Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 13/12 A3008 RMK AO2
- KCDH: Camden / Harrell Field, AR, United States [<1/4mile]
KCDH 120740Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG 17/17 A3005 RMK AO2
- KCRW: Charleston, Yeager Airport, WV, United States [1/8mile]
KCRW 120923Z 00000KT 1/8SM FG VV001 14/13 A3003 RMK AO2 RVRNO
KCRW 120923Z 00000KT 1/8SM FG VV001 14/13 A3003 RMK AO2 RVRNO
KCRW 120923Z 00000KT 1/8SM FG VV001 14/13 A3003
- KEKQ: Monticello, KY, United States [<1/4mile]
KEKQ 120856Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 11/11 A3007 RMK AO2 58004 T01110111 SLP182
KEKQ 120820Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 11/10 A3007 RMK AO2
KEKQ 120756Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG CLR 12/11 A3008 RMK AO2 T01160111 SLP186
- KI16: Pineville, Kee Field Airport, WV, United States [<1/4mile]
KI16 120830Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 14/14 A3006 RMK AO2
KI16 120710Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 14/14 A3005 RMK AO2
- KMQY: Smyrna, TN, United States [<1/4mile]
KMQY 120908Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 15/15 A3006 RMK AO2 $
KMQY 120846Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 14/14 A3006 RMK AO2 $
KMQY 120756Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 14/14 A3006 RMK AO2 T01440144 SLP172 $
- KRKR: Poteau, Robert S Kerr Airport, OK, United States [<1/4mile]
KRKR 120653Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 15/14 A3009 RMK AO2
- LFBP: Pau, France [100meters]
LFBP 120730Z VRB02KT 0150 R31/0300V0750U R13/0250N FG VV/// 13/13 Q1020 NOSIG
LFBP 120700Z 00000KT 0100 R31/0250V0400N R13/0150N FG VV/// 13/13 Q1020 NOSIG
- LFLV: Vichy, France [150meters]
LFLV 120800Z VRB02KT 0150 FG VV/// 09/09 Q1024
LFLV 120700Z 00000KT 0150 FG VV/// 07/07 Q1024
- LFSO: Nancy / Ochey, France [200meters]
LFSO 120700Z 01002KT 0200 FG SKC 09/09 Q1025
- PAGS: Gustavus, Gustavus Airport, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAGS 120656Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 08/06 A3024 RMK AO1 PNO
- SCIE: Concepcion, Chile [200meters]
SCIE 120900Z 00000KT 0200 FG VV/// 05/04 Q1017
- SCTC: Temuco, Chile [100meters]
SCTC 120900Z 00000KT 0100 FG VV// 04/04 Q1018
0 stations reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
0 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
2 stations reporting aurora
- CYQH: Watson Lake, Y. T., Canada
CYQH 120800Z 00000KT 30SM SKC 05/04 A3019 RMK AURBO SLP244
- CYYE: Fort Nelson, B. C., Canada
CYYE 120800Z 00000KT 15SM FEW040 04/03 A3027 RMK SC1 AURBO SLP264
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
0 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
0 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
17 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
KQAQ 120855Z 36010G15KT 9000 DU SKC 39/04 A2969 RMK SLP052 FU N WND DATA ESTMD ALTSG/SLP ESTMD 52003 PA +328 DA +3149
KQAQ 120755Z 35008G13KT 9000 DU SKC 38/04 A2971 RMK SLP057 WND DATA ESTMD ALTSG/SLP ESTMD PA +316 DA +3012
KQAQ 120655Z 02010G13KT 8000 DU SKC 35/06 A2972 RMK SLP063 WND DATA ESTMD ALTSG/SLP ESTMD PA +302 DA +2638
KQCQ 120855Z 34017G30KT 9000 BLDU SKC 43/02 A2968 RMK PK WND 34032/43 SLP048 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 58012
- KQIR: Al Udeid, Qatar
KQIR 120855Z 06003KT 2000 DU SKC 42/05 A2963 RMK SLP036 58015
KQIR 120755Z 33003KT 2000 DU SKC 40/07 A2965 RMK SLP043
KQIR 120655Z 31005G13KT 3200 DU SKC 38/12 A2968 RMK SLP051
KQND 120700Z 00000KT 8000 DU SKC 32/09 A2994
KQNL 120800Z 29004KT 8000 DU SKC 36/00 A2979
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
KQTZ 120755Z 02008G14KT 8000 DU FEW000 37/04 A2974 RMK FU FEW000 SLP070 QNH1007MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD
- KQXJ: Tallil, Iraq
KQXJ 120855Z 36020G29KT 4000 BLDU SKC 43/01 A2964 RMK PK WND 35032/05 TWR VIS 5000 SLP038 58010
KQXJ 120755Z 34018G27KT 4000 BLDU SKC 42/00 A2965 RMK TWR VIS 5000 SLP042
KQXJ 120655Z 35016G22KT 3200 BLDU SKC 39/M00 A2967 RMK SLP050
- OBBI: Bahrain Intl Arpt, Bahrain
OBBI 120900Z 31008KT 1400 DU SKC 39/10 Q1002
OBBI 120800Z 32005KT 1400 DU SKC 38/13 Q1003
OBBI 120700Z 28004KT 1200 DU SKC 37/14 Q1003
- OEAH: Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
OEAH 120700Z 33006KT 5000 DU SKC 37/11 Q1005
- OEDF: Dammam-King Fahd Intl Arpt, Saudi Arabia
OEDF 120900Z 18006KT 150V210 3000 DU SKC 39/05 Q1002 NOSIG
OEDF 120800Z 21005KT 2500 DU SKC 38/05 Q1003 NOSIG
OEDF 120700Z VRB03KT 1500 DU SKC 37/04 Q1003 NOSIG
- OEDR: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
OEDR 120900Z 23005KT 0800 DU SKC 42/11 Q1001 NOSIG
OEDR 120800Z 21006KT 0800 DU SKC 41/11 Q1002 NOSIG
OEDR 120700Z VRB03KT 0800 DU SKC 40/11 Q1002 NOSIG
- OEKJ: Al Kharj Ab, Saudi Arabia
OEKJ 120700Z 34009KT 5000 DU SKC 35/04 Q1010
- OEKK: Hafr Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia
OEKK 120830Z 04018KT 4000 BLDU SKC 38/11 Q1008
- OEPA: Al Qaysumah, Saudi Arabia
OEPA 120900Z 36020KT 3000 BLDU SKC 38/05 Q1006
- OERY: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
OERY 120800Z 34012KT 5000 DU SKC 35/07 Q1010 NOSIG
OERY 120700Z 01012KT 5000 DU SKC 34/07 Q1011
- OTBD: Doha Intl Arpt, Qatar
OTBD 120900Z 11008KT 2000 DU SKC 39/16 Q1003
OTBD 120800Z 36004KT 340V060 2000 DU SKC 40/10 Q1004
1 station reporting sand or sandstorm
- OIKB: Bandarabbass, Iran
OIKB 120850Z 19016KT 3000 SA FEW030 35/28 Q1002 A2961
OIKB 120750Z 20014KT 3000 SA FEW030 35/27 Q1003 A2964
14 stations reporting smoke
- FQLC: Lichinga, Mozambique
FQLC 120900Z 06007KT 9000M FU FEW022 23/10 Q1022
FQLC 120800Z 06012KT 8000M FU FEW020 21/11 Q1023
FQLC 120700Z 07013KT 6000M FU FEW020 19/11 Q1023
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
KQAQ 120855Z 36010G15KT 9000 DU SKC 39/04 A2969 RMK SLP052 FU N WND DATA ESTMD ALTSG/SLP ESTMD 52003 PA +328 DA +3149
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
KQTZ 120755Z 02008G14KT 8000 DU FEW000 37/04 A2974 RMK FU FEW000 SLP070 QNH1007MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD
- OTBD: Doha Intl Arpt, Qatar
OTBD 120700Z 23003KT 170V290 5000 FU SKC 39/16 Q1004 NOSIG
- SARE: Resistencia Aero., Argentina
SARE 120900Z 05005KT 5000 TS FU BKN020 FEW056CB OVC100 26/14 Q1010
- SBCR: Corumba, Brazil
SBCR 120900Z 12010KT 2000 FU SKC 28/15 Q1011
- SBCY: Cuiaba Aeroporto, Brazil
SBCY 120900Z 00000KT 4000 FU NSC 26/18 Q1011
SBCY 120800Z 32005KT 4000 FU NSC 26/18 Q1010
SBCY 120700Z 34004KT 4000 FU NSC 26/18 Q1010
- SBMA: Maraba, Brazil
SBMA 120900Z 00000KT 4000 BR FU NSC 22/22 Q1011
- SGAS: Asuncion / Aeropuerto, Paraguay
SGAS 120900Z 05012KT 3000 FU SCT080 27/09 Q1011
SGAS 120800Z 05012KT 2500 FU SCT100 27/09 Q1011
SGAS 120700Z 05012KT 2000 FU SCT100 27/11 Q1011
- SLCA: Camiri, Bolivia
SLCA 120900Z 00000KT 5000 FU SKC 23/17 Q1015
- SLRI: Riberalta, Bolivia
SLRI 120900Z 03004KT 2000 FU FEW023CB BKN200 25/23 Q1009
- SLTR: Trinidad, Bolivia
SLTR 120900Z 00000KT 5000 FU SKC 23/22 Q1010
- SLVR: Viru-Viru, Bolivia
SLVR 120900Z 31006KT 3500 FU SKC 23/21 Q1010
SLVR 120800Z 31005KT 3500 FU SKC 22/22 Q1010
SLVR 120700Z 31006KT 3500 FU SKC 23/22 Q1010
- UIAA: Chita, Russia
UIAA 120900Z 30004G07MPS 5000 FU OVC200 19/M03 Q1010 NOSIG RMK QFE699 29CLRD70
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
- KGLS: Galveston, Scholes Field, TX, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Hourly Precip Total, Thunderstorm
- KPFN: Panama City, Panama City-Bay County Intl Arpt, FL, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Hourly Precip Total, Thunderstorm
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm, Smoke
- OTBD: Doha Intl Arpt, Qatar
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm, Smoke
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- CYJT: Stephenville, Nfld., Canada
    Wind, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- KHRL: Harlingen, Rio Grande Valley Intl Arpt, TX, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Hourly Precip Total
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
    Wind, Visibility
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
    Dust/Duststorm, Smoke
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
- KQIR: Al Udeid, Qatar
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
- KQXJ: Tallil, Iraq
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
- OEAH: Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
- OEDR: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
- OIKB: Bandarabbass, Iran
    Dewpoint, Sand/Sandstorm
- VDPP: Phnom-Penh / Pochentong, Cambodia
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- VTUI: Sakon Nakhon, Thailand
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- VVTS: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
49 unidentified stations (out of a total of 267 documented unknown stations)
- KQA7 (OLD)
- KQB4 (OLD)
- KQD9 (OLD)
- KQL5 (OLD)