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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2007122521
Currently using 21059 observations from 3957 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Tue Dec 25 21:51:24 UTC 2007
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
1 station reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
- CWEU: Eureka, N. W. T., Canada [-40°C, -40.0°F]
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
0 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
0 stations reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
18 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- DIAP: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire [26°C, 78.8°F]
DIAP 252130Z 00000KT 6000 SCT012 28/26 Q1013 NOSIG
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon [26°C, 78.8°F]
FOOL 252130Z 20008KT 8000 SCT008 BKN033 27/26 Q1012 NOSIG
- MDPP: Puerto Plata International, Dominican Republic [26°C, 78.8°F]
MDPP 251900Z 09004KT 9999 FEW018CB FEW018 SCT070 28/26 Q1013 CB/SW
- NLWW: Hihifo Ile Wallis, France [26°C, 78.8°F]
NLWW 252100Z 10008KT 9999 FEW010 28/26 Q1008
- SBAM: Amapa Airport, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBAM 252000Z 08006KT 9999 SCT023 SCT330 30/26 Q1008
- SBCZ: Cruzeiro Do Sul, Brazil [27°C, 80.6°F]
SBCZ 252000Z 00000KT 9999 SCT025 BKN100 30/27 Q1005
- SBMQ: Macapa, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBMQ 251900Z 07011KT 9999 FEW023 FEW027TCU BKN110 BKN400 31/26 Q1008
- SBRB: Rio Branco, Brazil [27°C, 80.6°F]
SBRB 252100Z 01008KT 3000 -RA SCT030 FEW035TCU 27/27 Q1005
- SBTT: Tabatinga, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBTT 251900Z 27004KT 9999 TS BKN017 FEW023CB 31/26 Q1007
- SBUA: Sao Gabriel Da Cachoeira, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBUA 252000Z 02004KT 9999 FEW020 BKN300 31/26 Q1005
- SLPS: Puerto Suarez, Bolivia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SLPS 252100Z 00000KT 9999 FEW020 32/26 Q1003
- SLRB: Robore, Bolivia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SLRB 251900Z 00000KT 9999 SCT020 FEW027CB 31/26 Q1009
- SLRQ: Rurrenabaque, Bolivia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SLRQ 252100Z 00000KT 9999 FEW017 SCT200 30/26 Q1006
- SLVM: Villamontes, Bolivia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SLVM 251900Z 36006KT 9999 SCT023 33/26 Q1008
- TNCB: Flamingo Airport, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles [26°C, 78.8°F]
TNCB 252000Z 10013KT 070V130 9999 SCT021 30/26 Q1010
- TNCC: Hato Airport, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles [26°C, 78.8°F]
TNCC 252000Z 10010KT 060V140 9999 SCT023 29/26 Q1010
- YBRM: Broome Airport, Australia [26°C, 78.8°F]
YBRM 251930Z AUTO 34005KT 9999NDV // NCD 29/26 Q1004
- YPGV: Gove Airport, Australia [26°C, 78.8°F]
YPGV 252100Z 00000KT 7000 FEW018 SCT070 BKN350 26/26 Q1005 RMK SMOKE
0 stations reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
1 station reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [63kt, 32m/s]
KMWN 251951Z 30056G63KT 1/4SM FZFG SCT000 M13/M13
0 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
12 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- CWEZ: Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [46kt, 23m/s]
CWEZ 252100Z AUTO 16034G46KT 06/02 RMK AO1 6PAST HR R+17/ PRESFR 6068 PK WND 16046/2051 SLP138 P0065 T00570020 50166
- CWGB: Ballenas Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [43kt, 22m/s]
CWGB 252100Z AUTO 13033G41KT 05/04 RMK AO1 6PAST HR 7042 PK WND 12041/2003 SLP132 P0006 T00450039 50042
CWGB 252000Z AUTO 13034G43KT 04/04 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 6053 PK WND 12046/1937 SLP146 P0008 T00440037 50026
CWGB 251900Z AUTO 14034G42KT 05/03 RMK AO1 6PAST HR 6063 PK WND 14042/1858 SLP160 P0002 T00510033 50006
- CWZN: Sagona Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [45kt, 23m/s]
CWZN 252000Z AUTO 24038G45KT 01/M03 RMK AO1 PK WND 24045/1954 SLP012 T00061032 53029
CWZN 251900Z AUTO 23039G45KT 01/M03 RMK AO1 PK WND 24048/1816 SLP995 T00051030 53012
- CYQQ: Comox, B. C., Canada [41kt, 21m/s]
CYQQ 251855Z 13031G41KT 4SM -RA BR FEW003 BKN006 OVC050 RMK SF2SF3SC2
- ENBS: Batsfjord, Norway [42kt, 21m/s]
ENBS 252120Z 26032G42KT 9999 DRSN SCT025 M02/M03 Q0999
- KCMA: Camarillo, Camarillo Airport, CA, United States [44kt, 22m/s]
KCMA 251855Z 07031G44KT 10SM CLR 16/M12 A3026 RMK AO2 PK WND 09045/1844 SLP258 T01611122
- KFHR: Friday Harbor, Friday Harbor Airport, WA, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KFHR 252053Z AUTO 13025G41KT 10SM SCT019 OVC044 04/01 A2995 RMK AO2 PK WND 12041/2046 SLP143 T00390006 56066 $
- KGDP: Pine Springs, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KGDP 252051Z AUTO 24031G40KT 10SM CLR 14/M11 A2977 RMK AO2 PK WND 26040/2043 SLP055 T01391111 57042 $
KGDP 252051Z AUTO 24031G40KT 10SM CLR 14/M11 A2977 RMK AO2 PK WND 26040/2043 SLP055 T01391111 57042 $
KGDP 252051Z AUTO 24031G40KT 10SM CLR 14/M11 A2977
- KHMS: Hanford, WA, United States [45kt, 23m/s]
KHMS 251850Z 01003KT 15SM BKN120 OVC200 M00/M03 A3027 RMK SLP259 T10051032 RSNK -4.9/22037G45KT
KHMS 251850Z 01003KT 15SM BKN120 OVC200 M00/M03 A3027 RMK SLP259 T10051032 RSNK -4.9/22037G45KT
- KSDB: Sandberg, CA, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KSDB 251852Z AUTO 07021G41KT 10SM CLR 02/M13 A3029 RMK AO2 PK WND 07041/1847 SLP260 T00221133 FZRANO TSNO $
KSDB 251852Z AUTO 07021G41KT 10SM CLR 02/M13 A3029 RMK AO2 PK WND 07041/1847 SLP260 T00221133 FZRANO TSNO $
KSDB 251852Z AUTO 07021G41KT 10SM CLR 02/M13 A3029
- PAKH: Akhiok, AK, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
PAKH 252056Z AUTO 32030G40KT 10SM CLR M06/M16 A2993 RMK AO2 FZRANO TSNO 53037 T10611155 PK WND 30042/2015 SLP140 $
- PAWR: Whittier, AK, United States [45kt, 23m/s]
PAWR 252056Z 20033G45KT 2SM -SN BR OVC008 M03/M04 A2948 RMK SLP983 NOSPECI
0 stations reporting sea level pressure > 1070mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
16 stations reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- UAOO: Kzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan [1046mb, 30.88in]
UAOO 252100Z 03003MPS CAVOK M27/M29 Q1046 NOSIG RMK QFE773/1030
- UARR: Uralsk, Kazakhstan [1047mb, 30.91in]
UARR 252100Z 18002MPS 9999 IC OVC/// M27/M29 Q1047 22710250 NOSIG RMK QFE782/1042
UARR 252000Z 18003MPS 9999 IC OVC/// M27/M29 Q1047 22710250 NOSIG RMK QFE782/1042
UARR 251900Z 17003MPS 9999 IC BKN/// M28/M30 Q1047 22710250 NOSIG RMK QFE781/1042
- UATE: Aktau, Kazakhstan [1043mb, 30.79in]
UATE 252130Z 09004MPS CAVOK M09/M12 Q1043 120///70 NOSIC RMK QFE780/1040
UATE 252100Z 09005MPS CAVOK M10/M12 Q1043 120///70 NOSIC RMK QFE780/1040
UATE 252030Z 08006MPS CAVOK M10/M12 Q1043 120///70 NOSIC RMK QFE780/1040
UATE 252000Z 09005MPS CAVOK M10/M12 Q1043 120///70 NOSIC RMK QFE780/1040
UATE 251930Z 09005MPS CAVOK M09/M12 Q1043 120///70 NOSIC RMK QFE780/1040
UATE 251900Z 09005MPS CAVOK M09/M12 Q1043 120///70 NOSIC RMK QFE780/1040
- UATG: Atyrau, Kazakhstan [1048mb, 30.94in]
UATG 252130Z 10003MPS CAVOK M18/M19 Q1048 14CLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE788/1051
UATG 252100Z 07003MPS CAVOK M19/M20 Q1048 14CLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE788/1051
UATG 252030Z 08003MPS CAVOK M19/M20 Q1048 14CLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE788/1051
UATG 252000Z 08003MPS CAVOK M19/M20 Q1048 14CLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE788/1051
UATG 251930Z 08003MPS CAVOK M19/M20 Q1048 14CLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE788/1051
UATG 251900Z 08003MPS CAVOK M19/M20 Q1048 14CLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE788/1051
- UATT: Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan [1045mb, 30.85in]
UATT 252130Z 16002MPS CAVOK M29/M32 Q1045 310///60 NOSIG RMK QFE763/1018
UATT 252030Z 17002MPS CAVOK M30/M33 Q1045 310///60 NOSIG RMK QFE763/1017
UATT 251930Z 00000MPS CAVOK M28/M31 Q1045 310///60 NOSIG RMK QFE763/1017
- URWA: Astrakhan, Russia [1043mb, 30.79in]
URWA 252100Z 09006G09MPS 9999 -SN OVC011 M07/M08 Q1044 NOSIG RMK SUH MEST IZMOROZ SC06
URWA 252000Z 10006G09MPS 9999 -SN OVC012 M07/M09 Q1044 NOSIG RMK SUH MEST IZMOROZ SC06
URWA 252000Z 10005G08MPS 9999 -SN OVC013 M07/M09 Q1043 NOSIG RMK SUH MEST IZMOROZ SC06
- URWW: Volgograd, Russia [1042mb, 30.76in]
URWW 252100Z 12006MPS CAVOK M14/M16 Q1042 NOSIG RMK SC060
URWW 252000Z 11006MPS CAVOK M13/M16 Q1042 NOSIG RMK SC060
URWW 251900Z 10004MPS CAVOK M14/M16 Q1042 NOSIG RMK SC060
- UTAK: Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan [1040mb, 30.70in]
UTAK 252100Z 08008MPS 6000 OVC100 M01/M04 Q1041 NOSIG
UTAK 252000Z 08008MPS 6000 OVC100 M01/M03 Q1040 NOSIG
UTAK 251900Z 07005MPS 6000 OVC100 01/M02 Q1040 NOSIG
- UTAV: Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan [1040mb, 30.70in]
UTAV 252100Z 05005MPS P7000 BKN050 M01/M04 Q1040
- UTNN: Nukus / Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan [1045mb, 30.85in]
UTNN 252000Z 05003MPS CAVOK M13/M17 Q1045 NOSIG
- UTNU: Urgench, Uzbekistan [1043mb, 30.79in]
UTNU 252100Z 04006MPS CAVOK M11/M15 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE773 31CLRD60
UTNU 252100+ 04006MPS CAVOK M11/M15 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE773 31CLRD60
UTNU 252000+ 05005MPS CAVOK M11/M14 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE773 31CLRD60
UTNU 251900Z 04005MPS CAVOK M10/M14 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE773 31CLRD60
- UWOO: Orenburg / Tsentralny, Russia [1045mb, 30.85in]
UWOO 252100Z 09001MPS 6000 BKN013 OVC100 M29/M32 Q1046 NOSIG RMK QFE773/1031 26800055
UWOO 252000Z 11001MPS 6000 SCT240 M29/M32 Q1046 NOSIG RMK QFE773/1031 26800055
UWOO 251900Z 06002MPS 6000 SCT240 M30/M33 Q1045 NOSIG RMK QFE773/1031 08800055
- UWOR: Orsk, Russia [1043mb, 30.79in]
UWOR 252100Z 27008MPS CAVOK M25/M28 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE757/1009 SC055
UWOR 252000Z 27008MPS CAVOK M25/M28 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE756/1008 SC055
UWOR 251900Z 26009MPS CAVOK M25/M28 Q1043 NOSIG RMK QFE756/1008 SC055
- UWPP: Penza, Russia [1042mb, 30.76in]
UWPP 252100Z 20003MPS CAVOK M17/M18 Q1042 RMK QFE764
- UWSS: Saratov / Tsentralny, Russia [1042mb, 30.76in]
UWSS 252100Z 18004MPS 3000 BR BKN006 M15/M16 Q1042 NOSIG RMK QFE769 120///60
UWSS 252000Z 18003MPS 2000 BR BKN005 M15/M16 Q1042
UWSS 251900Z 18003MPS 2000 BR BKN005 M15/M16 Q1042
UWSS 251900Z 18003MPS 0900 R12/1900U FZFG VV002 M15/M16 Q1042
- UWWW: Samara, Russia [1040mb, 30.70in]
UWWW 252100Z 20004MPS 9999 -SN FEW026 BKN100 M17/M18 Q1040 NOSIG RMK QFE768/1024 23////// 15420550
UWWW 252000Z 21005MPS 9999 -SN FEW026 BKN100 M16/M17 Q1040 NOSIG RMK QFE768/1025 23////// 15420550
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 950-960mb
2 stations reporting sea level pressure 960-970mb
- BIAR: Akureyri, Iceland [0968mb, 28.58in]
BIAR 252134Z 17010KT 120V200 9999 SCT040 M01/M05 Q0969
BIAR 252100Z 14006KT 9999 SCT066 M01/M04 Q0969
BIAR 252000Z 17008KT CAVOK M01/M03 Q0969
BIAR 251900Z 19002KT 9999 -SN BKN015 M00/M00 Q0968 RE-FZRA
- BIRK: Reykjavik, Iceland [0969mb, 28.61in]
BIRK 251900Z 26018KT 7000 -SHSN SCT016 BKN024 OVC048 01/M048 Q0969
4 stations reporting sea level pressure 970-980mb
- BIEG: Egilsstadir, Iceland [0971mb, 28.67in]
BIEG 252100Z 22010KT 9999 FEW060 SCT150 00/M05 Q0971 22790357
BIEG 252000Z 21016KT 9999 FEW025 SCT060 BKN150 01/M03 Q0971 22790195
BIEG 251900Z 18011KT 9999 FEW020 SCT060 BKN080 02/M01 Q0971 22790165
- BIKF: Keflavikurflugvollur, Iceland [0970mb, 28.64in]
BIKF 252130Z 25027G39KT 9999 -SHSN BLSN FEW004 SCT014CB SCT024 M01/M02 Q0971 29790033
BIKF 252100Z 26027KT 9999 -SHSN BLSN FEW004 SCT014CB SCT024 M01/M02 Q0970 29790033
BIKF 252030Z 25027G37KT 9000 BLSN FEW014CB SCT024 BKN036 M01/M02 Q0970 29790033
BIKF 252000Z 25029KT 1000 -SHSN BLSN FEW014CB SCT024 BKN040 M01/M02 Q0970
BIKF 251930Z 26028KT 9999 BLSN FEW018 SCT030 BKN042 M01/M02 Q0970
BIKF 251900Z 27022KT 9000 -SHSN BLSN FEW016CB SCT030 BKN045 00/M03 Q0970
- BIRK: Reykjavik, Iceland [0970mb, 28.64in]
BIRK 252100Z 24024KT 9999 SHSN SCT011 BKN027 OVC046 00/M02 Q0970
BIRK 252100Z 24024KT 9999 /SHSN SCT011 BKN027 OVC046 00/M02 Q0970
BIRK 252000Z 25020KT 5000 -SHSN BKN007 OVC024 N01/M02 Q0970
- ENSB: Svalbard Lufthavn, Norway [0979mb, 28.90in]
ENSB 251850Z 25022KT 6000 -SN BLSN FEW010 BKN020 M09/M11 Q0979
ENSB 251850Z 25022KT 6000 -SN BLSN FEW010 BKN020 M09/M11 Q0979
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
36 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWEL: Entrance Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-6.5mb]
CWEL 252000Z AUTO 12028G35KT RMK AO1 PK WND 10037/1904 56061
CWEL 251900Z AUTO 11029G34KT RMK AO1 PK WND 14034/1841 56065
- CWEZ: Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-6.3mb]
CWEZ 252000Z AUTO 14027G37KT 06/00 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 14042/1915 SLP158 T00640000 58063
CWEZ 251900Z AUTO 12023G30KT 06/01 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 14030/1816 SLP179 T00630013 58055
- CWGT: Sisters Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-6.2mb]
CWGT 251900Z AUTO 13040KT RMK AO1 PK WND 12047/1838 56062
- CWMM: P. Meadows Coastal Stn Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-5.6mb]
CWMM 252100Z AUTO 05006KT 04/01 RMK AO1 SLP169 T00390013 56054
CWMM 252000Z AUTO 03002KT 03/02 RMK AO1 SLP180 T00300016 58056
CWMM 251900Z AUTO 09003KT 03/02 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP199 T00280017 58051
- CWPF: Esquimalt Harbour, B. C., Canada [-6.6mb]
CWPF 252100Z AUTO 13003KT 05/02 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP121 T00500019 56066
CWPF 252000Z AUTO 10003KT 04/01 RMK AO1 SLP143 T00410013 57062
CWPF 251900Z AUTO 07002KT 03/02 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP161 T00330020 58053
- CWSK: Squamish Airport, B. C, Canada [-5.5mb]
CWSK 252000Z AUTO 36003KT 00/M00 RMK AO1 SLP172 T00001002 58055
CWSK 251900Z AUTO 34002KT 00/M00 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP188 T00001002 58051
- CWSP: Sheringham Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-6.2mb]
CWSP 252100Z AUTO 00036KT 05/ RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP130 T0054 58052
CWSP 252000Z AUTO 00006KT 05/ RMK AO1 SLP150 T0053 56062
CWSP 251900Z AUTO 00007KT 05/ RMK AO1 SLP164 T0048 58062
- CWVV: Vic. Hartland Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-6.3mb]
CWVV 252100Z AUTO 14004KT 03/M00 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP133 T00331003 56063
CWVV 252000Z AUTO 16004KT 03/M00 RMK AO1 SLP155 T00311003 56062
CWVV 251900Z AUTO 00000KT 02/01 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP171 T00230005 58051
- CWWA: W Vancouver Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-6.1mb]
CWWA 252000Z AUTO 09006KT 03/M02 RMK AO1 SLP170 T00251019 56061
CWWA 251900Z AUTO 08009G17KT 03/M03 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 06017/1854 SLP185 T00331030 58056
- CWWK: White Rock Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-6.4mb]
CWWK 252100Z AUTO 06005KT 04/01 RMK AO1 SLP164 T00400007 56064
CWWK 252000Z AUTO 07006KT 04/01 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP178 T00380007 58054
- CWYJ: Victoria University, Canada [-6.6mb]
CWYJ 252100Z AUTO 15009G20KT 05/02 RMK AO1 PK WND 16021/2037 SLP131 T00500024 56066
CWYJ 252000Z AUTO 15006KT 05/01 RMK AO1 SLP150 T00540014 58061
- CWZA: Agassiz Automated Reporting Stn, Canada [-5.8mb]
CWZA 252100Z AUTO 33004KT 04/02 RMK AO1 SLP164 T00400024 56058
CWZA 252000Z AUTO 32003KT 04/02 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP179 T00350023 58057
- KALW: Walla Walla, Walla Walla Regional Airport, WA, United States [-5.1mb]
KALW 252053Z 34004KT 10SM FEW120 03/M01 A3018 RMK AO2 SLP230 T00281006 56051
- KAWO: Arlington Municipal, WA, United States [-5.4mb]
KAWO 252055Z AUTO 17009KT 10SM SCT046 OVC050 04/M01 A3004 RMK AO1 57054
- KBFI: Seattle, Seattle Boeing Field, WA, United States [-5.7mb]
KBFI 252053Z VRB04KT 10SM OVC030 03/M01 A3007 RMK AO2 UPB07E09RAB09E40 SLP180 P0001 60001 T00281006 58057
- KBLI: Bellingham, Bellingham Intl Arpt, WA, United States [-6.6mb]
KBLI 252053Z 12017G24KT 10SM OVC050 06/M04 A2999 RMK AO2 PK WND 12028/2035 SLP164 T00561039 56066 $
- KCLM: Port Angeles, William R. Fairchild Intl Arpt, WA, United States [-7.2mb]
KCLM 252053Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM OVC036 04/00 A2990 RMK AO2 RAB15E52 SLP129 P0000 60000 T00440000 56072
- KFHR: Friday Harbor, Friday Harbor Airport, WA, United States [-6.6mb]
KFHR 252053Z AUTO 13025G41KT 10SM SCT019 OVC044 04/01 A2995 RMK AO2 PK WND 12041/2046 SLP143 T00390006 56066 $
- KGRF: Fort Lewis / Gray U. S. Army Airfield, WA, United States [-5.9mb]
KGRF 252055Z AUTO 11006KT 3SM -SN BR SCT005 01/M00 A3005 RMK AO2 UPB2012E2038SNB2038 PRESFR SLP178 P0001 60001 T00111004 58059
- KHQM: Hoquiam, Bowerman Airport, WA, United States [-5.2mb]
KHQM 252053Z AUTO 09007KT 5SM -SN BR SCT007 OVC014 03/01 A3001 RMK AO2 RAB1959E25SNE1959B25 PRESFR SLP165 P0007 60015 T00280006 56052
- KHRI: Hermiston, Hermiston Municipal Airport, OR, United States [-5.0mb]
KHRI 252053Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 03/M03 A3018 RMK AO2 SLP225 T00281033 56050 TSNO
- KKLS: Kelso-Longview, WA, United States [-6.1mb]
KKLS 252055Z AUTO 15016G23KT 10SM FEW011 SCT025 OVC049 03/01 A3009 RMK AO1 P0004 60004 57061
- KLGD: La Grande, OR, United States [-5.1mb]
KLGD 252055Z AUTO 18019G26KT 10SM CLR M01/M08 A3019 RMK AO1 57051
- KMRF: Marfa, TX, United States [-5.1mb]
KMRF 252055Z AUTO 17011G24KT 9SM CLR 18/M12 A2984 RMK AO1 57051
- KNUW: Whidbey Island, Naval Air Stn, WA, United States [-5.0mb]
KNUW 252056Z AUTO 15026G38KT 10SM FEW019 BKN085 03/00 A3000 RMK AO2 PK WND 14042/2017 CIG 018 E SLP163 T00330000 56050 TSNO VISNO E $
KNUW 252056Z AUTO 15026G38KT 10SM FEW019 BKN085 03/00 A3000 RMK AO2 PK WND 14042/2017 CIG 018 E SLP163 T00330000 56050 TSNO VISNO E $
- KOLM: Olympia, Olympia Airport, WA, United States [-6.5mb]
KOLM 252054Z 18012G21KT 6SM -SN BR OVC011 02/M01 A3005 RMK AO2 RAE03SNB03 PRESFR SLP176 P0004 60004 T00171006 56065
- KOZR: Cairns Army Air Field / Ozark, AL, United States [-5.1mb]
KOZR 252055Z 08012KT 10SM -RA SCT020 BKN040 OVC100 06/05 A3007 RMK AO2A PRESFR SLP183 60027 58051
- KP69: Lowell, ID, United States [-5.4mb]
KP69 252052Z AUTO 01003KT 02/00 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP266 T00220000 58054 PWINO FZRANO TSNO
KP69 252052Z AUTO 01003KT 02/00 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP266 T00220000 58054 PWINO FZRANO TSNO
- KPAE: Everett, Snohomish County Airport, WA, United States [-5.2mb]
KPAE 252053Z 16014KT 1SM -SN BR FEW009 OVC015 01/M01 A3005 RMK AO2 UPB08E18SNB31 SLP180 P0000 60000 T00111006 56052
- KPDT: Pendleton, Eastern Oregon Regional At Pendleton Airport, OR, United States [-5.6mb]
KPDT 252053Z 10003KT 10SM SCT120 04/M09 A3012 RMK AO2 PRESFR SLP206 T00391089 56056
- KPWT: Bremerton National, WA, United States [-5.8mb]
KPWT 252055Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM OVC005 00/M01 A3007 RMK AO1 60002 57058
- KRNT: Renton, Renton Municipal Airport, WA, United States [-5.3mb]
KRNT 252053Z 23004KT 10SM OVC035 03/M02 A3007 RMK AO2 RAB13E22 SLP186 P0000 60000 T00331017 58053
- KSEA: Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma Intl Arpt, WA, United States [-5.7mb]
KSEA 252053Z 15011G17KT 10SM -RA FEW015 OVC031 03/M02 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP187 RAB02E35B51 P0000 60000 T00281017 58057 $
- KTCM: Tacoma / McChord Air Force Base, WA, United States [-5.5mb]
KTCM 252055Z 15009KT 8SM -SN BKN011 02/M00 A3007 RMK AO2A UPB2028E2047SNB2047RAB2018E2043 CIG 004V038 PRESFR SLP186 P0000 60000 T00191005 58055
- MMCS: Ciudad Juarez International, Mexico [-5.0mb]
MMCS 252040Z 24006KT 10SM SKC 18/03 A2979 RMK SLP059 57050 999
- MMMT: Minatitlan, Mexico [-5.3mb]
MMMT 252050Z 00000KT 7SM FEW010 SCT015 OVC080 22/21 A2994 RMK 8/15/ RMK SLP214 55053 939
5 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWDA: Englee Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [8.0mb]
CWDA 252131Z AUTO 34012KT M00/M04 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP017 T10021038 51074
CWDA 252100Z AUTO 32017KT 00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 33023/2000 SLP006 T00001030 51075
CWDA 252031Z AUTO 33013KT M00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP996 T10021032 53080
CWDA 252000Z AUTO 32017KT M00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 31026/1918 SLP982 T10031027 51080
CWDA 251931Z AUTO 32020KT M00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP966 T10031026 53072
CWDA 251900Z AUTO 32018KT M00/M02 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 31031/1814 SLP956 T10031024 53078
- CWDM: Chevery, Que., Canada [5.8mb]
CWDM 252100Z AUTO 34008KT M01/M06 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP054 T10081058 52058
CWDM 252000Z AUTO 34008KT M01/M06 RMK AO1 SLP033 T10071057 51056
CWDM 251900Z AUTO 34012KT M00/M05 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP017 T10031054 53058
- CWDO: Twillingate Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [6.2mb]
CWDO 252100Z AUTO 30022G29KT M00/M02 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 28032/2004 SLP995 T10031023 53062
CWDO 252000Z AUTO 28022G28KT M01/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 27038/1901 SLP972 T10051029 53055
- CWXI: Ferolle Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [7.2mb]
CWXI 252131Z AUTO 34017KT M00/M04 RMK AO1 SLP024 T10031040 51066
CWXI 252100Z AUTO 33015KT M00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 33021/2009 SLP017 T10031034 51070
CWXI 252031Z AUTO 33016KT M00/M04 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP008 T10031036 53072
CWXI 252000Z AUTO 33015KT M00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 33022/1935 SLP996 T10021034 53070
CWXI 251931Z AUTO 33016KT M00/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP984 T10011033 53068
- MMCV: Ciudad Victoria Airport, Mexico [6.0mb]
MMCV 252043Z 17012KT 20SM BKN280 23/10 A3000 RMK SLP159 52060 992 8/006 PRESFR
1 station reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
- CWEZ: Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [16.6mb]
CWEZ 252100Z AUTO 16034G46KT 06/02 RMK AO1 6PAST HR R+17/ PRESFR 6068 PK WND 16046/2051 SLP138 P0065 T00570020 50166
3 stations reporting heavy snow
- KANE: Minneapolis / Blaine, MN, United States
KANE 251955Z 00000KT 1/2SM +SN OVC006 M03/M03 A2995
- KMWM: Windom, Windom Municipal Airport, MN, United States
KMWM 252015Z AUTO 34008KT 1SM +SN OVC003 M02/M03 A2994 RMK AO2
- PASN: St. Paul Island, St. Paul Island Airport, AK, United States
PASN 252053Z 24015KT 1/4SM +SN VV002 00/M01 A2971 RMK AO2 SLP060 P0004 60010 T00001006 51017
PASN 252042Z 24016KT 1/4SM +SN VV002 00/M01 A2971 RMK AO2 P0002
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
13 stations reporting heavy rain
- KAMG: Alma, Bacon County Airport, GA, United States
KAMG 252121Z AUTO VRB05KT 1SM +RA BR SCT005 OVC014 08/07 A3008 RMK AO2 P0006
- KATL: Atlanta, Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta Intl Arpt, GA, United States
KATL 252015Z 34003KT 1 1/2SM R09R/6000VP6000FT +RA BKN022CB OVC050 05/02 A3013 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 1/2 PLB1955E14 VIS NE-E 2 1/2 CB OHD MOV NE P0014 $
KATL 252015Z 34003KT 1 1/2SM R09R/6000VP6000FT +RA BKN022CB OVC050 05/02 A3013
- KBGE: Bainbridge, Decatur County Industrial Air Park Airport, GA, United States
KBGE 252040Z AUTO 32010G18KT 5SM +RA SCT044 OVC050 08/05 A3015 RMK AO2
- KDHN: Dothan, Dothan Regional Airport, AL, United States
KDHN 251919Z 33008KT 2SM +RA BR BKN038 OVC060 06/04 A3021 RMK AO2 P0008
- KFFC: Atlanta, Peachtree City-Falcon Field, GA, United States
KFFC 251959Z AUTO 01004KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR OVC030 04/02 A3015 RMK AO2 P0000
KFFC 251953Z AUTO 16003KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN028 OVC060 04/02 A3017 RMK AO2 RAB15 SLP222 P0003 T00440022
KFFC 251949Z AUTO 14008KT 2 1/2SM +RA BKN029 BKN045 OVC060 05/02 A3017 RMK AO2 RAB15 P0002
KFFC 251938Z AUTO VRB03KT 2 1/2SM +RA BKN028 BKN040 OVC055 05/02 A3016 RMK AO2 RAB15 PRESFR P0001
- KMCO: Orlando, Orlando Intl Arpt, FL, United States
KMCO 251955Z COR 02008KT 1SM R36R/4000VP6000FT +RA BR FEW008 BKN018 OVC045 20/20 A2999 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 SLP 153 P0009 T02000200
KMCO 251955Z COR 02008KT 1SM R36R/4000VP6000FT +RA BR FEW008 BKN018 OVC045 20/20 A2999
KMCO 251955Z 02008KT 1SM R36R/4000VP6000FT +RA BR FEW008 BKN018 OVC045 20/20 A2999 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 P0009 T02000200
KMCO 251955Z 02008KT 1SM R36R/4000VP6000FT +RA BR FEW008 BKN018 OVC045 20/20 A2999
KMCO 251948Z COR 03007KT 3/4SM R36R/3500V6000FT +RA BR FEW006 BKN018 OVC023 20/20 A3000 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 RAB14 SLP156 P0027 T02000200
KMCO 251948Z COR 03007KT 3/4SM R36R/3500V6000FT +RA BR FEW006 BKN018 OVC023 20/20 A3000
KMCO 251948Z 03007KT 3/4SM R36R/3500V6000FT +RA BR FEW006 BKN018 OVC023 20/20 A3000 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 RAB14 SLP156 P0027 T02000200
KMCO 251948Z 03007KT 3/4SM R36R/3500V6000FT +RA BR FEW006 BKN018 OVC023 20/20 A3000
KMCO 251947Z 03007KT 3/4SM R36R/3500V6000FT +RA BR FEW006 BKN018 OVC023 20/20 A3000 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 RAB14 P0024 T02000200
KMCO 251947Z 03007KT 3/4SM R36R/3500V6000FT +RA BR FEW006 BKN018 OVC023 20/20 A3000
KMCO 251937Z 03005KT 1 1/4SM R36R/3000VP6000FT +RA BR OVC021 21/20 A3000 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 RAB14 VIS N-NE 1 P0005 T02060200
KMCO 251937Z 03005KT 1 1/4SM R36R/3000VP6000FT +RA BR OVC021 21/20 A3000
KMCO 251935Z 03004KT 1 3/4SM R36R/3500VP6000FT +RA BR OVC023 21/20 A3000 RMK AO2 RAB14 P0003 T02110200
KMCO 251935Z 03004KT 1 3/4SM R36R/3500VP6000FT +RA BR OVC023 21/20 A3000
- KORL: Orlando, Orlando Executive Airport, FL, United States
KORL 252107Z 01004KT 2SM +RA BR SCT005 BKN019 OVC038 21/18 A2999 RMK AO2 P0034
KORL 252056Z 27007KT 3/4SM +RA SCT007 BKN021 OVC041 21/18 A2999 RMK AO2 P0013
- KPAM: Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, United States
KPAM 251848Z AUTO 34011G21KT 9SM +RA FEW003 OVC045 07/04 A3015 RMK AO2 RAB1829 SLP211 $
- KTMK: Tillamook, United States
KTMK 252110Z AUTO 19013KT 2SM +RA BKN019 OVC029 06/04 A3011 RMK AO2 P0003
- KVLD: Valdosta, Valdosta Regional Airport, GA, United States
KVLD 252107Z VRB03KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC021 08/07 A3009 RMK AO2 P0003 $
- PGUA: Andersen, Mariana Is, Andersen Air Force Base, GU, United States
PGUA 251851Z AUTO 10014G23KT 5SM +RA BR FEW007 SCT019 BKN024 25/23 A2984 RMK AO2 UPB1847E1848RAB1848 CIG 015 RWY24L SLP086 $
PGUA 251851Z AUTO 10014G23KT 5SM +RA BR FEW007 SCT019 BKN024 25/23 A2984
PGUA 251850Z AUTO 10014G23KT 5SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN031 25/24 A2984 RMK AO2 UPB1847E1848RAB1848 CIG 012 RWY24L SLP086 $
PGUA 251850Z AUTO 10014G23KT 5SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN031 25/24 A2984
PGUA 251848Z AUTO 07014G23KT 6SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN029 25/24 A2984 RMK AO2 UPB1847E1848RAB1848 CIG 012 RWY24L SLP085 $
PGUA 251848Z AUTO 07014G23KT 6SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN029 25/24 A2984
- PHTO: Hilo, Hilo Intl Arpt, HI, United States
PHTO 252011Z 00000KT 2SM +RA BR BKN003 OVC021 21/19 A3014 RMK AO2 P0004
PHTO 252011Z 00000KT 2SM +RA BR BKN003 OVC021 21/19 A3014
- YBTL: Townsville Amo, Australia
YBTL 252000Z 21011KT 2500 +RA FEW005 SCT018 BKN035 23/22 Q1009 FM2010 15012KT 4000 RA BKN010 BKN018 BKN035
YBTL 252000Z 21011KT 2500 +RA FEW005 SCT018 BKN035 23/22 Q1009
27 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- ESGJ: Jonkoping Flygplats, Sweden
ESGJ 251920Z AUTO 18013KT 8000NDV UP FEW008/// SCT009/// BKN017/// 02/01 Q1013
- ESSD: Borlange, Sweden
ESSD 251920Z AUTO 11006KT 2600NDV UP FEW001/// SCT011/// 00/M01 Q1012 REFZRA
- K8A0: Albertville, AL, United States
K8A0 251920Z AUTO 11004KT 10SM UP OVC045 06/00 A3018 RMK AO2
- KAFF: Air Force Academy, CO, United States
KAFF 252057Z AUTO 34018G25KT 1 1/4SM UP FEW160 M06/M08 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP173
KAFF 252055Z AUTO 34018G25KT 1 1/4SM UP OVC025 M06/M08 A2994 RMK AO2 PK WND 33027/2040 UPB2054SNE2054 SLP172 P0000 60000 T10571083 58004
- KDNN: Dalton, Dalton Municipal Airport, GA, United States
KDNN 252020Z AUTO 36005KT 1 3/4SM UP BKN020 BKN031 OVC045 03/02 A3022 RMK AO2 P0008
- KFCS: Fort Carson, CO, United States
KFCS 252009Z 36022G36KT 10SM UP SCT019 M02/M09 A2992 RMK AO2A PK WND 36036/2005 SCT019 V BKN SLP175
KFCS 251955Z 35020G27KT 10SM UP BKN022 M02/M09 A2993 RMK AO2A PK WND 35037/1856 SLP170 P0000 T10251090
KFCS 251907Z 36030G37KT 10SM UP BKN026 M02/M10 A2992 RMK AO2A PK WND 35037/1856 SCT026 V BKN SLP169
KFCS 251855Z 36027G37KT 320V050 10SM UP CLR M02/M10 A2993 RMK AO2A PK WND 35038/1814 UPB1842 SLP171 P0000 T10241102
- KGDB: Granite Falls, Granite Falls Municipal Airport/Lenzen-Roe Memorial Field, MN, United States
KGDB 251851Z AUTO 31005KT 5SM UP SCT015 BKN025 OVC033 00/M02 A2997 RMK AO2
- KGRF: Fort Lewis / Gray U. S. Army Airfield, WA, United States
KGRF 252012Z AUTO VRB04KT 10SM UP SCT028 01/M00 A3009 RMK AO2 UPB2012 PRESFR SLP193
- KHIO: Portland, Portland-Hillsboro Airport, OR, United States
KHIO 251953Z 15010KT 9SM UP OVC026 02/00 A3020 RMK AO2 UPB28 SLP228 P0000 T00220000
- KLHW: Ft. Stewart, GA, United States
KLHW 252044Z AUTO 02004KT 10SM UP SCT050 11/07 A3005 RMK AO2 UPB2044RAB2028E2043DZB2026E2028 PRESFR SLP177 $
- KLJF: Litchfield, Litchfield Municipal Airport, MN, United States
KLJF 252055Z AUTO 00000KT 5SM UP BKN026 BKN044 OVC050 M03/M04 A2996 RMK AO2
- KMGE: Marietta / Dobbins Air Force Base, GA, United States
KMGE 251913Z VRB03KT 10SM UP CLR 05/04 A3018 RMK AO2A UPB1913 SLP226 $
- KMIB: Minot Air Force Base, ND, United States
KMIB 252112Z AUTO 29009KT 10SM UP OVC022 M00/M04 A2999 RMK AO2 UPB2057 CIG 017 RWY11 SLP176 $
KMIB 252101Z AUTO 29009KT 10SM UP OVC029 M00/M04 A2999 RMK AO2 UPB2057 CIG 020 RWY11 SLP176 $
KMIB 252057Z AUTO 29009KT 10SM UP FEW020 OVC036 M00/M04 A2998 RMK AO2 UPB2057 CIG 022 RWY11 SLP175 $
KMIB 252008Z AUTO 29011KT 10SM UP OVC031 00/M04 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP173 $
KMIB 251955Z AUTO 30009KT 10SM UP OVC031 M00/M04 A2998 RMK AO2 UPB1947 SLP173 P0000 T10001037 $
KMIB 251954Z AUTO 30011KT 10SM UP OVC031 M00/M04 A2998 RMK AO2 UPB1947 SLP173 $
KMIB 251947Z AUTO 31013KT 10SM UP OVC032 00/M04 A2998 RMK AO2 UPB1947 SLP172 $
- KMXF: Maxwell Air Force Base / Montgomery, AL, United States
KMXF 252127Z AUTO 26006KT 7SM UP FEW003 OVC009 06/06 A3019 RMK AO2 UPB2119RAB2104E2119DZB2101E2104 PRESRR SLP223
- KOFF: Omaha / Offutt Air Force Base, NE, United States
KOFF 252032Z AUTO 16003KT 10SM UP CLR 07/M03 A2992 RMK AO2 UPB2032 SLP140
- KORC: Orange City, IA, United States
KORC 252135Z AUTO 36008KT 5SM UP OVC034 00/M01 A2994 RMK AO2
KORC 252115Z AUTO 35006KT 4SM UP OVC034 M01/M01 A2995 RMK AO2
KORC 252055Z AUTO 35006KT 4SM UP BKN032 BKN039 OVC080 M01/M02 A2994 RMK AO2
KORC 252035Z AUTO 35007KT 4SM UP SCT032 BKN050 OVC080 M01/M01 A2992 RMK AO2
- KSGS: South St. Paul, South St. Paul Municipal-Richard E. Fleming Field Airport, MN, United States
KSGS 252115Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/4SM UP OVC001 M01/M02 A2996 RMK AO2
KSGS 252055Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM UP OVC001 M02/M03 A2997 RMK AO2 P0003
KSGS 252015Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM UP OVC001 M01/M03 A2995 RMK AO2
- KSHL: Sheldon, IA, United States
KSHL 252055Z AUTO 35006KT 2SM UP OVC009 00/M01 A2996 RMK AO2
KSHL 252035Z AUTO 35007KT 1 1/2SM UP BKN014 OVC029 00/M01 A2994 RMK AO2
- KSHN: Shelton, Shelton Sanderson Field, WA, United States
KSHN 251853Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM UP OVC020 00/M01 A3015 RMK AO2 UPB48 SLP214 P0000 T00001006
KSHN 251853Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM UP OVC020 00/M01 A3015
KSHN 251851Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM UP OVC022 00/M01 A3015 RMK AO2 UPB48 P0000
KSHN 251851Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM UP OVC022 00/M01 A3015
- KTAD: Trinidad, Perry Stokes Airport, CO, United States
KTAD 251954Z AUTO 35011KT 10SM UP OVC021 M02/M07 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP143 P0000 T10171067
KTAD 251854Z AUTO 35010KT 10SM UP OVC027 M02/M06 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP148 P0000 T10171061
- KTCM: Tacoma / McChord Air Force Base, WA, United States
KTCM 251934Z AUTO 05004KT 10SM UP SCT038 01/00 A3014 RMK AO2 UPB1934 CLDS LWR RWY34 PRESFR SLP210
- KTMK: Tillamook, United States
KTMK 251850Z AUTO 00000KT 7SM UP SCT013 BKN025 OVC030 04/01 A3021 RMK AO2
- KTOR: Torrington, Torrington Municipal Airport, WY, United States
KTOR 251953Z AUTO 34009G17KT 9SM UP FEW045 OVC055 M03/M06 A3006 RMK AO2 UPB41SNE41 SLP207 P0000 T10281056
- PAOH: Hoonah, Hoonah Seaplane Base, AK, United States
PAOH 251856Z AUTO 10008KT 10SM UP FEW016 BKN030 OVC085 03/00 A2952 RMK AO2 TSNO T00270000 RAE03UPB03E14B54 P0000 SLP999 $
- PATO: Portage, Portage Glacier, AK, United States
PATO 251853Z AUTO 27013G19KT 10SM UP OVC024 M03/M06 A2944 RMK AO2 UPB1756SNE1756 SLP969 P0000 T10281056 TSNO $
- PAWD: Seward, AK, United States
PAWD 252053Z AUTO 34015G27KT 10SM UP FEW031 BKN042 OVC080 M02/M07 A2946 RMK AO2 PK WND 33030/2023 UPB03SNE03 SLP975 P0000 60000 T10171067 53017 TSNO
- PGUA: Andersen, Mariana Is, Andersen Air Force Base, GU, United States
PGUA 251847Z AUTO 07016G23KT 6SM UP BR FEW008 BKN030 25/24 A2983 RMK AO2 UPB1847 CIG 014 RWY24L SLP084 $
PGUA 251847Z AUTO 07016G23KT 6SM UP BR FEW008 BKN030 25/24 A2983
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
2 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
- KFSD: Sioux Falls, Foss Field, SD, United States
KFSD 251956Z 34004KT 1/2SM SN FG OVC005 00/M01 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP162 SNINCR 1/6 P0006 T00001011
KFSD 251956Z 34004KT 1/2SM SN FG OVC005 00/M01 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP162 SNINCR 1/6 P0006 T00001011
KFSD 251856Z 34005KT 1/2SM SN FZFG BKN003 OVC013 M01/M02 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP162 SNINCR 1/5 P0006 T10061022
KFSD 251856Z 34005KT 1/2SM SN FZFG BKN003 OVC013 M01/M02 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP162 SNINCR 1/5 P0006 T10061022
- KMSP: Minneapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul Intl Arpt, MN, United States
KMSP 252053Z 00000KT 1/2SM R30L/2800V4000FT SN FZFG BKN005 OVC014 M03/M04 A2997 RMK AO2 SLP161 SNINCR 1/6 P0005 60005 T10281039 53005
1 station reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
- KEGI: Duke Field / Eglin Auxiliary, FL, United States [9.94in]
KEGI 251955Z AUTO 08007KT 10SM -RA CLR 06/04 A3010 RMK AO2 UPB1933E1942 PRESFR SLP195 P0994 T00570042 $
KEGI 251855Z AUTO 04005KT 5SM -RA BR SCT047 06/04 A3017 RMK AO2 UPB1813E1851 PRESRR SLP219 P0645 T00600044 $
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
1 station reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
- CWEZ: Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [.65in]
CWEZ 252100Z AUTO 16034G46KT 06/02 RMK AO1 6PAST HR R+17/ PRESFR 6068 PK WND 16046/2051 SLP138 P0065 T00570020 50166
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
- KEGI: Duke Field / Eglin Auxiliary, FL, United States [16.39in]
KEGI 252055Z AUTO VRB02KT 10SM FEW100 06/05 A3009 RMK AO2 RAE2015DZB2015E2027 PRESFR SLP191 P0000 61639 T00610048 56033 $
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
1 station reporting hail
- SLLP: La Paz / Alto, Bolivia [? inches]
SLLP 252000Z 15013KT 100V210 9999 TSGRRA SCT017 FEW020CB BKN200 12/05 Q1031
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
17 stations reporting thunder with rain
- DTTJ: Djerba Mellita, Tunisia
DTTJ 252030Z 04012KT 5000 -TSRA SCT020 FEW030CB BKN200 15/15 Q1020 NOSIG RMK CB/W
- FADN: Durban Louis Botha, South Africa
FADN 251900Z 04010KT 9000 TSRA SCT020 BKN040 FEW045CB 22/20 Q1007 RERA NOSIG
- KOZR: Cairns Army Air Field / Ozark, AL, United States
KOZR 251855Z 33005KT 3SM TSRA BKN030CB OVC080 06/05 A3019 RMK AO2A OCNL LTGIC N TS 8N MOV NE SLP224
- MPSA: Santiago, Panama
MPSA 252000Z 00000KT 5000 TSRA FEW005CB SCT008 BKN080 25/24 Q1007 CB/TS/OCNL C W
- SBBI: Curitiba, Brazil
SBBI 252100Z 05007KT 5000 -TSRA SCT015 FEW040CB OVC100 17/16 Q1016
- SBBV: Boa Vista, Boa Vista Intl, Brazil
SBBV 252000Z 06006KT 6000 -TSRA BKN025 FEW030CB BKN100 28/23 Q1 007
- SBCT: Curitiba Aeroporto, Brazil
SBCT 252125Z 06005KT 9999 4500E -TSRA SCT014 FEW030CB BKN100 18/17 Q1016
- SBIZ: Imperatriz, Brazil
SBIZ 251900Z 06010KT 9999 -TSRA SCT015 BKN020 FEW025CB 28/23 Q1009
- SBMG: Maringa, Brazil
SBMG 252000Z 36005KT 9999 -TSRA BKN030 FEW040CB BKN300 22/21 Q1010
- SBMT: Marte Civ / Mil, Brazil
SBMT 252100Z 17008KT 2000 -TSRA BKN025 FEW030CB BKN300 25/21 Q1014
- SBNF: Ministro Victor Konder Intl, Brazil
SBNF 252100Z 36006KT 9999 -TSRA FEW025 FEW030CB BKN045 BKN300 26/22 Q1011
- SBRB: Rio Branco, Brazil
SBRB 252115Z 27008KT 1600 TSRA SCT030 FEW35CB 24/24 Q1006
- SBRP: Leite Lopes / Ribeir, Brazil
SBRP 252000Z 27005KT 8000 -TSRA BKN030 FEW050CB BKN080 OVC300 21/19 Q1013 RERA
- SBSP: Sao Paulo/Congonhas Aeroporto, Brazil
SBSP 252135Z 14008KT 4000 -TSRA BR SCT020 FEW040CB BKN300 22/21 Q1016
- SBVH: Vilhena Aeroporto, Brazil
SBVH 252100Z 09004KT 3000 -TSRA SCT010 BKN020 FEW025CB OVC100 22/21 Q1010
- SLLP: La Paz / Alto, Bolivia
SLLP 252135Z 10017G29KT 070V140 9999 -TSRA SCT017 FEW020CB BKN200 10/05 Q1030
- WMKB: Buttersworth, Malaysia
WMKB 251900Z 05003KT 9999 -RA FEW010 SCT023 OVC260 24/24 Q1009 RETSRA NOSIG
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
3 stations reporting visibility of zero
- LIBQ: Monte Scuro, Italy
LIBQ 252055Z ///04KT 0000 FG VV000 02/01 Q1019 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIBQ 251955Z ///04KT 0000 FG VV000 02/01 Q1019 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIBQ 251855Z ///04KT 0000 FG VV000 02/01 Q1019 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- LIRT: Trevico, Italy
LIRT 252055Z 09006KT 0000 FG VV/// 03/03 Q1020 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIRT 251955Z 12006KT 0000 FG VV/// 03/03 Q1021 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIRT 251855Z 04004KT 0000 FG VV/// 02/02 Q1021 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- LIVC: Monte Cimone, Italy
LIVC 252055Z 03015KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1017 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 251955Z 03018KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1017 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 251855Z 03018KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M03/M04 Q1017 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
20 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [1/8mile]
KMWN 251848Z 30051KT 1/8SM FZFG BKN000 M13/M13
- LEZG: Zaragoza / Aeropuerto, Spain [100meters]
LEZG 252130Z 27003KT 0100 R30R/0600N R12R/1900N FG VV001 01/01 Q1025
LEZG 252100Z 31002KT 0150 R30R/0500D R12R/0550 FG VV000 02/02 Q1024
LEZG 252030Z 31002KT 0150 R30R/0400D R12R/0450D FG VV001 02/02 Q1024
LEZG 252000Z 31004KT 0150 R30R/0500D R12R/0550 FG VV000 02/02 Q1024
LEZG 251900Z 28005KT 0200 R30R/1600N R12R/0900D FG VV001 02/02 Q1024
- LFLL: Lyon / Satolas, France [100meters]
LFLL 252000Z VRB01KT 0200 R36L/0400N R18R/0350V0500N FZFG VV/// M02/M02 Q1022 NOSIG
LFLL 251930Z VRB01KT 0100 R36L/0300N R18R/0400V0500N FZFG VV/// M02/M02 Q1022 NOSIG
LFLL 251900Z 00000KT 0100 R36L/0250N R18R/0350N FZFG VV/// M02/M02 Q1022 NOSIG
- LICZ: Catania / Sigonella, Italy [50meters]
LICZ 252055Z /////KT 0050 FG FEW040 07/06 Q1022 RMK FEW VIS MIN 0050 WIND THR28 /////KT RED
- LIEA: Alghero, Italy [100meters]
LIEA 252120Z 00000KT 0100 R20/0600 FG SKC 06/06 Q1023
LIEA 252050Z 08003KT 0200 R20/0300N BCFG SKC 06/06 Q1023
LIEA 252020Z VRB02KT 0200 R20/0350V0550D BCFG SKC 06/06 Q1023
- LIMK: Torino / Bric Della Croce, Italy [100meters]
LIMK 251855Z 00000KT 0100 FG VV001 00/M01 Q1021 RMK VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
- LIPL: Brescia / Ghedi, Italy [100meters]
LIPL 252055Z 33001KT 0100 R31/0150D FZFG SKC M01/M01 Q1025 RMK VIS MIN 0100 RED
LIPL 251855Z 11002KT 0100 R31/0150D FZFG SKC M01/M01 Q1025 RMK VIS MIN 0100 RED
- LIPO: Brescia / Montichia, Italy [100meters]
LIPO 251850Z 09004KT 0100 R32/0200 FG VV001 00/00 Q1025 RMK OVC VIS MIN 0100
- LOWS: Salzburg-Flughafen, Austria [200meters]
LOWS 252120Z VRB02KT 0200 R16/0700N FZFG SCT002 BKN004 M06/M07 Q1024 NOSIG
LOWS 252050Z VRB02KT 0200 R16/0450V0800N FZFG SCT002 BKN004 M06/M06 Q1025 NOSIG
LOWS 252020Z 19003KT 0200 R16/0600V1100U FZFG SCT002 BKN004 M06/M06 Q1025 NOSIG
LOWS 251950Z VRB01KT 0200 R16/0450V1300D FZFG SCT002 BKN004 M05/M06 Q1025 NOSIG
- LOXZ: Zeltweg, Austria [200meters]
LOXZ 251950Z 22003KT 0200 FG VV001 M10/M10 Q1026
LOXZ 251850Z 03002KT 0200 FG FEW002ST M13/M13 Q1025 FEW
- LRBS: Bucuresti / Imh, Romania [150meters]
LRBS 252130Z VRB01MPS 0150 R07/0650N R25/0900 FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1032 0719//95 NOSIG
LRBS 252100Z VRB02MPS 0200 R07/0700N R25/1000 FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1032 0719//95 NOSIG
LRBS 252030Z 00000MPS 0200 R07/0800N R25/0900 FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1032 NOSIG
LRBS 252030Z 00000MPS 0200 R07/0800N R25/0900 FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1032 0719//95 NOSIG
LRBS 252000Z VRB01MPS 0200 R07/0700N R25/0650 FZFG VV000 M03/M03 Q1032 NOSIG
- LROP: Bucuresti Otopeni, Romania [200meters]
LROP 252100Z VRB01MPS 0200 R08R/0450N R08L/0700N FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1031 NOSIG 8819//95
LROP 252030Z 02001MPS 0200 R08R/0550N R08L/0600N FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1032 NOSIG 8819//95
LROP 252000Z 06001MPS 0200 R08R/0550V0700D R08L/0750N FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1031 NOSIG 8819//95
LROP 251930Z 08001MPS 0200 R08R/0600N R08L/0650N FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1031 NOSIG 8819//95
LROP 251900Z 09001MPS 0200 R08R/0600N R08L/0750N FZFG VV000 M04/M04 Q1031 NOSIG 8819//95
- LRSB: Sibiu, Romania [150meters]
LRSB 252030Z 00000MPS 0200 FZFG OVC002 M06/M06 Q1027
LRSB 252000Z VRB01MPS 0200 FZFG OVC002 M06/M06 Q1027
LRSB 251930Z VRB01MPS 0150 FZFG OVC002 M06/M06 Q1027
LRSB 251900Z 00000MPS 0150 FZFG OVC001 M06/M07 Q1027
- LRSV: Suceava / Salcea, Romania [200meters]
LRSV 252100Z 00000MPS 0200 R34/0200 FZFG VV001 M10/M10 Q1029 16090095
LRSV 252000Z 00000MPS 0200 R34/0200 FZFG VV001 M10/M10 Q1029 16090095
LRSV 251900Z 00000MPS 0200 R34/0200 FZFG VV001 M10/M10 Q1029 16090095
- LRTM: Tirgu Mures, Romania [150meters]
LRTM 252100Z 00000MPS 0150 R07/0500 FZFG VV001 M07/M07 Q1029 07350094
LRTM 252000Z 00000MPS 0150 R07/0500 FZFG VV001 M07/M08 Q1029 07350094
- LTAN: Konya, Turkey [200meters]
LTAN 252120Z 12002KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG
LTAN 252050Z 24002KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG RMK RWY19 22001KT
LTAN 252050Z 24002KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG
LTAN 252020Z 13003KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG
LTAN 251950Z 16001KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG RMK RWY19 18001KT
LTAN 251950Z 16001KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG
LTAN 251920Z 18002KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG
LTAN 251850Z 00000KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG RMK RWY19 20001KT
LTAN 251850Z 00000KT 0200 R01/0200N FZFG VV002 M04/M04 Q1025 NOSIG
- LZPE: Prievidza, Slovakia [50meters]
LZPE 252100Z AUTO 19001KT 0050 FZFG ////// M08/M10 Q1028
LZPE 252000Z 00000KT 0100 FZFG SKC M08/M10 Q1028
LZPE 251900Z VRB01KT 0100 FZFG SKC M08/M09 Q1028
- ZBTJ: Tianjin / Zhangguizhu, China [50meters]
ZBTJ 252100Z 00000MPS 0050 R34/0225 FZFG VV/// M04/M04 Q1030 NOSIG
ZBTJ 252000Z 16001MPS 0050 R34/0225 FZFG VV/// M03/M03 Q1030 NOSIG
ZBTJ 251900Z 16001MPS 0050 R34/0225 FZFG VV/// M04/M04 Q1030 NOSIG
- ZYCC: Changchun, China [50meters]
ZYCC 252100Z 06001MPS 0050 R24/0125N FZFG VV/// M13/M15 Q1030 NOSIG
ZYCC 252000Z 00000MPS 0050 R24/0100N FZFG VV/// M13/M15 Q1030 NOSIG
ZYCC 251900Z 08001MPS 0100 R24/0150N FZFG VV002 M13/M15 Q1030 NOSIG
- ZYTX: Shenyang / Taokian, China [100meters]
ZYTX 252100Z 17002MPS 0100 R24/0150N R06/0150N FZFG VV002 M05/M06 Q1031 NOSIG
ZYTX 252000Z 00000MPS 0100 R24/0100V0125N R06/0125N FZFG VV002 M05/M06 Q1031 NOSIG
ZYTX 251900Z 24001MPS 0100 R24/0125N R06/0125N FZFG VV002 M05/M06 Q1031 NOSIG
2 stations reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KCIC: Chico Municipal, CA, United States [100miles]
KCIC 252050Z 14004KT 100SM SCT150 BKN200 A3033
KCIC 251955Z 31004KT 100SM BKN200 A3035
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [100miles]
KMWN 252050Z 30049KT 100SM SCT/// FEW100 FEW120 FEW200 M13/M17 RMK TPS LWR SCT058
KMWN 252050Z 30049KT 100SM SCT/// FEW100 FEW120 FEW200 M13/M17 RMK TPS LWR SCT058
KMWN 252050Z 30049KT 100SM SCT/// FEW100 FEW120 FEW200 M13/M17
4 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- K4HV: Hanksville, UT, United States [60miles]
K4HV 252111Z 36008KT 60SM FEW070 03/M08 RMK NOSPECI T00331083 54000
K4HV 252111Z 36008KT 60SM FEW070 03/M08 RMK NOSPECI T00331083 54000
- KFFZ: Mesa / Falcon Field, AZ, United States [50miles]
KFFZ 252051Z 33015KT 50SM FEW120 13/M14 A3005
KFFZ 251952Z 29018G22KT 50SM FEW120 12/M12 A3006
- KGYR: Goodyear Municipal, AZ, United States [60miles]
KGYR 252047Z 34015G25KT 60SM SKC 16/M04 A3010
KGYR 251947Z 320025KT 60SMSM FEW200 16/M05 A3011
KGYR 251847Z 32025KT 60SM FEW200 14/M06 A3012
- PACZ: Cape Romanzof, Cape Romanzof LRRS Airport, AK, United States [65miles]
PACZ 251855Z AUTO 65SM SCT035 BKN045 RMK AO1 OVC13/4 13/4 13/7/1822G29/ 982
PACZ 251855Z AUTO 65SM SCT035 BKN045
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
7 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
SPCL 252100Z /////KT 7000 VCSH FEW020TCU SCT025 32/24 Q1005 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
SPCL 251900Z /////KT 9999 FEW020TCU SCT025 33/24 Q1007 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
- SPHI: Chiclayo, Peru
SPHI 252100Z 19014KT CAVOK 25/16 Q1010 RMK TRZ/SC BIRD HAZARD RWY19/01 PP000
SPHI 252000Z 19016KT 9999 FEW033 SCT200 25/16 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY19/01 PP000
SPHI 251900Z 20015KT 9999 FEW033 SCT200 26/16 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY19/01 PP000
- SPJR: Cajamarca, Peru
SPJR 252100Z 18008KT 9999 SCT047 18/10 Q1021 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 34 PP000
SPJR 251900Z 18005KT 9999 SCT043 SCT049 20/09 Q1023 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 34 PP000
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 252100Z 27009KT CAVOK 29/21 Q1007 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 251900Z 29010KT CAVOK 30/21 Q1008 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
- SPQT: Iquitos, Peru
SPQT 252000Z 34003KT 9999 BKN020 31/24 Q1005 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
SPQT 251900Z 01005KT 310V080 9999 BKN020 31/23 Q1006 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
- SPST: Tarapoto, Peru
SPST 252100Z 00000KT 9999 FEW030 SCT130 34/23 Q1003 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 251900Z 00000KT 9999 SCT025 35/24 Q1004 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
- SPYL: Talara, Peru
SPYL 252100Z 17011KT CAVOK 25/17 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY35 T/MAX 28.7 PP000
SPYL 251900Z 18014KT CAVOK 27/17 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY35 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
8 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
- CYBV: Berens River Airport, Canada
CYBV 252100Z 33008KT 15SM FEW015 M15/M19 A3011 RMK SC2 IC SLP218
CYBV 252000Z 32010KT 15SM FEW014 M14/M17 A3008 RMK ST2 IC SLP209
CYBV 251900Z 33010KT 15SM FEW014 M14/M16 A3006 RMK SC2 IC SLP201
- CYRB: Resolute, N. W. T., Canada
CYRB 252100Z 06005KT 10SM FEW015 FEW080 M31/M36 A2980 RMK SC1AC0 IC SLP104
CYRB 252000Z 03003KT 15SM FEW015 FEW030 FEW120 M31/M35 A2979 RMK SC1SC1AC0 IC WND DIR LGHT VRBLS FRM 010T-080T SLP101
- CYRT: Rankin Inlet, N. W. T., Canada
CYRT 252100Z 34025G30KT 1/4SM IC +BLSN SKC M32/M37 A2996 RMK BLSN2 SLP152
CYRT 252000Z CCA 34017G22KT 3/8SM IC BLSN SKC M32/M37 A2996 RMK BLSN2 REBLSN SLP151
CYRT 252000Z 34017G22KT 3/8SM IC BLSN SKC M32/M37 A2996 RMK BLSN2 SLP151
CYRT 251900Z 34020G25KT 1/4SM IC +BLSN SKC M32/M37 A2993 RMK BLSN2 SLP141
- CYYQ: Churchill, Man., Canada
CYYQ 252100Z 30017KT 5SM IC SKC M29/M33 A3018 REBLSN RMK SLP225
CYYQ 252000Z 30014G21KT 3SM IC BLSN SKC M28/M32 A3016 RMK BLSN2 SLP217
CYYQ 251900Z 32019KT 2SM R33/5000FT/N IC BLSN SKC M27/M31 A3014 RMK BLSN2 SLP209
- CYZS: Coral Harbour, N. W. T., Canada
CYZS 251900Z 34023KT 3SM IC BLSN SCT080 BKN120 M28/M33 A2954 RMK AC2AC1 SLP013
- ESUT: Hemavan-Gierevarto, Sweden
ESUT 252120Z AUTO 00000KT 9999NDV IC NCD M16/M18 Q1009 RESN
- UARR: Uralsk, Kazakhstan
UARR 252100Z 18002MPS 9999 IC OVC/// M27/M29 Q1047 22710250 NOSIG RMK QFE782/1042
UARR 252000Z 18003MPS 9999 IC OVC/// M27/M29 Q1047 22710250 NOSIG RMK QFE782/1042
UARR 251900Z 17003MPS 9999 IC BKN/// M28/M30 Q1047 22710250 NOSIG RMK QFE781/1042
- UNOO: Omsk, Russia
UNOO 252000Z 28003MPS 4500 IC SCT016 M32/M35 Q1029
UNOO 251900Z 32004MPS 270V330 1400 R25/P1500U IC SCT004 M30/M32 Q1029
4 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- DRRN: Niamey-Aero, Niger
DRRN 251900Z 04003KT 4000 DU NSC 25/M03 Q1012 NOSIG
- GQNN: Nouakchott, Mauritania
GQNN 251930Z 05007KT 4000 BLDU SKC 27/M00 Q1013 NOSIG
GQNN 251900Z 06009KT 4000 BLDU SKC 28/M00 Q1013 NOSIG
- KCHD: Chandler, Chandler Municipal Airport, AZ, United States
KCHD 251947Z 27020G27KT 40SM BLDU FEW070 13/M13 A3008
KCHD 251847Z 31025G36KT 30SM BLDU FEW070 12/M12 A3009
- KONT: Ontario, Ontario Intl Arpt, CA, United States
KONT 251953Z 06008G18KT 10SM CLR 17/M18 A3020 RMK AO2 PK WND 07034/1901 WSHFT 1850 SLP226 BLDU S-SW T01671178
KONT 251910Z 06019G34KT 10SM CLR 16/M19 A3021 RMK AO2 PK WND 07034/1901 WSHFT 1850 BLDU S-SW $
KONT 251853Z 07016G27KT 10SM CLR 16/M15 A3021 RMK AO2 PK WND 03039/1755 SLP228 BLDU S-SW T01611150 $
0 stations reporting sand or sandstorm
18 stations reporting smoke
EQBH 251950Z 01003KT 5000 FU SKC 01/M10 Q1025 WHT
KQAE 252055Z 21001KT 8000 FU HZ FEW008 04/M03 A3027 RMK FU FEW008 SLP250 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 52003
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
- KQTO: Balad, Iraq
KQTO 252055Z 35001KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 02/M04 A3025 RMK SLP249 Q1025MB PA-138 DA-1704 53008
KQTO 251955Z 33002KT 9000 FU HZ SKC 04/M03 A3024 RMK SLP244 Q1024MB PA-129 DA-1437
KQTO 251855Z 29002KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 04/M03 A3023 RMK SLP243 Q1024MB PA-120 DA-1426
- KQTX: Kirkuk, Iraq
KQTX 251855Z 08003KT 9999 FEW005 SCT200 06/M07 A3020 RMK FU FEW005 SLP238
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
KQTZ 252055Z 27001KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 04/M03 A3026 RMK SLP249 QNH1024MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 53007
- MGSJ: San Jose, Guatemala
MGSJ 252100Z 18014KT 9000 SKC 31/20 Q1010 FU
MGSJ 252000Z 18014KT 9000 SKC 31/20 Q1010 FU
MGSJ 251900Z 18014KT 9000 SKC 31/20 Q1011 VIS RED FU
- MMRX: Reynosa Intl Arpt, Mexico
MMRX 252042Z 30010KT 10SM SCT220 23/11 A2999 RMK SLP153 56475 990 8/002 PRESFR FU
MMRX 251940Z 30008KT 8SM SCT220 23/11 A3003 RMK 8/002 PRESFR FU
- MMZO: Manzanillo International, Mexico
MMZO 252045Z 22010KK 8SM BKN250 26/22 A2987 RMK 8/006 HZ FU
MMZO 251945Z 21008KT 8SM BKN250 26/20 S2990 RMK 8/006 HZ FU
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 252125Z 29003KT 4000 FU SKC 08/04 Q1015
OPLA 252055Z 36003KT 4000 FU SKC 05/01 Q1015 NOSIG
OPLA 251955Z 36003KT 4000 FU SKC 10/04 Q1015 NOSIG
OPLA 251925Z 32003KT 4000 FU SKC 06/01 Q1015
OPLA 251925Z 27003KT 4000 FU SKC 09/04 Q1015
OPLA 251855Z 27005KT 4000 FU SKC 08/03 Q1015 NOSIG
- OPNH: Nawabshah, Pakistan
OPNH 252100Z 31504KT 4000M FU 09/07 Q1016
OPNH 252000Z 31504KT 4000M FU 10/08 Q1016
OPNH 251900Z 31504KT 4000M FU 11/08 Q1017
- OPRN: Islamabad Airport, Pakistan
OPRN 252100Z 00000KTS 6000 FU SKC 07/04 Q1016.1
OPRN 252000Z 00000KTS 6000 FU SKC 07/04 Q1016.4
OPRN 251900Z 00000KTS 7000 FU SKC 08/04 Q1016.4
- UHWW: Vladivostok, Russia
UHWW 252100Z 24001MPS 5000 FU BKN200 M16/M20 Q1035 NOSIG RMK QFE775/1033 7581//65
UHWW 252000Z 27001MPS 5000 FU BKN200 M14/M20 Q1035 NOSIG RMK QFE775/1033 7581//65
UHWW 251900Z 24004MPS 5000 FU SCT200 M15/M20 Q1035 NOSIG RMK QFE775/1034 7581//65
- UKDR: Krivyy Rih / Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine
UKDR 252130Z 11005MPS 080V150 5000 BR FU OVC023 M00/M01 Q1033 1809//60 NOSIG
UKDR 252100Z 10004MPS 4900 BR FU OVC011 M00/M01 Q1033 1809//60 NOSIG
UKDR 252030Z 11004MPS 4700 BR FU OVC008 M00/M01 Q1033 1809//60 NOSIG
UKDR 252000Z 11003MPS 3200 BR FU OVC006 M00/M01 Q1033 1809//60 NOSIG
UKDR 251930Z 12002MPS 1500 BR FU OVC006 M00/M01 Q1033 1809//60
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 252140Z 34003KT 3000 FU SKC 24/18 Q1012 NOSIG
VABB 252040Z 00000KT 3000 FU SKC 23/19 Q1012 NOSIG
VABB 251940Z 00000KT 3000 FU SKC 25/18 Q1013 NOSIG
- VIAR: Amritsar, India
VIAR 251930Z 00000KT 3000 FU SKC 11/07 Q1015
- ZYHB: Harbin, China
ZYHB 252100Z 09001MPS 0600 R23/0800N R05/1100N FZFG FU NSC M12/M14 Q1031 NOSIG
ZYHB 252000Z 07001MPS 0900 R23/0800N R05/1000N FZFG FU NSC M12/M15 Q1031 NOSIG
ZYHB 251900Z 00000MPS 0700 R23/1100D R05/1300VP2000D FZFG FU NSC M13/M15 Q1031 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
- CWEZ: Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada
    Wind, Pressure Change, Hourly Precip Total
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- KEGI: Duke Field / Eglin Auxiliary, FL, United States
    Hourly Precip Total, 3/6-Hourly Precip Total
- KFHR: Friday Harbor, Friday Harbor Airport, WA, United States
    Wind, Pressure Change
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
    Wind, Visibility
- KOZR: Cairns Army Air Field / Ozark, AL, United States
    Pressure Change, Thunderstorm
- SBRB: Rio Branco, Brazil
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- SLLP: La Paz / Alto, Bolivia
    Hail, Thunderstorm
- UARR: Uralsk, Kazakhstan
    Pressure, Ice Crystals/Diamond Dust
45 unidentified stations (out of a total of 339 documented unknown stations)
- KQB4 (OLD)
- KQC3 (OLD)
- KQD9 (OLD)
- KQL5 (OLD)
- KQW3 (OLD)