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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2008033021
Currently using 22172 observations from 4050 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Sun Mar 30 21:51:18 UTC 2008
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
1 station reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
0 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
3 stations reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- DXXX: Lome, Togo [28°C, 82.4°F]
DXXX 302130Z 21006KT 9999 FEW013 BKN230 29/28 Q1009 NOSIG
- SBRB: Rio Branco, Brazil [28°C, 82.4°F]
SBRB 302000Z 00000KT 9999 FEW025TCU SCT030 BKN100 30/28 Q1006
- TNCC: Hato Airport, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles [28°C, 82.4°F]
TNCC 301900Z 09013KT 050V120 9999 BKN020 30/28 Q1011
23 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- DBBB: Cotonou, Benin [26°C, 78.8°F]
DBBB 302100Z 19009KT 9999 TS SCT013 FEW026CB 29/26 Q1007 NOSIG
- DIAP: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire [26°C, 78.8°F]
DIAP 302130Z 22004KT 8000 R21//////N FEW012 BKN250 27/26 Q1009 RETS NOSIG
- DXXX: Lome, Togo [27°C, 80.6°F]
DXXX 301900Z 20011KT 9999 FEW013 BKN230 29/27 Q1007 NOSIG
- FCPP: Pointe-Noire, Congo, Republic of the [26°C, 78.8°F]
FCPP 302100Z 18008KT 9999 FEW013 28/26 Q1007 NOSIG
- FMNM: Majunga, Madagascar [26°C, 78.8°F]
FMNM 301900Z 00000KT 9999 FEW023 27/26 Q1011
- FOOG: Port-Gentil, Gabon [26°C, 78.8°F]
FOOG 302100Z /////KT 8000 SCT010 29/26 Q1008
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon [27°C, 80.6°F]
FOOL 302130Z 20003KT 160V250 8000 TS SCT008 FEW020CB OVC030 28/27 Q1008
- MMMT: Minatitlan, Mexico [27°C, 80.6°F]
MMMT 301954Z 36010KT 12SM SKC 31/27 A2981
- NGFU: Funafuti, Tuvalu [27°C, 80.6°F]
NGFU 302100Z 02005KT 50KM SCT020 29/27 Q1010 RESH
- SBEK: Jacareacanga, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBEK 301900Z 36003KT 9999 FEW020 SCT400 30/26 Q1006 RETS
- SBMN: Manaus Aeroporto, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBMN 301900Z /////KT 2000 -TSRA BKN006 FEW025CB BKN100 26/26 Q1008
- SBPB: Parnaiba Aeroporto, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBPB 301900Z 35006KT 9999 SCT020 BKN300 30/26 Q1006
- SBRB: Rio Branco, Brazil [27°C, 80.6°F]
SBRB 301900Z 00000KT 9999 SCT030 SCT100 29/27 Q1008
- SBTE: Teresina Aeroporto, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBTE 302000Z 17002KT 9999 -RA SCT030TCU BKN100 28/26 Q1007
- SKCG: Cartagena / Rafael Nunez, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKCG 302100Z 33015KT 9999 FEW015 29/26 A2977
- SLRQ: Rurrenabaque, Bolivia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SLRQ 302100Z 09006KT 9999 SCT015 BKN200 28/26 Q1007
- TJPS: Ponce, Mercedita Airport, PR, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
TJPS 301850Z 16010G20KT 10SM FEW025 31/26 A2993
- TNCA: Queen Beatrix Airport, Aruba [26°C, 78.8°F]
TNCA 301900Z 07019G30KT 9999 SCT024 31/26 Q1011
- TNCB: Flamingo Airport, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles [26°C, 78.8°F]
TNCB 302000Z 09017KT 060V120 9999 FEW020 30/26 Q1011
- TNCC: Hato Airport, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles [27°C, 80.6°F]
TNCC 302000Z 08013KT 050V110 9999 SCT020 29/27 Q1011
- VRMM: Male, Maldives [26°C, 78.8°F]
VRMM 302100Z 22007KT 9999 FEW018 28/26 Q1009
- VTBU: Rayong, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTBU 301930Z 29003KT 8000 FEW020 BKN300 29/26 Q1008 A2979
- WBKT: Kudat, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WBKT 302100Z 12003KT 9999 FEW016 BKN280 27/26 Q1008
0 stations reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
0 stations reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
2 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- KMYP: Salida Mountain, Monarch Pass, CO, United States [50kt, 26m/s]
KMYP 302138Z AUTO 22041G50KT 10SM SCT043 BKN050 OVC060 01/M10 A2997 RMK AO2
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq [56kt, 29m/s]
KQSL 302030Z 15035G56KT 0000 +DS VV000 26/00 A2965 RMK DU OVC000 WND DATA ESTMD
11 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- CWCJ: Pukaskwa, Canada [44kt, 22m/s]
CWCJ 301900Z AUTO 17033G44KT 02/M05 RMK AO1 PK WND 16046/1820 SLP180 T00211045 58021
- K0CO: Berthoud Pass, CO, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
K0CO 302112Z AUTO 16022G40KT 1 1/4SM SCT009 SCT013 OVC020 M05/M08 A2985 RMK AO2 PWINO
- KDAG: Daggett, Barstow-Daggett Airport, CA, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KDAG 302051Z AUTO 24029G40KT 10SM FEW060 19/01 A2982 RMK AO2 PK WND 25045/2012 SLP084 T01940006 58015
KDAG 301951Z AUTO 25030G40KT 10SM CLR 19/M02 A2984 RMK AO2 PK WND 25042/1932 SLP092 T01891017
- KFLG: Flagstaff, Flagstaff Pulliam Airport, AZ, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KFLG 301956Z 20026G40KT 10SM FEW050 BKN080 12/M03 A2988 RMK AO2 PK WND 21040/1952 SLP058 T01171033 $
KFLG 301956Z 20026G40KT 10SM FEW050 BKN080 12/M03 A2988 RMK AO2 PK WND 21040/1952 SLP058 T01171033 $
KFLG 301956Z 20026G40KT 10SM FEW050 BKN080 12/M03 A2988
- KGCN: Grand Canyon National Park, AZ, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KGCN 302054Z 23021G40KT 10SM BKN075 13/M07 A2981 RMK AO2 PK WND 22040/2051 SLP038 T01281067 56018
- KGJT: Grand Junction, Walker Field, CO, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KGJT 302053Z 20027G41KT 9SM CLR 17/M03 A2964 RMK AO2 PK WND 20041/2051 SLP994 T01721033 56029
KGJT 302053Z 20027G41KT 9SM CLR 17/M03 A2964
- KINW: Winslow, Winslow Municipal Airport, AZ, United States [42kt, 21m/s]
KINW 302056Z AUTO 21029G42KT 10SM CLR 21/M03 A2980 RMK AO2 PK WND 20044/2041 SLP048 T02061033 58020
KINW 302056Z AUTO 21029G42KT 10SM CLR 21/M03 A2980
- KLAR: Laramie, Laramie Regional Airport, WY, United States [42kt, 21m/s]
KLAR 302138Z AUTO 15031G40KT 1 3/4SM UP BR SCT075 M04/M06 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 15042/2115 VIS 1 1/4V2 1/2 UPB08 P0000 TSNO
KLAR 302128Z AUTO 15032G40KT 2SM UP FEW060 M03/M06 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 15042/2115 UPB08 P0000 TSNO
KLAR 302120Z AUTO 15031G42KT 1 3/4SM BLSN BR FEW060 M04/M06 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 15042/2115 VIS 1 1/4V3 UPB08E11 P0000 TSNO
KLAR 302111Z AUTO 15033G40KT 2SM BLSN FEW060 SCT080 M03/M06 A2970 RMK AO2 PK WND 14040/2111 UPB08E11 P0000 TSNO
KLAR 301926Z AUTO 14031G40KT 3/4SM -SN SCT008 BKN080 M04/M07 A2975 RMK AO2 PK WND 15040/1920 P0000 TSNO
- KMYP: Salida Mountain, Monarch Pass, CO, United States [45kt, 23m/s]
KMYP 302019Z AUTO 21030G41KT 10SM SCT034 OVC042 00/M09 A3001 RMK AO2
KMYP 301856Z AUTO 20037G45KT 10SM SCT041 BKN048 OVC060 01/M10 A3003 RMK AO2
- KQTU: Mosul, Iraq [40kt, 20m/s]
KQTU 302101Z 35027G40KT 0800 -SHRA BLDU SQ FEW033 BKN043 OVC080 22/08 A2973 RMK BLDU FEW033 BKN043 WND DATA ESTMD
- KSOW: Show Low Municipal, AZ, United States [46kt, 23m/s]
KSOW 302130Z AUTO 20033G43KT 10SM CLR 17/M04 A2987 RMK AO2
KSOW 302130Z AUTO 20033G43KT 10SM CLR 17/M04 A2987
KSOW 302110Z AUTO 21028G42KT 8SM CLR 17/M04 A2986 RMK AO2
KSOW 302110Z AUTO 21028G42KT 8SM CLR 17/M04 A2986
KSOW 302050Z AUTO 21034G46KT 9SM CLR 17/M03 A2987 RMK AO2
KSOW 302050Z AUTO 21034G46KT 9SM CLR 17/M03 A2987
KSOW 302010Z AUTO 21026G40KT 10SM CLR 16/M03 A2989 RMK AO2
KSOW 302010Z AUTO 21026G40KT 10SM CLR 16/M03 A2989
KSOW 301850Z AUTO 20030G42KT 9SM CLR 15/M02 A2993 RMK AO2
KSOW 301850Z AUTO 20030G42KT 9SM CLR 15/M02 A2993
0 stations reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
2 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
- OIMM: Mashhad, Iran [1059mb, 31.27in]
OIMM 301850Z 18004KT CAVOK 17/03 Q1059 A3011=- METAR OIAW 301850Z 10006KT CAVOK 26/04 Q1005 A2970
OIMM 301850Z 18004KT CAVOK 17/03 Q1059 A3011
- PMDY: Sand Island, Henderson Field Airport, HI, United States [1052.3mb, 31.07in]
PMDY 302056Z AUTO 15009KT 8SM CLR 24/22 A3016 RMK AO2 TSNO 51015 T02380216 SLP523
PMDY 301956Z AUTO 15007KT 6SM BR CLR 23/22 A3016 RMK AO2 TSNO T02330216 SLP522
PMDY 301856Z AUTO 17006KT 7SM CLR 23/21 A3014 RMK AO2 TSNO T02270211 SLP515
1 station reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- KQBE: UNKNOWN, [1046.2mb, 30.89in]
KQBE 302055Z AUTO 06001KT 9999 CLR 12/05 A3088 RMK AO2 SLP458
KQBE 301955Z AUTO 27001KT 9999 CLR 12/04 A3089 RMK AO2 SLP462
KQBE 301855Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 CLR 13/05 A3088 RMK AO2 SLP462
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 950mb and 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 960mb - 969mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 970mb - 979mb
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
2 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- MMPS: Puerto Escondido, Mexico [-7.0mb]
MMPS 302045Z 18006KT 15SM SCT015 28/22 A3004 SLP136 57070 918 8/100 HZY
- MMTG: Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chis., Mexico [-5.1mb]
MMTG 302046Z 00000KT 10SM SCT035 38/16 A2982 RMK SLP041 57051 954 8/100 HZY
4 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWCF: Berens River CS , Man., Canada [6.6mb]
CWCF 302100Z AUTO 31018KT M02/M04 RMK AO1 PK WND 31032/2020 SLP154 T10171044 51059
CWCF 302000Z AUTO 31021KT M02/M04 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 30033/1922 SLP137 T10161035 53061
CWCF 301900Z AUTO 31019KT M02/M03 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 30034/1834 SLP116 T10201029 51066
- CXEA: Ear Falls (aut), ON, Canada [6.0mb]
CXEA 302100Z AUTO 25010G16KT 01/M01 RMK AO1 PK WND 26017/2018 SLP120 T00071012 51057
CXEA 302000Z AUTO 26011G16KT 01/M01 RMK AO1 PK WND 28019/1938 SLP104 T00061011 53060
CXEA 301900Z AUTO 26010G16KT 01/M01 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 26018/1841 SLP083 T00061007 53058
- CXMD: Morden CDA CS , Man., Canada [5.0mb]
CXMD 301900Z AUTO 31012KT 02/M04 RMK AO1 PK WND 33025/1815 SLP189 T00191037 51050
- CXWN: Winnipeg The Forks, Man., Canada [6.5mb]
CXWN 302000Z AUTO 28007KT 02/M03 RMK AO1 PK WND 31019/1908 SLP183 T00241027 51058
CXWN 301900Z AUTO 30007KT 01/M03 RMK AO1 PK WND 30019/1832 SLP168 T00131027 51065
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
1 station reporting heavy snow
- KRWL: Rawlins, Rawlins Municipal Airport, WY, United States
KRWL 302022Z AUTO 05009KT 1/4SM +SN VV003 M04/M07 A2974 RMK AO2 P0000
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
14 stations reporting heavy rain
- KAWM: West Memphis, West Memphis Municipal Airport, AR, United States
KAWM 302027Z AUTO VRB03KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT006 SCT015 OVC040 17/16 A3012 RMK AO2 P0008
- KCTZ: Clinton, Sampson County Airport, NC, United States
KCTZ 301923Z AUTO 02006KT 4SM +RA BKN008 OVC012 07/06 A3047 RMK AO2 P0002
KCTZ 301923Z AUTO 02006KT 4SM +RA BKN008 OVC012 07/06 A3047
- KEWN: New Bern, Craven County Regional Airport, NC, United States
KEWN 302103Z 05011G18KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN009 OVC014 09/08 A3048 RMK AO2 CIG 005V011 P0001
- KEYF: Elizabethtown, Curtis L Brown Jr. Field Airport, NC, United States
KEYF 302140Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM +RA OVC005 07/06 A3042 RMK AO2 P0003
KEYF 301900Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM +RA BKN006 OVC010 06/05 A3045 RMK AO2
- KHOT: Hot Springs, Memorial Field Airport, AR, United States
KHOT 301853Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR SCT004 BKN008 OVC020 16/14 A3009 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW TSB04E19 SLP188 P0022 T01560144 $
KHOT 301853Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR SCT004 BKN008 OVC020 16/14 A3009
KHOT 301851Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR SCT004 BKN008 OVC020 16/14 A3009 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW TSB04E19 P0021 $
KHOT 301851Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR SCT004 BKN008 OVC020 16/14 A3009
KHOT 301845Z AUTO 15004KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT004 SCT008 OVC020 16/14 A3008 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW TSB04E19 P0019 $
KHOT 301845Z AUTO 15004KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT004 SCT008 OVC020 16/14 A3008
- KLUK: Cincinnati, Cincinnati Municipal Airport Lunken Field, OH, United States
KLUK 301918Z 00000KT 1 3/4SM R21L/4500VP6000FT +RA BKN024 BKN030 OVC047 11/08 A3025 RMK AO2 RAB02 P0005
KLUK 301918Z 00000KT 1 3/4SM R21L/4500VP6000FT +RA BKN024 BKN030 OVC047 11/08 A3025
- KM89: Dexter B Florence Mem Fld, United States
KM89 301945Z AUTO 05005KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR SCT002 BKN017 OVC045 16/15 A3009 RMK AO2 TSE1857 P0000
KM89 301903Z AUTO 02005KT 1SM +RA BR BKN002 BKN021 OVC041 16/15 A3010 RMK AO2 CIG 002V011 TSE1857 P0000
- KMLU: Monroe, Monroe Regional Airport, LA, United States
KMLU 302126Z 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR OVC024 20/18 A3010 RMK AO2 P0011
KMLU 302126Z 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR OVC024 20/18 A3010
- KSRC: Searcy, Searcy Municipal Airport, AR, United States
KSRC 301912Z AUTO 00000KT 1SM +RA BR BKN001 BKN007 OVC023 14/14 A3011 RMK AO2 TSNO BKN V SCT P0018
KSRC 301908Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN003 OVC011 14/14 A3011 RMK AO2 TSNO CIG 001V007 P0017
KSRC 301856Z AUTO 00000KT 1SM +RA BR BKN003 BKN006 OVC019 14/13 A3011 RMK AO2 TSNO T01440133 CIG 001V005 P0042 SLP201
- KTXK: Texarkana, Texarkana Regional-Webb Field, AR, United States
KTXK 301953Z AUTO 12008KT 3SM +RA BR BKN026 OVC035 18/16 A3004 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE AND SW TSB1856E14B21E36RAB12 SLP168 P0017 T01830161
KTXK 301936Z 06003KT 4SM +RA BKN026 OVC075 19/15 A3005 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S TSB1856E14B21E36RAB12 P0008
- KUOX: Oxford, University-Oxford Airport, MS, United States
KUOX 302055Z AUTO 30008KT 2SM +RA OVC006 17/16 A3014 RMK AO2
- KUTA: Tunica, MS, United States
KUTA 302120Z AUTO 09005KT 5SM +RA SCT007 OVC025 17/15 A3012 RMK AO2 P0003 LTG DSNT E
KUTA 301900Z AUTO 06008KT 2SM +RA BKN013 BKN019 OVC042 17/16 A3013 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQS
- LEGE: Gerona / Costa Brava, Spain
LEGE 302130Z 04015KT 010V070 3000 +RA SCT018 BKN034 OVC080 07/06 Q1015
- LFTW: Nimes / Garons, France
LFTW 302130Z AUTO 34008KT 290V040 2500NDV +RA BR BKN004/// OVC008/// 10/09 Q1015
20 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- ETAD: Spangdahlem, Germany
ETAD 302021Z AUTO 23008KT 9999 UP OVC021 09/07 A2978 RMK AO2 UPB2017RAB2008E2017 CIG 016V040 SLP090
- KASW: Warsaw, Warsaw Municipal Airport, IN, United States
KASW 301845Z AUTO 13005KT 3SM UP OVC010 04/03 A3018 RMK AO2
- KBCB: Virginia Tech Airport, VA, United States
KBCB 301940Z AUTO 11005KT 3SM UP OVC009 02/01 A3051 RMK AO2
- KDIJ: Driggs Reed Mem, ID, United States
KDIJ 302142Z AUTO 33008KT 3SM UP BR FEW001 M04/M06 A2975 RMK AO2 TSNO UPE00B24 P0000 $
KDIJ 302134Z AUTO 33009KT 2 1/2SM UP BR SCT001 M04/M06 A2975 RMK AO2 TSNO UPE00B24 P0000 $
KDIJ 302056Z AUTO 33007KT 3SM UP SCT001 BKN006 OVC012 M03/M07 A2975 RMK AO2 TSNO 58014 60000 T10331066 CIG 005V009 UPE20B47SNB20E47 P0000 SLP108 $
KDIJ 302004Z AUTO 33007KT 4SM UP SCT025 M04/M07 A2977 RMK AO2 TSNO P0000 $
KDIJ 301956Z AUTO 33007KT 4SM UP BKN025 M03/M07 A2977 RMK AO2 TSNO T10331072 BKN V SCT UPB52 P0000 SLP118 $
- KFBG: Fort Bragg / Simmons Army Airfield, NC, United States
KFBG 302106Z AUTO 04007KT 3SM UP BR OVC003 06/05 A3047 RMK AO2 CIG 002V017 SLP319 $
KFBG 302055Z AUTO VRB06KT 2 1/2SM UP BR OVC003 06/05 A3047 RMK AO2 UPE2006B2036 SLP320 P0002 60007 T00620054 58008 $
KFBG 302036Z AUTO 03007KT 8SM UP OVC004 06/05 A3048 RMK AO2 UPE2006B2036 CIG 003V013 SLP322 $
KFBG 301955Z AUTO 02007KT 7SM UP OVC003 06/05 A3049 RMK AO2 SLP324 P0002 T00610051 $
KFBG 301858Z AUTO 02007KT 340V040 3SM UP BR OVC003 06/05 A3049 RMK AO2 SLP326 $
KFBG 301855Z AUTO 03007KT 3SM UP BR OVC003 06/05 A3049 RMK AO2 SLP325 P0003 T00590049 $
- KGSB: Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base, NC, United States
KGSB 301959Z AUTO 04009KT 7SM UP OVC005 07/07 A3047 RMK AO2 UPB1959RAE1957DZB1957E1959 SLP318 $
KGSB 301929Z AUTO 04009KT 6SM UP BR OVC010 07/06 A3047 RMK AO2 CIG 005 RWY26 SLP319 $
KGSB 301914Z AUTO 04009G16KT 6SM UP BR OVC009 07/06 A3048 RMK AO2 CIG 005V150 SLP321 $
KGSB 301903Z AUTO 04009KT 5SM UP BR OVC005 07/06 A3048 RMK AO2 SLP322 $
KGSB 301855Z AUTO 03011G15KT 8SM UP OVC006 07/06 A3048 RMK AO2 UPB1850 SLP321 P0000 T00670061 $
- KLAR: Laramie, Laramie Regional Airport, WY, United States
KLAR 302138Z AUTO 15031G40KT 1 3/4SM UP BR SCT075 M04/M06 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 15042/2115 VIS 1 1/4V2 1/2 UPB08 P0000 TSNO
KLAR 302128Z AUTO 15032G40KT 2SM UP FEW060 M03/M06 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 15042/2115 UPB08 P0000 TSNO
- KONZ: Detroit/Grosse Ile, Grosse Ile Airport, MI, United States
KONZ 302015Z AUTO 09008KT 10SM UP OVC028 06/M02 A3025 RMK AO2
- KPOB: Pope Air Force Base, NC, United States
KPOB 301936Z AUTO 04009KT 5SM UP BR OVC007 06/06 A3049 RMK AO2 RAB1906E1915 CIG 003 RWY05 SLP327 $
KPOB 301929Z AUTO 05012KT 5SM UP BR OVC006 06/05 A3050 RMK AO2 RAB1906E1915 CIG 005V014 SLP328 $
KPOB 301927Z AUTO 04012KT 6SM UP BR OVC007 06/05 A3050 RMK AO2 RAB1906E1915 CIG 003 RWY05 SLP328 $
KPOB 301855Z AUTO 03011KT 4SM UP BR OVC005 06/06 A3049 RMK AO2 UPB1803RAB1756E1803B1823E1844DZE1756 SLP327 P0002 T00610056 $
- KPSK: Dublin / New River Valley, VA, United States
KPSK 302140Z AUTO 09008KT 7SM UP OVC012 03/01 A3049 RMK AO2
KPSK 301940Z AUTO 10006KT 7SM UP OVC012 02/01 A3050 RMK AO2
KPSK 301900Z AUTO 11007KT 7SM UP OVC012 02/01 A3051 RMK AO2
- KRCA: Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD, United States
KRCA 302120Z AUTO 16006KT 10SM UP OVC024 M00/M06 A3003 RMK AO2 UPB2120 SLP203 PNO $
KRCA 302008Z AUTO 17008KT 10SM UP BKN029 M00/M07 A3005 RMK AO2 SLP209 PNO $
KRCA 301955Z AUTO 17007KT 10SM UP OVC048 00/M07 A3005 RMK AO2 UPB1955 BKN050 V OVC SLP207 T00021071 PNO $
- KSFQ: Suffolk, Suffolk Municipal Airport, VA, United States
KSFQ 302140Z AUTO 04009KT 7SM UP SCT011 BKN016 OVC023 08/07 A3056 RMK AO2
KSFQ 302040Z AUTO 06009KT 7SM UP BKN015 OVC055 07/06 A3057 RMK AO2 P0001
KSFQ 302000Z AUTO 05012G16KT 7SM UP BKN014 OVC060 07/06 A3056 RMK AO2
KSFQ 301940Z AUTO 06010KT 10SM UP SCT016 OVC060 07/06 A3057 RMK AO2 P0001
KSFQ 301920Z AUTO 05012G18KT 012V072 10SM UP OVC016 08/06 A3057 RMK AO2
- KSLC: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City Intl Arpt, UT, United States
KSLC 302129Z 36005KT 1 1/2SM UP BR FEW007 BKN014 OVC028 02/01 A2980 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 5 UPB27SNE27 CIG 008 NW RNWY P0001 $
KSLC 302129Z 36005KT 1 1/2SM UP BR FEW007 BKN014 OVC028 02/01 A2980
- KVAD: Moody Air Force Base, GA, United States
KVAD 302135Z AUTO 03008KT 10SM UP SCT023 19/13 A3026 RMK AO2 UPB2130 SCT023 V BKN SLP244
KVAD 302133Z AUTO 03008KT 10SM UP BKN023 19/13 A3025 RMK AO2 UPB2130 SCT023 V BKN SLP244
KVAD 302130Z AUTO 03006KT 10SM UP SCT023 19/13 A3026 RMK AO2 UPB2130 SLP244
- PAIG: Igiugig, AK, United States
PAIG 302018Z AUTO 10009G16KT 8SM UP FEW003 SCT028 OVC040 03/01 A2980 RMK AO2 TSNO P0000
PAIG 301956Z AUTO 10010KT 9SM UP OVC040 03/01 A2980 RMK AO2 TSNO T00270005 P0000 SLP095
PAIG 301856Z AUTO 09008KT 10SM UP FEW024 OVC033 03/M01 A2979 RMK AO2 TSNO T00271005 UPB16 P0000 SLP091
- PAIL: Iliamna, Iliamna Airport, AK, United States
PAIL 301953Z 09020G29KT 10SM UP OVC033 02/01 A2988 RMK AO2 PK WND 10033/1855 UPB45SNE45 SLP122 P0000 T00170011
- PAKI: Kipnuk, AK, United States
PAKI 302112Z AUTO 23007KT 3/4SM UP BR OVC004 M01/M01 A2965 RMK AO2 TSNO P0000 $
PAKI 302056Z AUTO 22007KT 1/4SM UP FZFG OVC004 M01/M02 A2965 RMK AO2 TSNO 53017 60000 T10111016 UPB15 P0000 SLP041 $
PAKI 302031Z AUTO 22007KT 1/2SM UP FZFG BKN004 OVC018 M02/M02 A2964 RMK AO2 TSNO CIG 004V009 UPB15 P0000 $
PAKI 302028Z AUTO 22006KT 1 1/4SM UP BR BKN004 BKN008 OVC018 M02/M02 A2963 RMK AO2 TSNO UPB15 P0000 $
PAKI 302020Z AUTO 22006KT 2SM UP BR BKN006 BKN012 OVC018 M02/M02 A2963 RMK AO2 TSNO CIG 004V009 UPB15 P0000 $
PAKI 302017Z AUTO 22006KT 1 1/2SM UP BR BKN004 BKN012 OVC018 M02/M02 A2963 RMK AO2 TSNO CIG 004V009 UPB15 P0000 $
PAKI 301856Z AUTO 17004KT 1/2SM UP FZFG OVC004 M02/M03 A2959 RMK AO2 TSNO T10161027 P0000 SLP023 $
- PAMK: St. Michael, AK, United States
PAMK 302056Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM UP SCT022 BKN030 OVC080 00/M01 A2960 RMK AO2 TSNO 52008 60000 T00001011 UPB01 P0000 SLP029 $
PAMK 301941Z AUTO 00000KT 4SM UP BR FEW015 BKN024 M01/M02 A2959 RMK AO2 TSNO P0000 $
PAMK 301856Z AUTO 19004KT 4SM UP BR SCT019 SCT025 BKN070 M01/M02 A2959 RMK AO2 TSNO T10051022 BKN V SCT P0000 SLP024 $
- PASO: Seldovia, Seldovia Airport, United States
PASO 301953Z AUTO 20009G15KT 10SM UP OVC021 03/M01 A3001 RMK AO2 UPB40 SLP163 P0000 T00281006 TSNO
- RJTY: Yokota Ab, Japan
RJTY 301955Z AUTO 02006KT 7000 UP BR VV007 06/05 A2972 RMK AO2 UPB1932RAE1907 SLP068 P0003 T00610054 $
RJTY 301946Z AUTO 01006KT 8000 UP BR VV007 06/05 A2973 RMK AO2 UPB1932RAE1907 SLP071 $
RJTY 301942Z AUTO 01006KT 9000 UP BR FEW004 OVC008 06/05 A2973 RMK AO2 UPB1932RAE1907 BKN008 V OVC SLP071 $
RJTY 301932Z AUTO 02005KT 9999 UP BR BKN008 06/05 A2973 RMK AO2 UPB1932RAE1907 SLP072 $
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
2 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
- KGEG: Spokane, Spokane Intl Arpt, WA, United States
KGEG 301953Z 22004KT 1/2SM R21/2600FT -SN FZFG SCT004 BKN028 OVC049 M01/M02 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP168 SFC VIS 1 1/8 SNINCR 1/4 P0005 T10111017
KGEG 301853Z 10003KT 1/2SM R21/2400V2800FT SN FZFG BKN003 OVC008 M01/M02 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP166 SNINCR 1/3 P0005 T10061017
- KSKA: Fairchild Air Force Base, WA, United States
KSKA 301855Z 07008KT 1/2SM R05/2400V3000FT SN FZFG VV003 M01/M01 A2996 RMK AO2A SLP169 SNINCR 1/5 T10111012 $
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
31 stations reporting thunder with rain
- EIDW: Dublin Airport, Ireland
EIDW 302030Z 01007KT 6000 TSRA SCT015CB SCT023 BKN028 05/04 Q1000
- FEFF: Bangui, Central African Republic
FEFF 301900Z 05005KT 350V090 9999 TSRA SCT013 FEW033CB OVC130 22/21 Q1012 NOSIG
- FKYS: Yaounde, Cameroon
FKYS 301900Z 26010KT 230V300 3000 TSRA BKN006 SCT020CB OVC110 22/22 Q1011 NOSIG
- KAQV: Peason Ridge/Polk, LA, United States
KAQV 302056Z AUTO VRB06KT 10SM -TSRA FEW018 SCT065 OVC110 20/18 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP151 P0003 60007 T02000183 58007 $
- KAWM: West Memphis, West Memphis Municipal Airport, AR, United States
KAWM 301931Z AUTO 17010KT 8SM -TSRA FEW028 SCT034 BKN041 17/15 A3012 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S TSB25RAB24 PRESRR P0000
- KBAD: Barksdale Air Force Base, LA, United States
KBAD 301855Z AUTO 14015G25KT 6SM -TSRA BR SCT050 OVC110 18/17 A3002 RMK AO2 UPB1835E1836DZB1836E1843 TSE1801B1813E1842B1851 CIG 050 RWY33 PRESFR SLP166 P0014 T01850170 $
- KBQP: Bastrop Morehouse, LA, United States
KBQP 301947Z AUTO 21004KT 5SM -VCTSRA SCT030 OVC040 22/22 A3010 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
- KDKR: Crockett, TX, United States
KDKR 302125Z AUTO 16006KT 2 1/2SM -TSRA SCT001 BKN007 OVC046 21/19 A2998 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS VSBY 1V5
- KDNK: Polk, LA, United States
KDNK 302023Z AUTO 13010KT 4SM -TSRA BR SCT012 BKN025 OVC065 21/19 A3001 RMK AO2 PRESFR P0041
- KDRI: De Ridder, Beauregard Parish Airport, LA, United States
KDRI 301920Z AUTO 13006KT 7SM -TSRA OVC017 22/21 A3005 RMK AO2 P0004 LTG DSNT ALQS
- KF12: Henderson, TX, United States
KF12 302144Z AUTO 13010G15KT 7SM -VCTSRA SCT005 BKN027 OVC049 19/18 A2996 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQS P0009
- KFXE: Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport, FL, United States
KFXE 301911Z 36006KT 5SM TSRA SCT020 BKN025 OVC033 21/19 A3010 RMK AO2 TSB11 PNO $
- KGWO: Greenwood, Greenwood-LeFlore Airport, MS, United States
KGWO 302137Z AUTO 36004KT 8SM -TSRA FEW008 OVC042 21/18 A3007 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N-E RAB04 P0032
- KIER: Natchitoches, Natchitoches Regional Airport, LA, United States
KIER 302138Z AUTO 07012KT 4SM TSRA SCT021 BKN033 OVC060 21/21 A3003 RMK AO2 P0020 LTG DSNT ALQS
- KJSO: Jacksonville, Cherokee County Airport, TX, United States
KJSO 302107Z AUTO 09004KT 10SM -TSRA BKN021 BKN028 OVC040 20/18 A2996 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQS
- KJXI: Gilmer, Fox Stephens Field - Gilmer Municipal Airport, TX, United States
KJXI 302045Z AUTO 14009G16KT 1 1/4SM +TSRA SCT002 BKN008 OVC015 19/19 A3000 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE-S P0006
- KM89: Dexter B Florence Mem Fld, United States
KM89 301856Z AUTO 01007KT 1SM +VCTSRA BR BKN002 BKN021 OVC045 16/15 A3010 RMK AO2 T01550150 BKN V SCT LTG DSNT W TSB04E26B42 P0000 SLP206
- KMEZ: Dexter B. Florence Fld, AR, United States
KMEZ 301927Z AUTO 13004KT 10SM -TSRA SCT025 BKN055 OVC080 19/17 A3004 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND S P0030
- KPOE: Fort Polk, LA, United States
KPOE 302004Z 00000KT 3SM TSRA OVC025 22/19 A3004 RMK AO2 P0003
- KRSN: Ruston, Ruston Regional Airport, LA, United States
KRSN 302140Z AUTO 14010KT 3SM +VCTSRA SCT025 BKN036 OVC046 19/18 A3007 RMK AO2 P0028 LTG DSNT S THRU NW
- KSHV: Shreveport, Shreveport Regional Airport, LA, United States
KSHV 301956Z 14012G19KT 7SM -TSRA FEW015 SCT045CB BKN080 OVC130 18/16 A3002 RMK AO2 PK WND 14026/1917 SLP162 OCNL LTGIC SE-S TS SE-S MOV NE P0007 T01830161
- KTXK: Texarkana, Texarkana Regional-Webb Field, AR, United States
KTXK 301927Z 00000KT 8SM TSRA SCT026 SCT038 BKN075 19/16 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW TSB1856E14B21RAB12 PRESRR P0002
- KTYR: Tyler, Tyler Pounds Field, TX, United States
KTYR 302006Z 11010KT 4SM -TSRA BR SCT008 BKN026 OVC032 20/18 A2997 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0003
- KUTA: Tunica, MS, United States
KUTA 301940Z AUTO 08011KT 10SM -VCTSRA BKN029 OVC040 16/15 A3013 RMK AO2 P0001 LTG DSNT NW THRU E
- NLWW: Hihifo Ile Wallis, France
NLWW 301900Z 31008KT 280V340 9999 -TSRA FEW006 FEW013CB SCT015 BKN100 24/23 Q1010
- OPRN: Islamabad Airport, Pakistan
OPRN 302100Z 05030KT 3000 TSRA FEW030CB SCT040 BKN100 18/17 Q1009.3
- SBEG: Eduardo Gomes International, Brazil
SBEG 302000Z 29014KT 1500 R10/1700 TSRA BKN006 FEW025CB BKN330 22/22 Q1009 RERA
- SBMN: Manaus Aeroporto, Brazil
SBMN 302000Z /////KT 1000 TSRA BKN005 FEW025CB BKN100 24/24 Q1009
- SLRY: Reyes, Bolivia
SLRY 302000Z 00000KT 9999 VCTSRA SCT015 FEW023CB BKN070 27/25 Q1008
- VTSP: Phuket Airport, Thailand
VTSP 301930Z 28010G20KT 3000 TSRA FEW015CB SCT018 SCT120 BKN300 26/23 Q1010 A2982 TS OVER AD
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia
WMKP 302000Z 24007KT 9000 -RA FEW017CB SCT023 BKN270 26/25 Q1009 RETSRA
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
3 stations reporting visibility of zero
- KQAJ: Bogue Field, NC, United States
KQAJ 301855Z 29013G19KT 0000 +DS VV001 25/05 A2973 RMK TS2 SLP058 T02450052 PA 800 DA 2130
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq
KQSL 302030Z 15035G56KT 0000 +DS VV000 26/00 A2965 RMK DU OVC000 WND DATA ESTMD
- PACZ: Cape Romanzof, Cape Romanzof LRRS Airport, AK, United States
PACZ 301855Z AUTO 00000KT 0SM OVC001 M01/M02 A2954 RMK AO1 VSBY LT 1/4 T10111016
PACZ 301855Z AUTO 00000KT 0SM OVC001 M01/M02 A2954
10 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- DAUI: In Salah North, Algeria [100meters]
DAUI 301900Z 03028KT 0100 BLSA NSC 27/02 Q1014
- KDKR: Crockett, TX, United States [<1/4mile]
KDKR 302105Z AUTO 05010G32KT M1/4SM TSRA OVC001 19/17 A2997 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS
- KQAJ: Bogue Field, NC, United States [200meters]
KQAJ 301955Z 30012G22KT 0200 +DS VV001 23/04 A2972 RMK TS2 SLP055 T02340036 PA 804 DA 1999
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq [100meters]
KQSL 302055Z 05007KT 0200 +DS BKN000 OVC200 27/02 A2966 RMK DU BKN000 SLP034 Q1004MB
KQSL 301955Z COR 02007KT 0200 +DS BKN000 OVC180 26/03 A2970 RMK DU BKN000 SLP050 Q1006MB
KQSL 301955Z 02007KT 0200 +DS BKN000 OVC180 26/03 A2970 RMK SLP050 Q1006MB
KQSL 301855Z COR 33013KT 0100 +DS BKN000 OVC200 26/02 A2971 RMK PK WND 28036/03 DU BKN000 SLP054 Q1006MB
KQSL 301855Z 33013KT 0100 +DS BKN000 OVC200 26/02 A2971 RMK PK WND 28036/03 SLP054 Q1006MB
- KQTO: Balad, Iraq [200meters]
KQTO 302055Z 02010KT 0200 DS VV002 26/02 A2967 RMK SLP048 Q1005MB PA+389 DA+1837 50015
- KQTX: Kirkuk, Iraq [200meters]
KQTX 302055Z 33008KT 0200 DU OVC006 24/00 A2972 RMK DU OVC006 SLP049 52020
KQTX 301955Z COR 30010KT 0200 DU BKN005 OVC040 23/00 A2972 RMK DU BKN005 SLP049 COR 2000
KQTX 301955Z 30010KT 0200 DU BKN005 OVC040 23/00 A2967 RMK DU BKN005 SLP030
KQTX 301934Z 26012G19KT 0200 BLDU SCT043 BKN050 24/00 A2971
- LIMH: Pian Rosa, Italy [100meters]
LIMH 302055Z 21014G25KT 0100 -SN FZFG VV001 M08/M08 Q1015 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
LIMH 301955Z 17020KT 0100 -SN FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1015 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
LIMH 301855Z 15025KT 0100 FZFG VV001 M09/M10 Q1015 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
- PAMO: Mountain Village, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAMO 302056Z AUTO 15007KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC002 M01/M02 A2962 RMK AO2 TSNO 53010 T10051016 SLP030 $
PAMO 301956Z AUTO 15007KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC002 M01/M02 A2960 RMK AO2 TSNO T10111016 SLP024 $
PAMO 301856Z AUTO 14007KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC002 M01/M02 A2959 RMK AO2 TSNO T10111022 SLP022 $
- PAOO: Toksook Bay, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAOO 301956Z AUTO 16006KT M1/4SM FZFG M01/M01 A2960 RMK AO2 TSNO T10111011 SLP026 $
PAOO 301856Z AUTO 09004KT M1/4SM FZFG M02/M02 A2958 RMK AO2 TSNO T10161016 SLP020 $
- URML: Uytash, Russia [200meters]
URML 302100Z 16002MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1016 NOSIG RMK QFE762 QBB050 g/z ip~z c07
URML 302100Z 16002MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1016 NOSIG RMK QFE762 QBB050 G/Z IP Z SC07
URML 302000Z 14002MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QFE762 QBB050 g/z ip~z c07
URML 302000Z 14002MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QFE762 QBB050 G/Z IP~Z SC07
URML 302000Z 14002MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QFE762 QBB050 G/Z IP Z SC07
URML 301900Z 15003MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QFE763 QBB050 g/z ip~z c07
URML 301900Z 15003MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QFE763 QBB050 G/Z IP~Z SC07
URML 301900Z 15003MPS 0200 R32/0550 FG VV001 04/04 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QFE763 QBB050 G/Z IP Z SC07
2 stations reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KCIC: Chico Municipal, CA, United States [80miles]
KCIC 302050Z 31013KT 80SM FEW060 SCT250 A3000
KCIC 301947Z 31015KT 80SM FEW060 SCT250 A3000
KCIC 301849Z 31018KT 80SM SCT060 SCT250 A3001
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [110miles]
KMWN 302051Z 23009KT 110SM FEW250 M09/M13 RMK
KMWN 302051Z 23009KT 110SM FEW250 M09/M13 RMK
KMWN 301952Z VRB03KT 110SM FEW250 M09/M17 RMK
KMWN 301952Z VRB03KT 110SM FEW250 M09/M17 RMK
KMWN 301859Z 36008KT 110SM FEW250 M09/M16 RMK
KMWN 301859Z 36008KT 110SM FEW250 M09/M16 RMK
2 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- CYPW: Powell River Airport, Canada [50miles]
CYPW 302100Z 26004KT 50SM FEW035 06/00 A3015 RMK CU1 SLP216
CYPW 302000Z 30003KT 50SM FEW035 05/M01 A3016 RMK CU1 SLP217
CYPW 301900Z 29002KT 50SM SCT025 05/M00 A3015 RMK CU3 SLP216
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States [50miles]
KEDW 301955Z 24022G32KT 50SM BKN055 15/02 A2990 RMK AO2A PK WND 23032/1951 SLP120 T01490022
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
6 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
SPCL 302100Z /////KT 9999 FEW020 BKN100 29/23 Q1008 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
SPCL 302000Z /////KT 9999 FEW025 BKN100 28/23 Q1009 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
SPCL 301900Z /////KT 9999 FEW025 BKN100 29/23 Q1010 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 302100Z 28003KT 9999 BKN025 SCT120 28/21 Q1007 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 302000Z 25005KT 9999 OVC025 29//21 Q1008 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 301900Z 29005KT 9999 OVC025 29/21 Q1009 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
- SPQT: Iquitos, Peru
SPQT 302100Z 30004KT 250V340 9999 SCT020 BKN100 30/22 Q1007 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
SPQT 302000Z 27006KT 230V300 9999 SCT020 SCT100 30/22 Q1008 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
SPQT 301900Z 28004KT 230V040 9999 SCT020 BKN100 30/23 Q1009 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
- SPRU: Trujillo, Peru
SPRU 302000Z 24006KT 9999 FEW007 BKN120 23/20 Q1009 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
SPRU 301900Z 25006KT 9999 FEW005 BKN120 24/20 Q1010 RMK 6000S BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
- SPSO: Pisco, Peru
SPSO 302100Z 22021KT 9999 SCT100 26/19 Q1009 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
SPSO 302000Z 23018KT 9999 SCT100 27/20 Q1009 BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
SPSO 301900Z 23016KT CAVOK 29/21 Q1009 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
- SPST: Tarapoto, Peru
SPST 302100Z 09004KT 9999 SCT020 SCT120 30/24 Q1007 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 302000Z 11003KT 9999 SCT020 SCT120 31/24 Q1008 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 301900Z 13005KT 9999 SCT020 SCT120 30/24 Q1009 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
2 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
- CYCB: Cambridge Bay, N. W. T., Canada
CYCB 302100Z 31006KT 15SM FEW100 M33/M38 A3017 RMK AC0 IC SLP224
CYCB 302000Z 35009KT 15SM FEW100 M34/M38 A3016 RMK AC0 IC SLP221
CYCB 301900Z 35006KT 15SM FEW100 M34/M39 A3016 RMK AC0 IC SLP221
- CYRT: Rankin Inlet, N. W. T., Canada
CYRT 302000Z 00000KT 15SM FEW260 M24/M28 A3018 RMK CI1 IC SLP226
CYRT 301900Z 00000KT 15SM SCT260 M25/M29 A3019 RMK CI1 IC SLP230
24 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- GGOV: Bissau Aeroport, Guinea-Bissau
GGOV 302100Z 25007KT 2500 DU NSC 26/22 Q1007 NOSIG
GGOV 302000Z 24007KT 3000 DU NSC 27/23 Q1006 NOSIG
GGOV 301900Z 22006KT 180V240 3000 DU SC 29/21 Q1005 NOSIG
- GOGG: Ziguinchor, Senegal
GOGG 302100Z 26004KT 3000 DU SKC 26/21 Q1007
- GOSS: Saint-Louis, Senegal
GOSS 302100Z 34006KT 4000 DU SKC 24/18 Q1006
- GQNN: Nouakchott, Mauritania
GQNN 302100Z 35009KT 3000 BLDU SKC 27/15 Q1006 NOSIG
GQNN 302030Z 36012KT 3000 BLDU SKC 28/13 Q1006 NOSIG
GQNN 302000Z 35011KT 3000 BLDU SKC 29/12 Q1006 NOSIG
GQNN 301930Z 35007KT 2500 BLDU SKC 29/12 Q1006 NOSIG
GQNN 301900Z 35010KT 2500 BLDU SKC 29/12 Q1005 NOSIG
- GQPP: Nouadhibou, Mauritania
GQPP 302100Z 35015KT 2000 BLDU SKC 23/15 Q1011 NOSIG
GQPP 302000Z 36016KT 2000 BLDU SKC 24/15 Q1010 NOSIG
GQPP 301900Z 32014KT 2000 BLDU SKC 23/16 Q1010 NOSIG
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
KQAQ 302017Z 34010G20KT 0800 DS BKN000 OVC150 29/04 A2964 RMK WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG ESTMD PA +381 DA +2045
KQAQ 301955Z 28008G22KT 1000 BLDU BKN000 BKN150 BKN200 29/05 A2964 RMK SLP035 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD PA +379 DA +2099
KQAQ 301945Z 31010G18KT 1200 BLDU BKN000 BKN150 BKN200 27/06 A2963 RMK WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG ESTMD PA +391 DA +1937
KQAQ 301855Z 10007KT 8000 DU HZ BKN200 28/06 A2960 RMK SLP022 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD PA +415 DA +1988
- KQCO: Qayyarah, Iraq
KQCO 302055Z 25015G25KT 1600 DU BKN008 25/03 A2968 RMK DU BKN008 SLP041 RCRNR 60000 50002
KQCO 302007Z 34012G23KT 2000 DU BKN006 23/04 A2971 RMK DU BKN006
KQCO 302002Z 34013G23KT 2000 -SHRA DU BKN006 23/03 A2972
KQCO 301955Z 33011KT 4000 DU HZ BKN020 23/03 A2975 RMK SLP066 RCRNR
KQCO 301855Z 35017G24KT 1000 DS SCT003 BKN020 23/03 A2971 RMK PK WND 32028/00 DS SCT003 SLP052
- KQEZ: Al Taqaddum, Iraq
KQEZ 301939Z 03011KT 0400 BLDU VV004 27/05 A2966 RMK TS 2 SLP039 PA 526 DA 2019
KQEZ 301907Z 36008G12KT 0800 BLDU BKN000 OVC030 29/04 A2968 RMK TS 1 DU BKN000 SLP046 PA 508 DA 2236
KQEZ 301855Z 36008G12KT 0800 BLDU BKN000 OVC030 29/04 A2968 RMK TS 1 DU BKN000 SLP046 PA 508 DA 2236
KQGV 301855Z 13008KT 9000 DU HZ FEW035 SCT150 26/06 A2970 RMK SLP054
- KQMA: Al Fallujah, Iraq
KQMA 302055Z 02003KT 0400 +DS VV002 26/03 A2969 RMK DS VV002 SLP050 T02630033 403590154 50010 PA 399 DA 1849
KQNY 302055Z 29006KT 0800 DS VV002 27/05 A2971 RMK SLP057 T02740051 403510145 52019 PA 370 DA 1928
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq
KQSL 302055Z 05007KT 0200 +DS BKN000 OVC200 27/02 A2966 RMK DU BKN000 SLP034 Q1004MB
KQSL 302030Z 15035G56KT 0000 +DS VV000 26/00 A2965 RMK DU OVC000 WND DATA ESTMD
KQSL 301955Z COR 02007KT 0200 +DS BKN000 OVC180 26/03 A2970 RMK DU BKN000 SLP050 Q1006MB
KQSL 301855Z COR 33013KT 0100 +DS BKN000 OVC200 26/02 A2971 RMK PK WND 28036/03 DU BKN000 SLP054 Q1006MB
KQTI 302055Z 01008KT 6000 DU SCT020 OVC040 20/05 A2974 RMK DU SCT020 SLP056 50009
KQTI 301959Z 33013G22KT 5000 DU SCT020 OVC040 20/06 A2976 RMK DU SCT020 SLP063
KQTI 301933Z 32017G29KT 5000 DU SCT020 OVC040 20/05 A2972 RMK DU SCT020
KQTI 301913Z 32018G31KT 2400 DU BKN020 OVC040 20/05 A2973 RMK DU BKN020
KQTI 301857Z 31024G33KT 1400 BLDU BKN020 OVC040 20/05 A2972 RMK PK WND 31037/06 DU BKN020 SLP052
- KQTO: Balad, Iraq
KQTO 302055Z 02010KT 0200 DS VV002 26/02 A2967 RMK SLP048 Q1005MB PA+389 DA+1837 50015
KQTO 301855Z 15004KT 8000 DU HZ FEW180 23/04 A2963 RMK SLP032 Q1003MB PA+435 DA+1568
- KQTU: Mosul, Iraq
KQTU 302120Z 34012G21KT 4000 BLDU VCSH FEW027 BKN040 OVC080 22/08 A2973 RMK BLDU FEW027 BKN040 ALSTG ESTMD
KQTU 302101Z 35027G40KT 0800 -SHRA BLDU SQ FEW033 BKN043 OVC080 22/08 A2973 RMK BLDU FEW033 BKN043 WND DATA ESTMD
KQTU 302055Z 35011G26KT 4400 BLDU HZ FEW033 BKN038 OVC043 22/04 A2973 RMK PK WND 33029/2000 BLDU FEW033 BKN038 OVC043 SLP046 50007
KQTU 301955Z 32017G26KT 4400 BLDU HZ SCT038 OVC044 22/04 A2974 RMK BLDU SCT038 OVC044 SLP061
KQTU 301855Z 33012G21KT 4000 BLDU BKN030 OVC100 22/03 A2972 RMK PK WND 34029/10 BLDU BKN030 SLP057
- KQTX: Kirkuk, Iraq
KQTX 302055Z 33008KT 0200 DU OVC006 24/00 A2972 RMK DU OVC006 SLP049 52020
KQTX 301955Z COR 30010KT 0200 DU BKN005 OVC040 23/00 A2972 RMK DU BKN005 SLP049 COR 2000
KQTX 301955Z 30010KT 0200 DU BKN005 OVC040 23/00 A2967 RMK DU BKN005 SLP030
KQTX 301934Z 26012G19KT 0200 BLDU SCT043 BKN050 24/00 A2971
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
KQTZ 302055Z 29006G15KT 240V350 6000 BLDU HZ SKC 28/03 A2966 RMK VIS 3200V6000 SLP040 QNH1004MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 53008
KQTZ 301955Z 15006KT 8000 DU BKN200 27/05 A2963 RMK SLP030 QNH1003MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD
KQTZ 301855Z 13006KT 8000 DU FEW160 BKN200 28/04 A2963 RMK SLP030 QNH1003MB WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD
- KQVO: Al Qaim, Iraq
KQVO 302055Z 26003KT 1000 DS BKN000 BKN050 19/05 A2974 RMK DS BKN000 SLP067 T01930047 403260159 53002 PA 951 DA 1713
KQVO 301955Z 29008KT 0800 DS BKN000 OVC050 20/05 A2972 RMK DS BKN000 SLP054 T01980046 PA 985 DA 1813
KQVO 301855Z 25003KT 0800 DS BKN000 21/04 A2973 RMK DS BKN000 SLP061 T02060040 PA 965 DA 1905
- KQXJ: Tallil, Iraq
KQXJ 301857Z 11015G22KT 8000 BLDU FEW035 SCT050 SCT200 27/03 A2961 RMK SLP028
- OERF: Rafha, Saudi Arabia
OERF 302100Z 32015KT 2000 BLDU SKC 24/01 Q1005
- OIYY: Yazd, Iran
OIYY 302050Z 04004KT 4000 DU FEW100 OVC200 21/M08 Q1013 A2994 NOSIG
OIYY 301950Z 00000KT 4000 DU FEW100 BKN200 22/M06 Q1013 A2994 NOSIG
OIYY 301850Z 15004KT 4000 DU FEW100 BKN200 24/M08 Q1013 A2994 NOSIG
- PAAQ: Palmer, Palmer Municipal Airport, AK, United States
PAAQ 301853Z 14018G24KT 10SM BKN075 OVC200 03/M09 A3010 RMK AO2 WSHFT 1747 SLP189 BLDU ALQD T00281089
- VIAR: Amritsar, India
VIAR 301930Z 08001KT 3500 DU FEW040 SCT100 22/10 Q1006
- VIDP: New Delhi / Palam, India
VIDP 301930Z 16005KT 2800 DU FEW100 26/08 Q1006
VIDP 301930Z 16005KT 2800 DU FEW100 26/08 Q1006
VIDP 301900Z 16006KT 2800 DU FEW100 27/07 Q1006
VIDP 301900Z 16006KT 2800 DU FEW100 27/07 Q1006
2 stations reporting sand or sandstorm
- DAUI: In Salah North, Algeria
DAUI 301900Z 03028KT 0100 BLSA NSC 27/02 Q1014
- ZLLL: Lanzhou / Zhongchuan, China
ZLLL 302100Z 02006MPS 5000 BLSA NSC 04/M09 Q1014 NOSIG
15 stations reporting smoke
EQCB 302100Z 08002KT 7000 FU SKC 17/M01 Q1011 RMK A2985
EQCB 302000Z 08004KT 8000 FU SKC 17/M01 Q1011 RMK A2986
EQCB 301900Z 13006KT 8000 FU SKC 18/00 Q1011 RMK A2987
EQCB 301900Z 08004KT 8000 FU SKC 17/M01 Q1011 RMK A2986
- MMPN: Uruapan / Gen Rayon, Mexico
MMPN 301945Z 20008KT 10SM BKN250 27/12 A3012 RMK 8/001 FU HZ DIST CU 1-4 QUAD
MMPN 301855Z RTD 00000KT 10SM BKN250 26/11 A3015 RMK 8/001 FU HZ
- MMVR: Veracruz / Las Bajadas / General Heriberto Jara, Mexico
MMVR 301854Z 02008KT 5SM SKC 33/22 A2984 RMK HZ FU
- MMZO: Manzanillo International, Mexico
MMZO 302043Z 22010KT 8SM SKC 24/20 A2990 RMK HZ FU
MMZO 301950Z 22010KT 6SM SKC 24/20 A2993 RMK HZ FU
MMZO 301852Z 22010KT 6SM SKC 24/20 A2993 RMK HZ FU
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 302130Z 05003KT 4000 FU FEW100 20/13 Q1005
OPLA 302100Z 00000KT 4000 FU FEW100 18/12 Q1005 NOSIG
OPLA 302030Z 00000KT 4000 FU FEW100 18/12 Q1006
OPLA 302000Z 00000KT 4000 FU FEW100 20/13 Q1006 NOSIG
OPLA 301930Z 03003KT 4000 FU FEW100 20/13 Q1006
OPLA 301900Z 00000KT 4000 FU FEW100 21/13 Q1006 NOSIG
- UAAA: Almaty, Kazakhstan
UAAA 302130Z 16001MPS 4200 FU SKC 04/M02 Q1021 23CLRD65 NOSIG RMK QFE706/0942
UAAA 302100Z 12001MPS 080V150 3900 FU SKC 04/M02 Q1021 05CLRD65 NOSIG RMK QFE707/0942
UAAA 301930Z 25001MPS 200V260 2900 FU SKC 05/M02 Q1022 05CLRD65 NOSIG RMK QFE707/0943
UAAA 301900Z 17002MPS 3100 FU SKC 05/M02 Q1021 05CLRD65 NOSIG RMK QFE707/0943
- UKBB: Boryspil, Ukraine
UKBB 301900Z 03004MPS 5000 FU NSC 06/01 Q1024 88CLRD70 NOSIG
- UKKM: Hostomel, Ukraine
UKKM 302100Z 03002MPS 4800 FU BKN100 05/01 Q1024 33CLRD70 NOSIG
UKKM 302000Z 04002MPS 5000 FU BKN070 06/00 Q1024 33CLRD70 NOSIG
UKKM 301900Z 03002MPS 4600 FU BKN070 08/00 Q1025 33CLRD70 NOSIG
- UMGG: Gomel', Belarus
UMGG 302100Z 06002MPS 5000 FU BKN100 05/02 Q1028 11000060 NOSIG
- UNAA: Abakan, Russia
UNAA 302100Z VRB02MPS 5000 FU SKC M03/M08 Q1027 NOSIG RMK QFE748 200///65
UNAA 302100Z VRB02MPS 5000 FU SKC M03/M08 Q1027 NOSIG RMK QFE748 200///65
UNAA 302000Z VRB01MPS 5000 FU SKC M04/M08 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE748 200///65
UNAA 302000Z VRB01MPS 5000 FU SKC M04/M08 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE748 200///65
UNAA 301900Z VRB02MPS 5000 FU SKC M04/M07 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE748 200///65
UNAA 301900Z VRB02MPS 5000 FU SKC M04/M07 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE748 200///65
- UNOO: Omsk, Russia
UNOO 301900Z 00000MPS 4000 FU SKC 02/M03 Q1032 NOSIG 25CLRD06 RMK QFE765
- UTTT: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
UTTT 302130Z 05003MPS 4000 FU SKC 14/03 Q1017 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 302100Z 05003MPS 4000 FU SKC 14/03 Q1017 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 302030Z 06003MPS 4000 FU SKC 14/03 Q1017 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 302000Z 07003MPS 4000 FU SKC 12/03 Q1017 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 301930Z 06002MPS 4000 FU SKC 14/03 Q1018 08CLRD70 NOSIG
- VAAH: Ahmadabad, India
VAAH 302040Z 29008KT 3500 FU SKC 26/13 Q1007 NOSIG
VAAH 301940Z 29006KT 3500 FU SKC 27/12 Q1008 NOSIG
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 302040Z 34004KT 5000 FU SKC 26/19 Q1009 NOSIG
VABB 301940Z 33004KT 5000 FU SKC 26/19 Q1009 NOSIG
- ZBSJ: Zhengding, China
ZBSJ 301900Z 26001MPS 4000 FU NSC 05/01 Q1023 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq
    Wind, Visibility, Dust/Duststorm
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- DAUI: In Salah North, Algeria
    Visibility, Sand/Sandstorm
- KAWM: West Memphis, West Memphis Municipal Airport, AR, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KDKR: Crockett, TX, United States
    Thunderstorm, Visibility
- KM89: Dexter B Florence Mem Fld, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KQTO: Balad, Iraq
    Visibility, Dust/Duststorm
- KQTU: Mosul, Iraq
    Wind, Dust/Duststorm
- KQTX: Kirkuk, Iraq
    Visibility, Dust/Duststorm
- KTXK: Texarkana, Texarkana Regional-Webb Field, AR, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KUTA: Tunica, MS, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- OIMM: Mashhad, Iran
    Temperature, Pressure
- SBMN: Manaus Aeroporto, Brazil
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
61 unidentified stations (out of a total of 428 documented unknown stations)
- KQA7 (OLD)
- KQB6 (OLD)
- KQD9 (OLD)
- KQL5 (OLD)
- KQW3 (OLD)
- KQY2 (OLD)