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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2008101421
Currently using 22591 observations from 4237 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Tue Oct 14 21:52:00 UTC 2008
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
0 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
1 station reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
- SVMT: Maturin, Venezuela [30°C, 86.0°F]
SVMT 142000Z 07003KT 9999 BKN013 33/30 Q1005
0 stations reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
33 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon [26°C, 78.8°F]
FOOL 142130Z VRB03KT 8000 TS SCT005 FEW016CB BKN017 OVC100 26/26 Q1013 NOSIG
- MDBH: Barahona, Dominican Republic [27°C, 80.6°F]
MDBH 142000Z 16006KT 9999 FEW015CB FEW016 BKN300 32/27 Q1007 CB/NE MDSD 142000Z 06009KT 9999 FEW018CB SCT020 BKN300 30/21 Q1006 CB/SE/S/SW
- MDCY: El Catey, Domincan Republic [26°C, 78.8°F]
MDCY 142000Z 09004KT 9999 BKN020 30/26 Q1009
- MDJB: Dr. Balaguer Intl, Dominican Republic [26°C, 78.8°F]
MDJB 142000Z 36008KT 8000 -RA FEW014CB BKN016 BKN300 27/26 Q1006 CB/NE/E/S/SW/N
- MHAM: Amapala, Honduras [27°C, 80.6°F]
MHAM 142100Z 23008KT 9999 FEW030TCU FEW032CB BKLN250 29/27 CB N TCU S
- MHLM: La Mesa San Pedro Sula, Honduras [26°C, 78.8°F]
MHLM 142101Z 25004KT 9999 -DZ VCSH FEW010 SCT028TCU BKN080 28/26 Q1008 S SW W NW VCSH D/C UNL TCU N NE SE
- MKJS: Montego Bay / Sangster, Jamaica [26°C, 78.8°F]
MKJS 142000Z 09012KT 9999 FEW020 BKN220 30/26 Q1007
- MMIT: Ixtepec Ox, Mexico [27°C, 80.6°F]
MMIT 142100Z 36010G20KT 7SM FEW180 32/27 A3001 RMK 57020 8/005 CU OVR MT
- MMMD: Merida / lic Manuel Crecencio, Mexico [26°C, 78.8°F]
MMMD 142045Z 06010KT 7SM BKN025CB 30/26 A2980 RMK SLP102 56016 957 8/300
- MNJU: Juigalpa, Nicaragua [26°C, 78.8°F]
MNJU 142000Z 26004KT 9999 SCT020CB SCT080 26/26 Q1007 CB/NE/E/S RERA
- MNPC: Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua [26°C, 78.8°F]
MNPC 142100Z 09006KT 7000 FEW016CB SCT018 27/26 Q1004 3AC100 CBRA/NE/N TCURA/E -REDZ
- MUCL: Cayo Largo Del Sur, Cuba [26°C, 78.8°F]
MUCL 142050Z 08008KT 9999 FEW018TCU 30/26 Q1011
- MWCB: Gerrard Smith Intl. / Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
MWCB 142100Z 07012KT 9999 FEW018 BKN250 31/26 Q1008
- MZBZ: Belize / Phillip Goldston Intl. Airport, Belize [26°C, 78.8°F]
MZBZ 141900Z 01005KT 9999 RA SCT014 SCT050 BKN250 29/26 Q1009 A2980 NOSIG
- OTBD: Doha Intl Arpt, Qatar [27°C, 80.6°F]
OTBD 142000Z 34008KT 300V020 6000 SKC 28/27 Q1015 NOSIG
- PWAK: Wake Island, Wake Island Army Airfield Airport, UM, United States [27°C, 80.6°F]
PWAK 141959Z 07017KT 6SM BR FEW017 SCT029 27/27 A2997 RMK AO2A
- SBHT: Altamira, Brazil [27°C, 80.6°F]
SBHT 142100Z 19001KT 9999 FEW030 28/27 Q1007
- SBTT: Tabatinga, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBTT 142100Z 34004KT 270V360 9999 SCT020 FEW025TCU BKN300 30/26 Q1006
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKLT 142100Z 25003KT 9999 SCT013 BKN080 29/26 A2975
- SMNI: Nickerie Fernand, Suriname [26°C, 78.8°F]
SMNI 142100Z 05009KT 9999 FEW030 29/26 Q1007 NOSIG
- SPTU: Puerto Maldonado, Peru [26°C, 78.8°F]
SPTU 142000Z 27005KT 9999 FEW008TCU 36/26 Q1006 RMK PP000
- SVCR: Coro, Venezuela [27°C, 80.6°F]
SVCR 142000Z 31010KT 9999 FEW016 OVC060 28/27 Q1007
- SVMC: Maracaibo-La Chinita, Venezuela [27°C, 80.6°F]
SVMC 141900Z 18002KT 9999 SCT013 28/27 Q1007
- SVMG: Margarita / Del Carib, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVMG 142000Z 34006KT 9999 SCT010 BKN080 31/26 Q1006
- SYCJ: Georgetown/Cheddi Jagan Intl Arpt, Guyana [26°C, 78.8°F]
SYCJ 142100Z 00000KT 9999 VCSH SCT020 FEW022CB SCT300 29/26 Q1006 CB NW JP SW
- TBPB: Grantley Adams, Barbados [26°C, 78.8°F]
TBPB 142030Z 04004KT 8000 SCT010CB SCT036 BKN080 27/26 Q1008
- TGPY: Point Salines Airport, Grenada [26°C, 78.8°F]
TGPY 142100Z 14007KT 9999 SCT020 BKN260 29/26 Q1007
- TJMZ: Mayaguez, Eugenio Maria de Hostos Airport, PR, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
TJMZ 141854Z 21005KT 5SM -RA OVC030 27/26 A2973 CB OVHD
- TKPN: Charlestown / Newcast, Antigua and Barbuda [26°C, 78.8°F]
TKPN 141900Z 07006KT 9999 VCSH BKN019 SCT050 28/26 Q1007=RMK VCSH-E SLT HZ
- TTPP: Piarco Intl Arpt, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago [27°C, 80.6°F]
TTPP 141900Z 12008KT 9999 FEW012CB SCT025 BKN280 33/27 Q1006 NOSIG CB-NW
- VGEG: Chittagong Patenga, Bangladesh [26°C, 78.8°F]
VGEG 141850Z 27003KT 5000 HZ 29/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- VTBU: Rayong, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTBU 142130Z 01002KT 5000 BR FEW020 BKN300 27/26 Q1009 A2980
- WSSS: Singapore / Changi Airport, Singapore [26°C, 78.8°F]
WSSS 142130Z 00000KT 9999 FEW016 BKN160 27/26 Q1009 NOSIG
1 station reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
- KQAN: UNKNOWN, [81kt, 42m/s]
KQAN 141955Z AUTO 35035G81KT 310V010 1 1/4SM SCT004 OVC008 15/15 A3053 RMK AO2 WSHFT 1940 SLP324 P0009 T01520148
0 stations reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
1 station reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- CWTU: Tukialik Bay, Nfld., Canada [51kt, 26m/s]
CWTU 142000Z AUTO 19046G51KT A2941
14 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- BGGH: Godthaab / Nuuk, Greenland [44kt, 22m/s]
BGGH 141950Z 16030G40KT 8000 -RASN VCSH SCT014 BKN022 BKN033 01/M00 Q0999 RMK LAST OBS
BGGH 141950Z 16030G40KT 8000 -RASN VCSH SCT014 BKN022 BKN033 01/M00 Q0999
BGGH 141850Z 16031G44KT 4000 -SN BLSN BKN025 BKN033 00/M00 Q0999 RMK VIS 9999N
- CWSF: Cap Madeleine Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [46kt, 23m/s]
CWSF 142100Z AUTO 17033G46KT 12/07 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 17047/2057 SLP032 T01240070 58066
- CWYK: Cape Kiglapait, Nfld., Canada [42kt, 21m/s]
CWYK 141900Z AUTO 21037G42KT 04/ A2915 RMK SLP904
- CYBG: Bagotville, Que., Canada [43kt, 22m/s]
CYBG 142025Z CCA 27035G43KT 2SM SHRA BR FEW014 OVC030 RMK SF2SC6
CYBG 142025Z 27035G43KT 2SM SHRA FEW014 OVC030 RMK SF2SC6
- CYFT: Makkovik Airport, Canada [44kt, 22m/s]
CYFT 142000Z 24030G44KT 15SM -RA SCT020 OVC080 09/06 A2939 RMK SC3AS5 GST 51 PAST HR SLP958
CYFT 141938Z 24028G42KT 15SM -RA SCT020 OVC080 RMK ST3AS5
- CYGL: La Grande Riviere, Que, Canada [40kt, 20m/s]
CYGL 142000Z 28030G40KT 8SM -RA SCT005 BKN011 04/03 A2954 RMK SF3SC4 PRESRR SLP009
- CYGW: Kuujjuarapik, Que., Canada [40kt, 20m/s]
- CYKQ: Waskaganish Airport, Canada [40kt, 20m/s]
CYKQ 142100Z 30028G40KT 15SM -SHRA FEW010 BKN020 08/05 A2986 RMK CF2SC5 LAST OBS/NEXT 151300 UTC SLP112
CYKQ 142005Z 30028G40KT 15SM -SHRA FEW010 BKN020 RMK CF2SC3
CYKQ 142000Z CCA 30028G40KT 15SM VCSH FEW010 BKN020 08/05 A2980 RMK CF2SC3 PRESRR SLP094
CYKQ 142000Z 30028G40KT 15SM VCSH FEW010 BKN020 08/05 A2980 RMK CF2SC3 SLP094
CYKQ 141923Z 30028G40KT 15SM FEW015 SCT030 RMK CF2SC2
- CYSK: Sanikiluaq Airport, Canada [45kt, 23m/s]
CYSK 142100Z 30036G45KT 15SM -DZ SCT005 OVC012 04/02 A2935 RMK SF3SC5 PRESRR SLP942
CYSK 142000Z 30030G43KT 15SM -DZ SCT005 OVC012 04/02 A2929 RMK SF4SC4 PRESRR SLP922
CYSK 141900Z 31025G40KT 15SM -DZ SCT005 OVC012 04/02 A2924 RMK SF4SC4 PRESRR SLP902
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KMWN 141851Z 26035G40KT 70SM SCT/// SCT040 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/03 RMK ACSL NE TPS LWR SCT040 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 141851Z 26035G40KT 70SM SCT/// SCT040 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/03 RMK ACSL NE TPS LWR SCT040 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 141851Z 26035G40KT 70SM SCT/// SCT040 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/03
- LCEN: Ercan, Cyprus [41kt, 21m/s]
LCEN 141850Z 27030G41KT 8000 -TSRA SCT025CB SCT030 BKN100 22/16 Q1015 RETSRA NOSIG
- LCLK: Larnaca Airport, Cyprus [42kt, 21m/s]
LCLK 141930Z 30028G42KT 3000 -TSRA DU SCT004 BKN030CB BKN060 24/16 Q1014 NOSIG
- LCPH: Paphos Airport, Cyprus [40kt, 20m/s]
LCPH 141930Z 03027G40KT 9999 FEW025CB BKN050 BKN100 23/17 Q1012 RETS
LCPH 141900Z 02028G40KT 8000 -TSRA FEW025CB BKN050 BKN100 22/17 Q1013
- SAWE: Rio Grande B. A., Argentina [43kt, 22m/s]
SAWE 142000Z 27034G43KT 9999 BKN013 FEW200 13/05 Q1001
2 stations reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
- KNXP: Twenty-Nine Palms, Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, CA, United States [1099.3mb, 32.46in]
KNXP 141956Z AUTO 33010KT 10SM CLR 23/M08 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP993 T02281078 $
KNXP 141956Z AUTO 33010KT 10SM CLR 23/M08 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP993 T02281078 $
- KQCJ: Eagle Range, United States [1094.8mb, 32.32in]
KQCJ 142055Z AUTO 05002KT 9999 CLR 06/M11 A3233 RMK AO2 SLP938
KQCJ 141955Z AUTO 22003KT 9999 CLR 10/M10 A3235 RMK AO2 SLP929
KQCJ 141855Z AUTO 07001KT 9999 CLR 09/M11 A3236 RMK AO2 SLP948
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
1 station reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
- PMDY: Sand Island, Henderson Field Airport, HI, United States [1055.7mb, 31.17in]
PMDY 142056Z AUTO 06016KT 10SM BKN044 25/17 A3026 RMK AO2 TSNO 53006 60000 T02500166 SLP557
PMDY 141956Z AUTO 05012KT 10SM SCT049 24/17 A3026 RMK AO2 TSNO T02440166 SLP556
PMDY 141856Z AUTO 07016G22KT 10SM SCT034 24/17 A3025 RMK AO2 TSNO T02440172 RAB12E21 P0000 SLP553
2 stations reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- KABH: El Paso County, CO, United States [1044.6mb, 30.84in]
KABH 142056Z AUTO 23009KT 10SM OVC004 03/02 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP437 60000 T00330022 55018 $
KABH 142056Z AUTO 23009KT 10SM OVC004 03/02 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP437 60000 T00330022 55018 $
KABH 141956Z AUTO 25005KT 8SM OVC004 03/02 A3019 RMK AO2 CIG 002V007 SLP431 T00280017 $
KABH 141956Z AUTO 25005KT 8SM OVC004 03/02 A3019 RMK AO2 CIG 002V007 SLP431 T00280017 $
KABH 141856Z AUTO 22005KT 1 1/4SM BR OVC002 02/02 A3022 RMK AO2 VIS 1/2V5 UPB00E11 SLP446 P0000 T00220017 $
KABH 141856Z AUTO 22005KT 1 1/4SM BR OVC002 02/02 A3022 RMK AO2 VIS 1/2V5 UPB00E11 SLP446 P0000 T00220017 $
- KQD2: UNKNOWN, [1040.5mb, 30.72in]
KQD2 142055Z AUTO 18008G20KT 9999 CLR 15/M02 A3092 RMK AO2 SLP405
KQD2 141955Z AUTO 19011G19KT 9999 CLR 16/M03 A3093 RMK AO2 SLP404
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 950mb and 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 960mb - 969mb
2 stations reporting sea level pressure between 970mb - 979mb
- CYTQ: Tasiujaq A, Canada [979.4mb, 28.92in]
CYTQ 142100Z 06015KT 3SM -RA OVC004 02/02 A2891 RMK ST8 LAST OBS/NXT 151200Z SLP794
- CYVP: Kuujjuaq, Que., Canada [977.9mb, 28.87in]
CYVP 142100Z 36003KT 2 1/2SM -RA BR OVC007 05/05 A2887 RMK SF8 SLP779
CYVP 142000Z 02010KT 2 1/2SM -RA BR OVC008 06/06 A2891 RMK SF8 SLP793
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
20 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CERM: Edmunston, NB, Canada [-5.2mb]
CERM 142000Z AUTO 16011G19KT 14/09 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 13021/1923 SLP087 T01400089 58052
- CMFM: Foret Montmorenc, Canada [-5.1mb]
CMFM 141900Z AUTO 20006KT 13/10 RMK AO1 SLP084 T01340101 58051
- CWIS: Charlevoix CS , Que., Canada [-5.7mb]
CWIS 142000Z AUTO 22009G16KT 12/10 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 21023/1920 SLP058 T01230103 58057
- CWIY: St Leonard Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-5.0mb]
CWIY 142100Z AUTO 17016G24KT 12/08 RMK AO1 PK WND 17028/2004 SLP098 T01190081 56050
- CWJO: Jonquiere Automated Reporting Stn, Canada [-6.7mb]
CWJO 141900Z AUTO 20025G38KT 21/10 RMK AO1 PK WND 20038/1857 SLP018 T02090099 56067
- CWKD: Bonnard 1, Que., Canada [-6.0mb]
CWKD 141900Z AUTO 12/12 RMK AO1 SLP965 T01230115 56060
- CWNH: Riviere Du Loup, Que., Canada [-5.9mb]
CWNH 142000Z AUTO 18010G18KT 20/12 RMK AO1 PK WND 20019/1917 SLP036 T01980120 58057
CWNH 141900Z AUTO 19009G17KT 20/13 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 17018/1823 SLP054 T01990128 58059
- CWNQ: Nicolet Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [-5.4mb]
CWNQ 141900Z AUTO 20015G20KT 20/13 RMK AO1 PK WND 19024/1827 SLP078 T01960128 56054
- CWPD: Parc Des Laurentid, Canada [-5.9mb]
CWPD 141900Z AUTO 19011KT 12/09 RMK AO1 SLP044 T01180094 58059
- CWSF: Cap Madeleine Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [-6.6mb]
CWSF 142100Z AUTO 17033G46KT 12/07 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 17047/2057 SLP032 T01240070 58066
CWSF 142000Z AUTO 19022G34KT 13/07 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 20034/1959 SLP064 T01280074 58055
- CWSG: Cap Chat CS, Que., Canada [-7.0mb]
CWSG 142100Z AUTO 18015G27KT 15/08 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 18027/2058 SLP028 T01510083 58070
CWSG 142000Z AUTO 06002KT 14/09 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP053 T01410088 58058
- CWTG: Pointe-Des-Monts , Que., Canada [-5.9mb]
CWTG 142100Z AUTO 22005KT 10/08 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP030 T01030076 58059
CWTG 142000Z AUTO 21006KT 09/07 RMK AO1 SLP051 T00930068 58055
CWTG 141900Z AUTO 19011KT 10/07 RMK AO1 SLP070 T01020072 58054
- CWTN: Cap Tourmente, Canada [-6.2mb]
CWTN 142000Z AUTO 26004KT 18/13 RMK AO1 SLP052 T01760133 56059
CWTN 141900Z AUTO 27004KT 19/12 RMK AO1 SLP068 T01880123 57062
- CWTY: Trois Rivieres, Canada [-5.6mb]
CWTY 141900Z AUTO 21018KT 18/13 RMK AO1 PK WND 19032/1835 SLP074 T01800129 56056
- CWUX: La Baie , Que., Canada [-6.5mb]
CWUX 141900Z AUTO 21014G24KT 21/09 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 20031/1806 SLP015 T02110093 58065
- CWXC: Onatchiway, Que., Canada [-6.0mb]
CWXC 141900Z AUTO 19007KT 15/13 RMK AO1 SLP993 T01470127 58060
- CWZS: Amqui , Que., Canada [-5.4mb]
CWZS 142100Z AUTO 16010G18KT 13/09 RMK AO1 PK WND 17020/2046 SLP057 T01290087 56053
CWZS 142000Z AUTO 16013G20KT 14/09 RMK AO1 PRESFR PK WND 15020/1952 SLP070 T01350085 58054
- CXZV: Sept Iles, Canada [-5.7mb]
CXZV 142100Z AUTO 08006KT 07/06 RMK AO1 SLP051 T00730059 56055
CXZV 142000Z AUTO 09007KT 07/06 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP065 T00680056 58057
CXZV 141900Z AUTO 07005KT 07/06 RMK AO1 SLP090 T00650055 56051
- CZCR: Charlo Airport, NB, Canada [-5.2mb]
CZCR 142100Z AUTO 09006KT 10/07 RMK AO1 PRESFR SLP091 T01040072 58052
- K3A6: Newhall, CA, United States [-6.8mb]
K3A6 142050Z AUTO 07010KT 26/M02 A3007 RMK AO1 SLP191 T02591019 57068
K3A6 142050Z AUTO 07010KT 26/M02 A3007 RMK AO1 SLP191 T02591019 57068
K3A6 142030Z AUTO 06010KT 26/M01 A3008 RMK AO1 SLP195 T02571012 57068
K3A6 142030Z AUTO 06010KT 26/M01 A3008 RMK AO1 SLP195 T02571012 57068
K3A6 142010Z AUTO 07010KT 26/M01 A3009 RMK AO1 SLP200 T02551014 57056
K3A6 142010Z AUTO 07010KT 26/M01 A3009 RMK AO1 SLP200 T02551014 57056
8 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CMFM: Foret Montmorenc, Canada [6.8mb]
CMFM 142100Z AUTO 28017G34KT 10/07 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 5006 PK WND 27037/2049 SLP093 P0020 T01000071 50068
- CWEQ: Swan River, Man., Canada [5.4mb]
CWEQ 142100Z AUTO 28003KT 05/05 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 5002 SLP092 P0011 T00470047 50054
- CWJI: Assiniboia Airport Automated Reporting Stn, Canada [5.9mb]
CWJI 142100Z AUTO 31019KT 03/02 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 32022/2055 SLP182 T00330016 52059
- CWKO: Rockglen, Sask., Canada [5.1mb]
CWKO 142100Z AUTO 32020KT 03/01 RMK AO1 PK WND 33031/2035 SLP192 T00260005 53051
- CWPD: Parc Des Laurentid, Canada [9.0mb]
CWPD 142100Z AUTO 15006KT 08/06 RMK AO1 5PAST HR PRESRR 3004 SLP074 P0018 T00800058 50090
- CWPK: Parent, Que., Canada [6.6mb]
CWPK 142100Z AUTO 28010G17KT 08/03 RMK AO1 PK WND 30025/2040 SLP141 T00800028 53055
CWPK 142000Z AUTO 28016G28KT 07/04 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 31030/1937 SLP122 T00710037 51066
- CWVN: Val Marie Southeast, Sask, Canada [5.3mb]
CWVN 142000Z AUTO 33023G29KT 06/02 RMK AO1 PK WND 35034/1910 SLP204 T00620017 52053
- CXZC: Moosonee, ON, Canada [5.7mb]
CXZC 142100Z AUTO 28010G17KT 09/03 RMK AO1 PK WND 29024/2028 SLP131 T00890029 51053
CXZC 142000Z AUTO 28012G21KT 10/03 RMK AO1 PK WND 28022/1942 SLP113 T00960032 51057
CXZC 141900Z AUTO 28012G20KT 10/04 RMK AO1 PK WND 28025/1840 SLP097 T00970038 53056
5 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
- CWXC: Onatchiway, Que., Canada [15.6mb]
CWXC 142112Z AUTO 24008G19KT 11/08 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 3036 PK WND 27023/2020 SLP047 P0005 T01110082 50156
CWXC 142012Z AUTO 27007G17KT 12/10 RMK AO1 6PAST HR R+14/ PRESRR 5005 PK WND 28032/1952 SLP034 P0041 T01220101 50144
- PABV: Birchwood, Birchwood Airport, AK, United States [10.0mb]
PABV 142056Z AUTO 00000KT 1 3/4SM BKN008 BKN020 OVC035 M02/M04 A2964 RMK AO1 52100 PNO
- PAPH: Port Heiden, Port Heiden Airport, AK, United States [10.0mb]
PAPH 142056Z AUTO 21008KT 10SM FEW036 BKN060 07/04 A2955 RMK AO1 52100 PNO
- PAUN: Unalakleet, AK, United States [10.0mb]
PAUN 142056Z AUTO 08011KT 10SM CLR M08/M13 A2980 RMK AO1 52100 PNO
- PAWS: Wasilla, Wasilla Airport, AK, United States [10.0mb]
PAWS 142056Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/4SM OVC019 M03/M03 A2961 RMK AO1 52100 PNO
1 station reporting heavy snow
- PAER: Merrill Pass West, AK, United States
PAER 141946Z 00000KT 1/4SM +SN OVC003 M04/M06 A2955 RMK EPC
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
41 stations reporting heavy rain
- CYBG: Bagotville, Que., Canada
CYBG 142015Z 28026G35KT 1SM +SHRA BR OVC030 RMK SC8
- CYMM: Fort Mcmurray, Alta., Canada
CYMM 142037Z AUTO 26012KT 1 3/4SM +RA FEW001 BKN010 01/00 A2992 RMK VSBY VRBL 1.2V6.0
CYMM 142029Z AUTO 27012KT 2SM +RA OVC001 01/00 A2992
CYMM 142027Z AUTO 27013KT 2 1/2SM +RA OVC002 01/00 A2992 RMK VSBY VRBL 1.3V8.0
CYMM 142025Z AUTO 28014G19KT 4SM +RA OVC002 01/01 A2992
CYMM 142024Z AUTO 28014G19KT 5SM +RA OVC003 01/01 A2992
- FAEL: East London, South Africa
FAEL 142100Z AUTO 10006KT 9999 R11/M0050N R29/M0050N +RA FEW026 BKN053 17/12 Q1024
FAEL 142000Z AUTO 10006KT 9999 +RA SCT023 BKN056 17/13 Q1025
- KADS: Dallas / Addison Airport, TX, United States
KADS 141910Z 16008KT 2SM +RA SCT021 BKN025 OVC034 24/22 A3007
- KAFW: Fort Worth, Fort Worth Alliance Airport, TX, United States
KAFW 141934Z 11003KT 3SM +RA SCT012 BKN031 23/20 A3006 RMK AO2 P0017
KAFW 141934Z 11003KT 3SM +RA SCT012 BKN031 23/20 A3006
- KAUH: Aurora, Aurora Municipal Airport, NE, United States
KAUH 142030Z AUTO 27003KT 4SM +RA SCT007 BKN035 OVC075 07/06 A3023 RMK AO2 P0009
KAUH 141930Z AUTO 23005KT 5SM +RA SCT027 SCT050 OVC070 07/06 A3026 RMK AO2 P0009
- KAUS: Austin, Austin-Bergstrom Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KAUS 141855Z 32004KT 10SM +RA FEW001 BKN028 OVC050 26/22 A3004 RMK AO2 P0003
KAUS 141855Z 32004KT 10SM +RA FEW001 BKN028 OVC050 26/22 A3004
- KBGD: Borger, Hutchinson County Airport, TX, United States
KBGD 142116Z AUTO 02009KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR SCT005 BKN010 OVC015 07/06 A3017 RMK AO2 P0011
KBGD 142116Z AUTO 02009KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR SCT005 BKN010 OVC015 07/06 A3017
KBGD 142059Z AUTO 02011KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW005 SCT009 OVC016 07/06 A3017 RMK AO2 P0007
KBGD 142059Z AUTO 02011KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW005 SCT009 OVC016 07/06 A3017
KBGD 142053Z AUTO 02012G17KT 2SM +RA BR SCT005 BKN011 OVC017 07/06 A3017 RMK AO2 P0002
KBGD 142053Z AUTO 02012G17KT 2SM +RA BR SCT005 BKN011 OVC017 07/06 A3017
KBGD 142051Z AUTO 02013G17KT 3SM +RA BR SCT005 BKN009 OVC015 07/06 A3017 RMK AO2 SLP211 P0020 60034 T00720056 55020
KBGD 142020Z AUTO 01009KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN008 OVC030 07/06 A3017 RMK AO2 CIG 003V006 P0010
KBGD 142020Z AUTO 01009KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN008 OVC030 07/06 A3017
KBGD 141930Z AUTO 03009KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT007 BKN013 OVC018 07/06 A3018 RMK AO2 P0004
KBGD 141930Z AUTO 03009KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT007 BKN013 OVC018 07/06 A3018
- KBRO: Brownsville, Brownsville / South Padre Island Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KBRO 142003Z AUTO 11013G22KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT011 BKN024 BKN031 24/22 A2996 RMK AO2 P0006 TSNO
KBRO 142003Z AUTO 11013G22KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT011 BKN024 BKN031 24/22 A2996
- KCNK: Concordia, Blosser Municipal Airport, KS, United States
KCNK 141955Z AUTO 02003KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR OVC032 08/06 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP247 P0009 T00780061
KCNK 141955Z AUTO 02003KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR OVC032 08/06 A3025
- KDAL: Dallas, Dallas Love Field, TX, United States
KDAL 141853Z COR 17008KT 6SM R13L/4500VP6000FT +RA BR FEW018 BKN031 OVC060 24/22 A3008 RMK AO2 RAB22 SLP179 VIS NW-NE 2 P0006 T02390217
KDAL 141853Z COR 17008KT 6SM R13L/4500VP6000FT +RA BR FEW018 BKN031 OVC060 24/22 A3008
KDAL 141853Z 17008KT 6SM R13L/4500VP6000FT +RA BR FEW018 BKN031 OVC060 24/22 A3008 RMK AO2 RAB22 SLP179 VIS 2 NW-NE P0006 T02390217
KDAL 141853Z 17008KT 6SM R13L/4500VP6000FT +RA BR FEW018 BKN031 OVC060 24/22 A3008
- KDDC: Dodge City, Dodge City Regional Airport, KS, United States
KDDC 142142Z AUTO 02013KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN008 OVC016 07/05 A3019 RMK AO2 P0018
KDDC 142142Z AUTO 02013KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN008 OVC016 07/05 A3019
KDDC 142036Z AUTO 02014KT 1SM +RA BR SCT006 BKN014 OVC019 07/05 A3020 RMK AO2 P0013
KDDC 142036Z AUTO 02014KT 1SM +RA BR SCT006 BKN014 OVC019 07/05 A3020
- KDFW: Dallas / Fort Worth, Dallas / Fort Worth Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KDFW 142046Z 14006KT 2SM +RA BKN016 BKN025 BKN034 26/22 A3003 RMK AO2 RAB14 P0016
KDFW 142046Z 14006KT 2SM +RA BKN016 BKN025 BKN034 26/22 A3003
- KDHT: Dalhart, Dalhart Municipal Airport, TX, United States
KDHT 141949Z AUTO 03013KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW013 SCT021 OVC027 06/04 A3020 RMK AO2 RAB16 P0010
KDHT 141949Z AUTO 03013KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW013 SCT021 OVC027 06/04 A3020
KDHT 141931Z AUTO 02014KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN019 OVC027 06/04 A3021 RMK AO2 RAB16 P0004
KDHT 141931Z AUTO 02014KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN019 OVC027 06/04 A3021
- KDTO: Denton, Denton Municipal Airport, TX, United States
KDTO 142038Z 14003KT 1/2SM +RA FG FEW002 BKN015 OVC055 23/21 A3005 RMK AO2 PK WND 21026/2022 TWR VIS 1 P0022 $
KDTO 142038Z 14003KT 1/2SM +RA FG FEW002 BKN015 OVC055 23/21 A3005
- KDUX: Dumas, Moore County Airport, TX, United States
KDUX 142104Z AUTO 34012KT 5SM +RA SCT006 BKN017 OVC024 06/05 A3017 RMK AO2 P0001
- KFOA: Flora, Flora Municipal Airport, IL, United States
KFOA 142025Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA SCT003 BKN023 OVC028 21/21 A3020 RMK AO2 P0014 TSNO
KFOA 142025Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA SCT003 BKN023 OVC028 21/21 A3020
KFOA 142005Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM +RA BKN003 OVC023 21/21 A3020 RMK AO2 VIS M1/4V2 1/2 P0012 TSNO
KFOA 142005Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM +RA BKN003 OVC023 21/21 A3020
- KFTW: Fort Worth, Meacham Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KFTW 141906Z 13008KT 1SM +RA BR FEW006 BKN025 OVC050 23/21 A3007 RMK AO2 P0001
KFTW 141906Z 13008KT 1SM +RA BR FEW006 BKN025 OVC050 23/21 A3007
- KGCK: Garden City, Garden City Regional Airport, KS, United States
KGCK 141914Z 35009KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN013 OVC021 07/06 A3024 RMK AO2 P0007
KGCK 141914Z 35009KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN013 OVC021 07/06 A3024
- KHHF: Canadian, Hemphill County Airport, TX, United States
KHHF 142046Z AUTO 01008KT 7SM +RA OVC010 08/07 A3014 RMK AO2
- KHJH: Hebron, Hebron Municipal Airport, NE, United States
KHJH 142130Z AUTO 00000KT 4SM +RA SCT021 BKN034 OVC055 07/05 A3024 RMK AO2 P0007
- KHSI: Hastings, Hastings Municipal Airport, NE, United States
KHSI 141953Z AUTO 28009KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN027 OVC060 06/04 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP253 P0022 T00610044
KHSI 141953Z AUTO 28009KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN027 OVC060 06/04 A3025
KHSI 141929Z AUTO 28008KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN027 OVC043 06/04 A3026 RMK AO2 P0014
KHSI 141929Z AUTO 28008KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN027 OVC043 06/04 A3026
- KJYR: York, York Municipal Airport, NE, United States
KJYR 142050Z AUTO 27005KT 3SM +RA FEW005 SCT050 07/05 A3024 RMK AO2 P0023
KJYR 142030Z AUTO 30004KT 2SM +RA SCT007 BKN033 06/05 A3024 RMK AO2 P0013
KJYR 141950Z AUTO 32003KT 3SM +RA OVC060 07/05 A3025 RMK AO2 P0020
- KLBB: Lubbock, Lubbock Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KLBB 141901Z 04007KT 1SM R17R/4000VP6000FT +RA BR BKN005 BKN015 OVC020 11/10 A3011 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 1 1/4 P0006
KLBB 141901Z 04007KT 1SM R17R/4000VP6000FT +RA BR BKN005 BKN015 OVC020 11/10 A3011
- KLUD: Decatur, Decatur Municipal Airport, TX, United States
KLUD 142125Z AUTO 14003KT 2SM +RA SCT012 OVC029 21/19 A3005 RMK AO2 P0005
- KPIL: Port Isabel, Port Isabel-Cameron County Airport, TX, United States
KPIL 141902Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM +RA FEW006 BKN020 BKN026 26/23 A2998 RMK AO2 VIS 1/4V5 P0025
KPIL 141902Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM +RA FEW006 BKN020 BKN026 26/23 A2998
KPIL 141900Z AUTO VRB05G14KT 1 1/2SM +RA FEW012 BKN020 BKN026 26/23 A2998 RMK AO2 VIS 1/2V5 P0016
KPIL 141900Z AUTO VRB05G14KT 1 1/2SM +RA FEW012 BKN020 BKN026 26/23 A2998
- KPPA: Pampa, Perry Lefors Field Airport, TX, United States
KPPA 142046Z AUTO 02008KT 2 1/2SM +RA BKN004 OVC008 06/06 A3015 RMK AO2
- KRSL: Russell, Russell Municipal Airport, KS, United States
KRSL 142144Z AUTO 05007KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN015 OVC031 07/06 A3017 RMK AO2 P0012
KRSL 142144Z AUTO 05007KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN015 OVC031 07/06 A3017
- KSLN: Salina, Salina Municipal Airport, KS, United States
KSLN 142141Z 03009KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN007 OVC022 08/07 A3018 RMK AO2 P0006
KSLN 142141Z 03009KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN007 OVC022 08/07 A3018
- MMCZ: Cozumel Civ / Mil, Mexico
MMCZ 141943Z 08005KT 8SM BKN100 BKN200 25/25 A2982 RMK 60485 8/068 +RAB44E10 VC CB ALQDS VSBY LWR WNW
- PASI: Sitka, Sitka Airport, AK, United States
PASI 141853Z 17015G26KT 3SM +RA BR SCT020 BKN029 OVC039 09/07 A3009 RMK AO2 PK WND 16028/1802 SLP189 P0007 T00940072
PASI 141853Z 17015G26KT 3SM +RA BR SCT020 BKN029 OVC039 09/07 A3009
- PHBK: Kekaha, Pacific Missile Test Facility Barking Sands, HI, United States
PHBK 142012Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BKN035 BKN085 24/20 A2998 RMK AO2 RAB1957 P0005 TSNO
PHBK 142012Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BKN035 BKN085 24/20 A2998 RMK AO2 RAB1957 P0005 TSNO
PHBK 142012Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BKN035 BKN085 24/20 A2998
- PTPN: Pohnpei Island, Pohnpei Int. Airp., Micronesia, Federated States of
PTPN 142124Z 10010KT 3SM +SHRA BKN000 OVC013CB 24/24 A2980 RMK SHRA BKN000 CB ALQDS MOV W (FIRST)
PTPN 142124Z 10010KT 3SM +SHRA BKN000 OVC013CB 24/24 A2980 RMK SHRA BKN000 CB ALQDS MOV W (FIRST)
PTPN 142124Z 10010KT 3SM +SHRA BKN000 OVC013CB 24/24 A2980
- PTTP: Pohnpei, NWS Office, Micronesia, Federated States of
PTTP 141859Z 10004KT 15SM +SHRA BKN018TCU OVC110 24/24 A2981 RMK SHRAB15 TCU VC ALQDS SLP093 T02390237
PTTP 141859Z 10004KT 15SM +SHRA BKN018TCU OVC110 24/24 A2981
- SKRG: Rionegro / J. M. Cordova, Colombia
SKRG 142100Z 00000KT 4500 +RA BKN015TCU BKN080 16/15 A3020
- SVGU: Guanare, Venezuela
SVGU 141900Z 00000KT 2000 +RA SCT017 BKN070 26/25 Q1011
- SVJC: Paraguana / Josefa, Venezuela
SVJC 142100Z 26015KT 7000 +RA OVC030 25/23 Q1005
SVJC 142000Z 26010KT 7000 +RA OVC040 26/25 Q1004
- TISX: Christiansted, Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, Virgin Islands
TISX 142121Z 19014G21KT 4SM +RA BR FEW009 BKN026 OVC070 25/24 A2980 RMK AO2 WSHFT 2107 RAB11 P0007
TISX 142121Z 19014G21KT 4SM +RA BR FEW009 BKN026 OVC070 25/24 A2980
- TNCA: Queen Beatrix Airport, Aruba
TNCA 142100Z 26019KT 5000 +SHRA BKN010TCU 25/23 Q1004
TNCA 142000Z 24018G28KT 5000 +SHRA BKN010TCU 25/24 Q1003
TNCA 141900Z 24023KT 2000 +SHRA BKN010TCU 26/24 Q1003
- TNCE: Roosevelt Airport Saint Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
TNCE 142100Z 13007KT 090V190 9999 +RA BKN015CB 25/// Q1009
TNCE 141900Z 08010G22KT 030V150 9999 +RASH BKN018 24/// Q1008
- TNCM: Juliana Airport, Saint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
TNCM 142100Z 13013G24KT 110V170 3000 +SHRA BKN018TCU BKN040 25/22 Q1009
5 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- KCVS: Cannon Air Force Base / Clovis, NM, United States
KCVS 141856Z 03017G22KT 10SM UP BKN026 07/07 A3017 RMK AO2A UPB1856 CIG 011 RWY22 SLP247 $
- KDUX: Dumas, Moore County Airport, TX, United States
KDUX 141944Z AUTO 35011KT 2SM UP BKN006 OVC014 06/05 A3018 RMK AO2 P0019
KDUX 141904Z AUTO 01013KT 1 3/4SM UP BKN006 BKN014 OVC023 05/05 A3016 RMK AO2 P0004
- KHST: Homestead Air Force Base, FL, United States
KHST 142012Z 06014G20KT 10SM UP SCT032 28/23 A2997 RMK AO2A UPB2012 CLDS LWR RWY23 SLP151
- KLVS: Las Vegas, Las Vegas Municipal Airport, NM, United States
KLVS 142011Z AUTO 36006KT 1/4SM UP FG OVC004 01/01 A3021 RMK AO2 P0004
KLVS 142011Z AUTO 36006KT 1/4SM UP FG OVC004 01/01 A3021
KLVS 141953Z AUTO 36006KT 1/4SM UP FG BKN002 OVC008 00/00 A3023 RMK AO2 UPB14SNE14 SLP215 P0005 T00000000
- PGUA: Andersen, Mariana Is, GU, United States
PGUA 142039Z 13007KT 7SM UP SCT065 BKN130 23/21 A2988 RMK AO2A PK WND 07028/1956 UPB2039RAE2031DZB2031E2034 PRESRR SLP103 RVRNO VISNO RWY24L CHINO RWY24L $
PGUA 142039Z 13007KT 7SM UP SCT065 BKN130 23/21 A2988
PGUA 141938Z 08012G17KT 7SM UP OVC018 25/22 A2986 RMK AO2A LTG DSNT NW UPB1938DZB1912E1917 TSB1917E1932 SLP094 RVRNO VISNO RWY24L CHINO RWY24L $
PGUA 141938Z 08012G17KT 7SM UP OVC018 25/22 A2986
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
1 station reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
- KMCF: Macdill Air Force Base, Fl., FL, United States [.86in]
KMCF 141955Z 06018KT 10SM SCT065 31/19 A3002 RMK AO2A SLP168 P0086 T03070190 $
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
- MMCZ: Cozumel Civ / Mil, Mexico [4.85in]
MMCZ 141943Z 08005KT 8SM BKN100 BKN200 25/25 A2982 RMK 60485 8/068 +RAB44E10 VC CB ALQDS VSBY LWR WNW
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
31 stations reporting thunder with rain
- DAOB: Tiaret, Algeria
DAOB 142000Z 10002KT 9999 TSRA FEW023CB BKN026 17/15 Q1022
- DAUL: Laghouat, Algeria
DAUL 142100Z 00000KT 8000 -TSRA FEW013 FEW026CB BKN030 16/15 Q1023
- FEFF: Bangui, Central African Republic
FEFF 142000Z VRB03KT 9999 TSRA FEW013 FEW033CB BKN140 22/22 Q1014 NOSIG
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
FOOL 141930Z 18007KT 150V210 7000 -TSRA SCT006 FEW016CB OVC030 26/26 Q1012
- FTTA: Sarh, Chad
FTTA 142100Z 087004KT 9999 TSRA FEW050CB OVC140 23/21 Q101400
- GMFO: Oujda, Morocco
GMFO 142000Z 16006KT 6000 SCT013 BKN026 FEW030CB 18/16 Q1022 RETSRA
- GOGG: Ziguinchor, Senegal
GOGG 141900Z 09016KT 7000 TSRA BKN011 FEW030CB OVC130 29/23 Q1010
- GOGS: Cap-Skirring, Senegal
GOGS 142100Z VRB02KT 8000 TSRA SCT013TCU FEW030CB BKN130 25/22 Q1011
- GOTT: Tambacounda, Senegal
GOTT 142100Z 10006KT 6000 TSRA BKN013 SCT030CB OVC130 25/23 Q1011
- LCEN: Ercan, Cyprus
LCEN 142120Z 26011KT 8000 TSRA SCT025CB SCT030 BKN100 20/16 Q1015 NOSIG
- LCLK: Larnaca Airport, Cyprus
LCLK 142100Z 30022G34KT 8000 -TSRA FEW008 SCT030CB BKN050 21/18 Q1015 NOSIG
- LCPH: Paphos Airport, Cyprus
LCPH 141900Z 02028G40KT 8000 -TSRA FEW025CB BKN050 BKN100 22/17 Q1013
- LCRA: Akrotiri, Cyprus
LCRA 141950Z 02011KT 9999 7000SE -TSRA FEW025CB BKN048 BKN090 23/15 Q1012 RERA
- LGKP: Karpathos Airport, Greece
LGKP 142100Z 31009KT 5000 TSRA SCT015CB SCT018TCU BKN025 17/16 Q1014 RETS
- LTAI: Antalya, Turkey
LTAI 141850Z 36012G23KT 9999 -SHRA BKN025 19/15 Q1019 RETSRA NOSIG
- LTFE: Bodrum Milas Airport, Turkey
LTFE 142120Z VRB03KT 9999 -TSRA FEW020CB SCT030 BKN090 18/18 Q1017
- LTFH: Samsun / Carsamba, Turkey
LTFH 141950Z 27003KT 9999 FEW036 BKN100 16/15 Q1020 RETSRA NOSIG
- MMPN: Uruapan / Gen Rayon, Mexico
MMPN 142045Z 22010KT 5SM TS SCT020CB BKN090 BKN250 21/17 A3005 RMK 8/973 HZY TSRA 1-4QUAD LWR CLDS ARND
- MNBL: Bluefields, Nicaragua
MNBL 141900Z 23012KT 4000 TSRA SCT016CB SCT070 26/25 Q1007 CB/N/S/SW/W
- PGUA: Andersen, Mariana Is, GU, United States
- SBLO: Londrina Aeroporto, Brazil
SBLO 142100Z 09015KT 5000 TSRA BKN020 FEW030CB BKN070 BKN300 27/18 Q1013
- SBNF: Ministro Victor Konder Intl, Brazil
SBNF 142100Z 04012KT 7000 2000E -TSRA SCT007 SCT010 FEW030CB BKN050 21/20 Q1013 RERA
- SBUG: Uruguaiana Aeroporto, Brazil
SBUG 141900Z 05003KT 5000 -TSRA BKN006 FEW040CB OVC070 20/19 Q1009
- SELT: Latacunga, Ecuador
SELT 141900Z 05007KT 010V110 8000N 9999S -TSRA FEW026CB SCT040 BKN100 12/10 Q1028 CB OVER STN
- SEQU: Quito / Mariscal Sucre, Ecuador
SEQU 142100Z 16007KT 3000N 8000S -TSRA FEW023CB BKN030 OVC100 11/10 Q1025 RMK A3027 CB TO N MOV TO NW
- SVMG: Margarita / Del Carib, Venezuela
SVMG 142100Z 02004KT 2000 TSRA SCT010CB/N OVC080 25/23 1007
- TJMZ: Mayaguez, Eugenio Maria de Hostos Airport, PR, United States
TJMZ 141954Z 05013KT 01SM +TSRA OVC020 24/23 A2974 RMK TSB39 TS OVHD
- VIAR: Amritsar, India
VIAR 141930Z 12006KT 1800 -TSRA SCT030 FEW040CB OVC100 25/22 Q1012
- WMBA: Sitiawan, Malaysia
WMBA 142103Z 08003KT 6000 TSRA FEW003 FEW016CB SCT028 OVC180 25/24 Q1009
- WMKI: Ipoh, Malaysia
WMKI 141905Z 10001KT 7000 TSRA FEW005 FEW016CB SCT026 BKN260 26/25 Q1010
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia
WMKP 141930Z 13002KT 8000 -TSRA FEW017CB SCT023 BKN260 25/24 Q1009
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting visibility of zero
8 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- EPPO: Poznan, Poland [100meters]
EPPO 142130Z 19002KT 0100 R29/0225 R11/0375 FG SKC 08/08 Q1019
EPPO 142100Z 00000KT 0100 R29/0200 R11/0200 FG SKC 08/08 Q1019
EPPO 142030Z 29001KT 0100 R29/0225 R11/0200 FG SCT033 11/10 Q1018
- KSXT: Sexton Summit,, OR, United States [<1/4mile]
KSXT 142056Z AUTO 34010G14KT M1/4SM FG VV001 08/07 A3031 RMK AO2 SLP254 T00780072 58012 TSNO
KSXT 142056Z AUTO 34010G14KT M1/4SM FG VV001 08/07 A3031 RMK AO2 SLP254 T00780072 58012 TSNO
KSXT 141956Z AUTO 35006KT M1/4SM FG VV001 08/07 A3032 RMK AO2 SLP258 T00780072 TSNO
KSXT 141956Z AUTO 35006KT M1/4SM FG VV001 08/07 A3032 RMK AO2 SLP258 T00780072 TSNO
- LDZA: Zagreb / Pleso, Croatia [200meters]
LDZA 142100Z 00000KT 0200 R05/0250N R23/0500V1700U FG FEW001 10/09 Q1021 NOSIG
LDZA 142100Z 00000KT 0200 R05/0250N R23/0500V1700U FG FEW001 10/09 Q1021 NOSIG
- LRTM: Tirgu Mures, Romania [50meters]
LRTM 142100Z 00000KT 0050 R07/0225N FG VV001 07/07 Q1021
LRTM 142000Z 00000KT 0050 R07/0250N FG VV001 07/07 Q1021
- OITL: Ardabil, Iran [100meters]
OITL 142050Z 10004KT 0100 FG SKC 09/09 Q1028 A3037
OITL 141950Z 08004KT 0100 FG SKC 10/10 Q1028 A3037
OITL 141850Z 00000KT 0100 FG SKC 10/10 Q1028 A3038
- RJFM: Miyazaki Airport, Japan [200meters]
RJFM 142128Z 29007KT 0200 R27/0350V1700D FG SKC 16/15 Q1020 RMK A3013
RJFM 142113Z 29007KT 0200 R27/0800V1700D FG SKC 16/15 Q1020 RMK A3013
- UKOO: Odesa, Ukraine [50meters]
UKOO 142130Z 17002MPS 0100 R34/0750N FG FEW006 SCT100 11/11 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 142105Z 00000MPS 0050 R34/0325N FG BKN100 12/12 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 142100Z 00000MPS 0050 R34/0375N FG BKN100 12/12 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 142058Z 00000MPS 0050 R34/0450V0600D FG BKN100 12/12 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 142055Z 00000MPS 0100 R34/0650D FG BKN100 12/12 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 142030Z 00000MPS 0150 R34/1000VP2000D PRFG BKN100 12/12 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 142000Z 00000MPS 0150 R34/P2000D PRFG SCT100 13/12 Q1020 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 141952Z 00000MPS 0150 R16/0325N PRFG SCT100 12/12 Q1020 16090070 NOSIG
UKOO 141932Z 00000MPS 0200 R16/0400N PRFG FEW006 SCT100 12/12 Q1021 16090070 NOSIG
UKOO 141930Z 00000MPS 0200 R16/0700U PRFG FEW006 SCT100 12/12 Q1021 16090070 NOSIG
UKOO 141903Z 19002MPS 0150 R16/0275N PRFG FEW006 SCT100 13/12 Q1021 16090070 NOSIG
UKOO 141902Z 19002MPS 0150 R16/0350D PRFG FEW006 SCT100 13/12 Q1021 16090070 NOSIG
- USRR: Surgut, Russia [150meters]
USRR 142100Z 13001MPS 0150 R07/0450 FG VV001 01/01 Q1001
USRR 142100Z 13001MPS 0150 R07/0450 FG VV001 01/01 Q1001
USRR 142000Z 07001MPS 0200 R07/0600 FG VV001 01/01 Q1001
USRR 142000Z 07001MPS 0200 R07/0600 FG VV001 01/01 Q1001
USRR 141900Z 06001MPS 0200 R07/0600 FG VV002 01/01 Q1000
USRR 141900Z 06001MPS 0200 R07/0600 FG VV002 01/01 Q1000
1 station reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States [95miles]
KEDW 142055Z VRB03KT 90SM CLR 22/M07 A3017 RMK AO2A SLP205 T02181066 58027
KEDW 141955Z 00000KT 95SM CLR 21/M07 A3021 RMK AO2A SLP219 T02081069
KEDW 141855Z VRB03KT 95SM CLR 19/M07 A3024 RMK AO2A SLP227 T01891073
5 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- CYPW: Powell River Airport, Canada [50miles]
CYPW 142100Z 28005KT 50SM FEW022 FEW200 BKN250 09/04 A3048 RMK CU2CC1CI2 SLP326
CYPW 142000Z 29003KT 50SM SCT020 SCT160 BKN230 09/04 A3049 RMK CU3AC1CI2 CS ASOCTD SLP329
CYPW 141900Z 27004KT 50SM FEW020 FEW160 BKN250 09/04 A3049 RMK CU2AC1CI2 SLP327
- K4BL: Blanding, UT, United States [50miles]
K4BL 142055Z 19010KT 50SM SKC 17/M13 RMK SLP185 NOSPECI T01671128 57017
K4BL 142055Z 19010KT 50SM SKC 17/M13 RMK SLP185 NOSPECI T01671128 57017
- KFFZ: Mesa / Falcon Field, AZ, United States [50miles]
KFFZ 142054Z VRB05KT 50SM SKC 27/M16 A2998
KFFZ 141955Z 05008KT 50SM SKC 26/M13 A3001
KFFZ 141847Z 02007KT 50SM SKC 23/M14 A3005
- KFHU: Fort Huachuca, AZ, United States [50miles]
KFHU 142055Z 36009KT 50SM SKC 20/M13 A3007 RMK SLP141 57014
KFHU 141955Z VRB06KT 50SM SKC 19/M12 A3009 RMK SLP149
KFHU 141855Z VRB03KT 50SM SKC 18/M12 A3011 RMK SLP155
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [70miles]
KMWN 142054Z 27035KT 60SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW/// BKN010 BKN080 BKN200 07/04 RMK TPS LWR SCT040 TPS LWR FEW045 TPS LWR FEW060 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 142054Z 27035KT 60SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW/// BKN010 BKN080 BKN200 07/04 RMK TPS LWR SCT040 TPS LWR FEW045 TPS LWR FEW060 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 142054Z 27035KT 60SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW/// BKN010 BKN080 BKN200 07/04
KMWN 141952Z 27035KT 70SM SCT/// SCT035 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/04 RMK ACSL NE-E TPS LWR SCT040 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 141952Z 27035KT 70SM SCT/// SCT035 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/04 RMK ACSL NE-E TPS LWR SCT040 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 141952Z 27035KT 70SM SCT/// SCT035 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/04
KMWN 141851Z 26035G40KT 70SM SCT/// SCT040 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/03 RMK ACSL NE TPS LWR SCT040 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 141851Z 26035G40KT 70SM SCT/// SCT040 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/03 RMK ACSL NE TPS LWR SCT040 HZ DSNT NW-NE
KMWN 141851Z 26035G40KT 70SM SCT/// SCT040 SCT080 BKN200 BKN240 08/03
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
9 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
SPCL 142100Z 00000KT 9999 SCT016 BKN100 29/24 Q1009 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
SPCL 142000Z 00000KT 9999 SCT030 BKN100 29/23 Q1010 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
SPCL 141900Z 00000KT 9999 SCT030 OVC100 29/22 Q1011 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
- SPHI: Chiclayo, Peru
SPHI 142100Z 18019KT CAVOK 23/15 Q1012 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01
SPHI 141900Z 19013KT CAVOK 26/15 Q1013 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01
- SPJR: Cajamarca, Peru
SPJR 142100Z 06006KT 9999 SCT033 OVC050 18/12 Q1024 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
SPJR 142000Z 06004KT 9999 SCT033 OVC050 18/12 Q1025 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
SPJR 141900Z 12004KT 9999 SCT033 OVC050 19/12 Q1026 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 141900Z 32010KT 9999 BKN020 24/21 Q1011 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14
- SPQT: Iquitos, Peru
SPQT 142000Z /////KT 9999 BKN020 BKN100 31/23 Q1008 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
SPQT 141900Z /////KT 9999 BKN020 BKN100 30/23 Q1009 NOSIG RMK WIND RWY24 VRB02KT BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
- SPRU: Trujillo, Peru
SPRU 142100Z 16011KT 9999 BKN150 19/15 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
SPRU 142000Z 16012KT CAVOK 20/15 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
SPRU 141900Z 16010KT CAVOK 19/15 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
- SPSO: Pisco, Peru
SPSO 142100Z 30007KT 8000 SCT230 20/15 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
SPSO 142000Z 30011KT 8000 BKN230 21/15 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
SPSO 141900Z 30011KT 8000 BKN230 21/15 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
- SPST: Tarapoto, Peru
SPST 142100Z 29003KT 9999 FEW025 SCT130 30/23 Q1008 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 142000Z 23004KT 9999 SCT025 SCT120 29/23 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 141900Z 00000KT 9999 SCT020 BKN100 27/23 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
- SPYL: Talara, Peru
SPYL 142100Z 15012KT CAVOK 23/17 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 35 TMAX 27.0 PP000
SPYL 142000Z 21010KT CAVOK 24/17 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 35 PP000
SPYL 141900Z 21012KT CAVOK 26/17 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 35 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
0 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
9 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- EQBH: Camp Bastion, Afghanistan
EQBH 142050Z 07013KT 6000 DU SKC 21/M07 Q1019 WHT
- GQNN: Nouakchott, Mauritania
GQNN 142130Z 05008KT 350V080 5000 BLDU NSC 30/16 Q1012 NOSIG
GQNN 142100Z 36007KT 5000 BLDU NSC 29/18 Q1011 NOSIG
GQNN 142030Z 36009KT 5000 BLDU NSC 29/18 Q1011 NOSIG
GQNN 142000Z 36009KT 5000 BLDU NSC 29/18 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 141930Z 36009KT 5000 BLDU NSC 29/18 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 141900Z 35011KT 5000 BLDU NSC 29/19 Q1010 NOSIG
KQMB 142055Z 35003KT 9000 DU FEW000 SCT100 SCT200 26/02 A3006 RMK DU FEW000 SLP166 T02640018 50002 PA 549 DA 2038
KQMB 141955Z 07003KT 9000 DU FEW000 SCT100 BKN200 28/01 A3007 RMK DU FEW000 SLP169 T02830009 PA 545 DA 2240
KQMB 141855Z 08004KT 9000 DU FEW000 SCT100 BKN200 29/00 A3006 RMK DU FEW000 SLP169 T02900004 PA 546 DA 2317
KQND 142000Z 28006KT 8000 DU SKC 19/02 A3021 RMK INDIGENOUS DATA NOT QCD
KQND 141900Z 33004KT 8000 DU SKC 19/03 A3024 RMK INDIGENOUS DATA NOT QCD
KQNY 142055Z 21003KT 5000 DU FEW000 SCT120 BKN250 26/06 A3005 RMK DU FEW000 SLP171 T02600061 403840205 58003 PA 61 DA 1389
KQNY 141955Z 31002KT 5000 DU FU FEW000 SCT120 SCT250 27/10 A3005 RMK DU FEW000 SLP173 T02650099 PA 55 DA 1437
KQNY 141855Z 04001KT 5000 DU FU SCT000 SCT120 BKN250 28/05 A3005 RMK DU SCT000 SLP174 T02820053 PA 54 DA 1625
KQSA 142056Z COR 36015G26KT 9000 BLDU FEW200 16/00 A3021 RMK PK WND 36034/22 SLP169 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 50001 COR 2059
KQSA 142056Z 36015G26KT 9000 BLDU FEW200 16/00 A3021 RMK PK WND 36035/22 SLP169 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 50001 COR 2106
KQSA 141955Z 36015G29KT 1600 BLDU SCT100 BKN150 BKN200 20/00 A3022 RMK PK WND35033/24 SLP168 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD
KQWM 142055Z 27001KT 9000 DU SKC 28/04 A3004 RMK SLP161 QNH1017 55002
KQWM 141955Z 26002KT 6000 DU SKC 29/04 A3003 RMK SLP160 QNH1016
- LCLK: Larnaca Airport, Cyprus
LCLK 142030Z 33025G36KT 5000 DU FEW008 FEW030CB SCT060 BKN090 23/16 Q1011 NOSIG
LCLK 142000Z 31025G37KT 5000 DU FEW008 FEW030CB SCT060 23/16 Q1014 RETS NOSIG
LCLK 141930Z 30028G42KT 3000 -TSRA DU SCT004 BKN030CB BKN060 24/16 Q1014 NOSIG
LCLK 141900Z 30027G38KT 5000 VCTS DU FEW030CB SCT060 BKN090 25/16 Q1014
- OITT: Tabriz, Iran
OITT 141850Z 04004KT 5000 DU SKC 17/04 Q1028 A3036
1 station reporting sand or sandstorm
- DAOR: Bechar, Algeria
DAOR 142000Z 36030KT 3000 BLSA FEW030CB SCT033TCU 19/16 Q1021
DAOR 141915Z 01036KT 2000 SQ BLSA FEW030CB SCT033TCU 20/16 Q1021
24 stations reporting smoke
- KHFF: Mackall U. S. Army Airfield, NC, United States
KHFF 141855Z 00000KT 10SM FEW015 29/06 A3022 RMK AO2A FU FEW015 SLP230 T02860281 $
- KNKX: San Diego, Miramar MCAS/Mitscher Field Airport, CA, United States
KNKX 142055Z COR 27010KT 7SM FU FEW010 28/M01 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP148 T02831006 58022
KNKX 142055Z 27010KT 7SM FU FEW010 28/M01 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP148 T02831006 58021 $
KNKX 141955Z 04016G22KT 7SM FU FEW010 32/M14 A3001 RMK AO2 PK WND 06026/1937 SLP155 T03221139
KNKX 141855Z 03013G23KT 7SM FU CLR 31/M13 A3004 RMK AO2 WSHFT 1828 SLP164 T03111128
KNKX 141848Z 02016G23KT 7SM FU CLR 31/M13 A3004 RMK AO2 WSHFT 1828
- KNSI: San Nicholas Island, CA, United States
KNSI 142053Z 33013KT 7SM FEW030 29/M06 A3005 RMK FU FEW030 SLP170 T02891061 50001
KNSI 141956Z 33014KT 7SM FEW030 27/03 A3008 RMK FU FEW030 SLP179 T02670033
KNSI 141953Z 33014KT 7SM FEW030 27/03 A3008 RMK FU FEW030 A02 SLP179 T02670033 TSNO $
KNSI 141852Z 34014KT 7SM FEW030 26/06 A3010 RMK FU FEW303 A02 SLP187 T02560061 TSNO $
- KNTD: Point Mugu, Naval Air Warfare Center, CA, United States
KNTD 142056Z 29014KT 7SM FEW020 27/02 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP161 FU FEW020 LAG PK 27/M12/02011G29 T02720017 58026 $
KNTD 141956Z 03012G19KT 7SM FEW020 31/M03 A3003 RMK AO2 PK WND 01026/1907 SLP170 FU FEW020 LAG PK 25/M12/02021G37 T03061028 $
KNTD 141856Z 04014G21KT 7SM FEW020 29/M03 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP181 FU FEW020 LAG PK 24/M11/01022 T02941028 $
KQAE 142055Z 31001KT 6000 FU HZ FEW120 BKN200 27/09 A3002 RMK SLP163 57005
KQAE 141955Z VRB02KT 6000 FU HZ FEW120 BKN200 29/06 A3003 RMK SLP165
KQAE 141855Z VRB01KT 6000 FU HZ FEW120 BKN200 30/07 A3003 RMK SLP167
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
KQAQ 142055Z 00000KT 6000 FU HZ BKN250 28/05 A2998 RMK SLP150 WND DATA ESTMD 57003 PA +64 DA +1630
KQAQ 141955Z 00000KT 5000 FU HZ BKN250 29/07 A2999 RMK SLP152 WND DATA ESTMD PA +58 DA +1680
KQAQ 141855Z VRB02KT 5000 FU HZ BKN250 29/07 A2999 RMK SLP154 WND DATA ESTMD PA +52 DA +1740
KQNY 141955Z 31002KT 5000 DU FU FEW000 SCT120 SCT250 27/10 A3005 RMK DU FEW000 SLP173 T02650099 PA 55 DA 1437
KQNY 141855Z 04001KT 5000 DU FU SCT000 SCT120 BKN250 28/05 A3005 RMK DU SCT000 SLP174 T02820053 PA 54 DA 1625
KQOL 141855Z 29002KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 28/06 A3000 RMK SLP155
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
KQTZ 142055Z 00000KT 6000 FU HZ SCT000 SCT200 26/10 A3000 RMK FU SCT000 SLP154 QNH1015MB ALSTG/SLP ESTMD WIND DATA ESTMD 56003
KQTZ 141855Z 00000KT 6000 FU HZ SCT000 BKN200 29/09 A3001 RMK FU SCT000 SLP157 QNH1015MB ALSTG/SLP ESTMD WIND DATA ESTMD
- KQXJ: Tallil, Iraq
KQXJ 142059Z VRB03KT 8000 FU SCT250 25/04 A2999 RMK SLP158 PA-44 DA+1207 58001
KQXJ 141959Z VRB01KT 8000 FU SCT250 28/06 A2999 RMK SLP159 PA-44 DA+1562
KQXJ 141859Z VRB01KT 8000 FU FEW 29/06 A2999 RMK SLP159 PA-44 DA+1674
KQXJ 141859Z COR VRB01KT 8000 FU FEW250 29/06 A2999 RMK SLP159 PA-44 DA+1674 COR 1906
- KSJC: San Jose, San Jose Intl Arpt, CA, United States
KSJC 141853Z VRB05KT 10SM FEW010 22/M02 A3017 RMK AO2 SLP217 FU FEW010 T02221022
- KWHP: Los Angeles, Whiteman Airport, CA, United States
KWHP 141847Z 11005KT 15SM SKC 29/ RMK FU W-NW
- MMTJ: Tijuana Intl Arpt, Mexico
MMTJ 141956Z 31006KT 10SM SKC 28/M01 A3005 RMK HZY FU
MMTJ 141847Z 25007KT 10SM SKC 27/M02 A3008 RMK HZY FU
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 142130Z 10011KT 4000 FU SKC 21/13 Q1011
OPLA 142100Z 10011KT 4000 FU SKC 21/13 Q1011 NO SIG
OPLA 141930Z 050142KT 3000 FU FEW100 224/124 Q1012
OPLA 141900Z 07011KT 4000 FU SKC 21/13 Q1012 NO SIG
OPLA 141900Z 06011KT 3000 FU FEW100 24/12 Q1012
- PHOG: Kahului, Kahului Airport, HI, United States
PHOG 142054Z 32006KT 10SM FU BKN055 27/19 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP156 T02670194 50000
PHOG 142054Z 32006KT 10SM FU BKN055 27/19 A2998
PHOG 141954Z 33004KT 10SM FU FEW030 28/19 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP159 T02780189
PHOG 141954Z 33004KT 10SM FU FEW030 28/19 A2999
PHOG 141854Z VRB04KT 10SM FU FEW040 26/21 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP159 T02610206
PHOG 141854Z VRB04KT 10SM FU FEW040 26/21 A2999
- SBCJ: Carajas / Maraba, Brazil
SBCJ 142100Z 00000KT 5000 FU NSC 26/21 Q1011
SBCJ 142000Z 00000KT 5000 FU FEW025 BKN300 30/18 Q1010
SBCJ 141900Z 09002KT 5000 FU FEW025 BKN300 31/18 Q1011
- SLET: Santa Cruz / El Trompillo, Bolivia
SLET 142100Z 34012KT 5000 FU FEW020 SCT200 33/19 Q1006
SLET 142000Z 34012G22KT 5000 FU FEW020 SCT200 34/19 Q1007
SLET 141900Z 34015G25KT 5000 FU FEW020 SCT200 34/19 Q1007
- SLVR: Viru-Viru, Bolivia
SLVR 142100Z 35015KT 5000 FU FEW020 33/18 Q1007
- UAAA: Almaty, Kazakhstan
UAAA 142130Z VRB01MPS 2400 BR FU SCT050CB OVC100 08/06 Q1021 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 142100Z 00000MPS 1600 R23R/P2000 R23L/P2000U BR FU SCT050CB OVC100 08/06 Q1021 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 142030Z 16002MPS 2700 BR FU SCT050CB OVC100 09/06 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 142000Z 16003MPS 2600 BR FU SCT050CB OVC100 09/06 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 141930Z 20002MPS 170V240 2600 BR FU SCT050CB OVC100 08/06 Q1023 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 141900Z 29002MPS 2300 BR FU BKN050CB OVC100 08/06 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
- UKHH: Kharkiv, Ukraine
UKHH 142130Z 00000MPS 4100 FU SKC 09/07 Q1018 260///65
UKHH 142000Z 00000MPS 5000 FU SKC 10/07 Q1019 260///65
UKHH 141900Z 21002MPS 5000 FU SKC 09/06 Q1019 080///65
- UTTT: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
UTTT 142130Z 07002MPS 3000 FU OVC100 14/08 Q1023 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 142100Z 09002MPS 3000 FU OVC100 14/08 Q1023 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 142030Z 07002MPS 3000 FU OVC100 15/08 Q1023 08CLRD70 NOSIG
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 142040Z 00000KT 2500 FU SKC 29/21 Q1009 NOSIG
VABB 141940Z 13003KT 2500 FU SKC 29/21 Q1010 NOSIG
- VIDP: New Delhi / Palam, India
VIDP 142130Z 13006KT 2400 FU SKC 25/21 Q1011 NOSIG
VIDP 142100Z 12008KT 2200 FU SKC 25/20 Q1012 NOSIG
VIDP 142030Z 12008KT 2200 FU SKC 25/20 Q1012 NOSIG
VIDP 142000Z 11007KT 2200 FU SKC 25/21 Q1012 NOSIG
VIDP 141930Z 11009KT 2200 FU SKC 26/20 Q1012 NOSIG
VIDP 141900Z 12009KT 2000 FU SKC 26/20 Q1012 NOSIG
- ZBSJ: Zhengding, China
ZBSJ 141900Z 33003MPS 4000 FU NSC 15/11 Q1018 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
- LCLK: Larnaca Airport, Cyprus
    Wind, Thunderstorm, Dust/Duststorm
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- CWSF: Cap Madeleine Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada
    Wind, Pressure Change
- CYBG: Bagotville, Que., Canada
    Wind, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
    Wind, Visibility
    Dust/Duststorm, Smoke
- LCEN: Ercan, Cyprus
    Wind, Thunderstorm
- LCPH: Paphos Airport, Cyprus
    Wind, Thunderstorm
- MMCZ: Cozumel Civ / Mil, Mexico
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, 3/6-Hourly Precip Total
- SVMG: Margarita / Del Carib, Venezuela
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- TJMZ: Mayaguez, Eugenio Maria de Hostos Airport, PR, United States
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
53 unidentified stations (out of a total of 465 documented unknown stations)
- KQB6 (OLD)
- KQD2 (OLD)
- KQM1 (OLD)