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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2008101718
Currently using 23314 observations from 4373 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Fri Oct 17 18:50:50 UTC 2008
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
1 station reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
- NZSP: Amundsen-Scott Stn, Antarctica [-47°C, -52.6°F]
NZSP 171750Z 36007KT 9999 OVC030 M47/ A2840 RMK ALL WNDS GRID SDG/HDG
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
2 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
- GQNN: Nouakchott, Mauritania [40°C, 104.0°F]
GQNN 171700Z 10010KT 4000 BLDU NSC 40/05 Q1010 NOSIG
- SBBW: Barra Do Garcas, Brazil [40°C, 104.0°F]
SBBW 171800Z 29006KT 9999 SCT020 FEW025TCU 40/10 Q1009
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
1 station reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- OEDR: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia [28°C, 82.4°F]
OEDR 171800Z 01006KT 6000 SKC 29/28 Q1011 NOSIG
44 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- DNIL: Ilorin, Nigeria [26°C, 78.8°F]
DNIL 171600Z 28008KT 9999 BKN012 FEW022CB 30/26 Q1005
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon [27°C, 80.6°F]
FOOL 171600Z 20010KT 170V230 8000 TS SCT011 FEW020CB BKN030 28/27 Q1010
- GLRB: Grand Bassa, Roberts Field, Liberia [26°C, 78.8°F]
GLRB 171800Z 00000KT 9999 SCT018 FEW027CB 28/26 Q1010 CB-N/NE
- GOGG: Ziguinchor, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOGG 171700Z VRB02KT CAVOK 34/26 Q1011
- GOGS: Cap-Skirring, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOGS 171800Z 32004KT CAVOK 30/26 Q1010
- GOOY: Dakar / Yoff, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOOY 171830Z 31006KT 280V340 8000 NSC 29/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- GOSS: Saint-Louis, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOSS 171800Z 30006KT CAVOK 30/26 Q1010
- MDBH: Barahona, Dominican Republic [27°C, 80.6°F]
MDBH 171700Z 16014KT 9999 SCT014 31/27 Q1015
- MHTE: Tela, Honduras [27°C, 80.6°F]
MHTE 171800Z 31002KT 9999 SCT026CB SCT080 BKN250 29/27 Q1012 CB N TCU E WNW HZ
- MKJS: Montego Bay / Sangster, Jamaica [26°C, 78.8°F]
MKJS 171800Z 06014KT 9999 FEW022CB 30/26 Q1012
- MMBT: Bahias De Huatulco, Mexico [26°C, 78.8°F]
MMBT 171741Z 00000KT 7SM FEW030 SCT100 31/26 A2994 RMK SLP123 57008 919 8/260
- MMCZ: Cozumel Civ / Mil, Mexico [26°C, 78.8°F]
MMCZ 171641Z 07004KT 8SM BKN015TCU BKN080 OVC200 27/26 A2997 RMK 60195 8/267 -RAE05 SC LWR
- MMIT: Ixtepec Ox, Mexico [26°C, 78.8°F]
MMIT 171800Z RTD 36015G25KT 7SM SCT020 BKN070 32/26 A3015 RMK SLP165 52010 8/430 905
- MMLM: Los Mochis Airport, Mexico [27°C, 80.6°F]
MMLM 171743Z 32008KT 10SM SKC 31/27 A2995 RMK SLP142 HZY
- MMZO: Manzanillo International, Mexico [26°C, 78.8°F]
MMZO 171745Z 20008KT 3SM HZ FU FEW020 32/26 A2989 RMK SLP084 8/100
- MNBL: Bluefields, Nicaragua [27°C, 80.6°F]
MNBL 171800Z 00000KT 9999 SCT018 SCT020 30/27 Q1012
- MZBZ: Belize / Phillip Goldston Intl. Airport, Belize [26°C, 78.8°F]
MZBZ 171840Z 10007KT 8000 -SHRA BKN012 SCT016 BKN050 29/26 A2985 Q1010 8KMS-NW/W
- OBBI: Bahrain Intl Arpt, Bahrain [26°C, 78.8°F]
OBBI 171800Z 03005KT 8000 SKC 29/26 Q1012 NOSIG
- OEDR: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia [27°C, 80.6°F]
OEDR 171600Z 02006KT 4000 BR SKC 30/27 Q1010 NOSIG
- OIZJ: Jask, Iran [26°C, 78.8°F]
OIZJ 171550Z 09006KT 5000 BR SKC 28/26 Q1012 A2991
- OMFJ: Fujairah, United Arab Emirates [27°C, 80.6°F]
OMFJ 171600Z 12003KT 5000 HZ SKC 30/27 Q1013 A2992
- OMRK: Ras Al Khaimah Intl Arpt, United Arab Emirates [26°C, 78.8°F]
OMRK 171600Z 00000KT CAVOK 31/26 Q1011 A2987
- OTBD: Doha Intl Arpt, Qatar [26°C, 78.8°F]
OTBD 171800Z VRB02KT 6000 SKC 29/26 Q1013 NOSIG
- OYHD: Hodeidah, Yemen [26°C, 78.8°F]
OYHD 171700Z 00000KT 7000 SKC 32/26 Q//// NOSIG
- SBCZ: Cruzeiro Do Sul, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBCZ 171700Z 00000KT 9999 BKN030 33/26 Q1014
- SBEK: Jacareacanga, Brazil [27°C, 80.6°F]
SBEK 171800Z 16003KT 9999 FEW020 SCT120 31/27 Q1011
- SBTT: Tabatinga, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBTT 171745Z 35007KT 270V030 9999 8000N TS VCSH SCT015 SCT020 FEW025CB BKN300 30/26 Q1013
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKLT 171700Z 25005KT 9999 FEW016TCU BKN017 31/26 A2996
- SKSP: San Andres Isla / Sesquicentenario, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKSP 171700Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW023 BKN090 29/26 A2991
- SPJI: Juanjui, Peru [26°C, 78.8°F]
SPJI 171800Z 00000KT CAVOK 31/26 Q1023 RMK PP000
- SPTU: Puerto Maldonado, Peru [26°C, 78.8°F]
SPTU 171800Z 29006KT 9999 FEW007 32/26 Q1013 RMK PP000
- SVCB: Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVCB 171700Z 09006KT 9999 SCT013 33/26 Q1011
- SVMC: Maracaibo-La Chinita, Venezuela [27°C, 80.6°F]
SVMC 171800Z 18006KT 9999 BKN010 30/27 Q1012
- SVMG: Margarita / Del Carib, Venezuela [27°C, 80.6°F]
SVMG 171600Z 11008KT 9999 FEW010 BKN270 33/27 Q1014 NOSIG
- SVSR: San Fernando De Apure, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVSR 171700Z 11005KT 9999 SCT016 BKN100 29/26 Q1016
- TBPB: Grantley Adams, Barbados [26°C, 78.8°F]
TBPB 171700Z 13009KT 9999 FEW012CB SCT016 30/26 Q1014
- TFFF: Le Lamentin, Martinique [26°C, 78.8°F]
TFFF 171800Z 16005KT 110V230 9999 -SHRA SCT026 BKN300 30/26 Q1013 NOSIG
- TGPY: Point Salines Airport, Grenada [27°C, 80.6°F]
TGPY 171800Z 12008KT 9999 SCT022 BKN280 32/27 Q1013
- TLPL: Hewanorra Intl Arpt, Saint Lucia [26°C, 78.8°F]
TLPL 171600Z 15008KT 9999 SCT025 BKN280 32/26 Q1015
- TVSV: Arnos Vale, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [26°C, 78.8°F]
TVSV 171600Z 17008KT 9999 SCT022 BKN280 31/26 Q1016
- VVTS: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [26°C, 78.8°F]
VVTS 171830Z 08005KT 9999 FEW015TCU SCT017 26/26 Q1007 NOSIG
- VYYY: Yangon, Myanmar [27°C, 80.6°F]
VYYY 171630Z 23002KT 7000 FEW020 FEW025CB SCT120 28/27 Q 1009 NOSIG
- WALL: Sepinggan, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WALL 171600Z 18004KT 8000 HZ SCT018 28/26 Q1009
- WMKL: Langkawi, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKL 171600Z 11003KT 9999 -RA FEW005 FEW017CB SCT023 BKN260 26/26 Q1009
1 station reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
- KEKQ: Monticello, KY, United States [80kt, 41m/s]
KEKQ 171703Z AUTO 05052G80KT 300V090 10SM SQ SCT035 14/06 A3017 RMK AO2 PK WND 08080/1703 $
0 stations reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
0 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
1 station reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- CZPC: Pincher Creek Airport, Canada [48kt, 24m/s]
CZPC 171800Z AUTO 26038G45KT 9SM CLR 14/04 A3000 RMK SLP169
CZPC 171700Z AUTO 26037G48KT 9SM CLR 13/04 A2998 RMK SLP163
CZPC 171621Z AUTO 26040G48KT 9SM CLR 12/04 A2998
CZPC 171600Z AUTO 26036G46KT 9SM -DZ CLR 12/04 A2998 RMK SLP165
CZPC 171552Z AUTO 26040G46KT 9SM -DZ CLR 11/04 A2998
1 station reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
- KQCJ: Eagle Range, United States [1099.4mb, 32.46in]
KQCJ 171755Z AUTO VRB02KT 9999 CLR 08/M13 A3243 RMK AO2 SLP987
KQCJ 171655Z AUTO VRB03KT 9999 CLR 10/M12 A3243 RMK AO2 SLP986
KQCJ 171555Z AUTO 18003KT 9999 CLR 11/M13 A3242 RMK AO2 SLP994
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
3 stations reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- KQAN: UNKNOWN, [1049.4mb, 30.98in]
KQAN 171755Z AUTO 35035KT 1 1/8SM +FZRA VV005 08/M05 A3077 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/1656 WSHFT 1738 SLP494 T00821048 10208 20200 52012
KQAN 171655Z AUTO 35043KT 300V010 3/4SM +FZRA VV005 08/M05 A3077 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/1556 WSHFT 1638 SLP494 T00821048
KQAN 171555Z AUTO 35043KT 300V010 3/4SM +FZRA VV005 08/M05 A3077 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/1456 WSHFT 1538 SLP494 T00821048
- KQD2: UNKNOWN, [1045.6mb, 30.87in]
KQD2 171755Z AUTO 00000KT 9999 CLR 10/M06 A3091 RMK AO2 SLP446
KQD2 171655Z AUTO 21002KT 9999 CLR 10/M04 A3091 RMK AO2 SLP454
KQD2 171555Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 CLR 11/M05 A3089 RMK AO2 SLP456
- PMDY: Sand Island, Henderson Field Airport, HI, United States [1048.4mb, 30.95in]
PMDY 171756Z AUTO 07013KT 7SM FEW020 SCT055 24/23 A3005 RMK AO2 TSNO 53005 60000 T02440227 10255 20244 RAB02E12 P0000 SLP484
PMDY 171656Z AUTO 07012KT 7SM FEW024 SCT031 25/23 A3005 RMK AO2 TSNO T02500227 SLP481
PMDY 171556Z AUTO 07013KT 7SM FEW020 26/22 A3004 RMK AO2 TSNO T02550222 SLP480
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 950mb and 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 960mb - 969mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 970mb - 979mb
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
1 station reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- PAHP: Hooper Bay, Hooper Bay Airport, AK, United States [-6.4mb]
PAHP 171756Z AUTO 05010KT 10SM CLR M08/M14 A2978 RMK AO1 11060 21090 57064 PNO
4 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWGB: Ballenas Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [8.0mb]
CWGB 171800Z AUTO 11012KT RMK AO1 2PAST HR 1007 PK WND 11018/1714 P0001 50080
CWGB 171700Z AUTO 13006KT RMK AO1 4PAST HR 3007 P0002 50078
CWGB 171600Z AUTO 14011KT RMK AO1 4PAST HR 3001 P0009 50074
- CWMM: P. Meadows Coastal Stn Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [8.8mb]
CWMM 171700Z AUTO 34002KT 12/12 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 3012 SLP205 P0016 T01230122 50088
- CWWK: White Rock Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [9.4mb]
CWWK 171800Z AUTO 17002KT 14/13 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 0011 SLP208 P0016 T01360126 50094
CWWK 171700Z AUTO 27001KT 13/12 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 3014 SLP210 P0020 T01320120 50052
- PAFE: Kake, Kake Airport, AK, United States [8.5mb]
PAFE 171756Z 9SM FEW010 SCT018 BKN025 06/03 A2978 RMK AO1 52085 PNO
2 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
- CWSK: Squamish Airport, B. C, Canada [18.4mb]
CWSK 171800Z AUTO 01001KT 09/09 RMK AO1 5PAST HR 8008 SLP181 P0002 T00910087 50184
CWSK 171700Z AUTO 27002KT 09/08 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 0008 SLP188 P0009 T00850081 50179
CWSK 171600Z AUTO 05001KT 08/08 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 1014 SLP190 P0012 T00830079 50157
- CWWA: W Vancouver Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [15.9mb]
CWWA 171800Z AUTO 09005KT 11/10 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 8001 SLP194 P0012 T01120102 50159
CWWA 171700Z AUTO 10003KT 11/10 RMK AO1 6PAST HR 3006 SLP199 P0010 T01100101 50129
CWWA 171600Z AUTO 04002KT 11/10 RMK AO1 8PAST HRR+10/ 1002 SLP195 P0007 T01090100 50103
0 stations reporting heavy snow
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
1 station reporting heavy freezing rain
KQAN 171755Z AUTO 35035KT 1 1/8SM +FZRA VV005 08/M05 A3077 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/1656 WSHFT 1738 SLP494 T00821048 10208 20200 52012
KQAN 171655Z AUTO 35043KT 300V010 3/4SM +FZRA VV005 08/M05 A3077 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/1556 WSHFT 1638 SLP494 T00821048
KQAN 171555Z AUTO 35043KT 300V010 3/4SM +FZRA VV005 08/M05 A3077 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/1456 WSHFT 1538 SLP494 T00821048
14 stations reporting heavy rain
- KAHN: Athens, Athens Airport, GA, United States
KAHN 171659Z 25004KT 1SM +RA BR FEW004 BKN017 OVC035 18/17 A3006 RMK AO2 P0005
KAHN 171659Z 25004KT 1SM +RA BR FEW004 BKN017 OVC035 18/17 A3006
KAHN 171643Z 26005KT 1SM +RA BR SCT019 BKN030 OVC035 18/17 A3007 RMK AO2 P0018
KAHN 171643Z 26005KT 1SM +RA BR SCT019 BKN030 OVC035 18/17 A3007
- KALX: Alexander City, Thomas C Russell Field Airport, AL, United States
KALX 171600Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA OVC004 20/19 A3010 RMK AO1 P0002
- KCLT: Charlotte, Charlotte / Douglas Intl Arpt, NC, United States
KCLT 171811Z 34005KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR OVC020 21/18 A2998 RMK AO2 P0001
KCLT 171811Z 34005KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR OVC020 21/18 A2998
- KFFC: Atlanta, Peachtree City-Falcon Field, GA, United States
KFFC 171705Z AUTO 22003KT 1SM +RA BR SCT020 BKN037 OVC060 19/18 A3009 RMK AO2 P0006
- KFTY: Atlanta, Fulton County Airport-Brown Field, GA, United States
KFTY 171649Z 23006KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN008 OVC014 19/18 A3007 RMK AO2 $
KFTY 171649Z 23006KT 3/4SM +RA BR BKN008 OVC014 19/18 A3007
KFTY 171642Z 22005KT 3/4SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN012 OVC023 19/18 A3007 RMK AO2 $
KFTY 171642Z 22005KT 3/4SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN012 OVC023 19/18 A3007
- KLWC: Lawrence, Lawrence Municipal Airport, KS, United States
KLWC 171552Z AUTO 12010KT 1 3/4SM VCTS +RA BR BKN020 OVC065 07/05 A3025 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND W TSB1456E18B31RAB27 PRESFR SLP249 P0007 T00720050
- KMGM: Montgomery, Dannelly Field, AL, United States
KMGM 171715Z 29005KT 3/4SM +RA BR FEW003 SCT008 OVC014 21/19 A3009 RMK AO2 RAB04 P0008
KMGM 171715Z 29005KT 3/4SM +RA BR FEW003 SCT008 OVC014 21/19 A3009 RMK AO2 RAB04 P0008
KMGM 171715Z 29005KT 3/4SM +RA BR FEW003 SCT008 OVC014 21/19 A3009
KMGM 171710Z 29007KT 1 3/4SM +RA BKN014 OVC020 22/19 A3009 RMK AO2 RAB04 P0001
KMGM 171710Z 29007KT 1 3/4SM +RA BKN014 OVC020 22/19 A3009 RMK AO2 RAB04 P0001
KMGM 171710Z 29007KT 1 3/4SM +RA BKN014 OVC020 22/19 A3009
- KMXF: Maxwell Air Force Base / Montgomery, AL, United States
KMXF 171721Z 29004KT 1 1/2SM R15/5500VP6000FT +RA BR OVC005 21/19 A3008 RMK AO2A $
- KPDK: Atlanta, De Kalb-Peachtree Airport, GA, United States
KPDK 171703Z 23008KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN003 OVC012 18/18 A3007 RMK AO2 P0004
KPDK 171703Z 23008KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN003 OVC012 18/18 A3007
- KSIF: Reidsville, NC, United States
KSIF 171800Z AUTO 04005KT 5SM +RA BKN007 OVC017 11/10 A3007 RMK AO2 P0001
KSIF 171700Z AUTO 05007KT 4SM +RA BKN005 OVC014 11/11 A3009 RMK AO2
- KUIL: Quillayute, Quillayute State Airport, WA, United States
KUIL 171716Z AUTO VRB05G14KT 1SM +RA BR OVC005 13/12 A3011 RMK AO2 P0006 TSNO
KUIL 171716Z AUTO VRB05G14KT 1SM +RA BR OVC005 13/12 A3011 RMK AO2 P0006 TSNO
KUIL 171716Z AUTO VRB05G14KT 1SM +RA BR OVC005 13/12 A3011
- KUZA: Rock Hill, Rock Hill - York County Airport, SC, United States
KUZA 171749Z AUTO 23006KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN021 BKN026 OVC044 21/19 A2999 RMK AO2 RAB29 P0003
- MMTM: Tampico / Gen Fj Mina, Mexico
MMTM 171553Z 36011KT 1 1/2SM +RA HZ VV008 21/20 A3017 RMK 66035 8//// CONDS VAR
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia
WMKP 171630Z 08001KT 6000 +RA SCT008 SCT023 BKN130 24/24 Q1010
WMKP 171600Z 32004KT 6000 +RA SCT023 BKN130 OVC250 24/23 Q1009
WMKP 171600Z 32004KT 6000 +RA FEW008 SCT023 BKN130 24/23 Q1009
3 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- KOOA: Oskaloosa, IA, United States
KOOA 171635Z AUTO 15004KT 10SM UP SCT037 SCT047 OVC070 10/05 A3026 RMK AO2
- KSFQ: Suffolk, Suffolk Municipal Airport, VA, United States
KSFQ 171840Z AUTO 04009KT 7SM UP BKN021 BKN029 16/13 A3005 RMK AO2
- TAPA: Vc Bird Intl Arpt Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda
TAPA 171800Z 01003KT 9999 BKN018 BKN260 28/24 Q1014 HZ/BLD UP ALL QUADS
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
- MMTM: Tampico / Gen Fj Mina, Mexico [7.25in]
MMTM 171653Z 30006KT 4SM -RA SCT010 BKN020 BKN080 21/20 A3020 RMK 60725 8/570 INTMT -RA/ HZ
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
1 station reporting hail
- KOJC: Olathe, Johnson County Executive Airport, KS, United States [? inches]
KOJC 171615Z 02009KT 8SM TSGRRA FEW028 OVC080 09/04 A3030 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS TSB09RAB14GRB15 P0000
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
24 stations reporting thunder with rain
- EPKT: Katowice, Poland
EPKT 171700Z 29017G30KT 6000 TSRA SCT013 BKN023CB 05/04 Q1015
- FAKN: Kruger Mpumalanga, South Africa
FAKN 171800Z 23007KT 3000 TSRA SCT030CB BKN070 18/15 Q1022
- FBSK: Seretse Khama Intl Arpt, Botswana
FBSK 171600Z 16017KT 9999 FEW030 FEW035CB SCT070 29/08 Q1015 RETSRA NOSIG
- FDMS: Manzini / Matsapa Airport, Swaziland
FDMS 171600Z VRB03KT 2000 TSRA SCT010 OVC020 SCT035CB 17/15 Q1021 NOSIG
- FGBT: Bata, Equatorial Guinea
FGBT 171800Z 27010KT 4000 -TSRA BKN010 FEW020CB OVC130 27/24 Q1012 NOSIG
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
FOOL 171730Z VRB03KT 6000 -TSRA SCT008 FEW016CB SCT023 OVC083 23/23 Q1010
- KIXD: Olathe, New Century Aircenter, KS, United States
KIXD 171753Z 15009KT 10SM -TSRA SCT055 11/07 A3022 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE RAE00B43 SLP236 P0001 60010 T01060067 10106 20044 58007
- KMCI: Kansas City, Kansas City Intl Arpt, MO, United States
KMCI 171607Z 09003KT 7SM -TSRA SCT047CB OVC070 08/05 A3027 RMK AO2 TSB06 OCNL LTGCG OHD TS OHD MOV NE P0001
- KMKC: Kansas City, Kansas City Downtown Airport, MO, United States
KMKC 171654Z 00000KT 10SM -TSRA BKN060 BKN075 BKN095 09/05 A3026 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW TSB03 SLP246 P0007 T00940050
- KOJC: Olathe, Johnson County Executive Airport, KS, United States
KOJC 171653Z 15006KT 5SM -TSRA BR BKN026 OVC070 07/05 A3026 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND SW TSB09RAB14GRB15E18 SLP250 P0002 T00720050
- KRCM: Warrensburg, MO, United States
KRCM 171729Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM -VCTSRA 10/06 A3028 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
- LETO: Madrid / Torrejon, Spain
LETO 171700Z 01011KT 7000 -TSRA SCT035CB BKN045 17/11 Q1016 NOSIG
- LICC: Catania / Fontanarossa, Italy
LICC 171720Z 26004KT 5000 TSRA FEW020CB SCT030 BKN050 19/16 Q1016
- LICZ: Catania / Sigonella, Italy
LICZ 171755Z 21005KT 8000 -TSRA FEW020CB SCT025 BKN080 17/16 Q1014 RETSRA RMK BKN VIS MIN 8000 WIND THR28 /////KT BLU
- LIRZ: Perugia, Italy
LIRZ 171630Z 28013KT 220V310 3000 TSRA SCT015CB BKN035 17/15 Q1014 RMK BKN VIS MIN 3000
- LMML: Luqa, Malta
LMML 171715Z 24005KT 200V270 8000 -TSRA SCT037CB BKN080 18/15 Q1017
- MNMG: Managua A. C. Sandino, Nicaragua
MNMG 171800Z 14006KT 5000 TSRA FEW020CB SCT070 24/23 Q1012 A2990
- SARI: Iguazu Aerodrome, Argentina
SARI 171600Z 23006KT 9999 BKN006 OVC050 20/19 Q1018 RETSRA
- SBFI: Foz Do Iguacu Aeroporto, Brazil
SBFI 171600Z 21004KT 8000 -TSRA BKN003 BKN010 FEW025CB 19/18 Q1015
- SBTK: Tarauaca, Brazil
SBTK 171700Z 08006KT 9999 -TSRA SCT020 FEW030CB OVC300 28/23 Q1015
- SLMG: Magdalena, Bolivia
SLMG 171600Z 27008KT 6000 -TSRA BKN015 FEW020CB OVC070 23/23 Q1014
- SLSA: Santa Ana, Bolivia
SLSA 171700Z 22008KT 7000 -TSRA SCT020 FEW023CB OVC200 21/21 Q1013
- VOHS: Rajiv Gandhi Intl, India
VOHS 171740Z 09004KT 4000 -TSRA SCT015 FEW025CB(OH/E/W) OVC080 22/21 Q1014
- WMKB: Buttersworth, Malaysia
WMKB 171600Z 35007KT 7000 -RA FEW010 SCT025 OVC260 25/23 Q1009 RETSRA NOSIG
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
5 stations reporting visibility of zero
KQFA 171755Z AUTO 00000KT 0000 // BKN001 BKN004 10/10 A3036 RMK AO2 SLP280 57004
KQFA 171655Z AUTO 00000KT 0000 // BKN001 BKN003 10/10 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP282
KQFA 171555Z AUTO 00000KT 0000 // BKN002 BKN004 11/10 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP283
- LIQO: Monte Argentario, Italy
LIQO 171755Z /////KT 0000 FG VV000 15/15 Q1012 RMK VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIQO 171655Z /////KT 0000 FG VV000 16/16 Q1012 RMK VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIQO 171555Z /////KT 0000 FG VV000 16/16 Q1012 RMK VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
- LIRK: Monte Terminillo, Italy
LIRK 171755Z ///10KT 0000 FG VV/// 07/06 Q1019 RMK MON NE INVIS NC VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIRK 171655Z ///16KT 0000 FG VV/// 07/06 Q1019 RMK MON NE INVIS NC VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIRK 171555Z ///16KT 0000 FG VV/// 07/06 Q1019 RMK MON NE INVIS NC VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
- RKSI: Incheon Intl Arpt, Korea, South
RKSI 171830Z 04005KT 0000 R33L/0175N R33R/0150N R34/0125N FG VV001 16/15 Q1023 NOSIG
- ZYCC: Changchun, China
ZYCC 171800Z 16004MPS 0000 R24/0175N FG VV002 10/09 Q1022 NOSIG
ZYCC 171700Z 16002MPS 0000 R24/0125N FG VV002 09/08 Q1023 NOSIG
ZYCC 171600Z 19002MPS 0000 R24/0100N FG VV002 09/08 Q1023 NOSIG
14 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- K6V3: Richlands, Tazewell County Airport, VA, United States [<1/4mile]
K6V3 171820Z AUTO 33007KT M1/4SM OVC001 09/09 A3009 RMK
K6V3 171800Z AUTO 32006KT M1/4SM OVC001 09/09 A3009 RMK
K6V3 171740Z AUTO 32006KT M1/4SM OVC001 10/10 A3010 RMK
K6V3 171720Z AUTO 32007KT M1/4SM OVC001 09/09 A3011 RMK
K6V3 171700Z AUTO 32006KT M1/4SM OVC001 10/10 A3011 RMK
K6V3 171640Z AUTO 33003KT M1/4SM OVC001 10/10 A3012 RMK
K6V3 171620Z AUTO 32005KT M1/4SM OVC001 10/10 A3012 RMK
K6V3 171600Z AUTO 32005KT M1/4SM OVC001 10/10 A3012 RMK
- KACV: Arcata / Eureka, Arcata Airport, CA, United States [<1/4mile]
KACV 171612Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM R32/1000V1600FT FG VV001 10/09 A3014 RMK AO2
KACV 171612Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM R32/1000V1600FT FG VV001 10/09 A3014
- KBOK: Brookings, OR, United States [<1/4mile]
KBOK 171756Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 12/11 A3015 RMK AO2 51006 T01160105 10127 20088 SLP211
KBOK 171716Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 12/11 A3015 RMK AO2
KBOK 171556Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 11/11 A3014 RMK AO2 T01050105 SLP208
- KCVO: Corvallis Municipal, OR, United States [<1/4mile]
KCVO 171635Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 09/09 A3020 RMK AO1
KCVO 171615Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 09/08 A3021 RMK AO1
KCVO 171555Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 09/08 A3021 RMK AO1
- KEUG: Eugene, Mahlon Sweet Field, OR, United States [1/8mile]
KEUG 171554Z 00000KT 1/8SM R16R/2000V2800FT FG VV001 10/10 A3020 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 1/4 SLP227 T01000100
KEUG 171554Z 00000KT 1/8SM R16R/2000V2800FT FG VV001 10/10 A3020
- KHSP: Hot Springs / Ingalls, VA, United States [<1/4mile]
KHSP 171839Z AUTO 07004KT M1/4SM -RA BKN003 OVC025 08/07 A3010 RMK AO2
KHSP 171821Z AUTO 06004KT M1/4SM DZ BKN002 OVC030 07/07 A3010 RMK AO2
KHSP 171800Z AUTO 08004KT M1/4SM DZ BKN022 OVC035 07/07 A3011 RMK AO2
KHSP 171740Z AUTO 07005KT M1/4SM DZ BKN015 OVC028 08/07 A3011 RMK AO2
KHSP 171720Z AUTO 07005KT M1/4SM +DZ BKN014 OVC036 07/07 A3012 RMK AO2
KHSP 171700Z AUTO 07006KT M1/4SM +DZ BKN025 OVC037 07/07 A3013 RMK AO2
KHSP 171640Z AUTO 07007KT M1/4SM -RA BKN022 OVC038 08/07 A3014 RMK AO2 P0002
KHSP 171620Z AUTO 07006KT M1/4SM +DZ BKN001 BKN025 OVC043 08/07 A3014 RMK AO2 P0001
KHSP 171601Z AUTO 07005KT M1/4SM +DZ BKN001 OVC026 08/07 A3014 RMK AO2 P0001
- KLNP: Wise / Lonesome Pine, VA, United States [<1/4mile]
KLNP 171649Z AUTO 34007KT M1/4SM OVC002 11/11 A3014 RMK AO1
KLNP 171629Z AUTO 32006KT M1/4SM OVC002 11/11 A3014 RMK AO1
KLNP 171611Z AUTO 31007KT M1/4SM OVC002 11/11 A3014 RMK AO1
KLNP 171550Z AUTO 35005KT M1/4SM OVC002 11/11 A3014 RMK AO1
- KQFL: UNKNOWN, [100meters]
KQFL 171755Z AUTO VRB02KT 0200 FG CLR 09/09 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP284 57002
KQFL 171655Z AUTO 00000KT 0200 FG CLR 10/09 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP285
KQFL 171555Z AUTO VRB02KT 0100 FG FEW003 11/10 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP285
- LYUZ: UNKNOWN, [200meters]
LYUZ 171700Z 32006KT 0200 -RA FG VV003 04/03 Q1019
LYUZ 171630Z 30007KT 0200 -RA FG VV003 04/04 Q1019
- PAWS: Wasilla, Wasilla Airport, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAWS 171836Z AUTO 09003KT M1/4SM OVC001 M06/M06 A2970 RMK AO1 PNO
PAWS 171816Z AUTO 07003KT M1/4SM OVC001 M07/M07 A2970 RMK AO1 PNO
- RJST: Matsushima Ab, Japan [200meters]
RJST 171840Z 01003KT 0200 R25/0350VP1800D FG VV000 11/11 Q1026 RMK A3031 R0700
- RKSI: Incheon Intl Arpt, Korea, South [50meters]
RKSI 171800Z 04004KT 0050 R33L/0175N R33R/0075N R34/0125N FG VV001 15/15 Q1024 NOSIG
RKSI 171730Z 05003KT 0050 R33L/0175U R33R/0225VP2000U R34/0125N FG VV001 16/15 Q1024 NOSIG
RKSI 171700Z 05003KT 0100 R33L/1500V1800N R33R/1100V1800D R34/0600V0700N FG VV002 15/14 Q1024 NOSIG
- RKSS: Seoul / Kimp'O Intl Arpt, Korea, South [100meters]
RKSS 171700Z 31002KT 0100 R32L/0100N R32R/0125V0250N FG SCT001 11/11 Q1024 NOSIG
RKSS 171700Z 31002KT 0100 R32L/0100N R32R/0125V0250N FG SCT001 11/11 Q1024 NOSIG
- UIII: Irkutsk, Russia [100meters]
UIII 171830Z 08002MPS 0150 R12/0450 FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1016 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE720/0960 12290150
UIII 171800Z 09002MPS 0150 R12/0450 FZFG VV001 M02/M02 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE720/0960 12290150
UIII 171730Z 12001MPS 0150 R12/0450 FZFG VV001 M01/M01 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE720/0960 12290150
UIII 171700Z 09002MPS 0200 R12/0600 FZFG VV001 M01/M01 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE720/0960 12290150
UIII 171630Z 09001MPS 0100 R12/0350 FZFG VV001 M02/M02 Q1017 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE720/0961 12290150
3 stations reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States [85miles]
KEDW 171755Z 00000KT 85SM FEW300 19/M06 A3021 RMK AO2A SLP212 RADAT 20147 T01891065 10189 20045
KEDW 171657Z 20003KT 85SM FEW180 15/M07 A3022 RMK AO2A A02A SLP218 T01531070
KEDW 171555Z 25003KT 85SM FEW180 11/M07 A3022 RMK AO2A SLP223 T01111067
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [110miles]
KMWN 171747Z 33024G31KT 110SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW/// FEW210 M07/M10 RMK TPS LWR SCT055 TPS LWR FEW060 BBLO FEW S-W 11039 21067
KMWN 171747Z 33024G31KT 110SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW/// FEW210 M07/M10 RMK TPS LWR SCT055 TPS LWR FEW060 BBLO FEW S-W 11039 21067
KMWN 171747Z 33024G31KT 110SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW/// FEW210 M07/M10
KMWN 171652Z 35024G34KT 100SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW000 FEW210 M04/M20 RMK TPS LWR SCT055 TPS LWR FEW060
KMWN 171652Z 35024G34KT 100SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW000 FEW210 M04/M20 RMK TPS LWR SCT055 TPS LWR FEW060
KMWN 171652Z 35024G34KT 100SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW000 FEW210 M04/M20
KMWN 171552Z 33027G32KT 100SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW005 FEW210 M04/M15 RMK TPS LWR SCT055 TPS LWR FEW060
KMWN 171552Z 33027G32KT 100SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW005 FEW210 M04/M15 RMK TPS LWR SCT055 TPS LWR FEW060
KMWN 171552Z 33027G32KT 100SM SCT/// FEW/// FEW005 FEW210 M04/M15
- PAUO: Willow Airport, AK, United States [100miles]
PAUO 171756Z 00000KT 100SM FEW035 M10/M15 A2970 RMK MAX 30 MIN 13 4/002 NOSPECI
PAUO 171655Z 00000KT 100SM SCT035 M10/M15 A2969 RMK NOSPECI
8 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- K4BL: Blanding, UT, United States [50miles]
K4BL 171800Z 16008KT 50SM SKC 18/M04 RMK SLP266 NOSPECI T01831039 10194 20056 54000
K4BL 171800Z 16008KT 50SM SKC 18/M04 RMK SLP266 NOSPECI T01831039 10194 20056 54000
- K4HV: Hanksville, UT, United States [60miles]
K4HV 171740Z 00000KT 60SM SKC 17/M09 RMK NOSPECI T01721094 10172 21011 51005
K4HV 171740Z 00000KT 60SM SKC 17/M09 RMK NOSPECI T01721094 10172 21011 51005
- KBKF: Aurora, Buckley Air Force Base Airport, CO, United States [70miles]
KBKF 171755Z 04003KT 70SM SKC 19/M02 A3036 RMK SLP242 58002
KBKF 171655Z 15005KT 70SM SKC 17/M01 A3037 RMK SLP245
KBKF 171555Z 15008KT 70SM SKC 14/00 A3037 RMK SLP248
- KFHU: Fort Huachuca, AZ, United States [70miles]
KFHU 171755Z 11008KT 060V140 70SM SKC 23/04 A3034 RMK SLP213 50000
KFHU 171655Z VRB05KT 70SM SKC 22/05 A3035 RMK SLP221
KFHU 171555Z VRB06KT 70SM SKC 19/04 A3035 RMK SLP224
- KPOC: La Verne / Brackett, CA, United States [60miles]
KPOC 171747Z 12007KT 60SM SKC A3012
KPOC 171647Z 12006KT 60SM SKC A3013
KPOC 171547Z 11007KT 60SM FEW160 A3012
- KU24: Delta, UT, United States [50miles]
KU24 171545Z 00000KT 50SM SKC 09/01 RMK SLP293 NOSPECI T00890008
KU24 171545Z 00000KT 50SM SKC 09/01 RMK SLP293 NOSPECI T00890008
- PAEC: Chulitna, Chulitna Airport, AK, United States [60miles]
PAEC 171656Z 00000KT 60SM SKC M11/M12 A2966 RMK NOSPECI
PAEC 171548Z 36004KT 50SM SKC M10/M11 A2965 RMK NOSPECI
- PATW: Cantwell, Cantwell Airport, AK, United States [60miles]
PATW 171755Z 01005KT 60SM FEW070 M17/M19 A2965 RMK NO SPECI
PATW 171650Z 01004KT 60SM SKC M17/M19 A2964 RMK 90405 21190 NOSPECI
PATW 171550Z 01006KT 60SM SKC M17/M19 A2965 RMK NOSPECI
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
7 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
SPCL 171800Z 00000KT 9999 SCT020 33/23 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20 PP000
SPCL 171700Z 17003KT 9999 FEW017 BKN120 33/24 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20 PP000
SPCL 171600Z 01003KT 9999 FEW017 BKN120 32/23 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY02/20 PP000
- SPJR: Cajamarca, Peru
SPJR 171800Z 05006KT 9999 BKN043 19/13 Q1029 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
SPJR 171700Z 04004KT 9999 BKN043 18/14 Q1031 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
SPJR 171600Z 07007KT 9999 BKN043 17/12 Q1032 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 171800Z 32005KT 9999 OVC017 24/20 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 171700Z 30006KT 9999 OVC017 23/20 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 171600Z 34005KT 9999 OVC013 23/20 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
- SPQT: Iquitos, Peru
SPQT 171800Z /////KT 9999 SCT012 BKN100 26/23 Q1013 NOSIG RMK WIND RWY24 27004KT BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PP000
SPQT 171700Z /////KT 9999 SCT010 BKN100 24/22 Q1015 NOSIG RMK WIND RWY24 VRB02KT BIRD HAZARD RWY 06/24 PPTRZ
- SPRU: Trujillo, Peru
SPRU 171800Z 18012KT 9999 FEW006 20/14 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
SPRU 171700Z 18008KT 9999 FEW012 19/15 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
SPRU 171600Z 18009KT 9999 BKN025 19/14 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY20 PP000
- SPSO: Pisco, Peru
SPSO 171800Z 24012KT CAVOK 23/16 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
SPSO 171700Z 27009KT CAVOK 23/16 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
SPSO 171600Z 25008KT CAVOK 22/16 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22 W PP000
- SPYL: Talara, Peru
SPYL 171800Z 19010KT CAVOK 26/17 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 35 PP000
SPYL 171700Z 20011KT CAVOK 25/17 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 35 PP000
SPYL 171600Z 19012KT CAVOK 25/17 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 35 PP000
1 station reporting volcanic ash
- TRPG: Gerald's Park Airport, Montserrat
TRPG 171800Z 32008KT 9999 BKN018 SCT040 29/24 Q1015 RMK JP-NE VA S-NNE
TRPG 171600Z 00000KT 9999 BKN014 SCT260 27/25 Q1016 RMK JP-NE VA S-NNE
0 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
10 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- GQNN: Nouakchott, Mauritania
GQNN 171830Z 34009KT 4000 BLDU NSC 31/18 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 171800Z 06009KT 310V100 4000 BLDU NSC 38/14 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 171730Z 11012KT 4000 BLDU NSC 39/05 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 171700Z 10010KT 4000 BLDU NSC 40/05 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 171630Z 10012KT 4000 BLDU NSC 40/04 Q1010 NOSIG
GQNN 171600Z 13011KT 4000 BLDU NSC 40/04 Q1010 NOSIG
KQGV 171755Z 33009G17KT 9000 DU SKC 29/07 A3000 RMK SLP153 51015
KQGV 171655Z 32010KT 9000 DU SKC 30/07 A2998 RMK SLP149
KQGV 171555Z 32010KT 9000 DU SKC 31/06 A2997 RMK SLP144
- KQSL: Al Sahra, Iraq
KQSL 171655Z 31004KT 6000 DU HZ FEW200 24/06 A3004 RMK SLP169 Q1017MB
- KQTX: Kirkuk, Iraq
KQTX 171755Z VRB01KT 8000 DU HZ SKC 22/08 A3004 RMK SLP165 52007
KQTX 171655Z VRB02KT 8000 DU HZ SKC 23/08 A3003 RMK SLP163
- MRPV: Tobias Bolanos International, Costa Rica
MRPV 171700Z 27010KT 9999 SCT025 BKN250 24/20 A3005 RMK DU PISTA 09 HZ W
MRPV 171600Z 29009KT 9999 FEW010 SCT025 24/19 A3007 RMK DU PISTA 09 HZY W
- OEGS: Gassim, Saudi Arabia
OEGS 171800Z 06005KT 3000 DU SKC 27/09 Q1017
OEGS 171700Z 05006KT 3000 DU SKC 29/05 Q1017
OEGS 171600Z 04006KT 3400 DU SKC 29/05 Q1016
- OEKK: Hafr Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia
OEKK 171700Z 07009KT 5000 DU SKC 27/10 Q1007
OEKK 171600Z 07007KT 5000 DU SKC 29/10 Q1016
- OETB: Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
OETB 171600Z 35005KT 8000 DU SKC 27/06 Q1015 NOSIG
- OIAG: Omidieh, Iran
OIAG 171650Z 33006KT 3000 DU SKC 28/05 Q1013 A2992
OIAG 171550Z 34004KT 2000 DU SKC 30/05 Q1012 A2990
- OIKO: Minab, Iran
OIKO 171650Z 00000KT 5000 DU SKC 28/22 Q1013 A2993
OIKO 171550Z 00000KT 5000 DU SKC 29/25 Q1013 A2992
0 stations reporting sand or sandstorm
21 stations reporting smoke
- EQBH: Camp Bastion, Afghanistan
EQBH 171550Z 17003KT 7000 FU SKC 23/M09 Q1019 WHT
- KGRK: Fort Hood / Gray U. S. Army Airfield, United States
KGRK 171755Z COR 34007KT 7SM FEW000 BKN030 22/13 A3024 RMK FU FEW000 SLP237 57007
KGRK 171755Z 34007KT 7SM FEW000 BKN030 22/13 A3024 RMK FU FEW000 SLP237 57007
- KNFL: Fallon, Naval Air Stn, NV, United States
KNFL 171756Z 00000KT 10SM FEW003 SCT220 17/M07 A3029 RMK AO2 SLP217 FU FEW003 T01721067 10178 20011 58003
KNFL 171756Z 00000KT 10SM FEW003 SCT220 17/M07 A3029 RMK AO2 SLP217 FU FEW003 T01721067 10178 20011 58003
KNFL 171656Z 00000KT 10SM FEW003 SCT220 15/M06 A3031 RMK AO2 SLP222 FU FEW003 T01501061
KNFL 171656Z 00000KT 10SM FEW003 SCT220 15/M06 A3031 RMK AO2 SLP222 FU FEW003 T01501061
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
KQAQ 171755Z VRB01KT 8000 FU HZ FEW200 25/10 A3001 RMK SLP160 WND DATA ESTMD 52015 PA +39 DA +1263
KQAQ 171655Z 35002KT 8000 FU HZ FEW200 26/10 A3000 RMK SLP157 WND DATA ESTMD PA +47 DA +1354
KQAQ 171555Z VRB03KT 8000 FU HZ FEW200 27/11 A2999 RMK SLP154 WND DATA ESTMD PA +54 DA +1443
- KQHT: Manas, Kyrgyzstan
KQHT 171755Z 11004KT 5000 FU FEW130 BKN200 10/06 A3001 RMK SLP157 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 56014
KQHT 171555Z 16004KT 8000 FU FEW130 BKN200 12/06 A3004 RMK SLP174 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD
KQSA 171755Z 00000KT 8000 FU SKC 11/01 A3022 RMK SLP211 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 52009
- MMZO: Manzanillo International, Mexico
MMZO 171745Z 20008KT 3SM HZ FU FEW020 32/26 A2989 RMK SLP084 8/100
MMZO 171545Z 18005KT 3SM HZ FU FEW200 31/26 A2989 RMK 8/006
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 171825Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 18/15 Q1014
OPLA 171755Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 18/15 Q1014 NOSIG
OPLA 171725Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 20/15 Q1014
OPLA 171655Z 16003KT 4000 FU SKC 18/14 Q1014 NOSIG
OPLA 171625Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 19/15 Q1014
OPLA 171555Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 20/14 Q1014 NOSIG
- SBCR: Corumba, Brazil
SBCR 171700Z 23012KT 5000 FU SKC 30/21 Q1012
SBCR 171600Z 23010KT 5000 FU SKC 30/21 Q1013
- SLRI: Riberalta, Bolivia
SLRI 171800Z 36006KT 5000 FU FEW020 SCT080 BKN200 32/25 Q1009
SLRI 171700Z 36006KT 5000 FU FEW020 BKN080 31/24 Q1011
SLRI 171600Z 00000KT 5000 FU SCT020 BKN080 29/24 Q1012
- SLSA: Santa Ana, Bolivia
SLSA 171800Z 16005KT 5000 VCTS FU SCT020 FEW023CB BKN200 22/21 Q1011
- SLTR: Trinidad, Bolivia
SLTR 171800Z 19010KT 5000 FU FEW017 SCT200 32/23 Q1012
SLTR 171700Z 20009KT 5000 FU FEW015 SCT200 31/23 Q1014
SLTR 171600Z 19010KT 5000 FU SCT015 SCT200 30/23 Q1015
- UAAA: Almaty, Kazakhstan
UAAA 171800Z 13002MPS 2400 BR FU NSC 07/05 Q1016 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 171730Z 13002MPS 110V170 2900 BR FU NSC 08/05 Q1016 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 171700Z 13002MPS 1700 R23R/P2000N R23L/P2000U BR FU NSC 09/06 Q1016 88CLRD65
UAAA 171630Z 21001MPS 1100 R23R/P2000 R23L/P2000D BR FU NSC 09/06 Q1016 88CLRD65
UAAA 171600Z VRB01MPS 2200 BR FU NSC 10/05 Q1016 88CLRD65
- UAFM: Bishkek/Manas Airport, Kyrgyzstan
UAFM 171830Z 09002MPS 4300 FU BKN166 10/06 Q1014 08CLRD70
UAFM 171800Z 10002MPS 3500 FU BKN166 10/06 Q1015 08CLRD70
UAFM 171730Z VRB01MPS 2500 FU BKN166 11/06 Q1015 08CLRD70
UAFM 171700Z 09001MPS 2500 FU SCT166 11/07 Q1015 08CLRD70
UAFM 171630Z 16002MPS 2500 FU SCT166 13/05 Q1015 08CLRD70
UAFM 171600Z 15002MPS 2500 FU SCT166 12/06 Q1015 08CLRD70
- UAII: Shymkent, Kazakhstan
UAII 171800Z 12004MPS 5000 FU OVC100 11/05 Q1013 100///65 NOSIG RMK QFE724/0966
- UHHH: Habarovsk, Russia
UHHH 171830Z 28001MPS 1500 R23L/1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016 23090060
UHHH 171800Z METAR 26001MPS 1500 R23L/1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG
UHHH 171800Z 26001MPS 1500 R23L/1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE762/1016 23090060
UHHH 171800Z 26001MPS 1500 R23L/1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG
UHHH 171730Z 25002MPS 1500 R23L/1500 FU FEW200 01/M05 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015 23090060
UHHH 171700Z METAR 24002MPS 1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG
UHHH 171700Z 24002MPS 1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015 23090060
UHHH 171700Z 24002MPS 1500 FU FEW200 03/M05 Q1024 NOSIG
UHHH 171630Z 26001MPS 1500 FU FEW200 04/M05 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015 23090060
UHHH 171600Z METAR 24001MPS 1900 FU FEW200 04/M05 Q1024 NOSIG
UHHH 171600Z 24001MPS 1900 FU FEW200 04/M05 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE761/1015 23090060
UHHH 171600Z 24001MPS 1900 FU FEW200 04/M05 Q1024 NOSIG
- UKOO: Odesa, Ukraine
UKOO 171730Z 21006MPS 2600 BR FU BKN100 17/15 Q1009 16090070 NOSIG
UKOO 171700Z 21007MPS 2800 BR FU BKN100 17/15 Q1009 16090070 NOSIG
- UTTT: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
UTTT 171800Z 06004MPS 3000 FU SKC 16/01 Q1013 08CLRD70
UTTT 171730Z 07002MPS 3000 FU SCT200 16/02 Q1013 08CLRD70
UTTT 171700Z 07002MPS 3000 FU BKN200 16/02 Q1013 08CLRD70
UTTT 171630Z 06003MPS 3000 FU BKN200 17/05 Q1013 08CLRD70
UTTT 171600Z 06003MPS 3000 FU SCT200 17/05 Q1013 08CLRD70
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 171740Z 06003KT 4000 FU FEW250 31/19 Q1009 NOSIG
VABB 171640Z 06004KT 4000 FU FEW250 31/20 Q1010 NOSIG
- VIDP: New Delhi / Palam, India
VIDP 171800Z 31003KT 2200 FU SKC 26/15 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 171800Z 31003KT 2200 FU SKC 26/15 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 171730Z 33003KT 2200 FU SKC 26/14 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 171730Z 33003KT 2200 FU SKC 26/14 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 171700Z 05003KT 2200 FU SKC 27/15 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 171700Z 05003KT 2200 FU SKC 27/15 Q1013 NOSIG
- ZYHB: Harbin, China
ZYHB 171800Z 11002MPS 1000 R23/1300VP2000U R05/1000N BR FU NSC 03/01 Q1023 NOSIG
ZYHB 171700Z 10002MPS 0600 R23/0500N R05/0600N FG FU SKC 02/01 Q1023 NOSIG
ZYHB 171600Z 00000MPS 0600 R23/0275V0400D R05/0400N FG FU SKC 02/00 Q1023 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
- KOJC: Olathe, Johnson County Executive Airport, KS, United States
    Pressure Change, Hail, Thunderstorm
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- GQNN: Nouakchott, Mauritania
    Temperature, Dust/Duststorm
    Pressure, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- MMTM: Tampico / Gen Fj Mina, Mexico
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, 3/6-Hourly Precip Total
- MMZO: Manzanillo International, Mexico
    Dewpoint, Smoke
- SLSA: Santa Ana, Bolivia
    Thunderstorm, Smoke
55 unidentified stations (out of a total of 468 documented unknown stations)
- KQB6 (OLD)
- KQD2 (OLD)
- KQM1 (OLD)
- KQW3 (OLD)