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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2008111303
Currently using 22305 observations from 3983 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Thu Nov 13 03:50:55 UTC 2008
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
1 station reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
- NZSP: Amundsen-Scott Stn, Antarctica [-42°C, -43.6°F]
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
1 station reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
- YBAS: Alice Springs Aerodrome, Australia [40°C, 104.0°F]
YBAS 130330Z 32013KT CAVOK 40/M08 Q1007
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
2 stations reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- PTYA: Yap Island, Yap Int. Airp., Micronesia, Federated States of [29°C, 84.2°F]
PTYA 130213Z 11007KT 12SM TS SCT016CB SCT030 BKN140 OVC300 28/29 RMK TSB13 S MOV SE
- VTBU: Rayong, Thailand [28°C, 82.4°F]
VTBU 130330Z 04008KT 6000 FEW020 SCT300 29/28 Q1011 A2988
15 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- MYNN: Nassau Airport, Bahamas, The [26°C, 78.8°F]
MYNN 130200Z 11007KT 9999 BKN015 26/26 Q1016
- NGFU: Funafuti, Tuvalu [26°C, 78.8°F]
NGFU 130300Z VRB02KT 45KM FEW019TCU BKN110 30/26 Q1009
- NSTU: Pago Pago / Int. Airport, United States Minor Outlying Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
NSTU 130252Z 11010KT 12SM SCT014TCU BKN038 BKN100 OVC250 30/26 A2985 RMK TCU VC ALQDS SLP108 8/871 T02950263 56015
- PKWA: Kwajalein, Marshall Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
PKWA 130152Z 08012KT 10SM FEW020 SCT260 30/26 A2983 RMK SLP100 T02960255
- PTKR: Koror, Palau, NWS Office, Palau [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTKR 130157Z 14008KT 15SM SCT018TCU BKN120 OVC300 30/26 A2979 RMK TCU DSNT W-N-E SLP087 T03020255
- PTPN: Pohnpei Island, Pohnpei Int. Airp., Micronesia, Federated States of [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTPN 130250Z 07012KT 10SM -SHRA BKN016CB BKN120 OVC300 29/26 A2975 RMK CB ALQDS MOV W
- PTTP: Pohnpei, NWS Office, Micronesia, Federated States of [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTTP 130257Z 14004KT 15SM -SHRA BKN018TCU OVC120 28/26 A2981 RMK TCU VC ALQDS SLP093 60045 8/27/ T02770258 57022
- RPMD: Davao Airport, Philippines [27°C, 80.6°F]
RPMD 130300Z 07006KT 9999 SCT016 BKN290 31/27 Q1009
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKLT 130200Z 00000KT 9999 SCT017 27/26 A2973
- WAAA: Ujung Pandang / Hasanuddin, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WAAA 130100Z VRB01KT 9000 R13//////N FEW019CB SCT019 28/24 Q101 0= METAR WADD 130100Z 11005KT 9999 FEW018CB FEW018 BKN300 29/26 Q1010
- WADD: Bali Intl, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WADD 130300Z 11004KT 9999 FEW018 BKN300 31/26 Q1009
- WALL: Sepinggan, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WALL 130300Z 18006KT 9999 FEW018 31/26 Q1009
- WBKK: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WBKK 130330Z 25004KT 9999 FEW015 SCT140 BKN280 31/26 Q1009 NOSIG
- WBKT: Kudat, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WBKT 130300Z 11005KT 9999 FEW016 BKN270 29/26 Q1009
- WIII: Jakarta / Soekarno-Hatta, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WIII 130300Z 21002KT 8000 SCT021 SCT120 32/26 Q1009 NOSIG.
1 station reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
- SAWG: Rio Gallegos Aerodrome, Argentina [72kt, 37m/s]
SAWG 130200 27047G72KT 9999 FEW030 09/M01 Q0987
1 station reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
- SAWG: Rio Gallegos Aerodrome, Argentina [65kt, 34m/s]
SAWG 130300Z 27040G60KT 9999 SKC 07/M01 Q0989
SAWG 130100Z 27045G65KT 9999 SCT030 11/03 Q0983 RESHRA
3 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- EGYP: Mount Pleasant Airport, South Georgia and the Islands [57kt, 29m/s]
EGYP 130250Z 35040G57KT 9999 BKN020 08/03 Q0983 WHT
- KQAN: UNKNOWN, [52kt, 27m/s]
KQAN 130255Z AUTO 35043G52KT 6SM SCT010 BKN033 OVC050 25/18 A3008 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/0203 WSHFT 0235 SLP184 T02470181 52003
- SCCI: Punta Arenas, Chile [52kt, 27m/s]
SCCI 130200Z 26035G52KT 9999 FEW016 05/02 Q0983 NOSIG
SCCI 130100Z 26038G52KT 9999 SCT016 05/03 Q0978 RESHRA NOSIG
5 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- EGYP: Mount Pleasant Airport, South Georgia and the Islands [46kt, 23m/s]
EGYP 130150Z 36035G45KT 6000 RA SCT009 BKN015 06/04 Q0986 GRN
EGYP 130050Z 36035G46KT 7000 -RA FEW009 BKN015 BKN035 06/03 Q0988 WHT
- KARL: Arlington, WY, United States [45kt, 23m/s]
KARL 130320Z AUTO 24028G41KT 03/01 RMK AO1 T00270013
KARL 130300Z AUTO 24030G45KT 03/01 RMK AO1 T00270013
KARL 130250Z AUTO 24031G42KT 03/01 RMK AO1 T00260012
KARL 130240Z AUTO 24031G41KT 03/01 RMK AO1 T00250011
KARL 130230Z AUTO 24032G43KT 03/01 RMK AO1 T00260010
- KLVM: Livingston, Mission Field Airport, MT, United States [43kt, 22m/s]
KLVM 130253Z AUTO 21029G43KT 10SM OVC070 16/01 A2961 RMK AO2 PK WND 20044/0238 SLP008 T01560011 58014
KLVM 130053Z AUTO 22019G40KT 10SM OVC065 15/01 A2967 RMK AO2 PK WND 23046/0025 SLP028 T01500011
- SCBA: Balmaceda, Chile [42kt, 21m/s]
SCBA 130100Z AUTO 31031G42KT CAVOK 10/03 Q1004
- SCCI: Punta Arenas, Chile [44kt, 22m/s]
SCCI 130300Z 26034G44KT 9999 FEW016 04/02 Q0986 NOSIG
1 station reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
- KNXP: Twenty-Nine Palms, Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, CA, United States [1096.9mb, 32.38in]
KNXP 130056Z 28004KT 7SM 22/04 A3018 RMK AO2 SLP969 T02170039 $
KNXP 130056Z 28004KT 7SM 22/04 A3018 RMK AO2 SLP969 T02170039 $
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
1 station reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- KQD2: UNKNOWN, [1045.5mb, 30.87in]
KQD2 130255Z AUTO VRB06KT 9999 CLR 05/M02 A3072 RMK AO2 SLP453
KQD2 130155Z AUTO VRB06KT 9999 FEW080 04/M02 A3070 RMK AO2 SLP455
KQD2 130055Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 BKN095 04/00 A3070 RMK AO2 SLP447
1 station reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
- LTAD: Ankara / Etimesgut, Turkey [0925mb, 27.31in]
LTAD 130250Z 34002KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 05/02 Q0925 NOSIG RMK RWY29 34003KT
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 950mb and 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 960mb - 969mb
4 stations reporting sea level pressure between 970mb - 979mb
- ENSB: Svalbard Lufthavn, Norway [0979mb, 28.90in]
ENSB 130150Z VRB02KT 9999 -SHSN FEW015 SCT020 BKN030 M10/M12 Q0979
ENSB 130050Z 04010KT 9999 VCSH FEW015 SCT030 M09/M13 Q0979
- SAWE: Rio Grande B. A., Argentina [0973mb, 28.73in]
SAWE 130300Z 29023G33KT 9999 BR SCT017 SCT058 08/06 Q0973
SAWE 130200Z 29025G35KT 9999 BR FEW012 SCT018 09/06 Q0974
SAWE 130100Z 32016KT 9999 DZ FEW008 SCT017 SCT050 08/06 Q0975
- SAWH: Ushuaia Aerodrome, Argentina [0974mb, 28.76in]
SAWH 130300Z 25028G38KT 9999 -DZ SCT021 OVC027 05/04 Q0978
SAWH 130200Z 25028KT 9999 DZ SCT021 OVC027 05/04 Q0975
SAWH 130100Z 23007KT 9999 -DZ SCT023 BKN030 OVC100 06/03 Q0974
- SCCI: Punta Arenas, Chile [0978mb, 28.87in]
SCCI 130100Z 26038G52KT 9999 SCT016 05/03 Q0978 RESHRA NOSIG
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
1 station reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- KDVL: Devils Lake, ND, United States [-5.1mb]
KDVL 130255Z AUTO 18014KT 10SM BKN040 BKN050 OVC060 02/M01 A2937 RMK AO1 57051
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
1 station reporting heavy snow
- PAEC: Chulitna, Chulitna Airport, AK, United States
PAEC 130055Z 00000KT 1/4SM +SN VV001 M03/M03 A2930 RMK
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
23 stations reporting heavy rain
- CYZE: Gore Bay, Ont., Canada
CYZE 130319Z AUTO 13018KT 2 1/2SM +RA OVC009 OVC058 05/04 A2996
CYZE 130313Z AUTO 14014G20KT 3SM +RA OVC009 05/04 A2997
CYZE 130311Z AUTO 14014G20KT 3SM +RA OVC014 05/04 A2997
- EGPF: Glasgow Airport, United Kingdom
EGPF 130250Z AUTO 20014KT 5000NDV +RA BKN010/// 08/07 Q1013
- FAGG: George Airport, South Africa
FAGG 130100Z AUTO 13017KT 4400 R29/M0050N R11/M0050N +RA BKN001 15/15 Q1013
- K0J4: Florala/florala Mun, AL, United States
K0J4 130303Z AUTO 10007KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN024 BKN042 OVC075 19/18 A3004 RMK AO2 P0003 T01890178 $
K0J4 130258Z AUTO 11006KT 3SM +RA BR FEW008 BKN035 OVC042 19/18 A3004 RMK AO2 RAB19 SLP169 P0005 60005 T01890178 53013 $
- K1M4: Posey Field, AL, United Statse
K1M4 130243Z AUTO 00000KT 3SM +RA BR FEW004 BKN020 OVC041 13/12 A3001 RMK AO2 RAE10B38 P0000
- KDHN: Dothan, Dothan Regional Airport, AL, United States
KDHN 130321Z 07008KT 1 3/4SM +RA FEW007 BKN022 OVC043 19/16 A3008 RMK AO2 VIS 1V5 RAB0254 P0019
KDHN 130321Z 07008KT 1 3/4SM +RA FEW007 BKN022 OVC043 19/16 A3008
- KDNV: Danville, Vermilion County Airport, IL, United States
KDNV 130325Z AUTO 22007KT 3SM +RA OVC004 10/08 A2987 RMK AO2
KDNV 130325Z AUTO 22007KT 3SM +RA OVC004 10/08 A2987
- KEVV: Evansville, Evansville Regional Airport, IN, United States
KEVV 130054Z 16005KT 2SM +RA BR BKN007 BKN013 OVC022 11/10 A2993 RMK AO2 SLP136 P0019 T01110100
KEVV 130054Z 16005KT 2SM +RA BR BKN007 BKN013 OVC022 11/10 A2993
KEVV 130049Z 17007KT 2SM +RA BR BKN007 BKN013 OVC022 11/10 A2993 RMK AO2 P0017
KEVV 130049Z 17007KT 2SM +RA BR BKN007 BKN013 OVC022 11/10 A2993
- KHIO: Portland, Portland-Hillsboro Airport, OR, United States
KHIO 130053Z 19013G19KT 2SM +RA BR BKN035 OVC055 16/14 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP140 P0016 T01560144
- KHOP: Fort Campbell U. S. Army Airfield, KY, United States
KHOP 130208Z 33003KT 3SM R23/5500VP6000FT +RA BR OVC014 10/09 A2994 RMK AO2A SLP140
- KHSB: Harrisburg, Harrisburg-Raleigh Airport, IL, United States
KHSB 130045Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA SCT004 SCT015 OVC024 11/11 A2991 RMK AO2 P0008
KHSB 130045Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA SCT004 SCT015 OVC024 11/11 A2991
- KISQ: Manistique, Schoolcraft County Airport, MI, United States
KISQ 130317Z AUTO 15011KT 2 1/2SM +RA OVC005 07/06 A2983 RMK AO2
- KMAI: Marianna, Marianna Municipal Airport, FL, United States
KMAI 130212Z AUTO VRB03G20KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW013 BKN025 OVC040 19/18 A3002 RMK AO2 P0009
- KMSL: Muscle Shoals, North West Alabama Regional Airport, AL, United States
KMSL 130159Z AUTO 21004G18KT 1 3/4SM +RA FEW014 OVC030 13/10 A2999 RMK AO2 P0008
KMSL 130159Z AUTO 21004G18KT 1 3/4SM +RA FEW014 OVC030 13/10 A2999
- KONP: Newport, Newport Municipal Airport, OR, United States
KONP 130311Z AUTO 21021G30KT 2SM +RA OVC002 13/13 A3007 RMK AO1 P0007
KONP 130234Z AUTO 21025G33KT 1 1/2SM +RA OVC002 13/13 A3008 RMK AO1 P0009
- KOWB: Owensboro / Daviess, KY, United States
KOWB 130146Z 18006KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW021 OVC031 11/11 A2994 RMK AO2 P0007
KOWB 130146Z 18006KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW021 OVC031 11/11 A2994
- KPUW: Pullman / Moscow, Pullman / Moscow Regional Airport, WA, United States
KPUW 130337Z AUTO 30012G17KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR BKN005 OVC011 09/09 A2978 RMK AO2 PK WND 24038/0314 CIG 003V008 P0019
KQBD 130155Z AUTO 11007KT 2SM +RA FEW005 SCT024 BKN028 BKN044 09/09 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP145 P0011 T00920085
- KTMK: Tillamook, United States
KTMK 130330Z AUTO 22020G28KT 2 1/2SM +RA OVC014 16/14 A2999 RMK AO2 P0010
KTMK 130310Z AUTO 20016G24KT 4SM +RA OVC018 16/14 A2997 RMK AO2 P0004
KTMK 130250Z AUTO 20016G20KT 4SM +RA OVC018 15/14 A2998 RMK AO2 P0020
KTMK 130230Z AUTO 21015G23KT 3SM +RA OVC016 15/14 A2999 RMK AO2 P0013
KTMK 130210Z AUTO 21016G22KT 3SM +RA OVC014 15/14 A2999 RMK AO2 P0004
KTMK 130150Z AUTO 20019G25KT 4SM +RA OVC014 15/14 A2999 RMK AO2 P0019
KTMK 130130Z AUTO 20014G24KT 4SM +RA OVC016 15/14 A2998 RMK AO2 P0014
KTMK 130050Z AUTO 20015G25KT 2 1/2SM +RA SCT012 OVC020 15/14 A2999 RMK AO2 P0038
- KUAO: Aurora, Aurora State Airport, OR, United States
KUAO 130153Z AUTO 20012G21KT 4SM +RA BR BKN010 BKN018 OVC028 15/14 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP154 P0021 T01500144
KUAO 130139Z AUTO 20012G21KT 3SM +RA BR SCT008 BKN014 OVC028 15/14 A2999 RMK AO2 P0014
KUAO 130053Z AUTO 20010G21KT 5SM +RA BR SCT014 BKN020 OVC037 16/14 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP154 P0006 T01560144
- KUIL: Quillayute, Quillayute State Airport, WA, United States
KUIL 130127Z AUTO 26006KT 2SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN013 OVC024 11/10 A2992 RMK AO2 P0006 TSNO
KUIL 130127Z AUTO 26006KT 2SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN013 OVC024 11/10 A2992 RMK AO2 P0006 TSNO
KUIL 130127Z AUTO 26006KT 2SM +RA BR BKN005 BKN013 OVC024 11/10 A2992
- LIYW: Aviano Usaf, Italy
LIYW 130320Z AUTO 05012KT 8000 R05/1400VP1500 +RA BR OVC032 11/11 A2999 RMK AO2 RAB0305 SLP160 PNO $
LIYW 130318Z AUTO 06012KT 8000 R05/1400VP1500 +RA BR BKN028 OVC036 11/11 A2999 RMK AO2 RAB0305 SLP160 PNO $
LIYW 130055Z AUTO 02009KT 6000 R05/1200VP1500 +RA BR OVC018 11/11 A3003 RMK AO2 SLP172 T01100110 PNO $
LIYW 130047Z AUTO 02008KT 6000 R05/1200VP1500 +RA BR BKN018 11/11 A3003 RMK AO2 SLP173 PNO $
LIYW 130046Z AUTO 02007KT 6000 R05/1200V1400 +RA BR BKN016 11/11 A3003 RMK AO2 SLP174 PNO $
- NWWL: Ouanaham Ile Lifou, New Caledonia
NWWL 130330Z AUTO 09006KT 060V160 4100NDV +RA BR SCT020/// BKN026/// BKN033/// 24/22 Q1012
17 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- CYTL: Big Trout Lake, Canada
CYTL 130300Z AUTO 18009KT 1 1/4SM UP OVC003 01/00 A2958 RMK SLP030
CYTL 130254Z AUTO 18008KT 1 1/4SM UP OVC003 01/00 A2958
CYTL 130223Z AUTO 18007KT 1 1/8SM UP OVC004 01/00 A2959
CYTL 130222Z AUTO 18008KT 1 1/8SM UP OVC005 01/00 A2959
CYTL 130204Z AUTO 18009KT 1 3/8SM UP OVC004 01/00 A2960
CYTL 130203Z AUTO 18009KT 1 1/2SM UP OVC004 01/00 A2960
CYTL 130200Z AUTO 18010KT 1 1/2SM UP OVC005 01/00 A2960 RMK PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR SLP038
- ESGR: Skovde Flygplats, Sweden
ESGR 130250Z AUTO 30006KT 6000NDV UP BKN003/// OVC005/// 06/06 Q1008 REDZ RERA
- KCAD: Cadillac / Wexford County, MI, United States
KCAD 130317Z AUTO 16007KT 3SM UP OVC007 04/03 A2987 RMK AO2
- KCBM: Columbus Air Force Base, MS, United States
KCBM 130112Z AUTO 18006KT 10SM R13C/5500VP6000FT UP FEW003 SCT022 OVC038 15/14 A2996 RMK AO2 UPB0100RAB0109E0110DZE0109 FEW V SCT SLP146 CHINO RWY31C $
KCBM 130100Z AUTO 18005KT 10SM UP FEW003 SCT018 SCT024 BKN043 BKN055 15/14 A2996 RMK AO2 UPB0100DZE0100 FEW V SCT SLP146 CHINO RWY31C $
KCBM 130049Z AUTO 19005KT 10SM UP SCT003 SCT009 OVC028 15/14 A2996 RMK AO2 UPB0049RAE0049 PRESRR SLP146 CHINO RWY31C $
- KCMX: Hancock, Houghton County Memorial Airport, MI, United States
KCMX 130053Z AUTO 00000KT 1/4SM UP FG SCT001 OVC011 03/03 A2979 RMK AO2 RAE45UPB45 SLP099 P0002 T00280028
KCMX 130053Z AUTO 00000KT 1/4SM UP FG SCT001 OVC011 03/03 A2979
- KEFT: Monroe, Monroe Municipal Airport, WI, United States
KEFT 130115Z AUTO 22003KT 1/4SM UP OVC001 08/08 A2985 RMK AO2
KEFT 130055Z AUTO 22003KT 1/4SM UP OVC001 08/08 A2986 RMK AO2
- KERY: Newberry, Luce County Airport, MI, United States
KERY 130337Z AUTO 15006KT 1 1/2SM UP OVC004 04/03 A2985 RMK AO2
- KHOP: Fort Campbell U. S. Army Airfield, KY, United States
KHOP 130134Z 12005KT 8SM UP FEW002 SCT029 BKN037 BKN055 BKN080 11/09 A2992 RMK AO2A UPB0118E0119B0134RAE0118 SLP134
- KHYX: Saginaw, Saginaw County H.W. Browne Airport, MI, United States
KHYX 130317Z AUTO 15007KT 10SM UP SCT036 BKN047 OVC055 07/05 A2994 RMK AO2
- KMCD: Macinac Island, Mackinac Island Airport, MI, United States
KMCD 130116Z AUTO 17007KT 130V240 5SM UP SCT010 OVC021 07/04 A2994 RMK AO2
KMCD 130056Z AUTO 17008KT 120V210 5SM UP SCT015 OVC023 07/04 A2995 RMK AO2
- KMGN: Harbor Springs, Harbor Springs Airport, MI, United States
KMGN 130236Z AUTO 06003KT 4SM UP BKN013 05/03 A2989 RMK AO2
- KONZ: Detroit/Grosse Ile, Grosse Ile Airport, MI, United States
KONZ 130316Z AUTO 14007G15KT 7SM UP BKN023 OVC060 08/07 A3000 RMK AO2 P0003
KONZ 130136Z AUTO 15010G14KT 10SM UP BKN038 OVC065 09/07 A3003 RMK AO2 P0003
- KOSC: Oscoda, Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport, MI, United States
KOSC 130055Z AUTO 15010KT 10SM UP OVC044 08/03 A3001 RMK AO2
- KPAM: Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, United States
KPAM 130241Z AUTO 07003KT 10SM UP BKN032 20/20 A2999 RMK AO2 UPB0241RAE0156 SLP156
KPAM 130144Z AUTO 05005KT 10SM UP BKN036 20/20 A2997 RMK AO2 UPB0144 SCT036 V BKN SLP152
- KSLH: Cheboygan, Cheboygan County Airport, MI, United States
KSLH 130055Z AUTO 14009G15KT 2 1/2SM UP SCT026 BKN050 OVC060 05/03 A2993 RMK AO2
- PALG: Kalskag, AK, United States
PALG 130256Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM UP FEW007 OVC035 M05/M06 A2938 RMK AO2 TSNO 53015 60000 T10501061 UPB39 P0000 SLP953 $
- PHHI: Wheeler Air Force Base / Oahu, HI, United States
PHHI 130156Z AUTO 36005KT 10SM UP OVC029 25/18 A3002 RMK AO2 UPB0156 SLP155
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
21 stations reporting thunder with rain
- DAAG: Dar-El-Beida, Algeria
DAAG 130300Z 18006KT 140V200 8000 -TSRA SCT020TCU FEW030CB BKN040 12/10 Q1019
- DAOI: Chlef, Algeria
DAOI 130200Z 26006KT 5000 TSRA SCT020 BKN030 FEW033CB 13/12 Q1019
- DAOO: Oran / Es Senia, Algeria
DAOO 130130Z 26005KT 8000 TSRA BKN020 SCT030CB 14/13 Q1020
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
FOOL 130130Z 15008KT 130V190 5000 -TSRA SCT011 FEW018CB OVC029 25/25 Q1011
KQAN 130055Z AUTO 26017G30KT 230V290 4SM +TSRA BKN007 OVC012 25/22 A3008 RMK AO2 PK WND 35060/0002 WSHFT 0038 SLP184 P0013 T02460223
- LCRA: Akrotiri, Cyprus
LCRA 130050Z 00000KT 9999 7000SE -TSRA BKN027CB FEW030TCU BKN050 16/11 Q1016
- LIML: Milano / Linate, Italy
LIML 130250Z 36005KT 4000 -RA BKN005 OVC060 11/10 Q1015 NOSIG METAR LIRA 130245Z 11008KT 100V160 8000 -TSRA FEW016 FEW020CB SCT030 15/11 Q1014
- LIPQ: Ronchi Dei Legionari, Italy
LIPQ 130320Z 28006KT 210V360 4000 TSRA SCT010CB BKN015 BKN060 12/// Q1016
- LIRA: Roma / Ciampino, Italy
LIRA 130245Z 11008KT 100V160 8000 -TSRA FEW016 FEW020CB SCT030 15/11 Q1014
- LIRE: Pratica Di Mare, Italy
LIRE 130155Z 11014KT 9999 -TSRA FEW020CB SCT023 BKN060 14/13 Q1014 RMK BKN VIS MIN 9999 WIND THR31 12014KT BLU
- LIRF: Roma Fiumicino, Italy
LIRF 130220Z 11008KT 080V150 6000 -TSRA SCT015CB SCT025 14/13 Q1014 NOSIG
- LIRP: Pisa / S. Giusto, Italy
LIRP 130115Z 10012KT 6000 -TSRA SCT010 FEW015CB BKN030 13/11 Q1013 NOSIG
- LIRS: Grosseto, Italy
LIRS 130255Z 12013KT 9999 -TSRA FEW015 FEW020CB SCT040 BKN070 14/10 Q1012 RMK OVC VIS MIN 9999 WIND THR21 /////KT BLU
- MDPC: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
MDPC 130300Z 04012KT 8000 -TSRA FEW014CB SCT016 25/23 Q1011 CB/OVER STATION
- OPRN: Islamabad Airport, Pakistan
OPRN 130300Z 05022KT 4000 TSRA FEW010ST SCT040 OVC100 FEW030CB 13/09 Q1015.6
- SBBU: Bauru, Brazil
SBBU 130300Z 08005KT 9999 -TSRA FEW040 FEW050CB OVC100 17/16 Q1012
- SBFI: Foz Do Iguacu Aeroporto, Brazil
SBFI 130100Z 06014KT 9999 -TSRA SCT020 FEW030CB BKN100 18/16 Q1008
- SBRB: Rio Branco, Brazil
SBRB 130310Z 23007KT 0800 +TSRA SCT030 FEW035CB BKN070 24/23 Q1009
- SBTA: Base De Aviacao De Taubate, brazil
SBTA 130200Z 14004KT 6000 -TSRA BKN010 17/16 Q1014
- SGES: Aeropuerto Guarany, Paraguay
SGES 130100Z 09010KT 9999 FEW040CB SCT080 19/18 Q1009=RETSRA
- SKPE: Pereira / Matecana, Colombia
SKPE 130200Z 14004KT 5000 TSRA SCT008CB BKN070 19/18 A3004 RMK CB/NW
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
5 stations reporting visibility of zero
- LIQO: Monte Argentario, Italy
LIQO 130255Z 18009KT 0000 FG VV/// 13/13 Q1013 RMK VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIQO 130155Z 18009KT 0000 FG VV/// 13/13 Q1013 RMK VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIQO 130055Z 19015KT 0000 FG VV/// 13/13 Q1013 RMK VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
- LIRK: Monte Terminillo, Italy
LIRK 130255Z 21018KT 0000 FG VV/// 02/00 Q1016 RMK MON NE INVIS NC VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIRK 130155Z 21016KT 0000 FG VV/// 03/01 Q1017 RMK MON NE INVIS NC VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
LIRK 130055Z 21014KT 0000 FG VV/// 03/01 Q1017 RMK MON NE INVIS NC VAL INVIS NC VIS MIN 0000
- LIVC: Monte Cimone, Italy
LIVC 130255Z /////KT 0000 -SN FZFG VV000 M00/M01 Q1014 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 130155Z /////KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M00/M01 Q1014 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 130055Z /////KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M00/M01 Q1014 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- LIVP: Paganella, Italy
LIVP 130255Z 18003KT 0000 -SN FZFG VV000 M01/M01 Q1013 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVP 130155Z 17003KT 0000 -SN FZFG VV000 M01/M01 Q1014 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVP 130055Z 17004KT 0000 -SN FZFG VV000 M01/M01 Q1014 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- UKLI: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
UKLI 130330Z VRB01MPS 0000 R10/M0650N FZFG VV002 M02/M02 Q1022 NOSIG
UKLI 130300Z 00000MPS 0000 R10/M0650N FZFG VV002 M02/M02 Q1022 NOSIG
27 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- EDDR: Saarbruecken / Ensheim, Germany [200meters]
EDDR 130150Z 29004KT 0200 R27/0650N FG VV/// 03/02 Q1022
EDDR 130120Z 30001KT 0200 R27/0450V0650N FG VV/// 03/02 Q1021
EDDR 130050Z VRB01KT 0200 R27/0450V0750D FG BKN042 03/02 Q1021
- EGDM: Boscombe Down, United Kingdom [200meters]
EGDM 130250Z 00000KT 0200 FG SCT100 02/02 Q1023 RED
EGDM 130250Z 00000KT 0200 FG SCT100 02/02 Q1023
- FAKN: Kruger Mpumalanga, South Africa [200meters]
FAKN 130300Z 07005KT 0200 -DZ FG OVC005 19/19 Q1014
- KBMI: Bloomington / Normal, IL, United States [<1/4mile]
KBMI 130156Z 20006KT M1/4SM R29/1400V1600FT FG OVC002 08/08 A2989 RMK AO2 PNO T00830077 SLP127
KBMI 130132Z 20005KT M1/4SM R29/1400V1600FT FG OVC002 08/08 A2989 RMK AO2 PNO
- KBOK: Brookings, OR, United States [<1/4mile]
KBOK 130307Z AUTO 13003KT M1/4SM -RA FG OVC002 13/13 A3030 RMK AO2 P0001 $
KBOK 130156Z AUTO 14009KT M1/4SM -RA FG OVC002 13/13 A3030 RMK AO2 T01270127 RAE04B25 P0001 SLP261 $
KBOK 130056Z AUTO 14005KT M1/4SM -RA FG OVC002 13/13 A3030 RMK AO2 T01270127 P0002 SLP262 $
- KCDH: Camden / Harrell Field, AR, United States [<1/4mile]
KCDH 130340Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 09/09 A2999 RMK AO2
KCDH 130200Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 09/09 A2997 RMK AO2
KCDH 130140Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV000 10/10 A2996 RMK AO2
- KCKC: Grand Marais, Grand Marais/Cook County Airport, MN, United States [<1/4mile]
KCKC 130255Z AUTO 19006KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/M01 A2967 RMK AO2
KCKC 130235Z AUTO 19007KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/M01 A2968 RMK AO2
KCKC 130215Z AUTO 18006KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/M01 A2969 RMK AO2
KCKC 130155Z AUTO 19006KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/M01 A2970 RMK AO2
KCKC 130135Z AUTO 18004KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/M01 A2971 RMK AO2
KCKC 130055Z AUTO 18005KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/M01 A2973 RMK AO2
- KDVP: Slayton, MN, United States [<1/4mile]
KDVP 130334Z AUTO 21016G20KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 00/00 A2971 RMK AO2 T00020003
KDVP 130134Z AUTO 19014G17KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 00/00 A2977 RMK AO2 T00000000
- KLVN: Minneapolis, Airlake Airport, MN, United States [<1/4mile]
KLVN 130154Z AUTO 17004KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/01 A2978 RMK AO2
KLVN 130134Z AUTO 17003KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/00 A2978 RMK AO2
KLVN 130114Z AUTO 17003KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/00 A2978 RMK AO2
KLVN 130054Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/00 A2979 RMK AO2
- KTAZ: Taylorville, Taylorville Municipal Airport, IL, United States [<1/4mile]
KTAZ 130325Z AUTO 21003KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2989 RMK AO2
KTAZ 130325Z AUTO 21003KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2989
KTAZ 130305Z AUTO 21006KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990 RMK AO2
KTAZ 130305Z AUTO 21006KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990
KTAZ 130245Z AUTO 20005KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990 RMK AO2
KTAZ 130245Z AUTO 20005KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990
KTAZ 130225Z AUTO 19004KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990 RMK AO2
KTAZ 130225Z AUTO 19004KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990
KTAZ 130205Z AUTO 20005KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990 RMK AO2
KTAZ 130205Z AUTO 20005KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990
KTAZ 130145Z AUTO 20004KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990 RMK AO2
KTAZ 130145Z AUTO 20004KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 09/09 A2990
- LEST: Santiago / Labacolla, Spain [200meters]
LEST 130300Z 10006KT 0200 R17/0300N R35/0275N FG FEW020 05/05 Q1029 NOSIG
LEST 130230Z 12003KT 0200 R17/0400N R35/0250N FG FEW020 05/05 Q1029 NOSIG
LEST 130200Z 11004KT 0200 R17/0500N R35/0275N FG FEW020 05/05 Q1029 NOSIG
LEST 130130Z 13004KT 0200 R17/0275N R35/0225N FG FEW020 06/06 Q1029 NOSIG
- LFBI: Poitiers, France [150meters]
LFBI 130200Z AUTO 33006KT 0150 0100NDV R21/0700N FG VV/// 04/04 Q1025
LFBI 130100Z AUTO 33006KT 0150 0100NDV R21/0650N FG VV/// 04/04 Q1024
- LFBY: Dax, France [150meters]
LFBY 130330Z AUTO 00000KT 0200 // ////// 05/05 Q1025
LFBY 130200Z AUTO 00000KT 0200 // ////// 06/06 Q1025
LFBY 130130Z AUTO 00000KT 0200 // ////// 07/06 Q1025
LFBY 130100Z AUTO 18001KT 0150 // ////// 07/06 Q1025
- LFPN: Toussus Le Noble, France [150meters]
LFPN 130100Z AUTO 31002KT 0150 0100NDV R25/0325V0550U FG NSC 03/02 Q1023
- LIMK: Torino / Bric Della Croce, Italy [100meters]
LIMK 130255Z 02005KT 0100 FG VV/// 07/07 Q1013 RMK VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
LIMK 130155Z 00000KT 0100 FG VV/// 08/08 Q1014 RMK VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
LIMK 130055Z 00000KT 0100 FG VV/// 08/08 Q1014 RMK VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
- LQSA: Sarajevo / Butmir, Serbia and Montenegro [100meters]
LQSA 130300Z VRB02KT 0200 R12/0300N FG OVC001 01/01 Q1022
LQSA 130200Z VRB01KT 0100 R12/0250N FG OVC001 02/01 Q1022
LQSA 130100Z VRB01KT 0100 R12/0250N FG OVC001 02/01 Q1022
- LRCL: Cluj-Napoca, Romania [200meters]
LRCL 130230Z AUTO 08002KT 0200 R26/0500V1100U FZFG NCD M06/M06 Q1023
- LRIA: Iasi, Romania [100meters]
LRIA 130330Z VRB02KT 0200 R15/0550N FG VV001 03/03 Q1023 1509//95
LRIA 130300Z VRB02KT 0100 R15/0450N FG VV001 03/03 Q1023 1509//95
LRIA 130200Z 10006KT 0150 R15/0500N FG VV001 04/04 Q1023 1509//95
LRIA 130100Z 10004KT 0200 R15/0600N FG VV001 04/04 Q1023 1509//95
- LROP: Bucuresti Otopeni, Romania [200meters]
LROP 130330Z 27007KT 0200 R08R/0600N R08L/0600N FG VV000 01/01 Q1022 880///95 NOSIG
- LRSV: Suceava / Salcea, Romania [50meters]
LRSV 130330Z AUTO 34004KT 0150 R34/0500N SG VV001 M01/M01 Q1021
LRSV 130300Z AUTO 33004KT 0100 R34/0350N -SHSN VV001 M01/M01 Q1021
LRSV 130230Z AUTO 31002KT 0100 R34/0350N VV001 M01/M01 Q1021
LRSV 130200Z AUTO VRB02KT 0100 R34/0325N FZFG VV001 M01/M01 Q1021
LRSV 130130Z AUTO 34004KT 0050 R34/0275N SG VV001 M01/M01 Q1021
LRSV 130100Z AUTO VRB02KT 0050 R34/0250N -SHSN VV001 M01/M01 Q1021
- LRTM: Tirgu Mures, Romania [50meters]
LRTM 130330Z 00000KT 0050 R07/0275N FZFG VV001 M05/M05 Q1023 0709//95
LRTM 130300Z 00000KT 0050 R07/0225N FZFG VV001 M05/M05 Q1023 0709//95
LRTM 130200Z 00000KT 0050 R07/0225N FZFG VV001 M06/M06 Q1022 0709//95
LRTM 130100Z 00000KT 0150 R07/0250V0500D FZFG SKC M06/M06 Q1023 0709//95
- LUKK: Chisinau Intl Arpt, Moldova [100meters]
LUKK 130330Z 00000KT 0150 R08/0400N FG VV001 02/02 Q1023 08CLRD65 NOSIG
LUKK 130300Z 00000KT 0150 R08/0350N FG VV001 02/02 Q1023 08CLRD65 NOSIG
LUKK 130230Z 01002KT 0100 R08/0350N FG VV001 02/02 Q1023 08CLRD65 NOSIG
LUKK 130200Z VRB01KT 0150 R08/0350N -DZ FG VV001 02/02 Q1023 08CLRD65 NOSIG
LUKK 130130Z 02003KT 0150 R08/0450N -DZ FG VV001 02/02 Q1023 08CLRD65 NOSIG
LUKK 130100Z 04003KT 0150 R08/0300N -DZ FG VV001 02/02 Q1023 08CLRD65 NOSIG
- PACM: Scammon Bay, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PACM 130256Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC003 M09/M10 A2936 RMK AO2 TSNO 53017 T10881100 SLP939 $
PACM 130214Z AUTO 10006KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC003 M09/M10 A2935 RMK AO2 TSNO $
PACM 130156Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC003 M09/M10 A2935 RMK AO2 TSNO T10881100 SLP933 $
PACM 130146Z AUTO 11005KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC003 M09/M10 A2934 RMK AO2 TSNO $
- PAJZ: Koliganek, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAJZ 130343Z AUTO 04004KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC001 M08/M08 A2948 RMK AO2 PWINO TSNO $
PAJZ 130256Z AUTO 10003KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC001 M07/M08 A2947 RMK AO2 PWINO TSNO 51018 T10721083 SLP986 $
PAJZ 130156Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC001 M08/M09 A2945 RMK AO2 PWINO TSNO T10771088 SLP981 $
PAJZ 130134Z AUTO 12003KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC001 M08/M09 A2944 RMK AO2 PWINO TSNO $
- PANW: New Stuyahok, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PANW 130056Z AUTO 18003KT M1/4SM FZFG OVC001 M08/M09 A2944 RMK AO2 PWINO TSNO T10771088 SLP950
- UKLL: L'Viv, Ukraine [50meters]
UKLL 130230Z VRB02MPS 0050 R31/0275N FZFG VV000 M03/M03 Q1021 31090070 NOSIG
UKLL 130200Z 17002MPS 0050 R31/0275N FZFG VV000 M03/M03 Q1021 31090070 NOSIG
UKLL 130130Z 15002MPS 0050 R31/0350N FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1021 31090070 NOSIG
UKLL 130100Z 15002MPS 0050 R31/0375N FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1021 31090070 NOSIG
UKLL 130049Z 16002MPS 0050 R31/0325N FZFG VV001 M03/M03 Q1021 31090070 NOSIG
- UKOO: Odesa, Ukraine [200meters]
UKOO 130300Z 02003MPS 0200 R34/0800N FG VV002 05/04 Q1023 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 130245Z 01004MPS 0200 R34/0750N FG VV002 05/04 Q1023 34090070 NOSIG
UKOO 130230Z 03003MPS 0200 R34/0900D FG VV002 05/04 Q1023 34090070 NOSIG
4 stations reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KCIC: Chico Municipal, CA, United States [80miles]
KCIC 130050Z 00000KT 80SM SCT150 BKN200 A3022
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States [85miles]
KEDW 130055Z 25005KT 85SM FEW060 FEW220 FEW300 20/04 A3013 RMK AO2A SLP198 T01990042
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [120miles]
KMWN 130250Z 29015KT 120SM SCT200 BKN240 M03/M19 RMK
KMWN 130250Z 29015KT 120SM SCT200 BKN240 M03/M19 RMK
KMWN 130153Z 29014KT 120SM FEW180 FEW200 BKN240 M06/M11 RMK
KMWN 130153Z 29014KT 120SM FEW180 FEW200 BKN240 M06/M11 RMK
KMWN 130055Z 29017KT 120SM FEW180 SCT220 M06/M11 RMK
KMWN 130055Z 29017KT 120SM FEW180 SCT220 M06/M11 RMK
- MHSC: Coronel Enrique Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras [99miles]
MHSC 130155Z 00000KT 9999SM BKN055 23/19 A2995 RMK SLP107 PA2020
1 station reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- PALV: Big River Lake, AK, United States [70miles]
PALV 130150Z 29005KT 50SM FEW100 M01/M04 A2936 RMK EPO NOSPECI
PALV 130050Z 29005KT 70SM FEW100 00/M04 A2933 RMK EPO NOSPECI
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
4 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
SPCL 130300Z /////KT CAVOK 26/23 Q1007 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20
- SPHI: Chiclayo, Peru
SPHI 130300Z 19008KT CAVOK 18/15 Q1014 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01
SPHI 130200Z 17010KT CAVOK 18/15 Q1013 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01
SPHI 130100Z 17010KT CAVOK 18/15 Q1013 RMK PP000 BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 130300Z /////KT CAVOK 22/20 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 130200Z /////KT 9999 OVC040 22/20 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 130100Z //////KT 9999 OVC030M 22/20 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
- SPST: Tarapoto, Peru
SPST 130300Z 00000KT 9999 SCT020 23/21 Q1007 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 130200Z 00000KT 9999 SCT025 25/22 Q1006 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 130100Z 00000KT 9999 SCT025 25/22 Q1005 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
3 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
- CYCB: Cambridge Bay, N. W. T., Canada
CYCB 130226Z 05008KT 2SM IC OVC005 RMK IC1SF7
- CYRB: Resolute, N. W. T., Canada
CYRB 130300Z 23006KT 6SM IC DRSN FEW004 FEW010 M22/M27 A2989 RMK SF1SF0 HALO SLP133
- CYRT: Rankin Inlet, N. W. T., Canada
CYRT 130300Z 01013KT 5SM IC BKN250 M18/M21 A2964 RMK CI3 SLP040
CYRT 130219Z 01014KT 5SM IC FEW010 BKN250 RMK SC1CI2
3 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- EQBH: Camp Bastion, Afghanistan
EQBH 130250Z 12004KT 7000 DU SKC M01/M13 Q1023 WHT NOSIG
EQBH 130150Z 18004KT 8000 DU SKC M01/M12 Q1022 BLU
EQBH 130050Z 18005KT 8000 DU SKC M01/M11 Q1022 BLU
- MMMX: Mexico City / Licenci, Mexico
MMMX 130047Z 12011G22KT 6SM BKN200 18/08 A3014 RMK 8/008 HZY DU
- OMFJ: Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
OMFJ 130300Z 31008KT 5000 DU SKC 23/16 Q1014 A2996 (SPECI)
4 stations reporting sand or sandstorm
- OIBL: Bandar Lengeh, Iran
OIBL 130250Z 09014KT 4000 SA SKC 23/08 Q1014 A2996
OIBL 130150Z 08014KT 2000 SA SKC 23/08 Q1014 A2994
- OIFM: Esfahan, Iran
OIFM 130150Z 00000KT 3000 BR SKC M02/M05 Q1026 A3030 METAR OIKB 130150Z 06018KT 3500 SA SKC 21/M04 Q1015 A2998 METAR OIZC 130150Z 05006KT CAVOK 18/00 Q1014 A2996
OIFM 130150Z 00000KT 3000 BR SKC M02/M05 Q1026 A3030 METAR OIKB 130150Z 06018KT 3500 SA SKC 21/M04 Q1015 A2998
- OIKB: Bandarabbass, Iran
OIKB 130250Z 06018KT 3500 SA SKC 20/M04 Q1016 A3001
OIKB 130150Z 06018KT 3500 SA SKC 21/M04 Q1015 A2998
OIKB 130050Z 07018KT 4000 SA SKC 21/M04 Q1015 A2997
- OIKO: Minab, Iran
OIKO 130150Z 03020KT 3000 SA SKC 21/01 Q1015 A2999
22 stations reporting smoke
KQAE 130255Z 25001KT 6000 FU HZ FEW000 BKN100 12/07 A3004 RMK FU FEW000 SLP172 52005
KQAE 130155Z 32003KT 6000 FU HZ BKN100 12/08 A3003 RMK SLP169
KQAE 130055Z 28002KT 5000 FU HZ FEW000 BKN100 12/09 A3003 RMK FU FEW000 SLP167
- KQAQ: Al Taji, Iraq
KQAQ 130255Z 00000KT 9000 FU HZ FEW002 11/07 A3000 RMK FU FEW002 SLP157 WND DATA ESTMD 52005 PA +50 DA -353
KQAQ 130155Z 00000KT 9000 FU HZ FEW005 12/07 A2999 RMK FU FEW005 SLP153 WND DATA ESTMD PA +59 DA -274
KQAQ 130055Z 00000KT 9000 FU HZ FEW005 12/07 A2999 RMK FU FEW005 SLP153 WND DATA ESTMD PA +60 DA -204
- KQHT: Manas, Kyrgyzstan
KQHT 130255Z 13002KT 2400 BR FU SKC M02/M04 A3046 RMK SLP355 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 53003
KQOL 130255Z 27002KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 09/07 A3001 RMK SLP162 52002
KQOL 130155Z 25003KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 09/06 A3001 RMK SLP160
KQOL 130055Z 03002KT 8000 FU HZ SKC 11/07 A3000 RMK SLP157
- KQTO: Balad, Iraq
KQTO 130255Z 34001KT 6000 FU HZ FEW000 11/08 A3001 RMK FU FEW000 SLP163 Q1016MB PA+83 DA-242 52002
KQTO 130155Z 26003KT 6000 FU HZ FEW000 09/08 A3001 RMK FU FEW000 SLP164 Q1016MB PA+83 DA-484
KQTO 130055Z 24003KT 6000 FU HZ FEW000 11/08 A3000 RMK FU FEW000 SLP162 Q1016MB PA+92 DA-230
- KQTZ: Baghdad, Iraq
KQTZ 130255Z 00000KT 8000 HZ FU FEW120 FEW200 12/07 A3001 RMK SLP159 QNH1015MB ALSTG/SLP ESTMD WIND DATA ESTMD 52003
- KQXJ: Tallil, Iraq
KQXJ 130255Z VRB03KT 9000 FU FEW100 14/03 A3001 RMK SLP164 PA-62 DA-102 53004
- MMRX: Reynosa Intl Arpt, Mexico
MMRX 130252Z 06008KT 8SM BKN035 BKN240 23/20 A2990 RMK SLP119 52030 922 8/502 HZY FU PRESRR
MMRX 130146Z 03010KT 6SM BKN035 BKN220 23/19 A2987 RMK 8/502 HZY FU PRESRR
- OPKC: Karachi Airport, Pakistan
OPKC 130200Z 04006KT 5000 HZ 21/16 Q1*%1 METAR OPLA 130155Z 11006KT 1000 R36/P1500 RMID/1400D R18/1300N FU FEW040 SCT100 16/11 Q1010
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 130325Z 11009KT 1000 R36/1100D RMID/1000D R18/1100N FU SCT100 18/12 Q1011
OPLA 130255Z 12009KT 1000 R36/1200N RMID/1200N R18/1100N FU SCT100 17/12 Q1011
OPLA 130225Z 11008KT 1000 R36/1200N RMID/1200N R18/1100N FU FEW040 SCT040 SCT100 17/12 Q1011
OPLA 130155Z 11006KT 1000 R36/P1500 RMID/1400D R18/1300N FU FEW040 SCT100 16/11 Q1010
OPLA 130140Z 11006KT 1500 R36/P1500 RMID/P1500 R18/P1500 FU FEW040 SCT100 16/11 Q1010
OPLA 130125Z 11005KT 2000 FU FEW040 SCT100 16/11 Q1010
OPLA 130055Z 00000KT 2000 FU FEW040 SCT100 16/11 Q1010
- UAAA: Almaty, Kazakhstan
UAAA 130330Z 21002MPS 2000 BR FU SKC M01/M05 Q1030 88CLRD65
UAAA 130300Z 17002MPS 1200 R23R/1200 R23L/1200N BR FU SKC M03/M05 Q1030 88CLRD65
UAAA 130230Z 17002MPS 0650 R23R/2000 R23L/0650N BR FU SKC M05/M07 Q1030 88CLRD65
UAAA 130200Z 15002MPS 2200 BR FU SKC M06/M07 Q1030 88CLRD65
UAAA 130130Z 20002MPS 2100 BR FU SKC M06/M07 Q1030 88CLRD65
UAAA 130100Z VRB01MPS 5000 BR FU SKC M06/M07 Q1030 88CLRD65 NOSIG
- UHWW: Vladivostok, Russia
UHWW 130300Z 26002MPS 3000 BR FU OVC100 06/M03 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QFE767/1023 75CLRD80
UHWW 130230Z 27002MPS 3000 BR FU BKN100 05/M03 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE767/1023 75CLRD80
UHWW 130200Z 30002MPS 3000 BR FU BKN100 04/M03 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE768/1024 75CLRD80
UHWW 130130Z 32002MPS 3000 BR FU BKN100 04/M03 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE768/1024 75CLRD80
UHWW 130100Z 31002MPS 3000 BR FU BKN100 03/M03 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE768/1024 75CLRD80
- UNAA: Abakan, Russia
UNAA 130100Z VRB02MPS 5000 FU BR BKN023CB OVC100 M04/M05 Q1016
UNAA 130100Z VRB02MPS 5000 FU BR BKN023CB OVC100 M04/M05 Q1016
- UTAA: Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
UTAA 130300Z 00000MPS 5000 FU SKC M04/M08 Q1032 NOSIG 99CLRD70
UTAA 130100Z 15001MPS 5000 FU SKC M04/M08 Q1032 NOSIG 99CLRD70
- UTTT: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
UTTT 130330Z 15002MPS 5000 BR FU BKN200 M01/M02 Q1032 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 130300Z 14002MPS 5000 BR FU BKN200 M01/M02 Q1031 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 130230Z 14002MPS 4000 BR FU FEW200 M01/M02 Q1031 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 130200Z 14001MPS 4000 BR FU FEW200 M02/M03 Q1031 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 130130Z 12002MPS 4000 BR FU SKC M02/M03 Q1031 08CLRD70 NOSIG
UTTT 130100Z 12001MPS 4000 BR FU SKC M01/M02 Q1031 08CLRD70 NOSIG
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 130140Z 00000KT 1900 FU FEW100 24/16 Q1009 NOSIG
- VIDP: New Delhi / Palam, India
VIDP 130330Z 14006KT 1200 R11/1200U FU FEW200 21/14 Q1013 NOSIG
- VIJP: Jaipur / Sanganer, India
VIJP 130230Z 05006KT 1500 FU SKC 20/12 Q1013 NOSIG
VIJP 130130Z 05003KT 1500 HZ FU SKC 17/11 Q1012 NOSIG
- ZBSJ: Zhengding, China
ZBSJ 130300Z 02002MPS 1200 R33/0900N R15/1000N FU NSC 12/07 Q1024 NOSIG
- ZSQD: Qingdao, China
ZSQD 130100Z VRB01MPS 2000 FU NSC 12/07 Q1024 NOSIG
- ZWWW: Urum-Qi / Diwopu, China
ZWWW 130330Z 13006MPS 4000 FU NSC 00/M07 Q1025 NOSIG
ZWWW 130300Z 15005MPS 4000 FU NSC M00/M07 Q1026 NOSIG
ZWWW 130230Z 14006MPS 3000 FU NSC M02/M07 Q1026 NOSIG
ZWWW 130200Z 01002MPS 3000 FU NSC M04/M07 Q1026 NOSIG
ZWWW 130130Z 17005MPS 140V200 4000 FU NSC M02/M08 Q1026 NOSIG
ZWWW 130100Z 15002MPS 100V180 4000 FU NSC M03/M08 Q1026 NOSIG
- ZYHB: Harbin, China
ZYHB 130300Z 29001MPS 0900 R23/0800N R05/0900N SN FZFG FU BKN026 M01/M02 Q1023 NOSIG
ZYHB 130200Z 06001MPS 0900 R23/0900N R05/0800N FZFG FU BKN026 M01/M03 Q1023 NOSIG
ZYHB 130100Z 03002MPS 1300 R23/1300N R05/1300D BR FU BKN033 M01/M03 Q1024 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
    Wind, Thunderstorm
- SCCI: Punta Arenas, Chile
    Wind, Pressure
50 unidentified stations (out of a total of 468 documented unknown stations)
- KQB6 (OLD)
- KQC3 (OLD)
- KQD2 (OLD)
- KQM1 (OLD)
- KQW3 (OLD)