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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2010102603
Currently using 24704 observations from 4243 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Tue Oct 26 03:47:53 UTC 2010
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
0 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
1 station reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- RPLL: Ninoy Aquino Inter-National Airport, Philippines [28°C, 82.4°F]
RPLL 260300Z 29005KT 6000 SCT023 OVC300 29/28 Q1008 HAQ RMK A2977
33 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- AYPY: Moresby, Papua New Guinea [26°C, 78.8°F]
AYPY 260200Z 27006KT 9999 SCT018 32/26 Q1008
- AYWK: Wewak, Papua New Guinea [26°C, 78.8°F]
AYWK 260300Z 09010KT 9999 SCT020 31/26 Q1007
- GOGG: Ziguinchor, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOGG 260200Z 28004KT 9999 SCT016 SCT230 27/26 Q1010
- KACP: Oakdale, LA, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
KACP 260300Z AUTO 17012G21KT 10SM SCT015 SCT024 26/26 A2965 RMK AO2
- KHUM: Houma-Terrebonne, LA, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
KHUM 260323Z AUTO 15016G22KT 10SM BKN011 OVC020 26/26 A2976 RMK AO2 T02630263
- MMIT: Ixtepec Ox, Mexico [26°C, 78.8°F]
MMIT 260100Z 18010KT 7SM SKC 30/26 A2968 RMK HZ
- MYNN: Nassau Airport, Bahamas, The [26°C, 78.8°F]
MYNN 260200Z 11007KT 9999 FEW020 28/26 A3001
- NSTU: Pago Pago / Int. Airport, United States Minor Outlying Islands [27°C, 80.6°F]
NSTU 260051Z 07006KT 12M VCSH SCT014TCU BKN040 OVC080 28/27 A2982 RMK VCSH W TCU VC W-N-NE SLP098 T02770265
- OIBK: Kish Island / Kish, Iran [26°C, 78.8°F]
OIBK 260300Z 08004KT 5000 BR SKC 26/26 Q1011 A2986
- OYHD: Hodeidah, Yemen [26°C, 78.8°F]
OYHD 260100Z 00000KT 9999 FEW030 27/26 Q1008
- PGRO: Rota Island, N. Mariana Is, Rota Intl Arpt, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
PGRO 260250Z 08015KT 7SM FEW025 29/26 A2985
- PTTP: Pohnpei, NWS Office, Micronesia, Federated States of [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTTP 260154Z 06006KT 15SM BKN018 BKN130 OVC300 30/26 A2986 RMK SLP110 T03000258
- RJAW: Iwojima, Japan [26°C, 78.8°F]
RJAW 260200Z 03005KT 330V050 9999 SCT015 29/26 Q1011 RMK 3CU015 A2987
- RPLI: Laoag, Philippines [26°C, 78.8°F]
RPLI 260300Z 36014KT 9999 FEW019CB SCT100 31/26 Q1008 CB N
- RPLL: Ninoy Aquino Inter-National Airport, Philippines [27°C, 80.6°F]
RPLL 260100Z 31003KT 7000 SCT023 BKN100 28/27 Q1009 NOSIG RMK A2980
- RPMZ: Zamboanga, Philippines [26°C, 78.8°F]
RPMZ 260300Z 06006KT 9999 FEW018CB BKN350 28/26 Q1012 CB N AND E DSTNT PCPN N
- RPVM: Masbate, Philippines [27°C, 80.6°F]
RPVM 260300Z 22004KT 9999 FEW018CB SCT100 BKN250 31/27 Q1008 A2979 CB NW
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKLT 260100Z 18004KT 9999 TS SCT009CB BKN012 27/26 A2978
- VTBO: Trat/Khao Saming, Thailand [27°C, 80.6°F]
VTBO 260200Z 06003KT 7000 FEW022 29/27 Q1010
- VTBU: Rayong, Thailand [27°C, 80.6°F]
VTBU 260330Z 16005KT 6000 -SHRA SCT018CB BKN300 32/27 Q1010 A2983 CB NE W
- VTCN: Nan, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTCN 260300Z VRB03KT 4000 BR BKN018 OVC100 27/26 Q1013 R MK/RWY 02 INFO I
- VTPH: Hua Hin, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTPH 260300Z 03005KT 9999 SCT028 30/26 Q1010
- VTSS: Hat Yai, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTSS 260330Z 23003KT 9999 FEW020 SCT120 BKN300 31/26 Q1010 A2984 NOSIG
- VTST: Trang, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTST 260300Z 03002KT 9999 SCT020 SCT300 29/26 Q1010 RWY08 INFO E
- VYMD: Mandalay, Myanmar [26°C, 78.8°F]
VYMD 260330Z 00000KT 8000 BKN020 FEW025CB 29/26 Q1012
- VYYY: Yangon, Myanmar [27°C, 80.6°F]
VYYY 260200Z 32003KT 8000 SCT018 28/27 Q1011
- WALL: Sepinggan, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WALL 260300Z 28012KT 8000 VCRA FEW018CB BKN018 27/26 Q1010 RMK CB AND RA TO SE
- WARS: Achmad Yani, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WARS 260200Z 13009KT 7000 HAZE SCT022 30/26 Q1010 NSG
- WATT: Kupang, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WATT 260300Z 10004KT 9999 SCT020 34/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WMKA: S Abdul Halim, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKA 260300Z 16004KT 9999 SCT020 BKN280 31/26 Q1011
- WMKK: Sepang/KL Intl Arpt, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKK 260330Z 32004KT 260V040 9999 SCT018 SCT140 BKN280 29/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WMKL: Langkawi, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKL 260300Z 24005KT 160V330 9999 FEW020TCU BKN280 31/26 Q1011
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKP 260330Z 00000KT 9000 FEW012 SCT140 BKN270 27/26 Q1011 NOSIG
0 stations reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
1 station reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
- KGDP: Pine Springs, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX, United States [64kt, 33m/s]
KGDP 260051Z AUTO 24051G64KT 10SM CLR 19/M01 A2959 RMK AO2 PK WND 26064/0045 PRESFR SLP953 T01941006 TSNO
KGDP 260051Z AUTO 24051G64KT 10SM CLR 19/M01 A2959 RMK AO2 PK WND 26064/0045 PRESFR SLP953 T01941006 TSNO
KGDP 260051Z AUTO 24051G64KT 10SM CLR 19/M01 A2959
5 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- EKVG: Soervaag / Vagar, Denmark [52kt, 27m/s]
EKVG 260320Z AUTO 13014G24KT 100V160 6000NDV -RA OVC006/// 08/07 Q1002 RMK BKN005/// WIND 850FT 14037G52KT
EKVG 260120Z AUTO 14021G37KT 7000NDV -RA OVC013/// 07/06 Q1005 RMK BKN009/// WIND 850FT 13041G51KT
- KGDP: Pine Springs, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX, United States [58kt, 30m/s]
KGDP 260151Z AUTO 25044G58KT 10SM CLR 19/00 A2965 RMK AO2 PK WND 25062/0105 SLP972 T01890000 TSNO
KGDP 260151Z AUTO 25044G58KT 10SM CLR 19/00 A2965 RMK AO2 PK WND 25062/0105 SLP972 T01890000 TSNO
KGDP 260151Z AUTO 25044G58KT 10SM CLR 19/00 A2965
- KLAM: Los Alamos, NM, United States [50kt, 26m/s]
KLAM 260050Z AUTO 30027G50KT 10SM CLR 04/M06 A2968 RMK AO2
- KSRR: Ruidoso Regional, NM, United States [50kt, 26m/s]
KSRR 260115Z AUTO 25028G50KT 10SM CLR 14/00 A2968 RMK AO2
- LIVP: Paganella, Italy [51kt, 26m/s]
LIVP 260055Z 36038G51KT 0000 FZFG VV/// M06/M07 Q1009 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
22 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- EGNS: Isle Of Man / Ronaldsway Airport, United Kingdom [41kt, 21m/s]
EGNS 260250Z 20030G40KT 4000 RA FEW010 BKN015 OVC024 11/09 Q1016
EGNS 260150Z 20031G41KT 5000 RA FEW012 BKN015 OVC025 12/09 Q1017
- EGOV: Valley, United Kingdom [41kt, 21m/s]
EGOV 260150Z AUTO 19031G41KT 4000NDV SHRA BKN019/// 11/09 Q1019
- EKVG: Soervaag / Vagar, Denmark [43kt, 22m/s]
EKVG 260050Z AUTO 14018G29KT 7000NDV -RA OVC009/// 07/05 Q1006 RMK BKN008/// BKN110/// WIND 850FT 14031G43KT
- K2WX: Buffalo, SD, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
K2WX 260256Z AUTO 30030G40KT 03/01 A2928 RMK AO1 PK WND 30040/0249 SLP924 T00330011 51017
K2WX 260256Z AUTO 30030G40KT 03/01 A2928 RMK AO1 PK WND 30040/0249 SLP924 T00330011 51017
- KBBF: Brazos 113, TX, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KBBF 260340Z AUTO 18033G40KT 4SM HZ BKN020 BKN025 27/25 A2961 RMK A01
- KEHY: Elk Mountain, WY, United States [42kt, 21m/s]
KEHY 260216Z AUTO 28028G42KT 10SM SCT050 BKN060 OVC070 00/M05 A2959 RMK AO2 T10021050
KEHY 260156Z AUTO 28030G40KT 10SM BKN060 OVC075 00/M05 A2958 RMK AO2 T10011048
- KGDP: Pine Springs, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX, United States [49kt, 25m/s]
KGDP 260251Z AUTO 24037G49KT 10SM CLR 17/01 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 25063/0223 SLP993 T01720006 53017 TSNO
KGDP 260251Z AUTO 24037G49KT 10SM CLR 17/01 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 25063/0223 SLP993 T01720006 53017 TSNO
KGDP 260251Z AUTO 24037G49KT 10SM CLR 17/01 A2969
- KGXY: Greeley / Weld, CO, United States [48kt, 24m/s]
KGXY 260055Z AUTO 31034G48KT 10SM FEW010 BKN110 04/M03 A2957 RMK AO1
- KLAM: Los Alamos, NM, United States [49kt, 25m/s]
KLAM 260230Z AUTO 29032G49KT 10SM CLR 04/M15 A2972 RMK AO2
KLAM 260210Z AUTO 29030G49KT 10SM CLR 05/M10 A2970 RMK AO2
KLAM 260150Z AUTO 29034G45KT 10SM CLR 04/M07 A2969 RMK AO2
KLAM 260110Z AUTO 30027G45KT 10SM CLR 04/M06 A2968 RMK AO2
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KMWN 260150Z 24036G40KT 0SM -RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
KMWN 260150Z 24036G40KT 0SM -RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
- KNSI: San Nicholas Island, CA, United States [42kt, 21m/s]
KNSI 260253Z AUTO 30034G42KT 9SM CLR 14/09 A2992 RMK AO2 PK WND 30042/0252 SLP128 T01390089 53001 TSNO $
KNSI 260253Z AUTO 30034G42KT 9SM CLR 14/09 A2992 RMK AO2 PK WND 30042/0252 SLP128 T01390089 53001 TSNO $
KNSI 260153Z AUTO 30031G40KT 9SM CLR 14/09 A2992 RMK AO2 PK WND 30040/0152 SLP126 T01390089 TSNO $
KNSI 260153Z AUTO 30031G40KT 9SM CLR 14/09 A2992 RMK AO2 PK WND 30040/0152 SLP126 T01390089 TSNO $
- KPIR: Pierre, Pierre Regional Airport, SD, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KPIR 260253Z AUTO 31031G41KT 10SM FEW030 BKN060 OVC075 09/04 A2916 RMK AO2 PK WND 32042/0227 RAE10 SLP872 P0000 60000 T00940039 50003
KPIR 260253Z AUTO 31031G41KT 10SM FEW030 BKN060 OVC075 09/04 A2916
KPIR 260053Z AUTO 31027G41KT 10SM OVC032 09/04 A2917 RMK AO2 PK WND 31041/0046 RAB2355E06B22E51 SLP876 P0000 T00940044
KPIR 260053Z AUTO 31027G41KT 10SM OVC032 09/04 A2917
- KPWA: Oklahoma City, Wiley Post Airport, OK, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
KPWA 260207Z 32018G40KT 10SM FEW065 22/09 A2932 RMK AO2 PK WND 32040/0202 WSHFT 0153 PRESRR
KPWA 260207Z 32018G40KT 10SM FEW065 22/09 A2932
- KRWL: Rawlins, Rawlins Municipal Airport, WY, United States [42kt, 21m/s]
KRWL 260253Z AUTO 27029G42KT 10SM CLR M01/M07 A2965 RMK AO2 PK WND 27042/0246 SLP042 T10061067 50017
- KSDB: Sandberg, CA, United States [43kt, 22m/s]
KSDB 260252Z AUTO 33032G43KT 10SM CLR 06/02 A3000 RMK AO2 PK WND 32043/0250 SLP142 T00610017 53000 TSNO $
KSDB 260252Z AUTO 33032G43KT 10SM CLR 06/02 A3000 RMK AO2 PK WND 32043/0250 SLP142 T00610017 53000 TSNO $
KSDB 260252Z AUTO 33032G43KT 10SM CLR 06/02 A3000
- LFMO: Orange, France [44kt, 22m/s]
LFMO 260300Z AUTO 35027G44KT 9999NDV NSC 07/00 Q1015
LFMO 260230Z AUTO 35027G43KT 9999NDV NSC 07/00 Q1015
LFMO 260130Z AUTO 35027G40KT 9999NDV NSC 07/00 Q1015
LFMO 260100Z AUTO 34026G42KT 9999NDV NSC 07/00 Q1015
- LFMP: Perpignan, France [40kt, 20m/s]
LFMP 260330Z AUTO 31024G40KT 9999NDV ///////// 09/M03 Q1019
- LFMV: Caumont, France [42kt, 21m/s]
LFMV 260200Z AUTO 36022G42KT 9999NDV NSC 07/00 Q1013
- LGIR: Heraklion Airport, Greece [40kt, 20m/s]
LGIR 260150Z 18030G40KT 9999 FEW025 BKN090 22/17 Q1012 NOSIG
- LIEC: Capo Carbonara, Italy [40kt, 20m/s]
LIEC 260155Z 25030G40KT 9999 FEW015 14/08 Q1008 RMK FEW QUK / QUL / VIS MAR 20 KM VIS MIN 9999
- LIMU: Capo Mele, Italy [42kt, 21m/s]
LIMU 260255Z 36030G41KT CAVOK 12/05 Q1009 RMK SCT SCT080 QUK / QUL / VIS MAR 30 KM VIS MIN 9999
LIMU 260155Z 36031G42KT 9999 FEW026 12/06 Q1009 RMK SCT SCT080 QUK / QUL / VIS MAR 30 KM VIS MIN 9999
- LIVP: Paganella, Italy [47kt, 24m/s]
LIVP 260155Z 36035G47KT 0000 FZFG VV/// M06/M07 Q1009 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -70°C or colder
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -60°C to -69°C
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -50°C to -59°C
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -40°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting heat index of 55°C or hotter
0 stations reporting heat index of 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting heat index of 45°C to 49°C
5 stations reporting heat index of 40°C to 44°C
- VTBU: Rayong, Thailand [43.8°C, 110.8°F]
VTBU 260300Z 14004KT 7000 FEW020TCU BKN300 33/27 Q1010 A2983 TCU E
- WATT: Kupang, Indonesia [43.5°C, 110.3°F]
WATT 260300Z 10004KT 9999 SCT020 34/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- AYPY: Moresby, Papua New Guinea [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
AYPY 260200Z 27006KT 9999 SCT018 32/26 Q1008
- YCIN: Curtin, Australia [40.3°C, 104.5°F]
YCIN 260330Z AUTO 16010KT //// // ////// 39/17 Q1009
- YPKU: Kununurra Kununurra Aws, Australia [40.1°C, 104.1°F]
YPKU 260330Z AUTO 14006KT 9999NDV // NCD 37/20 Q1008
0 stations reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
3 stations reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- ZBAA: Beijing, China [1043mb, 30.79in]
ZBAA 260330Z 02003MPS 340V080 CAVOK 07/M14 Q1041 NOSIG
ZBAA 260300Z 01004MPS 340V080 CAVOK 06/M12 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBAA 260230Z 01005MPS CAVOK 05/M12 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBAA 260200Z 02005MPS CAVOK 04/M12 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBAA 260130Z 01004MPS 350V060 CAVOK 04/M12 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBAA 260100Z 36004MPS CAVOK 03/M12 Q1043 NOSIG
- ZBSJ: Zhengding, China [1042mb, 30.76in]
ZBSJ 260300Z 17001MPS CAVOK 06/M10 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBSJ 260200Z 15002MPS CAVOK 05/M09 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBSJ 260100Z 15002MPS CAVOK 05/M09 Q1042 NOSIG
- ZBTJ: Tianjin / Zhangguizhu, China [1042mb, 30.76in]
ZBTJ 260330Z 02003MPS 330V070 CAVOK 07/M14 Q1041 NOSIG
ZBTJ 260300Z 35003MPS 300V040 CAVOK 06/M14 Q1041 NOSIG
ZBTJ 260230Z 02006MPS 340V050 CAVOK 06/M15 Q1041 NOSIG
ZBTJ 260200Z 03006MPS 350V060 CAVOK 06/M15 Q1041 NOSIG
ZBTJ 260130Z 02006MPS CAVOK 05/M15 Q1042 NOSIG
ZBTJ 260100Z 02006MPS CAVOK 05/M13 Q1042 NOSIG
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 950mb and 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 960mb - 969mb
5 stations reporting sea level pressure between 970mb - 979mb
- KEST: Estherville, Estherville Municipal Airport, IA, United States [979.6mb, 28.92in]
KEST 260252Z AUTO 14014KT 3SM RA BR SCT034 BKN046 OVC070 16/15 A2894 RMK AO2 PRESFR SLP796 P0014 60021 T01560150 56049
- KFAR: Fargo, Hector Intl Arpt, ND, United States [979.2mb, 28.91in]
KFAR 260253Z 16013KT 4SM -RA BR BKN007 BKN014 OVC019 13/12 A2891 RMK AO2 CIG 005V010 SLP792 P0006 60020 T01330117 58015
KFAR 260253Z 16013KT 4SM -RA BR BKN007 BKN014 OVC019 13/12 A2891 RMK AO2 CIG 005V010 SLP792 P0006 60020 T01330117 58015
- KGFK: Grand Forks, Grand Forks Intl Arpt, ND, United States [979.5mb, 28.92in]
KGFK 260253Z 15003KT 2SM -RA BR BKN003 OVC008 12/12 A2892 RMK AO2 SLP795 P0004 60015 T01170117 58019
- KRWF: Redwood Falls, Redwood Falls Municipal Airport, MN, United States [979.6mb, 28.92in]
KRWF 260253Z AUTO 10008KT 6SM -RA BR OVC009 14/14 A2893 RMK AO2 CIG 006V014 PRESFR SLP796 P0017 60025 T01440139 58048
- KSPW: Spencer, Spencer Municipal Airport, IA, United States [979.7mb, 28.92in]
KSPW 260253Z AUTO 17010KT 3SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN023 OVC029 15/14 A2894 RMK AO2 SLP797 P0009 60009 T01500144 56040
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
2 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
- KFRM: Fairmont Municipal, MN, United States [-5.1mb]
KFRM 260255Z 14016KT 6SM SCT036 BKN048 OVC070 16/14 A2897 RMK AO1 P0006 60020 57051
- MMTM: Tampico / Gen Fj Mina, Mexico [-5.0mb]
MMTM 260242Z 13014KT 6SM SKC 25/22 A2974 RMK SLP069 57050 991 HA FU
28 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWEB: Estevan Point, B. C., Canada [5.6mb]
CWEB 260300Z AUTO 25010KT 11/11 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 3007 PK WND 22018/0201 SLP983 P0005 T01050105 50056
- CWMM: P. Meadows Coastal Stn Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.6mb]
CWMM 260300Z AUTO 15006KT 08/06 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 1014 SLP045 P0003 T00820062 50056
- CWSK: Squamish Airport, B. C, Canada [7.5mb]
CWSK 260300Z AUTO 12005KT 09/08 RMK AO1 1PAST HR 2015 SLP019 P0004 T00850075 50075
CWSK 260200Z AUTO 12005KT 09/08 RMK AO1 6PAST HR 2015 SLP014 P0010 T00850078 50064
- CWWA: W Vancouver Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [6.9mb]
CWWA 260300Z AUTO 05003KT 08/07 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 1016 SLP034 P0004 T00760065 50069
CWWA 260200Z AUTO 07003KT 08/07 RMK AO1 6PAST HR 1020 SLP030 P0010 T00770066 50059
- CWZA: Agassiz Automated Reporting Stn, Canada [5.6mb]
CWZA 260300Z AUTO 36002KT 09/08 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 1015 SLP047 P0003 T00860079 50056
- CXWN: Winnipeg The Forks, Man., Canada [6.8mb]
CXWN 260300Z AUTO 06004KT 09/09 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 8026 SLP825 P0009 T00940087 50068
- KAAO: Wichita, Colonel James Jabara Airport, KS, United States [5.4mb]
KAAO 260254Z AUTO 30017G27KT 10SM OVC090 18/07 A2928 RMK AO2 PK WND 32030/0204 SLP907 T01780072 51054
- KAMA: Amarillo, Amarillo Intl Arpt, TX, United States [6.1mb]
KAMA 260253Z 35008KT 10SM FEW100 11/03 A2957 RMK AO2 SLP981 T01110028 51061
- KBGD: Borger, Hutchinson County Airport, TX, United States [5.3mb]
KBGD 260251Z AUTO 36008KT 10SM -RA OVC080 12/06 A2957 RMK AO2 RAB17 SLP989 P0000 60000 T01170056 51053
- KCDS: Childress, Childress Municipal Airport, TX, United States [5.5mb]
KCDS 260253Z AUTO 01019G30KT 10SM SCT120 21/04 A2948 RMK AO2 PK WND 36040/0218 WSHFT 0155 SLP961 T02060044 53055
- KCSM: Clinton, Clinton-Sherman Airport, OK, United States [6.6mb]
KCSM 260253Z 34019G24KT 10SM CLR 17/05 A2945 RMK AO2 PK WND 34033/0209 SLP960 T01720050 51066
- KCVN: Clovis Municipal, NM, United States [5.8mb]
KCVN 260255Z AUTO 32012G19KT 10SM SCT095 16/02 A2967 RMK AO1 52058
- KCVS: Cannon Air Force Base / Clovis, NM, United States [5.1mb]
KCVS 260255Z 31012KT 10SM CLR 15/02 A2965 RMK AO2A SLP019 T01480018 51051 $
- KEND: Vance Air Force Base / Enid, OK, United States [6.9mb]
KEND 260255Z AUTO 31021G29KT 10SM FEW080 17/07 A2937 RMK AO2 PK WND 32029/0251 SLP938 T01740068 51069 VISNO RWY35C $
- KEWK: Newton, KS, United States [5.8mb]
KEWK 260255Z AUTO 31016G24KT 10SM OVC090 15/08 A2930 RMK AO1 52058
- KFRI: Fort Riley, KS, United States [5.1mb]
KFRI 260255Z AUTO 29009G16KT 10SM BKN080 BKN120 15/10 A2922 RMK AO2 RAB0220E0241DZB0215E0220B0241E0248 SLP891 P0000 60000 T01470105 51051
- KGAG: Gage, Gage Airport, OK, United States [6.3mb]
KGAG 260253Z AUTO 33023G33KT 10SM -RA SCT060 SCT080 OVC100 12/05 A2951 RMK AO2 PK WND 33035/0215 RAB51 SLP979 P0000 60000 T01220050 51063
- KGOK: Guthrie, Guthrie Municipal Airport, OK, United States [5.6mb]
KGOK 260253Z AUTO 33013G20KT 10SM CLR 21/06 A2935 RMK AO2 PK WND 31027/0154 WSHFT 0140 SLP932 T02060061 53056
- KHBR: Hobart, Hobart Municipal Airport, OK, United States [5.9mb]
KHBR 260253Z AUTO 35015G22KT 10SM CLR 18/09 A2944 RMK AO2 PK WND 36030/0213 SLP958 T01780089 53059
- KHUT: Hutchinson, Hutchinson Municipal Airport, KS, United States [5.1mb]
KHUT 260252Z 30018G28KT 10SM -RA FEW048 OVC095 14/09 A2936 RMK AO2 PK WND 31031/0236 RAB0154E04B27 SLP927 P0000 60000 T01390094 53051 $
- KIAB: McConnell Air Force Base, KS, United States [5.4mb]
KIAB 260255Z AUTO 31015G25KT 10SM OVC090 17/07 A2929 RMK AO2 PK WND 31032/0205 PRESRR SLP912 T01730069 51054 $
- KICT: Wichita, Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, KS, United States [5.7mb]
KICT 260253Z 31023G31KT 10SM -RA SCT065 OVC090 17/08 A2931 RMK AO2 PK WND 32033/0237 RAB50 PRESRR SLP918 P0000 60000 T01670083 51057
- KLTS: Altus Air Force Base, OK, United States [5.0mb]
KLTS 260255Z AUTO 36020G25KT 10SM CLR 21/07 A2942 RMK AO2 PK WND 34029/0230 WSHFT 0158 PRESRR SLP951 T02070072 53050 $
- KP28: Medicine Lodge, Medicine Lodge, KS, United States [6.5mb]
KP28 260256Z AUTO 32021G39KT 12/06 A2944 RMK AO2 PK WND 31039/0247 SLP965 T01220061 53065 PWINO TSNO
KP28 260256Z AUTO 32021G39KT 12/06 A2944 RMK AO2 PK WND 31039/0247 SLP965 T01220061 53065 PWINO TSNO
- KPNC: Ponca City, Ponca City Municipal Airport, OK, United States [5.8mb]
KPNC 260253Z AUTO 31012G23KT 10SM SCT110 19/08 A2931 RMK AO2 SLP917 T01890078 53058
- KROW: Roswell, Roswell Industrial Air Center Airport, NM, United States [5.3mb]
KROW 260251Z AUTO 34023G30KT 10SM SCT100 15/03 A2966 RMK AO2 PK WND 36036/0234 WSHFT 0225 SLP991 T01500028 53053
- KTCC: Tucumcari, Tucumcari Municipal Airport, NM, United States [5.4mb]
KTCC 260253Z AUTO 30010KT 10SM BKN100 OVC110 14/M02 A2963 RMK AO2 SLP990 T01441017 51054
- KWLD: Winfield / Arkansas City, Strother Field, KS, United States [5.6mb]
KWLD 260254Z AUTO 31017G27KT 10SM BKN080 OVC100 19/07 A2931 RMK AO2 PK WND 33029/0231 PRESRR SLP916 T01890067 51056
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
0 stations reporting heavy snow
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
43 stations reporting heavy rain
- CYQA: Muskoka, Ont., Canada
CYQA 260143Z AUTO 28004KT 230V330 3SM +RA BR BKN010 OVC019 14/13 A2964 RMK SLP042 DENSITY ALT 1300FT PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR
- EGPI: Islay, United Kingdom
EGPI 260150Z AUTO 15020KT 1700NDV +RA BKN015/// SCT025/// 10/10 Q1011
- KALB: Albany, Albany Intl Arpt, United States
KALB 260132Z 00000KT 1 1/4SM R01/4000VP6000FT +RA BR BKN021 BKN032 OVC065 15/15 A2976 RMK AO2 RAB0055 VIS SW 1/2 P0011
KALB 260132Z 00000KT 1 1/4SM R01/4000VP6000FT +RA BR BKN021 BKN032 OVC065 15/15 A2976
KALB 260125Z 00000KT 1 1/2SM R01/5500VP6000FT +RA BR SCT022 BKN044 OVC070 15/15 A2977 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 3 RAB0055 P0006
KALB 260125Z 00000KT 1 1/2SM R01/5500VP6000FT +RA BR SCT022 BKN044 OVC070 15/15 A2977
- KANE: Minneapolis / Blaine, MN, United States
KANE 260315Z AUTO 10010G18KT 5SM +RA SCT010 BKN017 OVC027 14/13 A2903 RMK AO2 P0003
KANE 260215Z AUTO 10013KT 5SM +RA SCT013 SCT050 OVC085 14/13 A2910 RMK AO2 P0004
- KAQP: Appleton, Appleton Municipal Airport, MN, United States
KAQP 260334Z AUTO 00000KT 1 3/4SM +RA OVC005 13/13 A2891 RMK AO2 VIS 1/2V3 P0011
- KAUG: Augusta, Augusta State Airport, ME, United States
KAUG 260330Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM +RA FG BKN002 BKN005 OVC020 10/10 A2987 RMK AO2 P0010
KAUG 260330Z AUTO 00000KT 1/2SM +RA FG BKN002 BKN005 OVC020 10/10 A2987
- KBDH: Willmar, MN, United States
KBDH 260335Z AUTO 07003KT 4SM +RA SCT008 BKN020 OVC048 13/13 A2893 RMK AO2 P0018
- KBGM: Binghamton, Binghamton Regional Airport, NY, United States
KBGM 260046Z 04004KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW001 OVC011 13/13 A2977 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 2 P0030
KBGM 260046Z 04004KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW001 OVC011 13/13 A2977
- KCKN: Crookston Municipal Field, MN, United States
KCKN 260115Z AUTO 14011KT 4SM +RA OVC024 12/12 A2898 RMK AO2
- KCNB: Canby/Myers Fld, MN, United States
KCNB 260214Z AUTO 17006KT 2 1/2SM +RA SCT011 BKN020 OVC030 14/13 A2898 RMK AO2 P0013 T01360130
KCNB 260155Z AUTO 16005KT 1 1/2SM +RA BKN011 OVC018 14/13 A2898 RMK AO2 P0020 T01350130
KCNB 260134Z AUTO 15004KT 3SM +RA SCT009 BKN018 OVC030 14/13 A2900 RMK AO2 P0005 T01350130
- KDVP: Slayton, MN, United States
KDVP 260310Z AUTO 28018G21KT 3SM +RA SCT004 BKN008 OVC025 12/11 A2894 RMK AO2 P0005 T01210110
- KDXX: Madison, MN, United States
KDXX 260214Z AUTO 18006KT 4SM +RA SCT010 BKN060 BKN070 13/13 A2895 RMK AO2 P0004
- KEST: Estherville, Estherville Municipal Airport, IA, United States
KEST 260323Z AUTO 15012KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW018 BKN030 OVC050 16/15 A2892 RMK AO2 VIS 1 3/4V3 P0008
- KEUG: Eugene, Mahlon Sweet Field, OR, United States
KEUG 260054Z 28004KT 4SM +RA BR SCT025 BKN033 OVC045 08/06 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP152 P0017 T00830061
KEUG 260054Z 28004KT 4SM +RA BR SCT025 BKN033 OVC045 08/06 A2998
- KFCM: Minneapolis, Flying Cloud Airport, MN, United States
KFCM 260327Z AUTO 12014G25KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR SCT010 BKN016 OVC025 15/14 A2899 RMK AO2 P0011
KFCM 260221Z 12009G22KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR BKN013 BKN032 OVC047 15/13 A2905 RMK AO2 TSE13 P0012
- KFSD: Sioux Falls, Foss Field, SD, United States
KFSD 260056Z 30009KT 4SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN017 OVC022 11/11 A2903 RMK AO2 SLP832 P0022 T01110106
KFSD 260056Z 30009KT 4SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN017 OVC022 11/11 A2903 RMK AO2 SLP832 P0022 T01110106
KFSD 260056Z 30009KT 4SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN017 OVC022 11/11 A2903
- KIWI: Wiscasset, Wiscasset Airport, ME, United States
KIWI 260231Z AUTO 00000KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR OVC003 11/10 A2990 RMK AO2 RAB08 P0005
- KJZI: Charleston, SC, United States
KJZI 260135Z AUTO 18011KT 3SM VCTS +RA FEW004 SCT019 BKN029 21/20 A2996 RMK A02 LTG DSNT E AND W P007
- KLRJ: Le Mars, Le Mars Municipal Airport, IA, United States
KLRJ 260155Z AUTO 31014G20KT 7SM +RA SCT008 BKN022 OVC029 12/11 A2901 RMK AO2 P0020
- KLVN: Minneapolis, Airlake Airport, MN, United States
KLVN 260134Z AUTO 11012G20KT 7SM +RA SCT040 BKN050 OVC080 14/13 A2910 RMK AO2 P0002
- KLYV: Luverne, MN, United States
KLYV 260155Z AUTO 30019G25KT 4SM +RA SCT006 BKN022 OVC033 13/12 A2899 RMK AO2 P0034
KLYV 260137Z AUTO 29005KT 3SM +RA SCT006 BKN012 OVC020 13/12 A2899 RMK AO2 P0024
- KMIC: Minneapolis, Crystal Airport, MN, United States
KMIC 260243Z AUTO 12010KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR SCT017 BKN021 OVC030 15/13 A2904 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NW TSB0158E17B23E38 P0025
- KMJQ: Jackson Municipal, MN, United States
KMJQ 260331Z AUTO 17010KT 4SM +RA SCT009 OVC017 15/14 A2892 RMK AO2 P0001
KMJQ 260155Z AUTO 13010KT 5SM +RA SCT013 BKN036 OVC065 15/13 A2898 RMK AO2 P0001
- KMSP: Minneapolis, MN, United States
KMSP 260329Z 11018G29KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT015 BKN026 OVC036 14/13 A2900 RMK AO2 PK WND 11029/0322 P0011
KMSP 260329Z 11018G29KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT015 BKN026 OVC036 14/13 A2900
KMSP 260324Z 11023G29KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW012 BKN030 OVC095 15/13 A2901 RMK AO2 PK WND 11029/0322 P0007
KMSP 260324Z 11023G29KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW012 BKN030 OVC095 15/13 A2901
- KMUI: Muir Army Air Field / Indiantown, PA, United States
KMUI 260125Z AUTO 22012KT 2SM +RA BR FEW026 SCT037 OVC049 17/17 A2980 RMK AO2 RAB0109DZE0109 SLP090 PNO $
KMUI 260124Z AUTO 21012KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR FEW026 SCT037 OVC049 17/17 A2980 RMK AO2 RAB0109DZE0109 SLP090 PNO $
KMUI 260120Z AUTO 22011G16KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW026 SCT034 OVC041 18/17 A2980 RMK AO2 RAB0109DZE0109 SLP090 PNO $
KMUI 260118Z AUTO 22010G16KT 1SM +RA BR SCT026 OVC035 18/17 A2979 RMK AO2 RAB0109DZE0109 SLP090 PNO $
KMUI 260114Z AUTO 22012G16KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW010 SCT026 OVC032 18/17 A2980 RMK AO2 RAB0109DZE0109 FEW V SCT SLP092 PNO $
- KOEO: Osceola, L O Simenstad Municipal Airport, WI, United States
KOEO 260335Z AUTO 11017G23KT 4SM +RA SCT017 BKN046 OVC075 14/13 A2906 RMK AO2 P0001
- KORC: Orange City, IA, United States
KORC 260235Z AUTO 30016G24KT 7SM +RA BKN009 BKN023 OVC033 12/10 A2898 RMK AO2 P0016
- KOWA: Owatonna, MN, United States
KOWA 260254Z AUTO 12017G23KT 5SM +RA BKN022 BKN037 OVC055 15/14 A2901 RMK AO2
- KPEX: Paynesville, MN, United States
KPEX 260333Z AUTO 09008G16KT 4SM +RA BKN006 BKN014 OVC026 13/13 A2896 RMK AO2 P0020 T01300125
KPEX 260313Z AUTO 09010G16KT 4SM +RA SCT008 BKN015 OVC050 13/13 A2898 RMK AO2 P0006 T01320125
- KPEZ: Pleasanton, TX, United States
KPEZ 260047Z AUTO 15011G15KT 10SM +RA CLR 29/17 A2954 RMK AO2 T02850170
- KPNM: Princeton, MN, United States
KPNM 260313Z AUTO 12011G15KT 5SM +RA SCT010 BKN015 OVC060 13/12 A2906 RMK AO2 P0005
- KRGK: Red Wing, Red Wing Municipal Airport, MN, United States
KRGK 260315Z AUTO 12016G21KT 5SM +RA SCT020 BKN025 OVC036 16/13 A2906 RMK AO2 P0002
- KRNH: New Richmond, New Richmond Municipal Airport, WI, United States
KRNH 260316Z AUTO 11017G22KT 5SM +RA SCT046 BKN080 OVC100 14/13 A2909 RMK AO2 P0005 T01380127
- KRWF: Redwood Falls, Redwood Falls Municipal Airport, MN, United States
KRWF 260217Z AUTO 09005KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW009 BKN015 OVC039 14/14 A2897 RMK AO2 VIS 1 1/2V4 P0016
KRWF 260209Z AUTO 07006KT 4SM +RA BR SCT017 BKN027 OVC055 14/13 A2897 RMK AO2 PRESFR P0006
- KSEA: Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma Intl Arpt, WA, United States
KSEA 260053Z 21014G19KT 4SM +RA FEW021 BKN034 BKN044 08/06 A2977 RMK AO2 PK WND 22026/0000 SLP088 P0011 T00830056
KSEA 260053Z 21014G19KT 4SM +RA FEW021 BKN034 BKN044 08/06 A2977
- KSPW: Spencer, Spencer Municipal Airport, IA, United States
KSPW 260301Z AUTO 16010KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW010 BKN023 OVC029 15/14 A2893 RMK AO2 P0004
KSPW 260253Z AUTO 17010KT 3SM +RA BR FEW017 BKN023 OVC029 15/14 A2894 RMK AO2 SLP797 P0009 60009 T01500144 56040
- KSZT: Sandpoint, Sandpoint Airport, ID, United States
KSZT 260250Z AUTO 21007KT 7SM +RA BKN018 OVC026 04/04 A2969 RMK AO2
KSZT 260150Z AUTO 21004KT 10SM +RA OVC018 03/03 A2968 RMK AO2
- KUIL: Quillayute, Quillayute State Airport, WA, United States
KUIL 260153Z AUTO 25011G28KT 2SM +RA SCT024 BKN033 OVC043 08/ A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 29028/0144 VIS 1V5 RAB06 SLP050 P0012 T0083 TSNO $
KUIL 260153Z AUTO 25011G28KT 2SM +RA SCT024 BKN033 OVC043 08/ A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 29028/0144 VIS 1V5 RAB06 SLP050 P0012 T0083 TSNO $
KUIL 260153Z AUTO 25011G28KT 2SM +RA SCT024 BKN033 OVC043 08/ A2968
KUIL 260148Z AUTO 27015G28KT 2 1/2SM +RA BKN024 BKN039 OVC055 09/ A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 29028/0144 RAB06 P0009 TSNO $
KUIL 260148Z AUTO 27015G28KT 2 1/2SM +RA BKN024 BKN039 OVC055 09/ A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 29028/0144 RAB06 P0009 TSNO $
KUIL 260148Z AUTO 27015G28KT 2 1/2SM +RA BKN024 BKN039 OVC055 09/ A2968
- KULM: New Ulm Municipal, MN, United States
KULM 260115Z AUTO 09007KT 5SM +RA SCT017 BKN033 OVC050 14/13 A2903 RMK AO2
- KVSF: Springfield, Hartness State Springfield Airport, VT, United States
KVSF 260332Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/4SM +RA BR FEW003 BKN007 OVC014 10/10 A2980 RMK AO2 P0020
KVSF 260315Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN005 OVC010 10/10 A2980 RMK AO2 CIG 002V007 P0007
KVSF 260228Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN005 OVC014 10/09 A2982 RMK AO2 P0016
KVSF 260216Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR BKN003 BKN014 OVC043 10/09 A2982 RMK AO2 P0008
KVSF 260204Z AUTO 00000KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR BKN003 OVC012 09/09 A2983 RMK AO2 CIG 002V008 P0004
- LFKF: Figari, France
LFKF 260230Z AUTO 05013KT 1400NDV R23/P2000 +RA BR BKN018/// BKN027/// BKN038/// //////TCU 10/10 Q1004
- PMDY: Sand Island / Midway Islands, HI, United States
PMDY 260224Z AUTO 07006G17KT 1SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN016 OVC038 22/21 A2989 RMK AO2 TSNO P0007
PMDY 260224Z AUTO 07006G17KT 1SM +RA BR FEW007 BKN016 OVC038 22/21 A2989
- UHSS: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
UHSS 260230Z 35007G12MPS 0900 +SHRASN OVC004CB 01/01 Q0999 NOSIG RMK QBB120 MT OBSC QFE748/0998 01610550
8 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- ESNK: Kramfors Flygplats, Sweden
ESNK 260150Z AUTO 32004KT 9999NDV UP FEW010/// BKN016/// 00/M00 Q1013 RESN RESG RERASN
- KELO: Ely Municipal, MN, United States
KELO 260233Z AUTO 11008KT 10SM UP SCT008 SCT013 BKN080 11/11 A2923 RMK AO2
KELO 260233Z AUTO 11008KT 10SM UP SCT008 SCT013 BKN080 11/11 A2923
- KTOR: Torrington, WY, United States
KTOR 260253Z AUTO 32021G34KT 10SM UP SCT047 BKN060 BKN080 03/00 A2950 RMK AO2 PK WND 31034/0244 UPB51 SLP986 P0000 60001 T00280000 53021
- KTRK: Truckee-Tahoe, CA, United States
KTRK 260130Z AUTO 28006KT 10SM UP CLR 02/M03 A3005 RMK AO2
KTRK 260130Z AUTO 28006KT 10SM UP CLR 02/M03 A3005
- PAAQ: Palmer, Palmer Municipal Airport, AK, United States
PAAQ 260309Z AUTO 02003KT 5SM UP BR BKN009 BKN020 OVC029 01/00 A2947 RMK AO2 UPB09SNE09 P0000 TSNO
- PADM: Marshall, AK, United States
PADM 260101Z AUTO 10SM UP FEW011 OVC035 M03/M04 A2944 RMK AO2 TSNO T10271044 OVC V BKN UPB0054SNE0054 P0000 SLP957 $
- PALG: Kalskag, AK, United States
PALG 260219Z AUTO 04003KT 4SM UP SCT003 BKN019 OVC025 M03/M06 A2938 RMK AO2 TSNO BKN V SCT UPB07 P0000 $
- RKSO: Osan Ab, Korea, South
RKSO 260239Z AUTO 33015G19KT 9999 UP CLR 07/M11 A3038 RMK AO2 UPB0239 SLP291 $
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
1 station reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
- KLRO: Mt. Pleasant, SC, United States [.60in]
KLRO 260055Z AUTO 35005KT 8SM TS FEW001 SCT012 SCT041 17/16 A2997 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0060
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
29 stations reporting thunder with rain
- DAAE: Bejaia, Algeria
DAAE 260140Z 32010KT 5000 SCT020TCU FEW026CB BKN040 11/10 Q1015 RETSRA
- KARW: Beaufort, SC, United States
KARW 260055Z AUTO 14003KT 7SM -VCTSRA OVC013 19/18 A2997 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE THRU S P0011
- KAST: Astoria, Astoria Regional Airport, OR, United States
KAST 260255Z AUTO 26010KT 10SM -TSRA FEW039 SCT050 BKN080 08/05 A2985 RMK AO2 TSE03B50RAB45 SLP107 P0002 60011 T00830050 53006
- KAVC: South Hill, Mecklenburg-Brunswick Regional Airport, VA, United States
KAVC 260341Z AUTO 20009KT 10SM TSRA 18/18 A3000 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE THRU W P0003
- KCFE: Buffalo, Buffalo Municipal Airport, MN, United States
KCFE 260235Z AUTO 07012G20KT 4SM -VCTSRA SCT017 BKN032 OVC070 14/13 A2904 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE SW AND NW P0007 T01390130
- KGGE: Georgetown, SC, United States
KGGE 260055Z AUTO 11015KT 7SM -VCTSRA SCT030 SCT047 OVC120 19/19 A2993 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE THRU SW P0001
- KMIC: Minneapolis, Crystal Airport, MN, United States
KMIC 260214Z AUTO 10007G17KT 2SM -TSRA BR SCT019 BKN042 OVC080 15/13 A2907 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW TSB0158 PRESFR P0014
- KMSP: Minneapolis, MN, United States
KMSP 260153Z 11009G16KT 4SM -TSRA BR BKN040CB BKN080 OVC095 14/13 A2910 RMK AO2 TSB47RAB23 PRESFR SLP854 OCNL LTGIC W TS W MOV N P0003 T01440128
- KRDU: Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh-Durham Intl Arpt, NC, United States
- LGAV: Athens Eleftherios Venizelos Intl Arpt, Greece
LGAV 260120Z 17007KT 140V200 9000 -TSRA FEW008 FEW018CB BKN025 BKN070 17/15 Q1012 NOSIG
- LGMT: Mytilini Airport, Greece
LGMT 260320Z 18015KT 130V220 9999 -TSRA FEW018CB BKN025 OVC080 18/16 Q1014
- LIEA: Alghero, Italy
LIEA 260050Z VRB02KT 9999 TSRA FEW025CB SCT028 12/09 Q1006 RMK VIS MIN 9999
- MPTO: Tocumen, Panama
MPTO 260300Z 00000KT 9000 -TSRA FEW009 SCT016CB BKN080 25/24 Q1010 RWY WET NOSIG
- SBGL: Galeao, Brazil
SBGL 260200Z 14009KT 9999 -TSRA BKN020 FEW025CB 21/19 Q1011
- SBGR: Guarulhos Civ / Mil, Brazil
SBGR 260300Z 04008KT 8000 -RA BKN009 BKN100 18/17 Q1014 RETSRA WS R09R
- SBIZ: Imperatriz, Brazil
SBIZ 260300Z 00000KT 5000 -TSRA BR SCT003 SCT020 BKN030CB 24/23 Q1009
- SBKP: Campinas Aeroporto, Brazil
SBKP 260200Z 23007KT 5000 -TSRA BR SCT045 FEW050CB BKN070 18/17 Q1015 RERA
- SBME: Macae, Brazil
SBME 260300Z 28002KT 2000 TSRA BKN015 SCT020CB OVC080 23/21 Q1011
- SBMT: Marte Civ / Mil, Brazil
SBMT 260100Z 18006KT 7000 -TSRA BKN010 FEW035CB 19/17 Q1015
- SBSJ: Sao Jose Dos Campo, Brazil
SBSJ 260200Z 16009KT 5000 -TSRA BR BKN011 FEW012CB 18/17 Q1014
- SBSP: Sao Paulo/Congonhas Aeroporto, Brazil
SBSP 260100Z 18010KT 5000 -TSRA BR BKN006 BKN015 FEW040CB 17/16 Q1016
- SBTA: Base De Aviacao De Taubate, Brazil
SBTA 260200Z 27014KT 1000 +TSRA BR OVC007 FEW025CB 19/18 Q1014
- SBVH: Vilhena Aeroporto, Brazil
SBVH 260300Z 11006KT 5000 -TSRA SCT015 FEW025CB BKN090 22/22 Q1013
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia
SKLT 260200Z 00000KT 7000 TS SCT007 BKN010 25/24 A2983 RETSRA
- VTBD: Don Muang, Thailand
VTBD 260300Z 06009KT 6000 -TSRA FEW007 FEW018CB SCT030 BKN110 27/25 Q1012 RERA TS OVER AD
- VTBS: Chon Buri, Thailand
VTBS 260200Z 02005KT 340V050 7000 -TSRA FEW010 FEW018CB SCT030 BKN110 28/24 Q1011 RERA TS N CB N AND S
- VTCP: Phrae, Thailand
VTCP 260300Z 24003KT 7000 TSRA FEW015 BKN022CB OVC100 25/23 Q1013 A2992 TS CB OVER AD RWY 19 INFO C
- VTPO: Sukhothai, Thailand
VTPO 260300Z 03004KT 5000 -TSRA SCT016CB SCT110 BKN300 25/24 Q1013 CB OVER AD
- VTPP: Phitsanulok, Thailand
VTPP 260300Z 03003KT 7000 TSRA FEW018CB BKN020 OVC110 24/23 Q1013 TS OVER AD
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
8 stations reporting visibility of zero
- CWFD: Cape Dyer, N. W. T., Canada
CWFD 260300Z AUTO 33009G19KT 0SM M09/ A2951 RMK SLP060
CWFD 260200Z AUTO 32017G22KT 0SM M09/ A2949 RMK SLP054
CWFD 260100Z AUTO 33009G17KT 0SM M09/ A2950 RMK ICG PAST HR SLP056
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
KMWN 260250Z 24035KT 0SM RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
KMWN 260250Z 24035KT 0SM RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
KMWN 260150Z 24036G40KT 0SM -RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
KMWN 260150Z 24036G40KT 0SM -RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
KMWN 260049Z 25036KT 0SM -RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
KMWN 260049Z 25036KT 0SM -RA FG VV000 05/05 RMK
- KQIR: Al Udeid, Qatar
KQIR 260255Z VRB02KT 0000 FG CLR 20/20 A2989 RMK AO2A AO2A SLP120 T01980196 53014 RVRNO
KQIR 260241Z 25001KT 0000 R34/0300 FG CLR 20/20 A2988 RMK AO2A
- LIBQ: Monte Scuro, Italy
LIBQ 260155Z 18003KT 0000 FG VV/// 07/06 Q1012 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIBQ 260055Z 25008KT 0000 FG VV/// 07/06 Q1011 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- LIVC: Monte Cimone, Italy
LIVC 260255Z 03032KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M03/M04 Q1009 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 260155Z 04026KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M03/M03 Q1008 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 260055Z 04028KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M03/M03 Q1008 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- LIVP: Paganella, Italy
LIVP 260155Z 36035G47KT 0000 FZFG VV/// M06/M07 Q1009 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVP 260055Z 36038G51KT 0000 FZFG VV/// M06/M07 Q1009 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
- OEDF: Dammam-King Fahd Intl Arpt, Saudi Arabia
OEDF 260300Z 28002KT 0000 BR VV/// 23/21 Q1811 NTSIG
OEDF 260300Z 28002KT 0000 BR VV/// 23/21 Q1011 NOSIG
OEDF 260300Z 28002KT 0000 BR SKC 23/21 Q1011 NOSIG
- UKDR: Krivyy Rih / Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine
UKDR 260330Z 07003MPS 0000 R18/M0800N FG VV003 06/06 Q1017 1809//70 NOSIG
UKDR 260300Z 07003MPS 0000 R18/M0800N FG VV003 06/06 Q1017 1809//70 NOSIG
22 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- CYLD: Chapleau, Ont., Canada [1/8mile]
CYLD 260100Z 00000KT 1/8SM -DZ FG OVC002 08/08 A2956 RMK ST8 LAST OBS/NEXT 26 1000Z SLP022
- CYSB: Sudbury, Ont., Canada [1/8mile]
CYSB 260300Z 18002KT 1/8SM R22/1100FT/N FG VV001 12/12 A2961 RMK FG8 SLP034
CYSB 260200Z 19004KT 1/8SM R22/1400FT/N FG VV001 12/12 A2960 RMK FG8 SLP031
- CYYB: North Bay, Ont., Canada [1/8mile]
CYYB 260300Z 24004KT 1/8SM FG VV000 13/13 A2963 RMK FG8 SLP039
CYYB 260200Z 24005KT 1/8SM FG VV001 13/13 A2962 RMK FG8 SLP038
- EFKA: Kauhava, Finland [200meters]
EFKA 260120Z 27002KT 0200 R17/0600V0800N R35/0900N FG FEW009 SCT050 M00/M00 Q1010
- KPSM: Pease Air Force Base / Portsmouth, NH, United States [1/16mile]
KPSM 260255Z 04003KT 1/8SM R34/1600FT -DZ FG VV001 11/10 A2983 RMK AO2A SLP105 P0000 60000 T01070104 58017
KPSM 260255Z 04003KT 1/8SM R34/1600FT -DZ FG VV001 11/10 A2983
KPSM 260240Z 01002KT 1/16SM R34/1400FT -DZ FG VV001 11/10 A2985 RMK AO2A
KPSM 260240Z 01002KT 1/16SM R34/1400FT -DZ FG VV001 11/10 A2985
KPSM 260155Z 00000KT 1/16SM R34/2000FT FG VV001 11/10 A2986 RMK AO2A SLP113 P0000 T01070103
KPSM 260155Z 00000KT 1/16SM R34/2000FT FG VV001 11/10 A2986
KPSM 260134Z 02002KT 1/16SM R34/1600FT -RA FG VV001 11/10 A2987 RMK AO2A
KPSM 260134Z 02002KT 1/16SM R34/1600FT -RA FG VV001 11/10 A2987
KPSM 260055Z 00000KT 1/8SM R34/1800FT FG VV001 11/10 A2988 RMK AO2A SLP120 T01070102
KPSM 260055Z 00000KT 1/8SM R34/1800FT FG VV001 11/10 A2988
- KQIR: Al Udeid, Qatar [200meters]
KQIR 260222Z 26002KT 0200 R34/0300 FG CLR 20/20 A2987 RMK AO2A
- KSLH: Cheboygan, Cheboygan County Airport, MI, United States [<1/4mile]
KSLH 260315Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV000 10/09 A2954 RMK AO2
- KSXT: Sexton Summit, OR, United States [<1/4mile]
KSXT 260325Z AUTO 21010G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV002 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 P0000 TSNO
KSXT 260325Z AUTO 21010G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV002 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 P0000 TSNO
KSXT 260325Z AUTO 21010G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV002 03/03 A3000
KSXT 260304Z AUTO VRB05G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV001 03/03 A3001 RMK AO2 P0000 TSNO
KSXT 260304Z AUTO VRB05G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV001 03/03 A3001 RMK AO2 P0000 TSNO
KSXT 260304Z AUTO VRB05G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV001 03/03 A3001
KSXT 260256Z AUTO 22011G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV002 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP174 P0004 60006 T00280028 55001 TSNO
KSXT 260256Z AUTO 22011G15KT M1/4SM -RA FG VV002 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP174 P0004 60006 T00280028 55001 TSNO
KSXT 260156Z AUTO 24010G14KT M1/4SM -RA FG BKN002 OVC008 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 RAB01 SLP171 P0002 T00330033 TSNO
KSXT 260156Z AUTO 24010G14KT M1/4SM -RA FG BKN002 OVC008 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 RAB01 SLP171 P0002 T00330033 TSNO
KSXT 260104Z AUTO 21009KT M1/4SM -RA FG BKN002 OVC010 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 RAB01 P0000 TSNO
KSXT 260104Z AUTO 21009KT M1/4SM -RA FG BKN002 OVC010 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 RAB01 P0000 TSNO
KSXT 260104Z AUTO 21009KT M1/4SM -RA FG BKN002 OVC010 03/03 A3000
KSXT 260056Z AUTO 21006KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 OVC006 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 RAE49 SLP172 P0000 T00330033 TSNO
KSXT 260056Z AUTO 21006KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 OVC006 03/03 A3000 RMK AO2 RAE49 SLP172 P0000 T00330033 TSNO
- LFRN: Rennes, France [150meters]
LFRN 260300Z AUTO 00000KT 0150 0100NDV R28/P2000 FZFG NSC M01/M01 Q1030
- LIMH: Pian Rosa, Italy [100meters]
LIMH 260055Z 06022KT 0100 -SN FZFG VV/// M11/M14 Q1010 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
- LYUZ: UNKNOWN, [100meters]
LYUZ 260300Z 31013KT 0100 -RA FG VV001 06/06 Q1012
LYUZ 260200Z 31007KT 0100 -RA FG VV001 08/08 Q1011
LYUZ 260130Z 30004KT 0100 -RA FG VV001 08/08 Q1011
- OEDF: Dammam-King Fahd Intl Arpt, Saudi Arabia [100meters]
OEDF 260200Z 00000KT 0100 BR SKC 23/21 Q1011 NOSIG
OEDF 260100Z 00000KT 0150 BR SKC 24/20 Q1010 NOSIG
- OEDR: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia [100meters]
OEDR 260300Z 28005KT 0100 FG SKC 21/21 Q1010 NOSIG
- OIAM: Bandar Mahshahr / Mahshahr, Iran [100meters]
OIAM 260300Z 10006KT 0100 FG VV/// 24/24 Q1010 A2985
- PAJZ: Koliganek, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAJZ 260203Z AUTO 13007KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/00 A2939 RMK AO2 PWINO TSNO $
- UNAA: Abakan, Russia [100meters]
UNAA 260230Z VRB01MPS 0150 R02/0150N FZFG VV002 M03/M04 Q1033 NOSIG RMK QBB060 QFE752 020///65
UNAA 260200Z VRB01MPS 0100 R02/0100N FZFG VV001 M03/M04 Q1033 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE752 020///65
UNAA 260130Z VRB01MPS 0100 R02/0100N FZFG VV001 M04/M04 Q1033 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE752 020///65
UNAA 260100Z VRB01MPS 0100 R02/0100N FZFG VV001 M04/M05 Q1033 NOSIG RMK QBB050 QFE752 020///65
- URKK: Krasnodar, Russia [150meters]
URKK 260300Z 11002MPS 0150 R05R/0500N FG VV002 08/08 Q1019
URKK 260300Z 11002MPS 0150 R05R/0500N FG VV002 08/08 Q1019 éðþú SC070
URKK 260300Z 11002MPS 0150 R05R/0500N FG VV002 08/08 Q1019 éðþú SC070
URKK 260230Z 11002MPS 0200 R05R/0600 FG VV002 07/06 Q1019
URKK 260230Z 11002MPS 0200 R05R/0600 FG VV002 07/06 Q1019 éðþú SC070
URKK 260230Z 11002MPS 0200 R05R/0600 FG VV002 07/06 Q1019 éðþú SC070
- URMN: Nalchik, Russia [200meters]
URMN 260300Z 36001MPS 0200 R24/0550 FG VV001 10/10 Q1023 NOSIG RMK QBB050 ç/ú éð/^ú QFE729 SC06
URMN 260300Z 36001MPS 0200 R24/0550 FG VV001 10/10 Q1023 NOSIG RMK QBB050 ç/ú éð/^ú QFE729 SC06
URMN 260300Z 36001MPS 0200 R24/0550 FG VV001 10/10 Q1023 NOSIG RMK QBB050 / / QFE729 SC06
URMN 260300Z 36001MPS 0200 R24/0550 FG VV001 10/10 Q1023 NOSIG RMK QBB050 / /^ QFE729 SC06
- USCC: Chelyabinsk-Balandino, Russia [150meters]
USCC 260230Z VRB02MPS 0150 R27/0300N FZFG FU FEW070 M06/M07 Q1028
USCC 260100Z VRB02MPS 0150 R27/0400V0750N FZFG FU FEW070 M05/M06 Q1028
- USCM: Magnitogorsk, Russia [150meters]
USCM 260200Z VRB02MPS 0150 R19/0450U FZFG FU SCT100 M06/M06 Q1028
USCM 260050Z VRB02MPS 0200 R19/0600N FZFG FU BKN100 M04/M04 Q1028 NOSIG 19090065 RMK QFE733
- UWSS: Saratov / Tsentralny, Russia [50meters]
UWSS 260330Z VRB02MPS 0100 R12/M0300 FG VV001 01/01 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE759 120///60
UWSS 260300Z VRB02MPS 0050 R12/M0300 FG VV001 01/01 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE759 120///60
UWSS 260230Z VRB02MPS 0050 R12/M0300 FG VV001 02/02 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE759 120///60
UWSS 260200Z VRB02MPS 0050 R12/M0300 FG VV001 02/02 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE759 120///60
UWSS 260130Z 18003MPS 0050 R12/M0300 FG VV001 02/02 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE759 120///60
UWSS 260100Z 17003MPS 0100 R12/M0300 FG VV001 02/02 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QFE759 120///60
- UWWW: Samara, Russia [100meters]
UWWW 260330Z 00000MPS 0100 R23/0100N FZFG BKN003 OVC100 M02/M02 Q1028 NOSIG RMK QBB090 QFE759/1013 88290050
0 stations reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
2 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States [50miles]
KEDW 260055Z 24009KT 50SM FEW040 FEW250 BKN280 15/03 A2990 RMK AO2A SLP109 T01470032
- KFHU: Fort Huachuca, AZ, United States [50miles]
KFHU 260055Z 26009G17KT 50SM FEW050 BKN250 19/06 A2989 RMK PK WND 27027/2359 SLP070
3 stations reporting aurora
- CYGL: La Grande Riviere, Que, Canada
CYGL 260200Z 10014KT 15SM FEW240 02/M04 A2984 RMK CI0 AURBO SLP118
- CYRB: Resolute, N. W. T., Canada
CYRB 260300Z 00000KT 15SM SKC M15/M18 A3002 RMK AURORA BOREALIS SLP176
- CYYR: Goose, Nfld., Canada
CYYR 260200Z 21005KT 15SM FEW078 M01/M06 A3000 RMK AC1 AURBO SLP163
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
2 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPHI: Chiclayo, Peru
SPHI 260300Z 18010KT CAVOK 16/14 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01 PP000
SPHI 260200Z 17010KT CAVOK 16/14 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01 PP000
SPHI 260100Z 17010KT CAVOK 17/14 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 19/01 PP000
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 260300Z 00000KT 9999 OVC030 23/20 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 260200Z VRB01KT 9999 OVC025 23/20 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 260100Z VRB01KT 9999 OVC025 23/20 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
0 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
0 stations reporting blowing spray
9 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- KPSC: Pasco, Tri-Cities Airport, WA, United States
KPSC 260153Z 23014KT 10SM BLDU FEW120 11/03 A2981 RMK AO2 SLP093 T01110028
KPSC 260053Z 24017G23KT 10SM BLDU CLR 12/02 A2980 RMK AO2 PK WND 24029/0007 SLP091 T01170022
KQA4 260255Z COR 05004KT 9000 DU CLR 10/M21 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP221 T00991207 52012 COR 0308
KQSD 260255Z 12004KT 9000 DU SKC 11/M20 A3019 RMK AO2A SLP220
KQSD 260056Z 12006KT 8000 DU SKC 07/M22 A3016 RMK AO2A SLP210
KQWM 260255Z 25004KT 6000 DU HZ FEW005 FEW300 22/03 A2991 RMK DU FEW005 SLP121 QNH1012 53005
- MMCS: Ciudad Juarez International, Mexico
MMCS 260140Z 30016KT 270V330 10SM FEW130 OVC250 23/03 A2974 RMK 8/037 DU ALQDS
- MMMA: Matamoros International, Mexico
MMMA 260248Z 13018KT 6SM BLDU SKC 26/23 A2968 RMK SLP044 51010 994
MMMA 260140Z 15010G22KT 6SM BLDU SKC 26/23 A2967
- MMRX: Reynosa Intl Arpt, Mexico
MMRX 260242Z 15015G25KT 6SM SKC 26/20 A2964 RMK SLP032 52018 994 BLDU HZ
MMRX 260151Z 13010G20KT 6SM SKC 26/20 A2964 RMK BLDU PRESRR HZ
- OAKN: Kandahar Intl, Afghanistan
OAKN 260150Z 08005KT 8000 DU SKC 08/M18 Q1018 BLU NOSIG RMK A3008 DA3100
OAKN 260050Z 07005KT 7000 DU SKC 08/M18 Q1018 WHT NOSIG RMK A3007 DA3100
- PABI: Delta Junction/Ft Greely, Allen Army Airfield, AK, United States
PABI 260253Z 11019G28KT 10SM FEW100 SCT200 00/M05 A2936 RMK AO2 PK WND 11031/0232 SLP962 BLDU E AND NW 6//// T00001050 53006 PNO $
PABI 260153Z 10024G30KT 10SM FEW100 SCT200 01/M05 A2934 RMK AO2 PK WND 10033/0103 SLP957 BLDU E AND NW T00061050 PNO $
1 station reporting sand or sandstorm
- DRRN: Niamey-Aero, Niger
DRRN 260130Z 12022G34KT 3000 SA FEW033CB BKN100 24/19 Q1012 NOSIG
18 stations reporting smoke
KQAE 260155Z 34002KT 8000 FU HZ FEW160 21/10 A2991 RMK SLP126
- KQHT: Manas, Kyrgyzstan
KQHT 260255Z VRB01KT 5000 BR FU FEW200 06/04 A3023 RMK AO2A SLP248 53006
KQHT 260155Z VRB04KT 3200 BR FU FEW150 04/03 A3021 RMK AO2A SLP241
- LUKK: Chisinau Intl Arpt, Moldova
LUKK 260330Z 08010KT 050V120 3000 BR FU BKN004 OVC026 10/09 Q1014 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 260330Z 08010KT 050V120 3000 BR FU BKN004 OVC026 10/09 Q1014 R08/65D
LUKK 260300Z 07008KT 050V120 3800 BR FU BKN005 OVC029 10/09 Q1015 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 260300Z 07008KT 050V120 3800 BR FU BKN005 OVC029 10/09 Q1015 R08/65D
LUKK 260230Z 09008KT 070V140 5000 BR FU SCT006 OVC032 10/09 Q1015 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 260230Z 09008KT 070V140 5000 BR FU SCT006 OVC032 10/09 Q1015 R08/65D
LUKK 260200Z 09006KT 5000 BR FU FEW007 OVC039 10/09 Q1015 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 260200Z 09006KT 5000 BR FU FEW007 OVC039 10/09 Q1015 R08/65D
LUKK 260130Z 07006KT 040V110 5000 BR FU FEW006 OVC039 10/09 Q1015 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 260130Z 07006KT 040V110 5000 BR FU FEW006 OVC039 10/09 Q1015 R08/65D
LUKK 260100Z 08006KT 5000 BR FU OVC041 10/09 Q1015 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 260100Z 08006KT 5000 BR FU OVC041 10/09 Q1015 R08/65D
- MMMZ: Mazatlan / G. Buelna, Mexico
MMMZ 260046Z 29006KT 12SM SKC 24/19 A2979 RMK FULYR 3QUAD
- MMTM: Tampico / Gen Fj Mina, Mexico
MMTM 260242Z 13014KT 6SM SKC 25/22 A2974 RMK SLP069 57050 991 HA FU
MMTM 260147Z 14010KT 6SM SKC 26/23 A2972 RMK HZ FU
MMTM 260045Z 13010KT 6SM SKC 26/23 A2971 RMK HZ FU
- MMZO: Manzanillo International, Mexico
MMZO 260045Z 30005KT 3SM HZ FU FEW250 28/23 A2974 RMK 8/006
MMZO 260045Z 30005KT 3SM HZ FU FEW250 28/23 A2974 RMK 8/006
- OPKC: Karachi Airport, Pakistan
OPKC 260130Z 00000KT 5000 FU SKC 20/18 Q1011 NOSIG
OPKC 260100Z 00000KT 5000 FU SKC 20/18 Q1011 NOSIG
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 260325Z 12003KT 4000 FU SKC 19/12 Q1014 NOSIG
OPLA 260155Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 17/12 Q1012 NOSIG
OPLA 260125Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 17/12 Q1012
OPLA 260055Z 06003KT 4000 FU SKC 17/12 Q1012 NOSIG
- OPNH: Nawabshah, Pakistan
OPNH 260100Z 00000KT 4000 FU 20/18 Q.1010
- UAAA: Almaty, Kazakhstan
UAAA 260330Z 00000MPS 3100 BR FU SCT200 06/03 Q1024 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 260300Z 00000MPS 1600 BR FU SCT200 04/02 Q1024 88CLRD65 NOSIG
- UAFM: Bishkek/Manas Airport, Kyrgyzstan
UAFM 260230Z 09003MPS 4000 BR FU NSC 03/00 Q1023 R08/CLRD70 NOSIG
UAFM 260230Z 09003MPS 4000 BR FU NSC 03/00 Q1023 R08/70D NOSIG
UAFM 260200Z 13001MPS 2200 BR FU NSC 02/00 Q1023 R08/CLRD70
UAFM 260200Z 13001MPS 2200 BR FU NSC 02/00 Q1023 R08/70D
UAFM 260130Z 14002MPS 2500 BR FU NSC 02/01 Q1022 R08/CLRD70
UAFM 260130Z 14002MPS 2500 BR FU NSC 02/01 Q1022 R08/70D
UAFM 260100Z 15003MPS 2200 BR FU NSC 01/00 Q1022 R08/CLRD70
UAFM 260100Z 15003MPS 2200 BR FU NSC 01/00 Q1022 R08/70D
- UAUU: Kostanay, Kazakhstan
UAUU 260330Z 00000MPS 4600 FU BR NSC M05/M07 Q1029 15LRD70
UAUU 260330Z 00000MPS 4600 FU BR NSC M05/M07 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260330Z 00000MPS 4600 FU BR NSC M05/M07 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260300Z 00000MPS 3400 FU BR NSC M06/M07 Q1029 15LRD70
UAUU 260300Z 00000MPS 3400 FU BR NSC M06/M07 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260300Z 00000MPS 3400 FU BR NSC M06/M07 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260230Z 00000MPS 1800 R15/P2000D FU BR NSC M05/M07 Q1029 15LRD70
UAUU 260230Z 00000MPS 1800 R15/P2000D FU BR NSC M05/M07 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260200Z 00000MPS 4000 FU BR NSC M06/M08 Q1029 15LRD70
UAUU 260200Z 00000MPS 4000 FU BR NSC M06/M08 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260200Z 00000MPS 4000 FU BR NSC M06/M08 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260130Z 00000MPS 4000 FU BR NSC M06/M08 Q1029 15LRD70
UAUU 260130Z 00000MPS 4000 FU BR NSC M06/M08 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260130Z 00000MPS 4000 FU BR NSC M06/M08 Q1029 15óLRD70
UAUU 260100Z 00000MPS 6000 FU NSC M05/M06 Q1029 15LRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE755/1007
UAUU 260100Z 00000MPS 6000 FU NSC M05/M06 Q1029 15óLRD70 NOSIG RMK QFE755/1007
- UIUU: Ulan-Ude, Russia
UIUU 260330Z 00000MPS 5000 -SHSN FU SCT033CB OVC100 M05/M11 Q1029 NOSIG RMK QFE727/0969
UIUU 260300Z 00000MPS 4600 -SHSN FU SCT033CB BKN100 M06/M11 Q1029 NOSIG RMK QFE727/0969
UIUU 260230Z 00000MPS 3100 -SHSN FU SCT033CB BKN100 M06/M12 Q1030 NOSIG RMK QFE727/0970
UIUU 260200Z 00000MPS 4900 FU FEW043 BKN100 M07/M12 Q1030 NOSIG RMK QFE728/0970
UIUU 260130Z 00000MPS 4100 FU FEW043 BKN100 M07/M13 Q1030 NOSIG RMK QFE728/0970
- UNNT: Tolmachevo, Russia
UNNT 260330Z VRB01MPS 5000 FU SCT200 M00/M02 Q1034 NOSIG RMK QFE765/1021 25090070
UNNT 260300Z VRB01MPS 5000 BR FU FEW200 M01/M03 Q1034 NOSIG RMK QFE765/1021 25090070
UNNT 260230Z VRB01MPS 5000 BR FU FEW200 M04/M05 Q1034 NOSIG RMK QFE765/1021 25090070
UNNT 260200Z VRB02MPS 5000 BR FU FEW200 M06/M06 Q1034 NOSIG RMK QFE765/1020 25090070
UNNT 260130Z VRB02MPS 3600 FU SKC M06/M07 Q1034 NOSIG RMK QFE765/1020 25090070
UNNT 260100Z VRB01MPS 5000 FU SKC M05/M06 Q1034 NOSIG RMK QFE765/1020 25090070
- USCC: Chelyabinsk-Balandino, Russia
USCC 260330Z VRB01MPS 0300 R27/0150V0700U FZFG FU FEW070 SCT200 M06/M07 Q1028
USCC 260300Z 00000MPS 0300 R27/0150V0900D FZFG FU FEW070 M07/M09 Q1028
USCC 260230Z VRB02MPS 0150 R27/0300N FZFG FU FEW070 M06/M07 Q1028
USCC 260200Z VRB01MPS 0300 R27/0450VP1500D FZFG FU FEW070 M06/M08 Q1028
USCC 260130Z 19003MPS 2400 BR FU FEW070 M03/M04 Q1028
USCC 260100Z VRB02MPS 0150 R27/0400V0750N FZFG FU FEW070 M05/M06 Q1028
- USCM: Magnitogorsk, Russia
USCM 260330Z 31002MPS 0500 R19/0500N FZFG FU FEW100 M05/M06 Q1029
USCM 260300Z 31002MPS 0500 R19/0500D FZFG FU SCT100 M06/M06 Q1028
USCM 260230Z 00000MPS 0700 R19/0900U FZFG FU SCT100 M04/M05 Q1028
USCM 260200Z VRB02MPS 0150 R19/0450U FZFG FU SCT100 M06/M06 Q1028
USCM 260130Z 31003MPS 0700 R19/P1500U FZFG FU BKN100 M05/M06 Q1028
USCM 260100Z VRB02MPS 0500 R19/1200N FZFG FU BKN100 M04/M04 Q1028
USCM 260050Z VRB02MPS 0200 R19/0600N FZFG FU BKN100 M04/M04 Q1028 NOSIG 19090065 RMK QFE733
- VAAH: Ahmadabad, India
VAAH 260310Z 04003KT 2000 FU NSC 25/15 Q1012
VAAH 260240Z 04003KT 2000 FU NSC 24/15 Q1012 NOSIG
- ZWWW: Urum-Qi / Diwopu, China
ZWWW 260330Z 03002MPS 1200 R25/1100N FU SKC 05/01 Q1030 NOSIG
ZWWW 260300Z 02001MPS 1200 R25/0800N FU SKC 04/01 Q1030 NOSIG
ZWWW 260230Z VRB01MPS 1400 R25/1000D FU SKC 03/01 Q1030 NOSIG
ZWWW 260200Z 16002MPS 110V180 1300 R07/1400N FU SKC 03/M00 Q1030 NOSIG
ZWWW 260130Z 15002MPS 1300 R07/1500N FU SKC 02/M01 Q1029 NOSIG
ZWWW 260100Z 16002MPS 1300 R07/1900N FU SKC 01/M01 Q1029 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- KEST: Estherville, Estherville Municipal Airport, IA, United States
    Pressure, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- KMIC: Minneapolis, Crystal Airport, MN, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KMSP: Minneapolis, MN, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
    Wind, Visibility
- KRWF: Redwood Falls, Redwood Falls Municipal Airport, MN, United States
    Pressure, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- KSPW: Spencer, Spencer Municipal Airport, IA, United States
    Pressure, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- LIVP: Paganella, Italy
    Wind, Visibility
- MMTM: Tampico / Gen Fj Mina, Mexico
    Pressure Change, Smoke
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- USCC: Chelyabinsk-Balandino, Russia
    Visibility, Smoke
- USCM: Magnitogorsk, Russia
    Visibility, Smoke
73 unidentified stations (out of a total of 577 documented unknown stations)
- K0E0 (NEW)
- KQA4 (OLD)
- KQB6 (OLD)
- KQC3 (OLD)
- KQD2 (OLD)
- KQM1 (OLD)
- KQP8 (NEW)
- KQW3 (OLD)