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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2012101615
Currently using 24342 observations from 4792 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Tue Oct 16 15:50:36 UTC 2012
0 stations reporting temperature -55°C or colder
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
1 station reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
- KSFO: San Francisco, San Francisco Intl Arpt, CA, United States [54°C, 129.2°F]
KSFO 161421Z 28013KT 10SM FEW002 OVC005 54/15 A2998 RMK AO2 $
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
5 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
- FTTJ: Ndjamena, Chad [40°C, 104.0°F]
FTTJ 161330Z 10009KT 070V130 CAVOK 40/18 Q1008 NOSIG
- FTTY: Faya, Chad [40°C, 104.0°F]
FTTY 161500Z 04004KT CAVOK 40/04 Q////
- HEBL: Abu Simbel, Egypt [40°C, 104.0°F]
HEBL 161300Z 06008KT CAVOK 40/05 Q1010 NOSIG
- HESN: Asswan, Egypt [42°C, 107.6°F]
HESN 161300Z 16006KT CAVOK 42/07 Q1011 NOSIG
- HSSS: Khartoum, Sudan [40°C, 104.0°F]
HSSS 161400Z 33002KT 9999 FEW050 40/04 Q1008 NOSIG
1 station reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
- SLRY: Reyes, Bolivia [34°C, 93.2°F]
SLRY 161500Z 32010KT 8000 SCT020 33/34 Q1010
1 station reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- SVMI: Caracas / Maiquetia Aerop. Intl. Simon Bolivar, Venezuela [29°C, 84.2°F]
SVMI 161500Z 31003KT 9999 SCT016 31/29 Q1011 NOSIG
49 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- DIAP: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire [26°C, 78.8°F]
DIAP 161400Z 23004KT 2500 RA BKN010 FEW025CBOVC080 26/26 Q1010
- DNMM: Lagos / Ikeja, Nigeria [26°C, 78.8°F]
DNMM 161430Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN013 29/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- FJDG: Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory [26°C, 78.8°F]
FJDG 161255Z 07004KT 9999 SCT020 SCT050 BKN220 29/26 A2988 RMK SLP115 T02880260
- GBYD: Banjul / Yundum, Gambia, The [27°C, 80.6°F]
GBYD 161400Z 27009KT 9999 SCT013 33/27 Q1010
- GLRB: Grand Bassa, Roberts Field, Liberia [26°C, 78.8°F]
GLRB 161430Z 20008KT 9999 RESH BKN014 FEW024 CB SCT100 27/26 Q1010 CB-NE/E
- GOGG: Ziguinchor, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOGG 161500Z VRB02KT 9999 SCT016 BKN230 34/26 Q1011
- GOGK: Kolda, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOGK 161500Z 24004KT 9999 BKN016TCU 37/26 Q1009
- GOSS: Saint-Louis, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOSS 161500Z 30008KT 220V360 9999 FEW016 SCT230 33/26 Q1009
- GOTT: Tambacounda, Senegal [26°C, 78.8°F]
GOTT 161300Z VRB06KT 9999 BKN013 34/26 Q1011
- MDAB: Arroyo Barril, Dominican Republic [27°C, 80.6°F]
MDAB 161500Z 22010KT 9999 FEW022 SCT300 30/27 Q1008
- MDCY: El Catey, Dominican Republic [26°C, 78.8°F]
MDCY 161500Z 20005KT 9999 FEW020 30/26 Q1010
- MDJB: Dr. Balaguer Intl, Dominican Republic [27°C, 80.6°F]
MDJB 161500Z 00000KT 9999 SCT018 31/27 Q1009
- MDLR: La Romana Intl Arpt, Dominican Republic [26°C, 78.8°F]
MDLR 161500Z 18010KT 9999 BKN018 30/26 Q1009
- MWCB: Gerrard Smith Intl. / Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
MWCB 161300Z 01003KT 9999 FEW016CB 29/26 Q1009
- OEGN: Gizan, Saudi Arabia [26°C, 78.8°F]
OEGN 161500Z 22006KT 9999 SCT030 FEW035CB 32/26 Q1012 NOSIG
- OEJN: Jeddah King Abdul Aziz Intl Arpt, Saudi Arabia [26°C, 78.8°F]
OEJN 161300Z 24010KT CAVOK 34/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- OEWJ: Wejh, Saudi Arabia [27°C, 80.6°F]
OEWJ 161500Z 30010KT CAVOK 29/27 Q1012 NOSIG
- OIZJ: Jask, Iran [26°C, 78.8°F]
OIZJ 161500Z 10004KT 4000 BR SKC 28/26 Q1011
- RODN: Kadena Ab, Japan [26°C, 78.8°F]
RODN 161455Z AUTO 06018G27KT 10SM BKN011 OVC018 26/26 A2972 RMK AO2 PK WND 05030/1423 RAB1400E1410B1437E1451 SLP064 P0000 60000 T02620260 402960247 55002
- SBCZ: Cruzeiro Do Sul, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBCZ 161500Z 36005KT 9999 BKN030 31/26 Q1010
- SBEK: Jacareacanga, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBEK 161300Z 30003KT 9999 FEW020 32/26 Q1011
- SBTT: Tabatinga, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBTT 161500Z 02003KT 9999 FEW015 32/26 Q1010
- SKBQ: Barranquilla / Ernestocortissoz, Colombia [27°C, 80.6°F]
SKBQ 161500Z 29007KT 9999 BKN015 BKN080 29/27 A2990
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKLT 161500Z 00000KT 9999 FEW017 32/26 A2982
- SKPV: Providencia Isla / El Embrujo, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKPV 161400Z 00000KT 9999 FEW018TCU SCT090 29/26 AXXXX
- SKRH: Riohacha / Almirante Padilla, Colombia [26°C, 78.8°F]
SKRH 161400Z 00000KT 9999 FEW015CB SCT200 28/26 A2989
- SLRQ: Rurrenabaque, Bolivia [27°C, 80.6°F]
SLRQ 161500Z 34005KT 9999 SCT017 32/27 Q1009
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru [26°C, 78.8°F]
SPCL 161400Z 03003KT 320V060 9999 FEW015 SCT100 30/26 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20 PP000
- SPTU: Puerto Maldonado, Peru [27°C, 80.6°F]
SPTU 161500Z 30005KT 9999 SCT015 33/27 Q1009 RMK PP000
- SVMG: Margarita / Del Carib, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVMG 161300Z 11006KT 9999 FEW010 SCT270 30/26 Q1009 NOSIG
- SVSR: San Fernando De Apure, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVSR 161500Z /////KT 9999 SCT016 BKN300 29/26 Q1011
- SVVG: El Vigia / Perez Alph, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVVG 161500Z 27002KT 9999 SCT010 BKN100 30/26 Q1011
- TAPA: Vc Bird Intl Arpt Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda [26°C, 78.8°F]
TAPA 161300Z 17008KT 9999 FEW016 28/26 Q1011
- TBPB: Grantley Adams, Barbados [26°C, 78.8°F]
TBPB 161500Z 13013KT 9999 FEW016 SCT300 30/26 Q1012
- TFFR: Le Raizet, Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe [26°C, 78.8°F]
TFFR 161400Z 13010KT 100V160 9999 SCT016 BKN260 29/26 Q1012
- TGPY: Point Salines Airport, Grenada [26°C, 78.8°F]
TGPY 161500Z 13014KT 9999 SCT020 31/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- TIST: Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Cyril E. King Airport, Virgin Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
TIST 161522Z 16006KT 4SM -RA BR SCT021 BKN034 OVC060 27/26 A2984 RMK AO2 PK WND 24026/1508 RAB06 P0012
- TJMZ: Mayaguez, Eugenio Maria de Hostos Airport, PR, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
TJMZ 161350Z 22009KT 10SM BKN030 31/26 A2983
- TJNR: Roosevelt Roads, Roosevelt Roads Naval Stn, Ofstie Field, PR, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
TJNR 161453Z AUTO 20016G22KT 10SM SCT018 32/26 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP101 T03170256 50013 TSNO $
- TKPK: Golden Rock, Saint Kitts and Nevis [26°C, 78.8°F]
TKPK 161400Z 21006KT 9999 -TSRA FEW012CB BKN017 28/26 Q1012
- TLPL: Hewanorra Intl Arpt, Saint Lucia [26°C, 78.8°F]
TLPL 161500Z 11013KT 9999 SCT028 31/26 Q1012
- TNCA: Queen Beatrix Airport, Aruba [26°C, 78.8°F]
TNCA 161400Z 22006KT 190V270 9999 SCT017 30/26 Q1011 A2986
- TNCB: Flamingo Airport, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles [26°C, 78.8°F]
TNCB 161300Z 27006KT 9999 SCT019 30/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- TTCP: Crown Pt./ Scarborou, Trinidad and Tobago [26°C, 78.8°F]
TTCP 161500Z 10010KT 9999 SCT020 BKN300 30/26 Q1012 NOSIG
- TUPJ: Beef Island, Tortola, British Virgin Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
TUPJ 161500Z 21013KT 9999 SCT018 BKN190 29/26 Q1010 RMK A2985
- VDSR: Siemreap, Cambodia [26°C, 78.8°F]
VDSR 161430Z 08003KT 9000 FEW017 SCT040 28/26 Q1011
- VGEG: Chittagong Patenga, Bangladesh [26°C, 78.8°F]
VGEG 161450Z 00000KT 4000 HZ NSC 28/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- VYYY: Yangon, Myanmar [26°C, 78.8°F]
VYYY 161430Z 06002KT 7000 FEW020 FEW025CB 29/26 Q1013
- WBKS: Sandakan, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WBKS 161500Z 24002KT 9999 FEW015 SCT140 BKN280 28/26 Q1011
0 stations reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
1 station reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
- EHJA: J6-a Sea, Netherlands [60kt, 31m/s]
EHJA 161425Z AUTO 23049G60KT 9999 FEW028/// SCT033/// BKN045/// ///// Q0994
4 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- EHAK: A12-cpp Sea, Netherlands [54kt, 27m/s]
EHAK 161525Z AUTO ///44G54KT 9999 -RA FEW012/// SCT029/// BKN035/// 10/07 Q0988 RERA REDZ
EHAK 161455Z AUTO ///43G53KT 9999 FEW017/// SCT029/// BKN045/// 11/06 Q0989
- EHFD: Platform F3-FB-1, Netherlands [53kt, 27m/s]
EHFD 161525Z AUTO 23043G53KT 9999 -RA FEW015/// SCT024/// BKN040/// 11/07 Q0992 RERA REDZ
- EHJR: Platform K13-A, Netherlands [50kt, 25m/s]
EHJR 161425Z AUTO 25042G50KT //// 13/05 Q0997 W15/S5
- FDBB: UNKNOWN, [51kt, 26m/s]
FDBB 161500Z AUTO 16005G51KT //// // ////// 27/19 Q////
- KLVM: Livingston, Mission Field Airport, MT, United States [55kt, 28m/s]
KLVM 161253Z AUTO 22028G45KT 10SM CLR 14/03 A2954 RMK AO2 PK WND 22055/1224 RAE01 SLP971 P0000 T01440028
- KSMX: Santa Maria, Santa Maria Public Airport, CA, United States [57kt, 29m/s]
KSMX 161451Z 28003KT 10SM CLR 19/11 A2991 RMK AO2 PK WND 36057/1426 SLP128 T01940106 53007 $
KSMX 161451Z 28003KT 10SM CLR 19/11 A2991 RMK AO2 PK WND 36057/1426 SLP128 T01940106 53007 $
19 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- CWGM: Waterton Park Gate, Canada [46kt, 23m/s]
CWGM 161500Z AUTO 23030G46KT 13/M02 RMK AO1 7PAST HR M PK WND 22046/1456 P0003 T01321017 50007
- CWJU: Langara, B. C., Canada [42kt, 21m/s]
CWJU 161500Z AUTO 28035G42KT 08/04 RMK AO1 1034 PK WND 27042/1455 SLP979 T00780039 50004
- CWRH: Resolution Island, N. W. T., Canada [49kt, 25m/s]
CWRH 161300Z AUTO 26038G49KT M05/ A2967 RMK SLP081
- CWZV: Cape Saint James, BC, Canada [43kt, 22m/s]
CWZV 161500Z AUTO 31035G43KT 07/05 RMK AO1 PK WND 31048/1447 SLP056 T00650049 53038
CWZV 161400Z AUTO 31032G40KT 08/04 RMK AO1 PK WND 31048/1307 SLP042 T00840037 53035
- CYCG: Castlegar Airport, Canada [42kt, 21m/s]
CYCG 161300Z 31020G42KT 15SM -TSRA BKN041CB OVC090 13/06 A2935 RMK CB6AC2 LTGICCGCC SLP937
- EGNJ: Humberside, United Kingdom [41kt, 21m/s]
EGNJ 161250Z 24030G41KT 9999 BKN025 11/05 Q0995
- EGSH: Norwich Weather Centre, United Kingdom [44kt, 22m/s]
EGSH 161250Z 25024G44KT 220V280 9999 SCT040 13/05 Q0998 NOSIG
- EGYH: Holbeach, United Kingdom [45kt, 23m/s]
EGYH 161250Z 26025G45KT 9999 FEW025 BKN035 12/05 Q0997 BLU
- EHAK: A12-cpp Sea, Netherlands [45kt, 23m/s]
EHAK 161325Z AUTO ///34G45KT 9999 FEW015/// SCT026/// BKN044/// 12/08 Q0989
- EHFD: Platform F3-FB-1, Netherlands [48kt, 24m/s]
EHFD 161425Z AUTO 22038G48KT 9999 FEW024/// 12/07 Q0992
- EHJR: Platform K13-A, Netherlands [46kt, 23m/s]
EHJR 161455Z AUTO 25038G45KT //// 14/05 Q0998 W///S5
EHJR 161325Z AUTO 25039G46KT //// 13/05 Q0997 W14/S5
EHJR 161255Z AUTO 25037G43KT //// 13/06 Q0997 W///S5
- EHSA: Europlatform, Netherlands [43kt, 22m/s]
EHSA 161255Z AUTO 24035G43KT 9999 14/06 Q1002 W15/S5
- EHVL: Vlieland, Netherlands [41kt, 21m/s]
EHVL 161414Z AUTO 22030G41KT 9000 RA FEW025 SCT029 BKN033 10/07 Q0999 BLU
EHVL 161405Z AUTO 23030G41KT 7000 HZ SCT032 SCT037 BKN056 13/08 Q0999 WHT
- EKHN: Horns Rev B Helideck, Denmark [45kt, 23m/s]
EKHN 161520Z AUTO 19034G44KT 5000NDV -SHRA SCT020/// BKN048/// 11/07 Q0998
EKHN 161420Z AUTO 19032G45KT 170V230 9999NDV BKN017/// BKN050/// BKN160/// 13/09 Q0998
- FYGB: Gobabis, Namibia [40kt, 20m/s]
FYGB 161300Z AUTO 28009G40KT //// // ////// 35/M01 Q1017
- KLVM: Livingston, Mission Field Airport, MT, United States [45kt, 23m/s]
KLVM 161353Z AUTO 22032G41KT 10SM CLR 15/04 A2950 RMK AO2 PK WND 22047/1319 SLP959 T01500039
KLVM 161353Z AUTO 22032G41KT 10SM CLR 15/04 A2950
KLVM 161253Z AUTO 22028G45KT 10SM CLR 14/03 A2954 RMK AO2 PK WND 22055/1224 RAE01 SLP971 P0000 T01440028
KLVM 161253Z AUTO 22028G45KT 10SM CLR 14/03 A2954
- KMYP: Salida Mountain, Monarch Pass, CO, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KMYP 161454Z AUTO 26035G41KT CLR M02/M05 A3034 RMK AO2 PWINO
- KPUW: Pullman / Moscow, Pullman / Moscow Regional Airport, WA, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KPUW 161434Z AUTO 25023G41KT 10SM SCT024 BKN043 OVC060 12/08 A2967 RMK AO2 PK WND 24041/1427 TSNO
- PAKH: Akhiok, AK, United States [44kt, 22m/s]
PAKH 161256Z AUTO 32027G44KT 10SM M01/M12 A2946 RMK AO2 TSNO T10111122 SNE09 P0000 PK WND 32046/1206 SLP979 $
- CWGM: Waterton Park Gate, Canada [46kt, 24m/s]
CWGM 161500Z AUTO 23030G46KT 13/M02 RMK AO1 7PAST HR M PK WND 22046/1456 P0003 T01321017 50007
- CWJU: Langara, B. C., Canada [49kt, 25m/s]
CWJU 161500Z AUTO 28035G42KT 08/04 RMK AO1 1034 PK WND 27042/1455 SLP979 T00780039 50004
CWJU 161400Z AUTO 28029G37KT 07/04 RMK AO1 2037 PK WND 28049/1333 SLP971 T00690043 50004
CWJU 161300Z AUTO 29027G33KT 08/04 RMK AO1 4PAST HR 3035 PK WND 28049/1202 SLP960 P0002 T00750043 50004
- CWQK: Race Rocks Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [42kt, 22m/s]
CWQK 161300Z AUTO 24034KT RMK AO1 PK WND 25042/1221
- CWZV: Cape Saint James, BC, Canada [48kt, 25m/s]
CWZV 161500Z AUTO 31035G43KT 07/05 RMK AO1 PK WND 31048/1447 SLP056 T00650049 53038
CWZV 161400Z AUTO 31032G40KT 08/04 RMK AO1 PK WND 31048/1307 SLP042 T00840037 53035
- KCTB: Cut Bank, Cut Bank Municipal Airport, MT, United States [43kt, 22m/s]
KCTB 161356Z AUTO 22022G38KT 10SM -RA SCT055 BKN070 OVC100 11/05 A2932 RMK AO2 PK WND 26043/1340 SLP918 P0002 T01060050 TSNO
KCTB 161256Z AUTO 26026G34KT 9SM -RA BKN055 OVC075 10/07 A2938 RMK AO2 PK WND 23043/1159 RAB45 SLP940 P0000 T01000072 TSNO
- KEAT: Wenatchee, Pangborn Memorial Airport, WA, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KEAT 161355Z AUTO 32020G29KT 10SM SCT060 12/02 A2963 RMK AO2 PK WND 28041/1313 PRESRR SLP031 T01220022 TSNO
- KLVM: Livingston, Mission Field Airport, MT, United States [47kt, 24m/s]
KLVM 161453Z AUTO 22027G37KT 10SM CLR 16/04 A2950 RMK AO2 PK WND 22047/1357 SLP957 60000 T01560039 56033
KLVM 161353Z AUTO 22032G41KT 10SM CLR 15/04 A2950 RMK AO2 PK WND 22047/1319 SLP959 T01500039
- KLWS: Lewiston, Lewiston-Nez Perce County Airport, ID, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KLWS 161356Z 25026G37KT 10SM SCT085 17/07 A2959 RMK AO2 PK WND 24041/1343 RAB13E22 SLP015 P0000 T01720072
- KMLP: Mullan Pass, Mullan Pass Vor, ID, United States [42kt, 22m/s]
KMLP 161253Z AUTO 27010G28KT 240V310 10SM -RA FEW004 BKN017 OVC027 07/07 A2951 RMK AO2 PK WND 30042/1157 SLP929 P0009 T00720067 TSNO
- KPDT: Pendleton, OR, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KPDT 161453Z 26027G39KT 10SM BKN080 12/07 A2983 RMK AO2 PK WND 26040/1440 PRESRR SLP091 60002 T01170067 53060
KPDT 161353Z 26026G37KT 10SM BKN060 12/08 A2976 RMK AO2 PK WND 27041/1334 SLP067 T01220083
KPDT 161253Z 27022KT 10SM FEW100 13/11 A2970 RMK AO2 PK WND 27041/1235 RAE14 PRESRR SLP047 P0002 T01330111
- KPSC: Pasco, Tri-Cities Airport, WA, United States [40kt, 21m/s]
KPSC 161253Z AUTO 24020G28KT 10SM CLR 17/07 A2963 RMK AO2 PK WND 25040/1220 PRESRR SLP030 T01720067
- KPUW: Pullman / Moscow, Pullman / Moscow Regional Airport, WA, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KPUW 161453Z AUTO 25023G36KT 10SM FEW022 BKN055 OVC070 12/07 A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 26041/1440 SLP048 60001 T01170072 53036 TSNO
KPUW 161434Z AUTO 25023G41KT 10SM SCT024 BKN043 OVC060 12/08 A2967 RMK AO2 PK WND 24041/1427 TSNO
- PAKH: Akhiok, AK, United States [46kt, 24m/s]
PAKH 161456Z AUTO 30025G38KT 7SM -SN M01/M11 A2948 RMK AO2 TSNO 52013 60000 T10111111 P0000 PK WND 31040/1419 SLP986 $
PAKH 161356Z AUTO 31027G36KT 5SM -SN M01/M10 A2946 RMK AO2 TSNO T10111100 SNB18 P0000 PK WND 31042/1308 SLP979 $
PAKH 161256Z AUTO 32027G44KT 10SM M01/M12 A2946 RMK AO2 TSNO T10111122 SNE09 P0000 PK WND 32046/1206 SLP979 $
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -70°C or colder
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -60°C to -69°C
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -50°C to -59°C
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -40°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting heat index of 55°C or hotter
1 station reporting heat index of 50°C to 54°C
- KSFO: San Francisco, San Francisco Intl Arpt, CA, United States [54.1°C, 129.3°F]
KSFO 161421Z 28013KT 10SM FEW002 OVC005 54/15 A2998 RMK AO2 $
KSFO 161421Z 28013KT 10SM FEW002 OVC005 54/15 A2998
3 stations reporting heat index of 45°C to 49°C
- GOSM: Matam, Senegal [48.7°C, 119.6°F]
GOSM 161500Z 18004KT CAVOK 39/25 Q1007
- GOGK: Kolda, Senegal [47.6°C, 117.6°F]
GOGK 161500Z 24004KT 9999 BKN016TCU 37/26 Q1009
- FTTJ: Ndjamena, Chad [46.0°C, 114.8°F]
FTTJ 161400Z 16010KT CAVOK 37/25 Q1008 NOSIG
28 stations reporting heat index of 40°C to 44°C
- GOGK: Kolda, Senegal [44.9°C, 112.8°F]
GOGK 161300Z 24004KT 9999 BKN016TCU 35/26 Q1011
- GOGG: Ziguinchor, Senegal [44.9°C, 112.8°F]
GOGG 161400Z 22004KT 9999 SCT016 BKN230 35/26 Q1011
- GOOK: Kaolack, Senegal [44.6°C, 112.2°F]
GOOK 161500Z 28004KT 9999 FEW020 36/25 Q1010
- GOOD: Diourbel, Senegal [44.6°C, 112.2°F]
GOOD 161400Z 00000KT CAVOK 36/25 Q1010
- FTTJ: Ndjamena, Chad [44.5°C, 112.1°F]
FTTJ 161430Z 16007KT CAVOK 37/24 Q1008 NOSIG
- SPTU: Puerto Maldonado, Peru [43.8°C, 110.8°F]
SPTU 161500Z 30005KT 9999 SCT015 33/27 Q1009 RMK PP000
- GBYD: Banjul / Yundum, Gambia, The [43.8°C, 110.8°F]
GBYD 161400Z 27009KT 9999 SCT013 33/27 Q1010
- GOSP: Podor, Senegal [43.6°C, 110.4°F]
GOSP 161500Z 28002KT CAVOK 39/21 Q1008
- OEJN: Jeddah King Abdul Aziz Intl Arpt, Saudi Arabia [43.5°C, 110.3°F]
OEJN 161300Z 24010KT CAVOK 34/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- OEGN: Gizan, Saudi Arabia [43.5°C, 110.3°F]
OEGN 161300Z 22010KT 9999 SCT030 34/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- GOTT: Tambacounda, Senegal [43.5°C, 110.3°F]
GOTT 161300Z VRB06KT 9999 BKN013 34/26 Q1011
- GOOG: Linguere, Senegal [43.3°C, 109.9°F]
GOOG 161500Z 22006KT CAVOK 38/22 Q1004
GOOG 161500Z 22006KT CAVOK 38/22 Q////
- SLRQ: Rurrenabaque, Bolivia [42.3°C, 108.1°F]
SLRQ 161500Z 34005KT 9999 SCT017 32/27 Q1009
- GOSS: Saint-Louis, Senegal [42.1°C, 107.7°F]
GOSS 161500Z 30008KT 220V360 9999 FEW016 SCT230 33/26 Q1009
GOSS 161400Z VRB08KT 9999 FEW016 SCT230 33/26 Q1010
- SBCI: Maranhao / Carolina Airport, Brazil [41.9°C, 107.4°F]
SBCI 161500Z 32004KT 9999 SCT020 36/23 Q1012
- TJNR: Roosevelt Roads, Roosevelt Roads Naval Stn, Ofstie Field, PR, United States [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
TJNR 161453Z AUTO 20016G22KT 10SM SCT018 32/26 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP101 T03170256 50013 TSNO $
TJNR 161453Z AUTO 20016G22KT 10SM SCT018 32/26 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP101 T03170256 50013 TSNO $
TJNR 161453Z AUTO 20016G22KT 10SM SCT018 32/26 A2983
- SKLT: Leticia / Vasquez Cobo, Colombia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SKLT 161500Z 00000KT 9999 FEW017 32/26 A2982
- SBTT: Tabatinga, Brazil [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SBTT 161500Z 02003KT 9999 FEW015 32/26 Q1010
- SBEK: Jacareacanga, Brazil [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SBEK 161300Z 30003KT 9999 FEW020 32/26 Q1011
- SLTR: Trinidad, Bolivia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SLTR 161500Z 30011KT 8000 FEW020 33/25 Q1010
- SBMY: Manicore, Brazil [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SBMY 161500Z 36004KT 9999 FEW020 33/25 Q1011
SBMY 161400Z 12006KT CAVOK 33/25 Q1011
- SBIH: Itaituba, Brazil [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SBIH 161500Z 09005KT 9999 FEW020 33/25 Q1011
- GGOV: Bissau Aeroport, Guinea-Bissau [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
GGOV 161400Z 24004KT 180V290 9999 BKN014 TCU FEW020 CB SCT250 33/25 Q1010 NOSIG
- DIDK: Dimbokro, Cote d'Ivoire [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
DIDK 161400Z ///// 9999 SCT015 BKN016 33/25 Q//// NOSIG
- SLSA: Santa Ana, Bolivia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SLSA 161500Z 32012KT 9999 FEW020 BKN200 34/24 Q1009
- SBMQ: Macapa, Brazil [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
SBMQ 161500Z 08011KT 9999 SCT025 34/24 Q1010
SBMQ 161400Z 08008KT 9999 SCT020 34/24 Q1011
- GOTK: Kedougou, Senegal [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
GOTK 161500Z 30006KT 9999 TS SCT020TCU SCT030CB 34/24 Q1008
- FTTA: Sarh, Chad [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
FTTA 161300Z 22004KT 9999 FEW040 SCT150 BKN250 34/24 Q1009
0 stations reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
1 station reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
- SLPO: Potosi, Bolivia [1041mb, 30.73in]
SLPO 161500Z 06010KT 9999 FEW020 16/M00 Q1040
SLPO 161400Z 27012KT 9999 NSC 14/M05 Q1041
SLPO 161300Z 00000KT 9999 NSC 12/01 Q1041
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 950mb and 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure between 960mb - 969mb
1 station reporting sea level pressure between 970mb - 979mb
- KQCA: Granite Peak, United States [974.5mb, 28.77in]
KQCA 161458Z AUTO 17007KT 10SM CLR 12/04 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP745 T01170039 56004 $
KQCA 161458Z AUTO 17007KT 10SM CLR 12/04 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP745 T01170039 56004 $
KQCA 161358Z AUTO 17010KT 10SM OVC100 12/03 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP745 T01170033 $
KQCA 161358Z AUTO 17010KT 10SM OVC100 12/03 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP745 T01170033 $
KQCA 161258Z AUTO 16011KT 10SM SCT110 11/03 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP748 T01110028 $
KQCA 161258Z AUTO 16011KT 10SM SCT110 11/03 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP748 T01110028 $
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
38 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWEL: Entrance Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [6.3mb]
CWEL 161500Z AUTO 30010KT 11/ RMK AO1 PK WND 30017/1411 SLP088 T0106 51054
CWEL 161400Z AUTO 31013KT 11/ RMK AO1 PK WND 30020/1309 SLP073 T0107 51063
CWEL 161300Z AUTO 30018KT 11/ RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 31026/1212 SLP054 T0106 53058
- CWEZ: Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System, Canada [5.6mb]
CWEZ 161500Z AUTO 25005KT 08/02 RMK AO1 SLP105 T00800019 51055
CWEZ 161400Z AUTO 26005KT 09/02 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 28018/1310 SLP090 T00850016 53056
- CWGB: Ballenas Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [6.1mb]
CWGB 161400Z AUTO 31014KT 11/07 RMK AO1 PK WND 29021/1302 SLP073 T01070067 51058
CWGB 161300Z AUTO 29019KT 11/07 RMK AO1 PK WND 28023/1218 SLP056 T01050067 51061
- CWGT: Sisters Island Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [6.8mb]
CWGT 161400Z AUTO 25008KT 10/06 RMK AO1 SLP079 T01010062 51054
CWGT 161300Z AUTO 32013KT 11/06 RMK AO1 PK WND 35023/1217 SLP062 T01050055 51068
- CWKH: Malahat Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.0mb]
CWKH 161400Z AUTO 08/03 RMK AO1 SLP072 T00790029 51050
- CWMM: P. Meadows Coastal Stn Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.1mb]
CWMM 161500Z AUTO 24007G15KT 11/05 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 25023/1406 SLP087 T01090047 53051
- CWPE: Point Lepreau, N. B., Canada [7.4mb]
CWPE 161400Z AUTO 17013KT 15/14 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 8030 SLP967 P0004 T01490144 50074
CWPE 161300Z AUTO 13003KT 14/14 RMK AO1 4PAST HR 8024 SLP980 P0025 T01430139 50064
- CWPF: Esquimalt Harbour, B. C., Canada [5.8mb]
CWPF 161500Z AUTO 29011G19KT 10/08 RMK AO1 PK WND 26023/1416 SLP112 T01010076 51056
CWPF 161400Z AUTO 26015G22KT 10/08 RMK AO1 PK WND 25022/1307 SLP095 T01020080 51058
CWPF 161300Z AUTO 27014G21KT 10/08 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 27028/1214 SLP081 T01040075 53051
- CWPZ: Burns Lake CS , B. C., Canada [6.8mb]
CWPZ 161400Z AUTO 27010G16KT 05/M02 RMK AO1 PK WND 26020/1320 SLP958 T00481020 51063
CWPZ 161300Z AUTO 27007G16KT 05/M02 RMK AO1 PK WND 24022/1207 SLP938 T00511016 51068
- CWSK: Squamish Airport, B. C, Canada [6.5mb]
CWSK 161500Z AUTO 02003KT 08/08 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP074 T00760076 51065
CWSK 161400Z AUTO 36002KT 08/08 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP053 T00840084 53062
CWSK 161300Z AUTO 30001KT 10/10 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP033 T00980096 53064
- CWSP: Sheringham Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.3mb]
CWSP 161500Z AUTO 29015KT 10/08 RMK AO1 SLP121 T00970076 51053
CWSP 161400Z AUTO 28025KT 10/07 RMK AO1 SLP105 T01010073 53051
- CWSS: St. Stephen, N. B., Canada [8.4mb]
CWSS 161500Z AUTO 31005KT 11/10 RMK AO1 9PAST HR 6013 SLP973 P0019 T01110104 50084
- CWWA: W Vancouver Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.3mb]
CWWA 161500Z AUTO 01003KT 08/04 RMK AO1 SLP086 T00790039 53053
CWWA 161400Z AUTO 32002KT 09/05 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP070 T00870049 53052
- CWWK: White Rock Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [5.7mb]
CWWK 161500Z AUTO 27004KT 12/07 RMK AO1 SLP103 T01150073 53055
CWWK 161400Z AUTO 27004KT 12/08 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP087 T01170078 53057
- CWYJ: Victoria University, Canada [5.5mb]
CWYJ 161300Z AUTO 27005KT 10/06 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP087 T00990056 53055
- CWZA: Agassiz Automated Reporting Stn, Canada [6.0mb]
CWZA 161500Z AUTO 24007G18KT 12/06 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 21025/1406 SLP086 T01200060 53060
- CXIB: Ingonish Beach, NS, Canada [5.3mb]
CXIB 161500Z AUTO 21007KT 18/17 RMK AO1 0PAST HR 6025 SLP034 P0008 T01830173 50053
- CXKT: Kentville , N. S., Canada [5.1mb]
CXKT 161500Z AUTO 15009G17KT 17/16 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 8037 PK WND 14017/1452 SLP974 P0003 T01730163 50051
- KALW: Walla Walla, Walla Walla Regional Airport, WA, United States [6.5mb]
KALW 161453Z 22014G24KT 10SM CLR 13/08 A2980 RMK AO2 PK WND 24031/1359 PRESRR SLP090 60000 T01280083 53065
- KAWO: Arlington Municipal, WA, United States [5.4mb]
KAWO 161455Z 30011G17KT 10SM FEW032 SCT080 11/04 A2990 RMK AO1 52054
- KBFI: Seattle, Seattle Boeing Field, WA, United States [6.0mb]
KBFI 161453Z 14008KT 10SM FEW030 10/07 A2988 RMK AO2 SLP119 T01000067 51060
- KBLI: Bellingham, Bellingham Intl Arpt, WA, United States [5.8mb]
KBLI 161453Z 18003KT 10SM CLR 10/04 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP110 P0001 60004 T01000044 52058 $
- KDLS: The Dalles, OR, United States [5.8mb]
KDLS 161453Z AUTO 28020G27KT 10SM CLR 14/05 A2989 RMK AO2 PK WND 30033/1410 SLP122 T01390050 51058
- KEAT: Wenatchee, Pangborn Memorial Airport, WA, United States [5.2mb]
KEAT 161455Z AUTO 32014KT 10SM -RA OVC055 09/05 A2970 RMK AO2 PK WND 31032/1426 RAB00 SLP056 P0000 60000 T00890050 53052 TSNO
- KEPH: Ephrata, Ephrata Municipal Airport, WA, United States [5.0mb]
KEPH 161453Z AUTO 29023G35KT 10SM CLR 11/02 A2966 RMK AO2 PK WND 28035/1444 PRESRR SLP044 T01060022 53050 TSNO
- KFHR: Friday Harbor, Friday Harbor Airport, WA, United States [5.2mb]
KFHR 161453Z AUTO 24008KT 10SM CLR 10/06 A2985 RMK AO2 SLP108 T01000061 52052
- KHMS: Hanford, WA, United States [5.4mb]
KHMS 161450Z 27021G33KT 15SM FEW060 13/03 A2970 RMK SLP059 8/500 T01290029 53054 RSNK 05/25049G64
KHMS 161450Z 27021G33KT 15SM FEW060 13/03 A2970 RMK SLP059 8/500 T01290029 53054 RSNK 05/25049G64
- KHRI: Hermiston, Hermiston Municipal Airport, OR, United States [6.3mb]
KHRI 161453Z AUTO 25019G28KT 10SM CLR 13/07 A2981 RMK AO2 PK WND 24034/1426 SLP093 T01280072 51063 TSNO
- KLGD: La Grande, OR, United States [5.4mb]
KLGD 161455Z AUTO 30019G27KT 10SM SCT046 BKN055 12/04 A2983 RMK AO1 60019 52054
- KMWH: Moses Lake, Grant County Airport, WA, United States [5.6mb]
KMWH 161452Z 30010KT 10SM CLR 11/01 A2968 RMK AO2 PK WND 27032/1406 SLP050 60001 T01110011 53056
- KNUW: Whidbey Island, Naval Air Stn, WA, United States [5.2mb]
KNUW 161456Z 27020G29KT 8SM FEW033 SCT050 11/06 A2987 RMK AO2 PK WND 26032/1432 PRESRR SLP119 T01060061 51052 $
KNUW 161456Z 27020G29KT 8SM FEW033 SCT050 11/06 A2987 RMK AO2 PK WND 26032/1432 PRESRR SLP119 T01060061 51052 $
- KPAE: Everett, Snohomish County Airport, WA, United States [5.2mb]
KPAE 161453Z 36004KT 10SM CLR 10/03 A2988 RMK AO2 PRESRR SLP117 T01000033 53052
- KPDT: Pendleton, OR, United States [6.0mb]
KPDT 161453Z 26027G39KT 10SM BKN080 12/07 A2983 RMK AO2 PK WND 26040/1440 PRESRR SLP091 60002 T01170067 53060
- KPSC: Pasco, Tri-Cities Airport, WA, United States [6.9mb]
KPSC 161453Z 23010KT 10SM CLR 14/05 A2977 RMK AO2 PK WND 25027/1354 SLP079 T01440050 51069
- KPWT: Bremerton National, WA, United States [5.4mb]
KPWT 161455Z AUTO 20007KT 10SM CLR 06/02 A2989 RMK AO1 52054
- KRNT: Renton, Renton Municipal Airport, WA, United States [6.2mb]
KRNT 161453Z 16006KT 10SM SCT029 11/07 A2989 RMK AO2 SLP127 T01060072 51062
- KSEA: Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma Intl Arpt, WA, United States [5.7mb]
KSEA 161453Z 21008KT 10SM SCT020 SCT100 10/07 A2989 RMK AO2 SLP129 T01000067 53057
- KYKM: Yakima, Yakima Air Terminal, WA, United States [5.1mb]
KYKM 161453Z COR 26019G35KT 10SM FEW060 12/01 A2978 RMK AO2 PK WND 28035/1447 SLP082 T01220011 51051
KYKM 161453Z 26019G35KT 10SM CLR 12/01 A2978 RMK AO2 PK WND 28035/1447 SLP082 T01220011 51051
2 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
- CWNM: Nelson Automatic Weather Reporting System, Canada [15.0mb]
CWNM 161500Z AUTO 26007KT 09/08 RMK AO1 1046 SLP971 T00900076 50150
CWNM 161400Z AUTO 17007KT 09/07 RMK AO1 8PAST HR 3015 PK WND 30024/1302 SLP957 P0015 T00880065 50150
CWNM 161300Z AUTO 23008G17KT 09/07 RMK AO1 2PAST HR R+11/ PRESRR 5008 PK WND 24036/1245 SLP945 P0044 T00890065 50112
- CWPE: Point Lepreau, N. B., Canada [11.0mb]
CWPE 161500Z AUTO 19009KT 15/14 RMK AO1 6PAST HR M17 1410ZR+11/ 6033 SLP957 P0014 T01490144 50110
0 stations reporting heavy snow
0 stations reporting heavy sleet
0 stations reporting heavy freezing rain
16 stations reporting heavy rain
- CYAZ: Tofino Airport, Canada
CYAZ 161336Z 31009KT 10SM +SHRA OVC018 RMK SC8
- CYJT: Stephenville, Nfld., Canada
CYJT 161500Z 13006KT 3SM +SHRA BR FEW016 OVC030 16/15 A2970 RMK SC2SC6 SLP058
- CYQI: Yarmouth, N. S., Canada
CYQI 161400Z 18013KT 1 1/2SM R24/4500VP6000FT/D +RA BR OVC003 15/15 A2948 RMK FG2SF6 SLP982 DENSITY ALT 700FT
- CYQY: Sydney, N. S., Canada
CYQY 161415Z 19015KT 1 1/2SM +SHRA BKN007 OVC015 RMK SC6SC2 TCU EMBD
- EFJO: Joensuu, Finland
EFJO 161250Z 19016G27KT 150V240 2000 +RA FEW010 BKN015 BKN025 09/07 Q1004
- KGCD: John Day State, OR, United States
KGCD 161255Z AUTO 28011KT 10SM +RA SCT014 BKN024 OVC041 13/12 A2980 RMK AO2 P0003
- KGTF: Great Falls, Great Falls Intl Arpt, MT, United States
KGTF 161526Z 29015KT 3SM +RA BR FEW027 SCT037 OVC046 09/07 A2947 RMK AO2 PK WND 28037/1510 WSHFT 1501 RAB1455 P0012
KGTF 161526Z 29015KT 3SM +RA BR FEW027 SCT037 OVC046 09/07 A2947
KGTF 161515Z 31017G37KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW022 BKN045 OVC070 09/07 A2948 RMK AO2 PK WND 28037/1510 WSHFT 1501 SFC VIS 1 3/4 RAB1455 PRESRR P0005
KGTF 161515Z 31017G37KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW022 BKN045 OVC070 09/07 A2948
- KHIO: Portland, Portland-Hillsboro Airport, OR, United States
KHIO 161353Z 33007KT 4SM +RA BKN028 OVC042 12/09 A2997 RMK AO2 RAB25 SLP147 P0004 T01170089
- KHLN: Helena, Helena Regional Airport, MT, United States
KHLN 161446Z 27011KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW020 OVC045 10/09 A2953 RMK AO2 PRESRR P0017
KHLN 161446Z 27011KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW020 OVC045 10/09 A2953
- KMYL: McCall, McCall Airport, ID, United States
KMYL 161324Z AUTO 28013G18KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW008 OVC015 11/09 A2971 RMK AO2 P0024 $
KMYL 161324Z AUTO 28013G18KT 1 1/2SM +RA BR FEW008 OVC015 11/09 A2971
KMYL 161310Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC020 11/10 A2971 RMK AO2 P0008 $
KMYL 161310Z AUTO 00000KT 2SM +RA BR BKN014 OVC020 11/10 A2971
- LATI: Tirana, Albania
LATI 161520Z VRB07KT 4000 +RA FEW002 BKN028CB OVC055 18/16 Q1015
LATI 161420Z 26008KT 3100 +RA FEW005 SCT033CB BKN045 19/18 Q1015
- LYPG: Podgorica Titograd, Serbia and Montenegro
LYPG 161400Z 14015KT 090V180 4000 +RA BKN030 OVC050 19/18 Q1012
- MMSL: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
MMSL 161424Z 12020KT 3SM -DZ OVC015 24/23 A2977 RMK 8/7// +SHRA E18 COND VRBS
MMSL 161340Z 18016G29KT 1/4SM +SHRA VV001 24/23 A2976 RMK 8//// +SHRA B25
MMSL 161313Z 14023G33KT 1/2SM +RA OVC005 25/24 A2973 RMK 8/7// +RAB10 COND VRBS
- SKPE: Pereira / Matecana, Colombia
SKPE 161400Z VRB02KT 2000 +RA OVC003 19/18 A3017 RMK/APCLM
SKPE 161400Z VRB02KT 2000 +RA OVC003 19/18 A3017 RMK APCLM
SKPE 161400Z VRB02KT 2000 +RA OVC003 19/18 A3017
- TIST: Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Cyril E. King Airport, Virgin Islands
TIST 161510Z 23019G26KT 1 1/2SM +RA SCT017 BKN025 BKN033 27/24 A2984 RMK AO2 PK WND 24026/1508 RAB06 P0008
TIST 161510Z 23019G26KT 1 1/2SM +RA SCT017 BKN025 BKN033 27/24 A2984
- TNCE: Roosevelt Airport Saint Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
TNCE 161300Z 32007KT 1000 +RA BKN012 ///// Q1012
6 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- CYAY: Saint Anthony Airport, Canada
CYAY 161300Z AUTO 11017KT 4SM -RA UP BR OVC010 02/01 A2993 RMK MAX WND 11021KT AT 1240Z PRESFR SLP137
CYAY 161250Z AUTO 11015G21KT 4SM -RA UP BR BKN010 OVC015 02/01 A2993 RMK MAX WND 11021KT AT 1240Z PRESFR SLP137
- EFOU: Oulu, Finland
EFOU 161350Z AUTO 14007KT 9999 UP BKN004/// BKN008/// OVC024/// 04/04 Q0997 1229//95
- PADU: Unalaska, Unalaska Airport, AK, United States
PADU 161356Z AUTO 30014G18KT 10SM UP BKN030 BKN039 OVC060 03/M02 A3005 RMK AO2 RAE26UPB51 SLP180 P0000 T00281022
PADU 161356Z AUTO 30014G18KT 10SM UP BKN030 BKN039 OVC060 03/M02 A3005
- PAED: Anchorage, Elmendorf Air Force Base, AK, United States
PAED 161455Z AUTO 34005KT 10SM UP BKN028 BKN033 M02/M09 A2917 RMK AO2 UPB1439 SLP880 P0000 60000 T10221094 53010
PAED 161455Z AUTO 34005KT 10SM UP BKN028 BKN033 M02/M09 A2917
PAED 161453Z AUTO VRB03KT 10SM UP BKN028 BKN033 M02/M09 A2917 RMK AO2 UPB1439 SLP880
PAED 161453Z AUTO VRB03KT 10SM UP BKN028 BKN033 M02/M09 A2917
PAED 161439Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM UP BKN031 M02/M11 A2916 RMK AO2 UPB1439 SLP878
PAED 161439Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM UP BKN031 M02/M11 A2916
- PAKF: False Pass, AK, United States
PAKF 161301Z AUTO 9SM UP FEW011 SCT047 SCT065 01/M03 A2993 RMK AO2 RAE12111204B12111226E12111231B12111257E1200B1224E1233UPB01SNB 1211 1204E12111226B1200E01 SLP232 P0000 T00061033 FZRANO $
- PAPM: Platinum, AK, United States
PAPM 161456Z AUTO 34019KT UP FEW032 BKN046 M02/M07 A2978 RMK AO2 TSNO 51009 60000 T10221066 BKN V SCT UPB10 P0000 SLP086 $
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
2 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
- KMEH: Meacham, Meacham, OR, United States [.53in]
KMEH 161256Z AUTO 28008KT 220V330 10SM -RA BKN006 OVC011 10/09 A2976 RMK AO2 SLP068 P0053 T01000094 TSNO
KMEH 161256Z AUTO 28008KT 220V330 10SM -RA BKN006 OVC011 10/09 A2976 RMK AO2 SLP068 P0053 T01000094 TSNO
- KP69: Lowell, ID, United States [.54in]
KP69 161352Z AUTO 00000KT 13/12 A2960 RMK AO2 SLP016 P0054 T01280122 PWINO TSNO
KP69 161352Z AUTO 00000KT 13/12 A2960 RMK AO2 SLP016 P0054 T01280122 PWINO TSNO
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
- MMLP: La Paz Intl Arpt, Mexico [7.55in]
MMLP 161445Z 18003KT 6SM OVC030 24/22 A2969 RMK SLP071 52013 9// 60755 8/7// RAE30 DROPS OCNL HZY
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
- MMSD: San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico [2.55in]
MMSD 161450Z 18014KT 2SM RA OVC010 24/22 A2974 RMK SLP062 5//// 973 60255 8/7// RAB25
MMSD 161450Z 18014KT 2SM RA OVC010 24/22 A2974 RMK SLP062 5//// 973 60255 8/2// RAB25
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
0 stations reporting thundersnow
0 stations reporting thundersleet
26 stations reporting thunder with rain
- CWSW: Sparwood / Elk Valley, Canada
CWSW 161400Z 36005KT 12SM -TSRA FEW015 BKN040 BKN050CB 08/06 A2928 RMK SC1SC4CB2 SLP914
- CYCG: Castlegar Airport, Canada
CYCG 161300Z 31020G42KT 15SM -TSRA BKN041CB OVC090 13/06 A2935 RMK CB6AC2 LTGICCGCC SLP937
- CYCP: Blue River, B. C., Canada
- CYXC: Cranbrook, B. C., Canada
CYXC 161500Z 25011G17KT 6SM -TSRA BR FEW010 BKN032 OVC048CB 07/04 A2937 RMK SF2SC3CB3 LTGIC PRESRR SLP949
- DIAP: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
DIAP 161400Z 23005KT 200V260 2500 +TSRA BKN010 FEW025CB OVC080 26/25 Q1010
- DISS: Sassandra, Cote d'Ivoire
DISS 161400Z ///// 9999 -TSRA OVC013 CB/E 28/24 Q1010 NOSIG
- FOOL: Libreville, Gabon
FOOL 161521Z 21005KT 180V240 6000 -TSRA SCT013 FEW020CB OVC030 25/23 Q1009
- FVBU: Bulawayo Airport, Zimbabwe
FVBU 161300Z 00000KT 9999 -TSRA FEW045CB BKN080 23/14 Q1018
- HKKI: Kisumu, Kenya
HKKI 161400Z 07008KT 9999 -TSRA FEW021CB SCT022 BKN090 25/17 Q1014
- HRYR: Kigali, Rwanda
HRYR 161330Z 05005KT 9999 -TSRA FEW023CB BKN025 26/17 Q1017 NOSIG
- KAEL: Albert Lea, MN, United States
KAEL 161352Z AUTO 16008KT 4SM +VCTSRA SCT018 SCT047 OVC100 10/07 A2961 RMK AO2 P0003 LTG DSNT N AND W
- KLVN: Minneapolis, Airlake Airport, MN, United States
KLVN 161453Z AUTO 14012G16KT 7SM +TSRA SCT032 SCT041 BKN090 11/08 A2953 RMK AO2 P0002 LTG DSNT NE SE AND SW
- KTOB: Dodge Center, Dodge Center Airport, MN, United States
KTOB 161414Z AUTO 18012KT 10SM TSRA BKN100 12/08 A2964 RMK AO1 LTG DSNT N AND SE
- LGIO: Ioannina, Greece
LGIO 161420Z 15006KT 7000 -TSRA SCT025CB BKN035 OVC070 15/15 Q1020
- LGKR: Kerkyra Airport, Greece
LGKR 161250Z 32006KT 8000 -TSRA SCT008 FEW016CB BKN020 BKN080 21/20 Q1015
- LGPZ: Aktion Airport, Greece
- LYTV: Tivat, Serbia and Montenegro
LYTV 161430Z 15006KT 120V190 9999 FEW010 SCT030 17/16 Q1013 RETSRA NOSIG
- SARF: Formosa Aerodrome, Argentina
SARF 161300Z 20006KT 9999 BKN020 20/18 Q1011 RETSRA
- SBCY: Cuiaba Aeroporto, Brazil
SBCY 161526Z 15022G36KT 9999 -TSRA BKN020 FEW030CB 25/17 Q1012
- SKNV: Neiva / Benito Salas, Colombia
SKNV 161500Z VRB02KT 2800 TSRA BKN007 FEW020CB BKN120 22/22 A2997
- TKPK: Golden Rock, Saint Kitts and Nevis
TKPK 161400Z 21006KT 9999 -TSRA FEW012CB BKN017 28/26 Q1012
- VOCI: Cochin Intl, India
VOCI 161500Z 10006KT 4000 -TSRA SCT015 FEW25CB OVC080 24/22 Q1014 NOSIG
- WARS: Achmad Yani, Indonesia
WARS 161500Z 26004KT 4000 TSRA FEW018CB SCT019 26/24 Q1013 CB TO NW+N
- WMKK: Sepang/KL Intl Arpt, Malaysia
WMKK 161500Z 30003KT 8000 -TSRA FEW010 FEW017CB SCT026 BKN260 24/23 Q1013 NOSIG
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia
WMKP 161400Z 02004KT 8000 -RA FEW012 SCT025 BKN260 26/23 Q1013 RETSRA NOSIG
- WMSA: Subang/Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Malaysia
WMSA 161400Z 02001KT 5000 -RA FEW008 FEW017CB SCT025 BKN260 25/25 Q1013 RETSRA
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
2 stations reporting visibility of zero
- CYWG: Winnipeg Int. Airportman., Canada
CYWG 161400Z 30003KT 0SM R13/0900FT/N R36/0700FT/N FG SKC 01/01 A2950 RMK FG6 SLP996
- LIBQ: Monte Scuro, Italy
LIBQ 161455Z 28010KT 0000 -RA FG VV/// 08/06 Q1018 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIBQ 161355Z 28010KT 0000 -RA FG VV/// 09/07 Q1018 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIBQ 161255Z 28012KT 0000 -RA FG VV/// 09/07 Q1018 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
23 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- CWFD: Cape Dyer, N. W. T., Canada [1/8mile]
CWFD 161515Z AUTO 15005KT 1/8SM -FZDZ M03/ A2963
CWFD 161510Z AUTO 13005KT 1/8SM -FZDZ M03/ A2963
CWFD 161509Z AUTO 13005KT 1/8SM -SN M03/ A2963 RMK ICG PAST HR
CWFD 161300Z AUTO 04016G21KT 1/8SM -FZDZ M05/ A2962
- CYNE: Norway House, Man., Canada [1/8mile]
CYNE 161500Z AUTO 18005KT 1/8SM FG VV002 07/06 A2938 RMK SLP957
CYNE 161400Z AUTO 00000KT 1/8SM FG VV002 06/06 A2939 RMK SLP962
- CYQX: Gander Int. Airport, Nfld., Canada [1/8mile]
CYQX 161317Z 13008KT 1/8SM R03/3000FT/U R13/2000FT/N FG VV001 08/07 A2989 RMK FG8 SLP127
- CYWG: Winnipeg Int. Airportman., Canada [1/8mile]
CYWG 161432Z 28002KT 1/8SM R13/0800V1200FT/N R36/1100FT/N FG SKC 03/ RMK FG6
CYWG 161300Z 27003KT 1/8SM R13/1800FT/N R36/2600FT/N FG SKC 00/00 A2950 RMK FG3 SLP998
- CYYL: Lynn Lake, Man., Canada [1/8mile]
CYYL 161400Z AUTO 21003KT 1/8SM FZFG VV001 M01/M01 A2931 RMK SLP943
- K08D: Stanley, ND, United States [<1/4mile]
K08D 161335Z AUTO 24003KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/01 A2951 RMK AO2
K08D 161315Z AUTO 26003KT M1/4SM FG OVC002 00/00 A2951 RMK AO2
K08D 161255Z AUTO 21003KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 00/00 A2951 RMK AO2
- KFOT: Fortuna, CA, United States [<1/4mile]
KFOT 161515Z AUTO 31011KT M1/4SM OVC002 14/14 A3008 RMK AO1
- KHAF: Half Moon Bay, CA, United States [<1/4mile]
KHAF 161515Z AUTO 36011G19KT M1/4SM FG OVC003 16/15 A3001 RMK AO2
- KHCO: Hallock, Hallock Municipal Airport, MN, United States [<1/4mile]
KHCO 161334Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 01/01 A2951 RMK AO2
KHCO 161313Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 02/02 A2951 RMK AO2
KHCO 161254Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG BKN001 03/03 A2951 RMK AO2
- KHQI: High Island 376, TX, United States [<1/4mile]
KHQI 161435Z AUTO 11005KT M1/4SM HZ VV000 27/20 A2995 RMK A01
- KI35: Harlan, KY, United States [<1/4mile]
KI35 161355Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 06/05 A3005 RMK AO1
KI35 161335Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 05/05 A3006 RMK AO1
KI35 161315Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 05/05 A3005 RMK AO1
KI35 161255Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM OVC002 05/05 A3005 RMK AO1
- KLOZ: London, London-Corbin Airport-Magee Field, KY, United States [<1/4mile]
KLOZ 161253Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV001 04/04 A3003 RMK AO2 SLP171 T00390039
KLOZ 161253Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV001 04/04 A3003
- KLUK: Cincinnati, Cincinnati Municipal Airport Lunken Field, OH, United States [<1/4mile]
KLUK 161253Z 00000KT M1/4SM R21L/1400V2000FT FG VV001 04/04 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP176 T00440039
KLUK 161253Z 00000KT M1/4SM R21L/1400V2000FT FG VV001 04/04 A3004
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [1/16mile]
KMWN 161453Z 28026KT 1/16SM -SHSN FZFG VV001 M04/M04
KMWN 161358Z 28023KT 1/16SM -SHSN FZFG VV001 M04/M04 RMK SHSNB40 VRY LGT ICG
KMWN 161358Z 28023KT 1/16SM -SHSN FZFG VV001 M04/M04 RMK SHSNB40 VRY LGT ICG
KMWN 161358Z 28023KT 1/16SM -SHSN FZFG VV001 M04/M04
KMWN 161251Z 29024KT 1/16SM FZFG VV000 M04/M04 RMK VRY LGT ICG
KMWN 161251Z 29024KT 1/16SM FZFG VV000 M04/M04 RMK VRY LGT ICG
KMWN 161251Z 29024KT 1/16SM FZFG VV000 M04/M04
- KMWO: Middletown, OH, United States [<1/4mile]
KMWO 161355Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 05/05 A3004 RMK AO2 T00450045
KMWO 161335Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 03/03 A3004 RMK AO2 T00310031
KMWO 161315Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 03/03 A3004 RMK AO2 T00270027
KMWO 161255Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 02/02 A3004 RMK AO2 T00170017
- KOQT: Oak Ridge, TN, United States [<1/4mile]
KOQT 161253Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV001 07/06 A3005 RMK AO2 SLP177 T00670061 TSNO
KOQT 161253Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG VV001 07/06 A3005 RMK AO2 SLP177 T00670061 TSNO
- KSLI: Los Alamitos U. S. Army Airfield, CA, United States [1/8mile]
KSLI 161355Z 00000KT 1/8SM FG VV001 18/18 A2984 RMK AO2A SLP106 T01760176
- KSME: Somerset, Somerset-Pulaski County, KY, United States [<1/4mile]
KSME 161335Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 06/06 A3005 RMK AO2
KSME 161315Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC001 06/05 A3005 RMK AO2
- LIMT: Passo Della Cisa, Italy [100meters]
LIMT 161455Z /////KT 0100 FG VV/// 09/09 Q1012 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
LIMT 161355Z /////KT 0100 FG VV/// 09/09 Q1011 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
- MGHT: Huehuetenango, Guatemala [100meters]
MGHT 161300Z 00000KT 0100 FG SCT200 10/10 QFE 816.8 APCH CLSD
MGHT 161300Z 00000KT 0100 FG SCT200 10/10 QFE 816/8 APCH CLSD
- MMDO: Durango Airport, Mexico [1/8mile]
MMDO 161245Z 00000KT 1/8SM FG SKC 12/12 A3016 RMK ISOL CI
- SKBG: Bucaramanga / Palonegro, Colombia [200meters]
SKBG 161300Z 20003KT 0200 FG VV/// 19/19 A3003 RMK AD CLSD WX
SKBG 161300Z 20003KT 0200 FG VV/// 19/19 A3003
- UUYW: Vorkuta Airport, Russian [150meters]
UUYW 161300Z 25003MPS 0150 FZFG VV002 M01/M01 Q1024 NOSIG RMK QBB 060 QFE 751 26CLRD60
1 station reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States [90miles]
KEDW 161455Z 00000KT 85SM CLR 10/00 A2998 RMK AO2A SLP138 T01050001 53007 BS
KEDW 161401Z COR 00000KT 90SM FEW250 09/00 A2997 RMK AO2A SLP133 RADAT 20164 T00890000 DS
KEDW 161355Z 00000KT 90SM FEW250 09/00 A2997 RMK AO2A SLP133 T00890000 DS
3 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- KBJC: Broomfield / Jeffco, CO, United States [50miles]
KBJC 161451Z VRB03KT 50SM SCT080 17/M03 A2989
- KBKF: Aurora, Buckley Air Force Base Airport, CO, United States [70miles]
KBKF 161455Z 19010KT 70SM FEW080 FEW250 13/00 A2991 RMK SLP074 58005
KBKF 161455Z 19010KT 70SM FEW080 FEW250 13/00 A2991
KBKF 161355Z 18008KT 70SM FEW070 FEW220 07/M01 A2990 RMK SLP082
KBKF 161355Z 18008KT 70SM FEW070 FEW220 07/M01 A2990
- KFTG: Denver Nexrad, CO, United States [50miles]
KFTG 161448Z 17005KT 50SM FEW080 13/02 A2991
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
9 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
SPCL 161500Z 01005KT 9999 FEW015 SCT100 32/25 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20 PP000
SPCL 161400Z 03003KT 320V060 9999 FEW015 SCT100 30/26 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20 PP000
SPCL 161300Z 02003KT 330V080 9999 FEW015 BKN090 28/25 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 02/20 PP000
- SPGM: Tingo Maria, Peru
SPGM 161500Z 36004KT 9999 SCT040 BKN100 28/22 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 19 PP000
SPGM 161400Z 00000KT 9999 SCT030 BKN090 24/21 Q1015 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 19 PP000
SPGM 161300Z 33004KT 9999 SCT025 BKN080 23/21 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 19 TMIN.20.0 PP000
- SPHY: Andahuayla, Peru
SPHY 161400Z 31004KT CAVOK 13/04 Q1034 RMK BIRD HAZARD PP000
SPHY 161300Z 00000KT CAVOK 10/02 Q1034 RMK BIRD HAZARD PP000
- SPJR: Cajamarca, Peru
SPJR 161500Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW033 BKN080 18/11 Q1028 RMK RWY SECA BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
SPJR 161400Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN070 15/11 Q1029 RMK RWY SECA BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
SPJR 161300Z VRB02KT 9999 SCT080 12/10 Q1028 RMK RWY HUMEDA BIRD HAZARD RWY 16/34 PP000
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 161500Z 02003KT 9999 OVC015 23/19 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY32/14 PP000
SPME 161400Z VRB02KT 9999 OVC016 23/19 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY32/14 PP000
SPME 161300Z VRB01KT 9999 OVC020 22/19 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY32/14 PP000
- SPMS: Yurimaguas, Peru
SPMS 161500Z /////KT 9999 SCT015 30/22 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD 09/27 PP000
SPMS 161400Z /////KT 9999 SCT015 2/22 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD 09/27 PP000
SPMS 161300Z /////KT 8000 SCT015 27/22 Q1013 RMK BIRD HAZARD 09/27 PP000
- SPSO: Pisco, Peru
SPSO 161500Z 26006KT 230V300 9999 FEW013 OVC016 20/17 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22/04 W PP000
SPSO 161400Z 26004KT 230V300 9999 FEW012 OVC016 19/15 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22/04 W PP000
SPSO 161300Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW012 OVC015 18/15 Q1016 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 22/04 W PP000
- SPST: Tarapoto, Peru
SPST 161500Z 00000KT 9999 SCT020 30/22 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 161400Z 00000KT 9999 FEW025 28/21 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 161300Z 00000KT 9999 FEW040 25/21 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
- SPYL: Talara, Peru
SPYL 161500Z 18011KT 9999 BKN100 22/17 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY17/35 PP000
SPYL 161400Z 15013KT 9999 BKN033 20/17 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY17/35 PP000
SPYL 161300Z 15012KIT 9999 OVC030 18/16 Q1014 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY17/35 T MIN 16.0 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
0 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
0 stations reporting blowing spray
3 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- DRRN: Niamey-Aero, Niger
DRRN 161330Z 36021KT 3000 BLDU SCT026 FEW030CB SCT100 BKN260 31/19 Q1011
DRRN 161330Z 36021KT 3000 BLDU SCT026 FEW030CB SCT100 BKN260 31/19 Q1011
DRRN 161300Z 35020KT 1500 BLDU SCT026 FEW030CB SCT100 BKN260 33/18 Q1011
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States
KEDW 161401Z COR 00000KT 90SM FEW250 09/00 A2997 RMK AO2A SLP133 RADAT 20164 T00890000 DS
KEDW 161355Z 00000KT 90SM FEW250 09/00 A2997 RMK AO2A SLP133 T00890000 DS
KEDW 161255Z 25003KT 30SM CLR 09/00 A2996 RMK AO2A SLP130 T00930004 DS
KQSN 161355Z 01005KT 6000 DU HZ FEW120 16/M02 A3026 RMK AO2A SLP243 T01551024 $
0 stations reporting sand or sandstorm
18 stations reporting smoke
- KGAF: Grafton, ND, United States
- KLAX: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Intl Arpt, CA, United States
KLAX 161353Z 00000KT 10SM BCFG FEW001 SCT004 SCT010 18/15 A2984 RMK AO2 SLP103 FG FEW001 FU SCT010 FG BANK E-S AND SW-W T01830150
KLAX 161353Z 00000KT 10SM BCFG FEW001 SCT004 SCT010 18/15 A2984 RMK AO2 SLP103 FG FEW001 FU SCT010 FG BANK E-S AND SW-W T01830150
KQSA 161455Z 07008G12KT 9999 FU CLR 17/03 A3023 RMK SLP224 WND DATA ESTMD ALSTG/SLP ESTMD 53013
- KTRI: Bristol, TN, United States
KTRI 161353Z 13004KT 10SM FEW002 09/08 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP161 FU VC W T00940078
KTRI 161353Z 13004KT 10SM FEW002 09/08 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP161 FU VC W T00940078
- LUKK: Chisinau Intl Arpt, Moldova
LUKK 161530Z 09007KT 4900 BR FU FEW022 19/17 Q1014 R08/150060 NOSIG
LUKK 161500Z 11004KT 5000 BR FU BKN022 20/18 Q1015 R26/150060 NOSIG
- MMMA: Matamoros International, Mexico
MMMA 161246Z 00000KT 6SM SCT020 SCT070 BKN200 23/20 A2993 RMK 8/131 HZY FU
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 161530Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 24/17 Q1016 A30.01 NOSIG
OPLA 161455Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 24/17 Q1016 NOSIG
OPLA 161425Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 25/17 Q1015
OPLA 161355Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 25/17 Q1015 NOSIG
OPLA 161325Z 00000KT 4000 FU SKC 26/16 Q1015
OPLA 161255Z 29004KT 4000 FU SKC 26/16 Q1015 NOSIG
- OPMT: Multan, Pakistan
OPMT 161355Z 00000KTS 4000 FU SKC 25/17 Q1015 NOSIG
OPMT 161255Z 00000KTS 4000 FU SKC 27/17 Q1014 NOSIG
- OPNH: Nawabshah, Pakistan
OPNH 161500Z 31504KT 3000M FU NSC 27/19 Q.1013
OPNH 161400Z 31504KT 3000M FU NSC 29/19 Q.1013
OPNH 161300Z 31502KT 3000M FU NSC 30/19 Q.1012
- UAAA: Almaty, Kazakhstan
UAAA 161500Z 18002MPS 1200 R05L/1500VP2000D R05R/P2000N FU BKN100 10/M00 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 161430Z 21002MPS 1100 R05L/P2000U R05R/2000VP2000U FU BKN100 11/M01 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 161400Z VRB01MPS 1200 R05L/P2000D R05R/P2000N FU BKN100 12/M02 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 161330Z 14002MPS 1000 R05L/P2000N R05R/P2000U FU BKN100 13/M01 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
UAAA 161300Z 14003MPS 1000 R05L/0800VP2000D R05R/P2000 FU BKN100 13/M01 Q1022 88CLRD65 NOSIG
- UAFO: Osh, Kyrgyzstan
UAFO 161500Z 16001MPS 3000 FU BR SCT100 11/08 Q1023 R12/CLRD70 NOSIG
UAFO 161430Z 14002MPS 3000 FU BR SCT100 12/08 Q1023 R12/CLRD70 NOSIG
- UKCM: Mariupol, Ukraine
UKCM 161500Z 07003MPS 3900 FU BKN100 18/13 Q1021 01010065 NOSIG
UKCM 161430Z 08002MPS 3400 FU BKN100 19/12 Q1021 01010065 NOSIG
UKCM 161400Z 08002MPS 3300 FU BKN100 19/12 Q1021 01010065 NOSIG
UKCM 161330Z 11003MPS 080V150 3000 FU BKN100 20/13 Q1021 01010065 NOSIG
UKCM 161300Z 09002MPS 050V120 3300 FU SCT100 20/13 Q1021 01010065 NOSIG
- UNNT: Tolmachevo, Russia
UNNT 161500Z VRB02MPS 4800 FU BKN100 01/M06 Q1022 NOSIG RMK QFE756/1009 25090070
UNNT 161430Z 00000MPS 5000 FU BKN100 03/M06 Q1022 NOSIG RMK QFE756/1009 07090070
UNNT 161300Z 12002MPS 3900 FU SCT130 05/M08 Q1022 NOSIG RMK QFE757/1009 07090070
- VAAH: Ahmadabad, India
VAAH 161510Z 04003KT 4000 FU NSC 27/19 Q1014 NOSIG
VAAH 161440Z 02003KT 4000 FU NSC 28/18 Q1014 NOSIG
VAAH 161410Z 05003KT 4000 FU NSC 29/17 Q1013 NOSIG
VAAH 161340Z 12003KT 4000 FU NSC 31/16 Q1012 NOSIG
VAAH 161310Z 06003KT 4000 FU NSC 32/16 Q1012 NOSIG
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 161510Z 08004KT 2200 FU NSC 31/23 Q1014 NOSIG
VABB 161440Z 35005KT 2500 FU NSC 31/23 Q1013 NOSIG
VABB 161410Z 36003KT 2700 FU NSC 31/23 Q1013 NOSIG
VABB 161340Z 31004KT 2800 FU FEW100 31/23 Q1012 NOSIG
VABB 161310Z 30005KT 2800 FU SCT100 31/22 Q1012 NOSIG
- VVNB: Ha Noi, Vietnam
VVNB 161330Z 11006KT 4000 FU BKN040 27/20 Q1015 NOSIG
VVNB 161300Z 09006KT 3500 FU BKN040 27/20 Q1014 NOSIG
- WAOO: Syamsudin Noor, Indonesia
WAOO 161500Z 00000KT 3000 FU FEW020 26/25 Q1011
WAOO 161400Z 00000KT 3000 FU FEW020 26/25 Q1011
WAOO 161300Z 00000KT 3000 FU FEW020 26/25 Q1010 NOSIG
- ZWWW: Urum-Qi / Diwopu, China
ZWWW 161500Z 16003MPS 5000 FU NSC 08/M07 Q1025 NOSIG
ZWWW 161430Z 16002MPS 5000 FU NSC 08/M07 Q1025 NOSIG
ZWWW 161400Z 17003MPS 4000 FU NSC 09/M07 Q1026 NOSIG
ZWWW 161330Z 17003MPS 4000 FU NSC 08/M07 Q1025 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- CYCG: Castlegar Airport, Canada
    Wind, Thunderstorm
- DIAP: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
- KEAT: Wenatchee, Pangborn Memorial Airport, WA, United States
    Wind, Pressure Change
- KEDW: Edwards Air Force Base, CA, United States
    Visibility, Dust/Duststorm
- KPDT: Pendleton, OR, United States
    Wind, Pressure Change
- KPSC: Pasco, Tri-Cities Airport, WA, United States
    Wind, Pressure Change
- SPCL: Pucallpa, Peru
    Dewpoint, Bird Hazard
- TIST: Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Cyril E. King Airport, Virgin Islands
    Dewpoint, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- TKPK: Golden Rock, Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Dewpoint, Thunderstorm
93 unidentified stations (out of a total of 600 documented unknown stations)
- K1II (NEW)
- KL38 (NEW)
- KM63 (OLD)
- KQA4 (OLD)
- KQC3 (OLD)
- KQM1 (OLD)