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      Bob Hart
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Extreme & Weird Weather of the World - Archive for 2014042003
Currently using 31711 observations from 4577 different global stations over the past 3 hours.
Last Updated: Sun Apr 20 03:44:24 UTC 2014
1 station reporting temperature -55°C or colder
- NZSP: Amundsen-Scott Stn, Antarctica [-60°C, -76.0°F]
NZSP 192350Z 08009KT 3200 BR SKC M60/ A2835 RMK CLN AIR 06010KT ALL WNDS GRID
0 stations reporting temperature -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting temperature -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting temperature -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting temperature 55°C or warmer
0 stations reporting temperature 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting temperature 45°C to 49°C
0 stations reporting temperature 40°C to 44°C
0 stations reporting dewpoint 30°C or greater
3 stations reporting dewpoint 28-29°C
- PTKK: Weno Island, Chuuk Int. Airp., Micronesia [28°C, 82.4°F]
PTKK 200154Z VRB03KT 15SM SCT014CB BKN120 BKN280 30/28 A2981 RMK CB ALQDS SLP098 T03000281
- WMAU: Mersing, Malaysia [28°C, 82.4°F]
WMAU 200200Z 11003KT 9999 TS FEW017CB SCT020 BKN270 32/28 Q//// QFF1010
- YARG: Argyle Aero, Australia [29°C, 84.2°F]
YARG 200100Z AUTO 12005KT 9999 // NCD 29/29 Q1014
56 stations reporting dewpoint 26-27°C
- AGGH: Honiara / Henderson, Solomon Islands [26°C, 78.8°F]
AGGH 200300Z 05015KT 9999 HZ FEW020 SCT300 32/26 Q1008
- DBBB: Cotonou, Benin [27°C, 80.6°F]
DBBB 200300Z 21009KT 9999 SCT012 28/27 Q1008 NOSIG
- DIAP: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire [26°C, 78.8°F]
DIAP 200300Z 26002KT 9999 SCT011 27/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- DNMM: Lagos / Ikeja, Nigeria [26°C, 78.8°F]
DNMM 200300Z 25003KT 9999 FEW011 27/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- FJDG: Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory [26°C, 78.8°F]
FJDG 200255Z VRB03KT 9999 SCT020 SCT120 29/26 A2985 RMK SLP105 8/130 T02880262 52014
- NGFU: Funafuti, Tuvalu [26°C, 78.8°F]
NGFU 200200Z VRB03KT 9999 SCT020TCU BKN310 31/26 Q1009
- PGUM: Agana, Guam Intl Arpt, GU, United States [26°C, 78.8°F]
PGUM 200154Z 12008G16KT 10SM BKN019 BKN029 BKN044 30/26 A2985 RMK AO2 SLP101 T03000256
- PTKK: Weno Island, Chuuk Int. Airp., Micronesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTKK 200254Z 00000KT 15SM VCSH FEW012CB SCT280 30/26 A2979 RMK SHRAB12E30 VCSH N-NE CB N-NE AND SE SLP089 60000 8/301 T02980256 57017
- PTKR: Koror, Palau, NWS Office, Palau [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTKR 200114Z 33010KT 3SM SHRA OVC015CB 27/26 A2982 RMK CB ALQDS AND OHD
- PTRO: Babelthuap Island, Babelthuap/Koror Airport, Palau [27°C, 80.6°F]
PTRO 192359Z 21006KT 15SM SCT016TCU BKN120 BKN300 30/27 A2978 TCU VC N-E
- PTYA: Yap Island, Yap Int. Airp., Micronesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
PTYA 200051Z VRB05KT 10SM -SHRA BKN016CB BKN130 OVC300 27/26 A2976 RMK SHRAB40 CB VC ALQDS SLP079 T02730257
- RPMD: Davao Airport, Philippines [26°C, 78.8°F]
RPMD 200300Z 09006 9999 FEW016 BKN290 31/26 Q1011
- RPMZ: Zamboanga, Philippines [27°C, 80.6°F]
RPMZ 200300Z 27002KT 9999 SCT018CB FEW020 30/27 Q1011 RMK A2986 CB N-NW/E AND S
- SBPB: Parnaiba Aeroporto, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBPB 200300Z 18003KT 9999 SCT017 28/26 Q1012
- SBTE: Teresina Aeroporto, Brazil [26°C, 78.8°F]
SBTE 200200Z 06004KT 9999 BKN015 BKN070 26/26 Q1012
- SVLC: UNKNOWN, [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVLC 200000Z /////KT 9999 FEW010 29/26 Q////
- SVMG: Margarita / Del Carib, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVMG 200100Z /////KT 9999 FEW010 27/26 Q1013 NOSIG
- SVVG: El Vigia / Perez Alph, Venezuela [26°C, 78.8°F]
SVVG 200300Z 25001KT 9999 FEW017 BKN100 27/26 Q1009
- VDSR: Siemreap, Cambodia [26°C, 78.8°F]
VDSR 200000Z 00000KT 9999 FEW020 28/26 Q1008
- VEBS: Bhubaneswar, India [27°C, 80.6°F]
VEBS 200100Z 21004KT 1500 BR FEW018 SCT100 28/27 Q1009
- VRMM: Male, Maldives [26°C, 78.8°F]
VRMM 200300Z 32006KT 9999 SCT018TCU 31/26 Q1011 NOSIG
- VTBO: Trat/Khao Saming, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTBO 200200Z 21003KT 6000 FEW023 30/26 Q1011
- VTPH: Hua Hin, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTPH 200300Z 13007KT CAVOK 33/26 Q1009 NOSIG
- VTPO: Sukhothai, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTPO 200000Z 15003KT 3000 BR FEW025 SCT300 29/26 Q1007
- VTSB: Surat Thani, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTSB 200300Z 00000KT 8000 FEW020 30/26 Q1010 A2983 INFO D / RWY 22
- VTSG: Krabi, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTSG 200200Z VRB03KT 9000 FEW020 30/26 Q1010 A2984 INFO G RWY32
- VTSS: Hat Yai, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTSS 200300Z 06002KT 9999 FEW020 BKN300 31/26 Q1010 A2982 NOSIG
- VTST: Trang, Thailand [27°C, 80.6°F]
VTST 200200Z 00000KT 7000 FEW020 BKN300 27/27 Q1009 RWY08 INFO D
- VTUK: Khon Kaen, Thailand [26°C, 78.8°F]
VTUK 200300Z 20004KT 120V280 9000 NSC 33/26 Q1010 A2983 RWY03 INFO E
- VVPQ: Phu Quoc, Viet Nam [26°C, 78.8°F]
VVPQ 200100Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW017 29/26 Q1009 NOSIG
- VVTS: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [27°C, 80.6°F]
VVTS 200200Z VRB03KT 7000 BKN017 29/27 Q1010 NOSIG
- VYYY: Yangon, Myanmar [26°C, 78.8°F]
VYYY 200100Z 12004KT 5000 SCT015 27/26 Q1009
- WAAA: Ujung Pandang / Hasanuddin, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WAAA 200300Z 32006KT 270V360 9999 SCT020 32/26 Q1010
- WADL: Bandara, Indonesia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WADL 200300Z 00000KT 9000 SCT016 31/27 Q1010
- WALL: Sepinggan, Indonesia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WALL 200300Z 15002KT 9999 FEW018CB SCT020 33/27 Q1010 NOSIGRMK CB TO S
- WBGG: Kuching, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WBGG 200200Z 05003KT 9999 FEW016 SCT150 BKN300 29/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WBKS: Sandakan, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WBKS 200100Z 30006KT 270V350 9999 FEW016 BKN300 29/26 Q1010
- WIDD: Hang Nadim, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WIDD 200200Z AUTO 12005KT 080V190 9999NDV FEW019 FEW050 SCT080 30/26 Q1010
- WIOO: Pontianak / Supadio, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WIOO 200230Z 00000KL 9999 BKN013 31/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WIPP: Palembang / Talangbetutu, Indonesia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WIPP 200200Z 00000KT 5000 HZ SCT015 30/26 Q1010
- WMAU: Mersing, Malaysia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WMAU 200300Z 11005KT 9999 TS FEW017CB SCT140 BKN260 32/27 Q//// QFF1010
- WMBA: Sitiawan, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMBA 200300Z 27003KT 9999 FEW017CB SCT020 BKN280 30/26 Q1010
- WMKA: S Abdul Halim, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKA 200300Z 22002KT 8000 FEW017CB SCT140 BKN280 30/26 Q1010
- WMKB: Buttersworth, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKB 200300Z 32002KT 8000 FEW017CB SCT100 BKN280 30/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WMKD: Kuantan, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKD 200300Z 08004KT 9999 FEW018 SCT160 BKN280 32/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WMKE: Kerteh, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKE 200300Z 13007KT 9999 SCT018 BKN270 32/26 Q1010
- WMKJ: Johore Bharu / Senai, Malaysia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WMKJ 200200Z 12004KT 9999 FEW017CB SCT020 BKN280 30/27 Q1010
- WMKK: Sepang/KL Intl Arpt, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKK 200130Z 17003KT 7000 FEW017CB SCT140 BKN280 29/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WMKL: Langkawi, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKL 200300Z 12004KT 9999 SCT020 SCT140 BKN270 30/26 Q1010
- WMKM: Malacca, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKM 200300Z 18006KT 140V250 9999 FEW017CB SCT140 BKN270 30/26 Q1010
- WMKN: Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia [26°C, 78.8°F]
WMKN 200300Z 10005KT 9999 SCT018 BKN270 32/26 Q1009
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia [27°C, 80.6°F]
WMKP 200300Z 20007KT 170V240 8000 FEW017CB SCT140 BKN270 31/27 Q1010 NOSIG
- WSAP: Singapore / Paya Lebar, Singapore [26°C, 78.8°F]
WSAP 200100Z 14005KT 9999 FEW018 BKN300 30/26 Q1009
- WSSL: Singapore / Seleta, Singapore [26°C, 78.8°F]
WSSL 200000Z 06003KT 9999 FEW016 FEW020TCU BKN300 28/26 Q1009 RMK 2330Z Q1008
- WSSS: Singapore / Changi Airport, Singapore [26°C, 78.8°F]
WSSS 200200Z 12007KT 090V180 9999 FEW016 SCT018TCU BKN300 31/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- YBRM: Broome Airport, Australia [27°C, 80.6°F]
YBRM 200030Z 09007KT CAVOK 28/27 Q1011
0 stations reporting wind gusts 70kt or stronger
2 stations reporting wind gusts 60-69kt
- ENHF: Hammerfest, Norway [66kt, 34m/s]
ENHF 192350Z AUTO VRB15G34KT 9999NDV -RA FEW004/// SCT014/// BKN019/// 01/M01 Q//// RMK WIND 1254FT 31055G66KT
- ENKR: Kirkenes Lufthavn, Norway [65kt, 34m/s]
ENKR 200150Z AUTO 29031G41KT 9999NDV BKN025/// OVC049/// 02/M02 Q1004 RMK WIND 775FT 28054G65KT
ENKR 200120Z AUTO 27029G39KT 9999NDV SCT031/// BKN046/// 02/M03 Q1004 RMK WIND 775FT 27053G63KT
ENKR 200050Z AUTO 27028KT 9999NDV FEW034/// SCT048/// 02/M03 Q1003 REUP RMK WIND 775FT 27049G61KT
5 stations reporting wind gusts 50-59kt
- ENHF: Hammerfest, Norway [55kt, 28m/s]
ENHF 200050Z AUTO VRB05G30KT 9999NDV FEW001/// SCT018/// BKN028/// 01/M04 Q//// RESHRA RMK WIND 1254FT 30044G55KT
- ENKR: Kirkenes Lufthavn, Norway [55kt, 28m/s]
ENKR 200220Z AUTO 30025G35KT 9999NDV FEW015/// BKN022/// 01/M01 Q1006 RMK WIND 775FT 29044G55KT
- ENNA: Banak, Norway [50kt, 25m/s]
ENNA 200150Z 30027KT 9000 -SN FEW003 SCT013 BKN021 01/M03 Q1012 RMK WIND 1800FT 30040G50KT
- KALK: Pioneer Airfield, AZ, United States [58kt, 29m/s]
KALK 200056Z AUTO 24009G58KT 10SM BKN080 OVC110 16/04 A3010 RMK AO2 WSHFT 0022 SLP127 T01610039 TSNO $
KALK 200056Z AUTO 24009G58KT 10SM BKN080 OVC110 16/04 A3010 RMK AO2 WSHFT 0022 SLP127 T01610039 TSNO $
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [51kt, 26m/s]
KMWN 200250Z 34036G51KT 110SM FEW190 M10/M13 RMK BLSN BLO STA ALQDS
KMWN 200250Z 34036G51KT 110SM FEW190 M10/M13
KMWN 200049Z 33047G50KT 100SM SCT010 SCT200 M09/M11 RMK BLSN BLO STA ALQDS
KMWN 200049Z 33047G50KT 100SM SCT010 SCT200 M09/M11
13 stations reporting wind gusts 40-49kt
- CWRO: Rose Spit, Canada [48kt, 24m/s]
CWRO 200100Z AUTO 13034G41KT 08/07 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 6003 PK WND 12047/0034 SLP933 P0005 T00790066 50012
CWRO 200000Z AUTO 13038G48KT 08/06 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 6003 PK WND 12049/2320 SLP933 P0003 T00830061 50053
- CWWL: Bonilla Island, Canada [40kt, 20m/s]
CWWL 200000Z AUTO 16028G40KT 08/06 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 1003 PK WND 16042/2336 SLP947 P0001 T00770061 50014
- CWZV: Cape Saint James, BC, Canada [40kt, 20m/s]
CWZV 200100Z AUTO 23034G40KT 07/05 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 3045 PK WND 23040/0052 SLP987 P0001 T00690050 50002
- ENAT: Alta Lufthavn, Norway [48kt, 24m/s]
ENAT 200120Z AUTO 32025KT 1000NDV R11/P2000N R29/P2000N -SN FEW001/// BKN018/// OVC037/// 01/M02 Q1014 RMK WIND 700FT 32034G44KT
ENAT 200050Z AUTO 33025KT 9999NDV FEW026/// BKN044/// BKN061/// 03/M03 Q1012 RMK WIND 700FT 32036G48KT
ENAT 200020Z AUTO 32025KT 7000NDV -RA FEW002/// SCT016/// BKN024/// 02/M01 Q1011 RMK WIND 700FT 32034G45KT
- ENKR: Kirkenes Lufthavn, Norway [41kt, 21m/s]
ENKR 200150Z AUTO 29031G41KT 9999NDV BKN025/// OVC049/// 02/M02 Q1004 RMK WIND 775FT 28054G65KT
- ENNA: Banak, Norway [40kt, 20m/s]
ENNA 200050Z 29030G40KT 2700 -SN BKN020 02/M02 Q1010 RMK WIND 1800FT 30053KT
- ENTC: Tromso / Langnes, Norway [49kt, 25m/s]
ENTC 200150Z 31014KT 9999 BKN051 02/M03 Q//// RMK WIND 2600FT 31039G49KT
ENTC 192350Z 31019KT 9999 SCT042 03/M02 Q1015 RMK WIND 2600FT 31033G45KT
- KCOE: Coeur D'Alene, ID, United States [43kt, 22m/s]
KCOE 200135Z AUTO 25012G43KT 8SM FEW039 SCT049 BKN055 10/M01 A2993 RMK AO1
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [49kt, 25m/s]
KMWN 200150Z 34041G48KT 100SM FEW010 FEW190 M10/M12 RMK BLSN BLO STA ALQDS
KMWN 200150Z 34041G48KT 100SM FEW010 FEW190 M10/M12
KMWN 192354Z 32045G49KT 90SM BCFG FEW000 BKN010 BKN015 M09/M10 RMK BCFG FEW000 BLSN BLO STA ALQDS BCFG INTMT 4/002 11068 21093
KMWN 192354Z 32045G49KT 90SM BCFG FEW000 BKN010 BKN015 M09/M10
- KONO: Ontario, Ontario Municipal Airport, OR, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KONO 200253Z AUTO 32029G41KT 5SM HZ FEW005 17/M01 A2988 RMK AO2 PK WND 32041/0250 PRESRR SLP121 T01671006 53027
- LICJ: Palermo / Punta Raisi, Italy [49kt, 25m/s]
LICJ 200150Z 19029G40KT CAVOK 20/03 Q1005
LICJ 200120Z 20031G45KT CAVOK 20/02 Q1005
LICJ 200050Z 19033G49KT CAVOK 21/01 Q1005
LICJ 200020Z 20028G43KT CAVOK 20/01 Q1005 WS RWY20
LICJ 200020Z 20028G43KT CAVOK 20/01 Q1005 RMK WS RWY20
LICJ 192350Z 19031G43KT CAVOK 21/01 Q1005 WS RWY20
LICJ 192350Z 19031G43KT CAVOK 21/01 Q1005 RMK WS RWY20
- NZWN: Wellington Airport, New Zealand [41kt, 21m/s]
NZWN 200100Z AUTO 35024G41KT 9999 BKN025/// BKN032/// BKN050/// 18/13 Q0999
- PAKT: Ketchikan, Ketchikan Intl Arpt, AK, United States [40kt, 20m/s]
PAKT 192353Z 12015G24KT 10SM SCT050 OVC070 11/03 A2939 RMK AO2 PK WND 13032/2331 SLP953 ROOF WIND 11030G40KT 60004 T01110028 10122 20067 55007
- CWQS: Kindakun Rocks, B. C., Canada [40kt, 21m/s]
CWQS 200000Z AUTO 17029G34KT 08/06 RMK AO1 4PAST HR 3026 PK WND 17040/2330 SLP908 P0002 T00750059 50022
- CWRO: Rose Spit, Canada [49kt, 25m/s]
CWRO 200200Z AUTO 14032G39KT 08/07 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 3007 PK WND 13041/0112 SLP940 P0003 T00810068 50019
CWRO 200100Z AUTO 13034G41KT 08/07 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 6003 PK WND 12047/0034 SLP933 P0005 T00790066 50012
CWRO 200000Z AUTO 13038G48KT 08/06 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 6003 PK WND 12049/2320 SLP933 P0003 T00830061 50053
- CWWL: Bonilla Island, Canada [44kt, 23m/s]
CWWL 200100Z AUTO 17029G35KT 08/07 RMK AO1 PK WND 16044/0018 SLP957 T00780066 53011
CWWL 200000Z AUTO 16028G40KT 08/06 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 1003 PK WND 16042/2336 SLP947 P0001 T00770061 50014
- CWZV: Cape Saint James, BC, Canada [42kt, 22m/s]
CWZV 200200Z AUTO 24033KT 07/04 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 3050 PK WND 25042/0111 SLP006 P0003 T00680042 50009
CWZV 200100Z AUTO 23034G40KT 07/05 RMK AO1 2PAST HR 3045 PK WND 23040/0052 SLP987 P0001 T00690050 50002
- KONO: Ontario, Ontario Municipal Airport, OR, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KONO 200253Z AUTO 32029G41KT 5SM HZ FEW005 17/M01 A2988 RMK AO2 PK WND 32041/0250 PRESRR SLP121 T01671006 53027
- KSKA: Fairchild AFB, WA, United States [40kt, 21m/s]
KSKA 200058Z AUTO 20013G21KT 10SM FEW065 SCT090 12/M01 A2987 RMK AO2 PK WND 26040/2359 SLP128 T01191006
- KSPD: Springfield, Comanche National Grassland, CO, United States [41kt, 21m/s]
KSPD 192356Z AUTO 20019G25KT 19/06 A2995 RMK AO1 PK WND 21041/2309 SLP101 T01940061 10278 20194 53009
KSPD 192356Z AUTO 20019G25KT 19/06 A2995 RMK AO1 PK WND 21041/2309 SLP101 T01940061 10278 20194 53009
1 station reporting (sustained) wind chill of -55°C or colder
- NZSP: Amundsen-Scott Stn, Antarctica [-79.2°C, -110.5°F]
NZSP 192350Z 08009KT 3200 BR SKC M60/ A2835 RMK CLN AIR 06010KT ALL WNDS GRID
NZSP 192350Z 08009KT 3200 BR SKC M60/ A2835 RMK CLN AIR 06010KT ALL WNDS GRID
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -50°C to -54°C
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -45°C to -49°C
0 stations reporting (sustained) wind chill of -40°C to -44°C
0 stations reporting heat index of 55°C or hotter
0 stations reporting heat index of 50°C to 54°C
0 stations reporting heat index of 45°C to 49°C
17 stations reporting heat index of 40°C to 44°C
- WMAU: Mersing, Malaysia [44.1°C, 111.3°F]
WMAU 200200Z 11003KT 9999 TS FEW017CB SCT020 BKN270 32/28 Q//// QFF1010
- WALL: Sepinggan, Indonesia [43.8°C, 110.8°F]
WALL 200300Z 15002KT 9999 FEW018CB SCT020 33/27 Q1010 NOSIGRMK CB TO S
- PTKK: Weno Island, Chuuk Int. Airp., Micronesia [42.3°C, 108.1°F]
PTKK 200052Z 01007KT 15SM FEW014CB SCT120 BKN280 31/28 A2983 RMK CB S-SW-W MOV S SLP105 T03060275
PTKK 200052Z 01007KT 15SM FEW014CB SCT120 BKN280 31/28 A2983
- VTUK: Khon Kaen, Thailand [42.1°C, 107.7°F]
VTUK 200300Z 20004KT 120V280 9000 NSC 33/26 Q1010 A2983 RWY03 INFO E
- VTPH: Hua Hin, Thailand [42.1°C, 107.7°F]
VTPH 200300Z 13007KT CAVOK 33/26 Q1009 NOSIG
- VTBD: Don Muang, Thailand [41.9°C, 107.4°F]
VTBD 200300Z 16009KT 130V200 9999 FEW020 SCT300 34/25 Q1010 NOSIG
- WMKN: Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WMKN 200300Z 10005KT 9999 SCT018 BKN270 32/26 Q1009
- WMKE: Kerteh, Malaysia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WMKE 200300Z 13007KT 9999 SCT018 BKN270 32/26 Q1010
- WMKD: Kuantan, Malaysia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WMKD 200300Z 08004KT 9999 FEW018 SCT160 BKN280 32/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- WAAA: Ujung Pandang / Hasanuddin, Indonesia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WAAA 200300Z 32006KT 270V360 9999 SCT020 32/26 Q1010
- VVTS: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
VVTS 200300Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN017 32/26 Q1010 NOSIG
VVTS 200300Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN017 32/26 Q1010 NOSIG
- AGGH: Honiara / Henderson, Solomon Islands [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
AGGH 200300Z 05015KT 9999 HZ FEW020 SCT300 32/26 Q1008
AGGH 200200Z 07016KT 9999 HZ FEW020 32/26 Q1008
- WMKP: Penang / Bayan Lepas, Malaysia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WMKP 200300Z 20007KT 170V240 8000 FEW017CB SCT140 BKN270 31/27 Q1010 NOSIG
- WADL: Bandara, Indonesia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WADL 200300Z 00000KT 9000 SCT016 31/27 Q1010
- WBKK: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
WBKK 200300Z 27003KT 9999 FEW015 BKN300 33/25 Q1010 NOSIG
WBKK 200230Z 27003KT 9999 FEW015 BKN300 33/25 Q1010 NOSIG
- VTPP: Phitsanulok, Thailand [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
VTPP 200300Z 18010KT 7000 FEW030 SCT300 33/25 Q1009
- VTUW: Nakhon Phanom, Thailand [40.6°C, 105.0°F]
VTUW 200300Z 13003KT 6000 FEW035 SCT300 34/24 Q1009 A2980 RWY15 INFO B
0 stations reporting sea level pressure < 950mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 950mb - 960mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 960mb - 969mb
1 station reporting sea level pressure 970mb - 979mb
- KU16: Eagle Range, UT, United States [976.2mb, 28.82in]
KU16 200158Z AUTO 16005KT BKN100 20/01 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP764 T02000011 $
KU16 200158Z AUTO 16005KT BKN100 20/01 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP764 T02000011 $
KU16 200058Z AUTO 25008KT CLR 21/M01 A2993 RMK AO2 SLP763 T02111011 $
KU16 200058Z AUTO 25008KT CLR 21/M01 A2993 RMK AO2 SLP763 T02111011 $
KU16 192358Z AUTO 18008KT CLR 22/M01 A2993 RMK AO2 SLP762 T02221011 10228 20178 56014 $
KU16 192358Z AUTO 18008KT CLR 22/M01 A2993 RMK AO2 SLP762 T02221011 10228 20178 56014 $
0 stations reporting sea level pressure >= 1070mb
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1060-1069mb
2 stations reporting sea level pressure 1050-1059mb
- KASH: Nashua / Boire Field, NH, United States [1054.8mb, 31.14in]
KASH 200251Z AUTO 35007KT 10SM CLR 07/M04 A3039 RMK AO2 50019 T00661044 SLP547
KASH 200151Z AUTO 35007KT 10SM CLR 08/M04 A3040 RMK AO2 T00771038 SLP548
KASH 200051Z 35007KT 10SM CLR 08/M04 A3037 RMK AO2 T00831038 SLP540
KASH 192351Z 35007KT 10SM CLR 10/M04 A3033 RMK AO2 53029 T01001038 10166 20100 SLP528
- PMDY: Sand/Midway Islands, HI, United States [1054.3mb, 31.13in]
PMDY 200256Z AUTO 14010KT CLR 24/21 A3019 RMK AO2 TSNO 56012 T02440205 SLP532 $
PMDY 200156Z AUTO 13012KT CLR 24/21 A3019 RMK AO2 TSNO T02380205 SLP533 $
PMDY 200056Z AUTO 14010KT CLR 24/21 A3021 RMK AO2 TSNO T02440205 SLP540 $
PMDY 192356Z AUTO 14009KT CLR 24/21 A3022 RMK AO2 TSNO 58000 60001 T02440205 10244 20216 SLP543 $
0 stations reporting sea level pressure 1040-1049mb
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 10mb or greater
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure fall of 5mb to 9.9mb
10 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 5mb to 9.9mb
- CWKK: Katatota Island, Canada [6.5mb]
CWKK 200000Z AUTO 18006KT 01/M00 RMK AO1 SOG 31 7018 SLP189 T00091003 50065
- CWRO: Rose Spit, Canada [5.3mb]
CWRO 200000Z AUTO 13038G48KT 08/06 RMK AO1 7PAST HR 6003 PK WND 12049/2320 SLP933 P0003 T00830061 50053
- CWSK: Squamish Airport, B. C, Canada [7.1mb]
CWSK 200300Z AUTO 15005KT 07/06 RMK AO1 5PAST HR 1021 SLP128 P0006 T00690060 50071
CWSK 200200Z AUTO 14005KT 07/06 RMK AO1 5PAST HR 3020 SLP122 P0010 T00720061 50056
- CWWA: W Vancouver, Canada [5.7mb]
CWWA 200300Z AUTO 03002KT 08/07 RMK AO1 9PAST HR 1016 SLP143 P0004 T00770067 50057
- CWZL: Cumshewa Island, Canada [5.5mb]
CWZL 200300Z AUTO 17018KT 07/06 RMK AO1 PRESRR PK WND 17025/0210 SLP980 T00710056 53055
- CXCA: Cameron Falls, ON, Canada [7.7mb]
CXCA 200000Z AUTO 17012G22KT 01/M00 RMK AO1 3PAST HR SOG 35 6018 PK WND 17024/2314 SLP207 P0001 T00061001 50077
- KBKE: Baker City, Baker City Municipal Airport, OR, United States [5.0mb]
KBKE 200253Z AUTO 34022G28KT 10SM CLR 10/01 A3000 RMK AO2 PK WND 32032/0201 SLP165 T01000011 51050 TSNO
- KFST: Fort Stockton, Fort Stockton-Pecos County Airport, TX, United States [5.8mb]
KFST 200253Z AUTO 11011KT 10SM BKN060 17/13 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW AND W SLP146 60055 T01670133 51058
- KLGD: La Grande, OR, United States [5.4mb]
KLGD 200255Z AUTO 35008KT 10SM SCT046 BKN120 11/00 A3003 RMK AO1 52054
- KP69: Lowell, ID, United States [6.0mb]
KP69 200252Z AUTO VRB03KT 17/M02 A2996 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP149 T01721017 53060
KP69 200252Z AUTO VRB03KT 17/M02 A2996 RMK AO1 PRESRR SLP149 T01721017 53060
0 stations reporting 3-hourly pressure rise of 10mb or greater
3 stations reporting heavy snow
- K0CO: Berthoud Pass, CO, United States
K0CO 200315Z AUTO 30010KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M08 A3036 RMK AO2
K0CO 200255Z AUTO 26009KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M03/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0002
K0CO 200235Z AUTO 24014KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M03/M08 A3033 RMK AO2 P0001
K0CO 200215Z AUTO 23015G19KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 P0001
K0CO 200155Z AUTO 23008KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0006
K0CO 200135Z AUTO 23003KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0005
K0CO 200055Z AUTO M1/4SM +SN OVC003 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0008
K0CO 200015Z AUTO M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 P0003
K0CO 192355Z AUTO 10011KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2
- K4BM: Wilkerson Pass, CO, United States
K4BM 200033Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 01/00 A3031 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
- KCCU: Copper Mountain, Red Cliff Pass, CO, United States
KCCU 200316Z AUTO 26009KT M1/4SM +SN OVC002 01/M01 A3033 RMK AO2
3 stations reporting any sleet
- BGSS: Sisimiut, Greenland
BGSS 200250Z AUTO 08004KT 0800NDV SN VV006/// M10/M12 Q1011 REPL
BGSS 200220Z AUTO 09006KT 0750NDV SHPL VV004/// M10/M12 Q1011
BGSS 200150Z AUTO 08006KT 0800NDV -SHPL OVC009/// M10/M13 Q1011 RESHSN
- CYIV: Island Lake, Man., Canada
CYIV 200200Z 13005KT 3SM -RAPL BR OVC010 00/00 A2967 RMK SC8 SLP062
CYIV 200100Z CCA 13007KT 4SM -RAPL BR OVC010 01/01 A2967 RMK SC8 SLP063
CYIV 200100Z 13007KT 4SM -RAPL OVC010 01/01 A2967 RMK SC8 SLP063
- CYPL: Pickle Lake Man, Canada
CYPL 200100Z 17014G23KT 15SM PL OVC008 00/M00 A2987 RMK SF8 SLP135
CYPL 200055Z 17014KT 15SM -PL OVC008 00/M00 A2987 RMK SF8 SLP138
8 stations reporting any freezing rain
- BGKK: Kulusuk Lufthavn, Greenland
BGKK 200120Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999NDV -SN NCD ///// Q1001 REFZRA
- CYLH: Landsdowne House, Ont, Canada
CYLH 200139Z AUTO 16010G19KT 2 1/2SM -SN FZRA BKN010 OVC016 00/M01 A2999 RMK VIS VRB 1 1/4-3 ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP170
CYLH 200138Z AUTO 16010G19KT 3SM -SN FZRA BKN010 OVC016 00/M01 A2999 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP170
CYLH 200136Z AUTO 16011G19KT 4SM FZRA BR BKN010 OVC016 00/M01 A2998 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP169
CYLH 200133Z AUTO 15011G19KT 120V190 6SM FZRA BR BKN010 OVC016 00/M01 A2999 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP170
CYLH 200114Z AUTO 16011G22KT 5SM FZRA BR SCT010 BKN016 OVC020 00/M01 A2999 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP172
CYLH 200113Z AUTO 15012G22KT 6SM FZRA BR SCT010 BKN016 OVC020 00/M01 A2999 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP172
- KP58: Port Hope, MI, United States
- PABA: Barter Island, Barter Island LRRS Airport, AK, United States
- PAIW: Wales, AK, United States
- PASY: Shemya, Eareckson As, AK, United States
- PATE: Teller, AK, United States
- PFKT: Brevig Mission Airport, AK, United States
23 stations reporting heavy rain
- KARW: Beaufort, SC, United States
KARW 200235Z AUTO 34006KT 4SM +RA OVC009 13/13 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N THRU SE
- KAZE: Hazelhurst, GA, United States
KAZE 192355Z AUTO 35005KT 4SM +RA OVC009 14/14 A3003 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E T01420141 10301 20037
- KBBP: Bennettsville, SC, United States
KBBP 200315Z AUTO 35007KT 4SM +RA SCT020 OVC029 10/10 A3016 RMK AO2 P0005
- KCLT: Charlotte, Charlotte / Douglas Intl Arpt, NC, United States
KCLT 192352Z 36005KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW009 OVC045 11/11 A3019 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 3 SLP224 P0025 60080 T01110106 10111 20100 53012
KCLT 192352Z 36005KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR FEW009 OVC045 11/11 A3019
- KEYF: Elizabethtown, Curtis L Brown Jr. Field Airport, NC, United States
KEYF 200235Z AUTO 02004KT 5SM +RA BKN008 BKN011 OVC018 09/09 A3014 RMK AO2 P0001 T00920091
- KEZM: Eastman, Heart of Georgia Regional Airport, United States
KEZM 200015Z AUTO 02007G14KT 7SM +RA OVC009 15/15 A3009 RMK AO2 T01510151
- KGNC: Seminole, Gaines County Airport, TX, United States
KGNC 200315Z AUTO 10022G25KT 4SM +RA SCT027 BKN038 OVC070 15/14 A3009 RMK AO2 P0004 T01480137
- KHXD: Hilton Head, SC, United States
KHXD 200235Z AUTO 36013G21KT 1 1/2SM +RA BKN001 BKN011 OVC018 13/13 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E P0029
KHXD 200155Z AUTO 35013G18KT 3/4SM VCTS +RA BKN001 OVC010 14/13 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N AND NE P0034
- KINK: Wink, Winkler County Airport, TX, United States
KINK 200153Z AUTO 01007KT 10SM VCTS +RA OVC065 16/16 A3010 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS TSE52 SLP166 P0021 T01610156
KINK 200153Z AUTO 01007KT 10SM VCTS +RA OVC065 16/16 A3010
- KJES: Jesup Wayne County, GA, United States
KJES 200015Z AUTO 03005KT 10SM +RA OVC007 14/14 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE AND E
- KLBT: Lumberton, NC, United States
KLBT 200239Z AUTO 02011KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT008 SCT016 OVC028 09/08 A3013 RMK AO2 RAB06 P0011 T00940083
- KLHW: Ft. Stewart, GA, United States
KLHW 200058Z AUTO 04017G25KT 2SM R33/3000FT +RA BR OVC034 14/14 A2999 RMK AO2 PK WND 02026/34 VIS 1 1/2V2 TSE2359B0030E0045 SLP159 P0803 T01360136
KLHW 200049Z AUTO 02013G24KT 1 3/4SM R33/2800FT +RA BR FEW007 OVC030 14/14 A2999 RMK AO2 VIS 1 1/4V1 3/4 LTG DSNT SE TSE2359B0030E0045
KLHW 200044Z AUTO 03018G26KT 1 1/4SM R33/2600FT +RA BR SCT006 OVC028 14/14 A2999 RMK AO2 VIS 1 1/4V3 LTG DSNT SE TSE2359B0030 CIG 006V033
KLHW 200014Z AUTO 36009KT 4SM R33/4500FT +RA BR BKN005 OVC029 14/14 A3000 RMK AO2 TSE2359
KLHW 192359Z AUTO 36010KT 9SM +RA BKN006 BKN020 OVC026 14/14 A3000 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW TSE2333B2337 CIG 006V019 BKN006 V SCT
- KNBT: Piney Island, Bt-11 Bombing Range, NC, United States
KNBT 200016Z AUTO 01017G22KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR OVC007 12/12 A3013 RMK AO2 CIG 005V009 T01220117 PNO $
KNBT 200016Z AUTO 01017G22KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR OVC007 12/12 A3013 RMK AO2 CIG 005V009 T01220117 PNO $
- KNJM: Swansboro, Bogue Field, Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field, NC, United States
KNJM 200211Z AUTO 02013G19KT 3SM +RA BR BKN006 OVC043 10/09 A3012 RMK AO2 P0004 T01000089
KNJM 200211Z AUTO 02013G19KT 3SM +RA BR BKN006 OVC043 10/09 A3012 RMK AO2 P0004 T01000089
KNJM 200157Z AUTO 02014G22KT 2SM +RA BR SCT006 SCT010 OVC043 10/09 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP202 P0038 T01000089
KNJM 200157Z AUTO 02014G22KT 2SM +RA BR SCT006 SCT010 OVC043 10/09 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP202 P0038 T01000089
KNJM 200052Z AUTO 02015G23KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR SCT006 BKN031 OVC050 10/09 A3011 RMK AO2 SLP200 P0011 T01000089
KNJM 200052Z AUTO 02015G23KT 2 1/2SM +RA BR SCT006 BKN031 OVC050 10/09 A3011 RMK AO2 SLP200 P0011 T01000089
- KRBW: Walterboro, SC, United States
KRBW 200015Z AUTO 01007KT 1 1/2SM +RA BKN008 OVC020 12/ A3005 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE THRU SW
- KRNH: New Richmond, WI, United States
KRNH 200315Z AUTO 27005KT 7SM +RA SCT018 BKN060 OVC080 12/09 A3002 RMK AO2 T01210088
- KRNT: Renton, Renton Municipal Airport, WA, United States
KRNT 200023Z 18013G18KT 5SM +RA SCT020 BKN029 OVC046 11/08 A2998 RMK AO2 RAB12 P0004 T01110083
KRNT 200023Z 18013G18KT 5SM +RA SCT020 BKN029 OVC046 11/08 A2998
- KTBR: Statesboro, Statesboro-Bulloch County Airport, GA, United States
KTBR 200155Z AUTO 36006KT 4SM +RA OVC007 13/13 A3009 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND SE T01270127
- LFOE: Evreux, France
LFOE 200000Z AUTO VRB02KT 8000 +SHRADZ NSC 08/07 Q1007
- LPFR: Faro / Aeroporto, Portugal
LPFR 200130Z 14003KT 090V210 5000 +RA FEW007 SCT016 BKN038 14/14 Q1008
- PTKR: Koror, Palau, NWS Office, Palau
PTKR 200117Z 06008KT 1SM +SHRA OVC014CB 26/25 A2981 RMK CB ALQDS AND OHD
PTKR 200117Z 06008KT 1SM +SHRA OVC014CB 26/25 A2981
- PTYA: Yap Island, Yap Int. Airp., Micronesia
PTYA 200242Z 03007KT 2SM TS +SHRA BKN015CB OVC120 26/25 A2975 RMK TSB42 NE MOV N
PTYA 200242Z 03007KT 2SM TS +SHRA BKN015CB OVC120 26/25 A2975
PTYA 200237Z 32007KT 2SM +SHRA BKN015CB OVC120 26/25 A2975 RMK CB VC ALQDS
PTYA 200237Z 32007KT 2SM +SHRA BKN015CB OVC120 26/25 A2975
PTYA 200159Z VRB05KT 4SM +SHRA BKN016CB OVC130 26/25 A2976 RMK CB VC ALQDS
PTYA 200159Z VRB05KT 4SM +SHRA BKN016CB OVC130 26/25 A2976
PTYA 200152Z 34007KT 2SM +SHRA BKN016CB OVC130 26/25 A2976 RMK CB VC ALQDS SLP078 T02600245
PTYA 200152Z 34007KT 2SM +SHRA BKN016CB OVC130 26/25 A2976
- RJFM: Miyazaki Airport, Japan
RJFM 200014Z 11013KT 2200 R27/0900V1800U +SHRA BR FEW004 SCT008 BKN010 16/14 Q1015 RMK 1ST004 3ST008 5ST010 A3000
RJFM 200008Z 10014KT 2500 R27/0900VP1800D +SHRA BR FEW004 SCT008 BKN010 16/14 Q1016 RMK 1ST004 3ST008 5ST010 A3000 RI++
RJFM 200005Z 11015KT 4000 R27/1000VP1800D +SHRA BR FEW004 SCT010 BKN015 16/14 Q1016 RMK 1ST004 3ST010 6CU015 A3001 RI++
RJFM 200004Z 11015KT 4000 +SHRA BR FEW004 SCT010 BKN015 16/15 Q1016 RMK 1ST004 3ST010 6CU015 A3001 RI++
4 stations reporting unknown precipitation type
- CYLH: Landsdowne House, Ont, Canada
CYLH 200155Z AUTO 15007G21KT 120V190 9SM -RA UP BKN008 OVC012 00/M01 A2997 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP166
CYLH 200154Z AUTO 16007G21KT 120V200 8SM -RA UP SCT008 OVC012 00/M01 A2997 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP166
CYLH 200153Z AUTO 16007G21KT 120V200 7SM -RA UP OVC010 00/M01 A2997 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP166
CYLH 200152Z AUTO 15009G21KT 120V200 5SM -RA UP BR OVC010 00/M01 A2997 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP166
CYLH 200151Z AUTO 15011G21KT 120V200 3SM -SNRA UP BKN010 OVC018 00/M01 A2998 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP167
CYLH 200148Z AUTO 15012G17KT 120V200 1 3/4SM -SN UP BKN010 OVC018 00/M01 A2998 RMK ICG MAX WND 13022KT AT 0113Z SLP167
CYLH 200104Z AUTO 15012G26KT 7SM -RA UP BKN014 OVC020 00/M01 A3000 RMK MAX WND 16021KT AT 0103Z SLP174
CYLH 200100Z AUTO 16014G26KT 120V180 8SM UP BKN016 OVC023 00/M01 A2999 RMK MAX WND 16026KT AT 0100Z PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR SLP173
CYLH 200057Z AUTO 15013G21KT 120V180 9SM UP BKN016 OVC023 00/M01 A2999 RMK MAX WND 14023KT AT 0017Z PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR SLP174
CYLH 200053Z AUTO 16011G21KT 9SM -SN UP SCT014 BKN019 OVC023 00/M01 A3000 RMK MAX WND 14023KT AT 0017Z PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR SLP176
CYLH 200052Z AUTO 16012G21KT 9SM -SNRA UP BKN014 OVC023 00/M01 A3000 RMK MAX WND 14023KT AT 0017Z PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR SLP177
CYLH 192349Z AUTO 14012G19KT 5SM -SNRA UP BKN007 OVC013 00/M01 A3003 RMK MAX WND 16023KT AT 2312Z PCPN 0.8MM PAST HR SLP188
CYLH 192348Z AUTO 14012G19KT 5SM -RA UP BR FEW007 BKN013 OVC044 00/M01 A3003 RMK MAX WND 16023KT AT 2312Z PCPN 0.8MM PAST HR SLP187
CYLH 192346Z AUTO 14009G19KT 5SM -RA UP BR BKN009 BKN013 OVC044 00/M01 A3004 RMK MAX WND 16023KT AT 2312Z PCPN 0.5MM PAST HR SLP189
- KMYP: Salida Mountain, Monarch Pass, CO, United States
KMYP 200301Z AUTO 25012KT 10SM UP SCT023 BKN050 OVC065 00/M02 A3042 RMK AO2
KMYP 200256Z AUTO 26011KT 10SM UP SCT018 BKN039 OVC055 00/M02 A3042 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT W
- PAQT: Nuiqsut, Nuiqsut Airport, AK, United States
PAQT 200253Z AUTO 03006KT 10SM UP CLR M14/M16 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP179 P0000 60000 T11391156 52006 TSNO
PAQT 200153Z AUTO 04008KT 10SM UP CLR M13/M15 A3005 RMK AO2 UPB28 SLP177 P0000 T11281150 TSNO
PAUT 200035Z AUTO 31025G33KT 7SM UP SCT014 BKN022 OVC033 03/00 A2961 RMK AO2 T00260004
0 stations reporting ice accretion in the past 1 hour
0 stations reporting ice accretion in the past 3 hours
0 stations reporting ice accretion in the past 6 hours
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 3+"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 2"
0 stations reporting hourly snow depth increase (SNINCR) of 1"
1 station reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 3" or greater
- KLHW: Ft. Stewart, GA, United States [8.03in]
KLHW 200058Z AUTO 04017G25KT 2SM R33/3000FT +RA BR OVC034 14/14 A2999 RMK AO2 PK WND 02026/34 VIS 1 1/2V2 TSE2359B0030E0045 SLP159 P0803 T01360136
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
0 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 1-1.99"
2 stations reporting hourly (melted) precip total of 0.5-0.99"
- KFST: Fort Stockton, Fort Stockton-Pecos County Airport, TX, United States [0.52in]
KFST 200053Z AUTO 10011G22KT 1 1/4SM +TSRA SCT024 BKN046 OVC070 16/13 A3007 RMK AO2 PK WND 11037/0016 WSHFT 0023 LTG DSNT ALQDS RAB14 TSB17E32B34 SLP151 P0052 T01560128
- KHXD: Hilton Head, SC, United States [0.50in]
KHXD 200255Z AUTO 35015G20KT 3SM -RA SCT001 BKN011 OVC049 13/13 A3005 RMK AO2 P0050
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 5" or greater
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 4-4.99"
0 stations reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 3-3.99"
1 station reporting 3 or 6 hourly (melted) precip total of 2-2.99"
- MMAN: Aerop. Internacional Monterrey, N. L., Mexico [2.55in]
MMAN 200240Z 10015KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR OVC003 19/19 A3006 RMK SLP154 52010 967 60255 8/7// -DZE10B-RA
0 stations reporting tornado, funnel cloud or waterspout
0 stations reporting mammatus cloud
0 stations reporting hail
5 stations reporting thundersnow
- K0CO: Berthoud Pass, CO, United States
K0CO 200255Z AUTO 26009KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M03/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0002
K0CO 200155Z AUTO 23008KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0006
K0CO 200135Z AUTO 23003KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0005
K0CO 200115Z AUTO M1/4SM -SN OVC003 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0003
K0CO 200055Z AUTO M1/4SM +SN OVC003 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0008
K0CO 200035Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM -SN OVC003 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0008
- K4BM: Wilkerson Pass, CO, United States
K4BM 200054Z AUTO 33004KT M1/4SM SN OVC001 00/00 A3031 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S
K4BM 200033Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 01/00 A3031 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
- K5SM: Sunlight, CO, United States
K5SM 200257Z AUTO 21003KT 10SM SCT022 SCT028 OVC055 03/01 A3029 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S AND SW
K5SM 200138Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM OVC055 03/01 A3027 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S
K5SM 200118Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM OVC055 03/01 A3026 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S
K5SM 200058Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM SCT021 SCT030 OVC055 04/01 A3027 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S
K5SM 200038Z AUTO 00000KT 7SM -SN BKN010 OVC021 03/01 A3027 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S
- KCCU: Copper Mountain, Red Cliff Pass, CO, United States
KCCU 200256Z AUTO 20003KT 1/4SM SN OVC004 01/00 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT W
KCCU 200136Z AUTO 27008KT 1/2SM -SN OVC002 01/00 A3031 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
- KMYP: Salida Mountain, Monarch Pass, CO, United States
KMYP 200256Z AUTO 26011KT 10SM UP SCT018 BKN039 OVC055 00/M02 A3042 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT W
KMYP 200146Z AUTO 20006KT 7SM -SN SCT006 BKN033 OVC040 00/M01 A3041 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND SE
KMYP 200111Z AUTO 05006KT 10SM SCT015 BKN035 OVC043 01/M01 A3040 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE
KMYP 200051Z AUTO 30007KT 10SM SCT015 BKN041 OVC060 01/M01 A3040 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
KMYP 200036Z AUTO 29005KT 10SM SCT024 BKN033 OVC060 02/M01 A3040 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
0 stations reporting thundersleet
38 stations reporting thunder with rain
- FCPP: Pointe-Noire, Congo
FCPP 200000Z 08005KT 9999 -TSRA SCT010 OVC020 FEW030CB 26/23 Q1010 NOSIG
- FKKD: Douala Obs., Cameroon
FKKD 200000Z 00000KT 6000 -TSRA FEW006 BKN013 SCT016CB 26/25 Q1011
- KAIK: Aiken, SC, United States
KAIK 200115Z AUTO 03013G17KT 10SM -VCTSRA BKN011 OVC021 12/12 A3015 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE PNO
- KALM: Alamogordo-White, NM, United States
KALM 200015Z AUTO 18025G31KT 6SM -TSRA FEW042 SCT050 OVC070 15/09 A3008 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0001
- KARW: Beaufort, SC, United States
KARW 200215Z AUTO 36006KT 10SM -TSRA BKN009 OVC013 13/13 A3005 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE THRU S
- KBHC: Baxley Airport, GA, United States
KBHC 192355Z AUTO 36009KT 10SM -TSRA OVC006 15/13 A2999 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E AND SE
- KCNM: Carlsbad, Cavern City Air Terminal Airport, NM, United States
KCNM 200116Z AUTO 27012KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR FEW027 SCT033 OVC043 16/13 A3008 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N AND NE RAB0057 TSB09 P0016 T01560133
- KDCM: Chester, SC, United States
KDCM 192355Z AUTO 03014G21KT 10SM -VCTSRA BKN009 BKN015 OVC023 A3017 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE
- KE11: Andrews, TX, United States
KE11 200315Z AUTO 17005KT 5SM VCTSRA SCT060 BKN070 OVC080 15/15 A3018 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N P0008 T01520145
- KE80: Alexander, NM, United States
KE80 200235Z AUTO 19004KT 10SM -VCTSRA BKN060 OVC065 11/09 A3012 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0002 T01100090
- KFST: Fort Stockton, Fort Stockton-Pecos County Airport, TX, United States
KFST 200100Z AUTO 13018G22KT 3SM TSRA FEW028 BKN046 OVC110 16/12 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0003 T01610122
- KFZG: Fitzgerald, GA, United States
KFZG 192355Z AUTO 02009G14KT 5SM -VCTSRA OVC007 15/15 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E T01450145
- KGGE: Georgetown, SC, United States
KGGE 200315Z AUTO 01010KT 4SM VCTSRA OVC006 11/11 A3007 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NE THRU SW P0001
- KHLC: Hill City, Hill City Municipal Airport, KS, United States
KHLC 200221Z AUTO 30009G18KT 10SM -TSRA OVC090 20/11 A2995 RMK AO2 PK WND 23030/0204 WSHFT 0201 LTG DSNT NE AND SW RAB04 P0000 T02000111
- KHMN: Holloman AFB, NM, United States
KHMN 200101Z AUTO 09016KT 4SM -TSRA BR BKN020 13/11 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N RAB0018DZB0014E0018 TSB0031 CIG 011V020 PRESFR $
- KHOB: Hobbs / Lea County, NM, United States
KHOB 200135Z AUTO 12005KT 4SM -TSRA FEW029 SCT037 BKN043 14/14 A3011 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0003
- KHOE: Homerville, GA, United States
KHOE 192355Z AUTO 34008KT 5SM -VCTSRA OVC009 15/15 A3001 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E
- KHXD: Hilton Head, SC, United States
KHXD 200215Z AUTO 35012G16KT 2SM -TSRA BKN001 OVC009 13/13 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0013
- KINK: Wink, Winkler County Airport, TX, United States
KINK 200053Z AUTO VRB04KT 10SM TSRA SCT060 OVC085 18/14 A3004 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS TSB29 SLP142 P0006 T01830139
- KJYL: Sylvania, Plantation Airpark, GA, United States
KJYL 200115Z AUTO 04013G17KT 3SM -VCTSRA BKN009 OVC019 14/12 A3006 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT E THRU S T01400122
- KLHW: Ft. Stewart, GA, United States
KLHW 200040Z AUTO 02020G26KT 1 3/4SM R33/3000FT +TSRA BR SCT006 OVC031 14/14 A2999 RMK AO2 VIS 1 3/4V6 LTG DSNT SE TSE2359B0030
- KMAF: Midland, Midland Intl Arpt, TX, United States
KMAF 200153Z 16008KT 5SM TSRA FEW050 FEW060 OVC080 18/14 A3011 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS RAB18 TSB46 SLP165 P0006 T01830144
- KMDD: Midland, Midland Airpark, TX, United States
KMDD 200235Z AUTO 16007KT 7SM TSRA SCT029 BKN041 OVC075 18/15 A3014 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQS P0012 T01770148
- KODO: Odessa, Odessa-Schlemeyer Field, TX, United States
KODO 200133Z AUTO 15011KT 6SM -TSRA SCT050 OVC080 19/13 A3010 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS TSB27 PRESRR P0003 T01890133
- KOGB: Orangeburg, Orangeburg Municipal Airport, SC, United States
KOGB 200226Z AUTO 02010G17KT 7SM -TSRA BKN009 OVC015 12/09 A3012 RMK AO2 TSB20 CIG 007V013 P0009 T01170094
- KONM: Socorro Municipal, NM, United States
KONM 200215Z AUTO 24006KT 10SM -VCTSRA SCT070 OVC085 14/10 A3010 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW T01430098
- KPEQ: Pecos, Pecos Municipal Airport, TX, United States
KPEQ 200115Z AUTO 03013G23KT 5SM VCTSRA SCT019 BKN029 OVC033 15/13 A3002 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT NW THRU E P0004 T01520133
- KRBW: Walterboro, SC, United States
KRBW 200135Z AUTO 36010G15KT 2 1/2SM +VCTSRA OVC005 12/ A3007 RMK AO2 VIS 3/4V5 LTG DSNT SE THRU NW
- KSVN: Hunter U. S. Army Airfield, GA, United States
KSVN 200058Z AUTO 00000KT 2 1/2SM R10/3500FT TSRA BR BKN003 OVC012 14/13 A3005 RMK AO2 RAB0000 TSB0028 SLP179 P0027 T01370134
- LYPG: Podgorica Titograd, Serbia and Montenegro
LYPG 200300Z 11004KT 060V170 9999 TSRA FEW016 FEW026CB BKN030 11/11 Q1009 NOSIG
- LYTV: Tivat, Serbia and Montenegro
LYTV 200030Z 14008KT 100V190 6000 -TSRA FEW023CB SCT030 BKN040 12/11 Q1009
- MMQT: Queretaro, Qro., Mexico
MMQT 200112Z 06005KT 5SM TSRA BKN020CB BKN110 OVC250 20/09 A3023 RMK 8/967 PCPN B10
- MMTO: Toluca / Jose Maria, Mexico
MMTO 200241Z 28006KT 5SM -TSRA BKN015CB BKN070 BKN200 15/06 A3040 RMK 8/963 LTG OCNL
- PGWT: Tinian Island, GU, United States
- SBDN: Presidente Prudente, Brazil
SBDN 200000Z 18010KT 9000 -TSRA SCT006 FEW040CB OVC080 20/18 Q1019
- SBSP: Sao Paulo/Congonhas Aeroporto, Brazil
SBSP 200300Z 20010KT 6000 -TSRA BKN006 OVC008 FEW045CB 20/18 Q1 021
- SKAR: Armenia / El Eden, Colombia
SKAR 200100Z 00000KT 9999 SCT020CB SCT100 21/20 A3003 RETSRA RMK CB-LTNG/SW
- SKUC: Arauca / Santiago Perez, Colombia
0 stations reporting blizzard conditions
0 stations reporting near-blizzard conditions
1 station reporting visibility of zero
- LIVC: Monte Cimone, Italy
LIVC 200255Z 03012KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M01/M02 Q1005 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 200155Z 03015KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M01/M02 Q1005 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 200055Z 05016KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M01/M02 Q1005 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
LIVC 192355Z 06032KT 0000 FZFG VV000 M01/M02 Q1005 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0000
20 stations reporting visibility 1/8 mile or less, but not zero
- CWFD: Cape Dyer, NT, Canada [1/8mile]
CWFD 200148Z AUTO 04004KT 1/8SM CLR M19/ A2954 RMK ICG PAST HR
CWFD 200108Z AUTO 02004KT 1/8SM CLR M19/ A2953 RMK ICG
- CWUW: Dewar Lakes, NT, Canada [1/8mile]
CWUW 200300Z AUTO 14002KT 1/8SM OVC057 OVC067 OVC084 M21/ A2972 RMK SLP134
CWUW 200247Z AUTO 15002KT 1/8SM OVC057 OVC067 OVC077 M21/ A2973
CWUW 200200Z AUTO 35002KT 1/8SM OVC083 M20/ A2973 RMK ICG PAST HR SLP139
CWUW 200112Z AUTO 25003KT 1/8SM OVC072 M19/ A2973 RMK ICG PAST HR
CWUW 200100Z AUTO 28003KT 1/8SM OVC072 M19/ A2973 RMK ICG SLP137
CWUW 200029Z AUTO 27003KT 1/8SM OVC068 OVC075 M19/ A2973 RMK ICG
CWUW 200024Z AUTO 24004KT 1/8SM OVC036 OVC062 OVC075 M19/ A2973
- EDNY: Friedrichshafen, Germany [50meters]
EDNY 200320Z VRB01KT 0050 R24/0225N FG FEW000 04/03 Q1006
EDNY 200259Z AUTO VRB02KT 0100 R24/0250N FG FEW001 04/03 Q1006
EDNY 200250Z AUTO 14003KT 0200 0100/ R24/0375V0500N FG FEW001 04/03 Q1006
- EGPO: Stornoway, United Kingdom [200meters]
EGPO 200250Z AUTO 00000KT 0200 BCFG NCD 01/M00 Q1018
- ENEK: Ekofisk Oil Platform, Norway [200meters]
ENEK 200320Z 06013KT 0200 FG VV002 05/05 Q1021 W08/S3
ENEK 200250Z 07014KT 0200 FG VV002 05/05 Q1021 W08/S3
ENEK 200220Z 06013KT 0200 FG VV002 06/05 Q1022 W08/S3
- ETHL: Laupheim, Germany [150meters]
ETHL 200220Z AUTO 08003KT 0150 // ////// 06/06 Q1006 ///
- ETSA: Landsberg, Germany [50meters]
ETSA 200220Z AUTO 05005KT 0050 // ////// 06/05 Q1006 ///
- ETSL: Lechfeld, Germany [200meters]
ETSL 200320Z VRB01KT 0200 FG FEW100 03/03 Q1006 RED
ETSL 200138Z 03002KT 0200 FG FEW100 03/02 Q1006 RED
- K0CO: Berthoud Pass, CO, United States [<1/4mile]
K0CO 200315Z AUTO 30010KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M08 A3036 RMK AO2
K0CO 200255Z AUTO 26009KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M03/M08 A3035 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW P0002
K0CO 200235Z AUTO 24014KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M03/M08 A3033 RMK AO2 P0001
K0CO 200215Z AUTO 23015G19KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 P0001
K0CO 200155Z AUTO 23008KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0006
K0CO 200135Z AUTO 23003KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0005
K0CO 192355Z AUTO 10011KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 M02/M07 A3033 RMK AO2
- K4BM: Wilkerson Pass, CO, United States [<1/4mile]
K4BM 200054Z AUTO 33004KT M1/4SM SN OVC001 00/00 A3031 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S
K4BM 200033Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM +SN OVC001 01/00 A3031 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW
- KCCU: Copper Mountain, Red Cliff Pass, CO, United States [<1/4mile]
KCCU 200316Z AUTO 26009KT M1/4SM +SN OVC002 01/M01 A3033 RMK AO2
KCCU 200056Z AUTO 26008KT M1/4SM -SN OVC002 01/00 A3030 RMK AO2
KCCU 200036Z AUTO 28010KT M1/4SM -SN OVC002 02/00 A3029 RMK AO2
KCCU 200016Z AUTO 27007KT M1/4SM -SN OVC002 02/00 A3029 RMK AO2
- LBPD: Plovdiv, Bulgaria [200meters]
LBPD 200100Z VRB01MPS 0200 R30/P1500N R12/0375V0600N BR FEW005 SCT050 07/07 Q1012 NOSIG
- LIMH: Pian Rosa, Italy [50meters]
LIMH 200155Z 21011KT 0050 FZFG VV/// M08/M08 Q1007 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0050
LIMH 200055Z 19006KT 0050 FZFG VV/// M08/M08 Q1007 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0050
LIMH 192355Z 18005KT 0100 FZFG VV/// M08/M08 Q1007 RMK MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 0100
- LIRA: Roma / Ciampino, Italy [150meters]
LIRA 200315Z 03003KT 0150 R15/0350N BCFG BKN001 09/07 Q1004
LIRA 200245Z 00000KT 0200 R15/1300N BCFG BKN001 09/06 Q1004
- OINN: Noshahr, Iran [200meters]
OINN 200300Z 10004KT 0200 FG VV002 13/13 Q1014
OINN 200200Z 00000KT 0200 FG VV001 13/13 Q1014
- PACM: Scammon Bay, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PACM 200256Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC004 01/01 A2967 RMK AO2 TSNO 51005 T00050005 SLP361 $
PACM 200249Z AUTO 00000KT M1/4SM FG OVC004 01/01 A2967 RMK AO2 TSNO $
- PAMY: Mekoryuk, Mekoryuk Airport, AK, United States [<1/4mile]
PAMY 200256Z AUTO 35006KT M1/4SM OVC002 00/M03 A2962 RMK AO1 52007
PAMY 200236Z AUTO 35006KT M1/4SM OVC003 00/M03 A2961 RMK AO1
PAMY 200216Z AUTO 35007KT M1/4SM OVC003 00/M03 A2961 RMK AO1
PAMY 200136Z AUTO 01007KT M1/4SM OVC003 00/M03 A2960 RMK AO1
PAMY 200056Z AUTO 02005KT M1/4SM OVC002 00/M03 A2960 RMK AO1
PAMY 200036Z AUTO 03005KT M1/4SM OVC002 M01/M04 A2960 RMK AO1
PAMY 200016Z AUTO 03005KT M1/4SM OVC002 M01/M03 A2960 RMK AO1
- RJFG: Tanegashima Airport, Japan [200meters]
RJFG 200214Z 09010KT 0200 R31/0250V0450N -SHRA FG VV001 15/15 Q1013 RMK A2994
- UKLR: Rivne, Ukraine [50meters]
UKLR 200300Z 06002MPS 0050 FG VV001 09/09 Q1015 NOSIG
- VTST: Trang, Thailand [200meters]
VTST 200000Z 00000KT 0200 FG VV/// 24/24 Q1008 RWY08 INFO A
1 station reporting visibility 75 miles or greater
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States [90miles]
KMWN 200250Z 34036G51KT 110SM FEW190 M10/M13 RMK BLSN BLO STA ALQDS
KMWN 200250Z 34036G51KT 110SM FEW190 M10/M13
KMWN 200150Z 34041G48KT 100SM FEW010 FEW190 M10/M12 RMK BLSN BLO STA ALQDS
KMWN 200150Z 34041G48KT 100SM FEW010 FEW190 M10/M12
KMWN 200049Z 33047G50KT 100SM SCT010 SCT200 M09/M11 RMK BLSN BLO STA ALQDS
KMWN 200049Z 33047G50KT 100SM SCT010 SCT200 M09/M11
KMWN 192354Z 32045G49KT 90SM BCFG FEW000 BKN010 BKN015 M09/M10 RMK BCFG FEW000 BLSN BLO STA ALQDS BCFG INTMT 4/002 11068 21093
KMWN 192354Z 32045G49KT 90SM BCFG FEW000 BKN010 BKN015 M09/M10
2 stations reporting visibility 50-74 miles
- KBKF: Aurora, Buckley AFB Airport, CO, United States [70miles]
KBKF 192355Z 32009KT 70SM VCSH SCT070 BKN140 BKN200 14/07 A3007 RMK SLP135 60000 53005
KBKF 192355Z 32009KT 70SM VCSH SCT070 BKN140 BKN200 14/07 A3007
- KEDW: Edwards AFB, CA, United States [50miles]
KEDW 200058Z 26019G22KT 50SM FEW085 FEW250 27/05 A2993 RMK AO2A PK WND 22026/21 SLP119 T02700050
KEDW 200039Z 24017G25KT 50SM FEW085 FEW200 SCT250 27/05 A2992 RMK AO2A
KEDW 192358Z 23018G24KT 50SM FEW085 BKN250 28/04 A2992 RMK AO2A PK WND 24028/35 SLP114 T02810041 10288 20223 56010
0 stations reporting aurora
0 stations reporting solar/lunar eclipse
0 stations reporting aircraft mishap
2 stations reporting bird hazard on the runway
- SPME: Tumbes, Peru
SPME 200300Z VRB01KT 9999 OVC025 25/23 Q//// RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 200200Z VRB01KT 9999 OVC030 25/23 Q//// RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 200100Z 26003KT 9999 OVC025 26/23 Q//// RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
SPME 200000Z 27003KT 9999 OVC025 27/23 Q//// RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 32/14 PP000
- SPST: Tarapoto, Peru
SPST 200300Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW040 25/22 Q1012 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 200200Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW040 26/22 Q1011 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 200100Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW040 27/22 Q1010 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
SPST 200000Z 00000KT 9999 FEW025 28/22 Q1009 RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY 17/35 PP000
0 stations reporting volcanic ash
2 stations reporting ice crystals/diamond dust
- BGJN: Jacobshavn Lufthavn, Greenland
BGJN 200320Z AUTO 10014KT 1100NDV -IC BKN050/// OVC065/// M13/M16 Q1011
BGJN 200250Z AUTO 10014KT 1500NDV -IC FEW019/// SCT033/// OVC060/// M13/M16 Q1011
- BGPT: Frederikshab (Paamiut), Greenland
BGPT 192350Z AUTO 12006KT 9999NDV -IC BKN024/// OVC044/// M09/M14 Q1012
0 stations reporting blowing spray
7 stations reporting dust or duststorm
- KFAT: Fresno, Fresno Air Terminal, CA, United States
KFAT 200053Z 30016KT 10SM FEW150 FEW250 28/M11 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP147 FEW CU BLDUP OMTNS DSNT N-E-SE MTNS PTLY OBSC T02781111
KFAT 192353Z 33010KT 10SM FEW140 29/M08 A2997 RMK AO2 SLP146 FEW CU BLDUP OMTNS DSNT N-E-SE MTNS PTLY OBSC T02891083 10300 20228 58007
- OEWD: Wadi Al Dawasser Airport, Saudi Arabia
OEWD 200300Z 14012KT 4000 BLDU NSC 25/13 Q1014 NOSIG
OEWD 200200Z 13014KT 4000 BLDU NSC 27/14 Q1014 NOSIG
OEWD 200100Z 13016KT 3600 BLDU NSC 28/14 Q1013 NOSIG
OEWD 200000Z 13018KT 3700 BLDU NSC 29/14 Q1013 NOSIG
- OIBP: Persian Gulf Airport, Iran
OIBP 200300Z 30012KT 3000 DU SKC 25/19 Q1007 A2974
OIBP 200230Z 29012KT 4000 DU SKC 25/18 Q1007 A2974
- OJAI: Queen Alia Airport, Jordan
OJAI 200200Z 12009KT 5000 DU NSC 20/05 Q1015 NOSIG
OJAI 200100Z 06004KT 5000 DU NSC 22/05 Q1016 NOSIG
OJAI 200000Z 06004KT 5000 DU NSC 22/05 Q1016 NOSIG
- OJAM: Amman Airport, Jordan
OJAM 200300Z 00000KT 5000 DU NSC 23/03 Q1016 NOSIG
OJAM 200200Z 00000KT 5000 DU NSC 21/03 Q1016 NOSIG
OJAM 200100Z 00000KT 5000 DU NSC 22/03 Q1016 NOSIG
OJAM 200000Z 00000KT 5000 DU NSC 22/03 Q1018 NOSIG
OJAM 200000Z 00000KT 5000 DU NSC 22/03 Q1016 NOSIG
- OMFJ: Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
OMFJ 200200Z 28021KT 5000 BLDU NSC 31/07 Q1006 A2971
- ZWSH: Kashi, China
ZWSH 200300Z 07002MPS 030V100 4500 DU NSC 13/M05 Q1022 NOSIG
ZWSH 200200Z 34003MPS 4500 DU NSC 11/M06 Q1022 NOSIG
ZWSH 200100Z 33003MPS 4500 DU NSC 09/M07 Q1021 NOSIG
ZWSH 200000Z 34003MPS 5000 DU NSC 09/M07 Q1021 NOSIG
3 stations reporting sand or sandstorm
- OIBK: Kish Island / Kish, Iran
OIBK 200300Z 30016KT 5000 SA SKC 25/20 Q1005
- OIBP: Persian Gulf Airport, Iran
OIBP 200200Z 30016KT 5000 SA SKC 26/15 Q1007 A2974
- OIYY: Yazd, Iran
OIYY 200100Z 29008KT 5000 SA FEW100 19/04 Q1017
23 stations reporting smoke
- KLIT: Little Rock, Adams Field, AR, United States
KLIT 200053Z 11005KT 10SM FEW070 SCT250 21/09 A3014 RMK AO2 SLP208 FU VSB DSNT N-E T02060094
KLIT 192353Z 11005KT 10SM FEW070 SCT250 23/09 A3013 RMK AO2 SLP204 FU VSB DSNT N-E T02280089 10256 20228 56006
- LUKK: Chisinau Intl Arpt, Moldova
LUKK 200230Z 29004KT 5000 BR FU NSC 06/04 Q1013 R08/CLRD65
LUKK 200230Z 29004KT 5000 BR FU NSC 06/04 Q1013 R08/65D
- MHLE: La Esperanza, Honduras
MHLE 200000Z 07006KT 9999 FEW022 SCT200 19/16 Q1025 FU
- MHNO: Guanaja, Honduras
MHNO 200000Z 35004KT 9999 FEW040 26/16 FU
- MHSR: Santa Rosa De Copan, Honduras
MHSR 200000Z 34008KT 9999 BKN025TCU BKN100 22/19 RERA FU
- MHTE: Tela, Honduras
MHTE 200000Z 22006KT 9999 BKN028CB 30/25 Q1011 CB SW TCU TDS FU
- MHYR: Yoro, Honduras
MHYR 200000Z 09002KT 9999 BKN025TCU 27/19 TCU TDS FU
- MMMY: Monterrey / Gen Maria, Mexico
MMMY 200007Z 11008KT 6SM BKN010 OVC025 21/19 A3001 RMK 8/5// FU/SE HZ
- MMRX: Reynosa Intl Arpt, Mexico
MMRX 200240Z 11010KT 10SM BKN035 21/16 A3007 RMK SLP181 52010 972 8/500 HZY FU
MMRX 200140Z 12010KT 10SM BKN035 22/16 A3006 RMK 8/500 HZY FU PRESRR
MMRX 200042Z 12012KT 10SM BKN035 OVC070 22/16 A3003 RMK 8/53/ HZY FU
- OPKC: Karachi Airport, Pakistan
OPKC 200255Z 03008KT 5000 FU NSC 27/22 Q1011 NOSIG
OPKC 200225Z 03005KT 5000 FU FEW0200 27/22 Q1010 NOSIG
OPKC 200155Z 03004KT 5000 FU FEW0200 26/22 Q1010 NOSIG
- OPLA: Lahore Airport, Pakistan
OPLA 200255Z 05003KT 5000 FU FEW100 20/14 Q1015/A29.98 NOSIG
OPLA 200230Z 05003KT 5000 FU FEW100 18/14 Q1014 NOSIG
OPLA 200200Z 03004KT 5000 FU NSC 18/14 Q1014/A29.95 NOSIG
OPLA 200130Z 00000KT 5000 FU NSC 18/13 Q1014 NOSIG
OPLA 200100Z 02005KT 4000 FU FEW100 18/13 Q1013 NOSIG
OPLA 192355Z 28003KT 4000 FU FEW100 17/14 Q1013/A29.92 NOSIG
- OPMT: Multan, Pakistan
OPMT 200255Z 00000KTS 4000 FU FEW120 24/16 Q1014 NOSIG
OPMT 200155Z 05004KTS 4000 FU NSC 21/16 Q1012 NOSIG
OPMT 200055Z 05004KTS 4000 FU FEW120 20/15 Q1012 NOSIG
- OPNH: Nawabshah, Pakistan
OPNH 200200Z 00000KTS 5000M FU NSC 23/17 Q1009
OPNH 200100Z 00000KTS 5000M FU NSC 23/18 Q1007
OPNH 192359Z 36003KTS 5000M FU NSC 23/18 Q1007
- ULLI: St. Peterburg, Russia
ULLI 200130Z 00000MPS 5000 FU NSC 02/M01 Q1024 28////// 78090070 NOSIG
ULLI 200030Z 27001MPS 5000 FU FEW015 SCT200 03/M01 Q1024 28////// 78090070 NOSIG
- UTAT: Dashoguz, Turkmenistan
UTAT 200300Z 36003MPS 4000 FU SKC 11/M01 Q1018 99CLRD70 NOSIG
- UTSA: Navoi, Uzbekistan
UTSA 200300Z 08004MPS 3100 FU NSC 15/04 Q1016 R07/CLRD70 NOSIG
- UUMO: Ostafyevo, Russia
UUMO 200300Z 00000MPS 5000 FU FEW200 03/02 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE753/1004 26090060
UUMO 200230Z 00000MPS 5000 FU FEW200 02/00 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE753/1004 26090060
UUMO 200200Z 00000MPS 4500 FU FEW200 03/01 Q1025 NOSIG RMK QFE753/1004 26090060
- UWOR: Orsk, Russia
UWOR 200100Z 31003MPS 5000 FU BKN200 05/02 Q1021 25CLRD65 NOSIG RMK QFE742/0989
- VAAH: Ahmadabad, India
VAAH 200010Z 22002KT 4000 FU NSC 29/19 Q1009 NOSIG
- VABB: Bombay / Santacruz, India
VABB 200210Z 00000KT 3000 FU NSC 28/24 Q1010 NOSIG
VABB 200140Z 13005KT 3000 FU NSC 27/23 Q1010 NOSIG
VABB 200110Z 08003KT 3000 FU FEW020 27/23 Q1009 NOSIG
- VIDP: New Delhi / Palam, India
VIDP 200230Z 00000KT 1200 R28/P2000 R27/1300 FU NSC 25/12 Q1013
VIDP 200230Z 00000KT 1200 R28/P2000 R27/1300 FU NSC 25/12 Q1013
VIDP 200200Z 00000KT 1100 R28/P2000 R27/1300 FU NSC 24/14 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 200130Z 00000KT 1100 R28/P2000 R27/1300 FU NSC 21/14 Q1013 NOSIG
VIDP 200100Z 02002KT 1100 R28/P2000 R27/1300 FU NSC 21/14 Q1012 NOSIG
VIDP 200030Z 00000KT 1300 R28/29/P2000 FU NSC 21/13 Q1012 NOSIG
VIDP 200000Z 00000KT 1300 R28/P2000 R29/P2000 FU NSC 21/13 Q1012 NOSIG
- ZBSJ: Zhengding, China
ZBSJ 200300Z 07001MPS 2300 FU NSC 18/11 Q1019
ZBSJ 200200Z 07001MPS 2300 FU NSC 17/10 Q1019
ZBSJ 200100Z 29001MPS 2300 FU NSC 15/09 Q1019
- ZSQD: Qingdao, China
ZSQD 200100Z 24003MPS 200V270 3500 FU NSC 16/06 Q1018 NOSIG
ZSQD 200000Z VRB01MPS 3500 FU NSC 14/06 Q1018 NOSIG
Stations falling into 4 or more extreme categories
Stations falling into 3 extreme categories
- K0CO: Berthoud Pass, CO, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thundersnow, Visibility
- K4BM: Wilkerson Pass, CO, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thundersnow, Visibility
- KCCU: Copper Mountain, Red Cliff Pass, CO, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thundersnow, Visibility
- KFST: Fort Stockton, Fort Stockton-Pecos County Airport, TX, United States
    Pressure Change, Hourly Precip Total, Thunderstorm
- KHXD: Hilton Head, SC, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Hourly Precip Total, Thunderstorm
- KLHW: Ft. Stewart, GA, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Hourly Precip Total, Thunderstorm
Stations falling into 2 extreme categories
- CWRO: Rose Spit, Canada
    Wind, Pressure Change
- KARW: Beaufort, SC, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KINK: Wink, Winkler County Airport, TX, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- KMWN: Mount Washington, NH, United States
    Wind, Visibility
- KRBW: Walterboro, SC, United States
    Precipitation Type/Intensity, Thunderstorm
- OIBP: Persian Gulf Airport, Iran
    Dust/Duststorm, Sand/Sandstorm
- PTKR: Koror, Palau, NWS Office, Palau
    Dewpoint, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- PTYA: Yap Island, Yap Int. Airp., Micronesia
    Dewpoint, Precipitation Type/Intensity
- VTST: Trang, Thailand
    Dewpoint, Visibility
14 unidentified stations (out of a total of 21 documented unknown stations)
- KQZ2 (NEW)
- KY49 (NEW)