February 27, 2025:

It takes thousands (if not more) of hard-working and passionate NOAA employees to collect, error-check, archive, assimilate, and utilize the data for modeling and forecasting that are shown by this truly unique, popular and very long-running website.

Some of these pages have been running in various forms for 31 years.

I can no longer in good conscience keep this website updating from this point forward at the expense of thousands of (primarily younger) colleagues, friends, and students, who were all fired February 27, 2025, arbitrarily and without cause.

Should future legal rulings change what happened that day, I will consider restarting the website.

Please note this hurts me as well, as I used this website every day for decades.

It's been a good run.

To accelerate this reversal, please respectfully contact your Representatives in Congress and let your voice be known:



Thank you.

Bob Hart