957102025 53.08 -0.42 Apr 30/13:40 Ashby, Lincs 57 46 67 53 E 6 1023 BKN R- Ob timed at 1320 Z. ro commenced 1315. Vis: 20 KM.
957097490 53.08 -0.42 Apr 30/12:24 Ashby, Lincs 61 46 58 58 E 6 1023 BKN Vis: 50 KM; FEW032 BKN120 BKN250.
957086055 53.08 -0.42 Apr 30/09:14 Ashby, Lincs 59 50 70 57 SE 5 1022 BKN 20060 31003 60000. Vis: 35 KM, FEW100, BKN120, BKN250.
957036284 53.08 -0.42 Apr 29/19:24 Ashby, Lincs 55 50 81 55 N 2 SCT 10178. 1/8 SC only. Vis: 35 KM. Grass temp: 7.0.
957009309 53.08 -0.42 Apr 29/11:55 Ashby, Lincs 55 52 88 55 S 3 1014 BKN Fog cleared 1000 Z, drizzle 1100 Z. Cloud now FEW008 SCT012 BKN020.
956999523 53.08 -0.42 Apr 29/09:12 Ashby, Lincs 50 50 100 47 S 5 1013 OVC LF Vis: 900 M, slight drizzle. Min overnight 8.3 C, Rainfall 0.1 mm.
956869503 53.08 -0.42 Apr 27/21:05 Ashby, Lincs 52 48 89 49 SE 5 1010 OVC Vis: 15KM. Max today: 16.4 C; Min last night: 6.5 C; no rain today.
956783746 53.08 -0.42 Apr 26/21:15 Ashby, Lincs 52 48 92 46 S 7 1005 BKN 00142 10101. 1.8 mm in last 12 hours. 113.5 mm so far this month.
956479947 53.08 -0.42 Apr 23/08:52 Ashby, Lincs 54 45 71 54 WNW 2 1010 SCT 20034 31000. Rainfall 22/0900 to 23/0900 Z: 1.8 mm. CU starting to form.
956437775 53.08 -0.42 Apr 22/21:09 Ashby, Lincs 46 46 99 46 CALM 1008 SCT Shallow fog patches to southeast. Vis: 25 KM. Grass temp: 2.9 C.
956434945 53.08 -0.42 Apr 22/20:22 Ashby, Lincs 48 46 95 48 VRB 1 1008 SCT MIFG forming to SE - about 2 feet deep. Vis 30 KM above.
956427312 53.08 -0.42 Apr 22/18:15 Ashby, Lincs 54 48 82 52 WSW 5 1006 SCT Vis: 50 KM. 1/8 total cloud.
956419771 53.08 -0.42 Apr 22/16:09 Ashby, Lincs 52 48 92 49 WSW 5 1006 BKN RW- 10148. Rainfall: 210900 to 220900Z: 9.6mm; 220900 to 221600Z: 1.7mm.
956418472 53.08 -0.42 Apr 22/15:47 Ashby, Lincs SW 5 1006 BKN RWA pro 1512 to phoro 1517 to pro 1518 to pr 1535 to phor 1540. Vis 9 KM. 2mm small hail.
956334148 53.08 -0.42 Apr 21/16:22 Ashby, Lincs SSW30 G 40 1008 BKN RW Vis: 4000 M. Winds are estimated.
956329506 53.08 -0.42 Apr 21/15:05 Ashby, Lincs. 54 50 87 38 SSW20 1007 SCT Moderate rain shower 1430-1450 Z giving 1.2 mm.
956325661 53.08 -0.42 Apr 21/14:01 Ashby, Lincs 52 48 89 35 SSW20 1006 SCT Thunderstorm cleared to NE with rain ceasing 1349 Z. Worst vis 4500 M in TS. 1.7 mm in last hour.
956324591 53.08 -0.42 Apr 21/13:43 Ashby, Lincs SSW23 1006 BKN TRW pro 1332 to pr 1334. Thunder heard to NE at 1339 Z.
956323836 53.08 -0.42 Apr 21/13:30 Ashby, Lincs 50 46 87 32 SW20 G 40 1006 BKN RW- pro 1305 to pr 1307, to pro 1320. Rainfall=0.9 mm. pro ceased 1328. Worst vis 5000 M in pr.
956319015 53.08 -0.42 Apr 21/12:10 Ashby, Lincs 61 43 53 46 SSW25 1006 BKN Vis 25 KM. FEW020CB with jp to SSW. Ob taken at 1200 Z.
956311469 53.08 -0.4 Apr 21/10:04 Ashby, Lincs 55 45 67 48 SSW 8 G 16 1005 BKN Vis. 40 KM. Min temp overnight: PS 07.
956268105 53.08 -0.42 Apr 20/22:01 Ashby 52 45 79 39 S14 1004 BKN Ob timed at 2100 Z. 1.7 mm of rain in last 12 hours. Max temp: 16.1 C.