39.72 -104.75 Aug 31/23:24 Aurora (#4811)  CO  69  27  65  66  SW 6 G 20 1018  OVC  TR-         OCNL CC LGTNG.                                                                                      
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 31/23:12 Pecos           TX  99  48  17  96 ESE17 G 24 1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 31/23:03 Topton          PA  75               W 3      1016  SCT              Another great day.  High of 78 and very comfortable.                                                
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 31/21:30 THOMPSON(1270') OH  68                              OVC  LF          Ok got Rain gauge!Ya'all stay healthy+safe!Will miss you!THANK YOU BOB!!See ya ASAP (Michelle)      
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 31/21:26 THOMPSON(1270') OH  68                              OVC  LF          Forgot the light fog!When I get back on i'll be Andover!Untillthen Family's "puter's in Mad,Jeff ect
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 31/21:23 THOMPSON(1270') OH  68                              OVC  L           5:22PM-Been R'n on+off all day!.02"s so far todayAugT3.94"s!Ok this is my last report I'm outa her! 
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 31/20:43 McPherson       KS  86              CALM            OVC              A little cooler than yesterday.  We could use a nice rain.  But will we get one..............?      
  36.50   76.17 Aug 31/19:25 Portsmouth      VA  79  67  65  82   S10      1018  OVC  H           OVC060 A3006 VIS 6SM HZ                                                                             
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 31/18:11 Wilmington      DE  87  66  51  91 SSW 2 G  4 1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 31/14:27 Fairfield       CT  77  65  70  80 WNW 4      1019  BKN                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 31/13:18 Aurora (#4811)  CO  61  52  72  61 SSW 3      1020  BKN                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 31/13:12 Lake Pleasant   NY  60                              OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 31/13:08 Framingham      MA  69                              BKN              Thin Ci. Brief RW-@6:20PM EDT. For 8/30:Hi 80@1500EDT,Lo 64@0745+2359EDT. Lo(8/31) 60@0615-0700EDT. 
                Aug 31/12:55 Topton          PA  64          64   W 3      1017  SCT  F           Have a great holiday everyone!  Relax.                                                              
                Aug 31/12:53 Topton          PA  64          64   W 3      1017  SCT  F           Some harmless light fog burning off quickly for what looks like a great day here in Berks County.   
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 31/12:29 McPherson       KS  70  69  98  75  CALM      1013  SCT  F           Sat.95/70 .01"precip. Foggy and hazy here as sun comes up behind the clouds.                        
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 31/11:56 Boonsboro       MD  67  63  88  67  SW 2      1014  SCT  FH          High 68 at 3:09am  Low 64 at 2:15am  EDT                                                            
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 31/11:19 West Haven      CT  63  63 100  63  CALM      1017  SCT              yesterday's high/low 78/60. Just came back from vacation.                                           
  38.53  -78.15 Aug 31/11:18 Boston          VA  58  55  88  58  CALM      1019  BKN  F           EDT  7:15am  Heavy fog.  Total rainfall for September 2.26 inches.  Have a great holiday!           
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 31/07:01 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  45  62  59 NNE 3      1012  CLR  H           1:01AM MDT:  00% cloudcover.  Wish we wouldn't have haze here.  I enjoy the stars!                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 31/05:57 Bridgeport      CT  67          67  CALM      1016  OVC                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 31/05:23 East Birmingham AL  74  69  85  78  CALM      1014  CLR              Hi:96 Lo:71 Rain:0.00   A late season heat wave,but not too humid. We almost got rain today.        
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 31/02:36 Bacliff         TX  81  77  89  90  CALM      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 31/01:55 Thurmont        MD  59                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 31/00:47 CLINTON         MA  63  59  86  63  CALM      1012  SCT              Hi 79 Lo 57 Departure +2  Another great one.  A couple of BIG rain drops fell at 5:35 PM.           
                Aug 31/00:19 Topton          PA  69          67   W 5      1014  CLR              Super day!  Mix of sun and clouds, much less humid, and comfortable.                                
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 30/23:34 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  SE 3      1012  BKN               10SM BKN050 A2988 SLP119. Just another boring, hot day! Summer drags on.                           
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 30/23:14 Moorhead        MN  84  51  32  82  NW 7      1011  CLR              What a nice day.  Low humidity.. Lowest 28% on my Davis..Hi 86 Lo 62                                
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 30/22:08 Bacliff         TX  88  69  54  93 SSE 8      1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 30/21:13 Boston          VA  82  62  51  83 WNW 3 G 10 1015  SCT  H           EDT 5:10 pm   No rainfall, looks like we are going to end the month that way.                       
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 30/20:20 Boonsboro       MD  86  69  57  91 WNW 3 G  8 1012  SCT  H           High 88 at 2:53 pm  Low 55 at 7:21am EDT                                                            
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 30/19:55 Moorhead        MN  84  57  40  84 NNW15      1011  CLR              Very nice afternoon.  Hi so far 85...Low humidity.                                                  
                Aug 30/19:37 MCPHERSON       KS  92                              SCT              A hot and muggy day, just finished mowing. Glad 4 grandson's daddy's help.                          
  36.51   76.17 Aug 30/18:53 Portsmouth      VA  81  61  52  82 NNE 5 G 16 1016  SCT              VISIBILITY 8SM SCT050 SCT250                                                                        
                Aug 30/18:17 NATCHITOCHES    LA  89  74  62  99 ESE 5      1013   X               Hazy conditions as HIGH PRESSURE controls the weather.                                              
  30.16  -95.68 Aug 30/17:53 Houston/NW      TX  88  66  49  92  SE 2 G  5 1014  SCT  H           H+ SCT045 DFTG N RW 120SSW MOV W A2996 PCPN:0.00 | Hou/NW August precip.........3.49".              
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 30/17:22 Annapolis       MD  76  61  59  78 WNW 2 G  8 1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 30/15:21 Lake Pleasant   NY  70                              SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 30/14:28 PAINESVILLE     OH  68  69  91  68  CALM            SCT              Will miss your reports Thompson,hope u r back soon!                                                 
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 30/13:17 Framingham      MA  66                              SCT              Lo(8/30) 64@0745EDT.                                                                                
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 30/13:17 Framingham      MA  66                              SCT              T-storm@7PM Fri. after I'd watered the garden! For 8/29:Hi 73@1640-1655EDT, Lo 65@0700+2030-2120EDT.
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 30/13:04 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          53   S 4            SCT              won't have'Puter in new house:>( I want U all toknow I'll miss ya'all+ this page terribly!(Michelle)
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 30/13:00 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          53   S 4            SCT              9am(W.sp.est)Beautiful day for moving!Nice hot sun!McPher-THANK U!I'll report on+off while movin but
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 30/12:48 Boonsboro       MD  62  55  80  62 WSW 1      1015  CLR  H           High 62 at 00:01 am  Low 55 at 7:21 am EDT                                                          
                Aug 30/12:34 McPherson       KS  72                              OVC              Congratulations Thompson. It's a thrill. We did same thing 12 yrs. ago.                             
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 30/12:32 McPherson       KS  72  68  89  76  CALM      1012  OVC              Fri.94/67 .15"precip about 3-4a.m. CDT 5.35"mtd  24.57" ytd Looks like more rain coming from west.  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 30/11:04 Boston          VA  56  53  88  56  CALM            CLR  F           Light fog.  The barometer is rising.  Everyone have a great holiday weekend!!!                      
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 30/04:58 Bridgeport      CT  63  63 100  59 NNE 7      1011  CLR              KBDR PCP 0.20"                                                                                      
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 30/04:08 THOMPSON(1270') OH  52          52  CALM            CLR              worth it!The house deal is finnished WE GOT THE KEYS TO OUR NEW HOUSE!:>) Will move in this weekend!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 30/04:05 THOMPSON(1270') OH  52          52  CALM            CLR              12:05am-Drove over 300M.tod in parly cloudy skies+warm enough to take jean jacket off!Trip was well 
  31.11   97.90 Aug 30/04:00 cooperas cove   TX  82  64  55  84 SSE 6      1010  SCT              Big bubble, no trouble......                                                                        
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 30/03:11 East Birmingham AL  78  70  77  82   W 6      1013  CLR              Hi:94 Lo:70  This is the worst dry spell of the year.Rain was nearby today, so maybe tom. it'll rain
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 30/03:01 Bacliff         TX  81  77  88  89 SSW 4      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 30/02:33 Natchitoches    LA  79  73  83  84  CALM      1012  CLR              A warm humid night in Louisiana...no rainfall the past  week as HIGH PRESSURE  dominates the region.
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 30/02:28 Thurmont        MD  58                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 30/01:17 CLINTON         MA  62  62 100  62  CALM      1008  BKN              Looks like a great Labor Day weekend on tap. Good finish to a good summer.                          
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 30/01:10 clinton         MA  62  62 100  62  CALM      1008  BKN              Hi 72 Lo 61 Dep. +1 Temp has been 62 for 13 of the last 19 hrs. Not a drop of rain today here.      
                Aug 30/00:34 Topton          PA  67  67 100                1013  BKN  RW-         A spectacular rainbow just south of here at about 6:30 p.m. after passing shower.  Magnificent!!    
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 30/00:11 Fircrest        WA  71  57  63  76  CALM      1013  SCT              Hi 71 Lo 60. Pleasent day. Out of service until 9-3-97. Have nice Holiday weekend.                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 30/00:11 Fircrest        WA  71  57  63  76  CALM            SCT              Hi 71 Lo 60. Pleasent day. Out of service until 9-3-97. Have nice Holiday weekend.                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 29/23:44 McPherson       KS  88                              SCT              Still hot at 6:45 p.m. local time.  Went to 93 today. Wife says have to water again. Boooooooo.     
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 29/23:22 Houston/Les     TX  93  71  49 101  SE 5      1012  SCT               Grass needs mowing this evening. Too hot! A/C is back running "wide open"!                         
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 29/23:21 Houston/Les     TX  93  71  49 101  SE 5      1012  SCT               Everything very tropical. Banana trees are up to 20 ft tall. Elephant ears, 6 ft. Cannas, palms etc
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 29/22:56 Butte(Emerson)  MT  82  55  40  82  NW 4      1013  SCT              4:57PM MDT:  25% cloudcover.  Very beautiful day here in the Treasure State.                        
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 29/22:15 Fairport        NY  69  58  67  69   N 1      1014  SCT              Thick cirrus. High:72.6@10:38am  has been clearing today after misty showers this morning.BOODIFO   
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 29/21:51 Boonsboro       MD  79  64  60  81 NNE 5 G 12 1010  SCT  H           High 83 at 2:08pm  Low 57 at 7:10am  EDT                                                            
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 29/21:14 Fort Payne      AL  88  76  69  99 NNE 1 G  4 1006  SCT              5/10 Cn/Ci H/L 89.4/66.2 Prcp 0.00 Pres S - Getting muggier + stickier...yuck! -SMA[16:14cdt]       
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 29/19:43 Stamford        CT  76  64  74  79  NE 5      1008  OVC  TRW-                                                                                                            
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 29/17:42 McPherson       KS  87                              OVC              Don't  know rh but it's really muggy here today.                                                    
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 29/16:29 Overland        MO  75  69  84  79  SE 5 G  9 1014  OVC              8/28  H 95  L 73  8/29  Pressure Falling                                                            
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 29/16:08 Annapolis       MD  76  62  62  78 NNW 2 G  5 1010  SCT                                                                                                                  
  33.30  117.44 Aug 29/15:04 So.Laguna Beach CA  66  65  95  66  CALM      1011  CLR  H           Weekly Hi: 86 Low: 61                                                                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 29/14:45 Fairfield       CT  67  67 100  62 ENE 9      1009  OVC  TR                                                                                                              
                Aug 29/14:14 Grand Junction  CO  62  55  80                      CLR              87/58 yest., trace AAH.  Hard to keep up with the lawn                                              
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 29/13:43 Fircrest        WA  60  59  96  60  CALM      1014   X               Month started dry. Norm precip 1.1". As of 7AM this morning, 1.56". Total Yr, 33.38 Norm38.01"      
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 29/13:37 North Granby    CT  65  60  83  65 SSW 2      1009  OVC  TR-         T-Storm not too far to the south.  Clouds breaking west.                                            
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 29/13:11 Lake Pleasant   NY  65                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 29/13:02 Framingham      MA  68                              OVC              Garden still awaiting expected showers. Hi(8/28) 78@1500EDT. Lo(8/29) 65@0700EDT.                   
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 29/12:23 McPherson       KS  72  65  81  76   S 5 G 10 1012  OVC              Thurs.93/67 Radar lit up to our northwest msh. Would be nice to have some rain.Have a good holiday  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 29/12:01 Dandridge       TN  67  64  91  67  CALM      1012   X   F           General light fog.  May get hot again today.                                                        
   35.9    78.1 Aug 29/11:58 Spring Hope     NC  67  64  90  67  NW 2      1010  CLR              approaching end of driest August in history                                                         
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 29/11:57 THOMPSON(1270') OH  55          54   W 4            OVC              7:57am(W.sp.est)Yuck!Dark grey fallorsnow lookin clouds!Gross!Long drivin day tod.hope temp goes up!
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 29/11:27 North Granby    CT  63  60  88  63  CALM      1008  OVC  F                                                                                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 29/10:30 Boston          VA  62  57  84  62  NW 2 G  5 1011  SCT  F           Fall is comming.                                                                                    
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 29/10:29 Boston          VA  62  57  84  62  NW 2 G  5       SCT  F           Fall is comming.                                                                                    
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 29/05:44 East Birmingham AL  74  71  87  78  CALM      1014  CLR              Hi:94 Lo:70  Hot,dry,and hazy days continue. We are in a pretty bad dry spell.                      
  47.23 =122.50 Aug 29/05:36 Fircrest        WA  62  60  92  62  CALM      1013  OVC  L                                                                                                               
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 29/05:12 Bridgeport      CT  65  64  97  63  NE 5      1008  OVC              OBS@05Z/SCT016 OVC150 ESTIMATED/VIS 10SM/H 70F/L 65F/KBDR PCP 0.19"-pcp looked heavier              
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 29/03:38 Moorhead        MN  65  64  95  64 ESE 4      1014  CLR              Hi 83 Lo 59..Pre .32 all coming down around 5-6:30p                                                 
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 29/03:38 Moorhead        MN  65  64  95  64 ESE 4            CLR              Hi 83 Lo 59..Pre .32 all coming down around 5-6:30p                                                 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 29/02:50 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          50 NNW11            SCT              8/28R=.14"sAugT=3.92"s!My homepage w/wx page:   http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1879/    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 29/02:44 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          50 NNW11            SCT              10:44PM(W.sp.est)BRRR!Northish wind got a bite!Auburn-signed U'r guestbook!McPher.Sent E!Baby cute! 
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 29/02:05 CLINTON         MA  64  63  96  64   S 1 G  4 1007  BKN              Hi 71 Lo 60 Departure 0 Rain 0.22 Narrow rain band this morning (8-10AM) Lt shower tonight (6PM)    
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 29/01:43 Butte(Emerson)  MT  70  48  46  75   N16 G 29 1011  OVC              7:43PM MDT:  90% cloudcover.  May not get any precipitation.                                        
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 29/01:10 Butte(Emerson)  MT  72  50  46  76 NNE 5      1011  BKN              7:11PM MDT:  85% cloudcover.  Scattered showers all around.  No measureable precip yet though.      
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 29/01:04 Pecos           TX 107  54  17 106 ESE 9      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 29/00:46 McPherson       KS  86                              CLR              tempslowlygoingdown. Check my grandson at http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~khoch/hochpg2.htm cute
                Aug 29/00:33 McPherson       KS  87                              CLR              Oops. Line below should have ended "You can see....my obs. at......                                 
                Aug 29/00:31 McPherson       KS  87                              CLR              I submit to NWS computer daily as co-op observer. You can                                           
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 29/00:30 McPherson       KS  87                              CLR              my obs-WichitaClimSum-http://twister.sbs.ohio-state.edu/text/wxascii/climinfo02.KICT--8am to 4:30pm 
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 29/00:13 Fircrest        WA  66  60  79  66  CALM      1013  OVC              Hi 69 Lo59. Not to bad a day. A lingering shower now and then.                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 29/00:13 Fircrest        WA  66  60  79  66  CALM            OVC              Hi 69 Lo59. Not to bad a day. A lingering shower now and then.                                      
                Aug 29/00:04 Topton          PA  69  68 100  67     5 G 15 1010  OVC  TRW+        Thunderstorm in progress right now.  Heavy rain, winds, but not much thunder/lightning.             
   41.9    72.9 Aug 28/22:01 East Hartford   CT  68  67  97  66  NW 5 G  5 1008  OVC  L           chilly but humid, dryer/warmer weather predicted to move into region                                
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 28/22:01 Boonsboro       MD  85  72  65  91   N 4 G  9 1006  SCT  H           High 87 at 1:26pm  Low 66 at7:25am  EDT                                                             
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 28/20:28 Boston          VA  89  64  44  92 WNW 4 G 15       SCT  H           Today has been a pretty day, a little warmer than the past few days, but falls' comming.            
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 28/19:41 Overland        MO  91  73  57 101   E 3 G  5 1014  BKN  H           8/27  H 91  L 73  8/28  Pressure Falling                                                            
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 28/19:11 Wamego/Manhattn KS  93  67  42  98                  CLR              Probably my last report until Tuesday. My office is closed Fri-Mon. Have a nice weekend everybody!  
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 28/18:57 Stamford        CT  69  64  90  69  CALM      1010  OVC                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 28/17:52 Houston/Les     TX  88  73  61  96   S 5      1017  SCT               Auburn I checked out your hi-lo. That is neat. However, looks a little on the "chilly" side for me.
     44      95 Aug 28/17:51 Montevideo      MN  82  65  56  84 ESE 7            BKN                                                                                                                  
                Aug 28/17:47 Montevideo      MN  77  68  73  80  NW 7            CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 28/17:44 Houston/Les     TX  88  73  61  96   S 5      1017  SCT               Boring here too! It is that big uppr level high ovr N Tx that refuses to budge, that is causing it.
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 28/17:43 Houston/Les     TX  88  73  61  96   S 5      1017  SCT              Seems like eventually, something would circle around from Flgstff, to Kansas, then down to me!      
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 28/17:38 Bacliff         TX  88  72  60  96 ENE10      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 28/16:52 Auburn          NH  70  66  87  76 SSE 7      1012  OVC              check out my hi and lo's for the year at   http://members.aol.com/brianwp18/aubhilo.html            
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 28/16:39 Lake Pleasant   NY  74               E 3 G 12       SCT              Beautiful sunny day.                                                                                
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 28/16:11 Auburn          NH  69  67  93  68  SE 4      1012  OVC              0.16" of rain overnight.....morning low of 61.9                                                     
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 28/15:49 PAINESVILLE     OH  70  64  84  76  NW 5 G 12       SCT              Weather fans you are not alone.                                                                     
                Aug 28/15:36 McPherson       KS  82                              CLR              You're right Thompson. Kansas not boring. Just the weather pattern is boring. Lots of pretty places.
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 28/15:13 Fircrest        WA  59  58  97  59  CALM      1013  OVC  L                                                                                                               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 28/14:03 THOMPSON(1270') OH  65          61  NW 7            SCT              (W.sp.est)Darn N'ish w.!KS not flat+borin!I'd usenice wx for familypicnic inU'r 1 treed ST Forest*S*
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 28/13:34 Framingham      MA  69                              OVC  RW-         Off and on rain expected thru Fri;then a great weekend! Hi(8/27) 83@1430EDT.Lo(8/28) 66@0000-0325EDT
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 28/13:03 Lake Pleasant   NY  67                              BKN              Rain: 0.35" last 24 hrs.                                                                            
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 28/12:51 Wamego/Manhattn KS  72  64  75  76                  SCT              Boring here too. Who would have ever thought Kansas could be boring?  :)                            
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 28/12:40 McPherson       KS  67  63  89  65   S 5 G 10 1015  SCT              Boring weather pattern. Wed.91/67  Same thing for the last 5 days--no, nearly 10 days.  Hi Mike.    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 28/12:28 THOMPSON(1270') OH  61          60   W 4            BKN              8:28am(W.sp.est)Sun shining on me threw 'puter rm window!Sun feels nice+warm!Ahhhh!Dandridge*L*(ML) 
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 28/12:02 Dandridge       TN  67  63  90  67  CALM      1013  SCT  F           Thanks for the rain but you didn't have to be so vicious about it!  *grin*                          
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 28/11:59 Dandridge       TN  67  63  90  67  CALM      1013  SCT  F           Hvy T-Stm @ 9pm last nite, wind to 40mph, .65" blowing rain in 20 min.                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 28/11:17 THOMPSON(1270') OH  60          58  NW 5            OVC  F           7:17am(W.sp.est)Thin fog W.Var.Inside house-feels like its gonna R!Windows so fogged up can't C out!
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 28/11:11 Boston          VA  64  62  94  64  CALM            SCT  F           Light fog and a cool morning.                                                                       
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 28/10:53 North Granby    CT  61  58  90  61  SE 3      1011  OVC  R           .58" rain since midnight.                                                                           
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 28/10:30 Boonsboro       MD  67  67 100  67  CALM      1008  CLR  H           High 74 a00:03 am  Low 67 at 6:26am EDT                                                             
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 28/10:13 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          57   W 5            CLR  F           6:11(W.sp.est)Fog thinnin out allready.McPher."Will summer ever end?"Isure hope not!*S* 'cept x-mas!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 28/09:06 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          57   W 4            CLR  F           5:05am(Wind sp.est)Thick fog!Damp+cold!Everything U touch saturated+dripping wet!Make sense??Tired! 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 28/08:55 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          58  CALM            CLR  F           4:54am-Wow must ofhad a hardday yest!Fell asleep early,wokeupto'Puter off+.14"R!Slept dur'nT-storm??
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 28/05:51 East Birmingham AL  74  71  90  78   W 3      1015  SCT              Hi:91 Lo:70  The humidity is back, but still not the rain.                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 28/05:37 Fircrest        WA  60  59  96  60  CALM      1014  SCT              Things are nice a calm tonight after a rough couple of days in some area.                           
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 28/05:06 Bridgeport      CT  69  63  81  65 SSW 7      1013  BKN              OBS@05Z/WIND KBDR/BKN200/H 80F/L 64F/PCP 0.00"                                                      
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 28/03:44 Fort Payne      AL  74  62  68  77  CALM      1017  SCT              2/10 Cn H/L 89.1/66.0 Prcp 0.00 Pres FS - Nice for summer to be back -SMA[22:45cdt]                 
48.1118 105.629 Aug 28/03:44 Wolf Point      MT  60  54  78  46 ENE20 G 35       OVC  TRW         Thunderstorm in general area                                                                        
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 28/02:55 Bacliff         TX  82  75  81  90 SSE 5      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 28/02:54 Bacliff         TX  82  14   8  76 SSE 5      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 28/01:10 Fairport        NY  67  63  86  67  CALM      1010  CLR  T           NICE lightning show towards the NE. Stars shining through little haze.                              
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 28/01:09 CLINTON         MA  67  57  70  67 SSW 3 G  5 1012  SCT  H           Hi 78 Lo 61 Departure +4  A warm hazy lazy late summer day. Just like I feel--Hazy, and Lazy.       
                Aug 28/00:51 Topton          PA  73                        1014  BKN              Not too bad mix of high/mid-level clouds + sun, much warmer, and more humid.                        
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 28/00:44 Dandridge       TN  85  67  55  88  CALM            SCT  H           And it comes to the end of a perfect day...it is dead calm.                                         
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 28/00:37 Bacliff         TX  84  76  78  93  SE 6      1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 28/00:13 Fircrest        WA                                  CLR              Washington, Four fatalities caused from windstorm last nite.                                        
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 28/00:12 Fircrest        WA  62  60  93  62  SW 3 G  9 1015  OVC  R           Hi62 Lo 55. A couple tornados reported in different parts of the state. Winds to 70 MPH in Eastern  
                Aug 28/00:08 McPherson       KS  85                              CLR              Will summer ever end?                                                                               
                Aug 28/00:07 McPherson       KS  85                              CLR              Pretty evening. Cars need washing, lawn needs mowing and weeding. Who cares?                        
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 27/23:47 Lake Pleasant   NY  62  62 100  62  CALM            OVC  R-F         Warning expired. Storm passed 15-20 miles to the SSE.  Fog getting thicker.                         
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 27/23:24 THOMPSON(1270') OH  74               W 4            CLR  H           7:24pm(Wind sp.est)One growing Cumulus dist.SE.Sure wasa nice wxday!Drove through Thick fog This AM!
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 27/23:09 Pecos           TX 104  52  17 102   W 3      1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 27/22:42 Butte(Emerson)  MT  82  56  42  82  CALM      1012  BKN  RW-         4:42PM MDT:  80% cloudcover.  Storm just passed off to the east.                                    
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 27/22:34 Lake Pleasant   NY  67  67 100                      OVC  LF          Rain: 0.05". SvrTstorm warning in effect. Storms moving in from the South.                          
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 27/22:10 Butte(Emerson)  MT  79  55  44  80 SSW20 G 34 1012  BKN  RW-BDBY     4:10PM MDT:  60% cloudcover.  Thundershowers are "blooming" around us.                              
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 27/22:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  86  46  24  83   E 4      1020  SCT              Cb W DSTNT.                                                                                         
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 27/21:52 Boonsboro       MD  84  76  79  94 ESE 4      1010  SCT  H           High 88 at 2:47 pm  Low 65 at 7:24am EDT                                                            
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 27/20:35 Dandridge       TN  88  67  50  92 WNW 5 G 15 1013  BKN  H           Oh mighty prognosticators, East Tennessee NEEDS RAIN!  Watering garden.                             
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 27/19:18 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  SE 7      1018  BKN               BKN045TCU BKN250 A3005. Uppr lvl high press "parked" ovr N Tx. Hasn't budged for days!             
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 27/19:17 Wamego/Manhattn KS  91  69  48  97                  SCT              Some of the clouds look a bit rainy, but I don't think we'll see any.                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 27/19:16 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  SE 7      1018  BKN              It is bringing Flgstff SW flow w/t.strms.Bringing me NE flow w/nothing. Only hope is Sea Breeze.    
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 27/18:24 Fairport        NY  76  66  71  79 SSW 9 G 12 1012  BKN  H           Hazy sunshine now, nearby T-storm creating sinking air. Muggy this morning with showers.0.01"       
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 27/16:44 Lake Pleasant   NY  65          65  CALM            OVC  F           Patchy fog rolling in.                                                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 27/16:31 Houston/Les     TX  86  73  67  94  NE 5      1019  BKN               BKN045 BKN250 A3009 SLP190. Not much going to happen with this NEasterly flow.                     
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 27/16:14 Auburn          NH  77  67  72  80 WNW 7      1017  BKN              Low this morning of 54.6                                                                            
                Aug 27/13:54 Grand Junction  CO  65  62  90  63   S 5            CLR              73/63 yest (incredible)  0.38" precip also AAH                                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 27/13:37 Fircrest        WA  56  55  96  56  CALM      1014  OVC              After a wild blustery nite in Eastern Washington, things quiet so far this morning.                 
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 27/13:18 Fairfield       CT  74  64  75  77 WNW 7      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 27/12:54 Wamego/Manhattn KS  69  65  87                      SCT              Nice wx, but boring. Lows in the upper 60's, highs mid 90's... looks like it will continue awhile.  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 27/12:39 McPherson       KS  67  64  91  65   S 5 G 10 1016  BKN              Tuesday 90/66  Nice cool morning in Kansas. Days are sure getting shorter. Hi Mike.                 
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 27/12:39 McPherson       KS  67  64  91  65   S 5 G 10       BKN              Tuesday 90/66  Nice cool morning in Kansas. Days are sure getting shorter. Hi Mike.                 
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 27/12:38 Lake Pleasant   NY  57  57 100  57  CALM            OVC  LF          Rain: 0.15" overnight.                                                                              
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 27/12:26 Framingham      MA  69                              OVC              Should become sunny. Hi(8/26) 83@1515EDT. Lo(8/27) 65@0720EDT.                                      
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 27/10:44 Boston          VA  59  57  92  59  CALM            OVC  F           Light fog this moning.                                                                              
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 27/10:44 Boston          VA  59  57  92  59  CALM            OVC  F           Light fog this moning.                                                                              
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 27/10:43 Boston          VA  59  57  92  59  CALM            OVC  F           Light fog this moning.                                                                              
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 27/10:24 Boonsboro       MD  66  63  92  66  CALM      1014  SCT  H           High 70 at 00:01am  Low 66 at 6:21am  EDT                                                           
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 27/06:29 Fort Payne      AL  69  62  79  69   S 1 G  1 1021  CLR  H           0/10 CLR H/L 87.4/59.5 Prcp 0.00 Pres FS - Summers back !! -SMA[01:30cdt]                           
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 27/05:39 Fircrest        WA  57  56  95  57 SSW 3 G  9 1013  BKN              Things calm after a wet wild day out west.                                                          
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 27/04:47 Bridgeport      CT  70             WSW 8      1019  BKN              wind KBDR                                                                                           
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 27/04:46 East Birmingham AL  72  68  87  76  NE 3      1019  SCT              Hi:91 Lo:65  This is the driest it's been in a few mnths and there's no real chance of rain in sight
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 27/04:34 Moorhead        MN  68  60  74  68  CALM      1015  CLR              Hi 92 Lo 56.. Hum aftn 32%..Very nice day today.  This is what summer is all about in Minnesota.    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 27/03:46 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          59  CALM            SCT  F           11:45PM-Crickets+Frogs are sure loud tonight!Air feels like being in "mist tent"!Hi McPherson!      
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 27/02:56 Beckley         WV  64  60  86  64  CALM      1020  SCT              Vis 9SM. BKN050. A30.14R.                                                                           
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 27/02:05 Fairport        NY  65  65  97  65  CALM      1017  BKN              Dew covering ground. High:75.8@1:52pm, Low:51.5@6:41am. more hazy and humid today.                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 27/01:28 THOMPSON        OH  60          60  NW 3            BKN  F           9:27(Wind sp.est)                                                                                   
                Aug 27/01:26 McPherson       KS  79                              CLR              Beautiful evening. Hi everybody. How are you all doing?                                             
                Aug 27/01:03 Topton          PA  71               E 3      1018  BKN              Mix of sun + clouds during daylight but becoming overcast as cold front approaches area.            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 27/00:44 Houston/Les     TX  88  67  50  92  CALM      1017  SCT               FEW050 A3004. Still hot. Just doesn't knock you over now, when you go outside!                     
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 27/00:24 CLINTON         MA  67  58  72  67  CALM      1016  SCT              Hi 82 Lo 48 Departure -1  The mornings are getting cooler.                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 27/00:13 Fircrest        WA  62  65  95  62  CALM      1009  OVC  RW-         Hi 63 Lo 59. Wet and cool all day with thundershowers thrown for excitement.Is Fall around corner?  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 26/19:29 Wamego/Manhattn KS  92  68  45  97                  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 26/17:19 Houston/Les     TX  87  66  50  90  NE 5      1020  SCT               Wamego,been real nice.Lows around 70 instead of 80 (68 this AM). Highs around 90 instead of 100.   
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 26/17:01 Overland        MO  77  74  93  82  NE10 G 12 1020  BKN              8/25  H 86  L 70   8/26 Pressure Rising                                                             
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 26/15:55 Annapolis       MD  76  67  63  79  CALM      1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 26/15:39 Auburn          NH  74  61  64  77  NE 4      1021  SCT              Morning low: 48.8F   PeakWind thus far 7mph.....temps have jumped about 25degs in 5 hours           
                Aug 26/13:54 Grand Junction  CO  70  69 100  75  CALM            OVC  R           92/66 yesterday.  Nice rain this morning AAH                                                        
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 26/13:39 Fircrest        WA  60  59  96  60  CALM      1008  OVC              Looks like rain this morning. Muggy out.                                                            
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 26/13:28 Fairfield       CT  74  64  74  77  CALM      1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 26/13:27 Framingham      MA  67                              CLR              Great weather continues! Hi(8/25) 79@1355EDT. Lo(8/26) 56@0635-0650EDT.                             
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 26/13:26 PAINESVILLE     OH  66  66 100  66   S 1            BKN  F           Mostly calm and peaceful conditions will last till 3 as the kids are back in school.                
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 26/13:25 Wamego/Manhattn KS  69  61  75                      SCT                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 26/13:24 Lake Pleasant   NY  61                              BKN                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 26/13:07 Moorhead        MN  61  57  87  61  CALM      1015  SCT              Lo 56 Hi 87.  Another nice day expected.                                                            
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 26/13:05 Moorhead        MN                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 26/12:45 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          59   S 3            BKN  FH          8:45am(Wind sp.est)Fog thinning out mod-thin now.Hazed over sun+clouds.Crickets chirping!           
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 26/12:24 Beckley         WV  55  55 100  55  CALM      1021  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.17R.                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 26/11:20 Dandridge       TN  62  58  88  62  CALM            SCT  H           Bodes another nice day.                                                                             
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 26/10:53 Boston          VA  57  55  92  57  CALM      1021   X   R-F         Heavy fog less than a half of mile visibilty. Light rain last night 0.08  Low 6:15 this morning.    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 26/10:45 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          47 SSE 5            SCT  F           6:45am(Wind sp.est)Fog sothick U could cutit!Red sky in morn!Some R NW in MI.Pink sky pretty in fog!
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 26/10:23 Boonsboro       MD  62  61  97  62  CALM      1016  SCT  H           High 70 at 00:01am  Low 62 at 6:21am EDT                                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 26/10:14 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          50  CALM            SCT  F           6:14am-Thick fog!McPherson2foggy mornings in a row!*S*(Thanks for tellin me,thats a new one for me!)
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 26/05:36 Fircrest        WA  63  60  88  63 NNW 1 G  5 1010  SCT              0.16" rain in the gauge today.  0.55"total for month so far. Normal  1.1".Might make it yet.        
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 26/05:02 Auburn          NH  53  52  98  53  CALM      1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 26/04:58 Bridgeport      CT  63          63 NNE 3      1020  CLR              wind KBDR                                                                                           
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 26/02:34 East Birmingham AL  73  63  74  77  NE 3      1019  SCT              Hi:88 Lo:63  The air and the ground remain unusually dry. We haven't felt humidity in a while.      
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 26/01:45 utica           OH  68  56  67  65   S 6 G  8 1019  BKN  F                                                                                                               
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 26/01:02 CLINTON         MA  60  55  83  60  CALM      1018  SCT              Hi 81 Lo 51 Departure 0  A perfect winding down summer day.  (does that really make sense?)         
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 26/00:16 Fircrest        WA  71  62  75  76   N 1 G  6 1011  BKN              Hi 71 Lo 60. NOAA Confirmed funnel cld last nite a tornado. Minor damage. Unusual again for here.   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 26/00:01 THOMPSON(1270') OH  67          66 WNW 4            SCT  FH          8:01pm(Wind sp.est)Took awalk in woods,cooed at morn'n dove!Feels misty!Peaceful herein Country ton!
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 25/23:51 Houston/Les     TX  89  64  44  92  NE 3      1016  SCT               Psville, A/C is finally getting a little bit of a break!                                           
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 25/23:50 Houston/Les     TX  89  64  44  92  NE 3      1016  SCT               Just a "sprinkling" of clouds around. Mostly clr skies. Hi today 90 (cooler), and look at the humid
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 25/23:33 Dandridge       TN  81  57  45  81 WNW 5 G 10 1017  SCT              Nice day, need rain again...watering my greens beds and broccoli.                                   
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 25/23:07 Pecos           TX 102  50  17  99  SE14      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 25/23:02 Topton          PA  72               W 3      1018  BKN              Nice day but now quite dark like it's ready to rain.  Radar shows a few showers in area.            
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 25/21:59 North Granby    CT  76  60  57  78  CALM      1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 25/21:58 Aurora (#4811)  CO  85  52  31  83 ENE 4      1021  BKN              TCu NE, Cb W, Cu E.                                                                                 
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 25/21:55 Auburn          NH  74  59  60  77  SE 8      1022  BKN              High this afternoon 83.4F PeakWind  only 9mph                                                       
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 25/21:08 Boonsboro       MD  80  70  73  84 SSE 2      1015  BKN              High 84 at 2:47 pm  Low 64 at 6:50am  EDT                                                           
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 25/21:02 Fairport        NY  70  53  54  76 SSE 5 G 12 1020  BKN              Altocumulus    High71.6@1:45pm, Low:58.0@6:27am                                                     
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 25/20:22 Stamford        CT  78  54  46  79  CALM      1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 25/18:23 Wamego/Manhattn KS  91  68  46  96                  CLR              Hou: Dewpoint of 63 is probably very refreshing after what you've had lately!                       
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 25/17:37 Houston/Les     TX  89  63  43  91  NE 5 G 10 1019  CLR               SKC A3010 SLP189. This is one or those rare days in Houston, when the hum. drops below 50%.        
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 25/17:13 Auburn          NH  78  59  53  80 ESE 7      1022  SCT              Morning low of 50.7                                                                                 
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 25/16:52 Boston          VA  80  63  56  82 NNE 1 G  7 1020  BKN  H           Visibility approx. 15 miles.                                                                        
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 25/16:52 Boston          VA  80  63  56  82 NNE 1 G  7 1020  BKN  H           Visibility approx. 15 miles.                                                                        
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 25/13:48 Fairfield       CT  74  61  64  77     3      1022  SCT              Wind light and variable, BKN layer on south horiz.                                                  
                Aug 25/13:38 Grand Junction  CO  69  54  59  63   S10            SCT              90/69 yest. Still pretty warm AAH                                                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 25/13:37 Fircrest        WA  60  58  95  60  CALM      1012  OVC              A funnel cloud spotted in Snohomish County yesterday. Not yet confirmed if possible Tornado.        
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 25/13:35 Wamego/Manhattn KS  72  68  87  76                  SCT              Nice weekend here. Warmer, breezy and more humid as we begin the week.                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/13:26 THOMPSON(1270') OH  56          51  SE 7            OVC              Youngstown4.32"Toledo3.95"Akron/Canton3.80" Interesting!(ML)                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/13:23 THOMPSON(1270') OH  56          51  SE 7            OVC  F           9:22(W.sp.est)Lookedat NWS OH R T's think were lowest P'ville!Columbus5.73"Cleve.5.26"Mansfeild4.79"
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/12:53 THOMPSON(1270') OH  56          52  SE 6            OVC  F           8:53(W.sp.est)Damp Cold!P'ville Wow U'r still hav'n drought comp.to here!So close yet so different! 
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 25/12:53 Flagstaff       AZ  60  54  82  60  CALM      1026  OVC              Got 0.07" rain yesterday.  Monsoon is in full swing                                                 
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 25/12:50 Framingham      MA  65                              BKN              High clouds--mostly to S. Hi(8/24) 78@1605EDT. Lo(8/25) 56@0620EDT.                                 
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 25/12:40 Lake Pleasant   NY  62                              BKN              Rain: 0.05" last 24 hours                                                                           
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 25/12:39 PAINESVILLE     OH  62  61  95  62  SE 3 G  9 1018  OVC              .01" OVERNITE AND 2.32 FOR THE MONTH.                                                               
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 25/12:33 McPherson       KS  68  64  89  66   S 5            SCT              Sunday hi/89 lo/68  Hot week forecast for here msh.  Need to mow grass again.                       
                Aug 25/12:31 Topton          PA  64          64   W 3 G  5 1020  BKN              Red sky this morning but forecasters say nothing to worry about.  Feels like fall!                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 25/12:06 Dandridge       TN  59  55  88  59  CALM      1020  BKN  H           Nice day beginning.  I'll dig potatoes today!                                                       
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 25/11:40 North Granby    CT  55  51  83  55  CALM      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/11:25 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          50  SE 6            OVC  F           Adding R so far today Aug T= 3.78"s+(one missing storm)!(ML)                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/11:20 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          50  SE 6            OVC  F           7:19am(W.sp.est)Sofar.07"s tod,8/24R=.04"sAugT=3.71"s.!Backfrom Madison no fog there thick fog here!
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 25/10:28 Boston          VA  59  57  92  59  CALM      1019  BKN              Visibility 10 miles.  Total rainfall for August  2.18 inches.                                       
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 25/10:24 Boonsboro       MD  64  61  93  64 WSW 1      1016  SCT              High 70 at 00:01am  Low 64 at 6:21am EDT                                                            
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 25/09:04 Butte(Emerson)  MT  51  44  78  51  CALM      1018  CLR  H           3:04AM MDT:  00% cloudcover.  Just saw a beautiful shooting star.  Good trail with it.              
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 25/05:42 Fircrest        WA  63  61  92  63  CALM      1015  OVC              Sat hi: 72 Lo 56  Sun Hi: 71 Lo 57. Rain showers cooler temps most of week with sun breaks.         
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 25/05:20 Fort Payne      AL  64  56  77  64 SSW 1 G  3 1024  CLR              0/10 CLR H/L 82.8/57.2 Prcp 0.00 Pres S - Feels good, hope it stays this way -SMA[00:19cdt]         
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 25/04:03 East Birmingham AL  68  63  83  68   W 3      1019  SCT              Hi:87 Lo:62  The humidity is gradually coming back, but the rain is not.                            
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 25/04:02 Beckley         WV  60  55  83  60 NNE 3      1021  OVC  R-          Vis 9SM. BKN075 OVC090. A30.16F.                                                                    
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 25/03:48 Beckley         WV  60  57  89  60  CALM      1021  OVC              Vis. 10SM. OVC080. A30.17R.                                                                         
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 25/03:45 Bridgeport      CT  62          62   N 3      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/03:06 THOMPSON(1270') OH  55          50  SE 7            OVC  RF          11:05pm(W.sp.est).04"s so far today.                                                                
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 25/02:40 utica           OH  61  60 100  61 WSW 3 G  5 1016  OVC  RW+F                                                                                                            
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 25/02:37 utica           OH  61  60 100  61   W 3 G  5       OVC  RW-F                                                                                                            
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 25/02:30 Bacliff         TX  81  72  75  86 ESE 8      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 25/02:19 Moorhead        MN  77  66  69  80 SSE13      1012  SCT              Hi 91...It was a warm day today..Thunder showers to the west.                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/01:50 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          52  SE 8            OVC  F           happening here?P'ville do U?I rem.mild Temps=alot of sn+precip.Little sn=Fridgid temps,wind+drifts!?
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/01:45 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          52  SE 8            OVC  F           9:45pm(W.sp.est)Grandma said local wx said"mild temps w/little sn this winter"Don't remember that   
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 25/01:21 Fairport        NY  64  56  75  64  CALM      1022  OVC              High:72.6@2:38pm,Low:51.4@6:27am sunny this morning then increasing high clouds + developing cu(con)
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 25/01:06 Boonsboro       MD  71  61  72  76 ESE 1      1016  BKN              High 83 at 3:14pm   Low 52 at 7:24am  EDT                                                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 25/00:46 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          56  SE 5            OVC  F           8:45pm(Wind sp.est)Lightfog.Damp+cold.Lawn nice+green w/pretty yel+orange feildtype flowers allover!
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 25/00:37 CLINTON         MA  58  56  93  58  CALM      1017  CLR              Hi 74 Lo 52 Departure -3  The nice weather should keep rolling on this week.                        
                Aug 25/00:20 McPherson       KS  83                              CLR              Max temp today 89. Houston, you are so lucky. Green here too.                                       
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 24/23:19 Houston/Les     TX  86  74  68  94  NE 5      1016  SCT               A/C has been running at "3/4 speed" today! Still hot though. Grass needs mowing from that 4" rain. 
  34.92 -82.319 Aug 24/23:17 Taylors         SC  82  42  25  79  CALM      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 24/23:03 Bacliff         TX  84  71  67  90  SE 8      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 24/23:02 Bacliff         TX  84  71  67  90  SE 8            CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 24/23:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  94  44  17  90  NE 2      1020  BKN              TR- S,W,NW DSTNT.                                                                                   
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 24/20:33 McPherson       KS  88               S10            CLR              Warm and sunny but not bad for August.                                                              
                Aug 24/20:31 BaxterWxService TX  95  68  42 101  SE 8 G 13       SCT                                                                                                                  
  30.16  -95.68 Aug 24/19:52 Houston/NW      TX  89  64  44  92 ENE 9      1019  SCT              SCT050 MOV SW RW 60S-SSE 105SE MOV LTL A3009 PCPN:0.00 | Hou/NW precip(8-23, 4-8am)...2.87"         
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 24/19:38 Bacliff         TX  86  70  59  91   E11      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 24/19:14 Auburn          NH  72  56  58  76 NNW10 G 14 1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
  34.92  -82.31 Aug 24/18:51 Taylors         SC  87  40  20  83   W 1 G  8 1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.53  -78.15 Aug 24/18:36 Boston          VA  84  58  41  84  CALM      1021  CLR              Beautiful cool fall like day here in Virginia                                                       
  34.92   82.31 Aug 24/18:28 Taylors         SC  87  41  20  83 NNW 4 G  8 1020  SCT              Fair                                                                                                
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 24/18:17 Beckley         WV  69  48  47  69  CALM      1022  SCT              Vis 10SM. FEW049. A30.19F.                                                                          
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 24/18:06 Auburn          NH  72  57  59  76 NNW10 G 14 1019  BKN              Just back from my Sherbrooke, QU and Montreal, QU trip...cool and rainy up there...50s and 60s      
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 24/17:18 Auburn          NH  70  58  64  76 NNW10 G 15 1018  SCT              08/23  Hi:76 Lo:57     Low this morning 48.7  Peak wind: 18mph                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 24/16:41 Houston/Les     TX  84  73  70  91  NE 5 G 10 1019  SCT               FEW050 A3008. Overnight low was "70"! Very nice to dip below 80, after all of this time. How long? 
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 24/16:39 Bacliff         TX  83  71  69  88 ENE12 G 18 1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
 432600 0725000 Aug 24/15:05 Buffalo         NY  79  45  31  78  CALM            SCT              Niagara River SOUTN calm waters, Lake erie, Fort Erie to Port Colborne, Calm with waves less than 2 
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 24/14:54 Fairfield       CT  73  60  67  77  SE 3      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
                Aug 24/14:37 Topton          PA  68          68   W 3      1020  SCT              Gorgeous day here in the country.  Chilly low of 57 this morning.  Needed jackets!                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 24/14:06 THOMPSON(1270') OH  57          52   S 7            OVC              10:05am(W.sp.est)Wow heat wave!Early morn app.sat at resterant,debate at next table Oct.or Nov wx!*S
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 24/13:05 Lake Pleasant   NY  62                              SCT              Cool, sun and clouds. Rain: 0.1" last 24 hrs                                                        
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 24/12:56 Aurora (#4811)  CO  62  49  49  60  SW 5      1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 24/12:41 Framingham      MA  64                              CLR              Another beautiful day! Hi(8/23) 78@1415+1525EDT. Lo(8/24) 57@0700EDT.                               
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 24/12:29 McPherson       KS  68  65  91  66 SSE 5 G 10 1018  CLR              Sat. max/84 min/64   It's a beautiful morning in central Kansas.                                    
   42.2   -71.1 Aug 24/12:29 west roxbury    MA  63  48  60  60   W 6      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 24/11:57 Boonsboro       MD  55  48  78  55  CALM      1019  SCT              High 57 at 00:01am   Low 52 at 7:24am EDT                                                           
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 24/11:56 Dandridge       TN  55  53  95  55  CALM      1020  CLR              The feel of Fall!  Planted my Fall broccoli yesterday.                                              
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 24/11:55 Boonsboro       MD  78  70  78  82  CALM      1019  SCT              High 57 at 00:01am   Low 52 at 7:24am EDT                                                           
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 24/11:18 Boston          VA  56  51  81  56  CALM      1023  CLR              Another beautiful day in Virginia !  It's 100% clear, at this time.  Feels like fall !!!            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 24/06:36 THOMPSON(1270') OH  48          48  CALM            SCT              2:35am- Oops forgot R totals!8/23R=.12(early in am)Aug.T=3.67"s+(one missing storm)Was sunny tod!   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 24/06:19 THOMPSON(1270') OH  48          48  CALM            SCT              in1971!Gotwarm enough tod foronly Thermals,swshirt+jeans!*S*Gonnago dreamof91,Mt's+MT!Ahhh!Hi Utica!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 24/06:11 THOMPSON(1270') OH  48          48  CALM            SCT              2:10am-Are we tryin tobreak another cold rec.or what!To beat rec's Cleve.44set in1952Youngstown42set
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 24/05:58 Bridgeport      CT  61                        1016  CLR              WND L+V                                                                                             
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 24/05:56 Clifton         NJ  59  55  86  59  CALM      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 24/05:15 Fort Payne      AL  62  54  76  62  CALM      1025  CLR              0/10 CLR H/L 81.7/56.7 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Summer seems to be over. -SMA[00:16cdt]                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 24/05:03 THOMPSON(1270') OH  48          48  CALM            SCT              1:03am-Hvy dew on windshields+grass.Long day!Did see some nice snowsuits in travels tod!*S*P'ville! 
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 24/04:32 Bacliff         TX  82  75  80  89 ENE11      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 24/04:09 Moorhead        MN  67  58  74  67  CALM      1013  CLR              Steady bar..Warm evening..Mn standards                                                              
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 24/03:54 utica           OH  54  39  57  54   W 2 G  4 1018  SCT              Rain expected within 15 hrs.                                                                        
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 24/03:40 Stamford        CT  68  57  76  68  CALM      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 24/03:39 Clifton         NJ  63  57  80  63  CALM      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 24/03:39 Stamford        CT                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 24/02:54 Aurora (#4811)  CO  71  49  45  76 SSE 2      1023  SCT                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 24/02:21 Moorhead        MN  72  61  54  76  CALM            CLR              Warm day today..Hi 87 Lo 62.  Had .01 of rain early this morning(2:20a) Expecting 85-90 again tom.  
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 24/02:19 Moorhead        MN  72  61  54  76  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 24/01:38 CLINTON         MA  61  55  80  61  CALM      1012  CLR              Hi 76 Lo 53 Departure -2  Another beautiful weekend in this nice summer of 1997.                    
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 24/00:18 Houston/Les     TX  86  73  66  94   E 4      1016  SCT               Cloud cover helped keep the temps down today. (Plus the NEasterly winds!)                          
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 24/00:11 Bacliff         TX  84  77  80  94   N 8      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 24/00:08 East Birmingham AL  72  53  54  76   N 6      1019  CLR              Hi:84 Lo:60  It doesn't get any better than this! Can't remember a dewpoint as low as 52 in August! 
  29.50  -94.98 Aug 23/22:53 Bacliff         TX  84  76  77  93 NNE 4      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.50   94.98 Aug 23/22:16 Bacliff         TX  84  75  75  92 NNE 4      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 23/22:15 Clifton         NJ  71  56  58  76  NW 3      1014  CLR              Bar.rising, Vis.10mi., Aug.precip.2.84in.                                                           
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 23/22:07 boonsboro       MD  75  62  64  78 NNW 5 G 10 1014  SCT              High 81 at 2:42 pm  Low 54 at 4:52am  EDT                                                           
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 23/21:16 Aurora (#4811)  CO  87  48  25  84   W 3      1023  SCT                                                                                                                  
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 23/19:57 NORTH ST.PAUL   MN  75  66  73  78 SSW 6 G 12 1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 23/19:52 PAINESVILLE     OH  68  61  81  64   W 8 G 15 1018  CLR              Beautiful!!!                                                                                        
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 23/19:42 Annapolis       MD  74  53  47  77  CALM      1016  BKN                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 23/19:24 McPherson       KS  82                              SCT              Wow Houston!                                                                                        
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 23/19:23 McPherson       KS  82                              SCT              OU getting clobbered as predicted.                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 23/19:23 McPherson       KS  82                              SCT              It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.                                                           
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 23/18:17 Houston/Les     TX  84  73  70  91  NE 3      1019  OVC               T/strms hit at 4am.Great sleeping wx.Lots of lightning/thunder.Looked at rain gauge this am-4.15"! 
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 23/17:59 utica           OH  78  49  37  78 WNW12 G 15 1019  SCT              slt risk of svr weather expected sunday                                                             
                Aug 23/16:52 Topton          PA  70               W 5 G 10 1015  BKN              Started out clear but suddenly very dark.  Radar only shows a few showers to south.  Cool and crisp.
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 23/16:38 utica           OH  76  54  48  78 WNW 5 G 11 1020  CLR              mod risk svr weather next 24-48 hrs.                                                                
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 23/16:37 utica           OH  76  54  48  78 WNW 5 G 11       CLR              mod risk svr weather next 24-48 hrs.                                                                
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 23/14:20 Moorhead        MN  68  63  87  64 SSE 8      1018  CLR              Very nice morning..Had .01 of precp. early AM..Expecting highs near 90 today.(the Tx heat)          
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 23/13:52 North Granby    CT  66  54  67  63  NW 6 G 10 1011  SCT              .23" rain overnight. 5.49" for August                                                               
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 23/13:32 PAINESVILLE     OH  64  60  87  59 WNW 8 G 12       SCT              Sun at last! I actually have a winter sweater on. Thompson probably has snowmobile suit!            
   42.2   -71.1 Aug 23/13:11 west roxbury    MA  68  62  82  65   S 6      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 23/12:58 Framingham      MA  65                              CLR              Only got sprinkle from yesterday's showers in area. Hi(8/22) 76@1530-1540EDT. Lo(8/23) 60@0700EDT.  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 23/12:54 Aurora (#4811)  CO  60  51  70  58  SW 5      1025  CLR                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 23/12:35 Lake Pleasant   NY  67                              BKN              Rain: 0.2". Sun and clouds. Fells like humidity is going up.                                        
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 23/12:34 McPherson       KS  65  64  98  65  CALM            CLR              Beautiful morning. Fri. max/86 min/65   Northwestern vs. Oklahoma?  I'll pick NW.8>(                
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 23/11:54 Boston          VA  59  53  80  59  NW 2 G  3 1018  CLR              Look like another great day here is Virginia !  A good day to all !                                 
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 23/10:36 Clifton         NJ  58  55  89  58  CALM      1012  CLR              Bar.rising, Vis.10mi., Ceil.unlimited.                                                              
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 23/09:04 West Haven      CT  59  58  95  59  CALM      1010  CLR                                                                                                                  
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 23/06:04 Fort Payne      AL  61  51  72  61  CALM      1024  CLR              0/10 CLR H/L 79.7/58.1 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Feels like fall ! -SMA[01:05cdt]                         
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 23/04:58 Bridgeport      CT  66          61   W 8      1010  CLR              KBDR 24 HOUR PCP 0.01"                                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 23/04:29 THOMPSON(1270') OH  53          47   W 7            OVC  R+          12:29am(W.sp.est)8/22R=.81"s Aug.T=3.55"s+(one missing storm)!                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 23/03:51 Aurora (#4811)  CO  63  52  68  59  SW 7 G 15 1027  CLR              presR                                                                                               
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 23/03:26 Lake Pleasant   NY  55  54 100                      OVC  RWF         Intermittent light to moderate showers. Patchy fog moving in.                                       
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 23/02:47 East Birmingham AL  67  59  82  65  NW 5      1018  OVC              Hi:82 Lo:57!  It was beatiful today with dry air and blue skies! Clouds moved in late afternoon.    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 23/02:29 THOMPSON(1270') OH  53          45 WNW 9            BKN              10:27pm(Wind sp.est).81"s sofar tod.Butte-88!91!Quit!U'r makin me homesick!I miss them Mountains to!
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 23/02:13 CLINTON         MA  62  61  96  62  CALM       973  SCT              HI 73 Lo 57 Departure -2 Showers to the East but nothing here tonight.                              
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 23/02:05 utica           OH  59  44  58  57   W 5 G  9 1016  OVC  L                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 23/02:02 Houston/Les     TX  82  72  74  88   E10 G 15 1015  SCT               The wind boundary just passed and now I see some big t/strms crossing La/Tx border. Keep on coming!
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 23/00:59 Butte(Emerson)  MT  88  53  31  87 NNW14      1016  CLR              7:00PM MDT:  05% cloudcover.  Man, I'd do anything for those cooling thundershowers off to the south
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 23/00:49 North Granby    CT  67  60  77  67  CALM      1008  SCT  T           Small T-Storm cells SW and WNW. Lightning visible to NW                                             
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 23/00:24 Butte(Emerson)  MT  89  53  30  87  NW 6      1016  CLR              6:24PM MDT:  05% cloudcover.  Lo50/Hi91  Another hot day here in the Treasure State.                
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 23/00:11 Fircrest        WA  79  62  57  81 SSW 3 G  9 1014  SCT              Hi 79 Lo 56. Hi clds moving in. Chance of rain tonight/tommorrow. Back Sunday  Have nice weekend.   
   42.2   -71.1 Aug 23/00:01 west roxbury    MA          93       S        1012  BKN                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/23:50 Houston/Les     TX  95  73  50 106  CALM      1014  SCT               T/strms in Louisiana have created a boundary. Waiting to see if it gets here.                      
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 22/23:46 Aurora (#4811)  CO  74  53  52  77   N22 G 39 1026  OVC  TR-         presR                                                                                               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/23:24 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          48   W 7            OVC              7:24pm(Wind sp.est).71"sR sofar today.MiserableDamp cold again!Maydo title transfer on newhouse Mon!
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 22/23:07 Pecos           TX  95  63  34  97 ESE15      1016  OVC  H                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 22/23:00 Aurora (#4811)  CO  81  47  30  79 ENE 5 G 10 1025  BKN              RW- N DSTNT, presR.                                                                                 
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 22/22:31 Clifton         NJ  77  64  64  79 WSW 3      1008  BKN              Bar.rising, Ceil.10000ft., Vis.10mi.,Aug.precip.2.84in.                                             
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 22/22:30 Beckley         WV  62  48  60  55  NW10      1017  SCT              Vis 10SM. FEW049 BKN080. A30.05R.                                                                   
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 22/22:30 Clifton         NJ  77  64  64  79 WSW 3            BKN              Bar.rising, Ceil.10000ft., Vis.10mi.,Aug.precip.2.84in.                                             
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 22/22:22 Aurora (#4811)  CO  83  48  29  81  CALM      1025  SCT              Cb N, NW DSTNT.                                                                                     
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 22/22:20 Lake Pleasant   NY  61                              SCT              Skies clearing, sun shining. Rain: 0.15" during passing showers. Big stuff went around us.          
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 22/22:01 Fairport        NY  60  59  96  60   S 3      1006  OVC  RW          Misty with occasional showers. I like extremes, definitely not this.                                
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 22/21:38 Moorhead        MN  80  61  54  82 SSE10      1018  SCT              Very nice day..Hi 81..with light winds.                                                             
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 22/21:37 Boonsboro       MD  69  58  70  67 NNW 5 G 18 1009  BKN              High 76 at 11:50 am  Low 57 at 5:27am EDT                                                           
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 22/21:10 Lake Pleasant   NY  60  59 100                      OVC  TRW         Moderate to heavy showers rolling in one behind the other from the West with sun in between.        
  43.64   72.24 Aug 22/20:52 lebanon         NH  75  61  60  78 SSW 8 G 10 1008  SCT  H           1.75 inches in last 24 hrs                                                                          
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 22/20:22 McPherson       KS  83                              BKN              Just mowed lawn. Really muggy and now clouding up again -- more rain?                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/20:13 Boston          VA  79  54  41  79 NNW 7 G 20 1012  SCT              Today has been a beautiful day. Cool and breezy. Signs of fall, crickets,wild fruit ripe + falling. 
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 22/19:27 Fairport        NY  61  55  80  49  SW16 G 21 1006  OVC  TR+         Thunder storm w/ heavy rain( felt it coming )                                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/18:38 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          48   W12 G 19       OVC              2:37PM(Wind sp.est).60"s so far today!Don't feel as cld right now asthis morn.gettin alittle breezy!
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 22/18:21 Wamego/Manhattn KS  82  63  52  84                  BKN              A few sprinkles now and then, not even enough to get pavement wet.                                  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 22/18:19 Fairport        NY  68  52  57  62  SW10 G 14 1006  OVC              Cool day; high 71.2@1:09pm. Looks like we're about to get washed out.                               
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 22/18:05 Moorhead        MN  74  59  58  77 SSE 9      1019  CLR              Sorry..Kept hiting enter bar instead of tab..  Very nice day in northern Mn.  Sunny light winds..   
  46.88         Aug 22/18:03 Moorhead        MN                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.88         Aug 22/18:03 Moorhead        MN                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  44.44   92.51 Aug 22/17:57 Hastings        MN  69  53  57  69   E 3      1022  CLR              few cirrostratus,cirrus west-north falling pressure                                                 
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 22/16:33 Dandridge       TN  70  49  48  76 NNW 8 G 15 1016  SCT  H           The "feel" of Fall!  I'm late, picked beans this AM,  Planting more greens.                         
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/16:18 Houston/Les     TX  87  80  80 102  SW 2      1019  SCT               Finally! This afternoon may become interesting. This is the first time in a long time.             
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/16:17 Houston/Les     TX  87  80  80 102  SW 2      1019  SCT               We have a shot at some t/strm/rain/poss. severe wx. Uppr lev disturbance riding the 300MB jet.     
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 22/13:34 Fairfield       CT  64  64 100  64  CALM      1010  OVC                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 22/13:33 Fircrest        WA  58  55  88  58  CALM      1017  CLR              Starting out nice and Sunny.  Chance of showers by tonight?                                         
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 22/13:27 Wamego/Manhattn KS  67  63  86                      SCT              Had some R- yesterday over noonhour, and again last evening. Only a trace.                          
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 22/13:15 Framingham      MA  65                              OVC              Occnl BINOVC. For 8/21:Hi 64@2305-2359EDT(lowest since 6/2),Lo 59@0905-1000EDT. Lo(8/22) 62@0730EDT.
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/13:11 THOMPSON(1270') OH  52          42   W10            OVC  R-          9:11(W.sp.est).23"s sofar.P'ville!Goodto C U!Yesterday R T?Augvember here!Nukeplant keep'n U Warm!*S
  32.06  -92.09 Aug 22/13:08 Monroe          LA  68  65  90  68  NE 3            CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 22/12:44 McPherson       KS  64  61  93  64  CALM      1018  OVC              Alot of rain in our area overnight. 2-3" west and southwest of McPherson. Official amounts below.   
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 22/12:43 McPherson       KS  64  61  93  64  CALM      1018  OVC              Thurs.max/85 min/64w/.75"-5.22" mtd 24.42"ytd(2-3" above long time averages for both)need to mow msh
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 22/12:38 PAINESVILLE     OH  60  59  94  52 WNW10 G 15 1007  OVC  R-          Welcome to Augtober. .26" since midnite. Lawn looks lush again.Wish it would dry so I could cut it! 
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 22/12:18 Lake Pleasant   NY  55  54 100                      OVC  L           Light drizzle continues. 1.0" total last 24 hrs.                                                    
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 22/12:10 Moorhead        MN  53  52  96  53  CALM      1021  BKN              Overnight low  52.                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:14 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:14 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:14 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:14 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:14 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:13 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 22/11:12 Boston          VA  58  54  87  58 WNW 1 G  4 1010  SCT  H           Outside it appears to be the makings of a pretty day!                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 22/10:53 North Granby    CT  58  54  88  58  CALM      1009  OVC                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/10:41 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          40  SW10            OVC  L           We'll need snow shovels to find veggies!*S*  Sunrise turning dark grey clouds pretty orange+pink!   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/10:37 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          40  SW10            OVC  L           overnight.Houston-Have no Idea when real"Harvest moon"is,but ifwe wait'till next mo. I'm afraid     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/10:32 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          40  SW10            OVC  R-          6:31am(W.sp.est)Eeww!You should see these dark ugly clouds commin in!Snow clouds?*S*Picked up.16"s  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 22/09:43 West Haven      CT  59  59 100  58   N 4      1008  OVC  F                                                                                                               
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 22/09:24 Boonsboro       MD  57  55  95  57  CALM      1006  SCT              High 65 at 00:01am  Low 57 at 5:22am EDT                                                            
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 22/07:29 BRIDGEPORT      CT  60  57  90  60  CALM      1008  BKN              COR: OBS@07Z BKN005 BKN110 (8/21 PK WND E 40, H 66F, L 59F, PCP 8/20-21 2.11" Success Village)      
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 22/07:19 BRIDGEPORT      CT  60  57  90  60  CALM      1008  BKN              OBS@07Z BKN005 BKN110 (8/21 PK WND E 40, H 66F, L 59F, PCP 2.11" Success Village)                   
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/06:55 Houston/Les     TX  82  77  85  91  CALM      1016  CLR               Wait a minute. Thompson, harvest moon is next month isn't it?                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/06:51 Houston/Les     TX  82  77  85  91  CALM      1016  CLR               Thompson, ten till 2 and 82! Getting close to the low for tonight. Very muggy. However, a nice moon
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 22/05:35 Fircrest        WA  66  57  73  66   N 1 G  5 1018  BKN              Chance of more rain Friday nite/Sat before sunny weather comes back                                 
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 22/05:01 East Birmingham AL  64  57  76  61  NW 6      1016  CLR              Hi:85 Lo:68   A taste of fall. The air is much drier. We are easily headed toward the 50's tonight. 
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 22/04:02 Thurmont        MD  58                              SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/03:18 THOMPSON(1270') OH  52          49   W 5            BKN  T           11:17(W.sp.est)Distant storm W. 8-21 R=.93"s Aug.T= 2.74"s+(one missing storm)                      
                Aug 22/02:55 McPherson       KS  76                              OVC  T           I'm getting offline. Too much electricity in the air outside.                                       
                Aug 22/02:53 McPherson       KS  76                              OVC  T           Is this thing working? Looks like we're going to get wet!! Maybe flooded.                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/02:52 THOMPSON(1270') OH  52          49   W 5            BKN  R-          10:51pm(W.sp.est)Big beautiful orange"harvest moon"!Drove through sm.thunderboomer alittlebit ago.  
  46.88  -96.77 Aug 22/02:37 Moorhead        MN  64  56  75  64  CALM      1019  SCT              Nice day up here in the north country.  Hi 77 Lo 53..Light winds all day.                           
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/02:21 Houston/Les     TX  82  75  81  90  CALM      1017  SCT                The upper level disturbance approaching tommorrow shud give us a good chance of rain.             
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 22/02:20 Houston/Les     TX  82  75  81  90  CALM      1017  SCT               I recd. a high today of 100 w/heat index of 115. Hous. Intercontinental airport recd. 99 and 110.  
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 22/01:40 North Granby    CT  60  56  86  60   N 3      1007  OVC              1.53" rain today.                                                                                   
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 22/01:39 BaxterWxService TX  83  64  42  83  SW 6 G 13       CLR              all most got some precip this afternoon!                                                            
   42.3    71.3 Aug 22/01:33 Northborough    MA  58  58 100  37  SE82 G102       OVC  TR+IPW+AF   HURRICANE BROOKS Should pass soon. 32" of Rain so far. Eyewall is currently over head!              
   42.3    71.3 Aug 22/01:29 Northborough    MA  59  58  99  57  SE 5 G 15       OVC  RF          1.98" of Rain so far! The DROUGHT will END! No more WATER BAN!                                      
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/01:15 THOMPSON(1270') OH  52          51 WSW 4            BKN  T           9:14pm(W.sp.est)Storm to my SW                                                                      
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 22/01:13 McPherson       KS  78  67  70  81  CALM      1016  SCT              Today's high temp was 85.  Beautiful evening. Rain possibility in forecast.                         
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 22/00:53 CLINTON         MA  58  58 100  58  CALM      1004   X   R-F         Hi 59 Lo 54 Departure -11 Rain 1.31 A good rainy day, wind gust to 29 ENE, heavy backlash showers.  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 22/00:28 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          47   W 8            SCT              8:27(W.sp.est)Downright COLD!Houston-When Iget rich willbuy housein Hou. soIcan fly S. for Winter!*S
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 22/00:16 Fircrest        WA  73  60  63  77  CALM      1018  BKN              Hi 73 Lo 60                                                                                         
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 21/23:42 Lake Pleasant   NY  55  55 100                      OVC  L           Day long drizzle: 0.7"                                                                              
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 21/23:40 Pecos           TX 104  55  19 103 SSE 8      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 21/23:30 Houston/Les     TX  81  75  84  88  CALM      1017  OVC  R-           All my data was lost, somehow                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 21/23:28 Houston/Les     TX                  CALM      1017  OVC  R-           Cant believe that t/strm fizzled out. Not enough rain to cover the ground, but cooled it off some. 
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 21/22:41 Houston/Les     TX  86  70  60  92   N13 G 22 1017  OVC               Strong T/strm has developed to the N of me. mving this way. Skies are ominous, winds hv picked up. 
  39.77  -75.06 Aug 21/22:38 Blackwood       NJ  77  63  62  79 WSW 3      1007  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 21/22:13 BROOKLYN        NY  69  64  85  66   N 6      1006  SCT              Sun finally came out this afternoon,very cool day for august.                                       
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 21/21:38 Houston/Les     TX  98  75  48 112  SW 3      1017  SCT               Thompson, I couldn't get back in either. The winters are real nice down here.                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 21/21:37 Houston/Les     TX  98  75  48 112  SW 3      1017  SCT               The heat is so overwhelming. It takes your breath away to step outside. Impossible to cool a car.  
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 21/21:33 Overland        MO  76  54  48  78  NW17 G 19 1018  CLR              8/20  H 78  L 64  8/21  Pressure Falling                                                            
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 21/21:18 Auburn          NH  59  59 100  54 ESE 7 G 17 1010  OVC  R-F         0.64" of rain since midnight                                                                        
  40.22   74.76 Aug 21/21:09 Trenton         NJ  90              NW10 G 15       SCT              10% chance of T-Cells development in next 3 Hours                                                   
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 21/21:03 Boonsboro       MD  82  68  63  85 WSW 3 G  7 1005  SCT  H           high 84 at 3:15pm  Low 61 at 7:05 am  EDT                                                           
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 21/20:49 Boston          VA  82  65  57  84 SSW 2 G 14 1007  BKN  H           Yesterday we received 1.67 inches of rain.                                                          
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 21/20:44 West Haven      CT  65  65 100  63 NNE 5 G  8 1005  OVC  L           high/low 66/60   2.19" of rain for storm thus far.                                                  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 21/20:40 Fairport        NY  65  63  95  63  SW 5      1004  BKN  RW          Couldn't get this site for last 3 hours.                                                            
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 21/20:39 Fairport        NY  65  63  95  63  SW 5            BKN  RW          T-storm about 2pm put down 0.09". Heavy shower coming through now put down 0.06.                    
  39.77  -75.06 Aug 21/20:31 Blackwood       NJ  83  64  52  85 WSW        1007  SCT              1.80 inches of rain yesterday and last night                                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/20:29 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          52   W 9            OVC              4:28pm(wind sp.est)Couldn't get back onpage again :( We've had .92"s of rain so far today!Damp cold!
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 21/20:21 Auburn          NH  58  58 100  49 ESE11 G 21 1011  OVC  RF          0.51" of rain since midnight....low this morning of 56.7F and a high at midnight of 63.3F           
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 21/16:02 Houston/Les     TX  91  79  68 107  SW 3      1019  SCT               We are well into our "daily" August sauna bath!                                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/15:27 THOMPSON(1270') OH  57          45   W14 G 20       OVC  R           11:27(Wind sp.est).74"s R.today so far!A"slight breeze"out there!                                   
-111.57   35.22 Aug 21/15:24 Flagstaff       AZ  59  56  90  57  SW 5      1029  OVC  L           Extensive cloud cover over AZ today.  Had to run to PHX yesterday -- 107 degrees by noon!           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/14:52 THOMPSON(1270') OH  57          46 WSW13            OVC  R+F         10:52am(Wind sp.est)And its still raining! :) Can't believe such a little line onradar has somuch R!
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 21/14:48 CLINTON         MA  55  55 100  54 ENE 4 G 13 1010   X   RW          Rain so far 0.70 Beneficial, I don't think it will be as much as forcasted. Just showers on radar.  
   42.2   -71.1 Aug 21/14:45 west roxbury    MA  59  57  95                1016   X                                                                                                                   
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 21/14:12 Thurmont        MD  64                              BKN                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 21/13:39 Fircrest        WA  61  60  96  61  CALM      1019  OVC                                                                                                                  
                Aug 21/13:26 Grand Junction  CO  69  49  50  63   S10            SCT              94/63 yest.  AAH, do you need that rain?                                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/13:08 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          57  NW 5            OVC  R+F         9:07AM(Wind sp.est)Rain in gauge so far .07"s Will total it all tonight.                            
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 21/12:58 Wamego/Manhattn KS  64  57  77                      SCT              Lowest dewpoint I've seen in a long time. Cool + dewey (is that a word?) this morning.              
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 21/12:38 McPherson       KS  65  61  88  63   S 5            SCT              Wed. max/84 min/64  No precip but rain is in forecast again msh.                                    
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 21/12:38 Moorhead        MN  54  52  95  54 NNW 2      1019  CLR              Low 53..Expecting high's today in the upper 70's.  Nice time of the year around here.               
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 21/12:20 Dandridge       TN  65  61  88  65  NW 3      1013  OVC  H           Feels almost like Fall!  That is deceptive, plenty of hot weather ahead.                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/12:18 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          52   W 9            OVC  TR-         8:17am(Wind sp.est)Finally its raining but now Thunder distant.Wind still var.                      
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 21/12:15 Lake Pleasant   NY  52  51 100                      OVC  LF          Rain: 0.3" overnight. Light patchy fog                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/11:56 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          53   W 8            OVC  T           WNW->ESE,lower level SW->NE,Tree level W->E,Ground Swirlin around!But all keep changin!             
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/11:52 THOMPSON(1270') OH  59          53   W 8            OVC  T           7:52am(Wind sp.est)This storm can't decide ifits gonna stay over Lake or come in!Upper clouds movin 
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 21/11:12 North Granby    CT  56  54  93  54 ENE 5      1011  OVC  R           Rain increased since last report. 0.62"                                                             
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 21/11:09 Framingham      MA  60                              OVC  RF          Breezy. Hi(8/20) 76@1340EDT. Lo(8/21)(so far) 60@0550-present.                                      
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 21/10:58 Boston          VA  63  63 100  63   E 1 G  2 1008   X   F           Rainfall from last night and evening storms is 0.77 of an inch.                                     
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 21/10:48 North Granby    CT  56  52  88  52 ENE 6 G 11 1011  OVC  R-          0.58" Rain since midnight. Raw ENE wind                                                             
   42.8   -70.9 Aug 21/10:38 Amesbury        MA  60                              OVC                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/10:37 THOMPSON(1270') OH  57          51   W 8            OVC  T           6:37am(Wind sp.est)Wind var. Goodmorning! Woke up to the beautiful sound of Thunder!                
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 21/09:37 West Haven      CT  62  62 100  61 ESE 4 G  9 1009  OVC  R           1.96" of rain since last report.                                                                    
   39.5   -77.8 Aug 21/09:24 Boonsboro       MD  62  62 100  62  CALM      1006   X   F           High 63 at 00:01am  Low 62 at 5:21 am  EDT                                                          
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 21/07:32 Butte(Emerson)  MT  60  52  76  60  CALM      1017  CLR  H           1:32AM MDT:  00% cloudcover.  Drier air is replacing the moist air that the thunderstorms spawned on
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 21/07:08 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  53  76  61  CALM      1016  SCT  H           1:08AM MDT:  10% cloudcover.  Hot day cooled off by evening thunderstorms.                          
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 21/07:02 BRIDGEPORT      CT  61  61 100  46 ESE25 G 30 1011  OVC  R           KBDR WIND, DEW PT. AND PCP (0.83")  PK WND 11034KT/0545Z                                            
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 21/05:38 Fircrest        WA  61  59  95  61  CALM      1017  OVC              Hi 64 Lo 58 .22" rain                                                                               
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 21/04:39 Fort Payne      AL  72  67  85  76  CALM      1015  OVC  R           10/10 As H/L 82.9/71.2 Prcp 0.06 Pres FS - Brief T-Storms - SMA[23:40cdt]                           
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 21/04:05 East Birmingham AL  74  73  97  79   W 6      1015  OVC              Hi:83 Lo:73 Rain:0.00  It was overcast all day and cool, but the cold front has yet to pass.        
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 21/04:02 BROOKLYN        NY  62  62 100  50 SSE18 G 43 1011  OVC  R+          Very stormy night ,heavy rains ,winds gusting into the 40 MPH range .                               
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 21/03:52 Moorhead        MN  61  55  80  61  CALM      1018  CLR              Lo 52 Hi 76..Pre T.. Dense fog this morning with light drizzle..becoming Pc aftn + a very nice day. 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/03:25 THOMPSON(1270') OH  60          60   W 3            OVC  LF          11:25pm(W.sp.est.)Grandma saidleaves turnin color+some droppin in Oswego NY!8/20 R=.09"s Aug.R=1.81"
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/02:49 THOMPSON(1270') OH  60          60  CALM            OVC  R-          10:48pm-Been rainin for alittle while now took me sometime to get logged on.                        
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 21/02:00 Lake Pleasant   NY  59  59 100                      OVC  L                                                                                                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 21/01:43 Fairfield       CT  62  57  87  56  SE 9      1015  OVC  R                                                                                                               
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 21/00:19 CLINTON         MA  65  54  67  65   E 1 G  4 1015  OVC              Hi 77 Lo 48 Departure -5 A wall of rain on radar, but moving very slowly north all day.             
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 21/00:12 Fircrest        WA  61  60  94  61  SW 1 G  3 1015  OVC              40days rainless ended today. By 5PM, I have .21" in rain gage. Nice and cool for a change.          
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/00:06 THOMPSON(1270') OH  62          60  SW 5            OVC              P'ville leavesat thesame time forsame placeas Gr.parents+comes backfrom thesame placeon sameDay hmm?
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 21/00:02 THOMPSON(1270') OH  62          60  SW 5            OVC              8:01pm(W.sp.est)Dandrige got E!Thank U!Houston-Will still trade U boring coldwx for U'r borin Hotwx!
   42.6    70.6 Aug 20/23:46 Rockport        MA  66  58  78  62  SW 7 G 15 1018  OVC              2"R exp nxt 24....Strg SE gusts tomorrow w/ 12' tides @ 1600...                                     
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 20/23:45 Fairport        NY  59  56  89  54  SE 7 G 12 1012  OVC  R-          Cold,dreary evening. Clouds lowered to Stratus.                                                     
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 20/23:26 Houston/Les     TX  93  79  65 111  CALM      1014  SCT               SCT060 SCT250. Inside temp 83. It will take another 8 hours for it to cool off.                    
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 20/23:17 Butte(Emerson)  MT  93  63  38  96  SW 5      1013  SCT  H           5:17PM MDT:  45% cloudcover.  Thunderstorms continue to develop over Beaverhead County, heading here
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 20/23:08 Pecos           TX  96  61  31  98 ESE18      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 20/23:06 Auburn          NH  69  59  70  68 ESE 4      1019  OVC                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 20/23:00 Butte(Emerson)  MT  93  63  38  96   S 7      1013  SCT  H           5:01PM MDT:  Thunderstorms approaching from the southwest.                                          
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 20/22:56 Aurora (#4811)  CO  85  54  35  84  NE 2      1025  SCT              Cb S DSTNT.                                                                                         
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 20/22:47 Butte(Emerson)  MT  91  62  38  93  SW 4 G 10 1013  SCT  H           4:46PM MDT:  25% cloudcover.  Dry heat!  I'll send some over BRIDGEPORT!                            
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 20/22:26 Butte(Emerson)  MT  89  61  39  90  SW 8      1014  SCT  H           4:26PM MDT:  20% cloudcover.  Hot here in Big Sky Country!                                          
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 20/22:15 Auburn          NH  71  60  67  76 ESE 7      1018  OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 20/21:11 Auburn          NH  74  58  57  77   E 4      1019  OVC                                                                                                                  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 20/20:59 Fairport        NY  66  58  77  61   E 8 G 12 1012  OVC  R-          Rain becoming periodically heavier. Altostratus lowering.                                           
  39.77  -75.06 Aug 20/20:46 Blackwood       NJ  64  63  98       E        1014  OVC  R+          Precipitation from 7 am to 4:30 pm was 0.70 inches.                                                 
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 20/20:44 Clifton         NJ  60  58  93  59   E 4      1016  OVC  R-          Bar.falling, Vis.10mi., Ceil.3000ft., Aug.precip2.13in.                                             
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 20/20:43 Clifton         NJ  60  58  93  59   E 4      1016  OVC  R-          Bar.falling, Vis.10mi., Ceil.3000ft., Aug.precip2.13in.                                             
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 20/20:28 Wamego/Manhattn KS  88  64  44  90                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 20/20:28 West Haven      CT  69  62  78  69 SSE 2 G  7 1017  OVC  R-          high/low 71/58                                                                                      
   39.6   -77.8 Aug 20/20:19 Boonsboro       MD  68  68 100  67 ESE 4 G 11 1006  OVC  R-FH        High 68 at 3:35pm  Low 61 at 5:57am  EDT                                                            
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 20/20:14 Mishawaka       IN  77  58  51  79 NNW13      1010  OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 20/20:06 Auburn          NH  77  56  48  78 SSE 5      1019  OVC              Morning low was 44.8F   afternoon high thus far 79.1F                                               
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 20/20:01 PAINESVILLE     OH  73  66  77  77  SE 5 G 10 1007  OVC              Beautiful couple of days at Niagara falls. Could see Toronto 35 mi across Lake Ont from campsite.   
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 20/19:58 Thurmont        MD  61                              OVC  LF          1.5 inches rain from present system                                                                 
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 20/19:38 Dandridge       TN  77  71  82  81  SW 8 G 15 1012  OVC  LH          .8" rain this AM!!  Thanks.  Hi Thompson, O.  OK?                                                   
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 20/19:16 Lake Pleasant   NY  69          67 SSW 5 G 20       BKN                                                                                                                  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 20/19:13 Fairport        NY  70  54  56  76 ESE12 G 20 1013  OVC              Low 49 this morning. Send me some too Houston.                                                      
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 20/19:06 Fairport        NY  70  54  56  76 ESE12 G 20 1013  OVC              Altocumulus under Altostratus. Winds picking up, more to SE, temps dropping. Here comes the rain.   
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 20/18:21 Houston/Les     TX  97  76  52 113  SW 3      1018  SCT               Thompson after 3 straight months without ever seeing the temp go below 80, gets kind of old! *s*   
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 20/17:41 Boston          VA  65  64  96  65  CALM      1010  OVC  LF          Boston has received 1.30 inches of rain today.                                                      
   40.2    76.7 Aug 20/17:39 middletown      PA         100 -15   S 8            OVC  R           steady light rain since early AM                                                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 20/16:31 THOMPSON(1270') OH  68          64   E 7            OVC              12:31pm(Wind sp.est)Breezy cool "fall" day!Houston-Only in trades for nice hot wx + T-storm!*S*(ML) 
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 20/16:31 Clifton         NJ  71  64  78  76 SSE 6      1017  OVC  R-          Bar.falling, Vis.10mi., ceil.12000ft.                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 20/16:13 Houston/Les     TX  89  76  66 100  SW 3      1019  SCT               SCT060 A3009. Off to a good, hot, muggy, humid start! Thompson, send cooler weather.               
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 20/15:51 Fircrest        WA  61  57  87  61  CALM      1009  OVC  RW-         First sign of rain in 40days this morning. Light showers                                            
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 20/15:17 BROOKLYN        NY  70  59  67  76  SE 9 G 16 1017  OVC  R-          Big rainstorm coming tonight,already have about 2" of rain this month,                              
                Aug 20/14:41 Grand Junction  CO  68  50  54  68  CALM            CLR              91/61 yesterday, AAH.   Probably same today.  Mesa St. starts today                                 
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 20/14:20 Stamford        CT  70  56  73  76  CALM      1019  BKN                                                                                                                  
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 20/14:19 Stamford        CT  70  56  73  76  CALM      1019   X                                                                                                                   
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 20/12:49 Wamego/Manhattn KS  69  64  84  69  CALM            SCT  H           Heavy dew this morning. KMHK reporting T/TD of 64/64 (100% RH).                                     
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 20/12:03 Lake Pleasant   NY  54                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 20/11:48 Framingham      MA  60                              OVC              High clouds. Storm expected tonight and tomorrow. Hi(8/19) 78@1535EDT. Lo(8/20) 56@0640EDT.         
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 20/11:41 North Granby    CT  53  47  80  53  CALM      1020  BKN              Heavy rain moving in tonight.                                                                       
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 20/11:18 Thurmont        MD  54                               X   R-F         Visibility approx 0.25 miles                                                                        
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 20/11:08 Boston          VA  60  60  99  60   E 2 G  5 1015  OVC  RF          Thank God for the rain. 0.90 of an inch is the most we've had at one time all month!                
   42.2    71.1 Aug 20/10:24 west roxbury    MA  57                              OVC                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 20/09:57 West Haven      CT  58  57  93  58   N 2      1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5    77.8 Aug 20/09:25 Boonsboro       MD  61  60 100  61  CALM      1014  OVC  R           High 66 at 2:47 am  Low61 at 5:22 am EDT                                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 20/07:43 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          54   E 3            OVC              3:41am(W.sp.est)R passin S.More comin?Grandparents+P'ville vac.same tim+place wonder if they'll meet
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 20/06:21 Fort Payne      AL  74  68  82  78  CALM      1017  OVC  TFH         10/10 As H/L 88.2/72.7 Prcp 0.00 Pres FS - Storms approaching -SMA[01:22cdt]                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 20/06:15 THOMPSON(1270') OH  54          54   W 3            OVC              2:15am(Wind sp.est)R still not here!Really slooowww mover!Wamego-Our kids start school next Tue! :) 
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 20/05:38 Fircrest        WA  64  57  75  64 NNE 1 G  6 1010  CLR              At 10:30PM, big clear moon.                                                                         
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 20/05:12 BRIDGEPORT      CT  61          61 NNW 3      1019  BKN              OBS+0100EDT WIND KBDR  H 77F  L 56F  PCP 0.00"                                                      
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 20/05:05 Auburn          NH  49  48  97  49  CALM      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 20/04:57 East Birmingham AL  79  76  87  85  SW 5      1016  SCT              Today started out very foggy and became hazy,partly cloudy,and humid.                               
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 20/04:55 East Birmingham AL  79  76  87  85  SW 5      1016  SCT              Hi:90 Lo:72 Rain:0.00  I'm looking forward for the cold front to pass.Lows could drop to upper 50's.
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 20/04:37 THOMPSON(1270') OH  55          55   W 3            OVC              12:37pm(Wind sp.est)Peaceful outside,listenin tofrogs,crickets+windchimes+watchin clouds comein+bats
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 20/04:21 Auburn          NH  51  50  97  51  CALM      1020  CLR              40s again tonight                                                                                   
  42.23  -73.21 Aug 20/03:53 Richmond        MA  55          55 NNW 3 G  7       BKN              Beautiful day. Clouds moving in now.                                                                
                Aug 20/03:44 Richmond        MA  55          55 NNW 3 G  7       BKN              Beautiful day. Clouds moving in now.                                                                
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 20/03:22 THOMPSON(1270') OH  55          55  CALM            BKN              11:21pm-R still to the W+SW of here slow moving.Clinton-That does sound like a beautiful day!:>)    
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 20/02:46 Clifton         NJ  64  57  77  64  CALM      1018  SCT              Sct.cirrus, Vis.10mi., Bar.falling, Aug.precip.2.05in.                                              
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 20/02:10 Moorhead        MN  63  60  91  63 NNW 3      1014  SCT              Hi 66.  Precp. Trace..Another cloudy and cool day.                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 20/01:54 Thurmont        MD  56                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 20/01:38 CLINTON         MA  59  52  77  59  CALM      1015  SCT              Hi 76 Lo 48 Dep. -6 Enjoyed an afternoon canoeing on a NH lake-Water was like glass-Beautiful       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 20/01:01 THOMPSON(1270') OH  60          60  CALM            SCT              9pm-R W. ofhere.Houston-Goosebumps readin U'r post!Brr AC too cold*S*In AZ slept in day upat night! 
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 20/00:58 Aurora (#4811)  CO  67  44  42  60  SW12 G 28 1023  BKN              presR, RW- W DSTNT.                                                                                 
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 20/00:55 Houston/Les     TX  89  76  67 101  SW 5      1014  CLR               Sundown. House temp 83 with A/C running. Takes awhile to cool the house down. Clear skies!         
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 20/00:09 Fircrest        WA  74  57  56  77   N 3 G  7 1011  CLR              Hi 74 Lo 52  Chance of lite rain next couple days. Posible Thunder storms Mtns.                     
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 19/23:50 Pecos           TX  96  66  37 101  CALM      1013  SCT  T                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 19/23:04 Aurora (#4811)  CO  74  43  32  75  SW10 G 16 1023  BKN              TR- SE DSTNT.                                                                                       
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 19/21:58 NORTH ST.PAUL   MN  59  59  98  55  SE 6 G 12 1014  OVC  RF          RAIN SOFAR TODAY SINCE MIDN 1.95"                                                                   
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 19/21:56 NORTH ST.PAUL   MN  59  59  98  55  SE 6 G 12 1014  OVC  RF          RAIN SOFAR TODAY SINCE MIDN 1.95"                                                                   
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 19/21:45 Mishawaka       IN  77  56  48  78   E13      1015  OVC  K                                                                                                               
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 19/21:45 Mishawaka       IN  77  56  48  78   E13            OVC  K                                                                                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 19/21:41 Boston          VA  70  60  71  76 ESE 1 G  7       SCT  R-          The barometer is steady at 30.02 inches. Very light rain for about a half hour, today.              
   42.8   -70.9 Aug 19/21:13 Amesbury        MA  71             SSE12      1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.7 Aug 19/21:10 Boonsboro       MD  75  62  66  78  CALM      1015  BKN  H           high 78 at 4:13 pm  Low 61 at 7:14am  EDT                                                           
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 19/20:45 Houston/Les     TX  98  75  49 113  SW 5      1016  BKN               SCT050 A3001 SLP162. Hot out there! Thompson, you should have lived down here before A/C *s*       
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 19/20:39 West Haven      CT  73  60  64  77   S 3 G  8 1017  BKN              high/low 75/56                                                                                      
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 19/20:33 Auburn          NH  75  52  45  77 NNW13      1018  SCT              Morning low of 47.1F.....high thus far this afternoon 76.2F                                         
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 19/20:21 BROOKLYN        NY  75  53  46  77   N 5      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 19/20:09 Auburn          NH  75  52  45  77 NNW13      1018  SCT              Morning low of 47.1F.....high thus far this afternoon 76.2F                                         
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 19/18:39 Wamego/Manhattn KS  84  70  62  89                  SCT              Nice afternoon.                                                                                     
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 19/17:41 Overland        MO  65  63  95  57  SE12 G 14 1015  OVC  TR+H        8/18  H 82  L 68  8/19  Pressure Falling                                                            
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 19/17:29 Natchitoches    LA  90  75  62 101  SW 5 G 10 1018  SCT              No rainfall past 24 hours....Today is a typical hot, humid Louisiana summer day....                 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/15:12 THOMPSON(1270') OH  63          61   E 5            SCT              11:11AM(W.sp.est)Suns hot,windscold!Some feathery(Cirrus) clouds inthe sky!(OBS bymy 11yr old son!) 
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 19/15:08 Thurmont        MD  65                              OVC                                                                                                                  
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 19/14:31 Fairfield       CT  71  53  56  76   E 6      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 19/13:54 Grand Junction  CO  64  48  58  57   E10            CLR              87/63 yest. 2.25" precip. for month, 8.00" for year, aver. ytd is 5.13"                             
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 19/13:46 Flagstaff       AZ  51  48  90  51  CALM      1028  CLR              Strong high keeping T-storms a bit subdued.  Waiting for remains of T.D. Ignacio next 48 hr         
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 19/13:38 Fircrest        WA  53  51  92  53  CALM      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 19/13:29 Framingham      MA  66                              CLR              Great weather! Very refreshing! Hi(8/18) 77@1635EDT. Lo(8/19) 58@0635-0700EDT.                      
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 19/13:27 Wamego/Manhattn KS  69  69 100  69  CALM            BKN              Took wife + kids out for our traditional 1st day of school breakfast.                               
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 19/13:26 Wamego/Manhattn KS  69  69 100  69  CALM            BKN              1.30" yest. pm + overnight, clearing now. Total of almost 3" in the past week! Late this morning... 
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 19/12:59 Moorhead        MN  59  58  95  52  SE 9      1015  OVC              Lo 59..Thunder showers to north and south of us.  We are high and dry.                              
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 19/12:31 McPherson       KS  70  69  97  75  CALM            OVC              Mon. max/73 min/63 Just keeps raining. .59" since 7 a.m. Monday. Can quit for a little while.       
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 19/12:25 Lake Pleasant   NY  60                              CLR              Low overnight: 40.                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 19/10:59 Boston          VA  64  59  86  64  NE 1 G  6       OVC              The barometer is steady at 30.07 inches.                                   (I'm back from vacation.)
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 19/10:58 North Granby    CT  52  49  90  52   N 2      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
   42.8   -70.9 Aug 19/10:51 Amesbury        MA  57  50  77  52   W 7      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 19/10:39 Clifton         NJ  58  52  80  58  CALM      1017  CLR              A few cirrus clouds.                                                                                
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 19/09:43 West Haven      CT  57  52  84  57   N 2      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.7 Aug 19/09:20 Boonsboro       MD  63  60  92  63  CALM      1014  BKN              High 68 at 2:11am  Low 63 at 5:15am EDT                                                             
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/08:29 THOMPSON        OH  50          50  CALM            SCT              OOOOPS!CORRECTION!                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/08:26 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          50  CALM            CLR              Averages are Clevelands Norm Avgs.Didn't get Youngstowns+ I don't think there is any rec'd for here!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/08:22 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          50  CALM            SCT              4:21am-Don't look like were going to break any rec's ton!Cleve.61Youngstown56.Aug.avgs58/82 R 3.38"s
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/05:40 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          50  CALM            BKN              1:37To break cold rec's this am-Youngstown46 setin1953,Cleve.Airport47set in 1964!Fircrest no R yet?
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 19/05:33 Fircrest        WA  60  54  80  60  SW 1 G  6 1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/05:25 THOMPSON(1270') OH  50          50  CALM            BKN              1:24am-Seen some trees allready turning red+a few yellow up at the ledges!Glad cruel N'ish W. gone! 
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 19/05:14 Stamford        CT  67  51  59  65 NNW 5      1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 19/05:01 Bridgeport      CT  62          55   N10      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 19/04:21 Nashville       TN  76  70  81  80   W 3      1013  CLR              A very, very, very, very muggy night in the Tennessee Valley..........once again.                   
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 19/04:11 Auburn          NH  52  50  91  49 NNW 5      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 19/04:09 East Birmingham AL  74  73  97  79  CALM      1019  OVC              Hi:93 Lo:73 Rain:0.22  A lot of heavy storms were nearby today. The heat is gradually backing off.  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 19/03:44 Fairport        NY  52  49  91  52  CALM      1019  CLR              High today 72.2@2:32pm. Looks like we're going to break the record low this morning.                
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 19/02:56 Moorhead        MN  62  54  74  53 SSE12      1018  SCT              Expecting possible heavy rain developing later tonight and early tom. morning. Nothing on radar yet.
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 19/02:39 Auburn          NH  57  51  80  53   N 6      1016  CLR              Lows tonight will be in the 40s.............High today of 76.0F                                     
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 19/01:41 Lake Pleasant   NY  53                              CLR              Temp could drop into the upper 30's tonight.                                                        
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 19/00:56 Moorhead        MN  66  55  68  60   S10 G 14 1018  OVC              Hi 72 Lo 50 Thunder showers 30-40 miles south of here moving east.                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 19/00:52 CLINTON         MA  59  47  64  59  CALM      1012  CLR              Hi 75 Lo 56 Departure -3 Rain 0.26 Should'nt have to use the air conditioning this week.            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 19/00:35 THOMPSON(1270') OH  58          52   W 8            SCT              8:34pm(Wind speed est)Found our Elevation on TopoMap atthe Library tod!It's 1,270'!I'll put by name!
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 19/00:13 Fircrest        WA  70  57  63  76  SW 1 G  6 1015  CLR              After cldy morning, Sun back out afternoon. Hi 72 Lo 58. Just nice and comfortable.                 
  34.28 -114.19 Aug 18/23:55 Lake Havasu     AZ 107  64  25 112   N 5 G 10       SCT                                                                                                                  
  34.28 -114.19 Aug 18/23:48 Lake Havasu     AZ 107  64  25 112  NW 5 G 10       BKN              Cummulus clouds forming to the north.                                                               
   42.8   -70.9 Aug 18/23:42 Amesbury        MA  66          64  NW 5            CLR                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 18/23:03 Pecos           TX  83  59  43  83  CALM      1015  OVC  TL                                                                                                              
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 18/23:02 Pecos           TX  83              CALM      1015  OVC  TL                                                                                                              
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 18/23:01 Pecos           TX                  CALM      1015  OVC  TL                                                                                                              
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/22:44 Butte(Emerson)  MT  76  51  42  77   N 6 G 11 1015  SCT              4:44PM MDT:  20% cloudcover.  Thundershowers forming in Eastcentral Idaho.  Making their way here.  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 18/22:35 Houston/Les     TX  90  78  69 105  SW 5 G 10 1017  SCT               BKN250 A3003 SLP169. Sea Brz brought clouds but no rain. Helped hold temp down. Inside- 82 degrees.
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 18/22:12 Aurora (#4811)  CO  65  49  55  57  NW12 G 35 1021  OVC  TR                                                                                                              
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 18/21:58 Annapolis       MD  74  62  66  77  CALM      1015  SCT              .10 inches of rain from morning showers.                                                            
   39.6   -77.7 Aug 18/21:52 Boonsboro       MD  81  64  57  83 NNW 2      1012  SCT              High 86 at 4:17pm  Low 65 at 10:34am  EDT                                                           
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 18/21:32 Mishawaka       IN  74  53  47  77   N15      1020  OVC  K                                                                                                               
  45.89 -112.52 Aug 18/21:24 Butte(Emerson)  MT  70  49  48  76   N 8 G 15 1016  SCT              3:24PM MDT:  35% cloudcover.  Two hours untill next precipitation round.                            
  45.89 -112.52 Aug 18/21:06 Butte(Emerson)  MT  68  48  49  64 NNE 7 G 13 1016  SCT              3:06PM MDT:  30% cloudcover.  Strong storms pushed through this morning.  Morning of all times!     
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 18/20:34 West Haven      CT  74  63  69  77   W 4      1012  SCT              total rainfall for storm 1.08" high/low 79/60                                                       
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 18/20:14 Auburn          NH  75  52  44  77 NNW11 G 16 1012  SCT              Morning low of 57.4F       0.08" of precip recorded today                                           
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 18/19:43 BROOKLYN        NY  72  58  62  76 WNW 9 G 15 1013  CLR              What a difference a day makes,Yesterday at this time: 89 F. Dewpoint 75 F. Heavy rain fell overnight
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 18/19:26 Houston/Les     TX  93  76  58 106   S 5      1019  BKN               BKN250 TCU A3010 SLP193. Sea Brz approaching. I hear rumbling off in the distance. Hope it rains.  
                Aug 18/19:09 chesapeake      VA                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 18/17:57 Houston/Les     TX  94  75  55 107  SW 5      1020  SCT               15SM SCT050 A3012 SLP199. Another "hot one"!                                                       
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 18/17:56 Clifton         NJ  73  62  68  77 NNE 4      1013  SCT              Bar.falling, Vis.10mi., Ceil.unlimited, Aug.precip.2.05in.                                          
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 18/17:12 Thurmont        MD  70                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 18/16:13 Fairport        NY  66  49  55  60   N 9 G 12 1018  SCT              Fair weather cumulus clouds developing. Low this morning 54.2@6:47am.                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 18/13:52 Fairfield       CT  61  61 100  60 ENE 4      1014  OVC  L                                                                                                               
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 18/13:51 Lake Pleasant   NY  67                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 18/13:38 Fircrest        WA  59  54  82  59  SW 1 G  4 1015  OVC                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 18/13:38 Fircrest        WA  59  54  82  59  SW 1 G  4       OVC                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 18/13:32 THOMPSON        OH  61          55  NE 8            BKN              9:31am(Wind sp.est)Where'd mynice hotwx go!I'm cold!Darn NEwind!Wheres mythermals*S*Dandridge R yet?
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 18/12:55 Moorhead        MN  54  50  89  54  CALM      1022  SCT              Lo:50..Expecting thunder storms late afternoon and evening.                                         
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 18/12:41 Wamego/Manhattn KS  62  60  93  62  CALM            OVC              Almost foggy, but it isn't on the ground. Top of tower behind my office disappears into the clouds. 
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 18/12:31 Framingham      MA  60                              OVC  R-          8/17 Lo of 74 was my all-time record (14 yrs) for August. Previous record was 73 on 8/14/88.        
  42.90  -70.90 Aug 18/12:29 Amesbury        MA  62          60  SW 5            OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 18/12:28 Framingham      MA  60                              OVC  R-          Rain ending. For 8/17:Hi 92@1415EDT, Lo 74@2355-2359EDT. Lo(8/18) 59@0610+0725EDT.                  
   39.6   -77.7 Aug 18/12:19 Boonsboro       MD  70  69 100  75 WNW 6 G 10 1010  OVC  RFH         High 74 at 00:01am  Low 70 at 8:15am  EDT                                                           
   4202    71.1 Aug 18/12:13 west roxbury    MA  59  57  95  59 NNW 1      1012   X   R                                                                                                               
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 18/12:08 McPherson       KS  63  60  90  63  CALM            OVC              Coloradoans here for grandson's 1st birthday!!! We had a great family reunion this weekend!         
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 18/12:07 McPherson       KS  63  60  90  63  CALM            OVC              Sun.max/81 min/63 .05" precip.  Great weekend! Son and his wife returning to Colo. this a.m. :>(    
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 18/12:07 Winsted         CT  58  47  69  56  NW 5      1016   X               Rain recently ended and expect clearing conditions to develope                                      
  42.50  -70.56 Aug 18/11:54 Amesbury        MA  61              NW              OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.50   70.56 Aug 18/11:48 Amesbury        MA  61                              OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 18/11:40 Thurmont        MD  66                              OVC  R-                                                                                                              
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 18/11:13 North Granby    CT  57  54  89  57 NNE 3      1013  OVC  R-          0.5" rain overnight.  From mid-summer to early fall in 24hrs.  Nice change.                         
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 18/09:43 West Haven      CT  64  64 100  64   N 3 G 11 1010  OVC  R+F                                                                                                             
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 18/08:12 Clifton         NJ  65  64  96  63  NE 5      1009  OVC  R-          Bar.rising, Vis.5mi., Ceil.2600ft.                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/08:09 Butte(Emerson)  MT  58  47  68  53   N 7 G 10 1015  SCT  T           2:09AM MDT:  30% cloudcover.  Things seem to be clearing out.  A few flashes of lightning to SE, NE.
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/07:53 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  48  69  57   N 5      1015  SCT  T           1:53AM MDT:  40% cloudcover.  Lightning still visible to the Northeast.  Thunder has ceased.        
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/07:38 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  49  71  49 NNW13 G 17 1015  BKN  T           1:38AM MDT:  70% cloudcover.  Nice lightning show off to the north.                                 
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/07:24 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  49  72  57 NNW 5      1015  OVC  T           1:23AM MDT:  90% cloudcover.  Thunder and lightning SSW-SSE, N-W.                                   
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/07:09 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  49  71  59  CALM      1014  BKN  TRW-        1:08AM MDT:  85% cloudcover.  Wasn't expecting to get any precip, but it's here!  Thunder too.      
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/06:53 Butte(Emerson)  MT  60  50  70  56  SW 6      1015  BKN  T           12:53AM MDT:  85% cloudcover.  Outflow from storm to the south heading through now.                 
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/06:38 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  50  69  61  CALM      1014  BKN  T           12:38AM MDT:  70% cloucover.  Lightning observed NNW-W, SSW-SSE.  No thunder.                       
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/06:23 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  50  69  61   N 2      1014  BKN  T           12:23AM MDT:  75% cloudcover.  Lightning observed to SSW, NW, NE.  No thunder.                      
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 18/06:08 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  50  68  61   N 2      1014  BKN  T           12:08AM MDT:  80% cloudcover.  Lightning is observed.  Possible thunder as well.                    
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 18/05:33 Fircrest        WA  66  54  66  66 SSW 2 G  7 1012  CLR              Sat Hi 83 Lo 54 Sunday Hi 85 Lo 56. Temps to be near normal rest of week.                           
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 18/05:11 Bridgeport      CT  72             NNE 7      1010  OVC  R-          WIND KBDR/24 HOUR PCP ESTM. 0.16"/day and evening dry/H 92F                                         
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 18/03:43 East Birmingham AL  81  73  79  87  SW 4      1019  SCT              Hi:95 Lo:76  It was another hot one, but again the haze was very low (for Birmingham).              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 18/03:35 THOMPSON        OH  59          59   N 3            OVC  R-F         11:35pm(Wind sp est)8-17 R=.24's Aug.T=1.72"s+(1 missing storm total)Cold + Damp out there!Brrrrrr!!
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 18/03:34 Moorhead        MN  60  54  79  60  CALM      1021  BKN              Lo 50..Hi 68..Turned out to be a nice day..Warmer temps expected this week.                         
  21.37 -157.93 Aug 18/01:12 Aiea            HI  86               W10            BKN  TRW         RB01                                                                                                
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 18/01:09 CLINTON         MA  72  66  81  76  CALM      1008  BKN              Hi 89 Lo 71 Departure +12 Last night (overnight) was the warmest this year. No rain today.          
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 18/00:51 Pecos           TX 110  54  15 109  SE10      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 18/00:49 THOMPSON        OH  62          62  CALM            OVC  R-F         8:47For anyone who didn't know last 2 posts were yesterdays statsfor wx.So far tod.R=.22"s.Long day!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 18/00:43 THOMPSON        OH  62          62  CALM            OVC  LF          Trees+powerpoles dwn!Torn's3in Trumbell,1in Summit+1possible inStark!W.gusts62in Fairport by you!   
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 18/00:42 BROOKLYN        NY  80  70  69  84  CALM      1010  SCT              Not as hot as yesterday,High : 89 F. cooler weather and rain coming up                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 18/00:38 THOMPSON        OH  62          62  CALM            OVC  LF          8:38pm-P'ville-I can't find Burton Torn. confirmed anywhere!Sounds more like straightline Winds!Sev 
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 18/00:03 Aurora (#4811)  CO  74  55  50  77  NE 6 G 12 1023  BKN                                                                                                                  
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 17/23:44 Wilmington      DE  85  67  56  89   N 2 G 10 1011  OVC              Severe thunderstorms are predicted for area.                                                        
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 17/23:30 North Granby    CT  70  63  77  76  NW 3      1009  BKN              R-  ended 2300Z  0.14". Fantastic rainbow to east as sun breaks through.  Front through @ 1730Z     
  45.00  -93.00 Aug 17/22:58 NORTH ST.PAUL   MN  59  55  87  59 NNE 1      1020  OVC              RECORD  LOW MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 60 DEGS                                                          
  21.37 -157.93 Aug 17/22:47 Aiea            HI  88              CALM            SCT              RWU NW                                                                                              
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 17/22:33 West Haven      CT  85  72  66  91 NNW 5 G 13 1010  OVC              high/low 92/71                                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 17/22:25 Houston/Les     TX  95  75  53 108   S10      1017  SCT               FEW050 A3004 SLP171. Inside temp 82(not as bad as yester.)Starting our slow 10 hr temp drop!       
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 17/22:21 Clifton         NJ  79  75  87  85  NW 3      1010  OVC              Bar.rising, Visb.10mi., Ceil.7000ft. T-storms last night and today ,power outages and damage.       
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 17/21:57 Butte(Emerson)  MT  75  50  42  77 SSW 5      1014  BKN              3:58PM MDT:  60% cloudcover.  Basic west flow.  Thunderstorms off to the north.                     
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 17/20:59 Moorhead        MN  66  50  57  66   N 2 G  4 1022  BKN              Hi 67 Lo 50..Warmer today..light winds..Not to bad of a day.                                        
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 17/20:38 Beckley         WV  84  69  60  88  SW 9 G 17 1018  BKN              Vis 10SM. BKN 044 BKN 050. A30.07F.                                                                 
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 17/20:26 Thurmont        MD  87                              SCT              Thunder and dark clouds to the south                                                                
   39.6   -77.7 Aug 17/20:15 Boonsboro       MD  95  83  70 121 ENE 3      1009  SCT  LH          High 100 at 1:52 pm  Low 73 at 8:59am EDT (precp trace amount)                                      
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 17/19:11 WGulf ship/buoy TX  86  80  84 101   S15      1019  SCT              Sea water temperature 86 degrees. Wave height 4 ft.                                                 
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 17/19:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  78  56  46  79   S 9 G 12 1023  SCT              Cb NW DSTNT.                                                                                        
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 17/18:47 Beckley         WV  82  71  69  87 WSW 7      1020  BKN              Vis 10SM. FEW032 SCT043. A30.12F. Flash flood and severe T-storm watches issued. Skywarn activated. 
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 17/17:59 Houston/Les     TX  96  77  55 112   S12 G 16 1018  SCT               BKN050 A3005 SLP176. Getting into the "teeth" of the summer now! August is a killer.               
  33.30  117.44 Aug 17/17:52 So.Laguna Beach CA  73  65  77  77   W 2 G  5 1016  SCT              Clearing, good beach day. Yesterday Hi 73 Low 69                                                    
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 17/16:57 Beckley         WV  80  69  68  83   W10 G 21 1020  BKN              Vis 10SM. SCT026 BKN032. A30.14S.                                                                   
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 17/16:47 Mishawaka       IN  77  72  87  82 ESE24      1013  OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 17/16:22 Auburn          NH  85  73  67  92  NW14      1010  BKN  H           The clouds are making today cooler than yesterday...the morning low was 67F                         
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 17/16:21 Fairport        NY  66  63  92  66 NNE 3 G  6 1015  OVC              Dreary, fall-like day. I got jipped with the T-storms yesterday. Total 0.04" from morning -rw.      
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 17/15:50 Moorhead        MN  61  53  74  55   N 8 G 11 1022  SCT              Barometer is steady                                                                                 
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 17/15:31 Beckley         WV  80  69  68  83 SSW 8      1020  BKN              Vis 10SM. FEW020 SCT027. A30.14F. Flash flood watch has just been issued.                           
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 17/15:05 Lake Pleasant   NY  72              SW 3            OVC  H           Rain: 0.1" overnight.                                                                               
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 17/15:00 PAINESVILLE     OH  74  72  94  78   W 2      1013  CLR              Escaped the major rain and damaging storms.Still had some good lightning displays.                  
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 17/13:42 Moorhead        MN  53  51  93  49 NNW 6      1021  SCT              Anyone having trouble using Netscape to sub data.  Mine just sits there.  MS works OK???            
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 17/13:38 Moorhead        MN  53  51  93  49 NNW 6      1021  SCT              Lo 50 Clouds moving in from the west and nw.                                                        
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 17/13:36 Moorhead        MN  53  51  93  49 NNW 6      1021  SCT              Lo 50 Cloudy moving in from the west and nw.                                                        
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 17/13:34 Fairfield       CT  81  76  87  89   W 4      1012  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 17/13:08 Framingham      MA  78                              OVC              T-storms expected this afternoon. Hi(8/16) 93@1545EDT. Lo(8/17)(so far) 76@0715EDT.                 
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 17/12:46 McPherson       KS  66  63  93  60 NNE10 G 15       OVC  R-          Wow!!what tremendous lightning last night with rain! Super cloud to cloud display for hours.        
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 17/12:45 McPherson       KS  66  63  93  60 NNE10 G 15       OVC  R-          precip since 11p.m.CDT 2.60" mtd=3.83" average for August 3.25"Sat.max/96 min/66Thiswillcoolus off  
  42.27  -72.34 Aug 17/12:33 Sunderland      MA  78  68  84  83   E 1 G  2 1009  BKN  H           16.4 Cooling deg. days for yesterday the most so far this year!                                     
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 17/12:25 Aurora (#4811)  CO  55  54  96  55 ENE 3      1024  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 17/12:15 BROOKLYN        NY  77  73  87  82  CALM      1012  SCT  H           More thundreshowers overnight,another hot one,with afternoon  thunder today,overnight Low :72 F.    
   39.4   -77.7 Aug 17/11:52 Boonsboro       MD  74  72  95  78 WNW 2      1011  OVC  H           High 84 at 12:24am  Low 74 at 7:45am  EDT                                                           
  41.27 -72..96 Aug 17/10:31 West Haven      CT  71  71 100  76  SW 2      1010  SCT              .06" of rain since last report.                                                                     
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 17/06:34 Bridgeport      CT  72  71  97  77  NW13      1012  OVC  T           OBS@2AM EDT/RAE0157EDT/INT LTGIC NW N E/TSB2230EDT/KBDR 25 HOUR PCP 0.58"/H 92F                     
  40.39  -73.22 Aug 17/06:15 Limdenhurst     NY  75  72  89  79  NW 2 G  7 1014   X   TRW+F       Severe Thunderstorm 5 miles South of Station.                                                       
  40.39  -73.22 Aug 17/06:11 Limdenhurst     NY  75  72  89  79  NW 2 G  7       BKN  TRW+F       Severe Thunderstorm 5 miles South of Station.                                                       
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 17/05:15 Beckley         WV  73  69  87  77   W 5      1020  BKN              Vis 10SM. FEW040. A30.12. Press. fell from 30.16 last hour.                                         
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 17/05:15 East Birmingham AL  80  75  86  87  CALM      1020  SCT              Hi:96 Lo:76  It was very hot today. The heat index reached 110, but for a change the haze was low.  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 17/04:47 THOMPSON        OH  65          60   W 8            OVC  TR-F        12:45am(W.sp.est)Storm N+NE.Wind shifting from W ->NE                                               
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 17/04:41 BaxterWxService TX  84  57  40  84 SSE18 G 30       CLR  F           .34 inches of rain in the last week                                                                 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 17/04:05 THOMPSON        OH  65          59   W 9            OVC              12:04am(W.sp.est)8-16RT=.43"+(1miss'n storm)Aug=1.48"+(1miss'n storm)Best wx day all year!Norm.Sum'r
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 17/03:59 Lake Pleasant   NY  72                              SCT  H           clouds racing W - E across the moon. Still quite humid. Slight breeze offers some relief.           
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 17/03:28 Fairfield       CT  73  73 100  78 WNW 7 G 13 1014  OVC  TR-         Hi today: 93F                                                                                       
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 17/03:11 Moorhead        MN  60  55  85  54   N 8      1018  OVC              Hi 64..Lo 59..Peak wind NNE 21..precip .01  (Readings for the last 24 hrs.)                         
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 17/03:08 Auburn          NH  75  72  90  79   W16 G 21 1011  OVC  TR-         Storm hit south of here but rare cloud-to-cloud lightning for this area was fun to watch            
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 17/02:10 Auburn          NH  81  74  80  87 WNW 5      1011  OVC  T           The thunder is shaking the house                                                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 17/01:54 THOMPSON        OH  67          65  SE 5            OVC  R-F         Closest Tornado to us was in Burton about 15-18 miles SW! Several others within abouta40 mile radius
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 17/01:50 THOMPSON        OH  67          65  SE 5            OVC  RF          9:50(W.sp.est)Justread through all NWS watchs+warn.s forour area tod!Our wxguys did x-cellant job!  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 17/01:45 BROOKLYN        NY  76  71  83  80  CALM      1012  SCT  H           HOT = Todays High :92 Dewpoint 80 F, Afternoon Thunderstm knocked temps down 16 F. in half hour ,   
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 17/01:40 CLINTON         MA  80  73  79  85  CALM      1007  BKN  H           Hi 90 Lo 65 Departure +9 The highest temp here this year at this time of night.                     
37:18.9 79:56.8 Aug 17/01:30 Roanoke         VA 102                              CLR              Heating Degree Day of 102 deg F recorded at 12:10 EDT this afternoon on Ultimeter 2000              
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 17/01:25 Auburn          NH  80  73  81  86  CALM      1011  OVC  T           The temp is now rising slowly with t'storms to the SW moving NE...lightning flashes are now visible 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 17/00:58 THOMPSON        OH  68          68   S 3            OVC  TR+F        8:57(w.sp.est)T-storm still here but movin E!Fairport-Thanks for E+showin U care!Amen Sev.wx heaven!
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 17/00:48 Aurora (#4811)  CO  54  53  96  52  SE 5      1019  OVC  TRA         presR, TR Moving NE, PK WND 22.                                                                     
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 17/00:14 Aurora (#4811)  CO  70  53  55  76   N13 G 22 1018  OVC  TR-         presR, T+ SW, TRW- NE, TRW- OVRHD.                                                                  
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 17/00:08 Beckley         WV  78  69  73  81  SW 5      1019  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.09R.                                                                                  
   34.0   84.75 Aug 16/23:49 Kennesaw        GA  84  69  60  88   W10 G 12       CLR              High today 91.3 Low 73.4; Hot and Humid                                                             
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 16/23:36 West Haven      CT  83  76  80  92 WNW 2 G 12 1008  BKN  R-          nice rainbow in S.E. sky, only .01 in thundershower, storms died out before reaching here.          
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 16/23:33 Beckley         WV  82  69  64  86  SW 7      1019  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.09F.                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/23:27 THOMPSON        OH  70              CALM            OVC  TR          7:27pm-Just noticed I made big error in R total! .20"s not 2.0"s! Sorry!                            
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/23:27 Auburn          NH  83  72  69  88   W 8      1011  BKN              Clouds will be a blanket for an otherwise already muggy night                                       
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 16/23:26 Lake Pleasant   NY  79                              BKN              Rain: 0.1" during passing storm. Clouds heading East quickly. Clearing to the west.                 
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 16/23:17 PAINESVILLE     OH  75  73  93  79  SW 8 G 18 1009  OVC  T           ...around. T-storms that started in Chicago this a.m. passed here at 10am now in N.Y.C.             
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 16/23:15 PAINESVILLE     OH  75  73  93  79  SW 8 G 18 1009  OVC  T           Major t-storm development all afternoon with the brunt of it south of me. Still lots of thunder...  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/23:11 THOMPSON        OH  70              CALM            OVC  TR-         7:08-Last radar shows line of big storms moving S :( Small Thunder boomer in prog.Going to store!ML 
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 16/23:05 Pecos           TX 106  52  16 104  SW10      1011  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/22:53 Auburn          NH  91  69  49  97 WNW10 G 15 1011  SCT              High reached 91.5F...high clouds from the t'storm complex in NYC are to the west                    
                Aug 16/22:51 Laytonsville    MD  92             SSW 3 G  5 1007  CLR  H           Hi today was 102, hotest of the year so far!                                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/22:51 THOMPSON        OH  70              SW              OVC  T           counties!Another storm commin in from W.!I lov it!Scanner wasgoing nuts!Kids gladto beouta basement!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/22:47 THOMPSON        OH  70               S              OVC  T           6:47PM-Last groupof storms splitup+went around2.0"sR!Tornado warnings ext.for Lorain,Medina+Trumbell
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 16/22:40 Lake Pleasant   NY  83  82 100  99                  OVC  TRW                                                                                                             
                Aug 16/22:27 Moorhead        MN                                  CLR              Hello N. St. Paul.  Looks like a nice day down there...cool up here...kemsky@worldnet.att.net       
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/22:19 Moorhead        MN  63  57  80  54 NNE13      1014  OVC                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/22:18 Houston/Les     TX  96  74  49 108   S 5 G 10 1014  SCT               Now the back forty needs mowing! I am not looking forward to this at all.                          
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/22:17 Houston/Les     TX  96  74  49 108   S 5 G 10 1014  SCT               SCT050 A2993 SLP135. Just looked. Inside temp is 87 (A/C struggling!) But, outside temp, is falling
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 16/22:12 Fairport        NY  83  70  64  87 WSW 8 G 13 1009  SCT  H           I meant east! I'm just looking west                                                                 
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 16/22:10 Fairport        NY  83  70  64  87 WSW 8 G 13 1009  SCT  H           High clouds streaking to the west, humidity continuing to rise.                                     
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 16/22:04 Aurora (#4811)  CO  75  60  59  78  SE10 G 13 1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 16/21:56 NORTH ST.PAUL   MN  79  58  48  80 WSW 4      1009  BKN                                                                                                                  
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 16/21:54 Beckley         WV  82  69  64  86  CALM      1020  SCT              10SM. FEW035. A30.12F.                                                                              
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 16/21:39 Clifton         NJ  79              NW10            OVC  TRW                                                                                                             
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 16/21:15 Fairport        NY  84  69  61  88  SW13 G 22 1008  CLR  H           It's beginning to look like heaven for severe T-storms!                                             
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/21:07 Auburn          NH  91  68  47  96   W10 G 16 1011  SCT  H           Temp probably peaked at 91.4F                                                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/21:03 THOMPSON        OH  76               W12            OVC  TR          TORNADO in Trumbell county County SE of here!(wind speed est)                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/20:57 THOMPSON        OH  79              SW              OVC  T           TORNADO ON THE GROUND BURTON15miles SW ofhere Geauga,Lorain+MedinaCounties TORNADO WARNING!Cable out
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 16/20:56 Wamego/Manhattn KS  97  74  47 109                  CLR              Stuck in the office on a nice Saturday afternoon. Yuk.                                              
   39.6   -77.7 Aug 16/20:47 Boonsboro       MD 100  82  58 127 SSW 3      1010  SCT  H           High 100 at 2:22 pm Low 73 at 7:07 am EDT  (HOT HOT HOT)                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/20:38 THOMPSON        OH  82              SW11            OVC  T           4:37PM(W.sp.est)Another poppedup! Ones W.growing!Clouds cool, doing there dippin+swirlin thing!     
                Aug 16/20:29 Bridgeport      CT  92              SW13            CLR  H           BULLETIN: SVR TRWX LINE 100+MI. TO THE WEST MOVG E 50 MPH                                           
  43.05  -77.28 Aug 16/20:22 Fairport        NY  80  66  62  83  SW12 G 18 1008  SCT  H           0.94" of rain from strong t-storms last night. temps+dpts rising now                                
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/20:21 THOMPSON        OH  82              SW12            BKN  TRF         4:21PM(Wind sp.est)On the outside edge ofthis storm!Sun shinin on Dk cld's!More commin infrom W +NW!
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/20:05 Auburn          NH  90  69  50  96 WNW 9 G 16 1011  SCT  H           Becoming hazy now...High thus far 90.7,,,morning low of 65.7...peak wind thus far of 24mph          
   39.7    74.8 Aug 16/20:02 Philadelphia    PA  98  73  45 110  NE 6 G 12       OVC  H           First record high of the season.  Skyline is invisible from half a mile away.  Ghastly heat.        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/20:02 THOMPSON        OH  88               W 9            OVC  T           4:01pm(Wind sp.est)Beautiful day!Lovit!Complete with T-storms another iscommin infrom SW!Dark fast! 
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 16/20:01 Aurora (#4811)  CO  75  56  56  78 ENE 5      1015  BKN              presS, Virga SW.                                                                                    
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/19:57 Moorhead        MN  63  58  85  60  NE 6 G 13 1012  OVC  F           Cool and dreary day.  To early for fall weather.  Seems like we just got done with winter.          
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 16/19:29 North Granby    CT  92  72  52 101   W 7 G 12 1007  SCT  H           Breeze helping to make things tolerable.                                                            
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 16/19:23 West Haven      CT  91  78  67 106   S 3 G  9 1010  CLR  H           high/low 91/72  watching t storms that were out by Chicago early this morning.                      
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/19:10 Auburn          NH  90  68  48  95 WNW11 G 17 1011  SCT              I haven't felt 100F since summer of '95   :O(                                                       
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 16/18:59 Dandridge       TN  93  72  51 102  SW 5 G  8 1016  CLR  H           HOT!  Dry!  Please, weather prognosticators, I NEED some rain!                                      
  42.27  -72.34 Aug 16/18:39 Sunderland      MA  90  68  48  95 WSW 2 G  6 1009  SCT  H           A real muggy day!!                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 16/18:17 Thurmont        MD  90                              SCT              Elevation 1800 ft.                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/18:08 Auburn          NH  89  71  56  96 WNW14      1011  SCT              The temp has been rising since midnight...lows in the 70s tonight unusual for here...mid90s tomorrow
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 16/18:07 Clifton         NJ  94  75  53 106 WSW 6      1011  SCT              Bar.falling, Vis.7mi., Ceil.unlimited                                                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 16/17:52 Fairfield       CT  91  76  62 103   W 9      1010  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  39.53  -76.35 Aug 16/17:37 Bel Air         MD  97  69  40 104  SW 5            SCT  H           There is a light breeze, but that just brings in more hot air.  .03 of rain since 8/3               
39.4424 76.6169 Aug 16/17:27 Baltimore       MD 101  74  42 115  SW 9            SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 16/17:21 North Granby    CT  92  73  54 102  SW 7      1008  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/17:17 Houston/Les     TX  94  73  52 105   S15 G 27 1015  SCT               Winds are really starting to pick up now. Same as yesterday.                                       
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 16/17:15 Beckley         WV  82  71  69  87   W 6      1021  SCT              Vis 10SM. FEW025. A30.16F.                                                                          
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 16/16:53 Thurmont        MD  86                              SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/16:44 THOMPSON        OH  68          66  SW 5            BKN              Fixed rain gauge but froze from gettin drowned inStorm inChardon!Willchange before tacklin garage*S*
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/16:40 THOMPSON        OH  68          66  SW 5            BKN              12:40pm(W.sp.est)Wow sister mustof been right about wind!Hole in our Garage!Alumin.siding+5boards!  
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 16/16:37 Beckley         WV  80  71  73  84   W 6      1021  SCT              Vis 10SM. SCT021 SCT036. A30.17R.                                                                   
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 16/16:37 Flagstaff       AZ  70  57  65  76 WSW20 G 25 1023  CLR              Feels damp.  Expect T-storms to develop today again.                                                
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 16/16:31 Boonsboro       MD  93  79  64 110 WSW 4 G  9 1012  SCT  H           High 97 at 12:03pm  Low 73 at 7:07am  EDT                                                           
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 16/16:28 Overland        MO  89  73  61  98  SW17 G 20 1010  CLR              8/15  H 92  L 69  8/16  Pressure Falling                                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/15:49 THOMPSON        OH  66          61  SW 8            OVC  TF          gone from here movin E!No storm T or Mo.T sister said wind blew over my rain gauge.There was R+ :(  
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 16/15:47 Lake Pleasant   NY  79               E 3 G 10       SCT              Temp/humidity rising steady. Breeze doesn't help much                                               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/15:45 THOMPSON        OH  66          61  SW 8            OVC  TF          11:44AM(Wind sp.est)Just got back from Chardon T-storm out there good cloud-ground strikes!Almost   
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/15:22 Houston/Les     TX  87  73  65  95   S 5 G 10 1015  SCT               North Granby, it gets boring. Seems like it will never stop. Then finally, a shot of cool air will 
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 16/15:20 PAINESVILLE     OH  71  71 100  76  SW 5 G 10       OVC  TR-                                                                                                             
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/15:18 Houston/Les     TX  87  73  65  95   S 5 G 10 1015  SCT               FEW050 A2997 SLP149. A/C is "NOT" running at the moment! *s* Should change shortly!                
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/15:18 Moorhead        MN  62  61  98  56   N 8      1006  OVC  R-F         Now receiving some light rain.                                                                      
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 16/15:15 North Granby    CT  86  75  71  95  SW 6 G 11 1009  SCT  H           Houston, I don't know how you put up with these 75 degree dewpoints day after day.  1 day is enough 
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/14:58 Moorhead        MN  62  61  97  59   N 6      1007  OVC              Hi yesterday 74..Low this morning 59.  Going to be a cool cloudy day.                               
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 16/14:54 Mishawaka       IN  82  73  74  88  NW12 G 25 1009  BKN  H                                                                                                               
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 16/14:54 Mishawaka       IN  82  73  74  88  NW12 G 25       BKN  H                                                                                                               
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 16/13:53 Lake Pleasant   NY  73                              BKN                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/13:38 THOMPSON        OH  79               W 4            OVC              9:38am(Wind sp.est)Pickedup.04"s inbrief RW+.Under sev.storm watch'till 12for an impress.cell W!Hum!
  33.30  117.44 Aug 16/13:38 Laguna Beach    CA  66  64  91  66  CALM      1024   X   F                                                                                                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 16/13:23 Fairfield       CT  83  79  89  95 WNW 7      1012  BKN  H                                                                                                               
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 16/13:15 Natchitoches    LA  82  74  79  89  SW 5      1016  SCT              A warm, humid morning in Louisiana as high pressure is in control ....                              
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 16/12:50 Framingham      MA  77                              CLR              Gonna be a steamer! Some haze. Hi(8/15) 78@1115-1525EDT. Lo(8/16) 69@0000-0335EDT.                  
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 16/12:13 North Granby    CT  76  65  68  79  SW 7 G 14 1009  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 16/11:37 McPherson       KS  74  69  85  78  CALM      1006  SCT              Fri. max/100 min/73 2nd hottest day of summer here.  Ready to have it cool off again!               
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 16/11:28 Dandridge       TN  76  73  92  81  CALM      1019  OVC  H           Conditions bode another hot, dry day.                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 16/11:19 Aurora (#4811)  CO  56  54  92  56 WNW 2      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 16/10:46 Clifton         NJ  75  75 100  80 WSW 1      1011  OVC  H           Pressure rising, Ceil.1100ft., Vis.4mi., August precip.0.37in.                                      
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 16/10:28 West Haven      CT  73  73 100  78  NW 3      1009  CLR  F                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/07:16 Houston/Les     TX  82  77  85  91   S 5      1013  SCT               SCT055 A2991 SLP128. A/C just shut off! Inside temp down to 79 degrees.                            
                Aug 16/06:11 Laytonsville    MD  77             SSW 1 G  3 1009  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 16/05:00 BRIDGEPORT      CT  74  72  93  78 SSW 7      1011  OVC              OVC015/H 81F/L 67F                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 16/03:42 Aurora (#4811)  CO  71  42  35  74 WSW 3      1011  SCT              presR                                                                                               
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 16/03:37 Auburn          NH  66  61  82  66  SE 2      1014  OVC              *yawn* time for bed                                                                                 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/03:11 THOMPSON        OH  72              NW10            SCT  T           11:11(W.sp.est)2T-storms over Lake tothe NW!Hope they comeon down!Our luck they'll prob.stay over L!
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/03:08 Moorhead        MN  62  60  93  62  CALM       999  SCT              Total Precip .08..Hi 74  Lo 57..Expecting much cooler temps for the weekend.                        
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 16/02:59 Thurmont        MD  74                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  21.37 -157.93 Aug 16/02:49 Aiea            HI  79               E10            BKN  TR-         RB40 TCU W-S                                                                                        
                Aug 16/02:48 Herndon         VA  83  72  69  88 SSW 5 G 18 1011  SCT  H           THI 86 Degrees.   WE NEED RAIN!     Aug. Rain=0.42 inch.        High Temp 90  Low 65                
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 16/01:48 West Haven      CT  73  72  96  77   S 3      1011  BKN              high/low 79/66                                                                                      
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 16/01:36 THOMPSON        OH  75              SW 8            BKN              9:35pm(Wind sp.est)Somethin growin overthe Lake NE by Ashtabula Co.Trails awsome!Hum.Ferns moss ect!
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 16/01:09 Houston/Les     TX  90  76  65 102   S 7      1011  SCT               FEW060 A2986 SLP112. (inside temp down to 81 degrees)                                              
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 16/01:02 Fairfield       CT  74  70  90  78  SW 8 G 14 1012  BKN              Hi today 81F                                                                                        
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 16/00:31 Boonsboro       MD  85  78  80  96 SSW 2      1007  BKN  H           High 94 at 4:03 pm  Low 69 5:16am  EDT                                                              
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 16/00:23 CLINTON         MA  68  57  67  68   S 2 G  5 1011  OVC              Hi 75 Lo 53 Departure -5 A few sprinkles on the pool now, but nothing more on radar                 
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 16/00:22 Beckley         WV  71  69  93  76   S 8      1016  CLR              Vis 8SM. A30.01F. THN BKN LYR ABV 120.                                                              
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 16/00:21 Beckley         WV  71  69  93  76   S 8      1016  CLR              Vis 8SM. A30.01F. THN BKN LYR ABV 120.                                                              
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/00:21 Moorhead        MN  70  63  80  76 SSW 5       998  BKN  TR-         Light thunder shower in progress                                                                    
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 16/00:20 Moorhead        MN  70  63  80  76 SSW 5       998  BKN  TR-         Light thunder shower in progress                                                                    
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 16/00:14 Fircrest        WA  72  56  58  76   N 3 G 10 1010  CLR              Ocercast AM, Sun out afternoon. Hi 72 Lo 58. About 10degrees cooler than yesterday.                 
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 16/00:10 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  78  68  71  81   S12       997  OVC              CB SE-S TWRG CU N TORNADO WATCH TILL 10PM CDT                                                       
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 15/23:50 North Granby    CT  72  63  74  76  SE 5      1010  BKN              Warm front to the west should bring HHH back to New England.                                        
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 15/23:47 Wilmington      DE  79  71  76  83 ENE 2 G  6 1011  BKN                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 15/23:07 Pecos           TX 106  50  15 103  CALM      1009  CLR                                                                                                                  
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 15/23:02 Flagstaff       AZ  75  60  60  78   W10      1026  BKN  TR-         Got 0.2" rain about an hour ago.  Tornado near PHX last night around 8PM                            
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 15/22:43 Aurora (#4811)  CO  91  24   8  84   N 2      1009  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 15/22:41 Houston/Les     TX  94  76  57 108   S10      1012  SCT               15SM SCT050 A2987 SLP115. (inside temp still 83 degrees)                                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/22:35 THOMPSON        OH  78             WSW15 G 18       SCT  H           6:35pm(Wind sp.est)Beautiful day!Think I'll take kids fora short hike down at the ledges!Warm Wind! 
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 15/21:52 Wamego/Manhattn KS  96  69  41 103                  CLR              Looks nice out the window... oh well, I'm only stuck at the office for another hour or two.         
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 15/21:19 Moorhead        MN  66  63  88  63   W 6       998  BKN              Precp up to 4p  .05                                                                                 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/21:14 THOMPSON        OH  75              SW10 G 20       BKN              Houston-True Hum.Killer!Do remember drippin sweat at work there too!AC too cold!*S*But goodfor HUM! 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/21:11 THOMPSON        OH  75              SW10 G 20       BKN              5:11(W.sp.est)Windy in house,slammin doors!Watchin cld's+shad's Race SW->NE!Hawks circle'n in wind! 
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 15/20:36 Houston/Les     TX  97  76  51 112   S12 G 22 1013  SCT               (Inside temp is 83. A/C blasting. Trying to hold it down)                                          
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 15/20:31 Auburn          NH  74  67  80  78  SE 9      1016  OVC              High and low thus far: 76.9  ;  50.0     PeakWind thus far: 9mph                                    
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 15/20:13 BROOKLYN        NY  80  70  71  84 SSE12      1013  SCT              High of 83 F.reached earlier ,seabreezes set up  keeping temps around 80, Hot weekend coming        
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 15/19:44 Mishawaka       IN  85  73  69  92 SSW23      1001  BKN  RW-BD                                                                                                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/19:02 THOMPSON        OH  68          61   S11            OVC  F           3:01(Wind sp.est)Light fog.We pickedup .21"s Aug.T 1.05"s!Drought over!P'ville-Haha beatya again!*S*
  29.27  -95.50 Aug 15/18:58 Houston/Les     TX  98  76  50 114   S10 G 20 1015  SCT               Thompson, it used to really be fun down here, before the invention of "air conditioning". Phew!    
  29.27  -95.50 Aug 15/18:56 Houston/Les     TX  98  76  50 114   S10 G 20 1015  SCT               Phoenix is a dry heat.  Here, your sweat wont evaporate! You hit an "internal dewpoint" in a hurry!
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 15/18:25 PAINESVILLE     OH  71  71 100  76   S10 G 15 1004  OVC  R-          Have picked up .14" today but no thunder. Breezy and humid.                                         
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 15/18:25 Clifton         NJ  86  67  52  89   S 2      1013  SCT              Pressure falling, Vis.10mi., Ceil. unlimited.                                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/18:16 THOMPSON        OH  67          60   S11            OVC  R+F         2:15(Wind sp.est)Fall colors around here are usually spectacular!Isthe season thats Prettiest!+C!*S*
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 15/18:04 Thurmont        MD  82                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 15/17:39 Wamego/Manhattn KS  89  72  57  96                  CLR              Bright sun, deep blue sky, nary a cloud. A beautiful day!                                           
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 15/17:26 W Gulf ship/buo TX  86  73  65  93   S20      1015  SCT              Sea water temp 86 degrees. Wave height 5 ft.                                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/17:08 THOMPSON        OH  62          53  SE13            OVC  R-          Decided better to live with cold(+complain aboutit*S*)+have crops,trees,wildlife R+T-storms!Usually!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/17:02 THOMPSON        OH  62          53  SE13            OVC  R-          1:02(Wind sp.est)Breezy!Houston-We used tolive by Pheonix neversick of heat!But missed trees,crops+R
 28.89N -81.24W Aug 15/16:30 Deltona         FL  93  74  70 114  SW 7 G 10 1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 15/16:29 Houston/Les     TX  90  75  63 101   S10 G 18 1015  SCT               Thompson, I think that you would get sick of this heat in a hurry! Now, winters are real nice.     
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 15/16:25 Houston/Les     TX  90  75  63 101   S10 G 18 1015  SCT               15SM SCT050 A2996 SLP146. Winds picked up last night, and still going.                             
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 15/16:15 Overland        MO  79  70  75  83  SW15 G 18 1007  SCT              8/15  H 80  L 65  8/15  Pressure Steady                                                             
 28.89N  81.24W Aug 15/16:07 Deltona         FL  91  75  70 108   S 3      1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
  28.89   81.29 Aug 15/15:57 Deltona         FL  91  75  70 108   S 3      1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 15/14:53 BROOKLYN        NY  80  63  57  82  CALM      1015  SCT  H           Yesterdays High:83 F. Low: 72 F. Real heat and humidity coming up for the weekend!                  
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 15/14:53 Thurmont        MD  73                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 15/14:15 Fairfield       CT  74  70  90  78 SSW 3      1016  OVC                                                                                                                  
  41.41   86.90 Aug 15/13:58 Mishawaka       IN  74  69  87  78 WSW22      1003  OVC  RWF                                                                                                             
                Aug 15/13:37 Greensburg      PA  72  59  63  76 SSW 8 G 15 1010  BKN              Clouding Up......                                                                                   
  47.23 =122.50 Aug 15/13:36 Fircrest        WA  59  53  81  59  SW 1 G  3 1010  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 15/13:35 Framingham      MA  71                              OVC              Few BINOVC. For 8/14: Hi 81@1540EDT, Lo 63@2335-2359EDT. Lo(8/15) 61@0310EDT.                       
   42.2    71.1 Aug 15/13:32 west roxbury    MA  67  52  60  66  SE 4      1017   X   F                                                                                                               
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 15/13:25 Wamego/Manhattn KS  72                              CLR              Storms last night were beautiful S and SE of us.                                                    
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 15/12:33 McPherson       KS  73  69  90  77 ESE 5      1003  SCT              Thurs. max/93 min/68   Back to summer!                                                              
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 15/12:28 Moorhead        MN  59  58  98  57 SSE 5 G  8  995  OVC  F           Very low presure this morning 29.40 was the lowest. Precip .03..Lo 57 Hi: 69. Cooler for wkend.     
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 15/12:03 Lake Pleasant   NY  58          58  CALM            BKN  F                                                                                                               
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 15/11:22 Clifton         NJ  68  64  86  68  CALM      1014  BKN              Pressure rising, Vis.5mi., Ceil.1300ft., Aug.precip.0.37in.                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 15/09:45 West Haven      CT  68  65  90  68 SSW 3      1013  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 15/09:24 Boonsboro       MD  69  66  93  69  CALM      1011  OVC              High 75 at 00:01am   Low 69 at 5:16am EDT                                                           
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 15/09:24 Boonsboro       MD  69  66  93  69  CALM            OVC              High 75 at 00:01am   Low 69 at 5:16am EDT                                                           
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 15/07:42 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  48  64  61  CALM      1008  CLR  H           1:42AM MDT:  5% cloudcover.  BRIDGEPORT, e-mail me.  Leporinis@aol.com                              
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 15/07:24 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  48  63  61   S 2      1008  CLR  H           1:24AM MDT:  10% cloudcover.  Jeez, that's quite a low pressure reading for here.                   
     45         Aug 15/07:21 Butte(Emerson)  MT                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 15/07:12 Laytonsville    MD  67          67  CALM      1009  CLR              Scattered patch ground fog                                                                          
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/06:45 THOMPSON        OH  52          52  CALM            OVC              2:45Iseen something realrare+special forthis area onmy walk inour woods tod!Our Golden Eagle's back!
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 15/05:41 Fircrest        WA  63  57  82  63 SSW 3 G  9 1008  OVC              Clds showing up now. Temps to be around normal  this weekend. Ave Hi temp is 74.4 Lo 54.5.          
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/05:12 THOMPSON        OH  52          52   S 3            BKN              Houston-Brushhog*S*Will trade ya temps in a heartbeat!Flagstaff-Thank you!Learned alot!Chilly out!  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 15/05:11 BRIDGEPORT      CT  68          68  NE 3      1013  BKN              OBS@1AM EDT/NEWS: POWERFUL COLD FRONT BLASTS THROUGH MONTANA                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 15/05:08 THOMPSON        OH  52          52   S 3            BKN              1:07am(Wind sp.est)Moorehead-Our trees are just starting to change colors Afraid fall is here:>(... 
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 15/04:42 East Birmingham AL  73  73 100  78   W 3      1016  SCT              Hi:92 Lo:72 Rain:1.60  We got a big lightning storm today. There were about 20 strikes in our yard! 
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 15/02:55 Moorhead        MN  60  57  88  53  SE 9       999  OVC              Forgot barometer last go.  Barometer is on the way down.  It was a cool day.  Hope fall not here yet
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 15/02:54 Flagstaff       AZ  65  49  57  55   W15 G 25 1024  SCT              Got 0.06" rain this afternoon -- came out of nowhere!  Clearing rapidly now.                        
  46.88  -96.76 Aug 15/02:40 Moorhead        MN  60  57  88  53  SE 9            OVC              Hi 69 Lo 56..Thunder showers on radar just about 60-70 miles to the NW moving our way.              
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 15/02:01 CLINTON         MA  58  54  86  58  CALM      1012  SCT              Hi 79 Lo 58 Departure 0  A perfectly normal August 14.                                              
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 15/00:57 Aurora (#4811)  CO  75  33  21  74   W 8 G 22 1013  SCT              presF                                                                                               
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 15/00:29 West Haven      CT  74  66  75  77 SSW 1      1011  BKN              high/low 82/67                                                                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 15/00:12 Fircrest        WA  79  66  63  81  SW 2 G  7 1009  CLR              Hi 81 Lo 60. Cooling trend on way for weekend.                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 14/23:53 Houston/Les     TX  93  74  54 104  SW 5 G 10 1013  SCT               SCT050 A2992 SLP132. Well!!!! I wonder if you cant just give a "five day" package on here *s*      
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 14/23:44 Aurora (#4811)  CO  79  34  19  76 WNW 8 G 15 1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 14/23:31 Moorhead        MN  64  56  74  58 SSE 9 G 14 1000  OVC              Thunder Storms in centeral ND moving this way.  Should be here around 10p.                          
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 14/23:04 Pecos           TX  98  59  27  99 WNW10      1012  BKN  L                                                                                                               
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 14/22:10 Beckley         WV  73  64  73  77 NNW 6      1017  SCT              Vis. 8SM. FEW030 BKN037. BKN LYR ABV 120. A30.04S.                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 14/21:47 Boonsboro       MD  84  71  66  90 ENE 2      1010  SCT  H           High 89 at 4:29pm  Low 69 at8:15am  EDT                                                             
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 14/21:19 Auburn          NH  77  56  49  78   N10 G 14 1013  SCT              High thus far 77.5....Low thus far 59.0.....Peak wind 21mph                                         
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 14/21:14 BROOKLYN        NY  80  68  65  83  SE 4      1011  BKN              Yesterdays High: 79 F.  Low :71 F.                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 14/20:47 Auburn          NH  77  56  49  78 NNW12 G 16 1013  SCT              A nice, refreshing day                                                                              
  33.57 -117.23 Aug 14/20:09 RIVERSIDE       CA  87  62  44  89   N 1      1014  CLR  H           Solar Engery 970 w/m2                                                                               
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 14/19:45 Stamford        CT  82  55  41  82  CALM      1012  BKN                                                                                                                  
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 14/19:43 Stamford        CT                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 14/19:22 Wamego/Manhattn KS  88  71  56  94  SW15            SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 14/18:35 Mishawaka       IN  77  50  38  77   W12      1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 14/18:13 Clifton         NJ  83  63  50  84 NNW 4      1012  BKN              Pressure falling, Ceiling 6000ft., Visibilty 10mi., August precip. 0.37in. Cumulus and a few cirrus.
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 14/17:13 Overland        MO  78  67  69  81  SE10 G 12 1014  BKN              8/13  H 80  L 69  8/14  Pressure Falling                                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 14/17:11 Houston/Les     TX  89  79  73 104  SW10      1017  SCT               Thompson,I need a "bush hog" with as fast as things grow!McPherson, Im looking for 60 deg temps *s*
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 14/17:07 Houston/Les     TX  89  79  73 104  SW10      1017  SCT               BKN250 A3004 SLP173. Another hot one! Not much else to say.                                        
  33.73   84.26 Aug 14/15:31 Atlanta         GA  84  72  67  90   W 5 G 10 1012  BKN                                                                                                                  
                Aug 14/15:15 Renton/Issaquah WA  70  67  93  75   S 1 G  1 1019  CLR  H           Hi pres holdg Pac sys @ bay/ marine lay deepen and should bring relief by wkend/Nature AC of PNW!   
                Aug 14/15:13 Renton/Issaquah WA  70  67  93  75   S 1 G  1 1019  CLR  H           Am F/L 16200'/Clr+Sun/Bar:stdy/Vis:50m/Clg:Unlmtd/Wds:V-lite/Rn:none/ Abnormal Warm - Strg Hi Pres  
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 14/13:55 Flagstaff       AZ  52  43  74  52 WNW 2      1024  CLR              Monsoon has dried out somewhat for a few days.                                                      
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 14/13:43 Mishawaka       IN  63  50  62  57 ENE 9      1017  CLR  K                                                                                                               
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 14/13:38 Fircrest        WA  60  58  92  60  CALM      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 14/13:37 Fircrest        WA  60  58  92  60  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 14/13:19 Fairfield       CT  74  61  67  77 ENE10      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 14/13:15 Thurmont        MD  66                              OVC                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 14/13:14 Framingham      MA  70                              SCT              Much needed rain yesterday. Hi(8/13) 73@2359EDT. Lo(8/14) 65@0640-0710EDT.                          
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 14/12:36 McPherson       KS  68  64  90  66   S 5 G 10       OVC              Wed. max/81 min/59  Exceptional weather for August!  We've had correct amount of rain.              
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 14/12:26 Wamego/Manhattn KS  66                              OVC  TR          Occl R+ on drive to work. Rain started at 0650CDT (1150z).                                          
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 14/12:18 Moorhead        MN  58  53  82  54 SSE 6      1008  SCT              Expecting thunder showers late aftn and evening.                                                    
43.4416  -74470 Aug 14/12:07 Lake Pleasant   NY  68                              SCT                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 14/11:30 Dandridge       TN  71  68  92  76   W 5      1015  SCT  H           Last night never cool.  Still needing rain with little chance...                                    
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 14/10:50 Clifton         NJ  70  67  90  75 NNE 5      1010  SCT              Pressure rising, Visibilty 10mi., Ceiling unlimited, Precip. for month 0.34in.                      
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 14/09:41 West Haven      CT  67  66  94  67   N 2 G  8 1008  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 14/09:39 Moorhead        MN  60  50  72  56  SE 6 G 14 1010  SCT              Lo: 56                                                                                              
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 14/09:26 Boonsboro       MD  71  69  95  76  CALM      1009   X   H           High 77 at  0:14am Low 71 at 5:22am EDT                                                             
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 14/07:04 Butte(Emerson)  MT  58  51  80  58  CALM      1015  OVC              1:04AM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Clouds seem to be breaking to the west.                               
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 14/06:41 Butte(Emerson)  MT  58  51  80  58  CALM      1015  OVC              12:41AM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Cloud movement out of the northwest.                                 
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 14/05:36 Fircrest        WA  70  61  71  76  CALM      1013  CLR              Another nice warm evening.                                                                          
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 14/05:08 THOMPSON        OH  50          50  CALM            CLR              1:08am-Dampness making me achy.Loveit forthe plants,they needit!Gggettin tttoo cccold tto wrwrite*S*
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 14/04:27 Thurmont        MD  69                              BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 14/04:20 BRIDGEPORT      CT  74  72  93  78   W 6      1009  OVC  FH          OBS@0000EDT/PCP 0.14"/TRACE ESTM. PAST HOUR/H 76F/L 69F                                             
                Aug 14/03:34 Laytonsville    MD  77              CALM      1008  SCT  H           No rain here today, drought continues                                                               
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 14/03:31 Stamford        CT  75  72  93  79  CALM      1009  BKN  H                                                                                                               
                Aug 14/03:29 Stamford        CT                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 14/03:28 Moorhead        MN  59  50  74  59 SSE 3      1015  SCT              Nice evening.                                                                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 14/02:45 THOMPSON        OH  52          52  CALM            CLR              sendingU 1"of rain!Houston-Uneed ridingmower!Takesus afew days todo3acres byhand*S*Freezin,cold+damp
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 14/02:39 THOMPSON        OH  52          52  CALM            CLR              10:39pm-Picked up another0.04"s after last report.Tod.T.0.10"s,2day T.0.24"s,Aug.T=0.84"s!Dandridge-
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 14/02:02 Moorhead        MN  64  50  62  62   S 5      1015  SCT              Hi 74 Lo 43.  It was a very nice day.  Light winds.                                                 
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 14/01:35 BROOKLYN        NY  76  74  94  81  CALM      1008  OVC  F           Very muggy,dewpoints around 79 at 4pm. Rainfall today 0.40".                                        
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 14/01:29 Fairfield       CT  74  74 100  79 NNW 3      1009  BKN              0.26" of rain today, High: 77F, Low 70F, very muggy night                                           
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 14/01:10 CLINTON         MA  65  65 100  65  CALM      1007  OVC              Hi 67 Lo 57 Departure -8  Rain 0.74  Pretty good soaking rain--One more shower on radar.            
                Aug 14/00:50 McPherson       KS  75                              BKN              Houston/Les.  Why don't you move here to our retirement community in McPherson?                     
                Aug 14/00:50 McPherson       KS  75                              BKN              You wouldn't have to mow the grass.  Beautiful evening here in Central Kansas.                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 14/00:35 Houston/Les     TX  89  75  64 100  SE 5 G  8 1016  SCT               BKN 250 A2999. Headed out to mow "front 40"! Takes an hour. Getting hot even thinking about it!    
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 14/00:32 Lake Pleasant   NY  70                              OVC  F           Rain: 1.3" from storm that passed through this afternoon                                            
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 14/00:27 Fircrest        WA  81  60  51  82   N 1 G  4 1014   X               Hi 81 Lo 60.Filtered sunshine all day. Fire danger still very high.                                 
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 13/23:54 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  69  45  42  69  SW 2      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 13/23:38 Beckley         WV  71  69  93  76   W 3      1016  OVC  R           Vis 2 1/2SM. SCT014 BKN019 OVC055. A30.01S.                                                         
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 13/23:23 Winsted         CT  68  64  89                1012  OVC              .08 inches of rain fell during the day                                                              
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 13/23:21 Winsted         CT  68  64  89                      OVC              .08 inches of rain fell during the day                                                              
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 13/22:58 Dandridge       TN  73  69  90  77   W 8 G 15 1017   X   TL          Heavy storms, very light rain.  It is WATER that we need!  Hi, Thompson, O.                         
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 13/22:57 Dandridge       TN  73  69  90  77   W 8 G 15        X   TL          Heavy storms, very light rain.  It is WATER that we need!                                           
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 13/22:56 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  69  45  42  69  CALM      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 13/22:56 Aurora (#4811)  CO  80  38  22  77   N 5 G 17 1020  BKN                                                                                                                  
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 13/22:25 BaxterWxService TX  99  74  45 112 SSE 7 G 15       BKN              BKN 8,000        Hi today 100/74                                                                    
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 13/22:25 Houston/Les     TX  91  75  61 103  SE 5      1017  BKN               BKN250 TCU A3002 SLP165. No rain yet today but still "holding out hope".                           
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 13/21:53 Butte(Emerson)  MT  65  38  38  61   N 7 G 21 1018  BKN              3:53PM MDT:  65% cloudcover.  Humidity has abruptly dropped.                                        
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 13/21:38 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  47  56  54  NW15 G 26 1017  BKN  BY          3:38PM MDT:  70% cloudcover.  Winds are varied.                                                     
  +45.7   -70.6 Aug 13/21:23 Rockport        MA  64  59  85  62 WSW 5 G 12 1010  OVC  R+          End is near but much more is needed                                                                 
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 13/21:22 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  47  56  53 NNE18 G 35 1016  BKN  RW-BY       3:22PM MDT:  90% cloudcover.  Storms coming out of the northwest.  May hear thunder soon.           
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 13/20:52 Wamego/Manhattn KS  81                              SCT              Nice afternoon.                                                                                     
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 13/20:32 West Haven      CT  74  74 100  79 SSE 1 G  7 1008  OVC  F           high/low 74/69 .30" of rain since last report.                                                      
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 13/20:29 Boonsboro       MD  83  77  84  93 WSW 3      1008  BKN  H           High 84 at 1:57 pm  Low 74 at 7:12am  EDT    (Precp for 24 hours 0.11in)                            
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 13/20:29 Boonsboro       MD  83  77  84  93 WSW 3      1008  BKN              High 84 at 1:57 pm  Low 74 at 7:12am  EDT    (Precp for 24 hours 0.11in)                            
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 13/20:21 Auburn          NH  63  63 100  54   N12      1013  OVC  RF          Since 1pm there has been 0.72" of rain.....0.29" the past hour                                      
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 13/20:19 Clifton         NJ  82  74  76  88  SW 2      1009  OVC  H           Pressure falling, Visibilty:4mi, Ceiling:1500ft.                                                    
 43.684  70.467 Aug 13/20:05 Gorham          ME  60  59  93  53  NE 9 G 14 1013  OVC  R-          Good rain at last                                                                                   
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 13/19:39 Boston          VA  82  74  78  89   W 2 G  8       OVC  R-H         Barometer is falling at 29.88 inches.  Light rainfall - 0.04 of an inch. Time EDT 3:37pm            
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 13/19:29 Mishawaka       IN  77  60  55  79   N11 G 21 1016  BKN  K                                                                                                               
  +45.7   -70.6 Aug 13/19:28 Rockport        MA  63  57  83  63  CALM      1012  OVC  TRW         Steady needed rain..distant thunder                                                                 
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 13/19:26 Framingham      MA  67                              OVC  RF          Correction!! R+ at times. Drought going down the drain! Hi(8/13) 70@0935-1035EDT.                   
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 13/19:24 Framingham      MA  67                              OVC  F           Occnl R+. Drought going down the drain! Hi(8/13) 70@0935-1035EDT.                                   
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 13/18:51 Stamford        CT  75  71  90  79 SSW 3      1011  OVC  LH                                                                                                              
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 13/18:48 Stamford        CT                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.2n   71.1w Aug 13/18:17 west roxbury    MA  67                               X   RW                                                                                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 13/17:43 Houston/Les     TX  89  78  70 102  SW 5      1020  SCT               Welcome back Issaquah!                                                                             
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 13/17:38 Houston/Les     TX  89  78  70 102  SW 5      1020  SCT               12SM SCT250 A3011 SLP196. Ended up with 1.65" rain with yester/Sea Brz shwr. Hoping for more this p
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 13/17:14 BROOKLYN        NY  74  74 100  79  CALM      1010  OVC  TR          Showers and scattered thunderstorms are moving through every few hours                              
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 13/15:59 Thurmont        MD  70                               X   R-                                                                                                              
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 13/15:48 Clifton         NJ  74  73  96  78   S 4      1012  OVC  R-          Pressure falling.                                                                                   
                Aug 13/14:55 Renton\Issaquah WA  67  64  93  67  CALM      1020  SCT  H           AM Ptly Cldy interior Puget Sound/Coast:Cldy///PM Wx:Sunny + Very Warm as High pres Reigns over us  
                Aug 13/14:50 Renton\Issaquah WA  67  64  93  67  CALM      1020  SCT  H           Am F/L 14700'/PtCldy Ci-Ac/Bar:rsg/Vis:50m/Clg:7k brkn/Wds:calm/Rn:.00" Condition Sun-mild-Calm :)  
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 13/14:36 PAINESVILLE     OH  72  72 100  77  NW 5      1011  OVC              Total rain from the system only .25" but I'll take it. Amazing how quick grass greens up.           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/14:21 THOMPSON        OH  68          64 WNW 8            OVC  LF          for sleeping temps!AHH! US fire danger maps here        http://www.fs.fed.us./land/wfas/        (ML)
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/14:18 THOMPSON        OH  68          64 WNW 8            OVC  LF          10:17am(W.sp.est)Brr cold wind!Yesterday close to perfect!Warm day w/afternoon Showers+T-storms+68  
43.4416 -74.470 Aug 13/13:39 Lake Pleasant   NY  63  63 100                      OVC  R-F         Rain: 0.1" overnight. Light, patchy fog in low lying areas. Rain needed badly, fire danger very high
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 13/13:39 Fircrest        WA  60  57  89  60  CALM      1015  OVC              After AM clds, another hot day coming up. Hi's in upper 80's again. Warm for us.                    
  46.87  -96.70 Aug 13/13:37 Moorhead        MN  52  49  91  52  CALM      1023  CLR              Cool morning low of 43.3..Hi yesterday 71.2                                                         
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 13/13:02 Fairfield       CT  71  70  97  76  SW 7      1016  OVC                                                                                                                  
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 13/12:53 Flagstaff       AZ  56  47  72  56  CALM      1028  CLR              Perfectly clear + calm, and a little drier than it has been.                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/12:47 THOMPSON        OH  68          64   W 8            OVC  F           8:47am(W.sp.est)Picked up another.06"s overnight for an Aug.T=0.80"s!Think the drought is over :>) !
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 13/12:46 Wamego/Manhattn KS  62  56  80  62  CALM            SCT              Forgot to look at rainguage! Excitement of son's b-day I guess, he's 10 today. Officially 1"+ @airpt
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 13/12:44 McPherson       KS  59  58  98  59  CALM            OVC  F           Tues.max/78 min/58 .53"more precip.Wonderful 4 August!! 1.05" last 3 days.Everything GREENING up!!! 
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 13/11:04 Boston          VA  69  66  93  69  CALM            OVC  R-FH        The barometer is steady at 29.97 inches. We received 0.01 of an inch of rain last night.            
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 13/11:00 Framingham      MA  63                              OVC              Rain expected this afternoon. For 8/12:Hi 81@1420-1630EDT,Lo 63@2359EDT. Lo(8/13) 61@0315-0440EDT.  
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 13/10:59 Dandridge       TN  74  67  80  78  NW 5 G 10 1019  BKN  H                                                                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 13/10:52 North Granby    CT  65  56  74  65  NW 2      1016  OVC              Pressure falling                                                                                    
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 13/10:32 Clifton         NJ  73  68  84  77 SSE 1      1016  OVC              Pressure falling, August Precip. 0.34", Visib. 7mi, Ceiling1900ft.                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 13/09:43 West Haven      CT  69  67  93  69 SSE 3 G  5 1016  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 13/09:24 Boonsboro       MD  74  73 100  79  CALM      1012  SCT  FH          High 79 at 00:01am   Low 74 at 5:21am  EDT  (precp  0.03 in)                                        
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 13/08:21 Butte(Emerson)  MT  58  49  72  58  SW 3      1017  BKN              2:21AM MDT:  85% cloudcover.  Butte Montana signing off!  Goodnight all!  * *  )  *   *             
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 13/08:07 Butte(Emerson)  MT  58  49  72  58   S 2      1017  BKN              2:06AM MDT:  90% cloudcover.  August?  Ha!  Maybe late September!                                   
                Aug 13/06:28 Laytonsville    MD  74             SSW 3 G  5 1017  BKN  FH                                                                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/06:17 THOMPSON        OH  68          62   W10            OVC  TR-F        2:17am-(Wind sp.est)Storm distant SE,Lightning W +winds very var.Shifting to every direction!Then W!
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 13/05:36 Fircrest        WA  72  59  65  76  CALM      1014  CLR              72 at10:34PM.Hi thin clds but stars still showing through. No meterors seen yet.                    
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 13/05:20 BRIDGEPORT      CT  70             SSE 7      1020  OVC              OBS@1AM EDT/Hey Butte! U got a deal! Send it for Thanksgiving.                                      
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/05:17 THOMPSON        OH  68          66  SW 5            OVC  TF          Glad your back Renton!(ML)                                                                          
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/05:14 THOMPSON        OH  68          66  SW 5            OVC  TF          1:13am(W.sp.est)ROUND2!In the SW,WSW+W corners we have T-storms!May the best cell win!              
                Aug 13/04:51 Renton/Issaquah WA  70  47  45  75  CALM      1019  CLR              Pm F/L 13500'/Mtly Clr/Bar:stdy/Vis:good/Wds:Calm/Rn:00"/ Half moon is reigning the nite sky/Mild Wx
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 13/04:38 Clifton         NJ  73  66  78  77 SSE 3      1019  BKN              Pressure falling.                                                                                   
40.7177 076.118 Aug 13/04:27 Northeast Phila PA  74             SSE 6 G 12 1020  BKN                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/04:09 THOMPSON        OH  68          66   S 5            OVC  F           Correction! Thats 8-12's total rainfall not 8-13's! Wind is warm for a change!Love it!              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/04:06 THOMPSON        OH  68          66   S 5            OVC  F           12:05(W.sp.est)Pickedup another.03"s brings8-13 T.to .14"s w/Aug T=0.74"s!Dandridge+FircrestU'r next
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 13/03:38 Auburn          NH  57  56  95  57  CALM      1023  SCT              Finally some cooler air...............08/12/97 Hi: 83.6    Lo: 57.3  PkWnd: 13mph                   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/03:02 THOMPSON        OH  68          68  CALM            OVC  R-F         Ate swiss steak dinner out there too w/ boomers for back drop!So far.11"s tod. Aug.T 0.71"s!Ahhhhhhh
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/02:57 THOMPSON        OH  68          68  CALM            OVC  R-F         10:57PM-Right on the edge of storm to S of us!Had great time playin w/family+dogs in warm Lght R!   
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 13/02:49 PAINESVILLE     OH  72  72 100  77   S 3      1013  OVC  R-          Have picked up .22" in t-showers. Plants saying Ahhhh!                                              
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 13/01:52 North Granby    CT  66  60  81  66  CALM      1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 13/01:43 BaxterWxService TX  84  57  40  84   S 4            SCT              SCT42,000 Hi today was 102/76 no rain today                                                         
                Aug 13/01:26 McPherson       KS  74                              CLR              Just finished mowing lawn. Amazing how much rain is better than a sprinkler job!                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/00:58 THOMPSON        OH  72             WSW 8            OVC  TR+         8:57pm-(Wind speed est)Wind picking up+ gusty!P'ville TV said your getting it good!Were they close? 
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 13/00:55 CLINTON         MA  65  58  78  65  CALM      1019  SCT              Hi 80 Lo 61 Departure +1  Rain [8/11] 0.15  [8/12] 0.02  T-Storms fizzled out last night            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/00:52 THOMPSON        OH  72              CALM            OVC  TR          Rain starting allready!Gonna get camera+go sit on porch with hubby+hold hands in hope of norm T-ST! 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 13/00:49 THOMPSON        OH  72              CALM            OVC  T           8:47pm-Storm comming in!Yes!Sky is really dark like it'll be good one but radar shows only tiny dot!
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 13/00:33 Wilmington      DE  77  68  74  80  SE 4 G  8 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 13/00:20 Fircrest        WA  84  58  41  84   N 2 G  6 1013  CLR              Hi84 Lo56. burning ban now on for 3counties. Forest Fire danger very high today.                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 12/23:47 THOMPSON        OH  78              CALM            OVC              7:47pm-Calm before the storm?Getting darker!Storms tothe SW,W,NW+N of here!Will they split?Hope not!
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 12/23:06 Aurora (#4811)  CO  69  56  62  65   S 8 G 19 1025  OVC  TR-                                                                                                             
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 12/22:31 BROOKLYN        NY  76  66  71  79  SE 7      1019  BKN  H           Yesterdays High: 83 F. Low:68 F.  Rain should be here by later tomorrow                             
 39.643 -104.89 Aug 12/22:25 Denver          CO  76  52  44  77   E10      1015  BKN  T           T-Storms west, south, north                                                                         
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 12/22:18 Butte(Emerson)  MT  70  50  49  76  SW 7 G 16 1016  OVC  RW-         4:18PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Showers are really light.                                             
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 12/22:02 Butte(Emerson)  MT  72  52  50  76 WSW 3      1017  BKN              4:02PM MDT:  90% cloudcover.  It may rain soon.  Ominous skies to the southwest.                    
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 12/21:54 Dandridge       TN  92  66  43  96 WSW 5 G 10 1017  SCT  H           Hot!  Dry!  Picked beans EARLY. Envy you the rain, Wamego/Manhattan. Glad for you.                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 12/21:51 Dandridge       TN  92  66  43  96 WSW 5 G 10 1017  SCT  H           Hot!  Dry!  Picked beans EARLY.                                                                     
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 12/21:30 Mishawaka       IN  85  84  97 104   N14      1013  BKN  FH                                                                                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 12/21:20 Houston/Les     TX  76  73  93  81  SW 4            OVC  TR           Up to 1.12" rain with this shower. Hope another one follows it.                                    
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/21:18 Auburn          NH  83  57  41  83  NW 9      1022  BKN                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 12/20:58 Boonsboro       MD  86  75  71  95 WNW 3      1016  OVC  H           High 93 at 1:37 pm  Low 69 at 7:21am  EDT                                                           
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 12/20:57 Houston/Les     TX  88  84  88 110  SW 5      1018  OVC  TRW          Finally! Getting a little sea breeze thunderstorm. Need the rain!                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 12/20:54 West Haven      CT  78  69  75  82   S 2 G  4 1018  BKN              high/low 81/72                                                                                      
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 12/20:30 BaxterWxService TX  96  71  45 105   S 8 G 13       SCT  H           SCT24,000 feet Yesterdays high 94/75 we need rain                                                   
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 12/20:07 Butte(Emerson)  MT  71  51  50  76   S 7      1018  BKN              2:07PM MDT:  65% cloudcover.  Hey BRIDGEPORT, maybe I can send YOU some dry heat.                   
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 12/19:48 Butte(Emerson)  MT  69  48  48  69  SW 3      1018  BKN              1:47PM MDT:  70% cloudcover.  Precipitation off to the southwest.                                   
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 12/19:31 Boston          VA  86  70  57  91 ENE 1 G  9       OVC  H           The barometer is steady at 30.09 inches.  Here the EDT is 3:28pm.                                   
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 12/18:22 Overland        MO  83  72  70  89   W14 G 17 1015  BKN              8/11  H 91  L 73  8/12  Pressure Falling                                                            
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 12/18:04 BROOKLYN        NY  83  68  60  86  NE 7      1019  BKN  H           Warm and muggy day,No showers around yet                                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 12/17:39 Houston/Les     TX  92  76  60 105  SW 5      1019  SCT               SCT250 A3009 SLP190. More of the same! Long hot summer.                                            
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 12/16:19 Thurmont        MD  80                              BKN                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 12/15:40 Wamego/Manhattn KS  64  64 100  64  CALM            OVC  TR          Raining! Finally! Raining steadily + gently, just what we need! Hope it keeps up for abt 4 hours.   
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 12/15:29 BaxterWxService TX  84  58  42  84  SE15 G 23       OVC              Overcast36,000 I hope it starts to rain.                                                            
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 12/14:04 Fairfield       CT  78  66  69  81   E 5 G 13 1022  BKN  H                                                                                                               
                Aug 12/14:02 Grand Junction  CO  61  54  78  61  CALM            SCT              76/59 yesterday.  Very cool!  See ya soon AAH                                                       
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 12/13:58 PAINESVILLE     OH  69  65  86  65  SE 8      1020  SCT              Nice morning but I guess it's going to close back in as a s.e. wind usually indicates.              
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 12/13:38 Fircrest        WA  57  53  88  57  CALM      1015  CLR              Another nice sunny day with no rain in site at least until the weekend mabe?                        
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 12/13:17 Framingham      MA  70                              BKN              Refreshing change! Hi(8/11) 89@1445EDT. Lo(8/12)(so far) 68@????-0755EDT.                           
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 12/13:12 Beckley         WV  69  66  90  69  CALM      1025  CLR              Vis 5SM. THN BKN LYR ABV 120. A30.27R.                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 12/12:55 THOMPSON        OH  60          60   E 3            SCT              8:55am(W.sp.est)McP BITE U'R TOUNGE!*S*Hope we settle in norm.wx pattern!Nice days w/eve.T'storms!  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 12/12:52 Moorhead        MN  59  58  96  59 WSW 1      1017  SCT              Had light rain last hr. Total Precip  .07..Expecting lows tonight of 40..What happen to summer?     
 +35.22 -111.52 Aug 12/12:51 Flagstaff       AZ  50  47  91  50  CALM      1026  CLR              Mostly clear but very humid.                                                                        
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 12/12:43 Wamego/Manhattn KS  66  64  93                      OVC  LF          McP: This is the first foggy morn here, so I hope I won't see snow that soon! Drizzle is spotty.    
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 12/12:34 McPherson       KS  64  63  97  64   N 3      1016  OVC  F           Monday max/84 min/64 .16" precip.  "Two foggy mornings in a row, 60 days until snow?" Hi msh.       
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 12/11:29 Dandridge       TN  72  70  94  76  CALM      1022  CLR  H           Never got cool last night, fear scorcher today.  Need rain.                                         
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 12/11:21 THOMPSON        OH  57          57  CALM            BKN              7:21amWelcome back E.Birmingham!(?sp)Their calling for more rain tonight YES!Happy trees gota drink!
  38,54 -78.122 Aug 12/11:09 Boston          VA  67  64  91  67  CALM            OVC  H           The barometer is steaey at 30.13 inches.  The total rainfall for August is 0,20 of an inch.         
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 12/10:59 North Granby    CT  66  60  78  66 NNE 2      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 12/09:41 West Haven      CT  72  68  89  76   N 3 G  7 1017  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 12/09:25 Boonsboro       MD  70  69 100  75  CALM      1017  SCT  FH          High 74 at 00:01am  Low 70 at 5:22am EDT (precp 0.03 in)                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 12/06:20 Houston/Les     TX  82  77  86  91  CALM      1018  CLR               A3005 SLP176. Hey everyone. 1:20am and down to 82 degrees! Kind of chilly! A/C will start working a
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 12/05:39 Fircrest        WA  69  55  61  69  CALM            CLR              Nice clear nite to see the meteor showers.                                                          
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 12/05:09 BRIDGEPORT      CT  74              CALM      1018  OVC              OBS@1AM EDT/To Butte (Emerson) MT: The "dry" heat's not for sale. My condolences.                   
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 12/04:53 Fort Payne      AL  70  66  89  76  CALM      1023  CLR  F           0/10 H/L 84.2/68.5 Prcp 0.00 Pres S - rain just missed us - SMA [ 23:52 cdt]                        
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 12/04:51 Fort Payne      AL  70              CALM            CLR  F           0/10 H/L 84.2/68.5 Prcp 0.00 Pres S - rain just missed us - SMA [ 23:52 cdt]                        
  46.87   96.76 Aug 12/04:09 Moorhead        MN  60  56  90  60 SSW 3      1018  OVC  R-          High 74..Low 47..Precip .04..Much cooler temperatures for the next couple of days.                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/04:08 Auburn          NH  71  70 100  76 WNW 3      1019  OVC  F           stupid me.....08/11/97 Hi: 90.9   Lo:62.5                                                           
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/04:08 Auburn          NH  71  70 100  76 WNW 3      1019  OVC  F           08/10/97 Hi: 90.9   Lo:62.5                                                                         
                Aug 12/03:58 Laytonsville    MD  74              CALM      1015  OVC  H                                                                                                               
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/03:13 Auburn          NH  71  71 100  76  CALM      1019  OVC  TR-F        Weak thunderstorms are passing through                                                              
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/03:12 Auburn          NH  71  71 100  76            1019  OVC  TR-F        Weak thunderstorms are passing through                                                              
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 12/03:05 Thurmont        MD  69                              SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 12/02:37 THOMPSON        OH  57          55  NW 5            OVC              more cuz sofar behind!Alot of trees dead or diein about 20% ormore.Makes mesad!Wholeline Pines gone!
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 12/02:34 East Birmingham AL  76  72  87  80  CALM      1021  SCT              I just got back from a vacation in NM. It's amazing how much drier and less hazy the air is there.  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 12/02:33 THOMPSON        OH  57          55  NW 5            OVC              10:32pm-(W.sp.est)Picked up another.03 tod.added to this morn's T=0.55"s for 8-11!Aug T=0.60"sNeed  
                Aug 12/01:58 McPherson       KS  69                              BKN              Temp falling fast for an August evening. Chilly sitting outside. I love it!!                        
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 12/01:55 PAINESVILLE     OH  62  62 100  62  CALM      1021  OVC  L           A total of .35" rain today with more on the way I hope. Pretty cool + dismal for this time of year. 
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 12/01:29 Fairfield       CT  75  64  72  78 WSW 5      1018  BKN              Hi today: 85F, low:66F                                                                              
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/01:11 Auburn          NH  74  71  91  78 NNW12 G 20 1020  OVC  R-F         A weak band of light rain showers is passing through.......winds have picked up though.....         
  +45.7   -70.6 Aug 12/00:57 Rockport        MA  73  58  61  77   W 4      1016  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 12/00:40 CLINTON         MA  74  65  73  77  SW 2 G  4 1015  OVC              Hi 87 Lo 63 Dep. +6  Narrow line of storms NW of here on radar---Lightning visible in NW sky        
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 12/00:27 Auburn          NH  80  68  68  83 WSW 7      1018  BKN  H           Icky sticky night                                                                                   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 12/00:17 THOMPSON        OH  57          56 ENE 4            OVC  R-          8:17pm(W.sp.est)Daughter looked outside+said"Brr Ma those look like snow clouds is it gonna snow?"*S
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 12/00:16 Fircrest        WA  84  53  35  83  NW 1 G  3 1013  CLR              Hi84 Lo55. 1st burn ban issued today for some counties. Woods getting real dry .                    
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 11/23:37 Houston/Les     TX  91  77  65 105   S 7      1016  CLR               A3001 SLP162. Unrelenting heat! A/C blasting away (but not doing much good until after midnight)!  
                Aug 11/23:36 McPherson       KS  79                              BKN              I take it our Vermont friend has other things on his/her mind.                                      
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 11/22:58 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  70  49  48  76 SSE 3      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 11/22:53 Pecos           TX  96  59  29  97 ESE12      1013  BKN                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/22:45 Butte(Emerson)  MT  75  47  38  76   N11 G 15 1016  BKN              4:45PM MDT:  55% cloudcover.  Previous storm has disapated.                                         
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 11/22:38 Wilmington      DE  83  67  58  86  SW 4 G 10 1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/22:29 Butte(Emerson)  MT  78  49  37  78 NNW17 G 22 1016  SCT              4:30PM MDT:  50% cloudcover.  Storm to the northwest looks to be disapating.                        
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/22:14 Butte(Emerson)  MT  75  47  38  76 NNW13      1016  SCT              4:15PM MDT:  45% cloudcover.  Northwest sky continues to blacken.                                   
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/22:10 Auburn          NH  88  67  50  92  SW 9      1018  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 11/22:08 Aurora (#4811)  CO  59  58  96  44   N23 G 40 1021  OVC  TR+A        WSHFT WNW-E                                                                                         
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/22:00 Butte(Emerson)  MT  76  50  40  77  NW 3      1016  SCT              4:00PM MDT:  40% cloudcover.  Storm continues to develop to the northwest.                          
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/21:44 Butte(Emerson)  MT  73  51  46  76  SW 3 G  7 1016  SCT              3:44PM MDT:  40% cloudcover.  Precipitation forming to the Northwest.                               
                Aug 11/21:39 Dandridge       TN  91  70  50  97  CALM      1019  SCT  H           It is blazing hot; planted more cucumbers and mustard, but had to leave garden.                     
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/21:24 Butte(Emerson)  MT  75  54  48  77   N 5      1016  SCT              3:24PM MDT:  40% cloudcover.  Thundershowers popping up all over the place.  Hope to get hit!       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/21:13 THOMPSON        OH  60          50  NE13            OVC  R-          5:13pm(W.sp.est)Wind very var.whipping trees one way then another!But mostly NE!                    
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/21:05 Auburn          NH  87  64  47  89 WSW12      1018  BKN  H           Off to the pool..........                                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 11/20:53 West Haven      CT  81  71  72  86 SSW 3 G  7 1016  SCT  H           high/low 83/66                                                                                      
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 11/20:48 Boonsboro       MD  91  78  66 106 WSW 2      1016  SCT  H           High 94 at 13:34pm  Low 66 at 7:07am  EDT                                                           
     39      84 Aug 11/20:47 Blue Ash        OH  86  72  61  92 SSE 6      1021  BKN  R+          Visibilty 8 miles                                                                                   
   45.7   -70.6 Aug 11/20:41 Rockport        MA  80  67  66  83 SSW 7      1016  SCT  H           HHH...Corrected for plotting...(- Long.)  D'oh                                                      
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 11/20:32 BROOKLYN        NY  81  66  60  84 SSE16 G 28 1017  SCT  H           Strong seabreezes,temps hovering around 80 all afternoon ,rain likely tonight                       
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/20:31 Auburn          NH  88  66  49  92 SSW13      1018  BKN  H           The clouds are now thickening........hopefully muggies will be gone tomorrow                        
   45.7    70.6 Aug 11/20:27 Rockport        MA  80  68  68  83 SSW 7      1016  SCT  H                                                                                                               
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 11/20:14 Overland        MO  88  69  55  94  SW 3 G  5 1019  OVC              8/10  H 86  L  70  8/11  Pressure Falling                                                           
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 11/19:44 Mishawaka       IN  63  63 100  53   E14      1022  OVC  LFHK                                                                                                            
                Aug 11/19:36 LANSING         MI                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 11/19:36 LANSING         MI                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 11/19:23 Boston          VA  93  70  46 100 WSW 2 G  9       OVC  H           Barometric pressure is steady at 30.11 inches. Hot and muggy in Virginia.  A great day to all.      
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 11/19:22 Clifton         NJ  88  69  53  93   S 6 G  9 1018  SCT              Pressure falling.                                                                                   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/19:18 THOMPSON        OH  61          58 WNW 6            OVC              3:17pm(W.sp.est)R sofar tod.0.52"s!(+1dead fly)Aug.T sofar 0.57"s!(+2dead flys!)Gaveto mydry cactus!
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 11/18:35 Houston/Les     TX  92  76  60 105   S 5      1018  BKN               OVC250 A3007 SLP183. Kind of boring rept same thing everday but wx doesn't change for 4 months!    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/17:49 THOMPSON        OH  65          61 WNW 7            OVC  RF          Winds varible shifting from W->ENE w/gusts from WNW!Light fog.No puddles!Beautiful needed R! :>)!!!!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/17:44 THOMPSON        OH  65          61 WNW 7            OVC  RF          1:44pm(W.sp.est)Woke uptothe soundof R!Wasn't a dream!Even hvy at times!Sofar0.48"s!GR.soakin allup!
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 11/15:11 BROOKLYN        NY  80  64  60  82   W 3      1019  CLR  H           Light winds  this morning means we will  a seabreeze develop by early afternoon                     
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 11/15:00 PAINESVILLE     OH  70  70 100  75   N 2 G  6 1020  OVC  R-            .09 OF BEAUTIFUL RAIN!                                                                            
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 11/14:02 Fairfield       CT  78  69  77  82 WNW 7      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Aug 11/13:57 Grand Junction  CO  62  55  78  62  CALM            OVC              74/59, 0.33" yest!  2.15" for August, 7.90 for year, Ave ytd is 4.90" AAH                           
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 11/13:44 Fircrest        WA  55  51  85  55  CALM      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 11/12:59 Wamego/Manhattn KS  62  56  80  56  NE 9            OVC              Forecast promised rain all weekend (even said "near 100%" chance). Still dry. :(                    
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 11/12:39 McPherson       KS  68  67  97  66  NE 5 G 10 1016  OVC  F           Sun.max/82 min/66 .36"precip last 24 hrs. .54"mtd (3.25"ave)19.74"ytd (21.80" ave. thru August)msh! 
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 11/12:31 Flagstaff       AZ  52  50  95  49 NNW 5      1024  OVC  TR-         Great T-storms all night. 1.02" rain. Still some lightning as dawn approaches.                      
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 11/12:16 BROOKLYN        NY  73  67  82  77  CALM      1020  CLR  H           sunny,hazy morning,calm winds,overnight low :68 F.                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 11/11:52 Framingham      MA  70                              CLR  H           Hot,hazy+humid day ahead. Hi(8/10) 90@1405-1535EDT. Lo(8/11) 67@0635EDT.                            
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 11/11:22 North Granby    CT  62  52  68  62  CALM      1020  CLR  H                                                                                                               
                Aug 11/11:13 Dandridge       TN  67  65  94  67  CALM      1022  SCT  H           Stil needing that rain, and there is little chance...                                               
  36.54  -78.15 Aug 11/10:59 Boston          VA  61  57  87  61  CALM            CLR  H           The barometer is steady at 30.16 inches.                                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/10:57 THOMPSON        OH  61          61   W 2            OVC  F           Correction! Sorry forgot fog in last OBS!(ML)                                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/10:53 THOMPSON        OH  61          61   W 2            OVC              Radar shows R. forming over Lake Erie with morein MI +IN(to the NW+W+SW of us)Hope it don't fizzle! 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/10:48 THOMPSON        OH  61          61   W 2            BKN  F           6:47am-(Wind sp.est)Sunrise tinted clouds a peachish color!Upper clouds movin W->E.Fog in R gauge*S*
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 11/09:44 West Haven      CT  67  66  98  67   W 1      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 11/09:21 Boonsboro       MD  66  65  97                1016  CLR  H           High 74 at 00:01am  Low 66 at5:18am  EDT                                                            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/08:32 THOMPSON        OH  60          60  CALM            BKN  F           4:31am-Fog kinda"eerie"out there when I took dogs out!Hoping that big"blob"on Radar heads this way! 
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/08:15 Butte(Emerson)  MT  53  45  75  53  SW 2      1016  SCT  H           2:15AM MDT:  30% cloudcover.  It's a dearl BRIDGEPORT!  Send some dry heat this way too, if you can.
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 11/08:03 BaxterWxService TX  79  69  59  81  SW 8 G 14 1016  SCT              SCT28,000                                                                                           
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/07:59 Butte(Emerson)  MT  53  44  74  53  SW 3      1016  SCT  H           1:59AM MDT:  35% cloudcover.  Haze seems to be getting thicker.                                     
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 11/07:44 Butte(Emerson)  MT  53  44  74  53  CALM      1016  SCT  H           1:44AM MDT:  30% cloudcover.  Can't see the Persead through this darn haze.                         
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 11/07:00 Fort Payne      AL  69  66  93  69  CALM      1024  SCT  H           2/10 Cu H/L 82.0/62.1 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Warmer than yesterday -SMA [02:01cdt]                     
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 11/06:58 BaxterWxService TX  81  65  48  82  SW12 G 19       BKN              BKN320 3.39inches Didn't get any rain today                                                         
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 11/06:23 BaxterWxService TX  81  65  48  82            1017  BKN              BKN30,000ft Hi94Lo74   Pressure30.05Rising                                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 11/05:39 Fircrest        WA  68  55  63  68  CALM      1011  CLR              Sat  hi 83 Lo 55  Sun Hi 85 Lo 54, Beautiful weekend for Hydro Racing in Seattle.                   
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 11/05:28 BaxterWxService TX  82  66  49  83                  SCT              Baxter Weather Service transmits weather info halfway in between Athens and LaRue,Tx on CB(channel20
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 11/04:11 BRIDGEPORT      CT  73              SW 9      1021  CLR              OBS@00:00EDT/To Butte (Emerson) MT: Thunderstorms? I'll trade! Ya gonna need a hearing aid.         
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/04:07 Auburn          NH  70  64  83  76 WSW 3      1022  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/04:04 Auburn          NH  71  64  79  76 WSW 5      1022  CLR  H           Hi: 91.3@2104Z   Lo: 56.3@1000Z   Pk Wnd: 24KT@1740Z                                                
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/03:11 Auburn          NH  71  64  79  76 WSW 5      1022  CLR  H           Hi: 91.3@2104Z   Lo: 56.3@1000Z   Pk Wnd: 24KT@1740Z                                                
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 11/03:08 BRIDGEPORT      CT  73  68  84  77  SW 9      1021  CLR              OBS@23:00EDT/WIND KBDR/DEW PT. ESTM./H 87F/L 68F/PCP 0.00"                                          
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 11/02:53 Moorhead        MN  59  47  67  59   W 2      1023  CLR              Cool calm day.  H 69 L 48.  Light winds all day.                                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/02:45 THOMPSON        OH  63          63   W 3            SCT  F           10:45pm-(Wind Sp.est)Light fog,crickets+bats.Peaceful but downright chilly!Got my jacket on!(ML)    
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 11/01:47 Boonsboro       MD  77  70  80  81 WSW 2      1018  SCT              High 93 at 3:21pm  Low 68 at 7:19am  EDT                                                            
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 11/01:46 Fairfield       CT  74  66  79  78  NW 4      1022  SCT              Hi today: 87F                                                                                       
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 11/01:40 Aurora (#4811)  CO  62  57  83  56   N 8 G 15 1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
                Aug 11/01:31 Laytonsville    MD  73              CALM      1018  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 11/01:16 Auburn          NH  77  65  69  80  SW 7      1022  CLR  H           Very sticky tonight                                                                                 
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 11/01:15 Clifton         NJ  79  67  66  82   S 2 G  7 1020  SCT  H           Pressure rising.                                                                                    
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 11/01:06 Thurmont        MD  70                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 11/01:00 CLINTON         MA  73  62  68  77  SW 2 G  4 1018  CLR              (8/9) Hi 84 Lo 60 Dep. +3 Rain .28   (8/10) Hi 90 Lo 60 Dep. +6                                     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 11/00:55 THOMPSON        OH  69          69  CALM            SCT  F           8:54pm-Light fog!Sky's clearin but storms+R poppin up all over State like popcorn!Hope we get some! 
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 11/00:50 West Haven      CT  73  69  88  77  CALM      1020  SCT              high/low 85/65                                                                                      
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 11/00:36 BROOKLYN        NY  76  67  72  79  CALM      1020  SCT  H           Warm,and humid night  coming up . Todays HIGH:84 F -12:35pm , Low :68 F - 6:37am                    
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 10/23:21 Houston/Les     TX  94  78  60 110  SE 5      1016  SCT               15SM BKN250 A2999 SLP156. Just another "steambath" today. High was 99.                             
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/23:19 Auburn          NH  85  65  50  87  SW10      1021  CLR  H           Pool Temp: 87F....if you care                                                                       
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 10/23:18 THOMPSON        OH  77              NW 5            BKN              7:18pm(Windsp.est)Done bucket waterin everything!Even wild blackcherry in woods!2moreBlueberry Pies!
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 10/22:59 Pecos           TX  91  57  31  90 WSW12      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
40.2441 82.4134 Aug 10/22:59 Utica           OH  83  62  49  84 SSW 6 G  9 1018  BKN  H           scattered hit and miss showers in area except right here                                            
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/22:14 Auburn          NH  90  66  45  94 SSW11      1021  SCT  H           Hi: 91.3F    Lo:56.3F   Pk Wnd: 28mph   Rain: 0.17"                                                 
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 10/21:42 BROOKLYN        NY  78  65  63  80   S 9 G 14 1020  SCT  H           Strong seabreeze kept afternoon temps in the 70s ,should'nt  drop much overnight,                   
  42.27  -72.34 Aug 10/21:40 Sunderland      MA  84  59  45  85 SSW 2 G  7 1018  SCT  H                                                                                                               
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 10/21:32 Overland        MO  82  66  60  85  SE 6 G  8 1018  BKN  H           8/9  H 77  L 77  8/10  Pressure falling                                                             
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/21:04 Auburn          NH  91  64  41  94   S10      1021  SCT  H           Back into the 90s after the storm                                                                   
43.684N  70.467 Aug 10/21:01 Gorham          ME  92  63  50 100  SW 8 G 14 1019  CLR              Very little rain forest fire danger High                                                            
  48.25  101.21 Aug 10/20:44 MINOT AFB       ND  21                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  48.25         Aug 10/20:43 MINOT AFB       ND                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/20:40 Auburn          NH  91  67  45  95 SSE 6      1021  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 10/20:19 Aurora (#4811)  CO  60  59  96  59   N 4      1021  OVC  F                                                                                                               
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 10/19:48 Clifton         NJ  87  65  47  89 SSE 5 G  8 1021  SCT              Pressure falling                                                                                    
  39.86  88.16- Aug 10/19:36 villa grove     IL  76                              BKN  H                                                                                                               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 10/19:28 THOMPSON        OH  80              SW11            OVC              Not sure if temp. accurate.Filtered sun may have gotten on it! Aug. Precip still only 0.05"s!       
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/19:25 Auburn          NH  82  76  82  90   E 2      1022  BKN  H           July High: 94F (1st)     July Low: 44F (24th and 30th)                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 10/19:23 THOMPSON        OH  80              SW11            OVC              Tod.cloudy enoughto R.Trees croakin from lackof R. mostly Locust.Haveto bucket water myfruit trees! 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 10/19:19 THOMPSON        OH  80              SW11            OVC              3:19pm-(Wind sp.est)Yesterday Aniv.great day!Got home to growin Cum.+0.00"s in gauge :( +server dwn!
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/18:28 Auburn          NH  78  78 100  86   S13 G 28 1022  BKN  TRW+        0.17" of rain..........15 degree drop from the isolated storm                                       
  42.99  -71.34 Aug 10/18:27 Auburn          NH  78  78 100  86   S13 G 28       BKN  TRW+        0.17" of rain..........15 degree drop from the isolated storm                                       
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 10/16:52 BROOKLYN        NY  84  68  59  88   S 5      1021  SCT  H           Southerly winds off  the ocean- we could forget about the 90,                                       
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 10/16:46 Beckley         WV  73  57  57  77 SSW 5      1025  SCT              corr. clouds     Vis 10SM. SCT 034. A30.27F.                                                        
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 10/16:45 Beckley         WV  73  57  57  77 SSW 5      1025  SCT              Vis 10SM. BKN 034. A30.27F.                                                                         
  41.41   86.90 Aug 10/16:28 Mishawaka       IN  74  69  87  78 WSW13      1020  OVC  F                                                                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 10/15:58 North Granby    CT  86  61  43  87  SW 5      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  33.30  117,44 Aug 10/15:21 South Laguna    CA  70  62  78  76   W 2 G  4 1015  OVC              Visibility 26 miles.                                                                                
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 10/15:18 Clifton         NJ  81  66  60  84  SW 2      1022  SCT              Pressure rising, Precipitation M.T.D. .34 in.                                                       
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 10/15:12 BROOKLYN        NY  81  71  71  85 WNW 5      1022  SCT  H           Hazy warm morning ,will try for 90 F. today, Overnight low : 68 F.                                  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 10/14:58 Moorhead        MN  56  47  73  56   N 3      1023  CLR              Cool am..Rising Bar.Expecting highs in the 70's                                                     
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 10/14:47 Aurora (#4811)  CO  58  57  97  58 NNE 2      1022  OVC  LF          presS                                                                                               
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 10/14:22 PAINESVILLE     OH  73  67  81  77   S 5      1020  OVC  H           Cloud but no rain.                                                                                  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 10/13:26 Moorhead        MN  52  47  86  49 NNW 5      1023  CLR              Total precip yesterday was .24..This AM cool.  Low 48..(resubmit forgot - in the longitude)         
  46.87   96.76 Aug 10/13:19 Moorhead        MN  52  47  86  49 NNW 5      1023  CLR              Total precip yesterday was .24..This AM cool.  Low 48..                                             
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 10/13:14 North Granby    CT  76  61  60  78   S 3      1020  CLR              Only 0.01" in yesterday's t-storms.  Much more in surrounding locations.                            
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 10/13:14 Fairfield       CT  78  65  67  81 WSW 7      1023  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 10/13:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  57  57  99  57   W 2      1022  OVC  LF                                                                                                              
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 10/13:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  57  57  99  57   W 2            OVC  LF                                                                                                              
  42.2n   71.1w Aug 10/12:32 west roxbury    MA  73  59  63  77  SW 1      1025  CLR                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 10/12:26 Dandridge       TN  68  66  94  68  CALM      1022  SCT  F           Lt. fog-creek bottoms. .2" rain yesterday...not enough, need more.                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 10/12:23 Framingham      MA  70                              CLR              Drought broken! Several TRW yesterday afternoon+early evening.Hi(8/9) 84@1335EDT.Lo(8/10) 64@0640EDT
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 10/12:10 McPherson       KS  69  62  80  67   N 5 G 10 1017  OVC              Radar to the west is lit up. coming our way?                                                        
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 10/12:10 McPherson       KS  69  62  80  67   N 5 G 10 1017  OVC              Sat. max/89 min/62  Heavy overcast this a.m.                                                        
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 10/11:48 Boonsboro       MD  70  67  92  75  CALM      1019  CLR              High 75 at 00:01am  Low 68 at 7:19am  EDT                                                           
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 10/10:56 Boston          VA  65  61  88  65  CALM            CLR  H           The barometer is steady at 30.19 inches.                                                            
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 10/10:31 West Haven      CT  65  63  94  65  CALM      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 10/08:27 Butte(Emerson)  MT  47  41  80  46 NNE 4      1016  OVC  R-          2:27AM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Hey Bridgeport, I'll trade ya' for some thunderstorms!  =)           
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 10/08:08 Butte(Emerson)  MT  47  40  78  44  SW 5      1016  OVC  R-          2:08AM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Summer?  Summer?  Summer?  Summer?  Summer?  Summer?                 
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 10/07:54 Fort Payne      AL  62  59  93  53   E13 G 17 1026  OVC  FH          10/10 Cs H/L 72.3/61.0 Prcp 1.58 Pres RS - BIG drop in temps today! -SMA [02:55cdt]                 
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 10/07:05 BRIDGEPORT      CT  70  64  80  76  CALM      1020  CLR              3:00AM EDT/To Butte (Emerson) MT: Let's trade WX!                                                   
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 10/06:28 Butte(Emerson)  MT  52  40  65  49   N 5      1018  OVC              12:28AM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  According to the NEXRAD, it should be raining.                      
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 10/05:58 BRIDGEPORT      CT  71                 3      1021  CLR  H           WND VRB                                                                                             
 +32.19  -95.84 Aug 10/04:57 Weather Baxter  TX  79  75  98  87                  BKN  F           We have had 3.35 inches in the last 3 days                                                          
                Aug 10/03:37 Laytonsville    MD  70              CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 10/02:51 BROOKLYN        NY  75  64  68  78  NW 5      1020  SCT  H           Warmer and more humid ,Todays high was 86 F. Low  67. No precip.                                    
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 10/02:05 KSWX            IN  66  60  80  65 SSE 4      1016  OVC              SWX 100156 16004 8 BKN014 OVC025 19/16 A3000 RMKAO2 SLP159 T01890161                                
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 10/01:21 Natchitoches    LA  74  73  97  79  CALM      1014  SCT              Rainfall today=1.75";  A stalled front caused heavy rainfall in NW Louisiana today....              
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 10/01:20 Stamford        CT  78  66  69  81 SSW10      1020  CLR  H                                                                                                               
40.0724 82.4134 Aug 10/01:09 utica           OH  70  58  68  76  SW 6 G 10 1018  OVC  H           thunderstorms to east                                                                               
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 10/01:01 KSWX            IN  66  62  86  66  CALM      1016  OVC              SWX 100056 COR 00000 8 BKN012 OVC020 19/17 A2999 RMK A02 SLP155 T01890172                           
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 10/01:00 KSWX            IN  66  62  86  66  CALM      1016  OVC              SWX 090056 00000 8 BKN012 OVC020 19/17 A2999 RMK A02 SLP155 T01890172                               
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 10/00:20 KSWX            IN  66  62  86  66  SE 3      1016  OVC              SWX 092356 COR 15003 8 BKN010 OVC018 19/17 A3000 RMK A02 SLP159 T01890172 10205 20189 60002 5201    
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 10/00:07 Beckley         WV  69  64  84  69 ESE 3      1023  OVC  H           Vis. 5SM. OVC 100. A30.21F.                                                                         
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 09/23:47 Houston/Les     TX  89  76  67 101  SW 8      1013  SCT               10SM SCT250 A2991 SLP125. Todays high was 98 degrees. Typical summer day.                          
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 09/23:37 Dandridge       TN  67  65  95  67  CALM      1019  OVC  R-H         Rain.  Finally!  Thanks!  Hope it persists, it is much needed here.                                 
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 09/23:26 West Haven      CT  77  71  81  81  CALM      1019  CLR              .05" of rain from light afternoon thundershower.                                                    
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 09/23:01 Beckley         WV  71  64  78  76   N 3      1023  BKN  H           Vis 5SM. BKN 100. A30.22F.                                                                          
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 09/23:01 Pecos           TX  95  59  29  95 WSW15      1012  SCT                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 09/22:02 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  47  54  64  SW 2 G  5 1016  BKN              4:02PM MDT:   85% cloudcover.  Expecting lows in the 30's tonight.  Is that cold for anyone?        
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 09/21:44 Butte(Emerson)  MT  63  45  52  58 NNE 8      1016  BKN              3:41PM MDT:  85% cloudcover.  Is this supposed to be August?  It's freakin' cold!!!                 
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 09/21:44 Butte(Emerson)  MT  63  45  52  58 NNE 8      1016  BKN              3:41PM MDT:  85% cloudcover.  Is this supposed to be August?  It's freakin' cold!!!                 
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 09/20:45 Aurora (#4811)  CO  65  46  50  63   W 5 G 12 1024  OVC              RW-  SW DSTNT.                                                                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 09/20:42 Aurora (#4811)  CO  65  46  50  63   W 5 G 12 1024  OVC              RW-  SW DSTNT.                                                                                      
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 09/20:40 Framingham      MA  71                              OVC  TR-         Was briefly TRW+.Temp.fell 9 deg.in 15min.Hi(8/8) 84@1525EDT.For 8/9:Hi 84@1335EDT,Lo 63@????-0735ED
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 09/20:13 Overland        MO  75  69  84  79  SE 9 G 11 1015  OVC  R-          8/8  H 84  L 62  8/9  Pressure Steady                                                               
40.2441 8241345 Aug 09/20:11 utica           OH  87  54  54  91 SSW 8 G 12       SCT  H           rain is expected later this evening                                                                 
  39.79  -75,53 Aug 09/19:13 Wilmington      DE  87  56  30  85  NW 2 G  8 1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 09/18:59 Clifton         NJ  89  58  34  89  SE 1 G  4 1020  SCT              Pressure falling, some fair weather cumulus.                                                        
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 09/18:52 West Haven      CT  77  71  81  81 SSW 3 G  8 1019  BKN  TR-         high/low 80/65                                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 09/18:47 Houston/Les     TX  94  80  65 114  SW 7      1016  SCT               BKN100 BKN250 A2999 SLP155. "Same old thing"! Hot. T/strms whistle by everyday, missing me!        
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 09/18:31 North Granby    CT  89  64  43  91 WSW 4      1017  BKN  T           Cumulus N+W. Distant thunder.                                                                       
  33.30 -117.44 Aug 09/16:21 South Laguna    CA  70  65  85  76  SW 1 G  3 1003  OVC  F                                                                                                               
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 09/14:54 Mishawaka       IN  77  60  55  79 WSW11      1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
   45.7    70.6 Aug 09/14:53 rockport        MA  65  58  80  65 WNW 2      1020  OVC  R-                                                                                                              
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 09/14:01 North Granby    CT  76  65  68  79   S 5      1020  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 09/13:50 Fairfield       CT  75  66  77  78  CALM      1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 09/12:32 McPherson       KS  64  63  97  57   S10      1012  OVC              Fri.max/81 min/55  Very, very nice for August in this part of the country.                          
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 09/11:33 Aurora (#4811)  CO  62  42  47  61 SSW 4      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 09/11:04 Dandridge       TN  70  59  70  76  CALM      1019  OVC              WS reports rain at Knoxville.  Where is mine?  Move it 35 miles East, please!                       
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 09/11:02 Boston          VA  57  53  86  57  CALM            SCT  H           Barometric pressure is 30.20 inches and steady.  Another beautiful day in "Virginia."               
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 09/10:49 Clifton         NJ  64  60  86  64  CALM      1020  CLR              Pressure rising, some stratus clouds to the east, over the ocean.                                   
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 09/10:29 West Haven      CT  65  64  94  65  CALM      1019  OVC                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 09/06:00 THOMPSON        OH  50          50  CALM            CLR              1:59am- Sure hope it rains tom.!   Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!    Goodnight all!(ML)Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!   
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 09/05:38 Fort Payne      AL  71  65  82  76   E 7 G 13 1023  OVC  L           10/10 As H/L 80.8/66.7 Prcp -.-- Pres FS - Wind gusty at times this afternoon -SMA [00:38cdt]       
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 09/05:30 Aurora (#4811)  CO  69  43  38  66 WSW 6 G 13 1015  SCT              presR                                                                                               
                Aug 09/03:08 Laytonsville    MD  63          63  CALM      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 09/03:07 Aurora (#4811)  CO  72  44  35  75  SW10 G 15 1014  SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 09/01:39 THOMPSON        OH  60          60  CALM            CLR              9:39Callin for chance of R this weekend!Checkout Flagstaffs page http://www.lowell.edu/users/jch/   
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 09/01:28 Dandridge       TN  72  63  75  76  SE 5      1020  OVC  T           Distant thunder, cloudy, sure hope rain gets here!  Local WS says 50% chance.                       
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 09/00:47 CLINTON         MA  67  61  80  67  CALM      1018  SCT              Hi 84 Lo 52 Departure -2                                                                            
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 09/00:12 Fircrest        WA  73  53  50  76   N 2 G 11 1014  CLR              Hi 74 Lo 56, Part cldy AM gave way to sun clr skies afternoon. Have a nice weekend. Back Sunday nite
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 08/23:58 Boonsboro       MD  81  63  55  83 SSE 1      1018  CLR              High 86 at 3:11 pm  Low 52 at 7:09am  EDT                                                           
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 08/23:58 BRIDGEPORT      CT  73               S 5      1020  OVC              WIND KBDR/H 77F/L 58F/PCP 0.00/BINOVC                                                               
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 08/23:10 Beckley         WV  73  59  61  77 ESE 3      1023  SCT              Vis 15SM. FEW 020. DSNT TCU NE-SE. A30.23F.                                                         
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 08/23:05 Aurora (#4811)  CO  88  30  12  82 ENE 4      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 08/22:53 Pecos           TX  93  63  36  95  SW 6      1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 08/21:41 Houston/Les     TX  78  73  85  83  CALM      1015  OVC  R-           Have only received .12" rain so far today. Heavy action remains to the north of me. Front is statio
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 08/20:51 Mishawaka       IN  82  56  40  82   W18      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 08/20:27 West Haven      CT  76  65  69  79   N 2 G  5 1019  BKN              high/low 76/58                                                                                      
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 08/19:39 W Gulf Buoy     TX  82  75  80  89  SW10      1016  SCT              Sea Water temp 86 degrees. Wave height 3 ft.                                                        
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 08/19:29 Overland        MO  82  56  41  82   S10 G 12 1018  OVC              8/7  H 87  L 60  8/8  Pressure Falling                                                              
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 08/19:27 Clifton         NJ  79  54  41  79   S 1      1021  BKN                                                                                                                  
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 08/19:11 Stamford        CT  74  56  53  77  SW 5      1022  BKN                                                                                                                  
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 08/19:10 Stamford        CT  74  56  53  77  SW 5            BKN                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 08/17:20 BROOKLYN        NY  79  54  40  79  CALM      1021  OVC              clouds hanging tough western edge of a storm over the atlantic ,temps are creeping up slowely       
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 08/15:01 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  90  86  SW 5      1018  OVC               Waiting to see if this CF and associated t/storm activity might punch through here today.          
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 08/15:00 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  90  86  SW 5      1018  OVC               10SM OVC250 A3005. "Overcast" is keeping the temperatures down. Feels nice out there.              
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 08/14:59 PAINESVILLE     OH  74  60  61  77  NW 2 G  8 1024  CLR              Another beauty!                                                                                     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 08/14:43 THOMPSON        OH  70              NE 5            CLR              10:43(W.sp.est)Wind var.but mainly NE. Chill finally out of the air!Good sleeping temp!Hope80's tod!
                Aug 08/14:04 Grand Junction  CO  62  52  72                      CLR              84/58 y est AAH                                                                                     
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 08/13:45 Fircrest        WA  56  52  89  56  CALM      1016  SCT              Temps in low 80's coming up for whole weekend. Seattle Hydro races Sunday. Nice racing weather.     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 08/13:02 THOMPSON        OH  59              SE              CLR              9:01am-Sun doing its job!Goodmorning to U too Dandridge+all!Begging Weather Wizards to send us R!   
   35.2  -111.6 Aug 08/13:00 Flagstaff       AZ  63  53  72  63 WSW 3      1026  SCT              A calm morning.  Boomers expected back over the weekend.                                            
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 08/12:41 Wamego/Manhattn KS  57  52  83  57  CALM            CLR  H           BRRRR. 52F at airport! Still bone dry, need rain badly. Maybe this weekend?                         
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 08/12:31 Dandridge       TN  62  57  85  62   N 3      1022  SCT  H           Promise of another nice day.  Could use some rain.  Good morning Thompson, O.                       
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 08/12:10 BROOKLYN        NY  67  56  68  67  CALM      1021  OVC              It looks like Brooklyn is always the warmest observation at night and mornings I wish I could see 50
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 08/12:05 BROOKLYN        NY  67  56  68  67  CALM      1021  OVC              low level clouds now ,Yesterdays High : 81 F     Low: 64 F      No  precip.                         
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 08/11:54 McPherson       KS  55  52  90  55  CALM      1018  SCT              Thurs. max/81 min/53 New record minimum for date! Really nice for August msh.                       
 41.464 -80.868 Aug 08/11:54 THOMPSON        OH  46               S              CLR              7:54am-The hot sun should warm things up quickly!Only have sw.shirt on+didn't freeze,used toit?NoWay
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 08/11:46 Framingham      MA  60                              OVC              Sun+warm temps. expected by afternoon. Hi(8/7) 85@1455EDT. Lo(8/8) 56@0615EDT.                      
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 08/11:07 Clifton         NJ  59  54  83  59  CALM      1022  SCT              Clouds moving in from the east, barometer rising.                                                   
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 08/10:49 North Granby    CT  51  51 100  51  CALM      1022  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 08/10:02 Boston          VA  52  49  87  52  CALM            CLR              Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day! Barometer 30.23 steady inches.  Aug. rainfall 0.20 .  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 08/09:42 West Haven      CT  58  57  95  58   N 2 G  7 1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 08/09:22 Boonsboro       MD  53  51  93  53  CALM      1021  CLR              High 61 at 00:01 am   Low 52 at 5:17am  EDT                                                         
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 08/06:34 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  53  69  64  CALM      1010  SCT              12:34AM MDT:  15% cloudcover.  Despite all of the severe weather around, only a trace was picked up.
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 08/05:33 Fircrest        WA  64  54  70  64 SSW 1 G  5 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 08/05:33 Fircrest        WA  64  54  70  64 SSW 1 G  5 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
   46.3   119.3 Aug 08/05:30 Richland        WA  76  46  34  76   N10            CLR              Cooler today, breezy this evening; high 97, low 69                                                  
                Aug 08/03:29 Laytonsville    MD  64          64  CALM      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 08/03:18 THOMPSON        OH  51          51  CALM            CLR              11:17pm-Crickets singing + bats flying.Sitting outside listening to crickets was peaceful+relaxing! 
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 08/02:58 BRIDGEPORT      CT  66          66   W 3      1022  CLR              WIND KBDR/H 80F/L 57F/KBDR PCP 0.00" MTD 1.01"                                                      
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 08/02:42 BROOKLYN        NY  70  61  70  76  CALM      1021  SCT  H           Thanks McPherson,I use the negative sign,I realized that it gets on the map later than posted       
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 08/02:37 BROOKLYN        NY  70  61  70  76  CALM      1021  SCT  H           The air mass is slowely moderating so each day its getting a little warmer an more humid            
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 08/02:37 BROOKLYN        NY  70  61  70  76  CALM            SCT  H           The air mass is slowely moderating so each day its getting a little warmer an more humid            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 08/01:34 THOMPSON        OH  56          56  NW 2            CLR              9:34(W.sp.est)Concerned about dry spell dry'n up trees!Seen 2 dried up in Chardon!NEED RAIN PLEASE! 
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 08/01:15 Clifton         NJ  73  54  51  76  CALM      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 08/01:02 THOMPSON        OH  60          58  NW 5            CLR              9:02(W.sp.est)"Fall"night!Houston-U gotroom for5people5dogs1cat1bunnyWe'll come dwn for Winter*S*   
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 08/00:55 CLINTON         MA  63  46  53  63  CALM      1019  CLR              Hi 81 Lo 50 Departure -4                                                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 08/00:16 Houston/Les     TX  83  77  84  93  SW 5      1015  OVC               We hv had a southwesterly flow all summer which is not normal. Usually it is southeast.            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 08/00:15 Houston/Les     TX  83  77  84  93  SW 5      1015  OVC               OVC250 A2997. Recd .60" rain this PM w/SeaBrz passage. Left it cooler but very humid.              
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 08/00:10 Frrcrest        WA  76  60  57  78 SSW 1 G  4 1017  CLR              Hi 77 Lo 61.  Hi thiln clds  filtered sun all day.                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 08/00:10 Frrcrest        WA  76  60  57  78 SSW 1 G  4       CLR              Hi 77 Lo 61.  Hi thiln clds  filtered sun all day.                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/23:41 Paterson        NJ  74  54  50  77   W 5 G  8 1018  SCT              Good Night for a bad concert a Central Park                                                         
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 07/23:22 McPherson       KS  78                              CLR              Brooklyn-be sure you use a negative sign in front of your longitude.                                
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 07/23:06 Pecos           TX  74  68  81  78   N10      1021  OVC  R           A cool front and .35 in. of rain contributed to our high of 74 degrees.  What a change!             
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 07/22:28 PAINESVILLE     OH  73  61  64  77  NW 3 G  8 1022  CLR              Beautiful!                                                                                          
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/21:51 Butte(Emerson)  MT  86  59  40  86 SSW11 G 21 1011  BKN              3:51PM MDT:  60% cloudcover.  Warnings coming in just off to the west.  West sky looks ominous.     
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/21:36 Butte(Emerson)  MT  86  59  41  86  SW15 G 19 1012  SCT              3:36PM MDT:  45% cloudcover.  Blowoff from distant storms is the main cloudcover.                   
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 07/21:16 Mishawaka       IN  82  54  37  81   E13      1023  BKN                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/21:14 Butte(Emerson)  MT  83  58  43  83 WSW11 G 15 1012  SCT              3:15PM MDT:  45% cloudcover.  A line of storms from Georgetown to Wisdom, MT are coming.            
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 07/21:00 Boonsboro       MD  86  63  47  88 NNE 5 G  9 1019  SCT              High 88 at 3:59 pm  Low 53 at 6:52 am  EDT                                                          
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 07/20:57 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  78  60  53  80   W 3 G 11 1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/20:55 Butte(Emerson)  MT  82  58  44  82 SSW 9 G 18 1013  BKN              2:55PM MDT:  50% cloudcover.  A storm over Darby, MT will most likely hit us in about 90 minutes.   
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 07/20:49 West Haven      CT  77  60  55  79  SW 3 G  9 1020  BKN              high/low 78/56                                                                                      
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/20:40 Butte(Emerson)  MT  81  57  44  81 SSW 7 G 15 1014  BKN              2:40PM MDT:  60% cloudcover.  Storms to the west becoming more numerous.                            
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 07/20:28 Clifton         NJ  80  50  34  79  CALM      1021  SCT              Pressure falling,Scattered cumulus                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/20:24 Butte(Emerson)  MT  80  56  44  80  SW 5 G 10 1014  BKN              2:24PM MDT:  65% cloudcover.  Storms continue to fire up over Eastcentral Idaho.  Heading this way. 
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 07/20:01 Butte(Emerson)  MT  80  55  43  80  SW 2 G  7 1014  BKN              2:01PM MDT:  60% cloudcover.  Storms popping up all over the place.  May get hit within the hour.   
  47.69 -114.14 Aug 07/19:40 polson          MT  86  64  48  88   W 9      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.69 -114.14 Aug 07/19:40 polson          MT  86  64  48  88   W 9      1013  SCT  K                                                                                                               
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 07/19:35 Overland        MO  81  50  35  80  CALM      1024  CLR              8/6  H 81  L 59  8/7  Pressure rising                                                               
  47.69 -114.14 Aug 07/19:14 Polson          MT  83  63  51  85   W 7      1013  BKN              Humid storms starting to devolp high so far 83                                                      
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:07 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:07 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:07 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:07 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:07 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:07 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:06 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:06 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:06 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:06 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:06 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NW 5 G 10 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/19:03 Paterson        NJ  83  57  42  83  NE 5 G 10 1020  SCT              Nice weather if you don't like the heat-                                                            
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 07/18:25 BROOKLYN        NY  81  51  34  80   N 5      1021  SCT              I never get on the maps ,and I have no idea why                                                     
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 07/17:37 Houston/Les     TX  91  78  67 106  SW 5      1017  SCT               Dandridge, green beans "thrive" in this climate. They are about the only thing that "thrives" down 
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 07/17:35 Houston/Les     TX  91  78  67 106  SW 5      1017  SCT               A3003 SLP169. Thompson, doesn't get that cold here, even in December! Maybe in January.            
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 07/17:15 Paterson        NJ  82  55  40  82  NE 5 G 12 1014  BKN              Cool for August                                                                                     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/14:54 THOMPSON        OH  68          66   S 5            CLR              1:54(W.sp.est)Warmin up!Might I add w/A Extremly crazy wxnet pal w/fan on in record breakin cold!*S*
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/14:22 THOMPSON        OH  65          63   S 5            CLR              withI'msure aExt.snowfall thiswinter!Hadtoreplace Phonelines dogsate'em!Din.Roast dog+Blueberrypie*S
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/14:17 THOMPSON        OH  65          63   S 5            CLR              10:17(W.sp.est.)Gonna knickname Thomp.wx this yr."The Extreme"Ext.wetMay!Ext.drySummer!Ext.coldAug!.
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 07/14:14 PAINESVILLE     OH  70  58  65  76  SW 5 G 10 1024  CLR              Overnite low was 52.5 . Warmer near the lake. Kept the fan on blowing in that nice cool air.        
                Aug 07/14:00 Grand Junction  CO  65  55  70  65  CALM            CLR              81 yest. VERY unusual here too AAH. most rainfall since 1921 in 24hrs tue-wed this week.1.6"        
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 07/13:39 Fircrest        WA  62  57  84  62  CALM      1019                   Day starting out hi clouds and  warm at 6:40AM                                                      
  35.22 -117.52 Aug 07/13:09 Flagstaff       AZ  53  43  70  53  CALM      1028  CLR              Monsoon seems to be drying out for next several days.  No pcp in forecast.                          
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 07/12:57 Wamego/Manhattn KS  61  54  77  61  CALM            CLR              Chilly this morning. I've been enjoying 3 days of vacation, now back to work.                       
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 07/12:30 McPherson       KS  53  51  95  53  CALM      1024  CLR              Wednesday was very unusual for here in August msh.                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 07/12:30 McPherson       KS  53  51  95  53  CALM      1024  CLR              Wed. max/71 min/53 Incredible temps for August here. precip .18"--YTD precip=19.38" (about average) 
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 07/12:29 Moorheead       MN  60  57  90  60 SSW 3      1020  CLR              Low last night 58..Expecting high today around 90..Cooling off by Sunday + Monday to highs low 70's 
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 07/12:20 BROOKLYN        NY  71  62  72  76  CALM      1021  CLR              Yesterdays HIGH : 79F -3:57pm  LOW:63F - 6:42am ,no precip.                                         
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 07/12:15 Winsted         CT  54  41  63                1026  CLR              Beautiful summer day with low humidity                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/11:44 THOMPSON        OH  42          41 ESE 4            CLR              7:45(W.sp.est)Walnut+cherrytrees turninyellow,don't knowif fr.coldor lackof R!Aug.R=0.05"sNorm.3.9"s
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 07/11:07 Framingham      MA  58                              CLR              Drought continues. For 8/6:Hi 81@1545EDT,Lo 60@0620+????-2359EDT. Lo(8/7) 56@0525-0635EDT.          
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 07/10:56 North Granby    CT  49  49 100  49  CALM      1022  CLR  F           Patchy ground fog in low spots.                                                                     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/10:36 THOMPSON        OH  39          39  CALM            CLR              6:37am-Local news said:All data not in but looks like Cleve.tied rec.low!Poor Youngstown down to43  
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 07/10:36 Clifton         NJ  58  55  89  58  CALM      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 07/10:21 Dandridge       TN  63  54  75  61   N 5 G  8 1019  SCT  F           Light fog in creek bottoms.                                                                         
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 07/10:05 Boston          VA  57  55  92  57  CALM            CLR  RW-F        Barometer 30.17 inches and steady.   Rain  0.04 of an inch last night.  Low last night 52.          
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 07/09:41 West Haven      CT  57  55  96  57   N 2 G  4 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/09:37 THOMPSON        OH  39          39  CALM            CLR              5:37am-Wide temp differences!39 here, 44 Youngstown + 50 Cleveland!Wonder what P'villes low is?     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/09:29 THOMPSON        OH  39          39  CALM            CLR              5:29amFeels like winter this morn!3degrees colder than yesterday morn.Feels Cold enough to snow!    
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 07/09:26 Boonsboro       MD  55  53  95  55  CALM      1018  CLR              High 64 at 00:01am  Low 54 at 5:22am EDT                                                            
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 07/05:28 Fircrest        WA  67  56  68  67   N 2 G  6 1019  CLR              After summer thunder storms, sky is clear once again and nice at 10:30PM, PDT.                      
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 07/05:23 Stamford        CT  65  58  81  65 SSW 1      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 07/05:22 Stamford        CT  65  58  81  65 SSW 1      1020  CLR  F                                                                                                               
   46.3   119.3 Aug 07/05:10 Richland        WA  83  66  56  86   N 3      1011  CLR              Today's high 102, low this morning 68 (4th day of 100+)                                             
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 07/05:09 BRIDGEPORT      CT  61          61  CALM      1020  CLR              OBS@05Z/KBDR PCP 0.01" MTD 1.01"/H 79F/L 59F/no pcp since 06Z                                       
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 07/04:33 Beckley         WV  53  50  89  53  CALM      1022  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.20S. VLY FG FMG N.                                                                    
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 07/04:19 Fort Payne      AL  71  61  73  76  CALM      1020  BKN              7/10 Cu H/L 87.1/64.8 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Great day today. -SMA [23:19cdt]                          
                Aug 07/04:16 Laytonsville    MD  63          63  CALM      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
   37.5  -120.8 Aug 07/03:05 Turlock         CA  95  65  37  99  CALM      1008  OVC  K           Smoke OVC @ 20,000 ft. Cb to the distant NE and E over the Sierra Nevada.                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/02:35 THOMPSON        OH  48          48  CALM            CLR              10:35This is our Dog days of summer?We gonna br.another cold rec. ton?Farmers2nd crop beans up1/2ft!
  47.69 -114.14 Aug 07/02:11 polson          MT  86  59  40  86   W 2      1016  CLR              high was 88 low 59                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 07/01:51 Pecos           TX  86  61  42  87  SW16      1015  BKN  L           Pecos received .10 in. this afternoon.                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 07/01:35 THOMPSON        OH  50          50  CALM            CLR              9:35pm-Very nice late "October" night!Cold crisp calm clear+too CRUEL for early Aug!*S*Clinton-Mmmm!
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 07/01:11 Overland        MO  80  51  37  80   N10 G 12 1022  SCT                                                                                                                  
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 07/00:58 Moorhead        MN  79  60  54  81 SSW 3      1021  CLR              Nice day High of 83..Low 54..Had .68 of rain last night.  South Fargo had 1.41 of rain.             
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 07/00:45 CLINTON         MA  63  56  77  63  CALM      1016  BKN              Just ate a lb of Romano beans fresh from the garden, loaded with butter + salt--GREAT with Steak    
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 07/00:36 CLINTON         MA  63  56  77  63  CALM      1016  BKN              HI 77 Lo 54 Departure -4  Nice days ahead--low dewpoints--gotta like it                             
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 07/00:23 Fircrest        WA  74  61  64  77   N 4 G 10 1019  CLR              We had just thunder boomers here. No precip.                                                        
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 07/00:22 Fircrest        WA  74  61  64  77   N 4 G 10 1019  CLR              Hi 74 Lo 60.Thunder storms in area today. Marble size hail,heavy rain showers Seattle area.         
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 06/23:58 McPherson       KS  68                              BKN              .18" precip over 9 hrs. today with cool temps. Max was 71 --strange for August.                     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/23:22 THOMPSON        OH  68          68  NW 3            CLR              7:21PM(Wind sp. est)Picked enough blueberries for5pies!No R driedup my Rasp.+Bl.berries!5 tiny blber
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 06/23:09 Houston/Les     TX  93  75  56 105  SE 5      1014  SCT               15SM SCT250 A2994 SLP140. Now, we will start our long 12 hour "freefall" down to 80 degrees!       
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 06/23:09 Paterson        NJ  77  57  50  79  NW 8 G 15 1010  SCT              Fall like conditions                                                                                
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 06/22:57 Boston          VA  75  60  59  78  CALM            CLR              Another beautiful day in Virginia.  For August we have only 0.16 of an inch of rain to date.        
 38.704  -90363 Aug 06/21:17 Overland        MO  80  51  37  80   N10 G 12 1022  SCT              8/5  H 81  L 64  8/6  Pressure rising                                                               
 38.704  -90363 Aug 06/21:16 Overland        MO  80  51  37  80   N10 G 12       SCT              8/5  H 81  L 64  8/6  Pressure rising                                                               
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 06/21:13 Mishawaka       IN  79  51  37  79 NNW18      1022  SCT  HK                                                                                                              
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 06/21:08 Boonsboro       MD  80  58  48  81 ENE 3 G  9 1015  SCT              High 84 at 1:23pm  Low 51 at 7:06am  EDT                                                            
  33.57 -117.23 Aug 06/20:52 RIVERSIDE       CA 105  59  22 107   W 7 G 11 1011  CLR              Solar Engery@934W/m2  TCU DISTANCE N-SE                                                             
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 06/20:39 West Haven      CT  73  62  69  77   S 3 G  9 1015  SCT              high/low 77/58                                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 06/20:26 Houston/Les     TX  99  76  48 115   W 5      1016  SCT               12SM FEW250 A2999 SLP156. Trying to "hold on" in this heat! Only another couple of months to go.   
 +40.87  -74.14 Aug 06/20:09 Clifton         NJ  79  53  40  79 NNE 2      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 06/19:40 Bensalem        PA  77  50  38  77  NW10 G 15       SCT              mdt cu                                                                                              
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 06/19:35 Beckley         WV  66  48  52  65   W 4      1022  SCT              Vis 10SM. SCT044.  A30.20S.                                                                         
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 06/19:35 Stamford        CT  76  56  53  78  SW 6 G 10 1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 06/19:30 Boston          VA  78  56  48  79  CALM            SCT              A cool beautiful day in Virginia!!!!                                                                
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 06/17:43 Wilmington      DE  80  50  34  79   N 2 G 10 1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 06/17:40 BROOKLYN        NY  78  55  44  79   N 5      1016  SCT              cumulus clouds are building ,looks like we may see afternoon storms again                           
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 06/17:39 BROOKLYN        NY  78  55  44  79   N 5            SCT              cumulus clouds are building ,looks like we may see afternoon storms again                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/17:18 THOMPSON        OH                  NE              CLR              Sun on Therm!Dandridge been waitn for U'r reply!Please tryagain!snowbelt@lightstream.net Get my 2Es?
 36.001 -83.404 Aug 06/17:04 Dandridge       TN  76  56  50  78  NE 5 G 10 1019  SCT              Beautiful day here.  Thompson, Ohio check your e-mail.                                              
                Aug 06/16:34 San Diego east  CA  86  68  57  91  CALM      1011  CLR              8/5/97   low71  high 102     humidity range 15%---83%                                               
  40.78  -74.00 Aug 06/15:16 Paterson        NJ  76              NW              SCT                                                                                                                  
                Aug 06/14:15 Grand Junction  CO  65  64  97  65  CALM            OVC              1.25" overnite !! 81/61 yest. Dark clouds close by again AAH                                        
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 06/14:04 Bensalem        PA  66  54  65  64   N 5            CLR              0.11" in last night's tstorm...makes 1.11" for August..crape myrtle starting to bloom               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 06/13:55 Houston/Les     TX  85  77  77  95  CALM      1017  SCT               12SM SCT250 A3003 SLP169. Looks like we are on to another "scorcher" today!                        
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 06/13:38 Fircrest        WA  60  56  85  60  CALM      1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/13:21 THOMPSON        OH  57          55 WNW 5            SCT              9:21AM-(wind sp.est)My dad just reported our low at 4:00am was 42!                                  
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 06/13:21 Flagstaff       AZ  52  46  80  49   W 5      1028  SCT              Thompson: mid Jul - mid Sept is AZ "rainy" season, all in form of big T-storms.                     
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 06/13:20 Flagstaff       AZ  52  46  80  49   W 5      1028  SCT              Yesterday's boomer knocked out our Net link!  Quite a storm.                                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/13:10 THOMPSON        OH  56          54 NNW 5            SCT              TWC just said Cleve. had record lowof 45!Don't knowif wehad rec.low don't think anyones rec.'d here!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/13:04 THOMPSON        OH  55          53 NNW 5            SCT              9:03am(wind speed est)Wind almost to var.to get.Var.'n from NE toW!But mainly NNW.Few cirrus(ML)    
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 06/12:44 McPherson       KS  64  59  84  62  NE 5            OVC  R-          Tues. max/85 min/64  Precip. wetting the sidewalk now--just a teaser msh.                           
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 06/12:15 BROOKLYN        NY  63  56  79  57   N 9 G 13 1015  CLR              Last night thunderstorms dropped about 1" of rain ,quarter size hail fell 10 miles west  of us      
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 06/11:54 Framingham      MA  63                              SCT              A little more R- last evening to water 2nd crop bean seeds. Hi(8/5) 79@1630EDT. Lo(8/6) 60@0620EDT. 
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 06/11:49 Boston          VA  60  56  83  60  CALM            CLR              Beautiful day                                                                                       
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 06/10:39 North Granby    CT  53  53 100  53  NW 2      1015  CLR              1.04" rain in last evening's squall line. 2.20" this month.                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 06/09:50 West Haven      CT  58  58 100  58 NNE 2      1013  CLR              .06" of rain since last report.                                                                     
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 06/09:28 Boonsboro       MD  52  51 100  52  CALM      1013  CLR              High 56 at 00:01 am  Low 52 at 5:21am   EDT                                                         
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 06/08:17 Beckley         WV  50  48  92  50 SSE 3      1020  CLR              Vis 20SM. CIG Unlimited. A30.12S.                                                                   
   46.3   119.3 Aug 06/05:37 Richland        WA  86  58  38  86  NE 9            CLR              Hot again!  Today's high 100, low this morning 68                                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 06/05:35 Fircrest        WA  68  58  69  68   N 2 G  2 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/05:32 THOMPSON        OH  47          47  CALM            CLR              1:32am                                                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/03:45 THOMPSON        OH  50          50  CALM            CLR              11:44PM-Forcast: 40's tonight 70's Wed.-Fri Low 80's Sat+Sun. Sun all week no rain :(               
                Aug 06/03:43 Laytonsville    MD  59          59  CALM      1012  CLR              .22 in rain today                                                                                   
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 06/03:25 BRIDGEPORT      CT  63          59  NE 7      1014  OVC  R-          OBS@03Z/WIND KBDR/KBDR PCP 0.40"/H 78F/L 61F                                                        
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 06/03:08 Bensalem        PA  64  62  93  64   W 3            SCT              rain ended ~10:20...tstorm mvd east..                                                               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 06/02:17 THOMPSON        OH  55          54  NW 4            SCT              10:17pm(wind sp.est)Dark clouds remind me of snow clouds!But were pretty against sunset!Aug R=.05"s 
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 06/01:49 Fairfield       CT  65  65 100  65  CALM      1014  BKN              High 77F, Low 61F, precip 0.31", 2.03" for August                                                   
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 06/01:41 BROOKLYN        NY  65  65 100  65  CALM      1013  OVC  TR+         Heavy Thunderstorm pounding us since 7:15  lots of spectacular cloud-ground lightning               
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 06/01:40 McPherson       KS  78                              OVC              Sure could use some rain.                                                                           
   39.6   -77.5 Aug 06/01:37 Thurmont        MD  59                              SCT              Afternoon thundershowers have passed                                                                
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 06/01:03 Bensalem        PA  68  64  86  62  NW10            OVC  TR          tstorm ovhd mvg east..ocnl ltg iccccg.....                                                          
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 06/00:52 PAINESVILLE     OH  66  54  66  61 WNW 8 G 15 1018  SCT              My daughter was just out in her winter jacket!  I may have to go to a long sleeve-T shirt.  Nice!   
  38.54  -78.15 Aug 06/00:47 Boston          VA  67  57  71  67  CALM            CLR              Barometer rising 29.96 inches                                                                       
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 06/00:46 CLINTON         MA  59  59 100  59  CALM      1011  SCT              HI 76 Lo 52 Departure -5 Rain 0.88  Beneficial rain early this morning. Lt shower at 5:30 tonight   
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 06/00:31 Bensalem        PA  69  62  78  69  NW 3            BKN              0.01" since mdnt..makes 1.00" for Aug...lots of tcu all PM..getting dark noticeably earlier..       
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 06/00:11 Stratford       CT  71              CALM      1012  BKN              OBS@2358UTC/BKN040 BKN065 BKN200/VSB 10SM/TSE50 MOVD SE/RAE10  Mike Birosca,Success Village         
     43      90 Aug 06/00:11 madison         WI  71  50  47  76  NW 7      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 06/00:11 Natchitoches    LA  77  74  92  82  SW 4      1014  OVC  TR-         Thundershower in progress now....little rainfall associated with it.....                            
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 06/00:10 KSWX            IN  78  57  48  79 NNW 3      1015  SCT              SWX 052356 34003 10 FEW050 SCT250 26/14 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP152 T02550139 10289 20254 402890178 5102   
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 06/00:09 Fircrest        WA  79  63  59  81   N 3 G  8 1020  CLR              After morning fog, sun came back out for another warm day. Hi 79 Lo 59.                             
 32.471 -93.797 Aug 06/00:08 Shreveport      LA  95  68  42 101  NE 4      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 05/23:38 Overland        MO  75  51  43  77   N10 G 12 1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/23:19 THOMPSON        OH  67          59  NW13            SCT              Flagstaff-U ok?Not covered by hail?*S*Butte-Glad U'r back!P'ville-Desert gettin more R than us!(ML) 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/23:14 THOMPSON        OH  67          59  NW13            SCT              7:13(W. SP.EST)Those wholike beautiful falllike wx would lov here tod!I'm by spaceheater lookin out!
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 05/23:12 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  73  57  58  77  NW 5      1021  OVC  RW-                                                                                                             
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 05/22:59 Pecos           TX  90  63  40  92 ESE 8      1019  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 05/22:58 KSWX            IN  78  57  48  79   N 4      1015  SCT              SWX 052256 36005 10 FEW050TCU 26/14 A2998 RMK AO2 TCU SE SLP152 T02550139                           
-85.754 34.4273 Aug 05/22:16 Fort Payne      AL  86  73  66  94  NE 4 G  7 1010  CLR              0/10 H/L 89.6/66.7 Prcp 0.00 Pres FS - Breezy afternoon--shwr on the way! -SMA [17:16cdt]           
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 05/22:01 Aurora (#4811)  CO  70  63  77  76   N10 G 18 1025  OVC  RW-                                                                                                             
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 05/21:48 Boonsboro       MD  73  62  70  77 NNW 2 G  5 1009  SCT              High 78 at 3:26 pm  Low 61 at 6:17am EDT precp total 0.27 in                                        
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 05/21:47 Boonsboro       MD                 NNW 2 G  5 1009  SCT              High 78 at 3:26 pm  Low 61 at 6:17am EDT precp total 0.27 in                                        
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 05/21:34 Stamford        CT  72  62  74  76  SW 5      1010  BKN  TR-                                                                                                             
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 05/21:29 Mishawaka       IN  77  53  43  78 NNW15 G 21 1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 05/20:48 Butte(Emerson)  MT  65  53  66  65  SW 2 G  5 1023  OVC  L           2:48PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Felt a couple of drops on the back of my neck while observing.       
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 05/20:32 West Haven      CT  75  67  77  78   S 3 G  7 1009  SCT              high/low 78/60                                                                                      
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 05/20:27 BROOKLYN        NY  80  65  59  82  SE 7      1009  SCT              We had rain heavy at  times overnight  0.60" at  my location                                        
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 05/20:22 BROOKLYN        NY  80  65  59  82  SE 7      1009  SCT              Yesterdays High:81  Low:64        The weather  was much nicer than expected                         
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 05/20:02 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  53  68  61 NNW 6      1023  OVC              2:02PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Nearby precipitation breaking up.                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/19:59 THOMPSON        OH  72               N16            SCT              sure looked beautiful backed by dark green corn onthe rollin hills where we went today!Clouds pretty
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 05/19:57 Overland        MO  78  49  36  78  NE15 G 18       SCT              8/4  H 94  L 72  8/5 Pressure Rising                                                                
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/19:56 THOMPSON        OH  72               N16            SCT              3:53PM-Sun may have been on Therm.(wind sp.est)Dandridge sent E!Golden wheat feilds swaying in wind 
  38.54   78.15 Aug 05/19:53 Boston          VA  76  59  54  78 NNE 8 G 16       SCT  H           My barometer is steady at 29.89 inches.   0.16 of an inch of rain fell yesterday.                   
   42.2    71.1 Aug 05/19:49 west roxbury    MA  79  52  40  79  NE 7            CLR                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Aug 05/19:27 Butte(Emerson)  MT  63  53  71  59  SW 7      1022  OVC              1:26PM MDT:   Glad to be back reporting. Spent the last week on Coeur d'Alene Lake in Idaho.        
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 05/19:23 Flagstaff       AZ  68  64  90  59   W15      1029  OVC  TR+A        NWS special Wx statement: 3/4" hail covering I-40 to depth of 7" 15 miles W.  Getting v. nasty out  
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 05/19:12 Flagstaff       AZ  68  63  86  59   W15      1029  OVC  TR+A        Check out AZ radar if you can...Huge cell right over Flagstaff; spectacular show outside!           
  33.57 -117.23 Aug 05/19:05 Riverside       CA 102  55  21 102  NW 2      1013  CLR              Solar Engery@961W/m2  TCU distance N-SE  THI 101F deg.                                              
  31.76  -93.09 Aug 05/15:50 Natchitoches    LA  90  72  57  99  NE 3      1016   X   H           Hazy skies...weak cool front located on N.Louisiana border now...                                   
  31.76  -93.09 Aug 05/15:50 Natchitoches    LA  90  72  57  99  NE 3             X   H           Hazy skies...weak cool front located on N.Louisiana border now...                                   
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 05/14:28 Fairfield       CT  70  64  83  76 ENE 6 G 11 1011  BKN              Aug precip 1.95"                                                                                    
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 05/14:27 PAINESVILLE     OH  66  59  78  60 NNE10 G 15 1016  SCT              Almost chilly! Gee wiz it seems like fall is here already!                                          
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 05/14:14 Framingham      MA  64                              BKN              Some R- last evening.Clearing from N+W. For 8/4:Hi 73@1520EDT,Lo 61@2320-2359EDT.Lo(8/5) 57@0605EDT.
                Aug 05/13:44 Grand Junction  CO  65  64  97  65  CALM            OVC  L           78/65 yest. .04" precip. seemed like it's rained all day AAH but just that much.                    
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 05/13:37 Fircrest        WA  59  57  94  59  CALM      1024  OVC                                                                                                                  
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 05/13:28 Flagstaff       AZ  56  53  90  56  NW 3      1029  SCT              Another 0.68" rain yesterday, and a FUNNEL CLOUD at 3 pm.  Heckuva storm!  Calm + soggy this morn.  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 05/13:13 Dandridge       TN  72  72 100  77   N 5 G  8 1013  SCT  F           Don't gripe about the forecasting Thompson, Ohio.  It's not a precise science!                      
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 05/13:10 Dandridge       TN  72  72 100  77   N 5 G  8 1013  SCT  F           Fog now light, some clouds, bodes a nice cool day.  Thanks for the rain!                            
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 05/13:01 Moorhead        MN  62  57  90  62  CALM      1025  SCT              Low 57..High yesterday 82..High presure right over us this morning so winds are calm. Nice morning. 
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 05/13:00 Moorhead        MN  62  57  90  62  CALM            OVC              Low 57..High yesterday 82..High presure right over us this morning so winds are calm. Nice morning. 
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 05/12:36 McPherson       KS  70  65  85  76  NE 5      1023  OVC              Tues. max/97 min/70  Wish it would rain while it's cloudy. MSH--is it there?                        
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 05/11:44 Dandridge       TN  66  66 100  66  CALM      1013  CLR  F           Heavy thunderstorm w/.66 blessed rain last night; heavy fog now.                                    
38.5382 78.1422 Aug 05/11:37 Boston          VA  62  60  94  62 ENE 1 G  3       SCT  H           The barometer is steady at 29.89 inches.                                                            
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 05/10:54 North Granby    CT  59  58  98  59   N 2      1010  SCT              1.67" of much needed rain since yesterday.  0.52" since midnight.                                   
  40.85  -75.19 Aug 05/10:34 Bangor          PA  57  57 100  57  CALM            SCT  F                                                                                                               
  40.88  -74.55 Aug 05/10:30 Picatinny Arsen NJ  56  55  99  56  CALM      1010  SCT  F                                                                                                               
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 05/09:40 West Haven      CT  60  60 100  60   N 3 G 12 1007  OVC              2.71" of rain since last report.                                                                    
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 05/09:23 Boonsboro       MD  61  60 100  61  CALM            SCT  F           High 64 at 00:01 am   Low 61 at 5:19 am EDT Very dense fog                                          
                Aug 05/05:53 Polson          MT  73  62  70  77   S10 G 18 1024  BKN  T           high 90 low 63 now getting dry storms across area                                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 05/05:39 Fircrest        WA  68  59  74  68  CALM      1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
   46.3   119.3 Aug 05/05:20 Richland        WA  81  64  56  83  CALM      1016  CLR              Hot!  High today 102, low this morning 65                                                           
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 05/05:13 BRIDGEPORT      CT  64          57  NE10      1009  OVC  R-          OBS@05Z/THUNDERSTORMS ENDED/R++@03Z/H 75F/L 63F/KBDR PCP 0.57"                                      
                Aug 05/03:39 Laytonsville    MD  65          65  CALM      1008  SCT              .13 in rain today                                                                                   
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 05/03:14 Bensalem        PA  69  67  93  63  NW10 G 15       OVC  TR-         tstorm mvg east...0.99" in 45 min this evening w/ 30+mph wind...                                    
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 05/02:46 East Birmingham AL  79  72  74  83   W 5      1016  BKN              Hi:93 Lo:71  Rain: 0.00  Tomorrow we should get another very unusual cold front passage.            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/02:29 THOMPSON        OH  55          55  NW 2            SCT              10:27(w.sp.est)P'd off!Those people didn't even get advance Warn'n storm com'n!Someone SLACKER!     
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 05/02:09 Fairfield       CT  65  65 100  60  NE 8      1009  OVC  TR          High today: 77F, 0.70" of precip so far                                                             
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/01:32 THOMPSON        OH  60          54   N 8            SCT              9:32(wind sp.est)Lorain warnin cancelled.Corr.W of here!Huron Co.warn'n reports Sev.funnels+pos.Torn
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 05/01:32 BROOKLYN        NY  73  72  94  77  SE 3      1008  OVC  R                                                                                                               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/01:07 THOMPSON        OH  60          51   N11            SCT              9:07(wind sp.est)TORNADO on the ground in Lorain County(2co.'s E)Mov'n S.Tornado warn'nHuron Co. too
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 05/00:56 CLINTON         MA  58  58 100  58  CALM      1010  OVC  R-          Hi 68 Lo58 Departure -7  Rain 0.04  Light rain in the past hour.                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/00:45 THOMPSON        OH  62          54   N11            SCT              (Wind sp.est)Beautiful sunset!P'ville-Hula DancerLOL!Houston-KiteLOL!P'ville-Beautiful!Bah humbug*S*
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/00:39 THOMPSON        OH  62          54   N11            CLR              8:37pm(wind sp.est)Clouds pretty ondrive tod!Got fall sweatshirt on!Burninbush at newhouse driedup. 
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 05/00:33 Boonsboro       MD  66  66 100  66  NW 1 G  3 1007  BKN  L           High 83 at 4:23pm  Low 64 at 6:28am  EDT   total precp 0.20 in                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 05/00:26 Fircrest        WA  81  61  51  82 NNW 1 G  8 1020  CLR              July precip 1.34" Norm .91'. Norm for yr 38.10 . Yr to date 31.79" +6.31" above norma for yr.       
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 05/00:18 Houston/Les     TX  92  70  49  99  SE 5      1016  SCT               10SM SCT065 A2999 SLP155. At least humidity is lower but August is a killer! What survived July....
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 05/00:04 THOMPSON        OH  65             WNW              SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 04/23:55 PAINESVILLE     OH  71  62  74  76 NNW 8 G 15 1012  SCT              Feels like about the 3rd week in September. Beautiful!                                              
 39.625  77.417 Aug 04/23:31 Thurmont        MD  70                              OVC  TR                                                                                                              
  39.72 -104.72 Aug 04/23:27 Aurora (#4811)  CO  64  57  79  56 WNW12 G 26 1028  OVC  TR-                                                                                                             
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 04/23:09 Pecos           TX 101  63  28 104  CALM      1020  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 04/22:41 Mishawaka       IN  82  65  56  84   N24      1016  BKN  BDHK                                                                                                            
39.2767 84.3911 Aug 04/22:21 Blue Ash        OH  87  63  42  88 NNW13            SCT              Need Rain                                                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 04/20:24 West Haven      CT  73  68  83  77 SSW 2 G  5 1008  OVC              high/low 74/67                                                                                      
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 04/19:28 BROOKLYN        NY  81  64  56  83  CALM      1009  BKN              clouding up rain is still well to our south we reached our high of 84F earlier today                
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 04/19:07 Houston/Les     TX  97  72  45 107  NE 4      1018  SCT               10SM SCT055 A3006 SLP179. Look at that "humidity"! Starting to feel good out there!!!              
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 04/18:34 Dandridge       TN  90  64  42  93 WNW 5 G 10 1015  SCT  H           Bodes a hot, dry day! Will need to water garden again this pm; where is rain?                       
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 04/17:15 Natchitoches    LA  91  68  48  97   N 5 G  7 1018  SCT              Typical Louisiana summertime weather day....                                                        
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 04/16:51 W Gulf buoy     TX  84  68  60  88   N 5      1019  CLR              Sea water temp 86 degrees. Wave height 1 foot.                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 04/16:16 Houston/Les     TX  85  72  65  91   E 3      1019  SCT               Flgstff, pnsville. I am going to hang my anemometer off the end of a kite and have everyone beat!  
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 04/16:12 Annapolis       MD  80  62  55  82  CALM      1012  OVC  H                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 04/16:11 Houston/Les     TX  85  72  65  91   E 3      1019  SCT               10SM SCT025 SCT250 A3009 SLP191. Doesn't feel as humid as normal! Kind of refreshing.              
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 04/16:03 BROOKLYN        NY  84  66  55  87  CALM      1010  SCT              Yesterdays High: 89 =3:45PM ,Low: 72=6:57AM.                                                        
                Aug 04/14:35 Grand Junction  CO  69  64  87  69  CALM            OVC  L           92/67 yest. Trace of precip.  Pretty humid lately. Hi to U  2 ,AAH                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 04/14:20 Framingham      MA  70                              OVC              Lo(8/4, so far) 68@????-0850EDT.                                                                    
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 04/14:18 Framingham      MA  70                              OVC              Missed rain again last evening;hope to get some today + Tues. Hi(8/3) 89@1215+1525EDT               
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 04/13:43 Moorhead        MN  65  60  86  60   N 8      1025  CLR              Clear this AM..low 60..high yesterday  86..Had .50 of precp. this weekend.                          
  46.87  -96.76 Aug 04/13:43 Moorhead        MN  65  60  86  60   N 8      1025  CLR              Clear this AM..low 60..high yesterday  86..Had .50 of precp. this weekend.                          
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 04/13:39 Fairfield       CT  72  65  82  76  SE 5      1012  OVC                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 04/13:37 Fircrest        WA  57  55  91  57  CALM      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 04/13:33 Bensalem        PA  74  66  75  77  NW 5            SCT              stratocu                                                                                            
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 04/13:28 PAINESVILLE     OH  70  69  95  75  CALM      1012  BKN              Annemometer is 50' off the ground. Any higher and it would have more sway than a hula dancer!!!     
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 04/13:27 PAINESVILLE     OH  70  69  95  75  CALM      1012  BKN              Another .04'' overnite for a total of .07''month.....                                               
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 04/13:07 Flagstaff       AZ  55  54  97  55  CALM      1028  BKN  F           0.74" rain ystrdy ! Finally!  Good GRIEF P'ville, I'm getting anemometer mast envy!                 
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 04/12:36 McPherson       KS  74  71  93  78  CALM      1020  SCT              Sun.max/93 min/73 Went to Kansas City for weekend. Hazy all the way there;then same back.Hi msh.    
  44.29   -68.5 Aug 04/10:46 Stockton Spgs.  ME  57  48  65  57 NNE 2 G  4 1014  OVC                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/10:37 THOMPSON        OH  61              SW              BKN              6:37am-The broken skys sure did make a beautiful Sunrise!Orange against the grey+Orange Cumulus!    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/10:31 THOMPSON        OH  61              SW              BKN              6:31Upper winds changed+pushed all that rain S.of us.We did pickup another .01" overnight.Aug T .05"
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/09:37 THOMPSON        OH  61          61  SW 3            OVC  T           5:37am-(wind sp.est.)Lightning to my W!On Radar it looks like most of State has rain or storms!(ML) 
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 04/09:19 Boonsboro       MD  67  66  97  67  CALM      1011  SCT  H           High 74 at 00:01am   Low 66 at 4:51am  EDT                                                          
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/08:07 THOMPSON        OH  61          59 WSW 5            OVC  R           (wind sp.est)Didn't goon map willtry thistime.Countin Raindrops sure beats countin sheep for Insomni
41.4641  -8.868 Aug 04/07:57 THOMPSON        OH  61          59 WSW 5            OVC  R           CORRECTION!                                                                                         
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/07:55 THOMPSON        OH  61          59 WSW 5            CLR  R           3:55am-(wind speed est.)                                                                            
  30.16  -95.68 Aug 04/07:37 Houston/NW      TX  78  75  91  84  CALM      1017  CLR              CLR ALQDS  A3004 PCPN:0.00 |  H/93 @2:35pm  L/73   at6:25Z....SCT065 MOV N                          
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 04/06:29 Bensalem        PA  70  63  78  76   N 3            BKN                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/06:21 THOMPSON        OH  61          60   W 4            OVC              2:21am-(wind speed est.)Forcasting low 70's this week :(  Will have to wear flannel!(ML)            
                Aug 04/05:50 BRIDGEPORT      CT  68                                               KBDR 040544Z 01007KT 10SM CLR 21/18 A2988                                                           
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 04/05:37 Fircrest        WA  68  59  73  68  SW 1 G  3 1018  CLR              Sat Hi 78 Lo 53   Sun Hi 83 Lo 54. Sun and warm expected most of coming week.                       
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 04/05:37 Fircrest        WA  68  59  73  68  SW 1 G  3 1018  CLR              Sat Hi 78 Lo 53   Sun Hi 83 Lo 54. Sun and warm expected most of coming week.                       
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 04/05:11 BRIDGEPORT      CT  69          65 NNW 8      1011  SCT              KBDR WIND AND PCP TOTAL (0.01")                                                                     
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 04/04:55 Fort Payne      AL  72  65  79  76  CALM      1019  CLR              0/10 H/L 88.5/64.9 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Normal summer day -SMA [23:55cdt]                            
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 04/04:28 Bensalem        PA  72  64  75  76   N 3            BKN                                                                                                                  
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 04/04:16 Beckley         WV  66  64  93  66 SSE 3      1019  CLR  F           Vis 3SM. BR. A30.10.                                                                                
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/04:07 THOMPSON        OH  62          62   N 3            OVC              12:07(Wind sp.est.)8/3 R.04"s!It's a start!More comin?P'ville-Add lights so planes don't hit it*S*  
  39.20   77.18 Aug 04/03:42 Laytonsville    MD  71              CALM      1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 04/03:25 East Birmingham AL  76  74  94  81  NE 4      1017  BKN              Hi:92 Lo:70  Rain:0.00  The dry air is gone for now. Back to typical summer weather.                
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 04/03:23 Aurora (#4811)  CO  73  55  53  76 SSW 3      1028  BKN              TR W  W DSTNT, FRQ LGTNG.                                                                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/02:33 THOMPSON        OH  63          63 WNW 2            OVC  R-          10:32(W.sp.est.)Yes it's raining!Beautiful wet rain! Hope we get alot!Houston-Was jokin w/him!*S*   
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 04/02:18 W Gulf buoy     TX  85  69  60  90   S10      1016  CLR              Sea water temp 86.4 degrees. Wave height 1.3 ft.                                                    
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/02:18 THOMPSON        OH  63          63 WNW 2            OVC              10:17pm-(wind sp.est.)Lookslike more Rain comin! :) Houston-Last time I wasthere hehad iton roof!*S*
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 04/02:09 Houston/Les     TX  85  70  62  90  SE 5      1016  SCT                Oh no Thompson! Dont tell me it's off a  50 foot roof! (smile)                                    
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 04/02:06 Houston/Les     TX  85  70  62  90  SE 5      1016  SCT               15SM FEW044 SCT250. Just finished an hours worth of mowing.Covered in sweat.However not as humid.  
 32.471 -93.797 Aug 04/01:14 Natchitoches    LA  81  70  70  85  CALM      1015  CLR              No rainfall today recorded...looks like a great night for star gazing with clear skies...           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/00:54 THOMPSON        OH  65          65  CALM            OVC              P'ville50' from ground or 50' from roof?Bet U don't have nothin blockin U'r wind now!*S*Did U get R?
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 04/00:53 KSWX            IN  82  66  58  85  CALM      1014  SCT  H           SWX 040056 00000 6 HZ FEW038CB SCT250 28/19 A2993 RMK AO2 CB E MOV SE SLP136 T02830194              
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 04/00:50 CLINTON         MA  68  66  93  68  CALM      1010  OVC              Hi 84 Lo 64 Departure +5  Not a drop of rain---Cooler times ahead---Maybe some rain?????            
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 04/00:50 THOMPSON        OH  65          65  CALM            OVC              8:49pm-Server was down AGAIN!We got .02"s in light rain a few hours ago! .59"s in 3wks!Need more!!! 
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 04/00:08 KSWX            IN  86  66  51  89   S 5      1014  SCT  H           SWX 032356 19004 6 HZ FEW045CB SCT250 30/19 A2993 RMK AO2 CB N MOV SE SLP136 T03000194 10350 20300 5
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 03/23:11 Beckley         WV  77  64  64  79 NNW 4      1019  SCT  H           Vis 5SM. SCT030TCU.                                                                                 
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 03/23:05 Pecos           TX 104  57  21 104   E14      1017  CLR  H                                                                                                               
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 03/23:01 Overland        MO  95  71  47 104   N 7 G 10 1016  BKN              8/2  H 95  L 73  8/3  Pressure Falling                                                              
  38.22  -86.20 Aug 03/22:57 KSWX            IN  89  69  51  94   S 8      1014  SCT  H           SWX 032256 18007 6 HZ SCT048TCU 32/21 A2994 RMK AO2 TCU N SLP138 T03220205                          
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 03/22:33 Fairfield       CT  73  69  90  77 WSW 4      1009  OVC              T-Storm just passed..cooled it off, 0.07" of rain                                                   
  38.20  -86.17 Aug 03/21:59 KSWX            IN  91  69  48  97 SSW 4      1014  SCT  H           SWX 032156 20004 6 HZ SCT050 33/21 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP142 T03270211                                   
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 03/21:52 Aurora (#4811)  CO  86  52  29  84   E10 G 16 1027  SCT              Cb S, TCu N DSTNT; presF.                                                                           
  45.00  -93.01 Aug 03/21:02 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  82  65  58  85   N 1      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.20  -86.17 Aug 03/21:00 KSWX            IN  93  71  48 101  SW 6      1015  SCT  H           SWX 032056 23005 06 HZ SCT053 34/22 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP152 T03400220=                                 
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 03/20:59 BRIDGEPORT      CT  85  70  61  90 WSW 8 G 15 1009  OVC  H           WND ESTM./EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED/SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 03/20:16 Aurora (#4811)  CO  85  53  33  84 ENE 7 G 16 1027  SCT              TCu NW DSTNT.                                                                                       
42.4539 72.5675 Aug 03/20:12 Sunderland      MA  74  70  78  78   W        1007  OVC  TRW+        1" of rain in 20 minutes from 3:00-3:20                                                             
  27.49  -97.03 Aug 03/19:58 Corpus Christi  TX  88  78  74 102  SE15      1017  BKN              Sea water temp 81 degrees. Wave height 2.4 feet.                                                    
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 03/19:26 Houston/Les     TX  88  76  68  99   E 7      1018  BKN               Wow Painesville! You are going to be up into the "jet stream" before too long (smile)              
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 03/19:23 Houston/Les     TX  88  76  68  99   E 7      1018  BKN               15SM SCT035 OVC250 A3007 SLP184. Looking kind of ominous out there.Might get some SBrz action      
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 03/19:16 North Granby    CT  87  67  51  91  NE 2      1007  OVC  T           T-Storms developing to NW.                                                                          
  44.29   -68.5 Aug 03/19:16 Stockton Spgs.  ME  76  62  61  78   N 3 G 14 1010  BKN                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/19:12 THOMPSON        OH  79             NNW10            OVC              3:11pm-(wind speed est.)Looks like it wants to rain!                                                
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 03/16:27 PAINESVILLE     OH  78  69  75  82  NW 5 G 10       BKN              Yes Thompson added 10' to the annemometer mast and I think its over 50' high now.                   
  39.72 -104.74 Aug 03/16:08 Aurora (#4811)  CO  75  54  49  77   W 2      1025  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 03/15:48 Mishawaka       IN  87  62  42  88   W11      1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
  30.29  -81.55 Aug 03/15:06 Jacksonville    FL  82                              CLR                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/14:32 THOMPSON        OH  75              NW 6            SCT              10:31am(wind speed est.)Had a good dream that we got rain today,3"s of it!Got up+It's still dry! :( 
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 03/14:19 Natchitoches    LA  78  71  79  82   E 3 G  5 1018  CLR              Beautiful morning as clear skies and light winds prevail....                                        
 31.291 -92.463 Aug 03/14:17 Alexandria      LA  78  51  39  78  NE 3      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
 32.471 -93.797 Aug 03/14:15 Shreveport      LA  78  67  69  81  SE 3      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 03/14:14 Dandridge       TN  77  64  65  80  NW 3      1019  CLR              Getting hot. It's dry; am watering garden still.  No rain in sight...                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 03/14:06 Fairfield       CT  82  67  64  86 ENE 4      1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 03/13:27 Beckley         WV  66  60  80  63 SSW 6      1021  OVC  H           Vis 6SM. FEW032 SCT046 BKN060. A30.16.                                                              
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 03/13:26 Beckley         WV  66  60  80  63 SSW 6      1021  OVC  H           Vis 6SM. FEW032 SCT046 BKN060. A30.16.                                                              
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 03/13:00 Framingham      MA  79                              SCT              High clouds;some haze;humidity up.Hi(8/2) 93@1610EDT.Lo(8/3 so far) 70@several periods during night.
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 03/12:17 Aurora (#4811)  CO  58  56  92  58   S 3      1025  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 03/12:13 BROOKLYN        NY  77  67  68  80  NW 3      1011  CLR  H           A hazy warm morning in new york ,overnight low of 71F. rainy days are on the way again              
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 03/11:52 Boonsboro       MD  69  64  85  69 WSW 2      1013  SCT  H           High 69 at 7:53am   Low 65 at 7:02 am  EDT                                                          
  30.16  -95.68 Aug 03/11:45 Houston/NW      TX  77  74  91  82  CALM      1016  BKN              SCT035 DSNT N-NE BKN090 OVHD MOV UNK RW 35ESE RW- 40NW 45SW RW+ 145SW-S-SSE MOV ESE A3002 PCPN:0.00 
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/07:11 THOMPSON        OH  67          67  CALM            SCT              3:11am-Storm moved E.into PA.Looks like its fizzling!Good sleepin temp,so thats what I'm gonna do!  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/06:08 THOMPSON        OH  68              NE              BKN  T           2:07amSee flash's in N+NE.Not a drop of R here!Looks Like my lawn@new house in Andover watered!     
34.4273 -85.754 Aug 03/05:58 Fort Payne      AL  68  61  80  68  CALM      1021  CLR              0/10 H/L 86.0/59.4 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Afternoon winds today felt good -SMA[00:58cdt]               
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/05:11 THOMPSON        OH  68             NNE              SCT  T           1:11-Lightshow still N butmore freq.still distant!Wind var.with NE gusts.Crickets chirpin loud+fast!
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/04:51 THOMPSON        OH  68          65  SW 6            SCT  T           12:51am-(Wind Speed est.)Lightshow to my N.Radar shows it movin from NW to SE.Should miss us again! 
  47.68 -114.15 Aug 03/04:41 polson          MT  71  59  68  76   S 4      1018  CLR              nice day  high 83 low 60                                                                            
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 03/04:41 Bensalem        PA  74  64  70  77   W 3            CLR              trace of rain this morning...makes Aug. total=trace...                                              
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 03/03:10 Aurora (#4811)  CO  67  56  67  58  SW15 G 22 1025  SCT              Cb line NE, FRQ LGTNG DSTNT.                                                                        
  30.16  -95.68 Aug 03/02:44 Houston/NW      TX  84  77  82  95  CALM      1015  BKN              BKN035 ALQDS MOV W A2999 PCPN:0.00                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 03/02:04 Houston/Les     TX  87  75  68  97  SE 5      1016  BKN               12SM FEW130 BKN250 A2999 SLP156. Still "toasty" out there, even at night.                          
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 03/01:43 BROOKLYN        NY  79  67  67  82  CALM      1011  BKN  H           HIGH Today: 88- 2:47pm  ,LOW :72 - 6:12am                                                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/01:28 THOMPSON        OH  70               W 5            SCT              will make all your hard work worth it!!P'ville-You got U'r extention pole up yet?(Wind speed est.)  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 03/01:24 THOMPSON        OH  70               W 5            SCT              9:24pm-Beautiful night!Lightning bugs+crickets back!Still dry!Dandridge-Home Grown beans this winter
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 03/01:11 PAINESVILLE     OH  76  70  80  80 WNW 4 G 12 1013  SCT  H            I bet it feels good to have 'em all canned up Dandridge. Down at beach 2nite,beautiful!            
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 03/01:04 CLINTON         MA  73  60  63  77   S 1 G  4 1008  SCT              Hi 87 Lo 66 Departure +6  Record Hi of 104 hit 22 yrs ago (Aug 2,1975) here in CLINTON .            
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 03/00:46 Aurora (#4811)  CO  74  58  56  77   S10 G 42 1025  BKN              WSHFT S-ESE, presF, TR- SE DSTNT.                                                                   
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 03/00:42 Fairfield       CT  80  64  61  82   W 4      1011  CLR              Hi today: 88F, Low 70F, no precip                                                                   
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 03/00:36 Natchitoches    LA  83  69  63  87   E 4 G  6 1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
 30,206 -92.063 Aug 03/00:35 Breaux Bridge   LA  86  65  51  89  NE10 G 13 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
 31.291 -92.463 Aug 03/00:33 Alexandria      LA  84  70  63  89   E 6 G  6 1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
 32.471 -93.797 Aug 03/00:32 Shreveport      LA  86  67  53  89   E 7 G  8 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 03/00:17 BRIDGEPORT      CT  82             WSW 8      1010  SCT  H           OBS@00Z/WIND KBDR/SCT250/H 88F/L 72F/PCP 0.00"                                                      
                Aug 03/00:10 Stratford       CT                  CALM      1010  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  45.O1  -93.00 Aug 02/23:56 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  85  67  56  89  SW 3      1014  OVC              15SM E220OVC BINOVC SE CB NW                                                                        
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 02/23:01 Pecos           TX 102  61  25 104  SE 9      1019  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/22:55 Aurora (#4811)  CO  78  54  43  79  SE 3 G 21 1025  BKN              Cb NE-S DSTNT.                                                                                      
 30.206 -92.063 Aug 02/22:19 Breaux Bridge   LA  88  66  48  91   N14 G 16 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
 31.291 -92.463 Aug 02/22:17 Alexandria      LA  88  66  48  91  NE 9 G 12 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
 32.471 -93.797 Aug 02/22:11 Shreveport      LA  87  66  50  90 NNE 8      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
 31.761 -93.091 Aug 02/21:43 Natchitoches    LA  86  67  54  90 ENE 7 G 12 1016  SCT              No Rainfall Recorded Today....                                                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/21:35 Aurora (#4811)  CO  76  59  54  78 WSW 5      1025  OVC  TR-         TS ALQDS, FRQ LGTNG E DSTNT.                                                                        
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 02/21:32 Dandridge       TN  88  54  32  87  NW 3      1018  SCT  H           The beans are canned!  It got hot in the kitchen today.  Need rain again.                           
                Aug 02/21:08 Houston/NW      TX  95  77  56 110 ENE 5      1015  SCT              Hou/NW precip.(8-1..10:50p-11:05pmCT)..0.02". Total for July....0.94"                               
  30.16  -95.68 Aug 02/21:06 Houston/NW      TX  95  77  56 110 ENE 4      1015  SCT  H           H- SCT060 SCT250 DFTG W RW+ 85SSW MOV SSW RW 110/145SE MOV LTL A3000 PCPN:0.00                      
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 02/21:01 Houston/Les     TX  96  82  65 120  NE 7      1017  SCT               10SM FEW050 A3002 SLP166. Going to be a "long, hot, August"!                                       
-31.761 -93.091 Aug 02/20:54 Natchitoches    LA  88               E 8      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
 31.761  93.091 Aug 02/20:50 Natchitoches    LA  88  68  52  93   E 5 G  9 1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 02/20:49 Boonsboro       MD  85  75  73  94   W 6 G 10 1013  SCT  H           High 86 at 4:29pm  Low 69 at 7:07am  EDT .01 in precp                                               
                Aug 02/20:21 Natchitoches    LA  88  67  51  92 ENE10 G 13 1016  SCT              Clouds cleared about 10:00AM-CDT; Partly cloudy day with E-NE winds....                             
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/19:57 Aurora (#4811)  CO  87  57  35  86 NNE 4 G 10 1026  SCT              WSHFT NNE-W, Cb W,S DSTNT.                                                                          
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 02/19:15 W Gulf buoy     TX  83  77  84  93  SE12      1017  SCT              Sea water temp 86 degrees. Wave height 3 ft.                                                        
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 02/19:08 Overland        MO  88  65  47  91  NW 8 G 10 1020  SCT              8/1  H 92  L 66  8/2  Pressure Steady                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 02/18:32 North Granby    CT  89  56  33  88 WSW 7 G 12 1009  SCT              No rain in more than a week.  Things looking very dry.                                              
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 02/18:12 Dandridge       TN  85  58  40  85  NW 3      1020  CLR              The beans are picked, strung, broken and ready to can.                                              
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/17:53 Aurora (#4811)  CO  80  56  44  80 WSW 4      1024  SCT              Cb W DSTNT.                                                                                         
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 02/17:14 Houston/Les     TX  85  79  84  98  NE 5      1018  BKN               BKN028 OVC250 A3005 SLP176. Last night's shower brought me .20"rain.Suprised me!                   
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 02/17:11 Winsted         CT  79  58  50  80   W10      1013  BKN              Pressure falling signaling approaching front                                                        
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 02/16:13 Mishawaka       IN  85  65  50  87 NNW11      1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 02/13:53 PAINESVILLE     OH  75  65  69  78  SW 7 G 14 1015  CLR              A few sprinkles yesterday but not enough to get anything wet.                                       
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 02/13:38 Winsted         CT  66  52  61  64 SSW 5 G 10 1015  SCT              Beautiful sunny morning but humidity is on the rise                                                 
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 02/13:36 Framingham      MA  81                              SCT              Cirrus. Hot + dry continues. Hi(8/1) 91@1355EDT. Lo(8/2-so far) 72@0730EDT.                         
  41.92  -73.06 Aug 02/13:01 Winsted         CT  65  49  58  63  SW 5      1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/13:00 Aurora (#4811)  CO  65  59  81  64  SW 4      1024  SCT              presS, decreasing clouds.                                                                           
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 02/12:44 Boonsboro       MD  73  69  88  77  CALM      1015  OVC  H           High 74 at 00:1 Low 67 at7:07  EDT  trace of rain                                                   
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 02/12:34 Fairfield       CT  73  62  73  77 WNW 6      1015  BKN              Pressure added..sorry                                                                               
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 02/12:33 Fairfield       CT  73  62  73  77 WNW 6            BKN                                                                                                                  
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 02/12:29 North Granby    CT  73  60  65  77   S 3      1013  BKN                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 02/12:11 McPherson       KS  73  64  75  77  CALM      1020  OVC              Fri.max/93 min/64 Wish it would rain while it's cloudy this morning!                                
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/11:54 Aurora (#4811)  CO  65  59  82  64 SSW 4      1024  BKN                                                                                                                  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 02/10:39 THOMPSON        OH  63          60  SW 6            OVC              Correction:Rain W of here moving SE!(on earlier post)Now WSW moving ESE!(ML)                        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 02/10:32 THOMPSON        OH  63          60  SW 6            OVC              6:31-(Wind sp.est)Looks like Cleve.getting some R.Norm.Aug.Precip.3.91.There still calling for R.?  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 02/10:01 THOMPSON        OH  63          62  SW 4            OVC              6:01am-(Wind sp.est)All the Rain W of here again moving SW.Not a drop in my R. gauge!(ML)           
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 02/09:45 West Haven      CT  70  61  73  76 ENE 2      1013  BKN                                                                                                                  
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 02/05:19 Bensalem        PA  72  62  70  76  SW 3            OVC                                                                                                                  
  41.17   73.13 Aug 02/05:13 BRIDGEPORT      CT  75  64  70  78   W 6      1016  BKN              OBS@05Z/WIND, PCP KBDR/DEW PT. ESTM./H 88F/L 65F/PCP 0.00/JULY PCP 4.20"                            
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/05:10 Aurora (#4811)  CO  66  62  86  61 WSW 8 G 14 1026  OVC              presR.                                                                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 02/03:59 THOMPSON        OH  60          60  CALM            BKN              11:58pm-Houston-U'r right!Had coat onfor hour now whinning I'm cold!;>)Wamego-Houston onour side!*S*
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 02/03:47 Beckley         WV  60  55  83  60  CALM      1023  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.23S. I can see an incredible amount of stars even with light pollution!               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 02/03:45 Houston/Les     TX  83  79  89  95  CALM      1016  OVC  RW           Thompson it is 60 with me *s*. Freeze to death....anything below 60!                               
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 02/03:42 Houston/Les     TX  83  79  89  95  CALM      1016  OVC  RW           Cant believe it, but we are having a nice little shower right now. Starting the month off right!   
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 02/03:42 East Birmingham AL  68  58  75  66   E 5 G  8 1020  SCT              Hi:83 Lo:60   It almost never gets this cool and dry here in the summer. This  is a real treat.     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 02/03:32 THOMPSON        OH  60          60  CALM            SCT              Wamego-Again I'm with U!What a wimp!(But I'm sure I'm awimp too 'cus I whine too cold50or less) ;>)!
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 02/03:24 W Gulf buoy     TX  85  80  87  99  NE12      1015  CLR              Sea water temp 86 degrees. Wave height 4 ft. Wave steepness "very steep".                           
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 02/03:22 THOMPSON        OH  60          60  CALM            SCT              11:21pm-Few drops of R in Chardon while I was there.Few meaning I turned on wipers1ce + it's over!  
  39.72 -104.75 Aug 02/01:58 Aurora (#4811)  CO  72  58  60  76   S 3      1024  BKN              Cb W,NE.                                                                                            
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 02/01:40 PAINESVILLE     OH  72  63  72  76  CALM      1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 02/01:11 Houston/Les     TX  89  75  64 100  NE10      1016  OVC               Vis 5SM BKN080 OVC250 A3000 SLP159. Today was another "hot one". A/C blasting. No rain.            
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 02/00:56 Fairfield       CT  77  59  55  79 WSW 3      1015  BKN              Hi today: 87F, Low: 62F, no precip                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 02/00:30 CLINTON         MA  73  55  53  76  CALM      1014  BKN              Hi 87 Lo 59 Departure +3  We need rain--These brown lawns remind me of my trip to California        
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 02/00:15 Fircrest        WA  76  55  48  78   N 2 G  7 1016  CLR              Hi 76 Lo 54. Summer still with us. No rain for 22days.  Back Sunday Evening.Have nice weekend.      
 40.966 -75.452 Aug 01/23:55 Mt. Effort      PA  72  45  39  75  CALM      1026  BKN                                                                                                                  
   42.2    71.1 Aug 01/23:29 west roxbury    MA  83  51  34  82   W 8      1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 01/23:08 Pecos           TX 102  55  20 101   E13      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 01/22:55 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  84  71  66  90 WNW 5      1015  CLR              FEW CU                                                                                              
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 01/22:23 Dandridge       TN  86  63  46  88  NW 3      1020  SCT  H           Seeded turnips today for fall greens and winter turnips.  It is hot again.                          
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 01/22:13 W Gulf buoy     TX  84  75  76  93 NNE15 G 20 1015  SCT              Sea water temp 87 degrees. Wave height 2 ft.                                                        
  33.44  111.71 Aug 01/22:01 mesa            AZ 115  56  16 117 ESE 5 G 15 1011  SCT              Very large cumulonimbus approaching from ese.  Tstrm wrngs hve been issd for cities in that area alr
  45.01  -93.00 Aug 01/22:00 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  83  70  65  88 WSW 3 G 13 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 01/21:23 Boonsboro       MD  89  68  51  94   W 4 G 12 1016  SCT              High 94 at 2:53pm  Low 57 at 5:35am  EDT                                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 01/21:12 Houston/Les     TX  94  80  65 114  NE10      1016  OVC               8SM OVC250 A3000 SLP159. Im suspicious of this stuff in the Gulf. Took "Danny" 2 wks. Same spot.   
  41.41  -86.90 Aug 01/20:54 Mishawaka       IN  82  57  42  82   W15      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 01/20:24 West Haven      CT  86  59  41  86 WNW 3 G 11 1016  SCT              high/low 88/63                                                                                      
 38.704 -90.363 Aug 01/20:24 Overland        MO  90  67  48  95   W 9 G 12 1021  CLR              7/31  H 90  L 61  8/1  Pressure Falling                                                             
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 01/19:39 PAINESVILLE     OH  78  66  65  81 WNW 5 G 10 1021  OVC              .....but now trees are starting to have leaves turn brown.                                          
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 01/19:39 Wamego/Manhattn KS  93  67  42  98                  CLR              Perfect day (in my opinion!). My co-worker says it's too hot, but he's a wimp. :)                   
   41.7   -81.3 Aug 01/19:38 PAINESVILLE     OH  78  66  65  81 WNW 5 G 10 1021  OVC              Still 3.64" above normal because of the wet spring .....                                            
  40.13  -74.94 Aug 01/19:29 Bensalem        PA  85  58  39  85   W10            BKN              mix of cirrus, cstrat, and cu...July rain total=4.43 (about normal)..still 5 to 6" blw avg for year 
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 01/18:47 W Gulf buoy     TX  83  78  85  93  NE12      1018  BKN              Sea water temp 87 degrees. Wave height 2 feet.                                                      
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 01/18:41 East Birmingham AL  82  56  42  82  SE12 G 23 1022  SCT              This morning it got down to 60! It's perfect today with very dry air and no haze--very unusual.     
  39.04  -76.46 Aug 01/16:20 Annapolis       MD  86  53  32  84  CALM      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 01/15:18 BROOKLYN        NY  87  60  35  86   W 7      1020  SCT              Warmest night:76F,  Coldest :56F ,  Precip.  8.36"   ,over 4.5" in a  24 hour period.               
  40.60  -74.00 Aug 01/15:14 BROOKLYN        NY  87  60  35  86   W 7      1020  SCT              Monthly Review :Highest 97,Lowest 67,Monthly average :76F.  days  over 80=25  over 90=9             
   41.8   -81.3 Aug 01/14:40 PAINESVILLE     OH  74  60  61  77  SW 5 G 10 1023  CLR              For July mean max 80.1 ,min 62.1, mean 70.7 ,2deg below norm. Rain .67"  2.49" below normal.        
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 01/14:08 THOMPSON        OH  67          65  NW 5            BKN              10:07am-(Wind Speed est)Ovrcst Brk'n up.Wind var!Flagstaff-THANKYOU!!Was pretty w/cirrus+Sunrise!   
                Aug 01/13:55 Grand Junction  CO  64  41  44  64  CALM            CLR              Clouds moved out AAH, warming up a little today. 84/62 yest.                                        
                Aug 01/13:38 Fircresst       WA                                  CLR              Ave Temp July Hi 73.0 Lo 55.3, 1.34" Precip. Normal .91.                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 01/13:35 Houston/Les     TX  79  74  87  85  NE        1018  OVC               Vis 3SM BR OVC250. My total rain for July- .76". My year to date total is 50.97 inches. Need rain! 
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 01/13:33 Fircrest        WA  54  50  84  54  CALM      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 01/13:28 Framingham      MA  77                              BKN              For July:Avg Lo 63.1(0.6 above normal) with range from 52 to 73. Mean 74.5(0.6 above normal).       
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 01/13:27 Framingham      MA  77                              BKN              For July:Avg Hi 85.8(0.5 above 13 yr normal) with range from 69 to 96.                              
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 01/13:25 Fairfield       CT  78  62  61  80 ENE 4      1022  SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Aug 01/13:24 Framingham      MA  77                              BKN              Cirrus-mostly thin. Another hot one! Hi(7/31) 92@1540EDT. Lo(8/1) 63@0625EDT.                       
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 01/13:23 Flagstaff       AZ  51  44  79  51  CALM      1030  CLR              Thompson, jet tracks are contrails!  Neat when there's lots of them.                                
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 01/13:22 Flagstaff       AZ  51  44  79  51  CALM      1030  CLR              July summary: Max/min temp: 98/38. Avg max/min: 88.5/51.4.  Pcp: 0.70"; year to date 8.02"          
  35.22 -111.57 Aug 01/13:22 Flagstaff       AZ  51  44  79  51  CALM      1030  CLR              July summary: Max wind 48 mph, avg daily max 31.7.  Avg sky coverage (0-8): 2.94.                   
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 01/13:15 THOMPSON        OH  65          62  SW 6            OVC              9:15(wind speed est.)Willuse Youngstowns w.sp. when available.Their wx closest toours!Wanna C on Map
  37.30  -79.91 Aug 01/12:50 Read Mt.        VA  60  53  77  55 NNE 7      1027  CLR              PresS, Lo 52 @0928Z, yesterday's low 49! Loc. NE of Roanoke, 2 W of Blue Ridge Pkwy.                
  39.20  -96.45 Aug 01/12:44 Wamego/Manhattn KS  67  58  72                      CLR              A beautiful morning. Forecast rain chances tonight have dropped from 40% to 30%. :(                 
  38.23  -97.40 Aug 01/12:28 McPherson       KS  64  58  81  62   S 5      1021  SCT              Thurs. max/86 min/62 Another nice cool morning here, but 4cast says hotter today msh.               
  42.02  -72.83 Aug 01/11:52 North Granby    CT  68  58  70  68   S 2      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Aug 01/11:39 Dandridge       TN  58  42  57  58   N 3      1022  SCT              Great sleeping weather last night but need rain again.                                              
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 01/11:38 THOMPSON        OH  53               S              BKN              Red skys in morn.people be warn!Radar shows SOMEchance of R!Cleve.Nexrad a mess can't read!(ML)     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 01/11:34 THOMPSON        OH  53               S              BKN              7:34am-July precip.7-15to7-31=.57"Dry!TV said clouds picture perfect tod.Will take camera w/me!     
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 01/10:46 THOMPSON        OH  49          49  CALM            BKN              6:45amDifferent forms of Cirrus arepretty against sunrise!Jet tracks allover skytoo Forget namefor? 
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 01/09:58 West Haven      CT  65  59  81  65  NE 2 G  5 1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.7 Aug 01/09:27 Boonsboro       MD  58  55  90  58  CALM      1020  CLR              High 66 at 00:01am   Low 58 at 5:18am  EDT                                                          
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 01/07:28 W. Gulf bouy    TX  84  78  83  95  NW 5      1017  SCT              Sea water temp 87 degrees. Wave height 1 foot.                                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 01/05:38 Fircrest        WA  62  50  64  62  CALM      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Aug 01/04:59 BRIDGEPORT      CT  71              CALM      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Aug 01/04:19 Pecos           TX  90  64  41  92 ESE 8      1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Aug 01/03:58 East Birmingham AL  67  63  87  63   E 7 G 12 1023  CLR              In some places SE of here,today's high was near *70* due to the cool wedge!! This is like fall!     
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 01/03:37 stamford        CT  75  64  65  78 WSW 5      1021  CLR  H                                                                                                               
 41.043 -73.512 Aug 01/03:36 stamford        CT  75  64  65  78 WSW 5            CLR  H                                                                                                               
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 01/02:06 CLINTON         MA  68  56  65  68  CALM      1018  SCT              Temperature Departure for July was -5 (close to normal)  Total rainfall in CLINTON was 2.31 inches  
  42.41  -71.68 Aug 01/01:54 CLINTON         MA  68  56  65  68  CALM      1018  SCT              Hi 90 Lo 51 Departure 0  Another great vacation day--but not an exciting summer for weather watchers
  39.79  -75.53 Aug 01/01:28 Wilmington      DE  75  57  54  77 NNW 2 G  3 1023  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.20  -73.23 Aug 01/01:28 Fairfield       CT  75  58  57  78 WNW 4      1020  CLR              High today: 87F, Low 61F, no precip, nice day                                                       
  28.00  -94.24 Aug 01/01:21  W Gulf buoy    TX  83  76  80  92   N 5      1016  CLR               Sea water temp 89 degrees. Wave height 1 foot.                                                     
  37.78  -81.11 Aug 01/01:13 Beckley         WV  66  55  67  63   N 6      1027  CLR              Vis 10SM. Press R. Set record low of 48 last night and forecasting another record breaker tonight.  
41.4641 -80.868 Aug 01/01:04 THOMPSON        OH  60              NW              CLR              9:03pm-Feels cold already!We still need Rain!(ML)                                                   
  29.47  -95.50 Aug 01/00:47 Houston/Les     TX  82  77  85  91  CALM      1017  OVC  L            10SM OVC250 A3002 SLP166. Cant believe that hv had t/strms all around and all I can get is drizzle 
  41.27  -72.96 Aug 01/00:32 West Haven      CT  78  59  52  79  NW 2      1019  CLR              high/low 83/58                                                                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 01/00:13 Fircrest        WA  74  55  52  77  SW 1 G  5 1018  CLR              Hi 74 Lo 52. Month ended dry ,temps a little below ave. No complaints                               
  47.23 -122.50 Aug 01/00:13 Fircrest        WA  74  55  52  77  SW 1 G  5       CLR              Hi 74 Lo 52. Month ended dry ,temps a little below ave. No complaints                               