29.47  -95.50 Sep 30/23:44 Houston/Les     TX  87  71  60  93   S 3      1014  CLR               Hot out there. Cool inside though, with A/c running.                                               
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 30/23:34 PAINESVILLE     OH  61  55  81  52  NW12 G 20 1006  BKN              Still cookin Pecos!  High gust today N.W. @ 38mph. Annemometer pole was doing hula dance !          
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 30/23:10 Pecos           TX 100  48  17  97  CALM      1014  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 30/21:35 Boonsboro       MD  67  53  61  65 WNW 5 G 20 1001  BKN              High 71 at 4:00pm  Low 61 at 10:36am  EDT  precp .01in                                              
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 30/21:29 West Haven      CT  68  53  58  64  NW 8 G 24  994  CLR              high/low 73/63                                                                                      
                Sep 30/20:54 Concord         NH  64  52  64  54 WSW16 G 19  991  BKN                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 30/19:30 Dandridge       TN  77  47  35  77   W15 G 30 1011  CLR              Gusty.                                                                                              
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 30/18:55 Fircrest        WA  61  58  89  61 SSW 2 G  6 1006  OVC  R-          Sorry I'm late. Couldn't get on internet this morning.                                              
                Sep 30/18:37 newark          NJ                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.58   74.47 Sep 30/18:26 Lumberton       NJ  75  50  43  77  SW16 G 23  998  BKN  BD          Lumberton Middle School.    Sc and Cu with bases at different levels                                
  40.32   75.86 Sep 30/17:07 reading         PA  66  56  56  55  NW18 G 25       CLR              day started nice but is now cloudy and windy.                                                       
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 30/16:42 Casco           ME  64  53  67  62  SW 5 G 18  991  BKN              DARK WEST                                                                                           
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 30/16:21 Upper St Clair  PA  64  52  66  54   W16 G 35 1001  BKN              Leaves falling in larger volumes/ day.                                                              
  40.77 -76.294 Sep 30/16:07 Ashland         PA  54  52  90  50 WNW 6      1005  OVC              Brief period of moderate rain- .06" accumulation ending  around noon                                
                Sep 30/16:04 East Brookfield VT  60  47  64  53 WSW 9       990  SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 30/16:04 East Brookfield VT  60  47  64  53 WSW 9       990  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 30/16:01 Houston/Les     TX  80  69  70  84  CALM      1017  SCT               Well Cuming Ga. I am not going to hold my breath on the Houston Astros! But "Go Astros"!           
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 30/15:59 Thurmont        MD  62                              BKN                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 30/15:56 Houston/Les     TX  80  69  70  84  CALM      1017  SCT               Ovnight low was 67. Looks like another "blue day" in store (just a few scattered clouds).          
                Sep 30/15:34 Topton          PA  68          64  SW 8 G 10  996  SCT              Complete turnaround: Dark and rainy (0.06") early this morning. Now, a nice mix of sun and clouds.  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 30/15:23 Framingham      MA  66                              BKN              Sprinkles ended. Hi(9/29) 69@1020,1500+1540EDT. Lo(9/30)(so far) 60@0330EDT.                        
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 30/13:25 Wamego/Manhattn KS  54  48  80  54  CALM            CLR              TD yesterday afternoon was in the 20s. It cools off quickly when the sun goes down.                 
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 30/13:06 Flagstaff       AZ  44  40  88  43 WSW 4      1025  CLR              Another warm clear day on the way.  Just getting light now.                                         
                Sep 30/12:52 Grand Junction  CO  51  41  70  51  CALM            CLR              77/45 yest. GO CATS at Nebraska this weekend!                                                       
                Sep 30/12:41 McPherson       KS  51  43  75  51  CALM      1016  CLR              Tues. 90/51 Beautiful morning here. Terribly ssslllooooooowwww connecting w/you this morning.       
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 30/12:18 Lake Pleasant   NY  52  51 100  52 NNE 3 G 10       OVC  L           Rain: 0.20" last 24 hrs.                                                                            
   34.2    84.1 Sep 30/12:05 Cumming         GA  53  42  67  53  NW 3      1016  CLR              Data for 9/29: Hi 73,Lo 53, Rain 0.00. Going to be a great day for baseball. GO BRAVES!!!!          
  43.24   71.40 Sep 30/12:00 Chichester      NH  54  50  89  54  CALM       991  BKN              .28" rain last 24 hrs.                                                                              
                Sep 30/11:37 Topton          PA  63          58  SW 8       996  OVC              Overcast and mild but still breezy.  It was real windy during the night.                            
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 30/11:22 Boston          VA  53  48  84  53  CALM      1001  CLR              7:18 am EDT  Total rainfall for Sept. 5.85"  Colors just beginning.   Cool, clear day beginning.    
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 30/10:56 North Granby    CT  58  48  70  53   W 7 G 13  993  OVC  RW-         Rainfall 9/29  -  0.90"                                                                             
                Sep 30/10:51 Picatinny Arsen NJ  59  48  69  59  CALM       993  BKN                                                                                                                  
                Sep 30/10:49 Bangor          PA  51  39  66  51  CALM      1070  BKN                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 30/10:29 Casco           ME  51  51 100  51  SW 1 G  4  992  BKN              sctd cu - bkn ci / cs - dry overnight                                                               
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 30/10:25 Boonsboro       MD  64  54  70  64 SSW 3 G  7  995  BKN              High 66 at 00:01am   Low 61 at 2:40 am EDT                                                          
                Sep 30/10:16 Concord         NH  56  50  81  56 SSW 2       990  BKN              9/29/97 High 65F Low 51F Totoal Precip .29ins. Peak Winds 23mph....                                 
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 30/09:50 West Haven      CT  64  55  74  64 WNW 3 G  7  993  SCT                                                                                                                  
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 30/08:36 Houston/NW      TX  69  66  93  69  CALM      1014  CLR              FEW250 A2997|Hou/Les..Yes!its been quite a deluge this year in S.Harris,Ft.Bend + Brazoria counties.
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 30/06:34 Fort Payne      AL  55  50  84  55  SW 3 G  5 1021  CLR              0/10 CLR H/L 77.4/54.5 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Rain finally over! -SMA[01:33cdt]                        
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 30/05:41 Fircrest        WA  61  58  90  61  CALM      1005  OVC              Windy wet weather in store the next few days.                                                       
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 30/05:24 East Birmingham AL  60  53  79  60   N 3      1014  CLR              The skies today were spectacular.We almost never see skies as blue as today.Cooler in valleys       
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 30/05:18 Bridgeport      CT  64          53 WSW17       996  CLR              OBS@05Z-0100EDT/OCNL GUSTY WIND/KBDR Hi 71F PCP 0.10"                                               
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 30/04:21 Casco           ME  53  52  97  52 SSW 4 G  8  993  SCT              Max today 59 min 49  -  24 hour rain .58"                                                           
                Sep 30/03:06 Laytonsville    MD  60  41  50  60 WNW 2 G  4  999  CLR              .10in rain early this morning                                                                       
                Sep 30/02:31 McPherson       KS  63                              CLR              Can give you a direct weather observation from an unusual slant. Had a neat time.                   
                Sep 30/02:30 McPherson       KS  63                              CLR              Just got back from evening flight in a friend's Beech Bonanza. Unlimited visability.  Super!!!      
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 30/02:18 Upper St Clair  PA  60  44  57  49  SW15 G 40  996  BKN                                                                                                                  
                Sep 30/01:15 Topton          PA  64          59   W 8       996  SCT              0.61 inches of rain from last night's storm. Today, clearing nicely but very windy.                 
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 30/00:38 CLINTON         MA  57  48  71  57  SW 2 G  6  992  BKN              Hi 65 Lo 50 Dep. +1 Rain 0.38 (For 9-28) Hi 63 Lo 37 Dep. -6 (Could'nt get Connected)               
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 30/00:09 Fircrest        WA  69  60  74  69  CALM      1005  SCT              Hi 70 Lo 54. After AM fog, A nice fall day was enjoyed. Rain back tommorrow?                        
  43.24   71.40 Sep 30/00:02 Chichester      NH  53  48  82  51  SW 5 G  8  992  SCT              .09" rain total                                                                                     
                Sep 29/23:34 ANDOVER         OH                 WSW              OVC              7:35pm-Hi all!Lib.'Puter!Sept.RT=1.42"s Windy today blow'n colored leaves allover!R comin in NW(ML) 
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 29/23:10 Pecos           TX  96  54  24  95   S10      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 29/22:44 East Birmingham AL  72  44  35  75  NW 7      1013  CLR              Hi:77 Lo:60    Absolutely perfect! Deep blue skies,cool temps,and the driest air since last spring. 
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 29/21:56 Boonsboro       MD  72  49  45  76 NNW10 G 18  997  SCT              High 78 at 2:58pm  Low 57 at 5:43am  EDT  total precip =1.09                                        
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 29/21:20 Newport         VT  55  53  94  46  NW10 G 20  980  BKN  L           Very stormy today, had half an inch of rain                                                         
                Sep 29/21:04 Concord         NH  64  57  77  54  SW16 G 22  987  BKN                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 29/20:46 Upper St Clair  PA  71  46  42  75 WSW20 G 40  998  SCT                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 29/20:45 Upper St Clair  PA  71  46  42  75 WSW12 G 24  998  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 29/20:44 Houston/Les     TX  88  67  51  92   S 3      1014  CLR               Glad I finished two days of mowing last night! Still a little warm- work up quite a sweat!         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 29/20:39 West Haven      CT  68  54  58  64  NW 7 G 24  993  CLR              .02" of rain since last report  high/low 70/59                                                      
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 29/19:52 Thurmont        MD  66                              SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 29/19:52 Thurmont        MD  66                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.58   74.47 Sep 29/18:36 lumberton       NJ  75  50  43  77  SW12 G 23  998  SCT              Lumberton Middle School   Cu: scattered;  10%                                                       
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 29/18:26 Upper St Clair  PA  67  50  55  58 WSW15 G 35 1000  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.77 -76.294 Sep 29/17:42 Ashland         PA  66  50  55  62  SW 7      1005  SCT              .49" rain as of midnight 9-28; .42" rain as of 13:41 9-29                                           
  32.86  -84.04 Sep 29/17:21 Macon           GA                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 29/17:18 macon           GA                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 29/16:59 Lyndonville     VT  55  54  96  51   S 6       979  OVC  RF          A crummy, rainy day here at Lyndon State......loooooooooooow pressures though                       
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 29/16:45 Houston/Les     TX  81  67  63  84  CALM      1016  CLR               Nothing but blue skies! Overnight low in Houston was 68. Ovnight low in Galveston was 71.          
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 29/16:44 Houston/Les     TX  81  67  63  84  CALM      1016  CLR               Hou. NW, my total rain for the year is 67.28 inches. 9.75 inches in September.                     
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 29/16:36 Annapolis       MD  72  48  43  76 WNW 3 G 16 1000  CLR              Breezy                                                                                              
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 29/16:03 Upper St Clair  PA  64  52  66  53 WSW17 G 35 1001  CLR              Lifeless Leaves Falling                                                                             
  28.57  -80.82 Sep 29/15:12 Titusville      FL  82             WSW 5      1014  SCT  H           Just went flying.  Very hazy and humid. Clouds:3000 BKN                                             
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 29/14:49 Thurmont        MD  57                              CLR              1.78 inches rain from yesterday's weather system                                                    
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 29/14:41 Casco           ME  53  53 100  53  SE 2 G  3  993  OVC  R-          Min 49  Rain since midnight .35"                                                                    
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 29/14:37 Fircrest        WA  56  54  96  56  CALM      1010  OVC  H                                                                                                               
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 29/14:20 PAINESVILLE     OH  60  54  79  51  SW12 G 23  998  CLR              What a beautiful weekend and today is nice too.                                                     
                Sep 29/13:51 Grand Junction  CO  49  41  74  49  CALM            CLR              74/47 yest. beautiful Colorado fall weather, Aspens are gorgeous on Grand Mesa                      
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 29/13:48 Flagstaff       AZ  43  39  89  43 WSW 2      1024  CLR              Yesterday was 70 degrees, cloudless, and calm -- perfect day!  Another one in store today.          
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 29/13:16 Houston/NW      TX  69  66  91  69  CALM      1014  CLR              SKC ALQDS PRESRR A2996 PCPN:0.00 | Hou/NW Sept.precip..6.67" YTD..56.06", 7.45" above yearly normal.
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 29/12:51 Framingham      MA  64                              OVC  F           Overnite R/RW ended? Expect PM sun. Hi(9/28) 67@1445EDT. Lo(9/29) 56@0310EDT.                       
  34.76  -84.98 Sep 29/12:41 DALTON          GA  68  49  52  66 NNW 5            CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 29/12:39 Wamego/Manhattn KS  52  45  77  52  CALM            CLR              Another beautiful day in the Kaw Valley!                                                            
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 29/12:29 McPherson       KS  57  47  70  57  CALM      1012  CLR              Sunday max81 min55  Beautiful day to spend with grandson msh. Trace of precip.                      
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 29/12:08 Lake Pleasant   NY  52  51 100  52  CALM            OVC  R-          Rain: 0.20" last 24 hours.                                                                          
  43.24   71.40 Sep 29/12:00 Chichester      NH  53  54  97  53 ENE 3 G  5  993  OVC  R           .08" since 0330L                                                                                    
                Sep 29/11:36 Topton          PA  60  59 100  52   E10 G 15  996  BKN              Rain has ended-Some clearing-but look how low the B.P. is as strong coastal low heads up coast.     
  38.54  -78-15 Sep 29/11:23 Boston          VA  58  55  91  51 WNW 9 G 16 1002  SCT              7:17 am EDT Rainfall 1.90"  Wind chill 49. Tree color just started to change.                       
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 29/10:55 North Granby    CT  54  54 100  54  NE 3       992  OVC  R           Heavy Rain - .08" in last 5 mins.  0.8" since midnight                                              
                Sep 29/10:26 Picatinny Arsen NJ  52  51 100  52  CALM       991   X   L                                                                                                               
                Sep 29/10:24 East Brookfield VT  45  45 100  45  CALM       998   X   L                                                                                                               
                Sep 29/10:21 Bangor          PA  55  54 100  55  CALM             X   R-                                                                                                              
                Sep 29/10:04 Concord         NH  52  52 100  52   W 3       997  OVC  R-F         Total Precip .06ins...                                                                              
   43.6   -70.1 Sep 29/09:45 Casco           ME  49  49 100  49  SW 1 G  2 1005  OVC                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 29/09:44 West Haven      CT  67  67 100  67 SSE 2 G  7  991  OVC  R-F         .32" of rain since last report                                                                      
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 29/09:11 Bridgeport      CT  66  66 100  63 ESE 6       992   X   LF          OBS@09Z-0500EDT/WIND ESTM./KBDR WIND 17007KT/VIS 0.2SM/WARM FRONT ALONG I-95                        
 41.043 -73.512 Sep 29/06:19 stamford        CT  60  59  93  44   E25 G 32  998   X   R-          some heavy gusts of wind above repoted values                                                       
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 29/06:13 Fort Payne      AL  65  62  93  65  NE 3 G  4 1016  OVC  H           9/10 Cs H/L 74.7/63.3 Prcp 0.01 Pres S - 6 days of rain...drought over for sure! -SMA[01:13cdt]     
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 29/06:07 Bridgeport      CT  61  61 100  45   E29 G 37  997  OVC  R-          OBS@06Z-0200EDT/WIND KBDR/PCP 05Z 0.21"                                                             
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 29/05:36 Fircrest        WA  58  57  95  58  CALM      1015  BKN              Sat Hi62 Lo 48 Sun Hi 66 Lo 54. More rain due this week. Windy/Rain for Wed.                        
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 29/04:24 East Birmingham AL  66  66 100  65  SW 4      1010  SCT              Hi:77 Lo:61 Rain:0.05  We finally saw some sun this afternoon. It's still pretty humid.             
                Sep 29/03:10 McPherson       KS  60                              SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 29/03:03 Concord         NH  52  49  91  52 ESE 1      1011  OVC              9/28/97 High 65F. Low 38F. Peak wind 13mph....                                                      
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 29/01:48 Clifton         NJ  59  59 100  51 ENE10 G 16 1006  OVC  R-                                                                                                              
                Sep 29/01:17 Topton          PA  60  59 100  54  NE 8 G 12 1006  OVC  R           A pretty good rain going on right now. Mainly moderate but at times heavy.                          
                Sep 29/01:03 Concord         NH  52  49  90  51  SE 4      1012  OVC                                                                                                                  
                Sep 28/23:48 Topton          PA  61  60 100  53  NE10 G 15 1007  OVC  R-          After a so-so day, light rain has begun. Very breezy and spooky looking.                            
  42.27  -71.15 Sep 28/23:38 west roxbury    MA  58  48  70  56 SSE 5            OVC                                                                                                                  
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 28/23:20 Pecos           TX  94  52  23  92   E10      1014  BKN                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 28/23:19 Houston/Les     TX  86  67  54  90  CALM      1011  CLR               A/C blasting, but getting nicer all the time. Just a hair cooler would be perfect.                 
                Sep 28/22:56 Concord         NH  55  49  79  46 ESE10 G 14 1014  BKN                                                                                                                  
 +32.07  -95.84 Sep 28/22:42 BaxterWxService TX  90  64  42  93  CALM       991  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 28/22:42 Laytonsville    MD  63  61  95  58  NE 8 G 10 1002  OVC  R-F         .34 in rain so far                                                                                  
                Sep 28/22:01 Concord         NH  59  51  74  57  SE 5 G 15 1014  SCT              Thin high clds                                                                                      
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 28/21:48 West Haven      CT  61  56  85  61  SE 3 G  9 1012  OVC              high/low 65/48                                                                                      
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 28/21:18 Acworth         GA  65  61  86  63 NNW 5 G  9 1015  OVC              Still cool but at least dry, lighter skies of to the northwest                                      
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 28/20:24 Boonsboro       MD  62  62 100  62 NNW 2      1004  OVC  R+FH        High 67 at 11:54am   Low 55 at 7;40am  EDT                                                          
                Sep 28/19:36 Concord         NH  64  49  58  61   S 6 G 10 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 28/19:36 Houston/Les     TX  86  60  42  87  CALM      1011  CLR               Getting a little "toasty" out there but this low humidity is kind of like Flgstaff, right Flgstaff?
 +32.07  -95.44 Sep 28/19:14 BaxterWxService TX  95  64  36  98  SW 4       992  CLR                                                                                                                  
  44.56  -72.11 Sep 28/18:18 Newport         VT  65  44  48  58  SW10 G 18 1008  CLR              Its a Blue-Bird Day!!                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 28/18:03 Aurora          CO  64  33  31  60  SW 7      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 28/17:31 Acworth         GA  64  62  95  61   N 6 G 10 1014  OVC  L           Heavier rain this morning, starting to taper off but still cool                                     
 +32.07  -95.44 Sep 28/17:03 BaxterWxService TX  88  63  43  90  CALM       994  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 28/16:32 Houston/Les     TX  79  66  65  82  SW 3      1012  CLR               Another beautiful day on tap. Blue skies! Low temp was 63 at 7am. Low humidities.                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 28/16:31 Houston/Les     TX  79  66  65  82  SW 3      1012  CLR               Mcpher, I dont know about Tx either. They are slowly getting starting team back (still beat up)    
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 28/16:29 Houston/NW      TX  80  63  57  82 WSW 2 G  5 1012  CLR              SKC ALQDS A2990 PCPN:0.00 | All TX. stations reporting clear skies...windy conditions in Panhandle..
                Sep 28/15:58 Concord         NH  55  50  83  53  SW 5      1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 28/15:09 Moorhead        MN  57  44  63  47   W12 G 21  999  SCT              Cold and windy today.  Had .51 of rain last night and this morning.  Winds forecast to 40-45 aftn.  
  46.88         Sep 28/15:08 Moorhead        MN                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 28/13:58 Upper St Clair  PA  57  52  86  52 ESE 7 G 15 1012  SCT              The existing clouds are gray.                                                                       
                Sep 28/13:57 Topton          PA  58          58   E 3      1016  OVC  LF          Cloudy, foggy, and dreary this morning. Looks like a good rain is in the making for tonight.        
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 28/13:57 North Granby    CT  51  44  74  48 NNE 5      1020  OVC                                                                                                                  
                Sep 28/13:56 Topton          PA  58          58   E 3      1016  OVC  LF          Welcome to the 2 new Florida observers! That state is always underrepresented on here!              
                Sep 28/13:09 Concord         NH  40  40 100  40 NNW 2      1022   X   F                                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 28/13:01 Aurora (#4811)  CO  42  32  66  41  SE 4      1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 28/13:01 McPherson       KS  59                              OVC  R-          Sat. 84/58 CLOUDY + COOL HERE 2DAY.                                                                 
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 28/12:42 Framingham      MA  50                              OVC              BINOVC. Low clouds should burn off. Lo(9/28) 43@0540EDT.                                            
   36.5   76.17 Sep 28/12:28 Portsmouth      VA  72  70  91  76 ESE10 G 20 1009  OVC  R-F         VIS 3SM A2980 OVC030 60007 T02230214 Visit us at http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot                  
   34.2    84.1 Sep 28/12:26 Cumming         GA  62  61  97  62  CALM      1013  OVC  F           Data for 09/27: Hi 72,Lo 57,Rain 0.39.  A few peeks of sun yesterday. Gloomy this morning.          
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 28/11:01 Boston          VA  56  54  95  56  NW 2 G  3 1015  OVC              6:57 am EDT  Cloudy and cool.  Visibility 15 miles.  Barometer steady.  Goodmorning all.            
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 28/10:51 Auburn          NH  33  33 100  33  CALM      1022   X   F           Low of 33.3F / Visibility  100feet / Dense fog                                                      
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 28/10:37 Casco           ME  43  42  95  43  CALM      1025   X   F           LOCAL DENSE FOG > 1/4 MI VISBY                                                                      
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 28/07:32 Butte(Emerson)  MT  40  31  72  39  SW 4      1032  CLR  H           1:33AM MDT:  0% cloudcover.  A whee bit chilly.                                                     
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 28/06:47 Fort Payne      AL  64  61  93  61 NNE 6 G  8 1016  OVC  LF          10/10 As H/L 77.2/58.3 Prcp 0.27 Pres S - 5 days of rain and still raining! -SMA[01:47cdt]          
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 28/04:01 East Birmingham AL  64  63  97  61   E 6 G 11 1010  OVC  F           Although it's been cool over the past few days,we've had only 1 or 2 mornings below 60 degrees.     
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 28/03:49 Auburn          NH  38  38  98  38  CALM      1022  CLR              A frosty morning ahead                                                                              
                Sep 28/02:57 Concord         NH  44  43  96  44  CALM      1021  CLR              9/27/97 HIGH 64F. Low39F. Peak Wind 10mph.                                                          
                Sep 28/02:51 Herndon         VA  58  54  82  58  CALM      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 28/02:10 Bridgeport      CT  54  50  86  54  CALM      1021  CLR              FEW CU/H 64F L 45F PCP 0.00"/KBDR MTD 0.29"                                                         
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 28/02:03 Birdsboro       PA  50  46  86  41  NE 9      1021  CLR              Today 40 at 6:45a; 67 at 4:30p                                                                      
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 28/02:01 Birdsboro       PA  51  46  82  44  NE 8      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 28/01:45 Casco           ME  50  48  90  50  CALM      1024  CLR              HIGH TODAY 62                                                                                       
                Sep 28/01:32 McPherson       KS  73                              BKN              Expecing ch. of rain tonight. Houston; I'm beginning to wonder about UT. Do you know about Goober?  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 28/01:32 CLINTON         MA  45  44  96  45  CALM      1018  CLR              Hi 64 Lo 37 Departure -6  Just another great fall day.  We still need to get more rain this month.  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 28/01:32 CLINTON         MA  45  44  96  45  CALM      1018  CLR              Hi 64 Lo 37 Departure -6  Just another great fall day.  We still need to get more rain this month.  
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 28/01:22 East Birmingham AL  64  64 100  60  NE 7 G 11 1011  OVC  LF          Hi:67 Lo:60 Rain:1.75  It's now been cloudy for over 100 hours! Still cool and wet.                 
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 28/00:28 Acworth         GA  64  60  86  61 ESE 6      1016  OVC  L           a touch of mist in the air, cloudy and cool day, High 65   Low 59                                   
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 27/23:59 Auburn          NH  46  45  94  46  CALM      1022  CLR              Clear, calm, and cool.........High of 68F; Low of 36F                                               
                Sep 27/23:56 Concord         NH  52  46  80  52   S 1      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 27/23:47 Laytonsville    MD  60  44  56  60  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 27/22:55 West Haven      CT  58  52  79  58  CALM      1019  CLR              high/low 65/46                                                                                      
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 27/22:13 Framingham      MA  60                              CLR              For 9/27: Hi 65@1535EDT, Lo 45@0725EDT.                                                             
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 27/22:11 Framingham      MA  60                              CLR              Couldn't access site this AM. Beautiful fall day! Hi(9/26) 68@1320-1405EDT.                         
  28.57  -80.82 Sep 27/21:35 Titusville      FL  77  75  97  83   S 5      1009  OVC  R           Just got real dark all of the sudden.  Moderate rain starting to let up some.                       
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 27/21:29 Beckley         WV  69  51  52  65 SSE 8      1015  SCT              Vis 10SM. SCT025. A29.99F.                                                                          
                Sep 27/21:02 Concord         NH  63  43  48  63  SW 3      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 27/20:55 Boonsboro       MD  74  60  62  77 SSE 3 G  6 1015  SCT              High 76 at 2:37pm   Low 45 at 7:59am  EDT                                                           
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 27/20:37 Annapolis       MD  71  53  53  76  CALM      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 27/20:27 Houston/Les     TX  84  57  40  84  CALM      1009  CLR               This is one of those xtremely rare days of low hum in Hous. Blue skies. More to come. Fantastic!   
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 27/20:26 Houston/Les     TX  84  57  40  84  CALM      1009  CLR               Mcpher, that Rice, Texas game was one of the best that I have ever seen. Tx won at the very end.   
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 27/19:44 Auburn          NH  66  47  50  64 ENE 5      1020  SCT              A very warm day                                                                                     
                Sep 27/18:57 McPherson       KS  82                              CLR              Just finished mowing lawn again. Seems hot @82 degrees. Go K-State!!!                               
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 27/18:21 East Birmingham AL  62  62 100  61   E 4      1011  OVC  RF          Cool and wet.Just S of here there's been over 2.5" today.Here there's been 1.4".                    
                Sep 27/17:11 Concord         NH  60  44  59  60 SSW 3      1020  SCT              Wind chill past hr. 54                                                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 27/17:09 Houston/Les     TX  80  53  40  80  CALM      1012  CLR               Beautiful day in Houston as Rice leads Texas 14-7. Overnight low was 64 deg at 6am.                
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 27/16:09 Auburn          NH  58  46  66  52 ESE 8      1022  SCT              Low of 36.1F                                                                                        
  28.57   80.82 Sep 27/15:50 Titusville      FL  76  75 100  82   S 8      1010  OVC  R-                                                                                                              
28.7119 -81.513 Sep 27/14:52 Apopk           FL  75  75 100  80  SW 5 G 10 1008   X   R           4.8" rain since midnight Friday 9/26                                                                
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 27/14:07 East Birmingham AL  60  57  88  50   E13 G 18 1011  OVC  RW+         It is suddenly pouring out!                                                                         
                Sep 27/14:06 Grand Junction  CO  60  59 100  60  CALM            BKN  F           only 63/57 yesterday, .18" precip, almost 3" for September.  fog over the valley                    
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 27/14:05 East Birmingham AL  62  57  84  53   E12 G 16 1011  OVC  R-          Very chilly and windy out. Yet another cloudy day.                                                  
   36.5   76.17 Sep 27/13:46 Portsmouth      VA  67  58  73  66  NE 4 G 14 1018  SCT              VIS 10SM A3007 20146 BKN180 BKN250 Visit at: http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot                      
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 27/13:11 Lake Pleasant   NY  46                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 27/12:40 Moorhead        MN  63  56  78  57   S 9       999  SCT              Just an update.  Darker clouds to the south and west                                                
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 27/12:32 North Granby    CT  50  41  70  50 SSW 2      1020  BKN              Bks in ovc                                                                                          
   34.2    84.1 Sep 27/12:29 Cumming         GA  65  55  70  57 ESE12 G 20 1017  OVC              Data for 9/26:Hi 70, Lo 62, Rain 0.02", Upper low to our SW providing clouds and gusty breezes.     
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 27/12:23 McPherson       KS  63  58  85  53   S15 G 20 1008  BKN              Friday max79 min52 Beautiful day.   Expecting warmup today + precip. possibility.                   
                Sep 27/12:02 Topton          PA  48          48   W 3 G  5 1017  SCT              Nice morning but chilly. My reports are starting to sound like a broken record.                     
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 27/11:54 Moorhead        MN  64  56  76  61 SSE 6 G 12  999  SCT              Lo is our present temp...Expecting much colder temps for tomorrow.  Summer is done.                 
  42.27  -71.15 Sep 27/11:49 west roxbury    MA  40  38  93  40  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 27/11:10 Boston          VA  46  44  92  46  CALM      1020  CLR              7:06 am EDT 100% Clear.  Cool and beautiful fall moring.  No rainfall in the past few days.         
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 27/10:56 Birdsboro       PA  40  40 100  40  CALM      1021  CLR  F                                                                                                               
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 27/10:55 West Haven      CT  46  44  93  46   N 2 G  5 1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 27/09:06 Casco           ME  46  42  87  46 WNW 1 G  5 1020  CLR              MAX YEST 60                                                                                         
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 27/07:21 Butte(Emerson)  MT  45  36  71  44   N 4      1026  OVC              1:21AM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Rained all evening, now it's gettin' a bit cold.                     
39.7995 88.2815 Sep 27/06:49 tuscola         IL  50  50 100  46 ENE 6            CLR                                                                                                                  
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 27/06:16 Fort Payne      AL  61  60  98  61  CALM      1019  CLR  FH          0/10 CLR H/L 74.8/60.4 Prcp 0.11 Pres RS - 4 days of rain (3.69 4 day total)-SMA[01:16cdt]          
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 27/05:13 Bridgeport      CT  53          41 NNE13      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 27/03:41 Auburn          NH  50  49  96  39 NNW11      1018  CLR              9/26 High: 64F; Low 47F                                                                             
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 27/02:24 East Birmingham AL  66  66 100  62  NE 7 G 12 1010  OVC  L           Hi:74 Lo:66 Rain:0.13  Skies have been cloudy nonstop for the last 80 hours.This is depressing.     
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 27/02:00 Newport         VT  49  48  97  49  CALM      1010  BKN  R-          high of 54; low of 49 Rain 0.1"  cloudy and cold!                                                   
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 27/02:00 Newport         VT  49  48  97  49  CALM      1010  BKN  R-          high of 54; low of 49 Rain 0.1"  cloudy and cold!                                                   
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 27/01:59 Newport         VT  49  48  97  49  CALM      1010  BKN  R-          high of 54; low of 49 Rain 0.1"  cloudy and cold!                                                   
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 27/01:59 Newport         VT  49  48  97  49  CALM      1010  BKN  R-          high of 54; low of 49 Rain 0.1"  cloudy and cold!                                                   
                Sep 27/01:39 Laytonsville    MD  54  42  65  54  CALM      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 27/01:24 CLINTON         MA  48  48 100  48  CALM      1012  CLR              Hi 64 Lo 48 (Present) Departure 0 A pretty nice day, Some periods of morning clouds and then sun.   
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 27/01:21 Boonsboro       MD  56  52  89  56  CALM      1013  CLR              High 78 at  3:13pm   Low 50 at 7:23am  EDT                                                          
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 27/01:18 Aurora (#4811)  CO  65  49  57  65 WSW 3      1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 27/00:59 McPherson       KS  65          65  CALM            BKN              Beautiful day, beautiful evening. Worked in yard seeding a few bare spots with grass seed. Rain Sat.
  42.99  -71.34 Sep 27/00:57 Auburn          NH  55  51  86  47   N 9 G 14 1015  CLR              Home for the weekend from Lyndonville......classes wiped me out this week                           
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 27/00:22 Acworth         GA  67  61  80  63   E 7 G 11 1012  BKN              calm day after 5.76" of rain in thursday                                                            
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 27/00:13 Fircrest        WA  58  53  84  58 SSW 3 G 12 1014  OVC              Hi 62 Lo 53.Mixed bag all day. Some areas real windy. Hi  surf waring on coast . Calming down now.  
  43.24   71.40 Sep 27/00:00 Chichester      NH  52  48  87  46   N 7 G 12 1013  CLR              CLR/Sctd Frst                                                                                       
                Sep 26/23:33 Topton          PA  59          59   W 3 G  5 1013  SCT              Very pleasant day.  Warmer but very comfortable.                                                    
                Sep 26/23:33 Topton          PA  59          59   W 3 G  5 1013  SCT              Very pleasant day.  Warmer but very comfortable.                                                    
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 26/23:11 Pecos           TX  96  54  24  95 SSW 5      1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  34.57 -112.44 Sep 26/22:31 Prescott        AZ  69  58  68  69  CALM      1020  SCT              Nora storm total 2.95". No major flooding problems in the area, just a good soaking.                
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 26/22:20 West Haven      CT  68  53  59  67   N 4 G 12 1011  SCT              high/low 71/52                                                                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 26/21:56 Aurora (#4811)  CO  71  45  45  76  NW 7 G 14 1015  OVC              WSHFT N-W.                                                                                          
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 26/19:28 Houston/Les     TX  82  61  50  83  NW 4      1014  SCT               FEW250 A2993 getting hot out there.                                                                
  39.58   74.47 Sep 26/18:34 Lumberton       NJ  73  48  42  76 NNW 8 G 12 1011  BKN              Lumberton Middle School  Cu @ 60%; Wind: Gentle breeze - wind extends light flags                   
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 26/18:21 Upper St Clair  PA  61  48  63  53   N10 G 17 1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 26/16:34 Casco           ME  59  52  77  59  NW 2 G  5 1010  OVC                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 26/16:22 Houston/Les     TX  71  61  73  76  NW 4      1015  CLR               Ovnight low was 63 at 6am (nice dewpoints). Low in Galveston was 68.                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 26/16:21 Houston/Les     TX  71  61  73  76  NW 4      1015  CLR               Mowed last night. Grass was so tall from rain, mower kept "bogging down". More to cut.             
  40.77 -76.294 Sep 26/16:14 Ashland         PA  61  49  67  61  NW 2 G 17 1020  SCT                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 26/16:04 Newport         VT  52  46  80  52  CALM      1004  BKN              Dark day, wheres the sun??                                                                          
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 26/16:04 Lake Pleasant   NY  58          58  SE 3 G 10       SCT              Rain: 0.03" last 24 hrs.                                                                            
  34.57 -112.44 Sep 26/15:28 Prescott        AZ  60  60 100  60  CALM      1021  OVC  L           Cloud cover corrected from previous post. High temp yesterday 72 F, low this morning 59 F           
  34.57 -112.44 Sep 26/15:24 Prescott        AZ  60  60 100  60  CALM      1021  CLR  L           Nora storm total 2.59 so far. Highest wind gust 38MPH. Auto gage @ Yarnell 30 miles S recorded 6.26"
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 26/14:53 Framingham      MA  61                              OVC              Brief RW- @1130 last evening. Hi(9/25) 68@1455EDT. Lo(9/26) 53@0030-0555EDT.                        
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 26/14:12 North Granby    CT  62  48  60  60   N 5            BKN              Bks in ovc                                                                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 26/13:40 Fircrest        WA  54  52  94  54   S 1 G  5 1008  OVC              Rained most of nite. Showers at times today. Down to around normal temps.                           
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 26/13:37 Flagstaff       AZ  56  55 100  46  SW12 G 25 1022  OVC  RF          Very low thick clds this morn with hvy rain at times, minor flooding where drainage poor            
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 26/13:37 Flagstaff       AZ  56  55 100  46  SW12 G 25 1022  OVC  RF          Nora hit hardest in N AZ about 50 mi WSW of here; 5" rain, a dozen homes flooded                    
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 26/13:28 PAINESVILLE     OH  58  51  78  56 NNW 5 G 11 1015  OVC              This week has been the first week where the mean temps have stayed in the mid 50s.                  
                Sep 26/13:27 Grand Junction  CO  61  55  83  59   S 5            OVC  T           Big storms approaching from SW. Flash flood watch today. 75/48 yest., pavement's wet                
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 26/13:02 Upper St Clair  PA  50  47  90  44 NNW 7 G 15 1014  CLR  H           Fewer Leaves Falling, trees still full but colors starting to alter.                                
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 26/12:56 Wamego/Manhattn KS  56  48  74  56  CALM            CLR              Some light fog in valleys. MHK airport reports 48/48 with fog.                                      
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 26/12:20 McPherson       KS  53  51  93  53  CALM      1016  SCT              Thurs. 80/52 Beautiful day--no precip. Mowed grass as tall as I ever want to get thru msh.          
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 26/12:13 Dandridge       TN  58  56  94  52  NE 8      1012  CLR  F           Dense general fog.                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 26/12:08 Boonsboro       MD  52  51  97  52  CALM      1007  CLR              High 57 at 00:16 am    Low 52 at 6:20 am  EDT                                                       
   34.2    84.1 Sep 26/12:04 Cumming         GA  65  64 100  65  CALM      1014  OVC  F           Data for 09/25: Hi 64, Lo 56, Rain 1.08(storm total 3.04)                                           
  43.24   71.40 Sep 26/12:00 Chichester      NH  50  48  95  50  CALM      1005  BKN              Sctd Shwrs AM                                                                                       
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 26/11:27 Boston          VA  48  47  96  48  CALM      1012  CLR  H           7:24 am EDT  Barometer is rising. Clear cool morning. 100% Clear sky. Visibility 20 miles.          
                Sep 26/10:28 Bangor          PA  50  50 100  50 SSW 2            SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 26/10:26 Picatinny Arsen NJ  50  50 100  50 SSW 2 G 14       SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 26/10:24 East Brookfield VT  45  45 100  45  CALM      1006  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 26/09:39 West Haven      CT  53  53 100  53 NNW 2      1004  CLR  F           .01" of rain                                                                                        
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 26/09:05 Casco           ME  47  47  98  47  CALM      1007  SCT              HIGH YESTERDAY 58                                                                                   
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 26/06:16 East Birmingham AL  66  66 100  66  CALM      1008  OVC  F           It' s been foggy on the ridges for about 30 hours. Temperature has been steady for 7 hours.         
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 26/06:11 Bridgeport      CT  55          55  CALM      1004  BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 26/06:04 Bridgeport      CT  56  54  93  56  CALM      1003  BKN              OBS@05Z-0100EDT/BKN055 BKN110 VIS 10SM/RECENT PCP/H 66F L 41F/KBDR PCP 0.01"                        
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 26/05:48 Fort Payne      AL  67  66  99  67  CALM      1016  OVC  RF          10/10 Cs H/L 77.0/60.1 Pres S - RAIN RAIN RAIN !! -SMA[00:48cdt]                                    
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 26/05:37 Fircrest        WA  61  60  95  61 WNW 2 G 10 1002  OVC  L           Rain showed up tonight. 0.27" in 4hrs. Light drizzle right now. Mild temps still/                   
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 26/05:20 Bridgeport      CT  56  54  93  56  CALM      1003  BKN              OBS@05Z-0100EDT/BKN055 BKN110 VIS 10SM/RECENT PCP/H 66F L 41F                                       
  34.57  112.44 Sep 26/04:47 Prescott        AZ  62  60  97  54   S11 G 19       OVC  R-          Nora has dropped .85" since rain began shortly after 1400 local. Wind gusts to 26MPH.               
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 26/01:59 CLINTON         MA  50  49  96  50  CALM      1001  CLR              Hi 65 Lo 35 Departure -7  Mostly cloudy morning---pleasant sunny afternoon.                         
                Sep 26/01:31 Laytonsville    MD  58  49  73  58  CALM      1003  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 26/01:24 Moorhead        MN  64  50  61  64   N 1      1012  CLR              Nice mild day. Hi 81 Lo 48.  Expecting 80-85 again tomorrow then cooling off.(Ops Spelling)         
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 26/01:21 Moorhead        MN  64  50  61  64   N 1      1012  CLR              Nice mild day. Hi 81 Lo 48.  Expecting 80-85 again tommorrow then cooler off.                       
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 26/01:14 PAINESVILLE     OH  61  57  87  56   N 7 G 12 1007  SCT              Surprise t-shower off Lake Erie earlier dropped .03" after a nice sunny day.                        
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 26/00:28 East Birmingham AL  66  66 100  66  CALM      1007  OVC  F           Hi:68 Lo:61  Storm total:2.17  It was cool and foggy all day today.Coolest day so far this season.  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 26/00:11 Lake Pleasant   NY  50  50 100  50  CALM            OVC  L                                                                                                               
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 26/00:09 Fircrest        WA  69  62  77  69  CALM      1001  BKN              Hi 72 Lo 57. Clouds moved in after fog. Seems warmer than the 72. Muggy. Chance rain tonight/AM     
  43.24   71.40 Sep 25/23:59 Chichester      NH  46  45  92  46  NW 3 G  5 1003  SCT              Sctd Shwrs north tonight                                                                            
                Sep 25/23:47 Topton          PA  59          57  NW 5      1007  CLR              Pretty day but very chilly.  Will Nora bring rain next week???                                      
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 25/23:03 Upper St Clair  PA  66  47  52  62   W 7 G 20 1005  SCT  L                                                                                                               
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 25/22:08 Lyndonville     VT  54  39  56  45  SE10       997  OVC              9/25 High: 59; Low: 30                                                                              
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 25/22:01 Boonsboro       MD  71  61  73  76  CALM      1002  SCT              High 76 at 3:06pm    Low 49 at 2:56am   EDT                                                         
  40.58  -73.66 Sep 25/21:47 Long Beach      NY  64  50  61  56  SW12 G 14 1003  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 25/21:07 Boston          VA  68  60  76  68 ESE 1 G  9 1004  CLR  H           5:04 pm EDT  It's going to be beautiful here in a couple of weeks. Some change now.                 
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 25/20:40 West Haven      CT  64  54  70  64 SSW 2 G  5 1003  BKN              high/low 66/40                                                                                      
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 25/20:35 Flagstaff       AZ  60  52  76  52   E10      1021  OVC              Just a matter of time now. Looks bad. Next rept this eve 0200Z or tomorrow morning.                 
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 25/20:16 Annapolis       MD  68  54  63  68  SW 1 G 10 1004  SCT                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 25/20:07 Upper St Clair  PA  68  44  42  58 WSW18      1004  SCT              Trees Changing Colors                                                                               
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 25/19:22 Flagstaff       AZ  58  50  75  58  CALM      1021  OVC              Nora's track sliding E some -- looks like near-direct hit on Flagstaff later today.                 
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 25/19:22 Flagstaff       AZ  58  50  75  58  CALM      1021  OVC              Nora now inland; raining hard across S and SW deserts of AZ. V dangerous in those flat desert basins
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 25/19:20 Flagstaff       AZ  58  50  75  58  CALM      1021  OVC              Yuma flooding with 2" rain this morning.  Expecting 4"+ rain here in the mts. Next post 2030Z.      
  39.58   74.47 Sep 25/18:31 Lumberton       NJ  70  48  46  75 SSW 4      1006  BKN              Lumberton Middle School. Sc - Sc spreading from Cu                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 25/18:30 Upper St Clair  PA  63  46  55  53 WSW15 G 25 1005  SCT                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 25/16:50 Upper St Clair  PA  60  49  67  49  SW15 G 25 1007  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 25/16:39 Houston/Les     TX  75  63  67  78  NW 8 G 10 1014  OVC               Ovcst + windy, gust of 22mph @ 8:43am. Low temp 69 @ 5am. Drier air w/lower Dew pts.               
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 25/16:00 Casco           ME  55  44  66  51 SSW 6 G 15 1009  OVC              OVC E200                                                                                            
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 25/15:50 Dandridge       TN  67  62  85  65  NW 5 G 10 1009  SCT  H           Total of 1.55" rain yesterday.                                                                      
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 25/15:08 Upper St Clair  PA  55  49  81  47  SW 9 G 15 1009  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.58  -73.66 Sep 25/14:30 Long Beach      NY  63  51  67  62  SW 4      1010  CLR                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 25/13:45 Fircrest        WA  58  56  95  58  CALM      1003  CLR  H           Fog this AM. Sun later then showers tonight, mabe.                                                  
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 25/13:41 Flagstaff       AZ  57  50  80  57  CALM      1023  OVC              Rain from Nora now falling in Phoenix, heavy in Yuma. Definite flood potential there.               
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 25/13:41 Flagstaff       AZ  57  50  80  57  CALM      1023  OVC              Heavy, dark clouds streaming in bands across sky.  Pcp all around us but none here yet.             
                Sep 25/13:27 Asheville       NC                                  OVC              Since 7PM on 9/23, had 6.5 inches of rain up to 8AM 9/25                                            
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 25/13:05 Wamego/Manhattn KS  52  50  92  52  CALM             X   F           Visibility varies, sometimes 1/2 mile, sometimes 100 feet. Challenging commute this morning.        
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 25/12:40 Lake Pleasant   NY  43          40   W 5            OVC                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 25/12:36 McPherson       KS  55  54  97  55  CALM      1018  CLR              Hello Denison, Tx. birthplace of the famous Kansan Dwight D. Eisenhower!!                           
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 25/12:35 McPherson       KS  55  54  97  55  CALM      1018  CLR              Wed. 62/55 .07" more precip. Monthly total now 4.70--long time average 3.21" for Sep. Hi msh.       
  43.24   71.40 Sep 25/12:23 Chichester      NH  42  37  97  37 SSW 6 G 11 1009  SCT              PM  SHWRS                                                                                           
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 25/12:04 CASCO           ME  46  41  84  43 SSW 5 G 13 1011  BKN              MIN 44                                                                                              
   34.2    84.1 Sep 25/12:01 Cumming         GA  57  57 100  57  NE 3 G 10 1013  OVC  R-F         Wedge moved down east side of App. Mtns. Breezy and cool. Rain totals last 16hrs 2.56"              
                Sep 25/11:24 Topton          PA  44                        1010  BKN              Chilly but all that rain will pass to our south.                                                    
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 25/11:14 Boston          VA  52  50  93  52  CALM      1011  OVC  F           7:10 am EDT  Barometer is falling. Cool , light breeze. Visibility 10 miles. Looks + feels like rain
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 25/11:12 Framingham      MA  41                              SCT              Cirrus.For 9/24:Hi 62@1520EDT,Lo 44@0740+2359EDT.Lo(9/25) 39@0650EDT-equals 5/8 for lowest since 5/5
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 25/10:30 Boonsboro       MD  53  51  94  53   W 2      1009  BKN              High 53 at 4:53 am   Low 49 at 2:56am  EDT                                                          
                Sep 25/10:30 East Brookfield VT  44  35  73  39  SE 6      1008  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 25/10:26 Picatinny Arsen NJ  37  34  91  37  CALM      1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 25/10:24 Bangor          PA  37  34  91  37  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 25/09:42 West Haven      CT  42  39  89  42 NNW 2      1011  CLR                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 25/09:29 CASCO           ME  45  40  82  45   W 2 G  6 1012  BKN              WIND VRBL 190-280                                                                                   
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 25/07:07 Houston/NW      TX  71  62  75  76 NNW 2      1012  BKN              BKN050 MOV S A2989 |Hourly precip map at:http://precip.fsl.noaa.gov/(must have JAVAcapabilities)    
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 25/06:41 Lyndonville     VT  31  29  92  11 SSE14      1007  CLR              Southerly winds are picking up as I pull my 1st all nighter of the semester                         
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 25/06:29 Moorhead        MN  61  47  61  61  NW 2      1008  CLR              Very nice day hi of 83. Expecting 75-80 again tom.  Can't get better than this.                     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 25/05:39 Houston/Les     TX  72  65  80  76  NW 3      1012  OVC               After midnight, clouded up again. This is probably just about the low for the night, temp hasn't mo
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 25/05:30 Fircrest        WA  65  58  80  65  CALM      1004  CLR              Hi clouds starting to form in the West. Warm out tonight. 90 Unofficial at Boeing Field this aft.   
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 25/04:54 Bridgeport      CT  48  39  71  43   W 6      1015  BKN              BKN220/VIS 10SM/H 61F L 44F/PCP 0.00"                                                               
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 25/04:46 East Birmingham AL  72  72 100  77   S 7 G 12 1006  OVC  LF          We got about 1" rain. Drought is over! A big cool wedge is to the E in GA.Temps. there are in 50's. 
  33.75  -96.55 Sep 25/03:40 Denison         TX  62  59  92  58   N 7 G 14 1012  OVC              Cloud cover kept us with a high of 67 today.                                                        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 25/03:28 Houston/Les     TX  73  66  81  77  SE 4      1012  CLR               High today was 83, overcast. Low was 72. Got a stray hummer! Already has his territory staked out. 
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 25/03:27 Houston/Les     TX  73  66  81  77  SE 4      1012  CLR               Cloudy all day, things are still damp. Grass is about a foot tall from the rain. Winds shift back t
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 25/02:45 Lyndonville     VT  36  34  92  28   S 7      1009  CLR              9/24 High: 50 Low: 30                                                                               
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 25/02:45 Lyndonville     VT  36  34  92  28   S 7      1009  CLR              9/23 High: 54 Low: 39                                                                               
                Sep 25/02:14 Topton          PA  49          49   W 3 G  5 1014  SCT              Today=Mix sun + clouds. Looks like we'll miss all that rain originally predicted. High 59. Low 48.  
                Sep 25/02:07 McPherson       KS  58                        1018  OVC              I think fall has arrived in our part of the country.  Looking for the sun tomorrow.                 
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 25/01:08 Casco           ME  44  37  76  44  CALM      1018  CLR              High 54                                                                                             
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 25/01:07 CLINTON         MA  41  34  76  41  CALM      1014  CLR              Installing a complete new up-to-date computer system. Lot of work downloading all my weather files. 
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 25/01:03 CLINTON         MA  41  34  76  41  CALM      1014  CLR              Hi 59 Lo 41 (Present) Dep. -7  For (9-23) Hi 62 Lo 43 Dep, -5 Rain (0.01)  Beautiful cool fall day. 
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 25/00:58 Acworth         GA  60  59  96  53 ENE 9 G 16 1016  OVC  R-F                                                                                                             
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 25/00:21 Fircrest        WA  80  53  40  80  CALM      1003  CLR              Hi 80 Lo 52. Some areas mid 80's. Temps into mid 60's for weekend and rainy/breezy                  
  43.24   71.40 Sep 25/00:00 Chichester      NH  41  37  84  41   N 2 G  5 1015  CLR              Sctd frost overnight                                                                                
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 24/23:21 East Birmingham AL  77  76  97  83   E 4      1009  OVC              Hi:88 Lo:74 Rain:0.12!  Very sticky out. We finally got rain! More coming.                          
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 24/23:13 Pecos           TX  86  48  26  83  NE10      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 24/22:59 PAINESVILLE     OH  56  49  77  56  CALM      1015  CLR              North breeze has faded with the day.                                                                
                Sep 24/22:27 Laytonsville    MD  55  38  53  55  CALM      1018  BKN              Some spotty drizzle today, vailed sunshine right now                                                
                Sep 24/22:25 Seatle          WA                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 24/22:12 Aurora (#4811)  CO  67  34  29  61 ENE10 G 12 1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 24/21:12 Annapolis       MD  61  35  38  61  CALM      1017  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 24/21:09 Boonsboro       MD  61  47  60  61 ESE 2      1017  OVC              High 63 at 1:34pm   Low 48 at 6:02am  EDT                                                           
   34.2    84.1 Sep 24/21:01 Cumming         GA  60  58  94  48  NE16 G 20 1018  OVC  R-          Front moved thru about 2 hrs ago. Temps. falling rapidly. Hi 74, Lo 60(current temp), Rain 0.12     
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 24/20:43 West Haven      CT  59  39  47  59 NNW 2 G  7 1018  SCT              high/low 60/46                                                                                      
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 24/20:35 Bacliff         TX  78  73  87  83  NW10      1010  OVC                                                                                                                  
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 24/20:35 Bacliff         TX  78  73  87  83  NW10            OVC                                                                                                                  
34.4222 117.302 Sep 24/20:26 Hesperia        CA  92  46  20  88   E 4 G  8       BKN              HESPERIA HIGH SCHOOL SAYS IT LOOKS LIKE RAIN.                                                       
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 24/19:50 Dandridge       TN  63  62  98  61  NE 5      1013   X   R           Rain! Now 1.35" since last midnight.  Drought ended and Fall garden saved.                          
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 24/19:11 Newport         VT  48  35  59  45   W 5 G 19 1010  SCT                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 24/18:52 Upper St Clair  PA  59  44  58  54   E 7      1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 24/18:51 Upper St Clair  PA  59  44  58  54   E 7            SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.58   74.47 Sep 24/18:36 Lumberton       NJ  61  43  54  61 ENE 3      1021  OVC              Lumberton Middle School - As and  Ac, overcast                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 24/18:27 Houston/Les     TX  76  70  82  80  NW 5 G 10 1011  OVC               Wamego, Im still looking for my first shot of cool weather! No winter here. A/C needs a break!     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 24/18:23 Houston/Les     TX  76  70  82  80  NW 5 G 10 1011  OVC               Backside of this low finally switched the winds to the NW. Low temp was 73.                        
  42.27  -71.15 Sep 24/17:54 west roxbury    MA  60  23  25  59  SW 4      1022  SCT              sunny w/ high cs clouds breezy                                                                      
  43.24   71.40 Sep 24/17:46 Chichester      NH  53  34  46  42 WSW12 G 16 1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 24/16:18 CASCO           ME  51  35  54  48  NW 5 G 11 1020  SCT              SCT CU                                                                                              
  40.77  76.294 Sep 24/16:12 ashland         PA  54  38  55  54 ENE 2            BKN              thin veil of clouds                                                                                 
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 24/15:40 Upper St Clair  PA  51  43  76  42   E 9      1022  SCT              Indications show this observer that it will be a cold Winter. I'm buying Calcium Chloride not Salt  
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 24/15:12 Flagstaff       AZ  55  41  60  55  CALM      1024  SCT              Outer cloudiness from Nora visible far to the S -- starting to move in.                             
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 24/15:00 Framingham      MA  53                              SCT              Cirrus. Hi(9/23) 64@1230-1425EDT. Lo(9/24) 44@0740EDT.                                              
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 24/14:41 Casco           ME  50  33  61  50  NW 3 G 14 1021  CLR              FEW SCTD CU                                                                                         
42.2733 -96.877 Sep 24/14:35 Wakefield       NE  54  53  96  54 SSE 3 G  5       SCT  F           Dense fog in some spots.                                                                            
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 24/13:39 Fircrest        WA  52  50  93  52  CALM      1007  CLR              Might be our last sunny day for awhile. Breezy/rain coming in later tommorrow/Friday                
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 24/13:30 Upper St Clair  PA  47  41  82  42  NE 6      1019  BKN                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 24/13:17 PAINESVILLE     OH  50  46  86  50  CALM      1023  CLR              Nice morning.                                                                                       
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 24/13:09 Wamego/Manhattn KS  57  57 100                      OVC  R           Wet. Chilly. Autumnal. Can we have summer back? Please?                                             
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 24/12:54 Moorhead        MN  52  46  81  49 SSW 5 G 11 1016  CLR              Beautiful morning.  Low 50.  Hi yesterday 71..Expecting 75-80 this afternoon.                       
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 24/12:46 McPherson       KS  58  56  96  56  NE 5      1018  OVC  R-          quack, quack, quack, quack, quack,     quack, qua.......                                            
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 24/12:46 McPherson       KS  58  56  96  56  NE 5      1018  OVC  R-          Tues. 64/58  1.64" precip past 24 hrs. 2day total=3.53" We've had our annual precip already.        
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 24/12:03 Casco           ME  40  33  75  40  NW 3 G 10 1021  CLR              min 38.6                                                                                            
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 24/11:49 Houston/NW      TX  72  67  85  76  NW 6 G 11 1010  BKN              BKN060 DRFTG E R+ 80SE 100-120ESE-E MOV E A2983|Hou/NW precip(9/23,7am-6pm)1.07".(54hr.period)6.05".
                Sep 24/11:34 Topton          PA  47          47   W 3      1020  SCT              Great visibility. TV station from Philadelphia was showing how you could see NYC from sky camera.   
                Sep 24/11:32 Topton          PA  47          47   W 3      1020  SCT              Looks like tomorrow we're in for some of that rain everyone's talking about. Nice now but chilly.   
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 24/11:15 Lake Pleasant   NY  30          30  CALM            CLR              Light scattered frost                                                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 24/11:15 Boston          VA  51  44  76  51 ENE 2 G  7 1022  OVC  H           7:11 am EDT  Cloudy visibility 20 miles. Heavy dew.  Barometer steady.                              
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 24/10:52 North Granby    CT  39  34  81  39 NNW 3      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 24/10:41 East Brookfield VT  32  29  89  28   W 5 G  5 1020  BKN                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 24/10:28 Boonsboro       MD  49  49 100  49  CALM      1019  BKN  F           High 54 at 00:15 am   Low 48 at 6:02am   EDT                                                        
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 24/10:05 Casco           ME  39  31  74  39  NW 3 G  6 1020  CLR              Locally colder in valleys                                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 24/09:41 West Haven      CT  48  41  78  47 NNE 4 G 11 1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 24/08:56 Casco           ME  41  32  71  38  NW 5 G 11 1019  CLR              max gust past hr 13 mph                                                                             
39.7995 88.2815 Sep 24/06:33 tuscola         IL  62  54  74  59  NE 6 G 10       SCT  F                                                                                                               
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 24/06:12 Bridgeport      CT  52  43  71  52   N 3      1016  BKN              OBS@06Z-0200EDT/SCT150 BKN250/VIS 10SM/H 63F L 52F/KBDR PCP TRACE                                   
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 24/06:09 Bridgeport      CT  52  43  71  52   N 3      1016  BKN              OBS@06Z-0200EDT/SCT150 BKN250/VIS 10+/H 63F L 52F/PCP TRACE AT KBDR                                 
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 24/05:41 Lake Pleasant   NY  35          35  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 24/05:39 Fircrest        WA  60  54  81  60  CALM      1009  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 24/04:52 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  89  85  CALM      1010  CLR               Pnsville, not much problem because it was over a 2 day period. Plus it is flat and marshy here alre
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 24/04:51 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  89  85  CALM      1010  CLR               Pnsville, E Birmingham. Glad to finally get rid of that rain. It started at noon on Sunday.        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 24/04:46 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  89  85  CALM      1010  CLR               Finally getting a break from this rain, but everything is wet outside. Very muggy.                 
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 24/04:06 East Birmingham AL  75  71  85  79   E 3      1014  OVC              Houston,send us some of that rain!                                                                  
                Sep 24/03:07 Upper St Clair  PA  55                              CLR              South of Pittsburgh                                                                                 
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 24/03:01 Upper St Clair  PA  55  51  87  53 NNW 5      1017  BKN              Upper St Clair is a few miles south of the three rivers Mike                                        
                Sep 24/02:54 McPherson       KS  61                              OVC  R           How high's the water mama?  10 o'clock and still raining............Okay..it's enough now.          
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 24/01:46 Aurora (#4811)  CO  49  42  75  49 NNE 3      1026  OVC              presR                                                                                               
                Sep 24/00:54 Laytonsville    MD  61  44  55  61  NW 3 G  5 1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
                Sep 24/00:53 Laytonsville    MD  61  44  55  61  NW 3 G  5 1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 24/00:52 McPherson       KS  62                              OVC  R-          It's been raining here all day. We've received 3"+ the past 4 days. Enuf for here.                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 24/00:51 Casco           ME  50  45  81  47 WNW 5 G 11 1013  CLR              Max 60 min 51  Rain .01                                                                             
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 24/00:41 Acworth         GA  72  61  64  76 ENE 5 G  9 1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 24/00:39 Newport         VT  47  43  86  31  NW15 G 16 1006  BKN              High of 55 8:28am; Low of 46 7:58pm rain .2"                                                        
  43.24   71.40 Sep 24/00:23 Chichester      NH  48  45  90  36  NW11 G 15 1011  SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 24/00:22 PAINESVILLE     OH  57  49  72  45   N15      1021  OVC              Wow Houston 9 inches! Thats got to be causing a lot of problems.                                    
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 24/00:08 Fircrest        WA  73  59  60  77   N 1 G  5 1011  CLR              HI 76 Lo 51. Another nice warm fall day.                                                            
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 23/23:53 East Birmingham AL  80  70  74  84   E 4      1015  OVC  H           Hi:87 Lo:65 Rain:0.00  Warm and humid. Since Aug. 14,only 0.65" rain,but tom. it could rain.        
   34.2    84.1 Sep 23/23:50 Cumming         GA  70  62  77  76  CALM      1021  BKN              Still looking for rain. High 76, Low 63, Rain 0.00. Holding at 1.25" since Aug 1.                   
                Sep 23/23:44 Topton          PA  59          59   E 3      1013  BKN              To Upper St Clair: What part of the state is that town in? Not on my map. Leaves fall early there.  
                Sep 23/23:26 Topton          PA  59          59   E 3      1013  BKN              Mixed bag. Some sun, mainly clouds, a few drops, some drizzle. Cool yet warmer than yesterday.      
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 23/23:20 Pecos           TX  85  59  41  85   N12      1016  CLR              Pecos received .25in. of rain Sunday and Monday.                                                    
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 23/22:18 Beckley         WV  57  53  86  51   N 8      1020  OVC              Vis 7SM. FEW010 OVC090. A30.13R.                                                                    
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 23/21:39 Aurora (#4811)  CO  52  41  66  51 NNE 4 G 12 1026  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 23/21:30 Boonsboro       MD  64  54  70  64 WNW 3      1015  OVC              High 71 at 11:31am   Low 54 at 7:34am   EDT                                                         
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/21:28 Houston/Les     TX  78  75  91  84  SE 3      1009  OVC               Pnsville *lol*, got me a good pair of binoculars and rain gauge holds 6". But yes, one muddy trail!
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 23/21:24 West Haven      CT  61  57  87  61 NNW 2 G  4 1011  OVC              high/low 64/56  .01" of rain                                                                        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/21:24 Houston/Les     TX  78  75  91  84  SE 3      1009  OVC               I am at 9" rain, on the dot w/this system. More coming. Pressure is really dropping this afternoon.
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/21:22 Houston/Les     TX  78  75  91  84  SE 3      1009  OVC               Winds shud be shifting to the NW as the backside of this Low hits us. Rain ends (I hope)           
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 23/20:55 Thurmont        MD  57                              OVC  R-                                                                                                              
                Sep 23/20:36 Herndon         VA  68  55  62  68  NW 2 G 12 1016  BKN              High Temp 71     Low Temp 54                BP -S                                                   
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 23/19:58 Upper St Clair  PA  56  53  92  54 WNW 5            BKN                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 23/19:37 Boston          VA  69  60  71  65 ENE 8 G  9 1015  OVC  H           3:34 pm EDT  Cool and cloudy.  Barometer steady.  No rain yet, but it sure looks like it.           
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 23/19:31 PAINESVILLE     OH  62  57  85  55  NW10            OVC              Muddy trails to the rain gauge Houston?                                                             
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 23/19:29 Lyndonville     VT  54  46  74  46  NW 9      1005  OVC  RW-         9/22 High: 61F; Low: 32F.........Low thus far 41F                                                   
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 23/19:17 Bacliff         TX  82  81 100  96 SSW 4      1010  OVC  TR-         Lightning detected Sw-Nw..10-70 miles.rainfall since Sunday 9.55 inches                             
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 23/18:57 Clifton         NJ  63  56  77  63  NW 3      1013  OVC  R-                                                                                                              
  39.58   74.47 Sep 23/18:21 Lumberton       NJ  69  51  54  67   W 5      1014  BKN              Lumberton Middle School - Cc with Ci and Cs; As - thick; Cu - scattered                             
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/17:54 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  90  86   S 5      1012  OVC  TR-          Wamego, welcome back. How much money did you bring us *s*                                          
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/17:52 Houston/Les     TX  79  75  90  86   S 5      1012  OVC  TR-          49 hours of this rain now. No end in sight.                                                        
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 23/16:52 Upper St Clair  PA  55  51  87  48 NNW 8      1017  OVC  R-BYH       Leaves Falling, Birds Eating Heavy + Flocking ON CUE                                                
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 23/16:31 Wamego/Manhattn KS  64  62  93                      OVC  L           Drizzle is spotty, occl R- in there, too. Certainly wetter here than it was in Las Vegas!           
  40.77  76.294 Sep 23/16:17 Ashland         PA  56  53  89  52   W 6      1024  OVC              presently raining, but no aacumulation yet                                                          
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 23/16:05 Framingham      MA  63                              OVC              Showers expected later. Hi(9/22) 68@1445EDT. Lo(9/23)(so far) 54@0000-0050EDT(Ovrnite Lo 52@2310EDT)
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/15:18 Houston/Les     TX  79  78  97  87  SW 5      1012  OVC  R-           The rain continues. .65 inches since midnight. Hummingbirds showing around here (starting migration
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 23/15:16 Newport         VT  50  50 100  50  CALM      1006  BKN  R-          Dark and rainy...                                                                                   
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 23/14:45 Upper St Clair  PA  54  52  93  52  NW 5      1017  BKN  LH          Leaves Starting To Fall                                                                             
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 23/14:34 Casco           ME  55  51  86  55   S 3 G  7 1012  OVC                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 23/13:38 Fircrest        WA  51  49  93  51  CALM      1016  CLR              Temps in the low 80's posible next couple of days. This is fall?                                    
40.3322  -80.08 Sep 23/13:21 Upper St Clair  PA                            1017  BKN  L                                                                                                               
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 23/13:19 Flagstaff       AZ  40  33  77  40 NNE 2      1024  CLR              Swamped at work lately so reports spotty.  Awaiting arrival of Nora later this week.                
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 23/13:09 Houston/NW      TX  77  76  98  83  SE 5 G  8 1011  OVC  TR+         T- BKN020 OVC060 MOV ENE R+ N-OVD-S OCNL LTGIC 30-120 N 40-100 SSE MOV E A2987 PCPN:0.20 last20 min.
                Sep 23/12:39 McPherson       KS  63                              OVC  R-          Correction precip.  1.89" precip last 24 hrs.  2.99" is for the month to date.                      
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 23/12:37 McPherson       KS  63  63 100  61  NE 5      1014  OVC  R-          Monday 67/62 2.99" precip past 24 hrs. ending at 7 a.m.  Hi msh.                                    
                Sep 23/12:36 McPherson       KS  63                              OVC  R-          Well, we've had enough rain but not like you Houston, thank goodness.                               
41.1402 73.4037 Sep 23/12:02 Norwalk         CT  58  54  86  58   W 2 G  7       SCT                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 23/11:59 Lake Pleasant   NY  50          47  NW 5 G 15       OVC                                                                                                                  
                Sep 23/11:24 Topton          PA  54          54  SW 3      1015  BKN              Slowly increasing clouds. Not as cold as yesterday morning.                                         
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 23/11:01 Boston          VA  49  48  95                1019  SCT              6:56 am EDT  Barometer is steady.  Cool crisp moning. Rainfall total for September  2.95 inches     
   34.2    84.1 Sep 23/10:57 Cumming         GA  63  55  76  63   E 2      1024  OVC              Wedge pattern developed yesterday(9/22). Very cool and breezy all day. Hi 68, Lo 63, Rain 0.00      
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 23/10:52 North Granby    CT  52  42  69  52 SSE 2      1014  OVC              9/22: hi 64 lo 34                                                                                   
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 23/10:27 Boonsboro       MD  55  54  98  55  CALM      1016  SCT  FH          High 59 at 00:18am    Low 55 at 6:22 am EDT                                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 23/09:40 West Haven      CT  57  51  81  57   N 2      1016  OVC                                                                                                                  
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 23/06:38 Fort Payne      AL  67  59  78  62  NE 9 G 21 1025  BKN              8/10 Cn H/L 91.4/64.0 Prcp 0.00 Pres FS - Windy night!  Feels great!! -SMA[01:38cdt]                
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 23/05:36 Fircrest        WA  60  55  82  60  CALM      1015  CLR              Muggy out. Humidity going up. Still nice and clear out                                              
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 23/05:17 Bridgeport      CT  58          53   W 7      1019  OVC              OBS@05Z-0100EDT/WIND KBDR AS USUAL/H 65F/L 39F/PCP 0.00"                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/04:45 Houston/Les     TX  77  76  98  83  SE 5      1012  OVC  R+           Pnsville, I am looking for some of that 98 degree, hot, humid and "dry" weather! Bout to drown down
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/04:43 Houston/Les     TX  77  76  98  83  SE 5      1012  OVC  R+           In the last 23 and 1/2 hours I have received 8.97 inches of rain.                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 23/03:45 CLINTON         MA  52  47  83  52  CALM      1017  CLR              Hi 66 Lo 33 Dep. -8  No frost at my house, but many sections in town reported a light frost.        
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 23/02:42 East Birmingham AL  69  65  85  62   E12 G 17 1020  OVC              The cool wedge has edged into here in the past few hours. However,the drought continues.............
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 23/02:40 East Birmingham AL  69  65  85  62   E12 G 17 1020  OVC              Hi:87 Lo:68 Rain:0.00  Today was warm and humid with a high of 87,while in Atlanta the high was 66! 
                Sep 23/02:20 Laytonsville    MD  51  37  61  51  CALM      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 23/02:19 Laytonsville    MD  51  37  61  51  CALM      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 23/02:08 Houston/NW      TX  76  76 100  82  SE 6 G  9 1011  OVC  R           FEW007 OVC025 MOV NW R+ DSNT NW NE-E 60-115 SE 35SW MOV N A2987 PCPN:(last 11hrs)1.92".(32hrs)4.30".
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/01:23 Houston/Les     TX  76  75  98  82  SE 5      1012  OVC  R+           Looking at radar, we may be in for a break. I dont see any more bands looming ominously!           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 23/01:22 Houston/Les     TX  76  75  98  82  SE 5      1012  OVC  R+           My rn total for last 20 hrs is 8.10 inches Palacios, Tx (coastal) has recd 13.84 inches.           
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 23/01:18 Houston/NW      TX  75  75 100  80 ESE 6 G 13 1011  OVC  R+          R/R+ BR BKN020 OVC030 MOV W R+ WNW-OVD-E 30-130SE 30SW 35NW R- DSNT S N MOV NNW A2988               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 23/01:02 Newport         VT  54  46  75  48   S 7 G 20 1009  SCT              Pressure is still falling fast. This week is begining to look ugly                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 23/00:08 Fircrest        WA  75  51  43  77  CALM      1013  CLR              Hi 75 Lo 49.  Nice and sunny day for the first day of fall. Mabe showers by end of week.            
                Sep 22/23:23 Topton          PA  59          59   W 3      1019  SCT              Barometer dropping fairly steadily. Nevertheless, looks like another cold night.                    
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 22/23:21 Acworth         GA  65  52  67  60   E 8 G 15 1016  OVC              A few light showers earlier today                                                                   
 +32.19  -95,84 Sep 22/23:10 BaxterWxService TX  80  69  69  84  SE22 G 35       OVC  LBYH                                                                                                            
  42.26  -71.12 Sep 22/23:09 west roxbury    MA  63  44  51  63   S 1      1023  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/23:02 Houston/Les     TX  77  75  95  83   E 5      1012  OVC  R            Some areas right on the Gulf hv recd about 12" since yesterday. I have recd a little over 5"       
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/22:59 Houston/Les     TX  77  75  95  83   E 5      1012  OVC  R            Another fairly hvy band is approaching. Total for today is up tp 2.81". Prssr falling as it moves i
40.3322 -80.078 Sep 22/22:49 Upper St Clair  PA                            1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
 N40 21  W80 05 Sep 22/22:43 Upper St Clair  PA                            1017  BKN                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 22/21:12 Boonsboro       MD  68  55  64  68   S 3      1020  SCT              High 70 at 2:18pm   Low 42 at 7:36am  EDT                                                           
                Sep 22/21:10 Topton          PA  66          66   W 3      1020  SCT              Chilly a.m. but warming comfortably for a great p.m. Surely a 10 best day in my books.              
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 22/20:42 West Haven      CT  65  50  58  63   S 5 G 15 1021  SCT              high/low 66/40                                                                                      
39.5642 -74.596 Sep 22/20:28 Egg Harbor City NJ  66          64   S 5            CLR              Todays High: 71.4   Morning Low: 27.0 + Scattered FROST + VERY COLD!! (Big Difference from AC. INTL)
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/20:13 Houston/Les     TX  77  76  97  83   E 5      1015  OVC  R-           This last band just brought another .73",  2.73" since midnight. Waiting for next band.            
  45.01  -93.00 Sep 22/20:08 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  60  55  84  60  SW 2      1020  OVC  RW-         E35BKN80OVC 10                                                                                      
 N40 21  W80 05 Sep 22/19:32 Upper St Clair  PA                            1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 22/19:29 Boston          VA  71  53  53  76 SSW 3 G 10 1023  CLR              3:25 pm EDT  A beautiful fall day.  Cool with a 100% clear sky.  The Barometer is falling.          
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 22/19:28 Newport         VT  61  45  55  49  SW17 G 20 1010  SCT              High of 61 at 3:14pm; Low of 37 at 6:49am; Rain:0.0" 3 hr Pressure change: -0.08m Falling rapidlly  
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 22/19:22 Annapolis       MD  71  30  22  72  SE 2 G 11 1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/19:18 Houston/Les     TX  80  77  91  88   E 5 G 10 1015  OVC  R-           My total since system moved on-shore yesterday, is 4.24 inches.                                    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/19:10 Houston/Les     TX  80  77  91  88   E 5 G 10 1015  OVC  R-           Next band is approaching (looks kind of hvy). Total since midnight is 2.00 inches.                 
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 22/18:54 Lyndonville     VT  57  42  57  48  SW11      1016  SCT              9/21 High: 52F; Low: 39F    Low this morning 32F (outside of fog in the mid 20s)                    
  39.58   74.47 Sep 22/18:27 Lumberton       NJ  75  43  32  76 SSW 8      1025  SCT              Lumberton Middle School, NJ - 20 % cirrus as mares tails                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/17:44 Houston/Les     TX  78  76  95  85   E 3      1016  OVC  R+           Pouring down, as one tropical band follows another. Hv recd another 1.47" since midnight.          
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/17:43 Houston/Les     TX  78  76  95  85   E 3      1016  OVC  R+           Mcpherson, lets hype the 4th CF. When one finally makes it, shocks the heck out of everyone! *s*   
  37.31   79.90 Sep 22/16:44 Read Mt.        VA  61  45  55  56  SE 7            SCT              PresS, Lo 42, FEW 045 SCT 120; 12 NE Roanoke, 2 W Blue Ridge Pkwy.                                  
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 22/15:07 Casco           ME  58  45  61  58 SSW 3 G  6 1025  CLR              THIN SCTD CI                                                                                        
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 22/13:47 Houston/NW      TX  73  69  90  77 SSE 4      1015  OVC  TR+F        T- OVC060 R+ OVD ALQDS OCNL LTGIC R/R+ 30-55 SE 80 S RW- DSNT NW-SW-S MOV NW A2999 PCPN:0.56        
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 22/13:42 Fircrest        WA  49  48  94  49  CALM      1013  CLR              Another nice sunny day coming up.                                                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 22/13:41 Fircrest        WA  49  48  94  49  CALM            CLR              Another nice sunny day coming up.                                                                   
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 22/13:29 PAINESVILLE     OH  51  47  87  51   S 2      1025  CLR              Low overnite was 43. Yesterdays hi of 59 was coolest since May 26th.                                
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 22/12:58 Moorhead        MN  48  43  86  45 SSW 5      1020  SCT              Lo 47 last night.  Showers to the SW this morning.                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 22/12:55 Framingham      MA  49                              SCT              Lo(9/22) 40@0640-0710EDT--coldest since 5/8.                                                        
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 22/12:54 Framingham      MA  49                              SCT              Thin cirrus. For 9/21:Hi 61@1425-1455EDT(equals lowest since 5/19), Lo 45@2359EDT.                  
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 22/12:37 Houston/NW      TX  73  71  95  77  SE 8 G 15 1015  OVC  TR+         BKN020 OVC050 MOV NNW R+ E-OVD-W 30 SSE 55 S-SE MOV NW OCNL LTGIC PK WND 14023/1225 A2999 PCPN:0.37 
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 22/12:32 McPherson       KS  62  59  93  60  SE 5      1019  OVC              Hard to get up this a.m. msh.                                                                       
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 22/12:32 McPherson       KS  62  59  93  60  SE 5      1019  OVC              Sun. 70/53 .04" precip. 1.10"mtd  25.68"ytd  Fall is here. Days definitely shorter.                 
                Sep 22/11:34 Topton          PA  43          43   W 3      1024  CLR              Cold!! Crystal clear a.m. but very chilly. Low of 39. Welcome back Thompson!                        
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 22/11:18 Houston/NW      TX  75  74  98  80  CALM      1014  OVC  F           F- BR OVC130 R/R+ 80SE 100-145SSE 30-60SE-S 20SW 40-80WSW-WNW MOV NW A2997 PCPN:0.00|5"rn.45mi.south
   43.6   -70.3 Sep 22/10:58 Casco           ME  41  38  87  41   W 3 G  5 1026  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 22/10:44 Boston          VA  41  39  91  41  CALM      1027  CLR              6:41 am  EDT  Cool and crisp last night and this morning.  No rainfall.   Wind chill should.        
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 22/10:40 North Granby    CT  34  34 100  34  CALM      1025  CLR              Widespread frost in this area.  Looks like a killer.                                                
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 22/10:30 Lake Pleasant   NY  34          34  CALM            CLR              Light frost on the grass.                                                                           
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 22/10:22 Boonsboro       MD  42  41 100  42  CALM      1024  CLR              High 48 at 00:02am    Low 42 at 6:19am  EDT                                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 22/09:54 West Haven      CT  41  39  93  41  CALM      1025  CLR                                                                                                                  
 41.043 -73.512 Sep 22/06:46 Stamford        CT  48  37  70  47  NW 4      1025  SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 22/05:37 Fircrest        WA  57  53  88  57  CALM      1011  CLR              Sat Hi 71 Lo43. Sun Hi 70 Lo 45. Nice Sunny weekend for last day of Summer. MOS for week.           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/05:36 Houston/Les     TX  77  76  98  83  SE 3      1016  OVC               Looks like next band of rain will be here in another 20 minutes. Meanwhile, fog is trying to form. 
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 22/04:23 Bridgeport      CT  48  41  77  43   N 6      1025  CLR              OBS@04Z-0000EDT/VIS 20SM/H 63F/L 46F/PCP 0.00"/LAST PCP TRACE OVER 24 HOURS AGO                     
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 22/04:15 Houston/NW      TX  75  74  98  80  CALM      1015  OVC              BINOVC060 DRFTG W R/R+ 40SSE-S-SW 75-110SSE-S-SSW MOV NW A2999|Hou/NW precip(last 10hrs)..1.12"     
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 22/03:29 East Birmingham AL  73  61  68  77   N 4 G  7 1018  CLR              We are desperate for rain. Leaves are already falling off dogwoods.                                 
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 22/03:28 East Birmingham AL  73  61  68  77   N 4 G  7 1018  CLR              Hi:92 Lo:70 Rain:0.00  CF has passed--not impressive. Highs and lows will still be above normal.    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/03:09 Houston/Les     TX  76  75  97  81  SE 4      1016  OVC  R            McPherson.Horns are "back in the saddle" (got their starting team back)!Either UT or T A.M. vs Neb 
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/03:04 Houston/Les     TX  76  75  97  81  SE 4      1016  OVC  R            Temp hasn't moved in about 10 hrs (since rn moved onshore). Doubt if it will get any cooler tonight
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/03:03 Houston/Les     TX  76  75  97  81  SE 4      1016  OVC  R            Temp hasn't moved in about 10 hrs (since rn moved onshore). Doubt if it will get any cooler tonight
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 22/03:00 birdsboro       PA  44  41  89  44  CALM      1026  CLR              presR slowly                                                                                        
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 22/02:58 birdsboro       PA  44  41  89  35  NW 8            CLR              High today 63, low of 47 this am, temps falling fast                                                
                Sep 22/02:14 McPherson       KS  63                              OVC              Houston--K.U. stunk it up!!! Nebraska back on track. OU Jekyll-Hyde.                                
                Sep 22/02:13 McPherson       KS  63                              OVC              Just back from Kansas City. Rain yesterday 7 a.m. = .59" Beautiful day today! Temp max =70          
                Sep 22/01:22 THOMPSON        OH  39          36   N 5            CLR              9:22(W.sp.est)HOUSTON!!GoodtohearfrU!Yesmovedin!NoPuterforlongtime:(Willuse Ma'sPuterwhen hereorLIB!
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/01:14 Houston/Les     TX  75  74  97  80   E 5      1016  OVC               Thompson!!! Welcome back. Are you all moved in now? Computer hooked up etc?                        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/01:12 Houston/Les     TX  75  74  97  80   E 5      1016  OVC               Next band of light/thunder is 30 mins away followed by another, an hour behind it.                 
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 22/01:11 Houston/Les     TX  75  74  97  80   E 5      1016  OVC               Rnfall total is now 1.29 inches. The bands of t/storms are coming off Gulf in one hour increments. 
41.4641 -80.868 Sep 22/01:11 THOMPSON        OH  40          37   N 5            CLR              Frost warning tonight!RedMaples turnincolor,burningbush just start'n some yellows startin topop too!
                Sep 22/01:05 THOMPSON        OH  40          37   N 5            CLR              9pm(W.sp.est)Miss ya'll!ANDOVER RT.1.27"s!ThickfogfromPym.LakeMorn+Eve,insidetoo!Furn.died Freez'n! 
                Sep 22/01:01 BROOKLYN        NY  57  39  52  56   N 4      1023  CLR              Coldest night this season coming up                                                                 
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 22/00:56 CLINTON         MA  42  37  82  42  CALM      1019  CLR              Hi 59 Lo 39 Dep. -8 Fall is almost here--Will there be frost on the punkin in the morning? (close)  
                Sep 22/00:31 Laytonsville    MD  51  35  56  51  CALM      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 22/00:17 Acworth         GA  74  56  53  77 NNE12 G 17 1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 21/23:54 Boonsboro       MD  56  50  81  56 ENE 1      1021  SCT              High 70 at 2:28pm   Low 47 at 7:35am  EDT                                                           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/23:42 Houston/Les     TX  75  73  96  80   E 5      1016  CLR  R            Pnsville, "the beat goes on" (summer that is). A/C blasting! Tropical moisture pouring in off Gulf.
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/23:40 Houston/Les     TX  75  73  96  80   E 5      1016  CLR  R            Max temp before rain 90 deg at 11:14am. Max wind gust SE, 23mph at 11:58am. Recd 1.18" rn so far.  
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 21/23:40 Acworth         GA  76  56  49  78   N10 G 14 1018  BKN              Thicher clouds have moved in since the last hour                                                    
39.5642 -74.596 Sep 21/23:33 Egg Harbor City NJ  48          47  NW 4            CLR              Todays High: 63     Low so far: 44                                                                  
                Sep 21/23:13 Topton          PA  55          48  NW 8 G 12 1021  CLR              Wasn't today just perfect? Absolutely crystal clear skies, cool, crisp, and fall-like. High of 63.  
  45.01  -93.00 Sep 21/22:59 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  62  41  45  62 SSW 3      1023  BKN              MIN TEMP 40                                                                                         
  45.01  -93.00 Sep 21/22:57 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  62  41  45  62 SSW 3            SCT              MIN TEMP 40                                                                                         
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 21/22:56 Pecos           TX  66  57  72  61   E 8      1019  OVC  L                                                                                                               
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 21/22:40 Butte(Emerson)  MT  78  54  44  79  NW 5      1029  SCT              4:41PM MDT:  10% cloudcover.  Gnats all over the place!  Make the air thick.                        
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 21/22:37 Acworth         GA  78  55  44  79 NNW11 G 17 1017  BKN              Front passed through about 20 minutes ago, wind shift and cooler temps                              
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 21/21:18 Newport         VT  49  38  66  46  NW 5 G 20 1012  SCT                Might have a frost tonight, Today I was wondering when it was going to snow??!!!!                 
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 21/20:37 West Haven      CT  62  39  43  56 NNE 9 G 20 1020  CLR              high/low 62/48                                                                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 21/19:15 Aurora (#4811)  CO  56  47  72  52   N 6      1019  OVC  F                                                                                                               
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 21/18:31 Bacliff         TX  75  75 100  80  SE12 G 20 1016  BKN  TR-                                                                                                             
39.5642 -74.596 Sep 21/18:17 Egg Harbor City NJ  62  36  38  51  NW15            CLR              Todays High (so far): 62    Low: 44             Yesterdays High: 90 + High Humidity                 
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 21/18:12 East Birmingham AL  91  70  54  99  NW 6 G 11 1019  SCT  H           Not quite as hot today,but more humid. It seems like the cold front will never make it here.        
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 21/17:49 Newport         VT  50  39  66  35  NW15 G 20 1011  OVC              High of 53 at 12:31pm; Low of 44 at 7:21am;Rain 0.0"; 3hr pressure change: +3                       
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 21/17:37 Bacliff         TX  77  77 100  84 ENE 6      1016  OVC  R           Lightning detected south through sw at 50 miles                                                     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/17:29 Houston/Les     TX  77  74  93  82   S 5      1017  OVC  RW           CF has fizzled!!!Nothing but deep tropical moisture pouring in off Gulf.Trop disturb/flash flood et
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/17:27 Houston/Les     TX  77  74  93  82   S 5      1017  OVC  RW           Low temp this morning was 76 degrees at 7am with a heat index of 81.                               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 21/16:57 North Granby    CT  56  25  31  47  NW10 G 15 1019  SCT              Fall has arrived.                                                                                   
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 21/15:43 Lyndonville     VT  43  35  73  24  NW17 G 25 1015  BKN              9/20 High: 63F; Low 45F............low thus far this morning 41F                                    
  40.25  +94.33 Sep 21/15:15 Albany          MO  58  45  35  50  NE10 G 10 1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
   34.2    84.1 Sep 21/14:21 Cumming         GA  74  65  75  77  NE 3 G  5 1023  BKN              For 09/20: High 91, Low  61, Rain 0.00.  Looks like we missed the rain agian!                       
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 21/14:07 Aurora (#4811)  CO  48  42  82  48  CALM      1021  BKN                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 21/13:48 Lake Pleasant   NY  38          38  SW 3 G 12       BKN              Rain: 0.10" last 24 hrs.  Reports of snow in the higher elevations of the High Peaks.               
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 21/13:46 Framingham      MA  54                              SCT              Lo(9/21) 47@0725EDT--coldest since June 9th.                                                        
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 21/13:45 Framingham      MA  54                              SCT              Fall has arrived! Showers last evening w/sharp cf. For 9/20: Hi 82@1400EDT, Lo 55@????-2359EDT.     
   36.5   76.17 Sep 21/13:44 Portsmouth      VA  67  50  56  62  NE 8 G 20 1022  SCT              A3019 SCT030 20178 70001 PK WND 03036/0003 FROPA 0357 Visit http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot       
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 21/13:41 Birdsboro       PA  52  38  58  38  NW15 G 20 1023  SCT              High yesterday 83, low this am 47, presRR                                                           
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 21/13:29 PAINESVILLE     OH  55  46  67  53   N 5 G 10 1026  SCT              Fall is in the air. Some color showing on leaves in places.                                         
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 21/13:28 Houston/NW      TX  76  73  91  81 NNE 4 G  9 1015  SCT  F           F- BR FEW250 RW+ 50 S-SSE 110 SE-S-SW MOV WNW A3000 PCPN:0.00                                       
   40.5   -75.7 Sep 21/13:07 Topton          PA  55          53  NW 5 G  8 1020  SCT              Fogot to mention: 0.14" rain last evening associated w/ CF.                                         
   40.5   -75.7 Sep 21/13:05 Topton          PA  55          53  NW 5 G  8 1020  SCT              Now this is fall weather!! Low of 49, crystal blue skies w/ some atmospheric Cu clouds. A 10 best!  
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 21/12:59 Moorhead        MN  38  34  86  38 SSW 3      1026  CLR              Cool again this morning.  L 38.  No frost here in town.  Expecting highs near 70 today.             
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 21/12:55 Butte(Emerson)  MT  36  30  79  36  CALM      1029  CLR  H           6:55AM MDT:  0% cloudcover.  Glad to have a warmer morning than yesterday!                          
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 21/11:56 Boonsboro       MD  49  41  74  49  CALM      1020  CLR              High 58 at 00:01am   Low 47 at 7:35am   EDT                                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 21/10:52 West Haven      CT  48  42  80  48   N 3 G  9 1016  CLR              yesterday's high/low 81/57  .01" inches of rain                                                     
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 21/10:40 Boston          VA  51  46  84  51  CALM      1022  CLR              6:36 am EDT  Clear morning sky.  Rain yesterday 0.27 of an inch.  Cool this morning.  Heavy dew     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/06:54 Houston/Les     TX  79  76  91  86   E 3      1016  CLR               CF now about 125 miles N of me. I bet it gets within 20 miles and "poof", gone! Wait and see!      
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 21/04:13 East Birmingham AL  78  68  72  81  CALM      1017  SCT              Hi:97 Lo:70 Rain:0.00  This cold front is pathetic! No rain and very little cool air making it here.
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 21/02:55 Aurora (#4811)  CO  48  45  92  43   S 6 G 25 1024  OVC  R-                                                                                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/02:29 Houston/Les     TX  82  74  79  89  SE 5      1015  SCT               Looks like CF passed Dallas about an hour ago.Will it "fizzle" before getting here?Still a long way
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/02:28 Houston/Les     TX  82  74  79  89  SE 5      1015  SCT               Low temp this morning was 77 degrees at 4am with a heat index of 81. High was 93, heat index 105.  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 21/01:45 Boonsboro       MD  63  56  80  61 NNW 5 G 12 1012  BKN              High 85 at 3:19pm   Low 63 at 9:34pm   EDT                                                          
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 21/01:27 CLINTON         MA  53  50  89  53 NNW 2 G  6 1007   X   R           Hi 79 Lo 53 (present) Rain 0.24 (and counting) Dep. +7 Quick gusty shower (6:10PM) Rain again now.  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 21/00:57 Aurora (#4811)  CO  51  46  84  48  SW 5      1024  BKN                                                                                                                  
  42.27  -72.34 Sep 21/00:42 Sunderland      MA  57  51  71  57  NW 2 G 10 1009   X   R-          23 degree drop in 4 hours from 4:30 PM-8:30 and still droping. Only .10 of rain.                    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 21/00:30 Houston/Les     TX  85  75  74  94  SE 5 G 10 1014  OVC               Hv had breezy "easterly" winds all afternoon, but it has to do with low prssr in Gulf, not CF.     
                Sep 21/00:29 Topton          PA  57          51   N 8 G 10 1012  OVC  R-          Just checked the rain gauge: w/ light rain still falling it's up to 13/100." By the way, high of 80.
  40.40  -75.66 Sep 21/00:28 Mt. Effort      PA  54          53  NW 4 G 12 1011  BKN              Strong cold front has passed. Temperature is dropping fast !                                        
                Sep 21/00:21 Topton          PA  59          53   N 8 G 10 1012  OVC  R-          Barometer took a leap up to 29.91 after CF exits. Feels great out there. Goodbye heat + humidity.   
                Sep 21/00:21 Laytonsville    MD  70  55  61  76   N15 G 30 1008  OVC                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 21/00:12 Newport         VT  48  46  91  36  NW11 G 18 1004  BKN  L                                                                                                               
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/23:27 Birdsboro       PA  62  57  83  51 NNW16      1010  OVC              presR, went from h.i. near 90 at 5pm to w.c. in 50's at 7pm                                         
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 20/23:25 Bridgeport      CT  72  66  82  76  NW24 G 35 1004  OVC              OBS@23Z-1900EDT/BKN034 BKN 048 OVC 080/BINOVC/FROPA/PRR/DARK E/H 82F/L 65F/PCP 0.00"                
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/23:21 Birdsboro       PA  62  57  83  49  NW21            OVC              Though clouds were threatening, only a trace of rain was received                                   
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 20/23:07 Pecos           TX  95  57  27  94 ESE16 G 23 1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/22:22 Birdsboro       PA  71  61  70  76  NW22 G 32 1009  OVC  R-          Front arrived around 6:00pm EDT, thank goodness                                                     
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 20/22:04 North Granby    CT  66  63  91  59  NW11 G 31 1003  BKN              Frontal passage @ 2115Z                                                                             
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 20/22:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  54  45  72  54 WNW 3      1025  OVC              presF                                                                                               
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 20/21:56 Lyndonville     VT  50  48  96  34  NW16 G 23 1001  OVC              9/19 High: 72F; Low: 48F............9/20 Morning high of 63F...                                     
                Sep 20/21:51 Topton          PA  69          63   E10 G 15 1007  OVC  R           Rain started about 2 seconds after I hit the "submit" button for my last observation.               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 20/21:49 Newport         VT  50  49  94  47  NW 5 G 18 1001  BKN  L                                                                                                               
                Sep 20/21:48 Topton          PA  69          61   E15 G 20 1007  OVC              I think that big CF everyone's been talking about is almost here! Low, dark clouds and very breezy. 
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 20/21:05 Aurora (#4811)  CO  55  46  71  50  NW 7 G 15 1026  OVC              presF                                                                                               
  34.07  -84.64 Sep 20/20:57 Acworth         GA  88  61  47  91   W 8 G 12 1019  SCT  H           Thciker clous off to the northwest                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 20/20:45 Houston/Les     TX  91  76  62 103   S 5 G 10 1014  BKN               McPherson our last hope is Nebraska (Go Huskers!). Tx A.M. won 66-0. Rice beat Northwestern.       
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 20/20:37 Newport         VT  52  50  95  48  NW 6 G 18 1000  BKN  R-          What a cold front!! We had wind  and heavy rain. Currently, we have light rain and brisk NW winds.  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 20/20:36 Newport         VT  52  50  95      NW   G 18 1000  BKN  R-          What a cold front!! We had wind  and heavy rain. Currently, we have light rain and brisk NW winds   
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/20:32 Birdsboro       PA  80  68  66  83   W 8      1005  OVC  R-H         Today 83/63... low may be revised before midnight                                                   
  41.34  -75.53 Sep 20/20:27 Moscow          PA  69  64  85  58 WNW25 G 31 1009  OVC              Today 71/59                                                                                         
  40.33  -76.41 Sep 20/20:22 Lebanon         PA  79  66  65  82 WNW11      1009  OVC                                                                                                                  
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/20:14 Birdsboro       PA  81  68  64  84  NW16      1006  OVC              Dark and gloomy now, steady NW breeze, Hg still falling                                             
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 20/19:53 North Granby    CT  81  67  62  84  SW 7 G 11 1000  SCT              Showers developing to the west                                                                      
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 20/19:26 Newport         VT  53  51  94  47  NW 7 G 18  999  BKN  R-F                                                                                                             
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 20/19:22 East Birmingham AL  97  62  34 101  NW 4      1017  SCT  H           HOT!! Some places could reach 100! This is the last day of this heat.                               
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 20/19:22 East Birmingham AL  97  62  34 101  NW 4      1017  SCT              HOT!! Some places could reach 100! This is the last day of this heat.                               
 34.05N  84.67W Sep 20/19:15 Acworth         GA  90  61  43  93   W 5 G 10 1018  SCT              A few clouds starting to come in from the northwest                                                 
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 20/18:46 BaxterWxService TX  92  69  47  98 SSE 3            SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 20/18:22 Aurora (#4811)  CO  58  46  63  50  SW10 G 21 1026  SCT              presF, WSHFT SW-SSE.                                                                                
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/18:12 Birdsboro       PA  82  69  64  86  NW15      1006  SCT  H           Wind shift                                                                                          
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/18:00 Birdsboro       PA  79  69  71  82   W10      1007  OVC  H           Front gettin' really close now....                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 20/17:21 Lake Pleasant   NY  60  59 100  60  SE 3 G 10       OVC  L                                                                                                               
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/17:00 Birdsboro       PA  83  68  60  86  SW13      1007  BKN  H           83/63 so far today, pressure falling fast, still gross outside                                      
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 20/16:37 North Granby    CT  81  60  48  82  NW10 G 16 1002  SCT              Pressure falling                                                                                    
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/15:43 Birdsboro       PA  82  68  62  85 SSW 6      1008  BKN  H           Ecch! Sticky!                                                                                       
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 20/14:39 North Granby    CT  74  58  57  77 WSW 4      1005  BKN              Waiting for the big cool-down this p.m.                                                             
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 20/14:14 Houston/NW      TX  80  75  85  86 ENE 5      1015  SCT  H           FEW150 DFTG W RW+ 55SE 105SSW 95SSE RW- 50-150ESE-SE-S MOV WNW A2998 PCPN:0.00                      
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 20/13:53 Moorhead        MN  41  38  89  38   N 5      1030  CLR              Cool morning.  Low at the house 37.. Airport in Fargo had 34..Forecast H 58 Low 32 for tonight      
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 20/13:36 Lake Pleasant   NY  60  59 100  60   W 2 G  5       OVC  R-F         Rain: 0.20" last 24 Hrs.  Light, patchy fog.                                                        
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 20/13:17 Boonsboro       MD  72  68  90  76 WSW 1      1007  OVC  H           High 73 at 00:01 am  Low 69 at 6:03 am  EDT                                                         
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 20/13:10 PAINESVILLE     OH  66  66 100  60  NW10 G 17 1010  OVC  R           Cold front passed at 8:45 . T-shrs overnite dropped .57" needed rain. Dismal looking now.           
                Sep 20/13:09 lebanon         NH                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 20/13:07 Aurora (#4811)  CO  45  44  95  38   E 7      1028  OVC              presS                                                                                               
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 20/13:06 Framingham      MA  69                              OVC              Summer about to end. Should rain today. Hi(9/19) 82@1430EDT. Lo(9/20)(so far) 64@0100EDT.           
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 20/12:08 McPherson       KS  50  48  95  47   N 5 G 10 1022  OVC  TR-         Fri. 87/49 Rain began at 4 a.m. Sure feels like fall this morning. We needed the precip. Houston    
                Sep 20/11:31 Topton          PA  66          66   E 3 G  5 1010  OVC              Getting cloudy and threatening. Looks like the CF's on its way. Can't wait. I love cool fall weather
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 20/11:31 Boston          VA  64  62  92  64 NNE 2 G  2 1011  CLR  F           7:28 am EDT  Heavy fog this morning.  Clear sky though.                                             
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 20/11:29 Dandridge       TN  67  59  77  67 NNE 3      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 20/10:52 West Haven      CT  68  67  97  68 NNW 2 G  4 1007  BKN                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 20/06:36 Butte(Emerson)  MT  43  31  64  43  NE 3      1031  CLR              12:36AM MDT:  0% cloudcover.  Gon'a be a cold night!                                                
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 20/06:32 Houston/Les     TX  76  74  94  81  CALM      1015  CLR               Cold front just passed Tulsa. Sure took it a long time to get from McPherson to Tulsa!             
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 20/05:26 Houston/Les     TX  76  72  90  80  CALM      1015  CLR               Starting to have my doubts about this CF. Sure is moving slow isn't it?                            
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 20/05:11 Bridgeport      CT  68  61  78  60 WSW13      1011  CLR              OBS@05Z/H 80F/L 56F/PCP 0.00"/FORCAST TSTORMS IN NEXT 10-18 HOURS                                   
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 20/03:56 Moorhead        MN  48  42  79  37  NW10      1024  OVC  L           It was a cool day in western Mn.  Hi 54. Lo 46.  Lgt drizzle pm..Expecting frost Sunday AM          
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 20/03:39 East Birmingham AL  80  65  68  83  SE 3      1018  SCT               I think the fall colors are near their peak here. Most are so withered that they can't come back.  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 20/02:55 Aurora (#4811)  CO  45  44  98  40 ENE 6      1027  OVC  R-          presR                                                                                               
  43.05  -77.28 Sep 20/02:25 Fairport        NY  69  58  67  63  SW10 G 15 1009  OVC  R-          THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!!!!      temps rose to71 in last few minutes, fell to 69 w/ prelim-shower   
                Sep 20/01:43 Laytonsville    MD  71  57  63  76  CALM      1011  CLR                                                                                                                  
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/01:30 Birdsboro       PA  68  59  72  62 SSW10      1013  CLR              C'mon down Mr. Cold Front!                                                                          
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 20/00:54 CLINTON         MA  66  56  70  66  SW 1 G  5 1010  SCT              Hi 79 Lo 50 Departure +5  One more (+) day then the reality of Fall will set in at least for awhile.
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/00:38 Birdsboro       PA  70  60  70  76  SW 4      1013  CLR              Maybe I can turn off the AC for a good while tomorrow                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 20/00:18 Houston/Les     TX  87  73  64  95  SE 3      1014  SCT               Another warm evening on tap.                                                                       
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 20/00:15 Birdsboro       PA  72  59  63  76  CALM      1013  CLR              Today 55/83                                                                                         
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 20/00:11 Fircrest        WA  65  60  60  65   N 3 G  8 1021  CLR              Hi 66 Lo 45. After AM fog, sunshine returned to the Northwest. Warmer temps for weekend.            
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 19/23:53 East Birmingham AL  86  58  44  87   S 5      1017  SCT              Hi:97! Lo:71  Rain:0.00  It was ANOTHER hot,rainless day.The dry air kept the heat index down.      
                Sep 19/23:52 Topton          PA  72              SW 3 G  5 1012  SCT              Welcome to you too Birdsboro!  We needed some more people from great 'ol PA on here!!               
                Sep 19/23:48 Topton          PA  72              SW 3 G  5 1012  SCT              Nice day but warm.                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 19/23:34 Boonsboro       MD  77  72  86  81  CALM      1010  SCT  H           High 87 at 3:15pm  Low 52 at 7:02am   EDT                                                           
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 19/23:10 BaxterWxService TX  93  66  42  98   S 4 G  9       CLR              Cold Front on the way!                                                                              
  31.25 -103.25 Sep 19/23:06 Pecos           TX 104  61  24 107 ESE15      1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 19/23:04 North Granby    CT  69  56  64           G  0 1010  SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 19/22:57 Aurora (#4811)  CO  54  43  65  48   N 7 G 26 1022  OVC  R-          presR, WSHFT NW-ENE                                                                                 
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 19/22:01 Thurmont        MD  69                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 19/21:57 Aurora (#4811)  CO  57  44  62  47   N12 G 24 1021  OVC              presR, WSHFT NNE-S.                                                                                 
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 19/21:47 Butte(Emerson)  MT  65  42  44  58 SSW10 G 12 1029  CLR  H           3:48PM MDT:  5% cloudcover.  Actually, quite a beautiful day.                                       
                Sep 19/21:46 Indianapolis    IN  86  68  55  90  SW17 G 30 1011  SCT              Last heat of the summer?                                                                            
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 19/21:34 West Haven      CT  74  67  78  78   S 2 G  5 1012  SCT              high/low 78/55                                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 19/21:33 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  SE 6      1015  SCT               Sea Brz blew by and now it has bcome partly cloudy again.                                          
   34.2    84.1 Sep 19/20:58 Cumming         GA  89  60  38  90  SW 7      1022  SCT  H           High 90, Low 62, Rain 0.00. Only 0.20" in for Sept. Looks like chances for weekend rain decreasing. 
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 19/20:32 Birdsboro       PA  82  59  45  82 WSW 4      1014  CLR              High so far 83.1F - Please disregard the Hg/mb from earlier today - they're wrong                   
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 19/20:19 Birdsboro       PA  82  59  45  82   W 9 G 12 1014  CLR              High so far 83.1%B0 at 14:45 EDT, pressure falling steadily                                         
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 19/20:04 Boston          VA  83  69  62  87  CALM      1015  CLR  H           4:01 pm EDT  Barometer is steady.  Clear skys.  No rainfall.                                        
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 19/19:38 PAINESVILLE     OH  80  68  67  83   S 5 G 15 1010  SCT              Most likly our last 80 degree reading untill next May.                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 19/19:02 Houston/Les     TX  90  74  60 100   S10 G 15 1016  OVC               If the CF makes it down here, tommorrow will probably be our last Sea Brz till next summer.        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 19/19:01 Houston/Les     TX  90  74  60 100   S10 G 15 1016  OVC               "Clouded up" as Sea Brz approaches. McPherson sounds like a typical summer night to me! *s*        
                Sep 19/17:26 McPherson       KS  80                              BKN              Wind just shifted to a northerly direction 12:15 p.m. 9/19/97                                       
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 19/17:02 Lyndonville     VT  68  54  60  64 SSW 7      1011  BKN              It's hot out here                                                                                   
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 19/16:53 birdsboro       PA  82  58  43  82  SW 3      1005  CLR              A big hello to the fellow Berks Countian in Topton!                                                 
  40.26  -75.81 Sep 19/16:35 Birdsboro       PA  80  57  45  80  CALM      1005  CLR              Testing this out... getting ready for ze big front                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 19/16:23 Houston/Les     TX  88  73  63  97   S 3      1016  SCT               Mcpherson. Are we going to set off some "fireworks" if this CF makes it through? *s*               
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 19/14:26 Lyndonville     VT  55  52  89  55  CALM      1014   X   F           9/18 High: 72F; Low: 54F    9/19 Morning Low: 48F                                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 19/13:45 Fircrest        WA  46  45  94  46  CALM      1021  CLR  H           Starting to get morning fog forming now. Should clear early, hi 78. 80 on Saturday?                 
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 19/13:37 PAINESVILLE     OH  67  60  77  65 SSW 5 G 15 1013  SCT              Cirrus moving from N.N.W. Looks like another nice day before the front arrives.                     
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 19/13:02 Framingham      MA  65                              SCT              Thin cirrus. Another summer-like day! For 9/18:Hi 79@1520EDT, Lo 61@2359EDT. Lo(9/19) 56@0705EDT.   
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 19/12:18 McPherson       KS  78  62  58  80   S10 G 15 1006  OVC              Thurs. 96/69  I can't believe this temp this morning.  Beautiful sunrise though with the clouds msh 
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 19/12:15 Lake Pleasant   NY  48          48  CALM            SCT  F           Light fog rolling in. Wind speeds estimated.                                                        
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 19/11:09 Clifton         NJ  56  55  96  56  CALM      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 19/11:05 McPherson       KS  79               S15 G 20       OVC              This is really wierd.  I've never seen anything like this.                                          
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 19/11:05 McPherson       KS  79               S15 G 20       OVC              79 degrees at 6 a.m. on Sep. 19th.  What kind of craziness is this.                                 
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 19/10:53 Lake Pleasant   NY  45          45  CALM            SCT              Pink clouds this morning.                                                                           
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 19/10:32 Boston          VA  52  51  95  52  CALM      1019  CLR              6:28 am EDT  Clear and cool this morning.  The barometer is steady.                                 
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 19/10:26 Boonsboro       MD  52  51  98  52  CALM      1015  SCT  F           High 59 at 00:07 am   Low 52 at 6:22am EDT                                                          
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 19/09:50 West Haven      CT  56  54  95  56   N 2 G  4 1016  CLR              yesterday's high/low 79/59                                                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 19/05:37 Fircrest        WA  55  50  85  55  CALM      1018  CLR              Nice big  moon out now. Barometer still coming up from 29.42 from yesterday.                        
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 19/05:00 Bridgeport      CT  60          60  CALM      1017  CLR              H 78F/L 60F/PCP 0.00"                                                                               
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 19/03:43 East Birmingham AL  77  64  67  80  CALM      1017  CLR              Hi:95 Lo:72 Rain:0.00   Yet another hot and dry day. Looking fwd to the cool air,but NEED rain 1st. 
                Sep 19/02:05 McPherson       KS  89                                               Holy Cow! Still 89 degrees at 9 p.m. on Sept 18th.  This is crazy.                                  
  42.17   72.47 Sep 19/01:57 Ludlow          MA  61          61  CALM            CLR              vis 25 miles                                                                                        
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 19/01:53 CLINTON         MA  57  54  89  57  CALM      1014  CLR              Hi 78 Lo 56 Departure +7 Rain 0.04  Quick shower at 4:40 AM--- then another fabulous day.           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 19/01:37 Houston/Les     TX  84  72  69  90  CALM      1014  BKN               Muggy out there. Fixing to BBQ. Cold frnt due Sunday??? We'll see what happens.                    
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 19/01:12 Thurmont        MD  57                              CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 19/00:31 Boonsboro       MD  67  61  82  67  CALM      1014  CLR              High 87 at 3:19pm   Low 67 at 8:23pm  EDT                                                           
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 19/00:15 Fircrest        WA  61  51  70  59   N 5 G  9 1015  CLR              Hi 61 Lo 54. After cldy am, sun back this afternoon. Nice weekend in store again.                   
                Sep 19/00:06 Topton          PA  64          64  SW 3      1017  SCT              Nice day but a bit too warm. Looks like we're in for some "real" fall weather next week.            
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 18/23:34 Beckley         WV  72  54  53  76   N 5      1020  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.12R.                                                                                  
   34.2    84.1 Sep 18/21:49 Cumming         GA  85  58  41  85  SW 5      1021  CLR  H           Temps 8 degress above norm today. High 88, Low 67, Rain 0.00                                        
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 18/21:01 West Haven      CT  79  61  55  81   N 2 G  7 1014  SCT              high/low 79/68                                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/20:10 Houston/Les     TX  82  75  80  89  CALM      1015  OVC  RW           Sea Brz just passed. Wind gust 15 minutes ago of 16.2 mph. Only .15" rain (so far)                 
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 18/19:58 Newport         VT  70  47  44  75  NW 5 G 10 1009  OVC                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 18/19:43 Boston          VA  78  58  52  79  NE 3 G 13 1017  CLR              3:38 pm EDT  The Barometer is falling.  A thunderstorm this morning, 0.06 of an inch of rain.       
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 18/19:42 Boston          VA  78  58  52  79  NE 3 G 13       CLR              3:38 pm EDT  The Barometer is falling.  A thunderstorm this morning, 0.06 of an inch of rain.       
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 18/19:28 Newport         VT  70  47  44  75  CALM      1009  OVC                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/19:26 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  SE 5      1015  BKN               McPher., hoping that same front makes a dent down here. Only two seasons here, summer + winter!    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/19:22 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  SE 5      1015  BKN               Starting to cloud up in a hurry as Sea Breeze rolls in off the Gulf.                               
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 18/19:19 PAINESVILLE     OH  74  59  59  77   W 4 G 10       SCT              Wife and I just back from the beach after catching a few late summer rays. Monday in the 50's       
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 18/17:17 Lake Pleasant   NY  70                              SCT              Rain: 0.10" last 24 hrs.                                                                            
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 18/15:26 Lyndonville     VT  66  59  78  66  CALM      1012  SCT              Morning low of 57F; Feels a bit humid out                                                           
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 18/14:08 Framingham      MA  74                              BKN              Middle clouds. Summer is still here! Hi(9/17) 75@1500EDT. Lo(9/18) 65@0000-0015EDT.                 
                Sep 18/14:02 Grand Junction  CO  67  63  90  67  CALM            SCT              82/54 yesterday, trace of precip AAH                                                                
  47.23 -122.59 Sep 18/13:39 Fircrest        WA  57  54  94  57 SSW 1 G  4 1008  OVC              Rain has stopped for awhile. Sunshine on order for rest of week.                                    
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 18/12:55 Moorhead        MN  50  47  90  50   S 1      1004  SCT              Hi 78 Lo 49. Expecting high's just in the upper 40's to Low 50's Sat. Hope forecast wrong.          
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 18/12:40 McPherson       KS  69  64  87  67   S 5 G 10       BKN              Wed.90/64  Talking 40's for lows here by the weekend Houston. How would you like that?  Hi msh.     
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 18/11:31 Clifton         NJ  68  66  93  68  CALM      1014  OVC  H                                                                                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 18/11:25 Boston          VA  67  66  97  67  CALM            OVC  TR-         7:21 am EDT  Barometer Rising.  Light rain 0.06.                                                    
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 18/10:24 Boonsboro       MD  69  68 100  69  CALM      1011  SCT  F           High 72 at 00:01am   Low 68 at 6:18am   EDT                                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 18/09:40 West Haven      CT  69  69 100  69  CALM      1012  OVC  F                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/08:06 Houston/Les     TX  79  74  86  85  CALM      1012  CLR               3am and just broke 80 degrees! Have been waiting to see just when we break 80. Goodnight.          
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 18/05:37 Fircrest        WA  55  53  94  55   S 3 G  3 1005  OVC  L           A few heavy rain showers tonight. Storm center almost past us. Sunny weather for weekend.           
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 18/05:37 Fircrest        WA  55  53  94  55   S 3 G  3       OVC  L           A few heavy rain showers tonight. Storm center almost past us. Sunny weather for weekend.           
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 18/05:10 Bridgeport      CT  69  66  90  63  SW10      1013  OVC  F           OBS@05Z/8 SCT E30-BKN 200 OVC 3F/MOON DMLY VS OHD/H 71F/L 56F/PCP 0.00"                             
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/04:47 Houston/Les     TX  82  75  80  89  CALM      1013  CLR               11:45 pm and down to 82.                                                                           
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 18/04:29 Lyndonville     VT  59  56  90  54   S 7      1007  OVC  R-F         High of 66F; Low of 43F                                                                             
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 18/04:04 East Birmingham AL  79  65  68  82  NE 3      1016  BKN              Hi:95 Lo:67  Rain:0.00  Summer heat is still hanging on(although it is fairly dry heat).            
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 18/04:02 East Birmingham AL  79  65  68  82  NE 3      1016  BKN              The drought is getting bad.Most leaves are wilted and falling off trees.There are even forest fires.
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/03:30 Houston/Les     TX  83  75  77  91  CALM      1013  CLR               10:30pm and 83 degrees. Nice moon coming up though. If it were only about 15 degs. cooler.         
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 18/02:42 PAINESVILLE     OH  63  63 100  63  CALM      1013  CLR  F           Fog over open fields.    .13" rain from frontal passage.                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 18/01:54 Houston/Les     TX  85  75  73  94   S 5      1012  CLR               Getting chilly out there *s*. No, this front on Sunday may finally put a dent into the summer.     
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 18/01:42 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  39  48  44   E21 G 32 1019  OVC              7:42PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  I can barely pick out the sun.                                       
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 18/01:03 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  41  48  55  NE 8 G 19 1019  OVC              7:03PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Been cloudy all day.  No precipitation though.  Maybe we'll get some.
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 18/00:58 CLINTON         MA  62  57  83  62  CALM      1011  SCT              Hi 73 Lo 42 Dep. -2  Cool morning--Pleasant day--cloud dotted skies--3 more warm days coming.       
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 18/00:22 Newport         VT  61  43  52  49   S16 G 20 1002  BKN                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 18/00:10 Fircrest        WA  55  53  94  55 SSW 2 G 20 1003  OVC  R-          H60 L54. Lo Bar 29.42. 1.27" in 24hr period. This is a winter type storm in summer time yet/.       
                Sep 17/23:54 Topton          PA  71              SW 5      1011  BKN  H           Barometer dropping quite rapidly. Clouds on the increase. Something's on it's way.                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 17/23:40 Houston/Les     TX  90  76  65 102  CALM      1012  SCT               Cold frnt due Sunday. Mcpherson, think the third time is the charm? High today 94 degrees.         
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 17/23:39 Houston/Les     TX  90  76  65 102  CALM      1012  SCT               Thank goodness the sun is going down. I get so sick of the heat (but dont like cold either *s*)    
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 17/23:09 Pecos           TX 110  57  17 111  SE 8      1011  CLR                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 17/22:33 Dandridge       TN  86  73  65  93 WSW10 G 15 1012  BKN  BDH         30% chance of showers promised, not believed.  It is bone-dry here.                                 
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 17/22:03 Boonsboro       MD  81  73  78  87  CALM      1008  BKN  H           High 85 at 3:29pm  Low 58 at 7:39am   EDT                                                           
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 17/21:56 Aurora (#4811)  CO  80  32  17  76  SE 4 G 14 1014  SCT                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 17/21:56 Newport         VT  63  46  54  56  SW10 G 16 1003  BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 17/20:52 West Haven      CT  71  65  82  76 SSE 4 G  7 1012  SCT              high/low 73/57                                                                                      
 -*34.2    84.1 Sep 17/20:38 Cumming         GA  86  59  40  86  SW 3 G  7 1019  CLR  H           Ozone warnings today for metro ATL. High 87, Low 60, Rain 0.00                                      
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 17/20:37 PAINESVILLE     OH  70  70 100  75   W 5 G 10 1009  OVC  R                                                                                                               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 17/20:29 Newport         VT  67  47  50  61   S10 G 16 1004  BKN              High:71 at 3:16pm/Low:39 at 6:41am/Visb:15mi/Rain:0.0"                                              
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 17/20:29 Newport         VT  67  47  50  61   S10 G 16       BKN              High:71 at 3:16pm/Low:39 at 6:41am/Visb:15mi/Rain:0.0"                                              
                Sep 17/20:06 McPherson       KS  84                              BKN              Must be nice Wamego.                                                                                
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 17/18:05 PAINESVILLE     OH  71  70  96  76 SSW 3 G 10 1008  OVC              Front pushing thru. Only .05" rain so far with winds gusting in the lo 20's earlier.                
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 17/17:44 Wamego/Manhattn KS  78                              SCT              Last obs until at least Tues... I'm headed for Int'l Baking Industry Expo in Las Vegas. See ya!     
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 17/16:17 Thurmont        MD  73                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 17/15:51 Houston/Les     TX  89  75  65 100  CALM      1014  SCT               Ovnight low was 74 at 6:54am. Off to a hot day w/big cumulus. Maybe some rain.                     
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 17/14:37 Lyndonville     VT  44  44 100  44  CALM      1014   X   F           Morning low of 43...foggy, foggy, foggy                                                             
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 17/13:40 Fircrest        WA  55  52  90  55   S 3 G 10 1000  OVC              Finally got breezy over nite. Nothing spectacular. Barometer coming back up. Warmer weekend/        
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 17/13:23 Framingham      MA  61                              CLR              Cooler this AM,but still another great day!For 9/16:Hi 81@1430EDT,Lo 60@2359EDT. Lo(9/17) 51@0705EDT
   3600    8415 Sep 17/13:14 Oak Ridge       TN  60  59  99  60  CALM      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 17/13:07 Moorhead        MN  50  45  82  44 WSW 7      1010  CLR              Lo 50 Hi 76. Should be a nice day today highs in mid 70's. Looks like frost for Sunday AM.          
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 17/12:50 Wamego/Manhattn KS  63  57  80                      SCT              We missed the rain again. :(                                                                        
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 17/12:30 McPherson       KS  64  59  85  64  CALM            BKN              Tues.92/59 Still too hot for Sept. Big moon hanging in the west at 7:30a.m CDT. Glad for cooldown.  
                Sep 17/11:12 Topton          PA  61  58  90  61  SW 3 G  5 1015  SCT  H           Ignore my last observation. Hazy and humid morning.                                                 
                Sep 17/11:10 Topton          PA  61                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 17/10:46 North Granby    CT  48  46  93  48  CALM      1018  CLR                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 17/10:44 Lake Pleasant   NY  42          42  CALM            OVC  F           Moderate fog.                                                                                       
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 17/10:42 Boston          VA  53  51  92  53  CALM      1015  CLR  F           6:39 EDT  Light patchy fog. Clear sky and cool.  A beautiful Harvest Moon.                          
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 17/10:24 Boonsboro       MD  59  59 100  59  CALM      1012  CLR  F           High 64 at 00:01am   Low 58 at 6:18 am   EDT                                                        
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 17/09:46 West Haven      CT  58  55  88  58   N 2 G  5 1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 17/06:15 Houston/Les     TX  80  75  85  86  CALM      1014  SCT               1:15am and fixing to break 80. Nice moon though. A/C still blasting.                               
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 17/05:41 Fircrest        WA  58  57  96  58 SSW 3 G  9  999  OVC  R           Still raining. So far no breezy winds here. Rain heavy at times. 0.36" rain since 5PM. Bar falling .
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 17/05:07 Bridgeport      CT  63          60   E 6      1016  CLR              OBS@05Z/WIND KBDR/H 81F/L 60F/PCP 0.00"                                                             
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 17/04:52 Boston          VA  60  57  88  60  CALM      1016  CLR              12.49 am EDT Cool with the beautiful harvest moon.  Like daylight outside!                          
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 17/04:36 Lake Pleasant   NY  45          45  CALM            CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 17/04:34 East Birmingham AL  74  63  76  77  SE 4      1018  SCT              Hi:94 Lo:69 Rain:0.00  It's really getting hot. I'm ready for winter. 20% chance of rain Thursday!!!
                Sep 17/04:11 Beaverton       OR  64                   G 35       OVC  R           Stormy day, VERY windy, power crews out and about, should clear by end of week                      
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 17/04:02 Lyndonville     VT  48  44  86  45   S 5      1019  SCT              High of 66F; Low of 48F                                                                             
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 17/03:24 Clifton         NJ  66  60  80  66   N 1      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.17  -72.47 Sep 17/02:05 Ludlow          MA  61  51  72  61  CALM      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 17/01:23 Newport         VT  54  45  74  54  CALM      1011  SCT               Its going to be a chilly night!!                                                                   
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 17/01:22 Newport         VT  54  45  74  54  CALM            SCT               Its going to be a chilly night!!                                                                   
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 17/01:10 CLINTON         MA  58  55  89  58  CALM      1013  CLR              WELCOME LUDLOW!!  Keep those reports coming.  Framingham and CLINTON wants company.                 
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 17/01:03 CLINTON         MA  58  55  89  58  CALM      1013  CLR              Hi 77 Lo 56 Drparture +6  "Shine on, Shine on Harvest Moon" It's full out there now--nice evening.  
                Sep 17/00:38 Topton          PA  68          68  SW 3      1014  SCT  H           Actually a bit on the warm and humid side. Felt more like August.                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 17/00:15 Fircrest        WA  58  57  93  58 SSW 2 G 12 1003  OVC  R-          Hi 59 Lo 50. Rain most of day + more on way tonight and breezy. SSW to 35MPH in some areas.         
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 16/23:38 Butte(Emerson)  MT  56  35  46  49  NE 8      1025  SCT              5:38PM MDT:  40% cloudcover.  Snow in the Highland Mountains this morning.                          
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 16/23:20 Pecos           TX  99  59  26 100  CALM      1010  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 16/21:47 Thurmont        MD  68                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 16/21:33 Newport         VT  60  43  54  58  NW 5 G 16 1009  SCT              Nice day, yet very cool, its starting to feel much like fall.                                       
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 16/21:18 Bacliff         TX  87  76  70  97 ESE 7      1013  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 16/21:16 Houston/Les     TX  92  74  57 103   S 5      1013  SCT               Well McPherson, what should I say? How nice and pleasant it is out there! *smile*                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 16/21:05 Boonsboro       MD  80  70  72  84 WSW 2      1013  SCT  H           High 86 at 2:59 pm  Low 56 at 7:40am  EDT                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 16/21:02 West Haven      CT  79  62  56  81   N 3 G 11 1012  SCT              high/low 81/58                                                                                      
   34.2    84.1 Sep 16/20:19 Cumming         GA  83  63  51  85   N 8 G 10 1020  SCT  H           Very summer-like today. Hot, more humid, and hazy.  High 85, Low 62, Rain 0.00                      
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 16/19:18 Newport         VT  60  42  52  52  NW10 G 17 1009  BKN                                                                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 16/18:08 Wamego/Manhattn KS  89  67  48  93  SW21            SCT              TD + Wind from MHK airport obs. Breezy, sticky. Severe wx possible this afternoon.                  
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 16/17:17 Lyndonville     VT  63  49  62  56   N10      1017  BKN              No classes today.....gonna go nap now                                                               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 16/15:22 Newport         VT  55  52  90  55  CALM      1011  BKN                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 16/15:04 Framingham      MA  75                              SCT              Another fabulous day! Hi(9/15) 79@1415EDT. Lo(9/16) 62@0300-0725EDT.                                
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 16/13:49 Lyndonville     VT  59                              BKN              A nice day in store for the college...Hello Newport                                                 
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 16/13:39 Fircrest        WA  51  50  96  51  CALM      1013  BKN              Rain/windy by late afternoon/evening. winds 20/30mph my area.                                       
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 16/13:38 Flagstaff       AZ  56  53  90  54 WNW 5      1026  OVC              Getting some spin-off from Hurricane Linda -- gray and drizzly                                      
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 16/13:37 Wamego/Manhattn KS  76  67  73  79                  SCT              Warm and somewhat humid. Expecting rain later today, cooler later this week.                        
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 16/13:26 Houston/NW      TX  76  74  94  81  CALM      1014  CLR  H           H SKC ALQDS RW 105 SE-SSE DFTG SW A2997 PCPN:0.00  Los Angeles precip(March 1st - Sept.14th)..0.06".
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 16/13:20 Thurmont        MD  61                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 16/12:30 McPherson       KS  73  65  77  77   S10 G 15 1006  BKN              Mon.90/70 .04" precip. Big rains 20 miles sw of here at Hutchinson caused street flooding.          
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 16/11:26 Lake Pleasant   NY  52          52  CALM            SCT  F           light patchy fog                                                                                    
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 16/11:24 Clifton         NJ  64  58  80  64  CALM      1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 16/11:24 Boston          VA  55  53  92  55  CALM      1046  CLR              7:20 EDT  Clear with light fog. Total rainfall this month to date 3.59 inches. Bp steady.           
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 16/10:27 Boonsboro       MD  56  55 100  56  CALM      1015  CLR  F           High 61 at 00:01am   Low 56 at 6:24am EDT                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 16/09:42 West Haven      CT  59  58  98  59  CALM      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 16/05:37 Fircrest        WA  54  53  95  54   S 2 G  3 1012  BKN              No Rain right now, Clouds moving by fast, but wind down here hardly moving branches.                
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 16/05:32 Houston/Les     TX  77  72  87  82  CALM      1016  CLR               Finally starting to feel good out there! High today was 93.                                        
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 16/04:56 Bridgeport      CT  62          62  CALM      1014  CLR              FEW CI                                                                                              
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 16/04:50 East Birmingham AL  72  61  72  76  NE 2      1018  CLR              Hi:91 Lo:61 Rain:0.00  Even though it was hot,we actually had a day with nice blue skies,not yellow.
  45.98 -115.52 Sep 16/04:45 Butte(Emerson)  MT  50  36  59  46   N 6      1024  BKN              10:45PM MDT:  80% cloudcover.  Gon'a be a cool one tonight.  Smell wood stoves.                     
                Sep 16/02:49 Herndon         VA  68  60  75  68   W 2 G 11 1018  SCT              High Temp 79      Low 63                                                                            
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 16/02:35 Thurmont        MD  57                              SCT  H           1,800 ft elevation                                                                                  
  42.17  -72.47 Sep 16/02:02 Ludlow          MA  63  45  53  63   N 3 G  5       CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 16/01:21 CLINTON         MA  60  56  86  60  CALM      1011  SCT              Hi 77 Lo 55 Departure+5  A warm Sept. day, light winds, a few patches of cirrus in a deep blue sky. 
                Sep 16/01:11 Topton          PA  64          64  SW 3 G  5 1015  SCT              What a spectacular moon out there tonight!! It's full tomorrow. Check it out.                       
  45.89 -115.52 Sep 16/00:44 Butte(Emerson)  MT  56  37  49  38  SW26 G 31 1022  SCT              6:45PM MDT:  15% cloudcover.  Leaves turning yellow!  Hockey time soon!~!~!~!                       
  45.89 -115.52 Sep 16/00:23 Butte(Emerson)  MT  57  37  48  47   W12 G 30 1022  SCT              6:23PM MDT:  20% cloudcover.  Brrr...  Come to Montana and ski soon!!                               
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 16/00:15 Fircrest        WA  57  55  92  57   S 3 G  8 1009  OVC  R-          Hi 68 Lo 54. 0.61" rain past 24hrs. Sure feels like fall..                                          
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 15/23:50 Pecos           TX 107  55  17 106   S 9      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 15/23:10 West Haven      CT  70  61  72  76  CALM      1013  CLR              high/low 78/60                                                                                      
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 15/23:06 Lyndonville     VT  68                              OVC              High of 73; Low of 54                                                                               
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 15/21:58 Butte(Emerson)  MT  57  35  44  41   N23 G 41 1022  SCT              3:58PM MDT:  15% cloudcover.  Woah!  Talk about POLAR!!!                                            
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 15/21:02 Newport         VT  70  53  56  76  SW 9 G 16 1005  BKN                                                                                                                  
   34.2    84.1 Sep 15/21:01 Cumming         GA  85  58  41  85   N 5      1021  SCT              High 85, Low 57, Rain 0.00   September precip.  0.52"                                               
  40.83  -74.27 Sep 15/21:00 Caldwell        NJ  77  55  47  78  NW 9 G 17 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  40.83  -74.27 Sep 15/21:00 Caldwell        VT  77  55  47  78  NW 9 G 17 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 15/20:53 Boonsboro       MD  81  67  64  84  CALM      1014  SCT              High 83 at 2:53pm   Low 56 at 7:49am  EDT                                                           
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 15/20:50 Boonsboro       MD  81  67  64  84  CALM       984  SCT              High 83 at 2:53pm   Low 56 at 7:49am  EDT                                                           
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 15/19:30 Newport         VT  71  53  54  76  SW 6 G 16 1005  SCT  H           High: 77 at 1:38pm Low: 52 at 6:22am Rain:0.0"----Nice day!!                                        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 15/16:34 Houston/Les     TX  86  72  63  93  CALM      1019  SCT               Ovnight lows-dwntown Hous. 75, Galveston 79, Hous Intercontinental 70.                             
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 15/16:33 Houston/Les     TX  86  72  63  93  CALM      1019  SCT               Dandridge, see why you cant grow veg. here?By the time it's cool enough, days are too short.       
                Sep 15/14:00 Grand Junction  CO  66                              OVC  L           82/57 yest                                                                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 15/13:39 Fircrest        WA  55  52  90  55  CALM      1008  OVC              Winds have calmed down from yesterday. Chance thundershowers later today                            
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 15/13:25 Framingham      MA  69                              BKN              Cirrus. Another great day! Hi(9/14) 79@1520EDT. Lo(9/15) 61@0635-0715EDT.                           
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 15/13:08 Flagstaff       AZ  56  55  97  54 WSW 5      1026  OVC  TR          Woke up to loud T-storm this morning.  Gray + chilly.                                               
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 15/12:46 Wamego/Manhattn KS  66  63  90  66  CALM            SCT  F           ~1 mi vsby. Fog is not as bad as yest a.m.: went to State Fair, dense fog almost all the way.       
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 15/12:29 McPherson       KS  70  66  90  75  CALM      1016  OVC  TR-         radar looks like it's heavier rain to our west now (7:30 CDT)                                       
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 15/12:29 McPherson       KS  70  66  90  75  CALM      1016  OVC  TR-         Sunday 88/63 .01" precip to 7a.m. this morning. Thunder from lightning to west right now.Hi msh.    
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 15/12:08 Dandridge       TN  56  53  90  55   N 4      1019  SCT  F           Fog is light and general.  Will be gone soon...                                                     
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 15/11:57 Lake Pleasant   NY  47          47  CALM            SCT  F           Heavy dew on the grass. Moderate fog rolling in.                                                    
                Sep 15/11:34 Topton          PA  60  57  90  60  SW 3 G  5 1016  SCT              McPherson-I know what those allergies are like. I was sick all weekend with ragweed problems.       
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 15/11:13 Boston          VA  61  59  94  61  CALM      1019  OVC  H           EDT 7:09 am  Cool and cloudy this morning. Look around, smell the air, fall's  comming!             
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 15/10:48 North Granby    CT  55  54  96  55   N 3      1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 15/10:26 Boonsboro       MD  57  57 100  57  CALM      1016  SCT  H           High 63 at 00:04am   Low 57 at 6:24am   EDT                                                         
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 15/10:17 Lake Pleasant   NY  46          46  CALM            SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 15/09:48 West Haven      CT  60  58  93  60   N 2 G  4 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 15/06:46 Houston/Les     TX  77  74  91  82  CALM      1018  CLR               1:45am and just a muggy, still, hot night. Temp has been 77 for 3 hours. Wont drop much more.      
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 15/05:35 Fircrest        WA  59  54  83  57   S 5 G 20 1007  OVC              Still breezy out tonight.                                                                           
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 15/05:13 Fort Payne      AL  63  55  76  63  CALM      1024  CLR              0/10 CLR H/L 83.8/58.1 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Nice COOL nights. -SMA[00:13cdt]                         
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 15/04:46 Clifton         NJ  64  58  80  64 WNW 1      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 15/04:19 Bridgeport      CT  64          64  CALM      1016  BKN              OBS@04Z/SCT150 BKN250/H 79F/L 61F/PCP 0.00"                                                         
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 15/04:00 East Birmingham AL  69  61  75  69  NE 3      1019  SCT              Hi:88 Lo:62  What a surprise! Another rainless day!                                                 
  42.17  -73.47 Sep 15/03:41 Ludlow          MA  63          63  CALM            SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 15/01:35 Houston/Les     TX  83  76  80  92   S 4      1017  SCT               Just finished BBQing. Very humid and sticky out there. Nice moon though.                           
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 15/01:23 CLINTON         MA  62  62 100  62  CALM      1013  SCT              Hi 77 Lo 52 Departure +4  Another superb late summer day--some ominus clouds but no showers here.   
                Sep 15/00:29 McPherson       KS                                  SCT              Beautiful evening as sun sets now.  Air full of allergens though.                                   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 15/00:13 Fircrest        WA  67  52  58  66   S 4 G 15 1004  OVC              Hi69 Lo56. A little breezy this afternoon.                                                          
                Sep 14/23:47 Topton          PA  65          63  SW 5      1016  SCT              Mix of sun and clouds today. High of 73. Low of 58.                                                 
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 14/23:05 Pecos           TX 102  55  20 101 SSE 8      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 14/21:24 West Haven      CT  78  63  61  80   N 4 G 12 1014  SCT              high/low 79/60                                                                                      
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 14/21:17 Beckley         WV  71  57  61  76   N 7      1021  BKN              Vis 10SM. SCT039 SCT046 BKN055. A30.17F.                                                            
   34.2    84.1 Sep 14/21:04 Cumming         GA  81  54  40  81  NE 7      1020  SCT              Warm and sunny today. High 85, Low 55, Rain 0.00                                                    
  40.60  -74.00 Sep 14/20:33 BROOKLYN        NY  77  58  51  79 WSW 7      1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
                Sep 14/20:29 Beaverton       OR  70                   G 25       BKN              Gusty winds as showers move towards us, maybe thundershowers as well                                
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 14/20:09 Boonsboro       MD  77  66  70  80 WNW 2 G  6 1016  BKN              High 79 at 12:57pm  Low 56 at 7:20am  EDT                                                           
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 14/19:38 North Granby    CT  76  57  52  78  NW 6 G 11 1014  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 14/18:49 Houston/Les     TX  93  74  55 104   E 4      1020  SCT               McPherson sure did. I was kind of expecting a loss, but not that bad!                              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 14/18:47 Houston/Les     TX  93  74  55 104   E 4      1020  SCT               Trying to do some outside painting for last 3 days.This time of day is a "killer"!Sweat in the eyes
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 14/16:45 Fircrest        WA  58  57  97  58  CALM      1006  OVC              Rain most of nite. 0.37" since 7:30PM.                                                              
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 14/14:33 Lake Pleasant   NY  65                              SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 14/14:17 McPherson       KS  65                              OVC  F           Houston--Looks like the heat got to the Longhorns instead of the Bruins.                            
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 14/14:16 McPherson       KS  65  64 100  65  CALM      1018  OVC  F           Saturday  89/63   Heavy fog beginning to lift now.                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 14/13:08 Newport         VT  63  56  80  62  NW 4 G  7 1010  SCT  F                                                                                                               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 14/13:07 Newport         VT  63  56  80  62  NW 4 G  7 1010  SCT  H                                                                                                               
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 14/12:55 Thurmont        MD  59                              BKN                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 14/12:44 PAINESVILLE     OH  59  59 100  59  CALM      1022  BKN              Heavy dew.                                                                                          
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 14/12:17 Framingham      MA  63                              OVC  F           Fog thinning;should be nice later. Hi(9/13) 79@1440-1535EDT. Lo(9/14) 61@0515EDT.                   
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 14/11:38 Boonsboro       MD  57  57 100  57  CALM      1018  SCT  F           High 62 at 00:01am   Low 56 at 7:20 am   EDT                                                        
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 14/11:27 Boston          VA  57  56  94  57  CALM      1021  OVC  H           7.23 am EDT  The barometer is steady.  Rainfall for Sept. to date is 3.59 inches.                   
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 14/11:04 West Haven      CT  60  60 100  60   N 3 G  5 1016  SCT  F                                                                                                               
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 14/08:52 Clifton         NJ  63  57  80  63 NNW 2      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 14/07:16 Houston/NW      TX  76  74  95  81  CALM      1017  SCT              SCT150 OVD-N-E BKN150 DSNT NW-SW MOV UNK A3004 | Hou/NW precip(July 1st thru Sept. 13th)...5.04".   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 14/06:26 Fircrest        WA  56  55  94       N        1004  OVC  R           Hi 66 Lo 47. Started raining 7:30pm. 0.25" at 11pm,PDT.                                             
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 14/05:57 Bridgeport      CT  63          61 WNW 5      1016  BKN              WIND KBDR/BKN070/H 79F/L 60F/PCP 0.00"                                                              
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 14/05:35 East Birmingham AL  65  58  81  65  CALM      1019  CLR              A plesant,cool night.In the past month we've had only 0.65" of rain and there's still none in sight.
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 14/05:01 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  50  73  59   S 3      1021  SCT              11:01PM MDT:  15% cloudcover.  Overall a nice evening.  There are still thunderstorms off to the N. 
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 14/04:19 Moorhead        MN  70  58  67  76   S 7 G 12 1015  CLR              Note: Error in Bar reading last report.  Had a very nice day today. H.84 L 63                       
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 14/03:20 Moorhead        MN  72  59  64  76   S 9      1008  CLR              Nice evening                                                                                        
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 14/03:19 Thurmont        MD  55                              BKN                                                                                                                  
 41.27`  -72.96 Sep 14/01:42 West Haven      CT  67  63  85  67   N 2      1015  CLR              high/low 76/60                                                                                      
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 14/01:19 CLINTON         MA  60  59  96  60  CALM      1013  CLR              Hi 77 Lo 56 Departure +5 Another beauty to add to the string of great 1997 summer weekends.         
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 14/01:16 Newport         VT  60  50  70  58  NW 5 G  9       CLR  F           Today began with sun, but later was obscured by clouds do to a Low pressure to the north. We had a  
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 14/01:08 Beckley         WV  59  53  80  59  NE 3      1022  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.19R.                                                                                  
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 14/01:01 Bacliff         TX  84  80  90  98 SSE 5      1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 14/00:50 Topton          PA  65          65   W 3 G  5 1017  BKN              Not bad. Looked threatening for a few hours this p.m. but nothing fell.                             
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 14/00:32 Houston/Les     TX  88  73  61  96  SE 5      1016  SCT               Great game! Seriously (even though the starting quarterback could not play), shocking!             
  45.01  -93.00 Sep 14/00:01 NO.ST.PAUL      MN  68  63  85  68  CALM      1015  OVC              E15 0VC8                                                                                            
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/23:38 Newport         VT  63  53  70  61   N 5 G  8 1007  BKN  H                                                                                                               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/23:26 Newport         VT  63  53  70  63  CALM      1007  BKN  H                                                                                                               
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 13/23:06 Moorheaad       MN  81  62  52  82 SSW 3      1013  CLR              Very nice Sept. day.  Light winds warm temps. Wish would stay around for another month.             
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 13/22:55 Pecos           TX  88  61  40  89  SE16      1013  BKN  BD                                                                                                              
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 13/22:51 Aurora (#4811)  CO  82  45  27  80   E 4 G 12 1018  SCT              presF                                                                                               
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 13/22:19 East Birmingham AL  83  51  47  84  NW 7 G 12 1018  SCT              Hi:87 Lo:60 Rain:0.00   The air has been nice and very dry today,but the temp. has been warm.       
                Sep 13/22:07 Beaverton       OR  66                              OVC              Strong storm moving in, snow levels down to 6500 feet!!  Thundershowers maybe tomorrow              
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 13/22:05 Aurora (#4811)  CO  81  39  22  78 SSE 5 G 16 1019  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 13/20:40 Boonsboro       MD  76  64  68  79   N 2      1016  SCT              High 80 at 1:45 pm   Low 53 at 7:34am   EDT                                                         
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/20:36 Newport         VT  71  59  68  76 WNW 2 G  6 1007  CLR  H           High:75/Low: 68/                                                                                    
  44.93         Sep 13/20:33 Newport         VT                                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 13/19:50 Houston/Les     TX  90  73  59 100  SE 5      1017  SCT               Came in to watch Texas take on UCLA. Hoping this heat gets those California boy! *s*               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 13/19:44 North Granby    CT  75  58  55  77  NW 8 G 14 1014  BKN                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/19:06 Newport         VT  72  62  73  76  NW 6 G 17 1007  SCT  H                                                                                                               
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 13/16:48 Thurmont        MD  67                              SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 13/16:24 PAINESVILLE     OH  67  64  93  65  NW 5 G 10 1022  BKN              A few peeks of the sun as it's starting to clear after 3 days of solid cloud and showers.           
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 13/15:58 Fircrest        WA  52  51  96  52   N 2 G  5 1008  BKN                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 13/15:50 Framingham      MA  74                              BKN              Hi clouds decreasing. For 9/12:Hi 81@1510-1530EDT,Lo 66@2359EDT. Lo(9/13) 62@0710EDT.               
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/15:35 Newport         VT  69  60  75  67   E 5 G  8 1009  SCT  H                                                                                                               
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 13/15:34 Dandridge       TN  67  57  71  67  NW 3 G  8       SCT  H           Expected morning fog did not develop.                                                               
   36.5   76.17 Sep 13/14:29 Portsmouth      VA  74  68  80  78  NE 6 G 16 1020  BKN  H           BKN060 VIS 5SM HZ A3012 RMK 20192 / Visit Portsmouth, VA @ http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot        
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 13/14:10 Lake Pleasant   NY  63                              OVC                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/13:29 Newport         VT  64  55  73  64   S 3      1009  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 13/13:20 North Granby    CT  69  57  65  69   W 3      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 13/13:17 Boonsboro       MD  61  53  76  61 WNW 2      1018  CLR              High 61 at 9:06 am   Low 53 at 7:34 am  EDT                                                         
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/13:04 Newport         VT  62  53  73  62  CALM      1007  CLR                                                                                                                  
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/12:51 Newport         VT  60  51  73  58 SSW 5 G  8 1007  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 13/12:15 McPherson       KS  66  65  97  66  CALM      1014  SCT  F           Friday 77/63 .15" precip last night.Light fog this morning.Have good weekends. I have to go work.   
                Sep 13/12:07 Topton          PA  62          60   W 5 G  8 1017  CLR              Sorry for no observation from me yesterday. Was sick. Yesterday=slow clearing/Now=very nice.        
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 13/10:50 Clifton         NJ  60  58  93  60  CALM      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 13/10:50 Clifton         NJ  60  58  93  60  CALM      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 13/10:42 West Haven      CT  60  60 100  60   N 2      1016  CLR  F                                                                                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 13/10:25 Boston          VA  54  53  94  54  CALM      1020  CLR  H           6:21 am EDT  Rainfall yesterday evening 0.23 of an inch.  Clear and cool this morning.              
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 13/05:24 East Birmingham AL  65  60  84  64  NE 4      1018  CLR              Hi:88 Lo:62  Rain:0.00   It was another dry,hazy,and warm day.                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 13/05:21 Fircrest        WA  54  52  90  54  CALM      1011  BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 13/05:04 Bridgeport      CT  68          68   W 3      1017  CLR  H           WIND KBDR                                                                                           
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/02:20 Newport         VT  63  60  93  63 SSW 2 G 17 1007  SCT                                                                                                                  
  36.51  -76.02 Sep 13/01:55 Virginia Beach  VA  72  68  91  76  CALM      1018  SCT              Fog is forcasted later tonight                                                                      
                Sep 13/01:52 newport         VT  63  63 100  63  CALM            BKN  TR-                                                                                                             
                Sep 13/01:42 Newport         VT  63  63 100  63  CALM      1007  BKN  TR-                                                                                                             
 -44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/01:32 Newport         VT  63  63 100  63  CALM      1007  BKN  TR-                                                                                                             
  44.93  -72.20 Sep 13/01:31 Newport         VT  63  63 100  63  CALM      1007  BKN  TR-                                                                                                             
  44.93   72.20 Sep 13/01:20 Newport         VT  62  62 100  62  CALM      1007  BKN  TR          H TEMP: 77/ LOW TEMP: 46/ RAIN: 0.1"                                                                
  44.93   72.20 Sep 13/01:20 Newport         VT  62  62 100  62  CALM            BKN  TR          H TEMP: 77/ LOW TEMP: 46/ RAIN: 0.1"                                                                
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 13/01:12 CLINTON         MA  64  62  93  64  CALM      1013  SCT              I knew you mean't Sept and not July Pat!                                                            
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 13/00:59 CLINTON         MA  64  62  93  64  CALM      1013  SCT              Hi 81 Lo 62 Dep. +10 Rain totals (9-11) 0.20 (9-12) 0.21 (early) --- A nice warm mid September day. 
                Sep 13/00:13 Beaverton       OR  69                              OVC  R-          Funnel cloud reported along the Columbia River, bleak weather to improve tomorrow                   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 13/00:12 Fircrest        WA  60  55  86  60 SSW 2 G  8 1010  BKN              Hi 68 Lo 55. Thunderstorms around afternoon. Seattle got some nice ones.                            
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 13/00:11 Fircrest        WA  60  55  86  60 SSW 2 G  8       BKN              Hi 68 Lo 55. Thunderstorms around afternoon. Seattle got some nice ones.                            
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 13/00:04 McPherson       KS  74  56  55  77                  OVC              Hope we get some rain tonight. Radar lit up west of here about 150 miles.                           
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 12/23:12 Pecos           TX  89  70  53  95   S 7      1011  CLR                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 12/22:59 Dandridge       TN  77  59  55  79  NW 5      1019  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 12/22:47 Butte(Emerson)  MT  62  46  56  62   S 3      1018  BKN              4:47PM MDT:  80% cloudcover.  Showers in the area.                                                  
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 12/21:53 Bradenton       FL  79  78  96  87 ESE        1015  BKN                                                                                                                  
   34.2    84.1 Sep 12/21:45 Cumming         GA  80  59  49  81  NW 3      1020  SCT              Another dry day with low humidity( for Ga. anyway).                                                 
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 12/21:31 Houston/Les     TX  93  66  42  98  SE 7      1015  SCT               It is hot. Trying to do some outside work, and really sweating!                                    
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 12/21:12 Thurmont        MD  67                              SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 12/20:59 Boonsboro       MD  80  62  55  82   W 2      1013  SCT              High 83 at 4:02 pm   Low 56 at 7:18am   EDT                                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 12/20:40 West Haven      CT  77  69  75  80 SSW 3 G  7 1014  SCT              high/low 79/68                                                                                      
  44.93   72.20 Sep 12/19:27 Newport         VT  73  61  78  77  CALM            SCT  H           H Temp: 77/Low Temp: 46/Rain: 0.1" ---very humid with occasional heavy shower.                      
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 12/18:16 Clifton         NJ  81  59  46  82   W 6      1015  SCT              Bar.falling, Vis.10mi., Ceil. unlimited, Sept. Precip. 0.98in.                                      
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 12/17:13 Boston          VA  78  64  63  80   E 1 G 10 1018  SCT  H           1:09 pm EDT  No rainfall today. Last night 0.05 of an inch. Beautiful fall like day.                
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 12/16:22 Houston/Les     TX  88  69  55  94  SE 7      1016  SCT               We are back under the influence of the Gulf now. Humidity will pick up. Ovnght low was 70.         
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 12/14:47 Dandridge       TN  62  57  85  60  NW 5      1019  SCT  H           Had a bit of early light fog in the creek bottoms.                                                  
                Sep 12/14:37 Grand Junction  CO  64  54  72                      SCT              83/59 here yesterday.  0.11" precip last night during big storms.                                   
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 12/13:25 Framingham      MA  71                              OVC              Correction! Hi in previous observation should be for 9/11 not 7/11.                                 
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 12/13:17 Framingham      MA  71                              OVC              Numerous RW last evening.Sprinkle just ended. Hi(7/11) 70@1530-1550EDT. Lo(9/12)(so far) 67@0750EDT 
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 12/12:41 Wamego/Manhattn KS  63                              BKN              Showers moving slowly across Kansas. Hope they get here later today.                                
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 12/12:12 McPherson       KS  64  52  65  62  SE 5            OVC              Thurs. 83/55  Showers to our immediate west,northwest, and southwest. Hi msh.                       
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 12/11:38 BaxterWxService TX  67  46  47  65  SE 5            CLR              Beautiful Morning!                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 12/11:09 Lake Pleasant   NY  60          60  CALM            BKN  F           Rain: 0.7" last 24 hrs. Patchy fog. More scattered showers on tap for today. Leaves changing fast.  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 12/11:01 Boston          VA  56  56  97  56  CALM      1018  CLR  F           6:57 am EDT Rainfall last night 0.05 inch.  Dense Fog this morning.  Sky clear.                     
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 12/10:42 North Granby    CT  66  66 100  66  SW 2      1015  OVC  F           1.58" of rain before midnight. Only .01" since.                                                     
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 12/10:40 Clifton         NJ  64  64 100  64  CALM      1012  OVC  F           Bar.rising, Vis.5mi., Sept. Precip.0.32in.                                                          
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 12/10:27 Boonsboro       MD  57  57 100  57  CALM      1013  CLR  FH          High 63 at 00:01am   Low 56 at 6:11am EDT  precp .08                                                
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 12/09:40 West Haven      CT  69  69 100  69  CALM      1014  OVC              .24" of rain yesterday                                                                              
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 12/06:13 Bridgeport      CT  69  66  90  65 SSW 8      1015  OVC              OBS@06Z/LOW CIG/KBDR PCP 0.24"/CURRENT REPORT OF -RA AT KBDR PROBABLY ERROR                         
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 12/05:35 Fircrest        WA  58  51  77  58  SW 1 G  8 1010  SCT              Temps little cooler tonight .                                                                       
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 12/04:52 Butte(Emerson)  MT  52  46  83  46  NW 7      1019  OVC  RF          10:52PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  A lot of precip in the area.                                        
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 12/04:37 East Birmingham AL  65  59  82  65  CALM      1015  SCT              Hi:83 Lo:61  Although it was still a little hazy,the air was much drier and cooler today.           
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 12/04:36 East Birmingham AL  65  59  82  65  CALM      1015  SCT              We need rain,though.Many leaves are turning red and some falling off because of dryness.            
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 12/01:56 Butte(Emerson)  MT  57  48  74  52  NE 7      1017  OVC  R-          7:56PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  More light crap rain.                                                
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 12/01:31 CLINTON         MA  62  62 100  61   E 4 G 11 1015   X   R-          Hi 64 Lo 58 Dep. 0 Rain so far 0.05  Mostly small sporatic pockets of rain on radar at the present. 
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 12/01:31 Butte(Emerson)  MT  58  48  70  58 NNW 3      1017  OVC  L           7:31PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  More precipitation on the way.                                       
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 12/00:58 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  47  65  59  CALM      1017  OVC  RW-         6:58PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Area of showers moving in from the west.                             
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 12/00:34 Butte(Emerson)  MT  60  46  62  59  SE 4      1018  OVC              6:34PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  The air smells of woodstoves and there is a gnat hatch outside.      
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 12/00:13 Fircrest        WA  68  53  58  68  SW 1 G 10 1009  OVC              Hi 70 Lo 60. Trace precip AM. Fall getting closer everyday                                          
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 12/00:08 PAINESVILLE     OH  64  62  93  64   W 3 G  8 1012  OVC              Only about .25" rain here from the system. It was a very dark gloomy day with sct showers.          
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 12/00:01 Grand Junction  CO  75  57  54  77   W10 G 25       BKN  T           Eastern sky is black, sun from west.  Big storms today, hail, heavy rain AAH                        
  44.93   72.20 Sep 11/23:51 Newport         VT  63  65  70  56 SSW10 G 22       BKN  LH                                                                                                              
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 11/23:50 Beckley         WV  64  57  77  64  CALM      1016  SCT              Vis 8SM. FEW025. A30.01R.                                                                           
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 11/23:45 Beckley         WV  64  57  77  64  CALM      1016  SCT              Vis 8SM. FEW025. A30.01R.                                                                           
                Sep 11/23:44 Topton          PA  68  68 100  66   E 5 G  8 1012  OVC  TF          Gloomy, depressing, rainy, muggy.  One of the 10 worst days of the year!                            
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 11/23:43 Beckley         WV  64  57  77  64  CALM      1016  SCT              Vis 8SM. FEW025. A30.01R.                                                                           
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 11/23:37 Beckley         WV  64  57  77  64  CALM      1016  SCT              Vis 8SM. FEW025. A30.01R.                                                                           
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 11/23:37 Bradenton       FL  86  84  93 106  WS 1      1014  BKN                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 11/23:28 Dandridge       TN  77  59  55  79  NW 5      1014  SCT  H           .2" rain fell here today, quickly!                                                                  
+35.662 -87.048 Sep 11/23:24 Colombia        TN  75  59  58  78   W 1      1011  CLR              High-83 Low-59 No Precip since 12:00AM                                                              
+40.006 -75.134 Sep 11/23:20 Philadelphia    PA  73  67  84  77   W 6      1013  OVC  L           High-75 Low-68 Daily Rain-0.96"                                                                     
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 11/23:20 Pecos           TX  97  63  32 100 SSE10      1011  CLR                                                                                                                  
+38.905 -77.016 Sep 11/23:15 Washington      DC  68  63  82  67   W 4 G 29 1010  SCT              High-78 Low-67 0.30" daily rain 1.04" monthly rain                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 11/22:38 Butte(Emerson)  MT  67  48  52  67  CALM      1016  OVC              4:38PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Showers and storms approaching from the west.                         
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 11/21:53 Clifton         NJ  77  68  73  80 SSE 8 G 12 1013  BKN              Bar.falling, Vis.10mi., Ceil.10000ft.,Sept.precip.0.32in.                                           
 44.93N  72.20W Sep 11/21:51 Newport         VT  66  68  73  61 SSW 8 G 22 1009  BKN  LH          High Temp: 75/ Low Temp: 46/ Rain:0.0"/Visb 03m/                                                    
   34.2    84.1 Sep 11/21:41 cumming         GA  77  55  48  78  NW 5 G 10       CLR              Only 1.25 in of rain since aug. 1!                                                                  
  28.56  -81.48 Sep 11/21:24 Orlando         FL  91              SE 2 G 10       CLR                                                                                                                  
  28.56  -81.48 Sep 11/21:23 Orlando         FL  91              SE 2 G 10       CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 11/20:55 Boonsboro       MD  70  65  87  76 WSW 1      1010  OVC  R-FH        High 76 at 3:26 pm   Low 65 at 6:51am   total precip for storm event = 6.54 in                      
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 11/20:45 Thurmont        MD  66                              BKN              1800 ft elevation                                                                                   
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 11/20:40 West Haven      CT  69  69 100  64  SE 9 G 15 1015  OVC  F           high/low 70/64  .16" of rain since last report.                                                     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 11/20:28 Houston/Les     TX  91  70  51  98   S 3      1013  SCT               Going to be hot at tonights football game. Hard to get a good "fall like" football game            
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 11/20:20 Overland        MO  73  45  38  75   N 9 G 11 1015  CLR              9/10  H 79  L 60  9/11 Pressure Falling                                                             
 44.9 N  72.2 W Sep 11/19:02 Newport         VT  71  63  73  76 SSW 8 G 24 1010  BKN  H           Today we had a nice start, but it has become windy and cloudy, posssible chance of a stray shower.  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 11/18:49 Boston          VA  75  66  72  78   W 2 G  9 1012  SCT              2:44 PM  EDT  Needed rain yesterday and the day before. Over 2 inches.                              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 11/18:21 Houston/Les     TX  88  68  53  93  NE 4      1015  SCT               10SM SCT120 SCT250 A2996 SLP146. Temp is climbing on up there.                                     
  28.56  -81.48 Sep 11/18:16 Orlando         FL  92              SW 2 G  9       SCT                                                                                                                  
 28.56N  81.48W Sep 11/18:08 Orlando         FL  91              SE 3 G  9       SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 11/16:28 Houston/Les     TX  83  73  73  89  NE 2      1015  BKN               8SM SCT100 SCT250 A2997 SLP149. Overnight low was 70 degrees.                                      
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 11/13:42 Fircrest        WA  60  54  80  60 SSW 2 G  6 1009  OVC              Still chance showers today, muggy still.                                                            
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 11/13:03 Wamego/Manhattn KS  55  49  80  55  CALM            CLR              Clear, cool + calm. Chilly in the mornings, nice in the afternoons lately.                          
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 11/12:33 Grand Junction  CO  62  50  67  60   E 5 G 10       CLR              Just a trace precip. last night. 87max,58 min yesterday. Peaches are still good AAH                 
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 11/12:33 McPherson       KS  55  50  86  55  SE 3 G  6 1016  CLR              Wed. 83/49  About as "perfect" as anyone would want msh. But a little rain would be okay.           
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 11/11:58 Aurora (#4811)  CO  58  43  57  54  SW 6      1014  SCT                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 11/11:57 Dandridge       TN  61  59  95  61  NW 3      1012  BKN  H           Last 3 days got about .5" rain.  We need some long "soakers."                                       
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 11/11:56 Thurmont        MD  60                               X   F           1800 ft elevation                                                                                   
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 11/11:34 Boston          VA  63  63 100  63  CALM      1012  OVC  F           EDT 7:30 am  Rainfall from yesterday and last night 1.19 inches.                                    
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 11/11:10 Framingham      MA  64                              OVC  LF          Hi(9/10) 71@1355-1500EDT. For 9/11:Hi+Lo(so far) is current temperature.                            
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 11/11:04 Clifton         NJ  64  64 100  58   E 9      1014  OVC  R-          Bar.falling, Vis.8mi., Ceil.1100ft., Lt.Rain+Drizzle                                                
                Sep 11/10:56 Topton          PA  67  67 100  65   E 5 G 10 1012  OVC  R-          Low clouds with light to at times moderate rain.                                                    
                Sep 11/10:55 Topton          PA  67  67 100  65   E 5 G 10       CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 11/10:49 North Granby    CT  60  60 100  60  NE 2      1018  OVC                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 11/10:33 Lake Pleasant   NY  57                              OVC  F           Light patchy fog                                                                                    
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 11/10:24 Boonsboro       MD  66  66 100  66  CALM      1008  OVC  H           High 66 at 00:01am   Low 65 at 6:20am  EDT  Total precp. from storm =5.05 in                        
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 11/09:40 West Haven      CT  64  63  98  62 ESE 5      1016  OVC              .01 " of rain since last report                                                                     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 11/05:52 Houston/Les     TX  75  70  87  79  CALM      1012  CLR               Temp sure is dropping slowly.  Probably get to "around 70" right at daybreak.                      
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 11/05:35 Fircrest        WA  64  59  82  64  SW 1 G  4 1010  OVC              No precip yet, but lots of dark clouds..                                                            
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 11/05:06 Bridgeport      CT  65          54   E18      1018  OVC  L           OBS@05Z/WIND KBDR/OVC014/H 71F/L 59F/PCP TRACE                                                      
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 11/04:15 Fort  Payne     AL  65  59  81  65  NE 1 G  3 1017  SCT  TF          4/10 Cn H/L 80.8/64.2 Prcp 0.08 Pres RS - Another stormy day. -SMA[23:15cdt]                        
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 11/04:05 Thurmont        MD  61                              OVC  TRW                                                                                                             
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 11/03:52 East Birmingham AL  67  63  86  64   N 6 G  9 1012  SCT              Hi:85 Lo:67 Rain:0.00  Drier air is flowing in. Our chance for a soakin rain is over for awhile.    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 11/02:32 Houston/Les     TX  79  71  77  83  CALM      1010  CLR               Clear night. Nice moon up there.                                                                   
                Sep 11/01:55 Princess Anne   MD  72  72 100  77 SSE 5 G 10 1008  SCT  H           Today's High: A MUGGY 84. My New E-mail Address is HKEU05D@prodigy.com (Please Post)                
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 11/01:34 Grand Junction  CO  80  50  36  79   S 5 G 10       SCT  T           Big Thunderhead rolling in over Colo NM - May as well rain for the garden                           
                Sep 11/01:18 Topton          PA  65  64 100  58   E10      1013  OVC  L           Where's my head?  Now I forgot the barometric pressure!                                             
                Sep 11/01:17 Topton          PA  65  64 100  58   E10            OVC  L           Ignore my last observation. Hit the enter key accidently. Dark and spooky day but only light drizzle
                Sep 11/01:16 Topton          PA  65                              CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 11/01:13 CLINTON         MA  59  59 100  58 ENE 4 G 15 1017  OVC              Closed up the pool today---Summer is just about over---Still plenty of those tomatoes out back.     
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 11/01:06 CLINTON         MA  59  59 100  58 ENE 4 G 15 1017  OVC              Hi 68 Lo 57 Departure +1  Some sun late this afternoon---A steady raw Northeast wind now.           
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 11/00:45 Butte(Emerson)  MT  61  51  72  61  CALM      1014  OVC  L           6:45PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Beginning to clear to the west.                                       
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 11/00:26 Butte(Emerson)  MT  63  50  63  51  SW18 G 27 1014  OVC  R-BY        6:26PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Thunder, please, please!!!                                           
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 11/00:13 Fircrest        WA  71  62  72  76 SSW 2 G  6 1010  BKN              Hi 74 Lo 61. Cloudy muggy all day. Still slight chance showers tonight/tommorrow.                   
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 11/00:00 Bradenton       FL  86  84  93 106  SW 2      1011  SCT                                                                                                                  
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 10/23:51 Bradenton       FL  86  84  93 106  SW 2      1011  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/23:43 Houston/Les     TX  89  71  56  96  NE 2      1010  BKN               Yes Bacliff, a day makes a difference. Now we have to watch for all of that to come back!          
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 10/23:07 Pecos           TX  88               E 9      1016  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 10/22:38 Bacliff         TX  87  75  68  97 ENE 4      1010  SCT              What a difference a day makes,eh Houston/Les!                                                       
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/22:17 Houston/Les     TX  91  71  53  99  NE 3      1010  BKN               It takes a really good shot of cool air to make any kind of "dent" down here.                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/22:16 Houston/Les     TX  91  71  53  99  NE 3      1010  BKN               Houston Intercontinental has been 92 for the last 3 hrs. Hot!                                      
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 10/21:29 Boonsboro       MD  72  70  96  77  CALM      1008  OVC  LF          High 74 at 2:28  Low 64 at 8:11am  EDT                                                              
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 10/20:38 West Haven      CT  70  62  76  76 ESE 3 G  9 1016  BKN              high/low 70/59                                                                                      
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 10/20:37 Beckley         WV  64  60  86  60   S 7      1010  OVC  R-          Vis. 9SM. SCT011 BKN017 OVC037. A29.85F.                                                            
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/20:32 Houston/Les     TX  92  71  51 100  CALM      1013  OVC               Clouded up this afternoon. So far, this cold front has lowered it from 97 to 92! *s* A/C blasting. 
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 10/20:18 Dandridge       TN  68  64  89  65 NNE 6 G 12 1008  OVC  TRW-H       Thunder from SW; lt. rain beginning; will call it showers for now...                                
+38.905 -77.016 Sep 10/19:53 Washington      DC  70  66  89  76   S 2 G 24 1007  OVC  TR-         High-81,Low-67,Temp Rate- -10.3/hr,0.43" Today,0.16" rain /hr, 0.69" Monthly prec., Humid Rate-+24.9
+38.946 -70.934 Sep 10/19:30 College Park    MD  79  71  77  83   E 4      1008  SCT              78%Sunlight 0.01" Precip                                                                            
+41.615 -73.117 Sep 10/19:27 Watertown       CT  67  16  14  67   W 2      1016  CLR                                                                                                                  
+30.448 -91.126 Sep 10/19:24 Baton Rouge     LA  93  70  47 100   S 2      1009  SCT                                                                                                                  
+46.571 -123.20 Sep 10/19:16 Pe Ell          WA  69  60  74  69  SE 1            SCT              Precip-0.01" Maximum Wind Gust 9 mph                                                                
+39.141 -77.216 Sep 10/19:14 Gaithersburg    MD  77  60  57  79  SE 8      1011  OVC  R-          High-77 Low-65 Precip-0.63"                                                                         
+40.006 -75.134 Sep 10/19:12 Philadelphia    PA  66  63  92  58   E12      1014  SCT  L           Precip-0.05" Low-63 High-66                                                                         
+38.905 -77.016 Sep 10/19:09 Washington      DC  79  68  68  82  NE 2 G 13       OVC  R-          83-Heat Index Humidity Rate--8.1 Pressure Rate- -0.03"/hour  Temp Rate- +1.8/hr                     
+40.735 -89.609 Sep 10/17:54 Peoria          IL  66  54  66  56   N17 G 21 1013  BKN              Hurricane Erika in Atlantic, and tropical Storm Linda in Eastern Pacific                            
+40.635 -88.806 Sep 10/17:48 Lexington       IL  66  54  66  56   N17 G 21 1013  BKN              Visibility-20 miles Up from 2 miles at 6:00A  Ceiling at 1,300 feet up from 700 feet at 6:00A       
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 10/17:41 Boston          VA  66  65  98  66 ESE 2 G  9 1015  OVC  RF          1:37 EDT  Woops! I hit the wrong key on the previous entry.  Raining off and on today, nice!        
+40.635 -88.806 Sep 10/17:40 Lexington       IL  66  54  66  56   N17 G 21 1013  BKN              Visibility-20 miles Up from 2 miles at 6:00A  Ceiling at 1,300 feet up from 700 feet at 6:00A       
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 10/17:37 Boston          VA  66  65  98                      CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/17:35 Houston/Les     TX  90  72  56  98   N 8      1013  SCT               Wamego, A/C is blasting away here, right now! *s* Hope it does not break down!                     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/17:31 Houston/Les     TX  90  72  56  98   N 8      1013  SCT               Haven't noticed a difference yet. Overnght low was 70. Maybe cooler air will filter in.            
     40     -89 Sep 10/17:29 Peoria          IL  66  54  65  56   N17 G 20 1013  BKN              Severe thunderstorm Warning for Fairfield Cornty in S. Carolina til 1:00 PM CDT                     
     40     -88 Sep 10/17:04 Lexington       IL  64  55  72  53   N18 G 22       BKN              Flood watch in MI for Gratiot,Clintn,Eatn,Ingham,Calhoun,Jackson,St. Joseph,branch,hillsdale,lenawee
  41.35   72.05 Sep 10/16:37 GROTON          CT  68  59  68  68   E 3 G  5 1019  OVC              FORECAST IS RAIN/THUNDERSHOWERS DEVELOPING TONIGHT INTO THURSDAY                                    
  41.35   72.05 Sep 10/16:27 GROTON          CT  68  59  68  68   E 3 G  5 1019  OVC              FORECAST IS RAIN/THUNDERSHOWERS DEVELOPING TONIGHT INTO THURSDAY                                    
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 10/16:01 Thurmont        MD  61                              OVC  R           0.8 inches rain overnight                                                                           
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 10/13:42 Fircrest        WA  61  59  92  61  CALM      1011  SCT              Chance of Thundershowers later this afternoon./                                                     
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 10/13:42 Fircrest        WA  61  59  92  61  CALM            SCT              Chance of Thundershowers later this afternoon./                                                     
                Sep 10/13:41 Beaverton       OR  65                              BKN  TR          A rare thunderstorm right now, nothin' spectacular, but fun!                                        
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 10/13:39 Wamego/Manhattn KS  56  50  80  56  CALM            CLR              A/C still broken at my house. New one will cost $600, but with weather like this we won't need it!  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 10/12:55 Framingham      MA  63                              OVC  L           Sunny afternoon Tues. Hi(9/9) 73@1515EDT. Lo(9/10) 61@0655EDT.                                      
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 10/12:49 Grand Junction  CO  61  34  37  59   S 5            CLR              80/61 yest.  Hi AAH                                                                                 
                Sep 10/12:48 McPherson       KS  49                              CLR              msh check email                                                                                     
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 10/12:36 McPherson       KS  49  44  85  49  CALM            CLR              Tuesday 80/49 Just about perfect!!  49.4 degrees right now w/heavy dew. hi msh.                     
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 10/12:24 Dandridge       TN  65  63  95  63  SW 5 G 10 1012   X   TR-F        Mild storm. Thin fog. over last 24 hours have had about .5" rain.  Thankful!                        
                Sep 10/11:19 Topton          PA  61  56  85  59  NE 5 G  7 1014  OVC              Very dark and threatening.  Rains a coming!                                                         
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 10/11:10 Lake Pleasant   NY  52                              SCT  F           Light patchy fog                                                                                    
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 10/10:49 Boston          VA  64  64 100  64   E 1 G  7 1011  OVC  RF          EDT 6:45 am  It's been raining all night. We have had 1.08 inches of rain.  It is still raining now.
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 10/10:26 Boonsboro       MD  64  63 100  59 ESE 8 G 15 1009  OVC  R-F         High 66 at 00:01am  Low 64 at 6:23am  EDT                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 10/09:49 West Haven      CT  61  57  86  61   N 3      1017  OVC              yesterday's high/low 69/60                                                                          
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 10/05:36 Fircrest        WA  68  58  70  68  CALM      1010  SCT              Muggy out tonight                                                                                   
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 10/05:06 Bridgeport      CT  61          49   E16      1018  SCT              OBS@05Z/SCT060/H 69F/L 60F/PCP 0.00"/WIND KBDR                                                      
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 10/04:15 Fort Payne      AL  67  60  80  63 WSW 7 G 13 1015  OVC  TR+F        10/10 Cn + Ns H/L 87.8/59.2 Prcp 0.17 Pres FR - Spectacular lightning shows -SMA[23:15cdt]          
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 10/04:07 Beckley         WV  62  60  93  52 SSE14 G 21 1011  SCT  LF          Vis 4SM. FEW085 THN BKN LYR ABV 120. A29.88F.                                                       
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 10/03:32 Clifton         NJ  59  59 100  59  CALM      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 10/03:11 Aurora (#4811)  CO  62  54  74  61  SW 4      1022  SCT                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 10/03:08 East Birmingham AL  74  69  84  78  SW 5      1009  SCT              Hi:87 Lo:70  Rain:0.13  We got light rain this morning,but the plants are still withered.           
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 10/02:40 Houston/NW      TX  73  70  91  77 ESE 5      1012  OVC  TRW-        BINOVC050 RW- OVD-SW-S-SE MOV S OCNL LTGICCC DSNT W-SW TSRA+ HAIL 85SW-S MOV S A2990 PCPN:0.61      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/02:39 Houston/Les     TX  73  71  95  77  NE 2      1013  OVC  TR-          Beautiful night! Lightning 30,000 ft straight up! Rolling thunder. Recd another .43" with 2nd line.
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/02:37 Houston/Les     TX  73  71  95  77  NE 2      1013  OVC  TR-          Bacliff must have been hit by that bad storm!I heard downed trees limbs etc, and golfball size hail
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 10/02:32 Bacliff         TX  77  77 100  84   W 5      1010  OVC  TR-                                                                                                             
  36.51  -76.02 Sep 10/02:26 Virginia Beach  VA  71  72  97  76   E 3 G  5 1013  OVC  H           .02 of light rain late afternoon                                                                    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/01:56 Houston/Les     TX  73  72  97  77  NE 5      1011  OVC  TR            Maximum wind gust with the first squall line was 28.5 mph, at 6:41 pm CST.                        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/01:54 Houston/Les     TX  73  72  97  77  NE 5      1011  OVC  TR           Here comes 2nd squall line. Bacliff, another 30 or 40 minutes before it gets down there.           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/01:16 Houston/Les     TX  73  71  95  77  NE 5 G  7 1011  BKN               Line of storms brought me .33" rain (light/thunder) but as they approached Galvestn golf ball hail!
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 10/01:15 CLINTON         MA  58  56  93  58 ENE 2 G  4 1016  SCT              Hi 71 Lo 57 Departure +2  That east wind hangs in there--it keeps the Lo temp up-Not a bad day.     
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 10/01:14 Houston/Les     TX  73  71  95  77  NE 5 G  7 1011  BKN               Now a secondary squall line has developed behind the first. About 20 miles N of me. More rain?     
40.2441 82.4134 Sep 10/00:39 utica           OH  65  62  93  63   S 5 G  8 1008  OVC  R-F         heavy rain to west/southwest                                                                        
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 10/00:26 Bacliff         TX  76  76 100  82 NNE40 G 70 1013   X   TRW+        severe thunderstorm in progress                                                                     
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 10/00:11 Bacliff         TX  78  77  98  85 NNE35 G 50 1011   X   TRW+        severe storm overhead                                                                               
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 10/00:10 Fircrest        WA  81  60  50  82   N 1 G  9 1009  OVC              Hi 81 Lo 54. Sun most day, clds rolled in late afternoon. Chance thundershower tommorrrow.          
                Sep 09/23:56 Topton          PA  65  56  75  63   E 5      1015  OVC              Grey, cool and depressing type day but bone dry. Looks like that'll change soon, though.            
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 09/23:54 Grand Junction  CO  79  50  37  79   S 5 G 10       SCT              Some thunder clouds on all sides but sunny here.                                                    
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/23:46 Houston/Les     TX  87  76  70  97  NW10 G 20 1008  OVC  TR-          Going to sign off as lightning is getting close.Just saw a spooky sight.Clouds swirling @25000 ft. 
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 09/23:29 North Granby    CT  65  61  90  65  CALM            SCT                                                                                                                  
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 09/23:26 Beckley         WV  64  62  93  57 SSE10      1012  OVC  RF          Vis 2 1/2SM. FEW012 SCT033 BKN085. A29.90R.                                                         
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/23:24 Houston/Les     TX  91  76  63 104  SE 5      1008  OVC  T            OVC250 A2978 SLP084. Lightning 25 miles NW,N,NE. I hope this doesn't fizzle out before it gets here
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 09/23:12 Pecos           TX 102  57  22 102   E13      1013  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/22:58 Houston/Les     TX  93  75  56 105  SW 5      1008  OVC               Lightning 30 miles N, 45 miles NW, 60 miles NE. Things are getting severe to the ENE.              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/22:56 Houston/Les     TX  93  75  56 105  SW 5      1008  OVC               We have a boundary from earlier Louisiana t/strms colliding with approaching C/F boundary.         
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 09/22:18 Bradenton       FL  86  84  93 106  CALM      1011  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/22:16 Houston/Les     TX  95  76  55 109  SW 5      1008  OVC               Severe lightning, 35 miles N and 45 miles NE. Pressr falling "extremely" fast! It's coming!        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/22:15 Houston/Les     TX  95  76  55 109  SW 5      1008  OVC               Houston Intercontinental has reprtd a temp of 97 degrees, at 2,3,4 and 5pm. High for me was 96 degr
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 09/21:40 Boonsboro       MD  71  67  89  76 ESE 1      1011  OVC  FH          High 72 at 1:42 pm  Low 65 at 6:60 am EDT                                                           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/21:32 Houston/Les     TX  96  77  55 112  SW 4      1012  BKN               "Whistling" along at a brisk 96 degrees and a heat index of a balmy 110! Mostly cloudy skies.      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/21:31 Houston/Les     TX  96  77  55 112  SW 4      1012  BKN               I tell you what. If a cold front collides with this heat, no telling what may happen.              
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 09/21:04 Bacliff         TX  90  75  62 101  SE12      1010  SCT              Lightning detected 50 miles Northwest through Northeast                                             
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 09/20:36 West Haven      CT  68  60  77  68   E 2      1016  BKN              high/low 68/62                                                                                      
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 09/20:25 Overland        MO  76  67  76  79  NW12 G 15 1011  BKN              9/8  H 82  L  66  1.0 in rain  9/9  Pressure Falling                                                
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 09/20:25 Overland        MO  76  67  76  79  NW12 G 15       BKN              9/8  H 82  L  66  1.0 in rain  9/9  Pressure Falling                                                
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 09/20:23 Overland        MO  76  67  76  79                  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54   78.15 Sep 09/20:02 Boston          VA  67  64  90  67 ENE 1 G 12 1014  OVC  F           EDT 3:58 pm  Yesterday's rainfall 0.77 of an inch.  Cloudy and foggy here all day.                  
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 09/18:04 Wamego/Manhattn KS  79  56  45  80   N 9            CLR              Beautiful day! TD down to 56 - a pleasant break from high humidities.                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/17:14 Houston/Les     TX  88  74  65  98  SW 3      1013  SCT               Morn low was 75. Ysterdys high 97. Big changes on the way though (hopefully).                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/17:13 Houston/Les     TX  88  74  65  98  SW 3      1013  SCT               However, last time they said that, it lowered the temps from 98 down to 95! *s*                    
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 09/14:43 Dandridge       TN  68  66  95  68  CALM      1012  OVC  R-F         Rain has increased a bit, hope it continues, .2" so far...needed!                                   
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 09/14:38 Flagstaff       AZ  55  50  84  55  CALM      1027  SCT              Cool and damp.  Monsoon flow still present, though it should be petering out soon.                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 09/13:42 Fircrest        WA  54  51  89  54  CALM      1011  CLR              Could get to mid-high 80's today some areas. Clds showers back by tommorrow.Norm Temps to.          
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 09/13:20 Thurmont        MD  58                              OVC  F           .05 inches rain overnight                                                                           
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 09/13:19 Framingham      MA  63                              OVC              Another gloomy day. No rain yet. For 9/8:Hi 69@1445EDT, Lo 63@2305-2359EDT. Lo(9/9) 62@????-0840EDT.
   44 N         Sep 09/13:01 Mt. Washington  NH  39  17  66  28  NE 9 G 15       SCT  F           some valley fog, pathchy clouds a t summit                                                          
   44 N         Sep 09/13:00 Syosset         NY  39  17  66  28  NE 9 G 15       SCT  F           some valley fog, pathchy clouds a t summit                                                          
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 09/13:00 Wamego/Manhattn KS  64  60  86                      SCT              Brisk north breeze. Big storms W of here last night, only a trace of precip at my house.            
   41 N         Sep 09/12:58 Syosset         NY  63  58  85  56  NE10 G 12       OVC  F           spotty morning drizzle, visibility about 1 mile                                                     
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 09/12:56 PAINESVILLE     OH  64  62  92  62  SE 5 G 10 1012  BKN              Rain later?                                                                                         
                Sep 09/12:37 McPherson       KS  63                              SCT              Forecast is for 70's today for highs rather than 90's msh.                                          
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 09/12:35 McPherson       KS  63  60  92  61  NE 5      1017  SCT              Monday 94/63  It rained!  .22" in the night.                                                        
 36.001 -83.404 Sep 09/12:34 Dandridge       TN  68  63  85  68  CALM      1011  OVC  LF          Hope that this 70% chance of rain comes on in!  We are bone-dry.                                    
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 09/12:27 Grand Junction  CO  68  52  57  66   N 5 G 10       CLR              88/54 yesterday.  Is it going to cool down there AAH?                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 09/11:26 Boston          VA  64  63  99  63   E 4 G  7 1015   X   F           EDT 7:23 am   Rain fall was from yesterday and last night, total was 0.77 inch.   Dense for rhis am.
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 09/11:22 Clifton         NJ  61  58  89  59 NNE 5      1016  SCT              Bar.rising, Vis. 6mi.                                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 09/10:45 North Granby    CT  59  59 100  59  CALM      1018  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 09/10:26 Boonsboro       MD  66  66 100  66 ESE 2      1011  OVC  F           High at 00:05am   Low at 6:23am  EDT                                                                
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 09/10:21 Lake Pleasant   NY  48                              OVC  F           Moderate patchy fog. Heavy dew on the ground.                                                       
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 09/09:43 West Haven      CT  63  60  90  61   N 5 G  8 1016  OVC                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/05:45 Houston/Les     TX  80  73  80  85  CALM      1012  SCT               12:45am and down to 80 degrees! Getting close to the low for tonight. Kind of chilly.              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 09/05:43 Houston/Les     TX  80  73  80  85  CALM      1012  SCT               No one knows what prolonged heat is like just like I dont know what prolonged cold is like.        
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 09/05:33 Fircrest        WA  64  55  73  64   N 2 G  6 1011  BKN              Hi thin clouds overhead now. Temps mild. Temps tommorrow in 80's.?                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 09/05:01 Bridgeport      CT  61          54  NE 9      1016  BKN              WIND KBDR/BKN021/H 74F/L 61F/PCP 0.00"                                                              
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 09/04:06 Beckley         WV  62  59  89  61  SE 4      1015  SCT              Vis 5SM. BR. BKN LYR ABV 120. VLY FG FORMING ALQDS. A29.99F.                                        
 40 57'  74 30' Sep 09/03:33 MARCELLA        NJ  61                              BKN                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 09/03:32 East Birmingham AL  75  64  79  78  NE 2      1013  OVC              Hi:92 Lo:65 Rain:0.00   Hopefully,we will get some rain tomorrow. It's been dry and hot.            
  36.51  -76.02 Sep 09/03:28 Virginia Beach  VA  72  70  91  76   E 5 G  8 1012  SCT              Severe T-storm in south Virginia Beach at 5:00pm                                                    
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 09/02:53 Grand Junction  CO  75  52  46  77  CALM            SCT              Hot here today (at least it seemed so after cool damp weather) Way to go KSU Cats                   
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 09/01:55 Thurmont        MD  59                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  36.51  -76.82 Sep 09/01:52 Virginia Beach  VA  72  70  88  76  NE 4 G  8 1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 09/01:01 CLINTON         MA  60  58  93  60   E 2 G  5 1014  OVC              Hi 66 Lo 60 Departure 0  Murky monday--periods of drizzle--a couple quick glimpses of the sun.      
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 09/00:52 Aurora (#4811)  CO  76  36  23  75 NNE 5      1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 09/00:11 Fircrest        WA  76  55  48  78   N 3 G 12 1012  SCT              Hi 76 Lo 52. Didn't make 80 here today. Mabe tommorrow.                                             
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 09/00:11 Fircrest        WA  76  55  48  78   N 3 G 12       SCT              Hi 76 Lo 52. Didn't make 80 here today. Mabe tommorrow.                                             
                Sep 08/23:29 Topton          PA  69          69   W 3      1013  BKN              Sounds like quite a bit of heat down there.  Keep cool!                                             
                Sep 08/23:27 Topton          PA  69          69   W 3      1013  BKN              Partly to Mostly Cloudy Day.  Neat red sunset, though.                                              
                Sep 08/23:15 McPherson       KS  90                              SCT              HOT hot HOT here too. 94 today for max.  Sounds like we're in for a big change.                     
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 08/23:08 Bradenton       FL  91  65  42  94 ESE 2      1012  CLR                                                                                                                  
   42.2   -71.1 Sep 08/23:06 west roxbury    MA  63  54  75  63   N 2      1015   X                                                                                                                   
                Sep 08/22:48 Beaverton       OR  89                              CLR              It is SO hot! As warm tomorrow, cold this morning--46 degrees! Mt Hood looks great...               
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 08/21:37 Aurora (#4811)  CO  81  33  17  77   E 3      1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 08/21:23 Boston          VA  74  64  72  77  NE 7 G 11 1012  OVC  T           EDT 5:19 pm    We are having a thundersstorm at the moment.  No rain yet                            
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 08/21:13 Houston/Les     TX  93  73  53 103  SE 5      1012  SCT               It is Hot, Hot, Hot! Has to change someday!                                                        
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 08/20:52 Boonsboro       MD  78  71  80  82 ENE 4 G  7 1010  BKN              High 84 at 3:13 pm  Low at 7:33am EDT                                                               
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 08/20:50 West Haven      CT  69  63  83  67 NNE 5 G 16 1014  OVC              high/low 72/64                                                                                      
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 08/20:45 Overland        MO  79  67  67  82  SW12 G 15 1010  SCT              9/7  H 92  L  68  9/8  Pressure Falling                                                             
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 08/20:03 Aurora (#4811)  CO  80  29  15  76   E 2      1022  SCT              Cu W.                                                                                               
   36.5   76.17 Sep 08/18:18 Portsmouth      VA  87  65  48  90  SW 8      1011  SCT  H           A2985 BKN250 SCT060 FEW TCU 10305 VIS 6 HZ / http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 08/17:10 Houston/Les     TX  90  76  65 102   W 3      1015  SCT               There is something "fishy" about the clouds in the West Central Gulf. Keep an eye on it.           
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 08/16:32 Houston/Les     TX  87  76  70  97   W 3      1015  SCT               Off to a hot muggy start. Anticipation for some cooler weather is overwhelming! Ovnite low was 74. 
  44.53  -72.00 Sep 08/16:13 Lyndonville     VT  64                              BKN              From Auburn, NH up to Lyndon St. College for the fall..................                             
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 08/15:23 Thurmont        MD  70                              SCT                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 08/14:49 PAINESVILLE     OH  67  63  87  65  NE 5 G 10 1015  OVC                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 08/13:58 Aurora (#4811)  CO  58  45  62  54  SW 6      1023  SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 08/13:39 Fircrest        WA  52  50  92  52  CALM      1017  CLR              Up to 82 today?                                                                                     
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 08/13:21 Framingham      MA  65                              OVC              Some rain expected today + Tues. Hi(9/7) 80@1235+1615EDT. Lo(9/8)(so far) Current Temperature       
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 08/13:15 Moorhead        MN  62  62 100  62  CALM            OVC  F           Had some hail last night most of it pea to marble size..Pre .84. Vis this Am 0-1/8 mile             
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 08/12:53 Grand Junction  CO  59  51  77  59  CALM            CLR              85/54 Sunday.  Over 9" of rain this year (ave. is less for entire year)                             
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 08/12:42 Wamego/Manhattn KS  68  62  81                      BKN              abt .25" rain Sunday am. My A/C quit on Saturday, so allergies are bad at my house.                 
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 08/12:30 McPherson       KS  69  65  89  67  NW 5      1012  BKN              Sunday 96/68 w/trace of precip. We need rain also Dandridge. Sorry msh.  Sept. precip here = trace. 
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 08/11:59 North Granby    CT  61  61 100  58   N 6 G 10 1013  OVC              .01" rain during early morning                                                                      
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 08/11:33 Dandridge       TN  65  60  85  65  CALM      1015  SCT  H           A typical early autumn morning, but we need rain!                                                   
                Sep 08/11:07 Topton          PA  62  59  90  60  NW 5      1013  BKN              Very quite/grey morning. CF passed through quietly but still overcast as it stalls to to the south. 
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 08/10:59 Boston          VA  61  59  91  61   E 1 G  2 1014  BKN  H           EDT 6:53 am   We have had no rainfall, except one day this month.                                   
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 08/10:50 Lake Pleasant   NY  54                              BKN              Rain: 0.10" overnight.                                                                              
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 08/10:31 Boonsboro       MD  64  63  97     SSW   G  0 1011  OVC  H           High 69 at 00:01am  Low 63 at 6:27am  EDT                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 08/09:37 West Haven      CT  65  63  94  65 NNE 3 G 11 1011  SCT                                                                                                                  
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 08/06:50 Fort Payne      AL  62  52  72  62  CALM      1022  CLR  H           0/10 CLR H/L 86.9/54.5 Prcp 0.00 Pres RS - Warm weather is here to stay for awhile.-SMA[01:50cdt]   
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 08/05:40 Fircrest        WA  63  53  70  63   N 3 G  8 1016  CLR              Sat Hi 68 Lo 49, Sun Hi 72 Lo 47. Temps into Lo 80's first part week. Summer Still with us out here.
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 08/05:14 East Birmingham AL  70  58  72  76  NE 4      1017  CLR              Hi:90 Lo:60  Humidity is starting to come back. Some spots today had 40+ degrees b/t high + low!    
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 08/05:05 Clifton         NJ  68  64  86  66   N 5      1012  BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 08/04:59 Bridgeport      CT  67  63  87  62 NNE 8      1012  OVC              WIND KBDR/SCT060 OVC100/RECENT RW-/H 79F/L 59F/PCP TRACE                                            
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 08/03:33 Lake Pleasant   NY  58  58 100                      OVC  LF                                                                                                              
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 08/03:29 Bradenton       FL  66                        1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 08/03:29 Bradenton       FL                            1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 08/02:22 Thurmont        MD  61                              OVC              0.18 inches rain in afternoon shower                                                                
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 08/00:56 CLINTON         MA  66  59  78  66  NE 2 G  6 1010  BKN              Hi 80 Lo 57 Departure +6  Periods of Clouds, but still a warm day and a nice Sept. weekend.         
                Sep 08/00:02 Topton          PA  68          66  SW 5      1012  SCT  H           More hazy and humid than in the past but still quite nice.  High: 78.  Low: 56.                     
                Sep 07/23:51 Grand Junction  CO  84  51  33  83   N10            SCT              Hot today at the air show, got a sunburn                                                            
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 07/23:39 Bradenton       FL  88  88 100 118  NE 3      1014  SCT                                                                                                                  
  29.27  -95.50 Sep 07/23:31 Houston/Les     TX  88  74  64  97  SE 5      1014  SCT               8SM SCT120 BKN250 A2995 SLP142. Winds shifted back to SE this afternoon. Hot. Muggy.               
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 07/23:15 Pecos           TX 102  54  20 101  SE 9      1015  CLR  H                                                                                                               
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 07/21:33 West Haven      CT  73  66  79  77   S 2      1011  BKN              high/low 73/58                                                                                      
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 07/20:47 Bradenton       FL  84  77  79  94  NE 3 G 10 1015  SCT              Cumulnimbus froming to the east                                                                     
  37.33  -79.90 Sep 07/20:16 Read Mt.        VA  83  48  29  81   N 6      1015  CLR              PresF, Lo 56 @1059Z; Location 15 NE Roanoke, 2 W Blue Ridge Pkwy.                                   
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 07/19:49 McPherson       KS  92              CALM            SCT              Heating up again.  Hope we get cooled down and a rain soon.                                         
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 07/18:09 Beckley         WV  75  55  49  77   W 9      1019  SCT              Vis 9SM. SCT 041. A30.11F.                                                                          
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 07/15:25 Houston/Les     TX  83  77  83  92  NE 3      1017  SCT  H            HZ 6SM SCT250 A3003 SLP169. humidity is back! Also hot. Overnight low was 77 degrees.              
  40.09  -74.05 Sep 07/14:37 Pt. Pleas. Bch. NJ  80  59  48  81  SW 3      1015  CLR              Sea Breeze Kicking in at the beach, 1 mile east of this station.                                    
   31.5   76.17 Sep 07/13:35 Portsmouth      VA  69  59  69  67   W 5      1017  CLR              A3003 T02090154 20177 VIS 8SM FEW250 / Visit Portsmouth Wxr at http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot    
  39.06  108.58 Sep 07/13:11 Grand Junction  CO  59  56  90  51   S10            CLR              BIG storms yesterday. 0.47" 70 max/59 min yest.  Air show goes on today, we're there AAH            
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 07/13:01 PAINESVILLE     OH  65  63  91  65  CALM      1015  CLR              Nice late summer wx .                                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 07/12:43 North Granby    CT  62  62 100  62  SE 2      1013  BKN                                                                                                                  
   42.2   -71.1 Sep 07/12:40 west roxbury    MA  65  53  66  63 WSW 5      1013  BKN                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 07/12:38 Framingham      MA  67                              SCT              Sprinkles@6PM Sat. Another nice day in progress. Hi(9/6) 79@1440EDT. Lo(9/7) 60@0530-0625EDT.       
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 07/12:12 Lake Pleasant   NY  56          56  CALM            OVC  F                                                                                                               
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 07/12:12 McPherson       KS  70  60  71  76  SE10 G 15       OVC              Sat. 89/65  Forecast has rain. Hope it comes true because we need some.                             
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 07/12:06 Boonsboro       MD  62  55  80  62  CALM      1014  CLR              High 67 at 00:01am  Low 54 at 6:44am  EDT                                                           
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 07/10:54 West Haven      CT  58  58 100  58  CALM      1013  SCT  F                                                                                                               
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 07/07:34 Clifton         NJ  59  58  96  59  CALM      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 07/04:04 Bradenton       FL  82              CALM      1018  SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 07/01:07 Aurora (#4811)  CO  66  54  64  62   S 7 G 16 1020  SCT              Cb E DSTNT.                                                                                         
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 07/01:02 Bridgeport      CT  70              SW 9      1015  CLR              WIND KBDR/H 77F/L 55F/KBDR PCP 0.00" MTD 0.04"                                                      
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 07/00:43 Dandridge       TN  79  49  35  78   W 5      1018  SCT  H           The end of a near perfect day; however, we need rain!  Watering the fall garden.                    
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 07/00:31 CLINTON         MA  62  54  75  62  CALM      1013  BKN              Hi 75 Lo 48  Departure -2  Lot of cirrus clouds---A very light shower at 6 PM. (A few BIG drops)    
   27.5   -82.6 Sep 06/23:16 Bradenton       FL  80  80 100  90  CALM      1016  SCT                                                                                                                  
   27.5    82.6 Sep 06/23:08 Bradenton       FL  80  80 100  90  CALM            SCT                                                                                                                  
                Sep 06/23:05 Topton          PA  71               W 3      1014  SCT              Yet another nice day. Very brief shower this morning from upper air disturbance then clearing.      
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 06/22:29 Aurora (#4811)  CO  70  49  46  75  NW10 G 31 1020  OVC  TR-         WSHFT W-N.                                                                                          
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 06/22:20 Pecos           TX  95  59  29  95 ESE16      1016  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 06/21:24 Annapolis       MD  77  60  57  79  CALM      1016  CLR              Trace of precip. earlier.                                                                           
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 06/21:18 Boonsboro       MD  79  64  62  81 SSE 3      1014  SCT              High 80 at 3:18pm   Low 50 at 5:05 am  EDT                                                          
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 06/20:32 West Haven      CT  73  63  72  77   S 2 G  8 1015  BKN              high/low 75/53                                                                                      
                Sep 06/19:17 Natchitoches    LA  89  72  59  97   E 5      1017  SCT              Hazy sky condition.....i                                                                            
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 06/18:52 McPherson       KS  87                              SCT              One of the last few days of summer really warming up here. Getting cartop carrier ready msh.        
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 06/18:49 McPherson       KS  87                              SCT              One of the last few days of summer really warming up here. Getting cartop carrier ready msh.        
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 06/16:21 North Granby    CT  78  54  44  79   S 5 G 10 1015  BKN              Thin overcast                                                                                       
  34.92  -82.31 Sep 06/16:02 Taylors         SC  79  47  33  78  SE 2 G 11 1023  CLR                                                                                                                  
  34.92  -82.31 Sep 06/16:01 Taylors         SC  79  47  33  78  SE 2 G 11       CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 06/14:22 Framingham      MA  70                              BKN              Cirrus. Another beautiful day! Hi(9/5) 75@1500-1535EDT. Lo(9/6) 52@0525-0610EDT.                    
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 06/13:56 Grand Junction  CO  63  51  67  58   S 8            SCT              86/56 yest here AAH (almost the same as U).  Big thunderstorms predicted today for the air show.    
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 06/13:26 Boonsboro       MD  56  54  95  56  CALM      1018  BKN              High 57 at 00:01am   Low 50 at 5:05am  EDT                                                          
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 06/12:12 McPherson       KS  65  60  86  63   S 5      1018  SCT              Friday 86/55  No precip.  10 degrees warmer this morning. Houston/send some rain.                   
                Sep 06/11:41 Topton          PA  60          60   W 3      1017  BKN              A bit more cloudy than the past few sunrises but still on the chilly side.                          
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 06/11:02 West Haven      CT  53  52  94  53  CALM      1017  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 06/04:53 Bridgeport      CT  59          59  CALM      1017  SCT              SCT250/VIS>10SM/CS SW/H 75F/L 49F/KBDR PCP 0.00" MTD 0.04"                                          
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 06/03:37 East Birmingham AL  68  56  75  68  NE 3      1020  CLR              Hi:85 Lo:61 Rain:0.00   Strangely,the air has been much drier S and E of here tdy,but humider NW.   
    42n     71w Sep 06/02:09 cambridge       MA  70  50  42  75   W10 G 15 1015  SCT  H           Tomorrow mostly sunny high 75 to 80                                                                 
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 06/00:29 CLINTON         MA  58  49  71  58  CALM      1013  CLR              Hi 73 Lo 43 Dep. -5  A nice Fall feeling day with the small puffy clouds dotting the deep blue sky. 
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 06/00:17 Fircrest        WA  69  51  52  69  SW 1 G  6 1014  BKN              Hi 71 Lo 55. Mostly cloudy all day.     Back on Sunday evenng. Have a nice weekend.                 
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 05/23:44 East Birmingham AL  77  54  57  79   E 3      1019  CLR  HK          The air has become very dry over much of AL.Some spots SE of here have dwpts in the upper 30's!     
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 05/23:42 East Birmingham AL  77  54  57  79   E 3      1019  CLR  HK          Smoke has overspread Birmingham with a bad smell.It all came from burning dead trees.               
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 05/23:12 Pecos           TX  95  64  35  98 ESE10      1017  SCT  H                                                                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 05/22:29 Houston/Les     TX  92  62  37  94  NE 7      1015  CLR               SKC A2997 SLP149. Where is the hurricane going? Will cold front steer it into Gulf?                
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 05/22:28 Butte(Emerson)  MT  67  49  53  67  CALM      1014  OVC  T           4:29PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Thunder off to the south.                                             
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 05/22:11 Butte(Emerson)  MT  70  52  54  76   S21 G 34 1014  OVC  TLBY        4:11PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Thunder off to the south.  Good amount of wind.                       
                Sep 05/22:09 Topton          PA  71               W 8      1016  CLR              I can't remember the last time it rained here. The weather's great but getting a bit dry.           
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 05/21:55 Butte(Emerson)  MT  74  53  49  77  CALM      1014  OVC  R-          3:55PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Thunderstorm passed through.  More on the way.  No thunder now.      
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 05/20:44 Boonsboro       MD  80  60  51  81 NNW 1 G  3 1017  SCT              High 84 at 3:05pm   Low 45 at 7:32  EDT                                                             
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 05/20:34 West Haven      CT  75  48  40  77   N 8 G 14 1015  CLR              high/low 75/48                                                                                      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 05/20:15 Houston/Les     TX  92  63  39  95  NE 4      1017  CLR               Sure nice humidity. However, the ground will dry out in half a day! Soil is used to high humidity. 
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 05/16:44 Overland        MO  70  45  41  75  SE12 G 15 1021  CLR              9/4  H 77  L 52  9/5  Pressure Falling                                                              
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 05/16:38 Houston/Les     TX  85  58  40  85            1018  CLR               Front lost its punch by the time it got down here. Ovnight low was an "ice cold" 72 degrees!       
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 05/16:36 Houston/Les     TX  85  58  40  85            1018  CLR               Look at that humidity though! Wow. Very, very rare for Houston!                                    
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 05/13:38 Fircrest        WA  56  54  93  56  CALM      1015  OVC                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 05/13:37 PAINESVILLE     OH  60  56  88  60 WSW 2 G  7 1022  CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 05/13:29 Steamboat Sprng CO  45          45  CALM            SCT  F           Blight on Aspen trees will make for poor fall color                                                 
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 05/13:24 Flagstaff       AZ  51  49  95  51  CALM      1027  CLR              See McPherson I told ya!  It's a soggy morning here, late in monsoon season.                        
  39.06 -108.58 Sep 05/12:48 Grand Junction  CO  60  53  80  58   S 5            CLR              77/62 yest.,0.04".   with sounds of lightning and Blue Angels warming up for air show this weekend. 
                Sep 05/12:31 McPherson       KS  55  51  87  55   S 3      1020  CLR              Pretty morning--sun just up.  Thurs. 80/55  Indian Summer, but we need some rain.                   
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 05/12:00 Framingham      MA  54                              CLR              Few cirrus. Hi(9/4) 65@1400EDT. Lo(9/5) 50@0655EDT(equals lowest since 6/15).                       
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 05/11:35 Clifton         NJ  53  44  71  53  CALM      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 05/11:01 Boston          VA  43  40  89  43  CALM      1023  CLR              EDT 6:58 am  Outside, it looks like it will be another beautiful day.                               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 05/10:37 North Granby    CT  49  49 100  49  CALM      1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 05/10:24 Boonsboro       MD  45  43  94  45  CALM      1020  CLR              High 51 at 00:01am   Low 45 at 6:20 am  EDT                                                         
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 05/10:10 Lake Pleasant   NY  40          40  CALM            SCT                                                                                                                  
34.4273 -85.754 Sep 05/05:33 Fort Payne      AL  58  49  73  58  SW 2 G  4 1025  CLR              0/10 CLR H/L 91.0/57.7 Prcp 0.31 Pres RS - 3day totals - Unpacked coats tonight! -SMA[00:33cdt]     
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 05/05:27 Fircrest        WA  63  55  56  63  CALM      1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 05/04:28 Bridgeport      CT  55          51  NW 6      1016  BKN              WIND KBDR/BKN065/beautiful night! great visibility.                                                 
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 05/03:45 bacliff         TX  81  76  86  89 NNE 8      1018  BKN                                                                                                                  
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 05/03:40 Lake Pleasant   NY  44          44  CALM            CLR              Chance of frost tonight.                                                                            
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 05/03:21 East Birmingham AL  70  62  72  76  NE 8 G 13 1019  CLR              Hi:85 Lo:64  The front has been a big fluke for here.Temps,haze,and dwpts are higher than frcsted.  
                Sep 05/03:06 Grand Junction  CO  70  58  68  76   E10            SCT              Nice cool evening here after some close lightning this afternoon                                    
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 05/01:46 CLINTON         MA  53  40  61  53  CALM      1012  SCT              Hi 64 Lo 42 Departure -10  The feel of fall was in the air today.                                   
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 05/00:37 Boonsboro       MD  63  52  68  63  CALM      1017  CLR              High 74 at 3:03 pm  Low 44 at 7:31am  EDT                                                           
                Sep 05/00:28 Topton          PA  57          57   W 3 G  5 1016  CLR              Crystal clear day w/ only a few scenic Cu clouds. Brisk and chilly but overall a 10 best.  Hi of 67.
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 05/00:08 Fircrest        WA  71  55  58  76  CALM      1016  SCT              Hi 71 Lo 54  Sun most of day. Hi clds now. Chance showers nite/AM. Nice comfortable out.            
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 04/23:25 Houston/Les     TX  84  74  73  92  NE 4      1015  BKN               Not much of a cold front! Supposed to get down close to 70 tonight. Maybe the next one...          
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 04/23:24 Houston/Les     TX  84  74  73  92  NE 4      1015  BKN               Lightning 30 miles WSW. That is the way it goes. Close but no cigar.                               
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 04/22:35 Moorhead        MN  67  62  86  59 SSE13      1015  OVC  R-          Light rain within the last 30 minutes..Pre up to 5:35p = .02                                        
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 04/22:00 Beckley         WV  62  42  47  53   N12      1022  CLR              Vis 10SM. A30.18S.                                                                                  
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 04/21:59 bacliff         TX  83  76  80  92 NNE18 G 22 1015  SCT                                                                                                                  
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 04/20:58 Annapolis       MD  71  37  30  74 NNW 3 G 12 1015  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 04/20:54 Houston/Les     TX  88  74  64  97  NE 5      1016  BKN               A little bit of sun breaking through raising the temp. Lightning 60 miles southwest.               
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 04/20:14 West  Haven     CT  68  44  43  65 NNE 6 G 18 1012  CLR              High/low 68/50                                                                                      
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 04/19:47 Clifton         NJ  68  42  38  64 NNW 7 G 15 1013  SCT              Bar. falling                                                                                        
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 04/18:46 Bacliff         TX  83  75  78  91 NNE15 G 19 1017  OVC              Lightning detected 80 miles southwest                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 04/18:26 Houston/Les     TX  83  74  76  90  NE 5 G 10 1018  OVC  H            Painesville- overcast and still hot! A/C running at 3/4 speed.                                     
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 04/18:13 Wamego/Manhattn KS  75  52  44  77                  CLR              Finally warming up. A beautiful day in the Flint Hills!                                             
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 04/17:39 Overland        MO  67  47  50  61  SE10 G 12 1025  SCT              9/3  H 76  L 60  9/4  Pressure Steady                                                               
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 04/15:44 Houston/Les     TX  82  74  79  89  NE 5      1018  OVC  H            5SM OVC250 HZ A3005 SLP176. Wx is strange! No rain, no T/storms, no nothing.                       
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 04/15:42 Houston/Les     TX  82  74  79  89  NE 5      1018  OVC               Cold front on way but we already have NEsterly flow from tropical disturbance in Gulf!             
                Sep 04/14:19 McPherson       KS  62                              CLR              Wed. 74/55  NICE!!!!  Fall is coming.                                                               
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 04/14:05 Framingham      MA  58                              SCT              Lo(9/4) 51@0635-0705EDT--coldest since 6/16.                                                        
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 04/14:04 Framingham      MA  58                              SCT              The feel of Fall!For 9/3:Hi 73@0000EDT(Day Hi 70@1515EDT),Lo 54@2305+2340-2359EDT(AM Lo 60@1015-1135
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 04/13:36 Fircrest        WA  54  52  92  54  CALM      1021  CLR              Beautiful sunrise this morning,but fall in the air.                                                 
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 04/13:28 Thurmont        MD  47                              CLR                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 04/12:53 Dandridge       TN  49  42  77  41   N 8 G 15 1021  SCT  F           Lt.fog, creek bottoms.  Cool!  Digging potatoes and picking turnip greens.                          
                Sep 04/12:44 Grand Junction  CO  62  59  93  60   S 5            OVC  TR          86/59 yest. We've had our average for the whole year in rainfall - 8.56" for 1997!                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 04/12:35 PAINESVILLE     OH  52  48  87  52  CALM      1024  CLR              Overnite low 49.                                                                                    
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 04/12:33 Wamego/Manhattn KS  52  50  92  52  CALM            SCT              Brr. Some fog over ponds + the river, otherwise mostly clear and crisp. Heavy dew.                  
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 04/12:26 Moorhead        MN  57  50  78  52 SSE 7 G 16 1020  SCT              Lo 57 Hi 71..Expecting thunder showers this evening.                                                
                Sep 04/11:20 Topton          PA  50  42  75  47  NW 5 G  8 1016  CLR              Hey, it's just plain c...c...c...cold!  Low of 45, temps slowly rising.                             
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 04/10:56 Boston          VA  49  39  69  49 WNW 1 G  7 1021  CLR              EDT  6:51 am   The barometer is steady. A wind chill this morning of 44 degrees. 0.02 rain yesterday
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 04/10:46 Clifton         NJ  53  43  68  47   N 7      1015  CLR              Bar.rising , Vis.10+mi., Ceil.unlimited                                                             
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 04/10:43 West Haven      CT  50  46  86  50 NNW 3 G  7 1014  CLR              yesterday's high/low 73/57                                                                          
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 04/10:42 North Granby    CT  46  44  94  46  NW 2      1014  CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 04/10:22 Boonsboro       MD  45  43  95  45  CALM      1018  CLR              High 57 at 00:01am  Low 45 at 6:20am  EDT                                                           
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 04/10:16 Lake Pleasant   NY  36                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 04/05:34 Fircrest        WA  61  56  82  61  SW 1 G  3 1020  SCT              Chance of showers later tonight/tommorrow morning.                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 04/05:30 Bridgeport      CT  55  43  64  46 NNW10      1015  SCT              ESTM. SCT060                                                                                        
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 04/04:01 East Birmingham AL  73  69  87  77   N 6 G 10 1016  SCT              Hi:91 Lo:71 Rain:0.00  Cold front is finally just starting to move through.Tomorrow looks great!    
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 04/03:12 Moorhead        MN  61  50  67  59 SSE 5 G  8 1025  SCT              Hi 71 Lo 41 Skies were fair to Pc today.  Warmer.  Expecting warmer tom with incr. south  winds     
                Sep 04/02:14 Grand Junction  CO  79  55  45  80   W10            OVC  T           Thundering around here, cooling off AAH                                                             
                Sep 04/02:12 McPherson       KS  66                              BKN  F           Oh Oh. Forgot the light fog we have now.                                                            
                Sep 04/02:11 McPherson       KS  66                              BKN              Big cool-down today.  We may be near a record low ourselves tonight. Check tomorrow.                
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 04/01:36 CLINTON         MA  51  43  74  51  NW 3 G  8 1012  SCT              Departure -4 for 9/3  I need this here for my records when I print these pages up at month's end.   
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 04/01:29 CLINTON         MA  51  43  74  51  NW 3 G  8 1012  SCT              Hi 70 Lo 51 Rain 0.02  Hi Temp was at 12:37AM, Lo is at present.  Feels like fall--Feels great!!    
 41.052 -73.537 Sep 04/00:38 Stamford        CT  65  43  43  63   N 5      1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 04/00:37 PAINESVILLE     OH  57  48  71  49 NNW10 G 25       SCT              Windows are closed and a few furnaces wiil be kicking on tonite.                                    
                Sep 04/00:26 Topton          PA  59          53  NW 8 G 12 1016  SCT              What a difference a cold front makes! Gorgeous but downright chilly-very windy. Need extra blankets!
  47.23 -122.50 Sep 04/00:15 Fircrest        WA  71  61  71  76 SSW 1 G  4 1019  SCT              Hi 71 Lo56 . August Ave Hi 73.2., Lo 40.3. 1.78"precip. .68"above Normal. 2 thunderstorm days.      
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 03/23:43 Houston/Les     TX  92  72  53 101  CALM      1015  SCT               A big thunderhead is "rumbling", off to the south of me (Sea Brz).But I expect the action tommorrow
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 03/23:25 BaxterWxService TX  84  83  98 102  CALM            OVC  TR+BYH      Just started raining!                                                                               
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 03/23:12 North Granby    CT  60  42  51  56   N 6 G 11 1012  BKN              Looks like near record cold tonight.                                                                
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 03/23:00 Pecos           TX  90  66  44  93 WNW21 G 30 1022  OVC  L                                                                                                               
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 03/22:52 BaxterWxService TX  93  76  59 107  SE 2            SCT  H           Cold Front:Temperature has dropped 6 degrees in last 20 minutes                                     
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 03/22:39 Beckley         WV  62  51  67  56   N 9 G 16 1020  SCT              Vis 10SM. BKN 031. A30.14R.                                                                         
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 03/21:27 Wamego/Manhattn KS  70                              OVC              Breezy.                                                                                             
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 03/21:26 Boonsboro       MD  75  55  50  77 NNW 9 G 15 1013  SCT              High 79 at 2:15 pm   Low 64 at 9:04 am  EDT                                                         
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 03/20:17 West Haven      CT  69  48  47  63 NNE11 G 23 1011  CLR              high/low 73/60                                                                                      
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 03/20:02 Annapolis       MD  75  47  37  76 NNW 3 G 11 1013  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 03/19:51 Houston/Les     TX  90  74  61 100  NE 5      1017  OVC               Things are getting very confusing. No telling what is going to happen around here.                 
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 03/19:51 Houston/Les     TX  90  74  61 100  NE 5      1017  OVC               Cant keep up! We have a uppr lvl disturbance approaching, plus a cold front and a tropical disturb.
  38.54   78.15 Sep 03/19:48 Boston          VA  76  52  43  77  NW 6 G 18 1015  CLR  R-          EDT 3:44pm  The barometer is falling at 30.00 inches. Light rain showers this morning.              
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 03/18:33 Wamego/Manhattn KS  67  63  86                      OVC              A cloudy, dreary, fall-looking day. It isn't terribly cold, but it is depressing.                   
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 03/17:05 Clifton         NJ  70  49  47  76 NNW11 G 20 1013  CLR              Bar.steady, Vis.10+mi., Ceil. unlimited                                                             
 38.704 -90.363 Sep 03/16:45 Overland        MO  67  52  60  58  NE15 G 18 1026  CLR              9/2  H 92  L 72  9/3  Pressure Falling                                                              
 33.56N 101.94W Sep 03/15:42 Lubbock         TX  68  66  93  61   N12 G 15       OVC                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 03/15:27 Dandridge       TN  74  69  87  78  NW 3 G  6 1017  OVC  L           Much cooler here.  Promise of rain, but only sprinkles to now.                                      
                Sep 03/14:48 hesperia        CA  71  61  81  76   W 1            SCT  L           by isabel                                                                                           
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 03/13:57 PAINESVILLE     OH  60  52  76  52 NNE10 G 23 1023  BKN              What happened to summer?                                                                            
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 03/13:43 West Haven      CT  61  57  86  56   N 7 G 21 1011  OVC  R-          .02" of rain in light shower.                                                                       
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 03/13:16 Moorhead        MN  49  47  92  49   E 3      1033  CLR              Very high Barometer this morning.  Low 41..Hi Tues 70..A bit of fall in the air this AM.            
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 03/12:50 Wamego/Manhattn KS  66  63  90                      OVC  L           Drizzle is OCCL and *very* light. Temps in the 40's tonight? BRRR.                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 03/12:49 Framingham      MA  68                              OVC  RWF         Hi(9/2) 82@1500EDT. For 9/3:Hi 73@0000EDT, Lo(so far) Current temp.                                 
                Sep 03/12:46 Grand Junction  CO  68  55  65  68  CALM            SCT              89/60 yest.  4th wettest August on record here.                                                     
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 03/12:34 McPherson       KS  68  63  85  62 NNE10 G 15 1026  OVC              Tues. 92/68 Muggy. Very overcast here this a.m. Looking for cooler temps today msh.                 
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 03/12:10 Lake Pleasant   NY  48          47  SE 4 G 10       OVC              Rain: 0.4" from overnite T'storms. Cold front rumbled through about 2am with  impressive light show.
  42.22  -71.11 Sep 03/11:08 west roxbury    MA  68  64  87  68  SW 3      1009   X   F                                                                                                               
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 03/10:58 Boston          VA  64  63  97  64  NW 1 G  2 1015   X   F           EDT  6:55 am   Yesterday I received 0.36 inches of rain.  The barometer is steady 29.98 inches.     
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 03/10:55 North Granby    CT  64  53  67  57  NW10 G 18 1010  OVC              Forgot to enter pressure.                                                                           
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 03/10:54 North Granby    CT  64  53  67  57  NW10 G 18       OVC              Few rain showers in the area                                                                        
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 03/10:45 West Haven      CT  72  71  99  77 NNW 2 G  8 1008  OVC                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 03/10:25 Boonsboro       MD  69  67  96  69  CALM      1012  OVC  LH          High 73 at 2:11am    Low 69 at 6:22 am  EDT                                                         
 41.043 -73.512 Sep 03/06:41 Stamford        CT  77  72  93  82  SW 5      1015   X   H           very humid  cant see the sky due to the haze                                                        
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 03/05:49 Clifton         NJ  74  71  90  78 WSW 5      1013  BKN  H           Bar.falling, Vis.5mi., Ceil.9000ft., Sept.precip.0.15in.                                            
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 03/05:00 Bridgeport      CT  74             WSW 5      1012  BKN  FH                                                                                                              
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 03/03:54 East Birmingham AL  74  73  97  79  NE 4      1019  CLR              Hi:95 Lo:73  Rain:0.30!!  It was still hot,but we finally got some rain!                            
                Sep 03/02:29 McPherson       KS  73                              BKN              Still cooling. Msh--r u at home or office?                                                          
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 03/02:28 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  55  74  64  CALM      1014  OVC              8:28PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  Closest weather headin' this way is crossing into ID from NV+UT       
                Sep 03/02:18 Grand Junction  CO  78  48  36  78   W10            SCT              A little warm today but not too bad.                                                                
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 03/02:04 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  55  74  64  CALM      1014  OVC              8:04PM MDT:  95% cloudcover.  More showers forming to the south.                                    
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 03/01:42 Butte(Emerson)  MT  64  54  72  64  CALM      1014  OVC              7:42PM MDT:  90cloudcover.  Pressure has dropped dramatically.  Walk is still wet from day`s rains. 
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 03/00:48 CLINTON         MA  72  70  93  76  SW 2 G  7 1012  SCT  H           Hi 80 Lo 59 Departure +5  Cold front showers still 350 miles away--Will they survive the trip east??
                Sep 02/23:56 Topton          PA  77  68  75  80  SW 3 G  5 1016  SCT  H           Can't wait for that cool front everyone's talking about. Feels awful here. Hazy, hot, + humid.      
  37.78  -81.11 Sep 02/23:40 Beckley         WV  77  64  64  79   N 5      1022  SCT  H           Vis 6SM. SCT080. A30.19R.                                                                           
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 02/23:30 McPherson       KS  79                              OVC              Front from the north has passed. Beginning to cool down from low 90's today. Rain?                  
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 02/23:07 Pecos           TX 106  54  17 105  SE14      1021  CLR                                                                                                                  
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 02/22:40 BaxterWxService TX  89  77  69 102  SE 5            OVC  TLH         Finally Rain!     .07 inches                                                                        
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 02/22:37 Houston/NW      TX  88  69  54  93 SSE 5      1017  OVC              OVC250 BKN090 DFTG W TSHRA+ A- FQT LTGICCG DSNT E-SE-S-SW MOV W A3005 PCPN:0.00                     
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 02/22:29 Bacliff         TX  88  76  68  99 NNE11 G 19 1018  OVC  T           stormscope idicating 188 strikes per minute                                                         
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 02/22:13 Butte(Emerson)  MT  70  55  61  76   S 3      1019  OVC  RW-         4:14PM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Precipitation will began to pick up in the next hour.                
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 02/21:56 Butte(Emerson)  MT  71  55  57  76   S 2      1019  OVC  RW-         3:56PM MDT:  100%cloudcover.  A huge "swath" of rain moving in from the south.                      
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 02/21:36 Bacliff         TX  92  65  42  96   E 5      1018  OVC  T           Stormscope indicates lightning wnw through ne starting at 12 miles all the way out to85 miles       
  33.30  117.44 Sep 02/21:19 So.Laguna Beach CA  84  73  70  91   W 1 G  8       SCT              Longest dry spell ( tied recorded today ) @ LA Civic Center 197 days w/out rain set in 1927         
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 02/21:17 Boonsboro       MD  90  72  56  98 ENE 2      1014  BKN  H           High 94 at 3:41pm  Low 66 at 7:33am  EDT                                                            
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 02/21:12 Boston          VA  80  73  54  82 ENE 4 G 10 1019  OVC  TR+         It has been raining here for about a hour. EDT 5:08 pm.  Rainfall so far 0.38 of an inch.           
                Sep 02/21:08 Bel Air         MD  74  73 100  79   N 2            OVC  TRW         .27 in rain in ten minutes, still raining. . . flsh flooding                                        
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 02/21:00 Clifton         NJ  85  72  64  91  SW 3      1016  BKN  H           Bar.falling, Vis.2mi., Ceil.1800ft., Sept.precip.0.15in.                                            
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 02/20:25 Dandridge       TN  94  68  43 100  CALM      1015  SCT  H           Dead calm.  Hot.  Dry.  Need rain.                                                                  
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 02/20:19 Wamego/Manhattn KS  81  69  66  85                  OVC              Ah, there's the cool front. Wind has switched to the north. Looks like it could rain. ?             
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 02/20:04 West Haven      CT  78  76  93  84   S 2 G  5 1016  CLR  FH                                                                                                              
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 02/19:53 PAINESVILLE     OH  80  71  74  84 WNW 3 G  8 1019  BKN              Cold front is on my western doorstep and I"m surprised it's not more breezy ahead of it.            
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 02/18:59 Thurmont        MD  82                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 02/18:37 North Granby    CT  84  64  51  86  SW 7 G 12 1015  SCT  H           Summer's last stand before front moves through?  Few maples showing some color.                     
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 02/18:19 Wamego/Manhattn KS  92  70  48  99                  BKN              Expecting cool front, but it isn't here yet.                                                        
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 02/17:10 Houston/Les     TX  92  76  60 105  CALM      1020  SCT               Hot, still, and humid this morning. One person killed by lightning on Galveston beach yesterday.   
  39.04  -76.46 Sep 02/15:23 Annapolis       MD  80  71  74  84 WSW 3 G  8 1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
  41.20  -73.23 Sep 02/13:39 Fairfield       CT  72  72 100  77  CALM      1022  OVC  H                                                                                                               
  35.22 -111.57 Sep 02/13:38 Flagstaff       AZ  52  51 100  52  NW 2      1026  SCT              AUG stats: Tmax/min/avg 87/48/68  Pcp 3.28" YTD 11.30. Avg sky cover [0-8] 4.10. Typical august.    
  39.20  -96.45 Sep 02/13:37 Wamego/Manhattn KS  76  71  84  80                  OVC              Warm + humid weekend. Saw some lightning in far NW around 0530CDT, nothing now.                     
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 02/13:33 Framingham      MA  70                              OVC  F           Several RW+RW+ Mon.mid-afternoon + early evening. Hi(9/1) 78@1410EDT. Lo(9/2) 65@0515EDT.           
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 02/13:00 Lake Pleasant   NY  64                              OVC  F           Patchy fog                                                                                          
+36.001 -93.404 Sep 02/12:41 Dandridge       TN  70  67  92  75  NE 5      1021  SCT  H           This one will be HOT!  Digging potates early, part done now.                                        
                Sep 02/12:39 Grand Junction  CO  65  60  85  58   E10            BKN  L           Close thunder last night.  83 max/56 min, 0.12" yest.  Hi AAH                                       
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 02/12:33 McPherson       KS  74  69  85  78   S 3 G  5 1019  OVC              Mon. 94/70 no precip. Intellicast satellite picture interesting.  Hi msh.                           
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 02/12:09 BaxterWxService TX  77  56  49  78  CALM            CLR  FH          Yesterdays low/high:      74/97                                                                     
  44.48  -68.93 Sep 02/11:54 Searsport       ME  64  62  94  64  CALM             X   LF          Pressure unavailable today                                                                          
                Sep 02/11:35 Topton          PA  67  67 100                1020   X   F           Very thick fog.  Very high humidity.  Very muggy.  I guess we're in for a late-summer warm-up.      
  42.02  -72.83 Sep 02/11:27 North Granby    CT  64  64 100  64  CALM      1020   X   F           Dense fog visibility under .2 mile                                                                  
  38.54  -78.15 Sep 02/10:57 Boston          VA  63  61  94  63 ESE 1 G  2 1023   X   F           EDT 6:54 am    Heavy fog.   No rainfall at this time.                                               
 +40.87  -74.14 Sep 02/10:48 Clifton         NJ  66  66 100  66  CALM      1021   X   F           Bar.rising, Sept.precip.0.08in.                                                                     
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 02/10:33 West Haven      CT  69  69 100  69  CALM      1021  OVC  F                                                                                                               
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 02/10:25 Boonsboro       MD  67  67 100  67  CALM      1019  CLR  FH          High 76 at 00:01am   Low 67 at 6:23 am EDT                                                          
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 02/04:28 Bacliff         TX  81  78  91  90 SSW 3      1019  CLR                                                                                                                  
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 02/04:08 East Birmingham AL  76  72  87  80   N 6      1021  SCT              Hi:93 Lo:73 Rain:0.00  Another hot,rainless day.Looking forward to cold front,but NEED rain first.  
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 02/02:26 Thurmont        MD  66                              SCT                                                                                                                  
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 02/02:05 Bridgeport      CT  74             SSW 5      1023  CLR  H           HAZY/  To West Haven: "User" reports are part of American history from colonial times. God bless!   
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 02/01:42 CLINTON         MA  66  66 100  66  CALM      1020  OVC  F           Hi 72 Lo 63 Departure +3 Rain 0.01 Very Lt. Shower at 6 AM + 2 PM. A blah Labor day.                
                Sep 02/01:34 McPherson       KS  83                              BKN              Hot and humid here today (94 degrees for a max)                                                     
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 02/01:31 Bridgeport      CT  75  70  83  79  SW 6      1022  SCT  H           OBS@01Z-9PM EDT/SCT150/VIS 6H/H 81F/L 68F/KBDR PCP 0.04"                                            
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 02/01:25 Bridgeport      CT  75  70  83  79  SW 6      1022  SCT  H           OBS@01Z-9PM EDT/SCT150/VIS 6H/H 81/L 68/KBDR PCP 0.04"                                              
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 02/01:13 PAINESVILLE     OH  67  67 100  67  CALM      1021  CLR  F           Radiation fog over the open fields.                                                                 
  31.25 -103.29 Sep 02/00:13 Pecos           TX  98  55  23  97   E12      1017  CLR                                                                                                                  
  29.47  -95.50 Sep 02/00:11 Houston/Les     TX  90  72  57  99  CALM      1015  CLR               Hope everyone had a good Labor Day. It was hot here!                                               
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 02/00:04 Boonsboro       MD  79  73  82  84  CALM      1018  CLR  H           High 92 at 1:51 pm   Low 64 at 7:17am EDT                                                           
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/23:31 Bacliff         TX  88  76  68  99 ENE 4      1017  CLR              lightning detected by storm scope  90 miles ne                                                      
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 01/22:59 Aurora (#4811)  CO  70  54  57  76 SSW 5      1025  OVC                                                                                                                  
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 01/22:53 Butte(Emerson)  MT  89  62  41  91 SSW 9 G 13 1017  CLR              4:53PM MDT:  05% cloudcover.  A beautiful afternoon has shaped up!                                  
  33.30  117.44 Sep 01/22:41 So.Laguna Beach CA  78  71  77  82  SW 2 G  5       SCT  H                                                                                                               
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 01/22:38 Butte(Emerson)  MT  88  62  42  89  SW 5 G 11 1018  SCT              4:38PM MDT:  10% cloudcover.  Wow, it really heated up in the last hour or so!                      
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 01/22:01 BaxterWxService TX  97  73  46 108  SE 4            BKN  H                                                                                                               
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 01/21:59 Butte(Emerson)  MT  79  56  46  80  NE 3      1018  SCT              3:59PM MDT:  25% cloudcover.  Thundershower passing into Beaverhead County from LemhiCo., ID        
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 01/21:50 Thurmont        MD  75                              CLR                                                                                                                  
                Sep 01/21:21 Topton          PA  79               S 3 G  5 1020  BKN  H           Hazy, humid, and should I say a bit "too" warm? Is summer back? Hope not. I like cooler weather.    
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 01/21:20 Butte(Emerson)  MT  73  53  51  76   N 6      1017  SCT              3:20PM MDT:  45% cloudcover.  Decreasing cloudiness.  Maybe some showers later.                     
 +32.19  -95.84 Sep 01/21:04 BaxterWxService TX  94  70  47 102  CALM            BKN                                                                                                                  
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 01/20:47 West Haven      CT  77  69  78  81   S 4      1021  SCT              high/low 80/68  Does anybody ever use these reports?  Is it helpfull to Penn State?                 
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 01/20:07 Aurora (#4811)  CO  75  46  35  76  NE 6 G 18 1024  BKN              presR                                                                                               
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 01/18:02 Aurora (#4811)  CO  77  48  35  77  NE 4      1023  SCT                                                                                                                  
  30.16  -95.68 Sep 01/17:55 Houston/NW      TX  83  71  69  88 SSE 8 G 17 1018  OVC              OVC050 RW/RW- DSNT E-SE-S-SW MOV WNW WND BDRY OVHD MOV N A3007 PCPN:0.00                            
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/16:41 Bacliff         TX  79  75  89  85  SW 8      1019  OVC  R-                                                                                                              
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/16:00 Bacliff         TX  84  77  80  94   S10      1019  OVC              thunder storm 25 miles south                                                                        
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/15:59 Bacliff         TX  84  77  80  94   S10            OVC              thunder storm 25 miles south                                                                        
  34.92  -82.31 Sep 01/15:38 Taylors         SC  82  68  63  85   E 2      1022  SCT  H                                                                                                               
 32.924 -82.319 Sep 01/15:08 Taylors         SC  80  69  70  84   E 2      1022  SCT  H                                                                                                               
 32.924 -82.319 Sep 01/15:06 Taylors         SC  79  68  70  82   E 2      1022  SCT              hazy                                                                                                
   39.6   -77.5 Sep 01/14:59 Thurmont        MD  75                              CLR                                                                                                                  
   41.7   -81.3 Sep 01/14:45 PAINESVILLE     OH  72  70  94  76   W 1 G  5       BKN  H           Fog overnite. Happy Labor Day!                                                                      
  36.50   76.17 Sep 01/14:40 Portsmouth      VA  82  73  78  89   S10 G 12 1022  BKN  H           A3017 VIS 6SM -HZ SCT060 BKN080 / VISIT PORTSMOUTH, VA WXR AT http://www.pilot.infi.net/~bsmoot     
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 01/14:33 Moorhead        MN  71  67  88  76   S 2      1013  OVC              Heavy rain in area last night. Jamestown Nd radar est. 5-6". Here in Mhd 1.12                       
                Sep 01/13:54 Grand Junction  CO  60  58  96  58   S 5            SCT              80/62 yest., .04" precip. 2.67" for August, 8.42" for year, ave ytd is 5.52                         
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 01/13:53 Aurora (#4811)  CO  61  54  78  61   S 2      1021  SCT                                                                                                                  
+36.001 -83.404 Sep 01/13:41 Dandridge       TN  70  66  88  76   N 3 G  8 1021  SCT  H           1997 is 3/4 done.  Very typical September day beginning in East Tennessee.                          
  38.23  -97.40 Sep 01/13:18 McPherson       KS  71  67  90  76   S 5      1017  BKN              Sunday 89/70  Need to go wash a car. Happy Holiday.                                                 
43.4416 -74.470 Sep 01/13:00 Lake Pleasant   NY  64                              BKN  H                                                                                                               
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 01/12:55 Boonsboro       MD  70  64  83  76 WNW 1      1022  CLR  H           High 74 at 00:01am   Low 64 at 7:17am  EDT                                                          
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 01/12:48 Framingham      MA  68                              OVC              August Mean 71.7 (0.2 below normal).                                                                
                Sep 01/12:48 Topton          PA  70               S 3      1020  SCT  H           Oops. Disregard my last observation. I bumped the "submit" button. More hazy + humid than yesterday.
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 01/12:47 Framingham      MA  68                              OVC              For August:Avg Hi 81.3(1.5 below 13yr normal);Range 64-93.Avg Lo 62.0(1.1 above normal);Range 56-74 
                Sep 01/12:45 Topton          PA  70               S 3      1020  CLR                                                                                                                  
  42.29  -71.44 Sep 01/12:42 Framingham      MA  68                              OVC              A little drizzle earlier;should be sunny later. Hi(8/31) 82@1355+1440EDT. Lo(9/1) 65@0620EDT.       
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 01/11:14 West Haven      CT  69  69 100  69 ENE 1      1020  OVC  RF                                                                                                              
  45.98 -112.52 Sep 01/07:10 Butte(Emerson)  MT  59  50  74  59  CALM      1016  OVC              1:10AM MDT:  100% cloudcover.  Variable cloudiness coming from the southwest.                       
  41.17  -73.13 Sep 01/05:10 Bridgeport      CT  71  66  84  76  SW 9      1020  BKN              OBS@05Z-1AM EDT/FEW060 SCT100ESTM. BKN250/H 81F/L 62F/PCP 0.00"                                     
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/04:01 Bacliff         TX  83  79  90  95   S 4      1016  SCT              Storm scope indicates lightning 65-90miles ese of station                                           
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/04:01 Bacliff         TX  83  79  90  95   S 4            SCT              Storm scope indicates lightning 65-90miles ese of station                                           
  39.72 -104.75 Sep 01/03:46 Aurora (#4811)  CO  64  59  82  63 SSE 4      1019  BKN                                                                                                                  
                Sep 01/02:57 Herndon         VA  75  65  71  78   S 4 G 16 1018  SCT              High Temp 84   Low 64         Aug. Rain total 4.24 Inches.                                          
                Sep 01/02:47 Grand Junction  CO  67  59  78  65   N 5            OVC              Heavy rain in storm about 4:00.  Cool evening already                                               
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 01/01:58 Moorhead        MN  71  64  78  76  SE10      1013  OVC  TRW-F       Thunder Showers passing thru at this time.                                                          
  46.88  -96.76 Sep 01/01:56 Moorhead        MN  71                              CLR                                                                                                                  
   39.5   -77.8 Sep 01/01:44 Boonsboro       MD  76  71  86  80   W 1      1013  SCT  H           High 89 at 2:55 pm  Low 64 at 2:15am  EDT                                                           
  29.50  -94.98 Sep 01/01:04 Bacliff         TX  85  78  80  96 SSE 7      1014  CLR              Storm scope indicates lightning 75 miles ene of station                                             
  41.27  -72.96 Sep 01/00:48 West Haven      CT  72  68  89  76 ESE 3      1018  SCT              high/low 79/62                                                                                      
  42.41  -71.68 Sep 01/00:40 CLINTON         MA  68  62  81  68  CALM      1016  SCT              HI 79 Lo 52 Dep. +1 A normal August---Total Temp. (Dep. -4)  Total Rain 3.73 in. (Dep. +0.28) 7 days
   33.6  -86.69 Sep 01/00:24 East Birmingham AL  79  73  85  85   N 4      1015  SCT  H           Hi:94 Lo:69 Rain:0.00   We were sooo close to getting rain,but the drought continues.               